Join me as I go inside The Southern Divide, a 676km bikepacking event that traverses the south of England.

    I catch up with participants cycling in the event, from those trying to do it with very little sleep in preparation for other ultra races and those who are embracing the full bikepacking experience.

    In 2023 I took part in the event, so it was interesting to see it from a different perspective!

    The Southern Divide has to be one of the best bikepacking events out there, offering something for everyone, showcasing great cycling routes both on and off road.

    00:00 Day 1
    10:21 Day 2
    20:12 Day 3

    #bikepacking #cycling #interview #ultraracing

    get one when had a kebab yeah I don’t know why I enter these things do you know why you enter these things it’s epic it’s a sunny and warm late afternoon in miday and I’m out my bike to do some real life dot watching of the Southern divide Southern divides a 600 km bike packing challenge that starts in L’s end and takes Riders right across the south of England finishing in Rochester in Kent correction at 676 km T divide started yesterday morning and already there are several Riders reaching the New Forest probably in the next half hour or so at around the 450 km Mark and it’s those Riders I’m going to try and bump into give them a little cheer and maybe catch a few words with them before they power off towards Winchester and probably into the night I rode the event myself last September so it’ll be interesting in seeing how other Riders are finding it and getting through those challenging Parts like the bog of Doom and that vicious East Devon Coastline but after what’s been probably a rather hilly day for many of the Riders they’ll finally reach the outskirts of the New Forest where it gets a bit flatter so for some it’ll be more about enjoying the bike packing Challenge and others I guess will be pushing hard to minimize the amount of time they take to get from Land’s End to Rochester the guys and girls we’ll be seeing first will be those that are doing the Epic probably didn’t sleep sleep a huge amount last night and i’ probably been riding since the early hours this morning I have also got a little stash of harrybo or Maan I’m might be to Temp some of the riders with for a little boost probably a little bit Keen I think the first Rider probably about 7 or 8K away down in the south of Ringwood okay yeah do a tactical tal decision to get a room in an airam me yeah God blessed him because I I didn’t even see the hosts um and got like a decent 3 hours Where Did You Sleep uh xith nice so that was that was the plan and then just had to watch the rest of the Dos going past me cuz i s and all started this morning in B what time did you get up and get going um I was up at 10: to 5: uh and away just just just got 53 yeah do you enjoy the uh East EV Coastline I absolutely love the East Coastline I can’t say I enjoyed the dragons teeth first 3 hours yeah that was serious really serious and what was your plan for tonight um keeping on that do behind yeah and then the plan will evolve around that’s those dots yeah um I think whoever sleeps at least we’ll get it are you going to hopefully sleep or is it just going to be a see what happens it’ll be a if we buy the Hedge um with one I open I suppose listening out for that free Hub go past if I do yeah yeah so I think it’s a long stretch to be going to get through the whole night without a sleep they probably um probably in the really bad hours between two and four Dr something this is a familiar bit to me and then once I leave Winchester it’s completely unfamiliar from there to the New Forest and that nice [Applause] gravel I’m going to go and see if I can Capt anyone else yeah thank you and best wishes for the rest of it yeah that was rich leading the way sounds like he’s had a good strategy of getting some sleep indoors and escaping that cold damp night I think he’s going to be pushing late tonight trying and maintain that Gap he’s got over the others and then make a decision when he gets past Winchester about what he’s going to do in terms of sleep but he was motoring it was actually a little bit of a workout for me keeping up so my plan now is to ride back the other way and try and catch up with a couple more of the other Riders I think there’s a guy called Lee who might be coming up next see if we can intercept Lee on this dot hunter mission it’s been a long day the coast line up and down oh yeah it’s beautiful I mean amazing over I on the beach oh wow that must have been a nice when when you woke up this morning was it yeah the moment I woke up was been an amazing day the uh riding been really hard I’m really really impressed with the rout I’ll work around you so you just carry on do what you need to do and I’ll do whatever what was your plan for the rest of it uh I’m want to try to get I’m going to have to get some more water for the next s of hour um definitely want to get the pieces filled and then I’ll probably just reassess there and see see how I feel it’s been a long way to