Cela faisait longtemps que je voulais dédier une vidéo aux Cathares, chers à mon cœur.
    J’ai découvert tout à fait « par hasard » le film « Réconciliation, dans les pas des Cathares » et rencontré le réalisateur Freddy Mouchard il y a quelques mois.
    Dans cette vidéo, nous échangeons autour des Cathares et de son film, qui est un film initiatique qui touche profondément l’âme.
    Pourquoi les Cathares ont tellement marqué notre Histoire ?
    Pourquoi ont-ils été horriblement persécutés ?
    Et surtout pourquoi sont-ils si pertinents aujourd’hui en ces temps d’Ascension planétaire ?

    Après que le dernier Cathare ait été brûlé il y a 700 ans, comme il l’avait prophétisé : « Au cap des 700 ans, le laurier reverdira et nous reviendrons »… oui, le retour de l’Esprit cathare est bel et bien là !

    Site du film: http://www.reconciliation-lefilm.com

    00:00 Intro
    02:20 Qui sont les Cathares ?
    05:40 Pourquoi cette connexion avec les Cathares ?
    12:06 Bande-annonce du film
    14:46 La particularité de l’esprit cathare
    20:09 Les dates clés
    21:41 La chute de Montségur
    25:46 Le terme “Cathares” est erroné
    26:57 Le pitch du film
    31:00 La dualité chez les Cathares
    32:42 Les mémoires cathares
    37:14 La loi du Karma
    40:45 Réconciliation et unification
    42:56 Le consolamentum: initiation cathare
    47:00 La place de la Terre-Mère
    51:37 Les femmes cathares
    58:45 Les deux serpents en nous
    01:04:46 Matière vs Esprit ?
    01:06:35 Aspects multidimensionnels
    01:12:27 Comment voir le film ?
    01:14:13 La prophétie du dernier Cathare

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    hello everyone, I am very happy to meet you today and I wanted to talk to you about the Cathars and precisely to talk to you about the Cathars I have a special guest today who is with me called Freddy Mouchard and who is a director who made an absolutely magnificent film which really touched me a lot about the Cathars called reconciliation in the footsteps of the Cathars and it was really very good timing because precisely I wanted to make this video about the Cathars for a very long time and it turns out that we met a few months ago at the premiere of this film in Carcassonne and maybe a month before I saw what he had this before -premiere in Carcassonne and well I was just coming out of a film I was coming out of I think it was the three musketeers with uh my companion and I said to him ah I would love so much that there was a film that was made about the Cathars a film where there is really an epic, something initiatory to explain and show the general public who the Cathars really were and afterwards I told him well there is little chance that the world of cinema will finance this kind of project and bam a month later I was watching the programming of the Carcassonne cinema and I suddenly came across Freddy’s film. It was truly a huge gift to see that finally there was like a respondent from the universe who was quite quick and it was I really felt that it was really time in fact really that we talk about it again it’s really time that it finally comes back to the forefront too so we’re really going to to be able to discuss this subject today together we will obviously be able to present to you his film which I really invite you to discover it is really a film uh which is very touching and which can speak to a lot of people so it is obviously there I am addressing an audience that is already a little initiated, but it is also a film that you can go see with people who are not necessarily uh aware of all that who will still be touched because I think that there is really a universal aspect also both in the Qatar spirit the message of Qatar but also really transcribed in this film so hello to you Freddy and thank you for being here with us today thank you it’s a pleasure yes and so we’re going to move on straight away, first perhaps on who the Cathars were and I’ll perhaps start first and then you’ll be able to move on and it’s true that I therefore I discovered the Cathars about 10 years ago since I simply arrived in Cathar country and I arrived in Cathar country without knowing anything about the Cathars and it’s an irony of history I really arrived the first place where I left my suitcases first it was Puivert and Puivert there is obviously a very beautiful castle which is part of the Cathar castles and it was really a very nice discovery and there one thing led to another and well, I was really able to finally begin to soak up this energy of the Cathars, this Cathar spirit which is really very very present in Occitania, very very present still here on this beautiful land which contains a lot of memories and so one thing led to another I connected with the Cathars I also connected with a very beautiful magical forest with which I connected with forest spirits which was really like a second home for me and then came also the whole aspect linked to Mary Magdalene with the discovery of the history of Rennes-le-château et cetera and so there is really a continuity between I want to say Cathars uh nature really Mother Earth the spirits of nature and Mary Magdalene the Christ-like aspect also worn by the Cathars and I think it is also so important to talk about them again today because it turns out that even if they lived in the south of France so in Languedoc, Occitanie today, well there are many of people in France who do not know exactly who the Cathars were or perhaps they simply heard this word but they cannot ultimately define who they really were what their culture was what their spirituality was especially since they had a spirituality which was very particular and which was totally out of step with the Church and that is why unfortunately they posed a problem very quickly for the Church, it really turned against them since they represented a danger both for the Church Roman Catholic but also for the powers in place at the time because we will also see together that they had a society which was very free very in advance also for their time so we are really talking about the time of the Middle Ages eh so we are really talking about a time when ultimately there was little freedom, particularly in relation to women, so we are also going to address the theme of women because the role of women and the status of women among the Cathars was very particular and very very very ahead also for their time and above all and well for me they also represent well this people who were able somewhere to transmit this original Christ heritage that is to say that there is really this aspect very linked to love we sometimes also talk about the love book which would have a Cathar book in fact which would have had a Cathar book which contained certain manuscripts perhaps of Jesus and or of Mary Magdalene and which is somewhere a little here here it is the original spirituality really even almost gnostic too one could say and therefore it is really important I think in their transmission in what they still have to tell us today to revive this Cathar flame and it is not a coincidence obviously which comes back to the forefront today during this really this period of planetary ascension so you Freddy finally what could you tell us about the Cathars what did you connect with the Cathars and what also touched you in the history of the Cathars it’s vast and of course it’s a it’s a vast subject uh well there are several things first obviously uh when this inspiration came to me to make a film about the Cathars I knew things of course but not in detail I obviously had as I traveled I had some here are some diverse and varied spiritual lives in different in different obediences in quotation marks we will say uh and then we always discover the Cathars when we are interested in spirituality but then we had to enter into a connection with them so when I started to working on the film I went to the region eh I I really immersed myself in the place in the places for 2 months it was summer I remember and so it started a few years ago eh it was in 2015 and so I resonated as you spoke earlier about this land of these particular places which live which have a which have a very specific theoretical force obviously that I am I already came into connection with that and then gradually the historical books obviously nourished my thoughts and then the memories came back it was also a bit of the starting point of the film and to say to ourselves that when we returned to connection with oneself and therefore with greater ones and well there are images which arrive there are impressions there are intuitions which begin to appear and that was the departure the starting point of this adventure so obviously in my knowledge of Catharism there is a historical part so that is bookish and then and there is also an intuition and things that I feel that seem right to me even if the historians have perhaps not completely said the same thing what I strongly feel forcibly It was indeed a society of freedom of openness and what fascinates me the most is how at a moment in our history uh human beings managed to create harmony in a society where all plans of society can live in a harmonious way and everyone has their own plane of consciousness certainly they have the good men and good women who are on a very powerful very very strong path of initiation with a very very asceticism one could even say a little austere sometimes on certain aspects and then at the same time these people live completely in society work and are completely established in society with simpler people we will say simple believers who work who work and everyone can move around and live without without separation and that’s what I really liked, that is to say that for me I am very attached to the idea that mind and matter are connected and one cannot function without the other in such a way. balanced and so there I found that this society is really in perfect balance it is also a period of growth in Occitanie very very strong from an economic point of view so it is the whole period where we are building all these these ah I lose the term