The Cumbria Way is a 73 mile traverse of the Lake District in UK. It goes through the heart of the area taking in farmland, open moor, high fell and some of the most beautiful valleys the area has to offer.

    Most people walk from Ulverston in the south to Carlisle in the north but we decided to go the other way having failed on the south/north last year due to injury. We did it in five stages, this video is stage one.

    I suppose we ought to touch it ready then yeah I’m ready five maybe six days yeah overstone overstone and it’s 5 8 in the morning in car in car time to go time to go right [Music] coming up to 3 miles in still doesn’t feel very rural to be honest just walking by the railway in between the railway and the river at a minute we’ve had housing Estates factories Lord knows what else lots of dog walkers I’m and cyclists while we are on a cycle of path listen to the birds a minute not bad eh all right krack on we’re about I think little more than halfway to dlon try and get a coffee or something there and we’ll see [Music] made it to dwon about 5 mils in got myself a bacon and sausage roll from crumbs very friendly people on a busy road though just leaving dlon I can highly recommend the crumbs I guess it’s what sandwich roll takeway place got some chairs outside but they do close our past 2 if you’re on your way from cbat luckily we’re on our way from Carol so yeah highly recommended so we’ve almost finished all the TAC for the day now we got another or so to go and then we’ll get out into the fields I believe not about time it’s quite hard walking on this tarmac I think at the end of 5 days not keen anyway we’ll see where we get on for the next five [Music] mons right more [Music] 6 and 1 half miles in we are finally off the tarmac out into the wind unfortunately but there it is not much so I think we got a whole load of fields eventually take us back to the river but uh yeah it’s a nice Cool Breeze actually only about the wind shouldn’t do that we’re a bit concerned about tomorrow though juice to start raining at what was it 7:00 tonight and then stop about 7:00 the next night with like 90% probability of heavy rain all day so there’s a chance we might stay in cold back for the day and just watch it out the tent door but we see we got to get to co back first bit more English Countryside for you first view of the fs down over there go away back by the river now I think we pretty much follow it into called background not really sure just had a cows in the field experience so we’re walking through the field there’s a heard of cows like in the shade taking no notice we walked past them and then a bit later we turned around and they’re about 4T behind me a whole lot it’s a bit worrying but we got out yeah and we didn’t have to go through that lot there’s a big field of Coes here as well luckily the path goes around so we got time to calm down so this is the sort of style you should put on a like National Trail you can see the bit in the middle is half height or quarter height so that little legs like Linda can swing around and get through it is Rose Bridge very nice so we just hit one of these stalls that Linda can’t get through she didn’t fil me I might I might have filmed her don’t tell her [Music] okay all done yeah so we’ve been through two field to and in both occasions they followed us yeah they didn’t follow anybody else no there two other couples went through they ignored yeah it’s a bit scary I mean they didn’t look vicious or anything but just in been looking at the weather we’re looking at Heavy Rain high winds over the tops tomorrow so I think it’s quite likely we’re going to just stay in cbec for the day sit in the pub most of the day I would imagine and uh yeah after that it all clears up so should be fine we’re just trying to work out cuz we’ve got a hotel booked in oron on Friday night and don’t really want to be in conston Hall campsite on the weekend from what we hear about it and then we’d end up in oring on Saturday which is significantly deer so we’re just mulling over plans and see what we can come up with but uh that’s for tomorrow I [Music] guess how you doing okay yeah getting a bit tired now yeah yeah so we’re about 12 13 miles in now now almost 13 almost 13 yeah getting a bit tired now it’s very hot and muggy seems like or feels like there’s a thunderstorm on the way which I think there is so anyway just coming out to the Woodland section alongside the river maybe it’ll be a bit cooler in there [Music] oh blow me I bet you can tell them on my face and I’m a bit hot and sweaty and horrible but uh we thought we had two fields to go by it turns out to be one field and this lovely Birch Forest newly planted well you know recently planted lovely we did stupidly talk about going over High Pike tonight as though we were 21 again but that’s not going to happen so corette camping hopefully they’ll welcome us with open arms point us to the nearest shower there’s a pub down the road get ourselves in there okay so we are tucked up in corbette camping yep site just outside corbec nice sight it is it is it yeah excellent showers I mean like proper proper showers yeah really good basically we’ve decided we’re going to stay here tomorrow um because we’re due to have heavy rain and 30 mph 35 mph gusts up on the tops and going to be like that apparently all day tomorrow it is but when so that will be Tuesday Wednesday the the weather looks pretty good have you enjoyed your off today I have yeah the route was prettier than what I’ve been led to believe I think especially down by the river yeah there’s a lot of walking along the river banks in there yeah right last six minutes of driil better stop that we so we’ll cut that down anyway we’ll um we’ll see you the day after tomorrow won’t bother filming tomorrow because you know nothing to film nothing to film not unless it changes dramatically which is highly unlikely right you see we keep starting new conversations bloody hopeless shut up we’re going bye [Music]


    1. Cows are curious animals. They were just interested in you. They, just like dogs, may be interested in one person but not in another. Recommend staying calm and using calm actions to shoo them. They are big animals but mostly they’re big softies. A simple slow waving of the arms along with an assertive but not shouty, ‘out the way girls’, works for me. Most of the incidents involving cows are in farmyards involving farmers. The next most common are incidents where the walkers have a dog. More people are hurt in bath tubs each year than by cows. Hope this helps.

    2. I’m walking the Cumbria Way “again” in two weeks time from Carlisle to Ulverston did it the other way around last time, so this video has come at the right time, looking forward to watching the rest of your adventure. ATB Karl

    3. Yes Tarmac trudging can be a bit tiresome at times…some of those stiles / gates can be too…High pike would have been a tough walk even for a youngster after those miles…good idea to stay in Caldbeck while the rain passes over.

    4. That's my tent in the background of the outro! Nice to meet you both and hope you enjoyed the rest of the trail. Such a great trip, I'd happily do it again….and probably will!

    5. Hi Mr and Mrs Forester, I have to confess this is my first full watch🙏and finally for me I think I managed to connect a little with you at last. Maybe it’s because it’s a trail I did recently or you were are accompanied by your lovely wife.
      Anyway I look forward to seeing how you get on.
      I certainly wouldn’t want to be going over the hill in bad weather either.
      Kind regards 😊🏕️

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