Ben Whittaker is exactly what boxing needs. Enjoy the greatest moments of showboating and style in The Surgeons short career so far. The sky is the limit and he’s just getting started!

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    the work I’m putting in I’m destined to be a superstar Ben Whit Ben wh Ben Whit the man they call the surgeon that was medieval surgery he is Ben Whitaker no doubt he’s a talent look at the speed look at the Showmanship look at the dancing oh baby o some might say it’s uh exactly what boxing needs here is Ben wi oh he makes it look easy no I’ll make it look easy because I work so hard [Music] it’s an exciting time there’s massive expectations of him but it’s uh I think he he likes the expectations he likes the pressure he likes the hype and he’s showboating within 30 seconds of his debut Tash winding up his punches and O’Neal doesn’t know where they’re coming from Whitaker playing to the crowd and this is what we’re going to get with him the word Marite has been mentioned time and again in the buildup you’re going to love him you’re going to hate him you’re going to watch him slippery skills of whaka In and Out The razzled Dazzle well I think in the opening 3 minutes we’ve seen a bit of everything we’re going to get from Whitaker already look at this incredible stuff and it was a big to get his signature for Ben Shalom and he’s first on his feet at that punch from Whitaker is a sickener and a finisher at the start of the second round Ben is on the apron taking the ulation of the [Music] crowd there’s the showboating just looking out of the ring at people at ringside Grant is not going to be distracted by any of [Music] that whiter just hopping in on one foot there and I don’t think they’re really going to be able to control this the the training team this is how he’s going to choose to do things he’s just that kind of a character again whiter just engaging with somebody in the crowd here as we enter the final stages of the first round leading off with that right hand I think it’s Johnny you’s shouting nice one two there from Whitaker and then just steps [Music] off right hand to ready to go huge right hand from Whitaker who begins to danam as Grant gets back to his feet pretty quickly [Music] there oh and he’s stag it again here and down right at the very start of the Round Here Jordan Grant and in comes a tow from the corner and this fight is over WIA up on the corner post on the opposite side of the Ring good right hand to the body from R looks for it again there but bki just dropped that left elbow on it but the hands are quick here they’re nice and busy for Whitaker straight a little wiggle of the shoulders there from Whitaker any slight confidence allbe it possibly even false confidence that booki may have had has been knocked out of him already Lee left upper cut there from Whitaker rocked him onto his heels there bki and then he paused Whitaker to encourage the crowd at right hand lead and this is difficult for booki he’s got to try and ignore all of that and just stick to the T wh just looking out of the ring takes a walk up to his left hand side I think he feels he’s safe as a bell [Applause] goes just inching in with that front foot right hand to the body dips those knees throws the right hand to the body already in this round though he looks to me like he’s getting those feet just a little bit closer doubling up on the left hand to the body as instructed then turned it into a screw shot then a right hand down the middle that was meat and B A little bit of trouble here goes down in a heap and the referee does take up the count not really asking any questions of Ben Whit was just whether Ben can open him up good left hand there for Whitaker he’s letting his hands go now final few seconds he looked rocked there briefly bosi and whaka just mocking him slightly [Music] go a that’s a strong right hand there though that CAU him as he was coming forward and wh knows that he could be on for the Finish but he had a good three four seconds there left hand there for Whitaker and the referee has jumped [Music] in pair of them just swapping Jabs one two and then the left hook off the back of it so it’s a good start from [Music] [Applause] Ben this is Ben here he goes here he goes this is what you get from Ben Whitaker looking for that long right hand more Orthodox now again looking for that long right landed it didn’t have any great effect on dread ey now you can tell these guys have been in the ring together before you know you can feel the the familiarity throws a right hand and then just moves off to the right hand side you then something else man he something else Whitaker will be looking to do exactly that looking outside of the [Applause] Ring he’s got his man in trouble here and he needs to capitalize on it rather than speaking to people outside of the [Music] Ring oh sh left hand from wi and he is stretched out on his back here we here we go here we go oh oh and that’s all she wrote it was a great setup he walked onto it the show Bol in draw him in and there we go that was like Burger chips and a Coke they call that a three piece combo with some [Music] wings whitker is very he’s got great upper body mov great Lal movement he’s very he peripheral vision he’s very good reflexes he’s he’s not easy to catch [Music] clean you can’t even land you can’t catch them it’s very demoralizing well Whitaker is going to get hold off for that he stood up tall and he just slapped him on the top of the head really Whit’s antic so maybe just riing gravier up a little bit here he’s setting his feet and looking to let his hands go but that could suit Ben whiter possibly again he’s just kind of cing him here embarrassing him and he has had his own successes just obviously not enough that was a great body shot on wh and he felt that his hand struck immediately a graia in a little bit of trouble here backed up to the corner sinks down on to the bottom rope Ben Whitaker provides the Finish benj lum’s boxer has pulled Fraser Clark out of the pur bids for his ordered British heavyweight title fight against Fabio Wadley sicken devastated disappointed is this fight going to happen this fight is still definitely going to happen I’m going home on my belts and phas is going to be spart out on the floor talk is cheap I’m going to p get his sleep knocking him unconscious think be done in dusted in the first half of the fight it’s here it’s now all the Talking is done for


    1. he looks like twin to young Kobe Bryant, Black Mamba his face, his hair, his height and his movement. I think basketball player is good in boxing like Roy Jones. imagine michael jordan did boxing, he would be a good boxer and he can fight againts mayweather

    2. Fun to watch but, Sweet Pea Whittaker, was the true Master. Just watch how he clowned and then got robbed against Oscar Dela Hoya.

    3. Хочется смотреть и смотреть. У Насима Хамеда издевательский сарказм, а у него произвольный артистизм. ❤😊

    4. Смотреть на бои Бена, можно не отрываясь.для простых людей это шоу,для любителей бокса это удовольствие ,для профи,это боевой танец,свободный и выверенный.

    5. لست أرى الا الأمير اليمني الرائع نسيم حميد فخر العرب ❤ لك من الاردن كل الحب يا نسيم ❤

    6. It is clear that his rivals are well chosen and of not very good level so that he can show off, he will have to fight against a true champion to show if he is good.

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