it’s the bastides sorry all the bastides all the bastides all this region is really in a very strong economic power because the harmony is there it circulates it is also the period of the emergence of of of troubadours love for you so it’s also so you were talking earlier about de Puivert which was a very important for that a place of a place of here of development so it’s really that period I like it because there is no separation between spirituality and materiality, the two go together and the two are matter is spiritualized and the spirit is in matter and so I find that magnificent, I like it a lot and so me as a director as an artist I like this approach I am looking for I am also a producer so I have both feet in the same way in the material and in the spirit and in the creation so it is what interests me is what spoke to me doubly in relation to that and then there is another aspect which seems very interesting to me is that of course these are Christians who seek to implement the primordial message of Christ uh in a free and non- dogmatic way yeah so that’s very interesting because it’s a it’s not really a church it’s more a philosophical current which is not locked into a dogma of the ‘Church even if there is a structure of dioceses finally it is organized eh obviously the territory is organized but there is not as strong a hierarchy and above all there is a relationship to money which is clear and which is healthy and therefore and in particular personal wealth since the committed ones have no personal wealth and and therefore it’s that checks things out well I think it’s a it’s a yeah it’s a current philosophical who was able to arrive at this level of maturity and this level of manifestation precisely because there are enough issues that have been resolved issues that have been resolved the possession possessiveness of in relation to money in relation to material good the relationship to sensuality which is which has also been regulated the relationship to hierarchy the relationship to work there are enough plans and which mean that Ben this this church was naturally established in this region which was already very open, eh, it’s still a very open region from a geographical point of view which was very very tolerant of different religions too and therefore this current was able to finally find the breeding ground to emerge and to to grow yeah and I think it’s beautiful it’s very beautiful so I could only at my humble level try to contribute to making known what they have what they have put in place and above all what obviously asked me afterwards as a director was how were we going to talk about it, were I going to talk about it in a historical documentary like I was able to do in the past or were we going to find a different form and what interested me quite quickly was what I saw that what is beautiful in this this tradition in this culture is that it is not it is not dead it is still alive and therefore how was I going to be able to do through a film to bring this to life in a current way that it reasons us with our problems of being of today that’s what I wanted to look for through the film yeah completely and moreover to set the scene a little bit, we invite you to watch the trailer for the film together right away , so the film is called "Reconciliation in the Footsteps of the Cathars" and we’ll watch the trailer together right away. is the Cathars that interest you yes that’s it I came to find out more you will see on site you will understand better if they were destroyed it is because they represent a danger for the powers when I say the powers I am going to talk about religious and royal power if you really want to go back in the footsteps of the Cathars you will have to take your time otherwise you will see nothing other than piles of stones perched on the hills you have to let the memories come back to you and yours, you carry the demons of pride and vanity, you are a calamity that we must suppress. In our increasingly materialistic era, the Cathar way can be an answer, but we must adapt this doctrine to our current society, which is what is necessary. to keep in mind is that the Cathars were in permanent contact with the forces of nature their temple was nature it is important to understand the role played by the law of the two snakes the law of forces it is they who make we who we are travel to the mountains alone to live with mother nature to meet her then when the time is right you will feel it you will feel the call but then you will be able to go up there on the sacred mountain no I am not ready with everything I’ve seen I won’t go up there it’s too heavy no then I don’t know I’m not ready I’m afraid you will be a knight who gives up a knight under influence it’s fear that decide at home? observation that it is difficult that does not mean that we are not going to try it seems to me that the time has come for the knight to go on the path of reconquest.. And so what is also really interesting with the Catharism is that we really feel that there is this Cathar spirit which is coming back at the moment and I wanted to ask you this question why you think that it is really so important uh at this very moment in relation to what we experience at the level of our society in relation to what we also experience at the spiritual level so it is because there is more and more obviously this awakening of consciousness and more and more also this form of reconnection finally to the Christ aspect but uh not the religious Christ aspect really the Christ aspect from a purely spiritual point of view and really to really reconnect with this somewhere this original Christ that we all carry within us and who is ‘really awakens little by little in these times of planetary ascension and what we can also see in the Cathars I think but I think that you will be able to continue on this is that ultimately they also have their souls of rebel, that is to say that we also went through not that long ago, we went through these years where we were a little bit, in quotation marks, "confined" on several levels, isn’t it? this step well uh it’s really also that I think that the Cathar spirit is this spirit of freedom of rebellion and of really assuming one’s values ​​and really of asserting oneself also within and for me in any case it This is what is really uh interesting in relation to the parallel with today but how do you also perceive this importance of the return of the Cathar spirit today well you were talking about you were talking about the spirit uh and therefore the Christic way I think that if we can qualify it is obviously restrictive eh but for me in the Christianity is uh primitive eh it is the notion of renewal and therefore of the Renaissance and the notion of cycles uh which allows permanent deaths and rebirths which allow us to work on ourselves and to move towards this this liberation and this this elevation uh so it’s dying to the old it’s dying to our to our past concepts it’s dying to our our ways of life our old ways of thinking to give birth to the new to move towards creativity which raises us in this I think that this theme fully concerns us today we can see clearly that we are in a passage some are wondering others are already have the perspective of what is going to happen what will arrive behind behind what is there what is behind the mountain but we are well aware that everyone needs to climb this mountain so some have already started a little bit path so are a little more advanced others say perhaps they are going to go others do not want to go at all so obviously everyone does and everyone does what they have and where they are but we are well aware that there is this to overcome and I believe that that is why this message from the Cathars speaks to us because uh certainly there is this notion of independence of sovereignty of internal sovereignty that is – to say this idea that we go to the end of what we believe, what we think about, we can obviously be wrong but in any case we go to the end of the experience and I believe that that’s it which affects us today and which inevitably at the moment when we have to make choices it is a period of big choices well for us we are forced to ask ourselves these questions and if we are open well we will ask the question we will face the mirror and we will ask ourselves what are we doing what am I doing what am I thinking and can I and so it "that’s good, that’s what for me behind a myth it’s almost in a mythology in the sense that we touch an archetype which is are we going to go to the end of these convictions are we is capable of following through on his convictions and being able to act in matter and putting his entire being, his physical body, his subtle bodies in the service of something greater than us and therefore either we believe or we have faith and therefore that is fundamental and that is why this period is crucial and why it is fascinating; it is at the same time very destabilizing but it is fascinating and I believe that this is where we have correspondences with what what could have been experienced in another era where all we can know about it or at least feel about it is that there is we are at a crucial moment in our history, the 13th century is a moment crucial in the History of France we can imagine for example if this event had not happened in this way if there had not been the Inquisition and the repression where we would be France today it is really we see clearly that what happened there was a before and after they kept something they kept their commitment they have here for me the big message that they also deliver to us is that nothing is over it is not played out uh the fact of not having renounced knowing that even the majority of good men and good women have not renounced their faith and therefore there is uh it is still a great lesson would we be able to me I wondered a lot eh if I had to go to the stake in 3 days like one like in Montségur am I capable of doing it am I am I I have reached a sufficiently evolved degree of non-dualism to not be afraid of having pain and of leaving my body uh in the name