go so who knows right see how you feel yeah that’s Sometimes the best strategy you know in these things it’s quite hard to predict how you going to be feeling and uh just because you’re not feeling brilliant doesn’t always mean you want start to feel good quite soon how did you get over your low moments did it just pass with time uh just like food food is always food always a classic yeah nothing G on can’t sort out it’s been really good I’m really enjoying him the other Riders um the Richard’s a bit ahead and I think Sam and David S of not that far behind there uh de’s really nice really nice Vibe yeah I really want to get done tomorrow yeah I really want to get really want to get H tomorrow when we’re up on Dar around Princetown looking back you can see it just bucking it down over B so R got wet there and I got a little bit wet coming off f tour into Bubby but it just it was D was fine yeah so far it’s been a lucky [Applause] weatherwise the sa yeah enjoy the rest of your ride cheers thank you nice me and you take care so that was Lee also seemingly in good spirits enjoying his day but up next it’s time to go and find a guy called Sam if you click on Sam’s dot says his last scene 8 minutes ago so he’s probably very very close and it might actually save me from having to go back down the hill off the Frog and thri and Ridgeway because I’m waiting I am now eating them M definitely hear the noise of tires on gravel come on Sam keep going I’ll catch you up your videos that got me into this [Applause] I heard there was a crazy person riding a single speed bike oh man what an idea how’s it going yeah you know what it’s actually just this SE thing it was quite dark this morning some my xith through to line reges was it was just walking up Tac Hills and three Wheeling down the other side for like 4 hours I think um so actually been able to pedal is is quite a refreshing channel it’s still a stupid bike to bring on this event but it’s not as completely St as it be where did you sleep last night uh just after both exit I kind of just um got to the checkpoint yeah and then went and had a kebab nice and uh and then rode up the hill yeah so that was about like 1: in the morning by the time I sat out there and I should just lay there awake for about the first 2 hours slept for like 1 hour and then he got light so Carri that that was a cab yeah I see you cab and drinking like drinking a bit of coke like late at night and stuff what’s your plan for today uh you know what I no idea this is like this is made genuinely it was your videos that got me into this as was I say sorry and well I was already C it’s already curious I would say but into the SN divide so I don’t really know how I feel I had no idea turning up how I feel pedling these long days I’ve never done it before in my life seems to be doing pretty good but thank you I’m stubborn I’ve definitely got that going for me that’s the main thing you need a bit of stubbornness and a couple of Kebabs yeah exactly so that was Sam riding on a single speed can’t imagine what it been like riding up some of those Hills in East Evan but he seem to be happy and enjoy himself so that’s three people through all of them in good spirits go on Roth going good had a crash oh nice coming down one it’s just a really Je [Music] like grassy descent and I was trying to change my line but the grass was disguising this like little chamel yeah my front wheel just went in that channel through the grass and bike just went and I couldn’t do anything about it ended up in a big [Music] sting Bo you boys The Sting about 100 miles away I guess now so it’s still going still going I don’t feel too bad now but it changes so [Applause] far that was Ross also motoring along telling me about the luxurious night he had in a toilet block access to the L and drer and a sink what more could you want on a bvy night lovely clouds Sun’s starting to set and I’m going to try and catch one more Rider David more Mal I’m required come on David come on David cheers have a good ride you so have you had a good day it’s been a good day uh how would I Su up your day hike a bike um Flint is sharp hence my knee oh dear can you come off yeah front front uh front wheel slid out on uh one of those quite technical single tra sense but yeah know stunning yeah absolutely beautiful yeah and what’s your uh where did you sleep last night actually just said you got up at 3:45 so what where did you did you go to sleep I uh bi in xoth yeah at the um in a in a hedge nice next to Cricket Club I was lying there pretty cold and shivering thinking I’m going to be warmer if I just get up and Rise so I did well so far there been someone that slept in a toilet someone that slept on a beach in a bush and an Airbnb so wow there’s a little selection there we go there we go have you got any plans for the evening where you want to get to yeah so Winchester’s the goal yeah um I’ve got Travel Lodge yeah I’ve got a a hotel book to clean myself up yeah really um get a few hours and then again leave early doors tomorrow similar today yeah