We continue our journey along the Telford T50 from Wellington to Lilleshall

    [Music] [Music] good morning look at us we’re out again and I bet you can’t guess what we’re doing do you want to tell them what we’re doing or we let them guess we’re going to walk the railways we’re going to walk the rail we’re not going to walk the railways no no no no you can’t do that um we’re going to go balet dancing that belly dancing belly dancing that’s better uh so today we are um well from for myself anyway back on the toil for 250 back to Willington where we finished the last video um with the aim of completing it this weekend Mr Paul is with us we’re going to be a bit camper this evening oh we are going to be very camper more Camp than usual yes yes we’re going to be as Camp as a row tent so all good in the hood there so yeah welcome to the second half of the 250 and I’ll bring you back when something really interesting like a train appears see in a bit so this is where we started the walk just there you go yeah over that bridge to town park that’s the start of the 250 which we started last on off to Wellington here we are all backed up yes yes we haven’t carried this much right since we did the two more since Christmas well yeah okay yeah we were a bit faster than what yeah um so here we are lamp house behind me this is where I signed off uh a month ago and now we are going this way should I move down that road there is where we’re going now we’ve got to walk past the station again so no cheating we’re doing it correctly all the way um just for a change I’ve done absolutely no research I haven’t got a clue where we’re going I haven’t got a clue what’s about so we’re going to find out together s you it’s an adventure WE adventure we do oh wonderful involves public houses houses of the public variety yes do they allow public in maybe not us we not CL public anymore no no ever since that tour incident last time tar steps right that’s for later on we’ll tell you that later that’s not a youthemism by the way T steps right we’re off we cat can a be so as as usual stra away the the scker is good ping some way um I’m sure I’ve heard the Woodside Wonder going on about that does that mean we going to blow our head off at the end exactly no drug overd it he leder I’m thinking of now he di sex thing when he strangled himself then he of in excess yeah yeah yeah yeah strangled himself on the vinegar stroke that’s the worst Point anyway as we were saying the stickers are really good the old I wouldn’t call it old it looks fairly new 1910 my ass but yeah leure Senter another sticker on there that’s what time it closes the a lovely little place the boot a micro Pub the beacon it’s open at 12 so we’re just coming up here and just by chance we saw the sticker 10 tree Croft formerly tenter Croft the field where cloth was hung on tenter hooks to dry in shape whenever you’re around po you always got to be on tent hooks so we’re just passing these two schools and we’re just walking along having a chat and then I noticed the B they all pencils well done ring cancer that’s phenomenal that’s it is loving it we’re loving it loving it loving it we’re loving it like this so just for clarity purposes I don’t actually think those schools are on the trail because we seem to have deviated a little we might have missed one of those little stickers so it going down this road where we will then rejoin the uh the trail and uh it’s not far off the trail is it 200 Ys yeah yeah half a mile if that no dramas no bigger it’s about the same distance if we have followed the trail and or gone the wrong way like we did but it all adds to the adventure doesn’t it we wouldn’t have seen those we wouldn’t have seen those if we hadn’t have gone the wrong way so yes bring you back in a be so we’re uh back on track there’s the uh purple sticker but just to note we’re on now back on the silking way as well so we’re off that way and if we’re back on the silking way does that mean that this is a former Railway line you have to let me know CU I ain’t got a clue blue green algae oh it’s going to have a dip but we’re going that way but it looks rather Pleasant Al Green is’s here I can’t see [Music] him I need that more pocks adjustment [Music] this [Music] really nice manicur we do like a manik with bush [Music] I got to connect to [Music] first he’s a good boy he’s a good boy do you want to Tre off that he battery he’s a good freak where does that rabbit hole go this red oak hundreds and hundreds of years old cofin look at the girth of that trunk just to give you a bit of perspective you won’t get the proper perspective because I’m probably as well I didn’t want to mention that you put wise on I’m 45 now Stone yes no IA what that is a clock [Applause] moving the birds I think there’s two they’re talking to each other [Music] what up what up what’s up there [Music] heart [Music] [Music] so while while we’re doing the 250 we’re we’re using a combination of the uh the stickers that are on the lamp house and whatever and the hiker wrap now in this particular area we’re [Music] using no not not quite mining mining yeah so in in this speci section we haven’t followed the stickers we followed the uh the Hol but it justes bring you through you know little settlements like this which I think shows a little bit more history than just walking through a woodland as lovely as that would be I actually quite love coming through places like this and and learning a little bit more well kept love a well kept bush it’s it’s very [Music] nice back on roads just coming through the Cherry the the brand new H housing the cherry tree um coming into ly where I believe we might be uh stocking up at the moris son or and the public ass [Music] you know when you consider that you say that’s alha 250 you know instantly for me I think but you know I think it takes you around some really nice areas that you you would think about going into normally it does especially if you like looking at the M54 well you’re going yeah going past the M54 four times on the roof just today but what’s it stage six well for us on on on this weekend we’re going to go through it three times I’ve already G through it one time I’ve had a quick really important and we can break down the GPX Maps that was amazing and I felt I felt my actual torso growing yeah like walk [Music] so we’re just walking up this road now we’ just come under the 54 uh coming into CLE and it just happens to be a trolley dumped on the side of the road so we had a brain w Thinking Inside the Box think ex yeah or inside the trolley more like that that’s where our packs are hopefully going to go providing the trolley moves the trolley moves the packs are going in there and we’re going to take it oh it’s a b wherever we go this check the roof a I’ve taken the pound out of it let’s check the route if it’s up there we’re using this right so you might be able to see behind me the trolley right there we’ve decided not to use it now the the actual t50 route goes through those uh concrete ballads there but we’re not going to do that because we’re going to a public house called the ren uh we’re going to cover the same distance but instead of going that way and up we’re going up and then that way so yeah we did think it was a bit wrong two going to the uh the PB with a trolley it’s about to rain it is getting rather dark it’s got very humid so shelter may be [Music] required so yeah off to the public house only to keep dry and wet wet on the inside dry on the out so yeah kly said these things have got to be a chore you got to enjoy them oh now this is the thing you know you haven’t got to Slug It Out do 25 miles and be knackered at the end of the day take it you got to enjoy this exactly local knowledge is absolutely everything as we found out on our walks in the past um another side note to this is we haven’t got anywhere to stay tonight um so we we need to find some local information on farmer with a field where we’re going to be camping so there’s lots of alterior motives going on as such but yeah we’ll bring you back in a bit well we were just about to leave the public house it’s armoring down stop for another one so the rain stopped the shades are on which means the Sun’s shining um yeah that that thankfully we it’s good timing I think we we had to we had to take sh plan there’s no point walking in that sort of rain when we had perfect shelter and uh Doom bar on top so yeah and and to be fair it was a very good point was it keeps it keeps his beer good now no no no we got to go down there and do it right I was going to tell these cook it was a nice BL Ren’s Nest yeah the ren the Ren’s nest in kley to I tell you what lovely bloke um cracking beer soon to be doing cobs and whatever just on the track slightly off but not far so it’s worth and it doesn’t reduce the distance not in the slightest so yeah certainly worth doing um I’d recommend it in fact I don’t there you go for the uh entertainment yeah that was must the strippers anyway I me we’re off back on the trial and we’ll bring you back in a bit so just outside the ‘s next look at this what better inside on on the bus stops at that over there I mean that’s amazing let me be Tedy bear wasn’t that uh good old stiff deck off Fran boil who sang teddy [Music] bear don’t sing that to me later why you normally like it you don’t normally complain [Music] [Music] right [Music]

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