of one of my faith this is questionable this is also a model for that which they remained for me the Cathars they remained in the collective unconscious exactly for just two minutes you know historically because you are talking about Montségur perhaps some people have heard of here is Montségur etc so just to give you some historical dates anyway to set the scene so the Cathars the first crusade against the Cathars started in 1209 so it was first the barons of the North who really came somewhere to repress the Cathars then so all the repression lasted about 200 years eh so it was really very very long but because the crusade did not work so well well in any case they did not succeed in exterminating the Cathars as they wanted and well to leave from 1233 there was what we call the Inquisition and so there it was uh not by military force but there it was that also reminds us of more recent episodes in our history it was door to door denunciations of who was Cathar who was not Cathar etc etc so really with a certain meticulousness they went to dissect in all the villages to see who was Cathar so that lasted quite a long time and uh what is really surprising also is in during this period one might believe that Catharism ultimately declined but in fact Catharism even increased during this period, that is to say that there were more and more people who were truly fervent admirers of the Cathars. and who also wanted to convert so it was really very important also to see this aspect, this force in fact that they represented and who therefore continued in fact to really speak to people and therefore there was this famous Montségur so there the siege of Montségur is 1244 it’s the last Cathar bastion that’s historically that’s what they say it’s the last Cathar bastion the first Cathar pyre it was Minerva and uh in Montségur there was a big big pyre also unfortunately where there was about 11 -12 months of siege so they held out for almost 1 year and apparently what caused Montségur to fall was that ‘there was a traitor among the Cathars which meant that in fact they were no longer able to feed themselves, that is to say that there was I don’t know if you remember the exact story that’ is I think that they put a rat where there were diseases in the water that’s it in the tank I think which means that to be frank I don’t have that information there me me I I had this information there yeah okay there was actually an agreement but among the Cathars maybe not in any case among the people who yeah yeah that’s that’s it exactly and that’s what made it suddenly that he could no longer be self-sufficient in food and water and as a result they had to surrender and so uh there they surrendered but instead of surrendering, that is to say as you said earlier to abandon their faith and on the contrary they chose to jump into the fire men, women and children so that’s what is absolutely it really hits us in the gut, often when I tell it I get chills and a little bit of tears which also come to me because they all came down singing in fact from this hill of Montségur and they all went to throw themselves into the fire as also a form of purification ritual, really that’s what I I had also captured it when I was in Montségur and in fact the last time I was in Montségur when I went up I heard the songs so it was really I heard all the songs which there they were singing coming down from this hill uh to here practicing in quotation marks this this "ritual" in any case what they did requires a lot of courage and I think as you say that we ask ourselves the question are we is capable we would really be able today to do that to have this faith so powerful in us that we prefer to throw ourselves into the fire ultimately than to surrender well let’s say that in any case that’s the question of denial what yeah what is important is this is the strength the power of denial uh and so I think they had I think that their philosophy their spirit had a vision beyond a simple life and a single incarnation so the challenge obviously is not only to save one’s skin because saving one’s skin can cost more if one has a vision of lives successive no matter how we see the aspect of reincarnation but in any case uh I think that it is the fact of having a broad vision of the events which means that we can consider things differently uh in relation to Montségur just in relation to the seat perhaps if we want to look there are also other versions in relation to this historical aspect this aspect actually perhaps who are interested in going to see further how It happened Because there are obviously several historical aspects that can be discovered uh yes it is a crucial moment in relation to the whole philosophy uh Cathar movement this fall of Montségur since Montségur had a great symbol it was also a place where we practiced what we called the rite of good ending, that is to say that actually the people affiliated with the church regardless of all the members of the Church Cathars could come to this place to pass the door to the beyond in the best conditions and therefore settle the things they had to settle before passing to the other side since in this philosophy there is really an aspect like we come to say it from a life of an existence of the soul broader than the simple incarnation of a personality that’s what is important perhaps we haven’t specified but we use a lot the term "Cathar" yes it’s true in fact you have to know that it is it is inappropriate eh so it’s just a phenomenon of language but at the time the committed were therefore called the good men and good women in the sense of accomplished man and accomplished woman so afterwards we actually also treated them as "Perfect" but it is also an inquisitorial vision when we said perfect heretic that is to say they are irredeemable heretics therefore perfect heretics therefore condemned to the stake so this coming and the shift in language have made it important to restore it effectively and if we just wanted to in relation to that we should not use the term "Cathar" yes exactly he calls a here he calls a vibration which is necessarily a denigration somewhere but hey the abuse of language sometimes sets in in any case yes officially it is the Cathar country the Cathar castles moreover the castles which are not really Cathar eh since uh as we said earlier well there are several strata of society also which were really confused so these are really the castles of certain lords who were in fact Cathar sympathizers eh so that’s why we call them Cathar castles and therefore to also come back to the plot of your film because that’s why I wanted to talk about well the crusade the Inquisition et cetera because that we also see it in your film all that finally is can you already give us a little pitch uh without revealing too much the story of the film obviously a little pitch of the film and then really explain to us uh because for for me there is really a very important initiatory aspect in this film and that is why I think it can also touch a large number of people, it is precisely through the history of the Cathars and the character main which gradually we begin to find certain certain things linked to the Cathars there is a personal journey which begins yes absolutely so it is the story of so in a first time must be said it is a fiction film it is not a documentary already therefore film with a story which is structured and narration so it is the story of Guillaume among others who who by an effect of chance happens finds himself in Ariège and so from there he meets this story of the Cathars uh which speaks to him in a somewhat unconscious way at the start so he meets two people Martine and Jean who will be who will have a very important role in the rest of his course which runs a guest room at the foot of the castle of Montségur and from there our character and well he will obviously begin to follow in the footsteps of the Cathars it is that he will try to already discover the history this which will allow us, as spectators, to understand a little better what happened and then as the film progresses, he will enter into an inner quest, at the beginning consciously accompanied by these two characters Martine and Jean who will help him to start again on this path of self-knowledge he is a character who carries certain memories certain traumas and therefore gradually he will discover this story the history of the Cathars and gradually he will find his own story and he will initially understand that perhaps there are correspondences between the eras and therefore it is a film which is structured between back and forth between the 13th century and today with mise en abyme that’s where the tool for that with historical reconstructions of course and then this character well he will move forward in the end I don’t want to reveal the whole film obviously but in the end he will discover who he really is in in any case he will understand that he has alliances that have been made during his life during this incarnation and even previous ones and that the whole path open to him is to be able to reconcile these different plans of consciousness to free this and in the end become an accomplished being ready to serve and ready to live truly in a free way outside of the chains that may have taken place in this life and in previous lives so that’s it the objective of the film is to show that there is a space for reconciliation because in fact the primary theme of the film is reconciliation it is a reconciliation which takes place on different levels different levels of consciousness this question This appeared quite quickly when I wrote the screenplay because obviously I didn’t want to be in a duality of the good guys and the bad guys because quite quickly when we have a slightly broader vision we understand that it’s not a question uh of group it is a question of mechanism it is that indeed at a moment there are harmful mechanisms which are put in place and which and which generate this barbarity uh I wondered for example on how how an inquisitor could think about what an inquisitor could think in those moments and