see if I can um C some of those racing snakes up ahead yeah well I’ve got a goal now you know my uh goal for today was get to CP3 cuz I knew the stage today was just going to be so challenging and um yeah so anything else has v us right yeah well you seem to be doing a great job oh what a great event thank you to Maria and Southern VI and all the supporters yeah it’s epic definitely be coming back nice that’s five people through five people happy staying in a range of places from airbnbs toilets to bushes anyway I’m heading home now to get some dinner myself I’ll be out riding tomorrow morning and then hopefully in the afternoon come out and spot a few more people that are coming through go go go quick morning cheer before I go on my ride just C miror SL got my Southern divide cap on hopefully track them in and a handful of harrybo so we’ll see if they stop or if they’re going to power through Paul and Steven you want some harrybo thanks mate thank you B Harry B beautiful thanks keep going mate afternoon got watching is not going super well because I think everyone is at Pub do you want some Harry bow you’re right one you having a thank you you having a good time yes it’s great well it’s better than uh yesterday yeah that was hly dryer more Sunny you’re recogniz you from the video oh Tom yeah nice to meet you too no there hills yesterday were night I’ve got to many many you got a long way to go yet I’m good yeah I’m good you never know thanks where’s kind of you what’s your plan for today where are you heading to tr for Petersfield I reckon 60 more miles 57 miles yeah maybe maybe was the time I’ve got no idea yeah you’ll be there for this evening yeah you fancy getting the bike out of the garage today yeah where did you stay last night uh littl little Littleton Lakes just before the on to the Ridgeway yeah it’s about 30 miles outside of uh cor Castle yeah nice stretch of flat the Riders get to enjoy before they reach a new Forest i’ got a little bit of time to burn so I’m just going to see if I can spot anyone else Hi how are you not bad we met before somewhere haven’t we we might we just seen you on YouTube maybe on there yeah I think we’ve ridden somewhere together I can’t remember oh D’s divide yeah I didn’t very much it though no I think that’s start yeah yeah yeah I did nobody wrote very much of it I pushed a lot of it how are you finding this um tough tough I’m not a very good uh cyclist all around and uh yeah I don’t know why I enter these things do you know why you enter these things um cuz I see other people doing I think it watch too much YouTube so I watch you and I think oh God yeah and everyone on there so I think I’ll give it a go and then once I’ve done it I think why did I do that where have you come from today um I started off at West Bay yeah nice and hilly um it’s it’s been better today uh the start with the um the second day so I got the Tav stock the first day that was quite hilly but then Tav stock to West Bay is just so all of dartmore I mean I know there’s cl to live down that way and it’s just like my brother fully loaded bike and that you know I was like 2 hours in and I was walking you know walking and walking and walking miles just so Steep and then uh all the Li Bay and that got a disaster you it’s just six up and down you know it’s just Relentless and then so once you once you get to um come out of chth it’s better the CH is just unbelievable you know it’s vertical 2 miles or so and then but then there’s a couple more that are off the road you know it’s like this is uh this is my thing you got a nice stretch now for a bit Yeah flat and uh through the New Forest and across to Winchester yeah so um I don’t know I made I got to C when I was empty so I had a jack of potato and that there and I was thinking God feel now I’m feeling really good and I’m hoping I’m not like a dying flower just flowering at the end like you got a plan for today where you want to get to not really no I’m bivy so uh I’m going to go as far as I can and stop yeah I’m hoping to finish tomorrow I think we’ll do that I hope so yeah yeah more than halfway now yeah yeah yeah as long as you don’t go badly WR it should be possible um I think you know looking at the profile and that you know well yesterday was the last day that was a killer absolutely terrible good choice to bike yeah I was likeon I like Mason yeah um I was till the day before I still decided whether to do a mountain bike or a gravel bike and uh I think gravel bike a right choice I spoke to a few people yeah there quite a bit on the road yeah there is a lot I spoke to Alex cuz he lives down my way that won it last year he said mountain bike for me and I thought well that’s probably right then I spoke to I know Nick P do you know Nick know the name yeah so he’s the definitely gravel bike I mean you know he ride up ever on a gravel bike but he’s the definitely gravel bike so don’t know and then it’s been quite dried up a bit hasn’t it so I thought go with it so there’s been a few bits been a bit sketchy but like on this you know one TT