BasqueMTB Backcountry Pyrenees:
    My bike:

    Day 1 with the crew from BasqueMTB was unbelievable. The terrain was amazing, the views were fantastic and the riding was hardcore.

    Riding Gear

    Front tire:
    Rear tire:

    Camera Gear
    My video gear:
    My GoPro settings:


    what a ride my god yeah all right we’re rolling out day one Basque MTB backcountry Pyrenees starting out with a climb get everybody nice and tired see what we’re made of it’s my first guided group trip and pretty excited to see how it goes how the flow of everything goes how the guides are all that fun stuff rocking the new pair of gloves here guys from hand up sent me these liking them so far feel good I’m the only American out here they are already making fun of me in the van for American woops waiting for me to be all excited and loop on the trail they’re a little more subdued so no Strava for this ride no trail guide this is a guided trip so Doug wants to kind of protect the local trails out here so if you want to write it you just got to come along on this trip suffering in Spain wouldn’t have it any other way beautiful Wow this is already the dream come true this is awesome never seen anything like it okay let’s get this thing started I’ve been dreaming about this backcountry Pyrenees trip for a long time I saw the pictures videos maybe five years ago and now live in the dream yeah get the hands of rest oh I thought I heard water aha oh yeah yeah haha oh boy huh alright now we’re rolling back to the end where we stayed at and I think we’re gonna have a little lunch go from there what a great first first ride alright we just had lunch now rolling out part two a day one so that first ride we did was a great qualifier nice one our climb that was a lung Buster and some pretty difficult downhill so kind of gives everyone a heads up of what what is to come and that if you can’t handle that yeah you’re not going to be able to hack it keep seeing these blackberry bushes I got to get one wasn’t right second helping pain and pleasure a whole different ecosystem haha yeah yeah hahaha the little thick yeah yeah man this is crazy ah hahaha yeah all right all right here we go back at it well bloke in front of me is right in the heart ale Wow no time to talk too much on full concentration Oh gritting those teeth now oh my holy emoni this is the real deal ha ha I said ha ha ha it was jolly good fun man you guys can ride good stuff killing it on the heart tail hi-yah alright so that was the second downhill today that was some fun stuff we even got one more we’re getting ride number three started today and we got a short sharp climb and probably more fun more tons of downhill it’s been awesome pain and pleasure once again oh good line he does it once a week slipper ooh hahaha no joke hardcore mountain biking yeah Oh oh you can’t see the smile on my face but it’s a mile wide yeah Doug’s getting rowdy yeah hahaha yeah yeah finishing up first day at bat country Pyrenees with Basque on TB oh what a day what a day thanks for watching you guys I’ll see on the trail


    1. You ought do to the Pyranees, France and ride with Ian and Kate have amazing routes around Luchon and also dipping into Spain. Kate used to win 24 hr Enduros on her own with no rest. Tour de France week is good as you can watch that not far from the hotel. Beginners to racers to downhillers can go on these holidays…it's a must for you. Jane

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