why can we reach this level of barbarity and that’s what questioned me and therefore obviously we cannot approach this type of subject if we don’t want to in a dualism without going through reconciliation yeah and therefore how could we reconcile and reconcile two opposing visions but in fact which are only part of the same same problem it is this effectively and I think that here we are at the heart of Cathar philosophy in any case what they wanted to bring us to teach us is the question of the duality of dualism uh between good and evil how do we do it to act in a dimension in which we are incarnated which overall is locked in matter if we do not manage to put Spirit and put love in this matter we are a prisoner and therefore this is how it is- what we happen and how do we get out of this wheel we could call it the wheel of dharma this wheel which locks us in which locks us in this wheel of harmful mechanisms which locks us in how is it what we do to get out of it what mechanism we can put in place and they had in this uh they had more or less evolved tools we will say more or less uh difficult to integrate eh depending on the degree of commitment in the church For try to get out of these mechanisms but it’s not the only tradition having it put in place there are certain aspects which are very close to Buddhism for example yeah exactly yes I wanted to come there where we understand well that we are here that we are touching on a tradition which is superior to the problems of religious dogmatism different regions we are we are in that and and that is why I tried to show myself through the film through the journey of this character of Guillaume what could it necessarily be in a simplified way that this gnostic approach that we are talking about this this this approach of getting out of these cycles of learning to know oneself d ‘learning to know your shadow parts, accepting them and healing them to free yourself from them is what I wanted to try to show through the character of Guillaume yeah exactly it’s really very well transcribed because we I really experience it with him in fact this journey and it’s true that what I also found interesting in the film is that as a result he is led to have certain visions of the past so we ask ourselves the question is it that these are memories of past lives was he an inquisitor or rather was he a Cathar victim etc. we don’t really know in fact if he is an executioner, a victim if it’s intertwined etc and I also wanted to ask you the question about yourself ultimately what inspired you also this scenario does it also perhaps touch on your personal story or perhaps certain memories that you carry in connection with that period well of course there are necessarily there are necessarily conscious or unconscious memories necessarily there are things we cannot make this type of film in a random way for me n ‘not existing so necessarily there are links because because this earth also speaks to me in an unconscious way there are memories which are in me I see images I have seen images but I cannot say if it is whether it’s my imagination or whether it’s real images but it doesn’t matter they are there it doesn’t matter where they come from we don’t care that’s not the question we don’t need it ‘analyze in a mental way and in a necessarily way uh that’s in the reason uh so uh it’s a starting point necessarily and that’s why ultimately this character goes back and forth between and us spectators who see him’ That’s the interest of spectators of this type of film is that we see the mechanisms operating and it also gives us a return to us as spectators to see what it is. is that these mechanisms and how a character as we observe creates his own realities what also interested me is the question of reality so we oscillate in different planes in the dream in the dream world in images in the imagination in history and in fact ultimately the borders are very very open if we have enough, if we circulate enough it can circulate very very quickly between these different planes and that is what is interesting because what is important for for me what counts is the information it’s the source itself yeah that it is uh that it is of an imaginary dreamlike origin uh bookish poetic what counts is what it speaks to us is what that we manifest through this this information that reminds me of a question that I had already been asked because I was a hypnotherapist for a very long time and I sometimes did regressions in past lives precisely and so one day I was asked the question how do you know in fact that what the person sees if it’s true or not if it’s really a past life that they had and I simply answered that It is not important to know if it is true or not the question is rather is it relevant for the person is the information as you said it is relevant does it affect something thing thing in its space interior of this life and so if this is the case if it has this resonance there it is that well that’s what counts in fact that’s the most important thing in the end altogether that’s why we discover the history and the esoteric aspects through the gaze of Guillaume which means that at certain moments we are in the gaze of because he is a vibrational plane such that he sees the inquisitor in him yes and at other times another moment he is on another vibrational plane and he sees a committed one engaged on the path so he sees different planes and that is indeed but because the world we must remember that the world which surrounds us exists in through our own gaze it is we who create the world yeah and so depending on the vibration in which we find ourselves we will see this or that thing we will highlight events we will highlight vibrations that we we’re going to create an alliance with these worlds and then we’re going we’re going we’re going to give the energy we’re going to give our our consent and from this moment hop it exists and therefore it questions us about our power when we talk about power creator well we touch the heart of the subject say we are creators in our thoughts first then in our words in our actions so how far do we go down into the matter and the interest of the gnostic approach in any case what we can know about it for our time is that we have the capacity precisely to correct and settle these matters, that is to say that we have a power of thought, words and action and so well at a moment we can interact and we can intervene to avoid that patterns which have been installed for a long time sometimes can be corrected and therefore every moment every moment I we have opportunities to modify modify this then this famous law of karma for some but in fact in reality this law of karma here and so that’s forgiveness it’s funny that you say that because you know in my in my book so "You are the Light of the World" it’s is exactly what I say in relation to karma I say karma, I put it because there are three sections in my book there is past present future and I put it in the section on the present and I explain why quite simply because karma is resolved in the present we have every day at every moment the free will to make choices that are different so it’s really we also agree on that. is really important to know that everything is happening here and now in fact we really have these choices that we can make which are here and now we don’t necessarily have to go into the past or project into the future, this is where is happening and it is here that we can finally, in quotes, reconcile with our karma or with here are certain certain previous lives or even future lives it’s really everything is here what it is indeed what what I I wanted to show through the film a way in 2 hours of showing apart from finally above all the theory concretely it happens how so we have a character we discover what problem he has how he confronts himself and what he can and how how he finally settles it and how he settles different plans how the capacity of a moment to say no to a force that comes towards him and that somewhere wants to play with him again wants to play again replay patterns replay again a new film in quotation marks well he says no there no I understood who you were now I want I want more I don’t want to make an alliance with you and that’s a power that we have and so it’s it’s fascinating like obviously that here we touch on an incredible individual freedom that is to say that if we are sufficiently awake we begin to take our individuality in the first sense of the term so we touch our inner sovereignty and we can begin to say no to external suggestions that can dominate us, that can chain us and make us slaves and therefore in this obviously that the dogmatic religious movements and the political power of the time of the Cathars did not really want such a current to establish itself too strongly in a society because from that moment it gives birth to individualities of individualisms which was already very present you should know that the lords are already very independent for the territory way of starting point so that did not help things if in addition philosophy which begins to develop that and to say to to everyone even the person to whom we say you have the power to change your life you have the power to modify to make yourself here to find new spaces of freedom simply by acting every day for the good for the good of others and for the good around you and from that moment you will enter a sphere of good obviously that it is not very easy for forces who have another vision of the world another way of understanding the creation and the manifestation which is ours there is it is there is an interesting sentence from the film without without spoiler but at the end which says there are two ways of being in the world one which liberates one which confines therefore there I think that everything has been said somewhere, it’s been a while since we’ve had this confining vision of the world imposed on us and now we’re in this phase also uh at the planetary level where on the contrary there is has this opening really towards more freedom more sovereignty also interior spiritual