Massive thanks to all those that submitted clips or allowed me to use theirs.

    To submit clips leave a comment or send them to

    Clips from: (In order of appearance)
    0:00 Introduction (Footage from )
    0:22 Joe Republic
    0:52 LordMahad
    1:10 Stormus-Furry Biker
    1:38 James
    3:23 Lister of Smeg
    4:02 1133bobber
    4:44 XDV RIDER
    4:58 STREET DOOM 675R
    5:09 G Rossi 46
    5:31 flyinhigh01
    5:59 Cueball Productions
    6:11 Lister of Smeg
    7:20 MetalGearMoto
    7:29 TheRhythmicBiker
    8:28 Salty McSalt
    8:40 MakeTracksMoto
    9:30 End Credit

    #ukmotoclips #roadrage #motorcycle


    1. 3:10 Yes James both of you being cunts on the road is all on camera.

      I’m just annoyed that there seems to be a poor kid in the passenger seat caught in the middle of a dangerous ego battle

    2. As usual, so much unjustified hatred for Lister of Smeg in the comments. Whats has he done to you? Is he ploughing your wives? He is 100% right in his vids and all this "he is so angry!" is BS. He has every right to have a go and tell people off and he isnt even that angry at it! Grow up people.

      James on the other hand… Just wow. "I've got it all on camera!!" Yeah, and you cant use it because it shows all the laws you're breaking!

    3. James, what the hell are you playing at you absolute child? Yes the car driver is an utter bellend, but you're breaking every law just the same as he is while simultaneously whining about how he's breaking the law. What is the point of chasing him down like that? Do you think he's going to learn a lesson because somebody has yelled at him?

    4. 3:55 – Even with the distance distortion that you get from a GoPro, that was nowhere near. The only reason why your rear wheel locked up is because you slammed the brake on too hard, because you're an awful rider.

    5. Lister of Smeg yet again demonstrating that roundabouts are "Give way to Smeg" and you should stay away from them while this self absorbed little git is using them. The bus was there first SmegHead!

    6. 5:32 a good rule is if you're on a road you don't know well or at all, always ride more cautiously if you've passed SLOW markings on the road. Very decent chance of problems ahead either with cars approaching going too fast and maybe encroaching into your side because the curve and long after the road stands a good chance continuing to be like that.
      This clip is a good learning opportunity.

    7. The motorcyclist is getting angry about everyone else’s driving – they all need to slow down and abide by the speed limits. They’re all speeding. Sooner or later they will either end up in hospital or the morgue!

    8. Lister of smeg…. you are one of the worst riders I have ever seen. Too close to vehicles, when you spot a hazard ypu don't react safely at all. You locked rear wheel on emergency stop despite abs, shows your complete lack of control, you filter on zig zag lines and turn left out of a junction across a car into a blocked yellow box junction, but have the audacity to shout at other people about their driving. I think you need retraining. Have you ever considered that the issues are partially caused by yourself.

    9. I understand some of the situations, I get it and can be annoying but the majority of riders on this video compilation dont have a bloody clue! Why be always so angry? Chasing cars like Valentino Rossi, filtering at 100 miles an hour, having a go at drivers for petty s#!&, amongst other things, some of you riding in the public road are just complete idiots! 🤬🤬 I bet that many of these riders are Learners and that wouldn't surprise me at all! Also if you have a Full Motorbike license dont ride like a douche!! 😤😤 Some of you guys need to come down and use some common sense or you might not see the day of tomorrow! 😳😳 The world has gone nuts 😜😜

    10. Funny how itchy boots could ride round the world without any agro , even in Africa with trucks on the wrong side of the road coming straight at her ! Never a word from her. Those who need anger management should NEVER be driving , and especially two wheels.

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