bars doing 20 mph you know it’s yeah it’s uh it’s definitely definitely the right choice for this and I know a lot of the T Downs bits I’ve done the king alfreds way mhm and I know I’ve ridden um got family up near there I’ve wrden some of those bits as well so want to get to Winchester hopefully I get I might get to petfield tonight I hope so yeah give it go well won’t keep me any longer no nice to see you enjoy the rest of it yeah have a good ride take care [Applause] bye so he’s clearly enjoying the nice flat Trailway taking him to the New Forest I think I might just have enough time to see one more person before I got head back and pick up my car you all right Andrew is it going okay yeah all good good yeah Tom yeah you’re right I recognize you from your videos nice to meet you yeah but thanks for the support only live nearby so I just jumping out of Hedges and saying hello to people every now and again yeah you you having a good one yeah yeah few Mechanicals as you can see with this haven’t haven’t G to tub yet so uh probably should have done yeah and uh yeah you B some pieces but uh yeah challenging route where you trying to get to today Winchester nice he booked a hotel or something yeah got travel so going to try and do um Winchester to Lester and more go tomorrow which I think is what you did yeah I stayed at Travel Lodge as well yeah it’s really good yeah yeah yeah all right well thank you for stopping no no pleasure won take it won’t keep you too long cuz you need to get there for dinner yeah exactly all right want enjoy the rest of it yeah yeah thanks for much okay take care bye-bye heading back now to get the car tomorrow I might ride some of the route backwards to see if I can catch anyone else it’s day four of the S divide day three my DOT watching I’m running down the Trailway to see if I can catch up for any Riders how it going on okay yeah it’s hard work feeling it now sure where did you start from this morning uh I started from um just past uh what’s it called again where oh yeah so it hadn’t me too bad but there definitely a long day yesterday and I got caught in the storm oh no on top of the uh top of the RS there oh my God thunder lightning hail flood you know nice group of four not too far away so I’ll keep riding that way towards furzy Hill hopefully see them good old bit of dorsed slop go little Trio speeding along amazing killer yesterday though lots of pills and the day before it’s tough though weather from the stor yeah com I’ll let you guys enjoy the rest of it thank you so much we got another one coming up I think it’s could to be a guy called Paul oh we found the RO so far uh every day is different not good you know when you when you’re on the road you get B you want some off road and then when you had too much Offroad you like please give me some more Road uh so yesterday was hardest Jurassic Coast especially between um the sea sound and West and then you think great I’m high up I’m going to get some uh good riding in and then it’s bumpy and horrible and he car getting speed up and then I wiped out going down into West Bay up there ended up push okay what your plan for today where heading to field checkpoint 4 see what time it is ideally I’d put some more miles in since easier but we’ll see you going to stay you st outside or hotels you know what just a little bit um stressful find figure out where you’re going to stay where you going to be uh if I can figure out somewhere to stay and get another couple of hours in I will otherwise I might just hold up in the Premier in yeah I was under a t last night uh which is fine but I had quite like a bed tonight that’s the plan to finish on Monday oh yeah back to work on Tuesday if I get back into yes if I get if I get there late then I don’t think they be a to get so I’m just catching up with Ali how are you doing yeah really good I’ve got be a great time actually my tail has amazing yeah that’s Fant all hope you have a really good day and enjoy the rest of the I think that’s it for my real life in person to watching so best of luck for anyone that’s still out there riding today and tomorrow enjoy the rest of the route see you later [Applause]


    1. Amazing to see how you’ve inspired real people to try the cycles you have done ! Real inspiration.
      What a lovely person to go out and support riders on things you have achieved ! Where’s the next report ? Atlas ?? Xx

    2. Loved this video, Thanks!
      I’ve been avidly
      Dotwatching this race
      So it’s nice to see the”Dots” in reality.
      I know much of the route and will be entering next years event, if the Panceltic doesn’t completely break me😊

    3. That was brilliant Tom, thanks so much for getting out there and talking with them. I know it really lifts riders spirits to find dotwatchers out there following them.

    4. Thanks for checking in on us Tom! This was my first proper multi-day and I'd watched your video from last year a number of times. Thanks for the inspiration and the support! 👊

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