at all on all levels at all levels in fact anyway so and it’s interesting so also what interested me in your film is ‘is also the ultimately multidimensional aspect and the fact that it has at the same time several shots in the film there are obviously the memories etc. there is the present moment there is also perhaps the future which human I I also want to become in the future you see so there are really several multidimensional planes like that which mix and it’s true that uh myself you see in the first book that I wrote "The Sorcerer’s Cave" I also made parallels like that with as the main character reconnects with certain memories well that also makes her move forward internally on the recognition of the shadow parts because there will always be resonances also on different planes and different dimensions and therefore depending on what we vibrate and well we will obviously attract to ourselves the reconnections certain reconnections so there for example effectively or the inquisitor or the Cathar who is initiated and it is really interesting to see that through all this well there is really this form of unity which is created in fact that we are Everything in fact we have been victims we have been executioners we have been light we have been darkness we are Everything and we really manage to bring all that together and I think that the energy of reconciliation is really also this unification ultimately of white, black, light, shadow, etc., yes, I think that any initiatory path and any path of any path of liberation can only take place after a phase of reconciliation because we must reconcile with ourselves with precisely this part of Shadow that you were talking about and really who we are as already our condition of embodying uh we must already reconcile ourselves with that and then we can go we can serve greater than ourselves it is also the whole symbolism of consolation this famous ritual of consolamentum it is indeed that it is a moment someone who has worked sufficiently on him and who is sufficiently autonomous we will say to be able to decide to serve the good so it is we could call him God but we can call him the good we can call him the good of others we can ‘call a lot we can call it in very different ways but it is to turn around it is the right turn of the heart we turn our heart around and we put ourselves at the service of what seems to us Great Noble and good and besides I had to ask you the question precisely because there has a very beautiful scene on the consolamentum perhaps explain to us what it is eh it’s really a very important ritual really in Cathar spirituality and so it often took place in caves eh so it Strictly speaking, they didn’t have a temple , so as it is said in the film, their temple was nature and so what exactly happens during this ritual, without wanting to describe it too much. because every ritual remains sacred and intimate obviously sacred yes we definitely agree there it is so it remains intimacy that’s why we film it but in a very very short way that’s mentioned but that’s just it for me everything that is ritual whatever the ritual must be respected at this level the principle in any case is that effectively it is someone who presents himself again before we will say the creative part which composes it that is to say in front of the creator but also it starts from itself but it starts bigger than its own personality it’s a bit tricky to understand but it is nevertheless fundamental so it is an embodied personality at a moment zero a moment T which comes to present itself before greater than oneself to say now I have understood who I am as an incarnate I have understood who I am as a personality I know myself where I am and now I can put myself at the service of those greater than me in conscience and with all my heart and that is really very very very important so consolation is a ritual which is done quite widely in Cathar society uh obviously it’s done by a priest here we’re going to say it like that someone who actually has an alliance with the higher worlds to deliver this reliance in fact that’s also why the title reconciliation is because ‘there is consolation and that we slow down behind this idea that at a moment it is this reconciliation which makes well-being present and committed and that is really fundamental we are today in a in we has a relationship with the divine and the sacred which we often ask but are we really committing, it’s true and therefore among the Cathars there is commitment and this commitment which can go very very very far since the good men and good women had a rhythm of life and a very very powerful asceticism they are very austere even here it is I lose the term finally people who are who go too far in fact they actually made this commitment in the service of one they did everything to work their body of will that is to say uh eat little sleep little work pray have very ascetic food to precisely constrain the body of will in the physical body to make room and let go to the other, bigger yourself so that it takes up more space for precisely and this is the start and this is where it becomes fascinating it is the start to get out of the wheel of reincarnation which encloses yeah but others other ascetic approaches eh in the in Buddhism also works on the same levels our body completely pure force in relation to the energies in relation to the alliances the Buddhists we are in the same type of trap of the body physical exactly where this is a tool which must be only a support put at the service therefore the consolation well he precisely manifests that he shows that that is to say it is someone who puts himself at the service and who receives the baptism of of the spirit then there are obviously other purifications we also talk about it in the film water baptism also which is very important on different levels but we find there a primordial tradition which is very very old obviously the relationship to the nature the relationship with mother nature as this is what I wanted to ask you precisely as a question that is to say that for me what also touched me is the place that you leave to the nature in your film where she is everywhere already I even have the impression that she is the ultimate initiator ultimately of Guillaume the character main thing is nature it’s mother earth or mother nature as they say in the film and above all we go through the four seasons uh so there is really this here is this nature which is ultra present so I wanted to know why it was important for you to highlight it like that and also in relation to the filming how it happened also over the seasons to discover and rediscover all these places which really vibrate deeply through the different seasons already the notion of cycle it is fundamental so we are in cycles permanently we are in day night cycles finally we could decline we are in in in in a in a world of cycles uh and therefore and the four seasons are part of this great great cycles the tradition was completely inscribed in these cycles of nature it was quite a short time ago that we finally cut ourselves off from that so we find it a little extraordinary when in fact no it is it’s just that we ourselves are in this cycle and that all the festivals all the major meetings with the gods the deities were meetings linked to the seasons and then in fact when we study a little more in-depth on the very origins of myths and religions and basically everything is nature everything is the basis of nature it is the fundamental mother nature in which we live in which we depend on we depend on the Mother Nature we are with it and not against it and therefore this work of reconciliation is necessarily done with nature because in nature there is all wisdom the great book of wisdom is nature and therefore and above all when we do this type of initiatory journey which is tumultuous nature is an incredible help also yeah the anchoring and here it helps us because we are going to go through tumults in this famous gnostic approach but it will be stable when we needs to find itself well we are going to find the river we are going to find the spirits of the river they are there and they know how to guide us and protect us they know how to give us anchor again that is fundamental so even without going into too much spirituality of nature today we need to go back to find these mechanisms and this alliance and obviously that there are four seasons and that well you just have to look eh even if we live in the cities it’s a little more difficult but we see that each season has a particular vibration winter invites us to introspection we go inside ourselves when spring arrives it’s the opening then we go we go towards the fire we go towards the fire of of the summer obviously that all these appointments were marked out so we have them among the druids we have them we have them everywhere and obviously that our brothers and sisters good men and good women well he lived in relation to that he could not separate the Christ tradition from these cycles which were an intrinsic part and finally the link with the somewhat pagan tradition finally the Druidic I think Celtic it is really there too eh I think that the Cathars they really knew how to mix the two like that very strongly what yes and then c this pagan vision it is let’s not forget that it is it’s once again it’s a vision we’re going to say in quotation marks uh negative we’re talking about of pagan in the sense this is the opposite of a monotheistic vision which ultimately when we look at the history of humanity is quite quite short eh it is quite short monotheism as we experience it today today and they would have us believe that it was all time but not quite a short time that we eradicated all the local deities and other powers which were linked to nature because our energy life itself comes from Nature comes from this primordial natural feminine force and therefore we cannot leave it if we follow a real spiritual path in my opinion we cannot cut ourselves off from it or it is only with a type of vibration which is not in harmony with our real creation in does yeah exactly and and besides well who says Mother Nature Earth-Mother etc says the aspect of the Sacred Feminine ultimately also eh so the aspect of the divine Mother which we obviously find in the consciousness of the Earth and that really makes also suddenly echoes the Ctahre women because that is something which is still quite extraordinary and unprecedented for the time it is the women in Catharism that is to say that the women uh well so we we’re talking to you about the Middle Ages the time of the Middle Ages they had almost all the same rights as men so they could hold property they could sell they could buy they could also inherit from their fathers just like the brothers of the brotherhood they could go to court she could also preach finally there they had a lot a lot of rights they were there was really a lot of freedom for women so maybe it wasn’t perfect but for the time once again it was was really very avant-garde and so yeah the Cathar women the place of women is very important absolutely it’s very important besides the Catharism spread a lot through women at the beginning because it It’s the women who have this sensitivity who allowed it to take root, it’s them who transmit it, it’s education, it’s actually quite a few noble women in particular who had this open vision and who allowed me to do emerge to gradually establish in the different regions uh the philosophy must be put back in the context eh there is no internet there is no telephone so to pass the messages to establish a movement it is indeed necessary to have vehicles eh we need supports so that this tradition can be transmitted from village to village which can be brought to life so it’s quite a job so there is a fabric like that and the women’s fabric was very important when we talk about the Middle Ages we often actually always talk about a vision where they want us to believe that the Middle Ages was an obscure period necessarily much less good than ours and that perhaps we should pay attention to this vision uh maybe we have a slightly linear and progressive vision of things that inevitably before it was less good and that what we are offered before is much better finally when we look at the events a little we realize that the situation in which we are is perhaps not so enviable after all that perhaps in the past there are keys which have been lost and which it is good to go find in order to open new doors and therefore I think that the place of women actually in the Middle Ages she is not at all uh in any case in these regions she is not at all what we want to say about her uh there it is it’s a vision certainly the patriarchy is is already very very strongly established but there remains precisely a whole force of these women healers in particular of these women who teach who transmit very very closely in all the in all the regions and that is why afterwards there is had actually one after a witch hunt so we must think that this feminine it is it is very present and this Sacred Feminine it is it is totally part of this philosophy we will say Cathar of this movement of the 10th 11th 12th century which is settled in this region yeah yeah and in I mean here I think that there is also this form of repression which had towards the Cathars it was also marked by the repression against Cathar women that is- that is to say that the barons of the North there so we can cite for example the famous Simon de Montfort who was absolutely atrocious and his whole army which was really we can say a kind of army of demons eh I mean when we start to dig when we start to read the atrocities that they committed, in particular also sometimes against women, there are, as you said, there were also Cathar female figureheads, often from the nobility, so there is obviously Esclarmonde de Foix there is one that I recently discovered who’s name is Guiraude de Lavaur I don’t know if you’ve heard his name yes yeah or yes of course extraordinary here and there she is the army of Simon Monfort raped him they threw him in a living well then they covered it with stones it’s absolutely atrocious there these people were really demons and I think I had to have a lot of courage also as a woman because well the Middle Ages still remain a period where women I think they couldn’t uh travel alone etc. I think they would still run risks so you really had to have this inner strength to continue to really transmit your convictions and really stay in the affirmation of your values ​​and his faith which quite effectively that’s also why in this same period courtly love was born yeah exactly to say that it’s a relationship a relationship with the feminine which is different it’s a relationship which is not a relationship of domination in relation to the feminine but which is an alliance a new marriage of the feminine and the masculine it’s really it happens at the same time and it’s not by chance that this very thing and I want to say even courtly love with therefore with the troubadours the love songs etc. it was also somewhere putting the woman on an estal footing since we sang her we celebrated her the woman also so really through her songs and this music and his poems so actually yeah it’s it’s it goes completely hand in hand and I think that it was really an energy that was extremely present and that we can feel at the Château de Puivert so if you ever have the opportunity to visit this castle do not hesitate to go see it we can really feel this artistic effervescence and really which is very very beautiful what in the energy quite and somewhere in this story if we see clearly that these crusades this inquisition finally all this all this opposition and it’s these dramas which have which have which have which have which have been perpetuated well it’s precisely that it’s it’s a it’s a it’s a masculinity is a hypertrophied unregulated masculine which clashes with a feminine which is emerging and the two cannot cannot coexist there is no reconciliation precisely between the two there is shock there is duality and therefore we are to force and and that’s what happened is these barons of the North actually are here are an extreme barbarity they themselves are caught in the traps of the completely unregulated masculine uh hypertrophied really in its extreme paroxism and the feminine which itself must find its right place and is in the process of emerging so that’s it, it’s this shock there but if we look carefully earlier we were looking a little for the correspondences with our era if we look closely this is perhaps what is at play today we have a very very strong materialism therefore a certain conception of the world which perhaps has difficulty coexisting with another more open vision more poetic more free more creative more spiritual and so this is once again where these two antagonisms are at play which must find a balance and it is for me it is this balance to find between matter and Spirit between the masculine and the feminine this duality that must be worked on and reconciled exactly and that is what happened in relation to this feminine and that allows me to go on precisely to a sentence from the film so the character who is a bit the initiator also here is Guillaume’s Occitan who tells him there are these two snakes which represent these two opposing forces it is also finally arriving at making peace with these two forces and that represents for me therefore good and evil so I imagine that’s what you wanted to say in the film so really this light shadow aspect and this in quotes "duality" also so what you also need to know is that at the level of bah of the history of the Cathars so at the academic level there are a lot of bad interpretations that have been made in relation to Cathar spirituality we have often said that they were dualists that they were Manichaean and that they were really very anchored that’s it that’s good that’s not good so it’s really this very contrasting duality and in fact it’s much more subtle than that I don’t know if you want to talk to us about it precisely here are these two these aspects of these two forces ultimately which need to be reconciled unite again yes well in fact these are the primordial energies of life life is life nature nature emerges it lives it offers life and life in our creation and in any case the relationship that the human is invited to have with this life is to manage this energy of force and in it there are well these two natural snakes it is the image of the caduceus eh you know the caduceus traditionally there are two snakes and in the center there is the stick which is the which is the central axis and therefore this is what this is what man must seek this central axis through these two forces of life and he has these forces of these impulses of confinement but which are also protective impulses which are also productions of the creative impulses but at the same time we must have the other which is liberation, openness, here we must, we must both be conservative but at the same time creative there is these two aspects permanently in us and therefore we must be able to play these two forces and so well that’s actually this notion of good and evil that ‘s vast but we can bring it back to much more concrete things I mean I have to be creative but at the same time I have to be careful but not too careful because otherwise I ‘m not creative enough uh I have to make my life an adventure but at the same time I can’t break everything because I I need fundamentals to settle in so I can’t be completely either so it’s this balance that we have to find and that’s what tradition tells us and that no matter the times the settings change but the human problems remain the same so this tradition of snake it is in there in the tradition since finally it is this image is present to remind us of this this aspect which concerns us and it is an aspect it is a symbol alchemical also so it’s really alchemized also it’s two parts and I think that here they are the Cathars even if we can’t necessarily talk about alchemy but I think that they also touched on notions precisely uh via gnosis which was very also linked to a certain mysticism to certain esoteric aspects also uh well of primordial Christianity eh so it’s true that it doesn’t please the Church when we say that but Christianity originally was esoteric too so what is interesting it’s really the parallels we were talking about earlier with Buddhism in particular or Hinduism where really also they explain to us there is the matter there is the spirit and finally there are these souls which remain locked in this cycle of reincarnation that we call Samsara and to get out of it they need to realize that they are something other than this body of matter they need to finally realize what they have forgotten, that’s it I think what they mean when they say that souls remain locked in this infernal cycle and I think that here they are, the Cathars, they also transmitted this idea that we can purify ourselves, we can integrate precisely all these dark sides and s relying on something greater than oneself, particularly during the ritual, is a form of consolamentum which in fact made me feel like a sort of liberation of the soul, that is to say, of divine reconnection finally made official in any case that and as if it was really also the reactivation of the Holy Spirit in us what that is to say that can really know that this Holy Spirit is also inside us yes it is is recognizing who we are who we really are with all our part of imperfection and therefore to accept to work to perfect oneself and therefore that is indeed eminently esoteric esotericism but nevertheless it is the path of light it is the path which is proposed through all traditions and many of a lot of wisdom teaches us this path in fact the path of recovery uh and in this what was also what is important is to understand that as far as the Cathars are concerned that it is not just a inner path it is also it manifests itself in the concrete in society and it also ensures that everyone benefits whatever the plane where they are everyone benefits from its benefits and that even the being who ‘is not perhaps very very awake yet he can he can find this path again and he can act on it and so that’s it’s really uh it avoids doing that’s what I like as a that as a contemporary it avoids making this approach too elitist an approach uh which would only be reserved for a certain type of elite uh yes there is indeed everyone practicing but it’s like sport we can do sport at a high level level but we can also practice simply to have fun and to find harmony and well I think that this type of approach can also be that and that’s also why there is this type of film that I can make it’s because let’s open ourselves up to practicing in a simple daily way without calling into question our whole life but we can perhaps surely improve our living conditions with a little more open-mindedness . a slightly more broadened consciousness and so that’s it because we also often say of the Cathars that ultimately he considered matter and the body as something that was created by evil by Satan uh that they rejected it but in fact it’s not true at all because as you say there is a real form of anchoring in society in the concrete in the matter of what we were able to really draw from this connection with the with the Spirit with a capital E so I think that they really managed to create precisely this bridge between the celestial, the spiritual and the terrestrial and it is moreover by making this marriage between the two that we can really achieve a form of liberation that is to say that if we reject matter completely we will not achieve liberation but if we identify ourselves completely with matter either so it is really finding this right balance between integration and not the really total identification also with this this body of flesh this body of matter what so yeah I think that there is really a lot of Cathar wisdom and in Cathar spirituality really this subtlety there to understand what yes because for example if if we consider that they reject matter but why is this philosophy so anchored in the villages in the castrums if they rejected matter they would have remained in the mountains in an ascetic way completely when in fact it is the opposite if it succeeded if this philosophy succeeded in countering and in any case in standing up to the Inquisition and the Crusades it is precisely because it was anchored in matter paradoxically it was anchored in matter itself was anchored in the smallest of matter and once again really in all strata of society, that’s what is really also quite unique, that is to say that it went from the lords to the peasants, passing through the craftsmen etc etc the traders finally there it was really everywhere which permeated everywhere and so that’s what also creates this form of harmony that you were talking about at the beginning and so I also wanted to come back to an aspect of the film which is very interesting which we talked about a little bit after the preview so obviously it’s going to be a little difficult to talk about it without revealing too much also here’s the story of the film but if you could maybe we to give a few snippets is that you said that there was really also several aspects on several levels in fact in the in the film several layers of reading and that’s also I think which is interesting perhaps then perhaps an audience uh lambda it will perhaps be less likely to spot the symbolisms there things are a little bit hidden but I think I’m still addressing an audience that is a little more aware of all that so could you explain to us a little bit perhaps what you wanted transmit in there well you know I think that we are in a multidimensional world yeah it is that indeed in the same event there are several aspects of this same event and depending on one’s level of consciousness well we can read such or such aspect in the same sphere actually in an event if we look at it observe we will see that some they will see bad perhaps others will see good but first we go through an unpleasant phase but to move towards good so that’s what I also wanted to bring into the film, that is to say different reading plans and then that everyone can discover it according to their level of consciousness to be able to watch the film again because it’s a film that can be seen again, we dive back into it and we can see things because what interested me above all as a director there we are going to get a little into the technical side but what interests me is not only as a director to tell my story that’s not what interests me what interests me is to propose a vision which will allow the spectator to take a journey which will be personal and therefore to find sequences which are sufficiently strong and in at the same time in which there is space where the spectator will be able to find his place and make his own interior journey so that is what interests me and therefore to do this type of thing obviously we use symbolic images we use symbols which will speak to this or that person which will take them on a journey which will necessarily be nourished in a different way but behind obviously the images are strongly loaded moreover we the way of making the film counts ‘that is to say that we don’t make the film any way uh for me shooting is something a sacred moment in the sense that here we are protecting ourselves we are making an image which will have a symbolic significance and a vibrational range so we protect we have words that we don’t say we avoid having too negative energy on the set we take care to be in harmony with the place in which we are filming there are alliances that must create oneself before finally we do not open any space any way to film and then leave as if nothing had been done so there is an opening of closing in relation to these places and all these places and all these stories these openings are important because it nourishes and it engrams the film which will then cause the spectator to enter into sympathy in osmosis with this vibration, these symbols which will allow us to have different levels of culture but for that you have to leave space and there has to be a director I hope to be one who is present because he holds the structure he constructs the film at the same time he leaves open spaces where uh he does not decide what must be understood, he suggests things and everyone hears it according to their own level of understanding, that’s not it, that’s also why I didn’t go for the documentary because the documentary we have quickly tend to press as a director to say this is happening this this that and that’s like that well come on look at me that do this there I looked for that’s what I’m looking for in this type of film especially in the cinema uh to have open spaces and it’s a film of experience it’s a film from a vibrational point of view where we must I hope we come out of the film nourished uh and it’s in fact it is ourselves it is the spectator himself internally who nourished the film who nourished a relationship with the images and it was quite very very beautiful because that in general it happens when the film begins to settle down a little in the theater and and the first screening I remember on March 16 it was the preview in fact I had I had not noted that it It was the anniversary of the famous, well, the anniversary of the commemoration of the pyre of Montségur, so this March 16 is the first screening and that’s it, so it happened like that, we’re going to see like that, and from that first evening there was straight away this dialogue I felt in the projection of this first projection this dialogue between the public and the film the film had enough space for the public to be able to have their own space and therefore it is very interesting. ‘it’s a mechanism that’s enriching for everyone, that’s why we make cinema and not film on television or things, cinema remains uh really remains for me a space of a particular experience we move around we take our ticket we enter this room and there we are ready and we receive the film that’s why I find that cinema film directors have a great responsibility uh because this it’s not it’s not a media and it’s not a tool it’s a very very powerful and alchemical tool I want to say we’re talking about the alchemy of cinema too and there’s a whole an unconscious subliminal aspect in fact that’s when we watch a film and we are also immersed as you say in the room etc. it’s ultra powerful to convey messages and really well fortunately there are films like the here you are who send this kind of message who pass through this kind of inner experience which really comes to touch well both the human at the same time here is the spiritual aspect the reconnection with nature our also more historical aspect with here are these Cathar memories which are also so important to remember in these times and so really here I am I invite everyone to go see this film and besides could you tell us about so how can we go see your film on the internet there is a lot of information uh we also have a website which is dedicated in which we find the different screenings of the film well we are at the level screenings we did quite a few screenings in Occitania since the idea was really to have a program first anchored in here in this region there the film so there until I was going to say somewhere until the end at the beginning of July in any case there are a lot of screenings still in Occitania a few a little bit in the North we will say not even very very far in the North and a little bit and then after that it’s really in September October that really it’s going to restart everything across the entire territory we have a we voluntarily have a targeted programming so it’s not we’re not in an industrial programming we’re going to say cinema where you have to be in all the theaters during 3 weeks then uh it’s over thank you goodbye we’re not in this process there besides I have a lot of meetings I accompany the film a lot to be able to discuss around it because it’s also a space of ‘openness is also what cinema is, it’s also my commitment to carry this message and then to exchange with the public, that ‘s really fundamental, so I accompany a lot, it’s several months of permanent touring, uh, so there you go it will open and then we will start working on the other neighboring countries and then we hope across the Atlantic afterwards in the French-speaking countries yeah that would be great and so the site is www.reconciliation-lefilm.com so you have all the information on the upcoming screenings etc and more information I imagine also on the film and I perhaps also wanted to end by also talking about the last Cathar who was burned who he This is Guilhem de Belibaste who was burned in 1900 or in 1321 and therefore as I said it was a crusade and an inquisition which lasted 200 years and just before being burned he said this prophecy which became famous he said quite simply: "At the mark of 700 years the laurel will green again" and so the 700 year mark was precisely in 2021 and uh so it’s true that there were at that time I think there were quite a few junctions of timelines we’re going to say because I remember very well it was in August , I had a retreat with a group and it was a double anniversary since there were both the Templars eh so it was also August 1300 I I don’t know exactly how much the leader of the Templars, Jacques Demolay, was also burned, where he also somewhere he uttered a sort of prophecy, a sort of we will say in quotation marks, almost a curse too, since then the king and the pope died several times. months later and it really overlapped with the 700 years and there was really a synchronicity in relation to that since we were at the Puivert castle with my companion who is now my husband and he sat on one of the seats in the castle of Puivert and we were with a friend and this friend said ah well there is the Cathar sitting on his throne and it turns out that he was wearing a green polo shirt whose logo is a laurel and we immediately thought again of suddenly the laurel will green again and then we looked at the date it turns out that it was really the apparently exact date of the death of Guilhem de Belibaste so it was also a very beautiful very beautiful synchronicity and it’s true that it is a message which is extremely touching because what he ultimately wanted to tell us through this prophecy means that the Cathar spirit returns, that is to say this form of spirituality of wisdom and knowledge that they had is coming back in force and all the values ​​too I want to say Cathar so we were talking about freedom we were talking about sovereignty uh we were also talking about harmony at the societal level uh really that everyone is in their place of anchoring in the matter also therefore which is really found in all the strata of the society in a concrete way what would you like to say as a last message in relation to this prophecy this last Cathar prophecy? earlier we were talking about the notion of cycles I think that indeed cycles I think that when he says that he is he has his visions of cycles we know that there have been recurring cycles in history a period druidic it has periods which come regularly so it seems that we are this cycle it is a cycle and it is a period which invites us to no longer be afraid and in any case to be confident in not to be afraid of love not to be afraid to love each other not to be afraid to respect each other uh what is this vision of a shell that could hyper protect us open us to the world while remaining vigilant all the time but that’s the essence of sovereignty, being sovereign is being able to open up when necessary and protect oneself when necessary and so I hope that we can find whatever our vehicles are can we find these spheres of love of respect of protection of each other of solidarity uh it’s not overused words it’s really words which are which can be the foundations of a new society uh and so well let’s try to manifest them for that we must first perhaps do work on ourselves and so that’s what we are invited to do and that every day we work on ourselves to be able to welcome these beautiful values ​​which are not so easy to manifest in everyday life uh it’s a will that you have to have in your body and every day you have to try to say to yourself well what am I doing for the sake of ‘what am I doing, what can I do, so let’s hope that this can come true and that everyone can find their right place for go in this direction thank you very much in any case for this last message and thank you very much for sharing this with me too and once again I really encourage everyone to go see this film which is really a great move of heart and I think he will be able to speak to a lot of people so bring even people who are not necessarily spiritually connected etc. bring everyone really to see this film and you will see that a lot of things happen and in any case I wish this film a lot of success for the months to come, particularly perhaps also in the fall when it will really start and so thank you for being with us today to talk to us about the Cathars and your film and so see you soon thank you thank you thank you


    1. Salut👑les cathares on était assassinée par les satanique criminels QUi AVEZ les vimanas ( voir vimanas sur Google )
      Par les CANONS à énergie dirigée , neutrinos !
      Aucun d'eux ne CES jetée dans les flammes en chantant !!
      Je suis le Christ aux lièvre.
      Voir Rennes les bains et Rennes le château pour Christ aux lièvre !.

    2. Merci pour cette vidéo très intéressante.
      Oui, les Cathares voulaient installer un monde nouveau de Paix, d'Amour, de Solidarité, de bienveillance, tout comme les esséniens.
      Vivant dans l'Est de la France, je garde dans mes gênes la mémoire de ce peuple du Sud-Ouest.
      C'est ètrange, on peut retrouver dans la chaîne d'Olivier Victor et de bien d'autres, ce courant qui est en train de se mettre en place.

    3. Merci, merci…les esséniens, les cathares me montrent la voie depuis longtemps…en quête de vérité, d'amour, je les ai rencontrés sur mon chemin et depuis je me suis trouvée … j'accepte aujourd'hui d'être différente, voir rejetée par mon entourage parce que je sais qui je suis..et quel est mon but.
      Merci pour ce film, merci à vous deux pour ce partage..
      Ma rencontre avec le pays cathare a été déterminante..il y règne toujours l'énergie de ce peuple hors du commun…

    4. Peux t-on savoir si ils ont été réellement poursuivi par les templiers ? Apriori ça serait faux vu qu'ils ont vécu la même fin.

    5. Ça donne super envie d’aller voir votre film, un grand merci à tout les deux pour ce partage et toutes ces belles valeurs que vous véhiculez, ça mets de baume au cœur et ça résonne très fort aux miennes. Gratitude sincères. Namasté ✨❤️🙏❤️✨

    6. Nous ne devons pas la vérité a des criminels . J'ai été moi-même dans une situation de persécution .La vie doit être préservée. C'est ce qu'a fait Galilée.
      Les inquisiteurs étaient des personnes inacomplie. Pourquoi obéir à des personnes sans conscience .
      Certain juif en Espagne se convertissaient au catholicisme , pour avoir la paix .. et il allaient en cachette à la synagogue …

    7. En 1966 la télé avait un superbe film en 2 partie sur les Cathares !!! C'était l'époque où la télé cherchait à apporter de la culture, a élever le niveau, il n'y avait pas de pubs, pas de télé-poubelle, pas d'audimat…
      mais ça, c'était avant… à l'époque où l'école avait encore des cours d'histoire

    8. ❤❤❤wawouuu j'ai adoréeeee..une sincronicité encore une fois…je m'apprête à déménager à Montpellier…je ss passionnée par ce peuple des Cathares ! Merci notre Belle Isis pour cet échange erechissant avec Fredy…vous m'avez donné trop envie de visiter le Montsegur … bisouchats à tous les deux de Lyon…pour le moment 😉 😘

    9. Gratitude infinie pour ce partage 💖🙏
      Je suis actuellement en Bretagne, me demandant ou je vais habiter car changement de vie, je demande depuis un certain temps un signe et là suis inspirée par cette région que je connais pour y avoir été il y a fort longtemps 🙏 comme un appel irrésistible 😊et très marrant je viens de tomber sur une photo du château de Montségur 🎉 rhooooo j adore 🤩

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