We entered State Number 40!! Rhode Island is such a great place to spend time cycling or walking to explore its 400miles/650kms of Coastline. It’s a quaint little state with beautiful colonial homes. We certainly had a week of learning about the New England history when visiting Cape Cod and Plymouth, along with indulging in local fresh seafood.

    music: www.epidemicsound.com

    in 800 ft keep right to continue on I95 lower level North trans Manhattan [Music] expressway so we’ve decided we’re not going to visit New York this trip we are just on the outskirts going through and we are going to head straight to Rhode Island Brit and I were in New York for his 40th back in Jus 2014 well oh sorry 2012 so it’s a few years ago now so we both came here with a group of friends in head um an awesome time and then I came back here um in 2015 um to run the New York Marathon I love New York but um yeah thought we best pass through because there’s plenty of places we have not seen righty hiy we are on the East Bay Bike Path here in Rhode Island so it’s actually a gorgeous morning here in Rhode Island it is probably around about 12° at the moment so um nice fresh [Music] brisk where are we pry the pom ham rocks Lighthouse it is look how pretty that is wow that’s what it look like uh 1950 and 2012 this is it out here how beautiful is that an incessant fog horn installed in the 1900s was described as the greatest nuisance in the state until that was replaced by Bella 1903 so it must get real [Music] foggy so as we started out this morning we knew the rain was going to come that’s just our life at the moment but that’s okay we still had plenty of time to get out and do the [Music] cycle RH island is 48 M long by 37 m wide and um the whole state is 12200 square miles so that is why she is the smallest state in the USA and we’re back back to our coffee shop hopefully they make beautiful coffee see they are a Roasting Company because we need beans today for our morning coffee [Music] BR hands it’s coffee beans yay they have lots to choose from righty H let’s get back before it rains it’s looking a little bit gray we don’t have a uh bag to put our coffee beans got a little bit of a punch going on [Music] we’ve loved our time here in Rhode Island coming across from Virginia through to Maryland Delaware through Connecticut um New York before that that we just did a little bit of a side path on and um ending up here in Rhode Island has just been beautiful everything about it I love these little free libraries you see them everywhere but this would have to be the prettiest one I’ve seen with the uh flower box on top well hello there if you’ve come along and follow us Britain ra thanks for tuning in if you’re new we are Britain ra from New Zealand we talk on a short-term Dairy farming contract in Missouri and Oregon in 2020 we love the eventure so much we continue taking on short contracts in 2020 2021 and 2022 fast forward to 2023 we decided to buy a van which we have named John Van Joy John for short subscribe and come along and follow us on our Ventures around the [Music] USA we are already ready to go today on the Cape Cod rail trail so got the bikes out and um we’re just about to start today we are going to go where to Brit we’ll go as far as Brewster which um is about an hour and 10 minutes to Brewster and then we’ll turn around and come back then I’ll be really hungry yes [Music] when you walk in the street alone and nobody can hear you go oh are you happy don’t not know you feel you’re a freak when you get to KN o are you happy like a ghost in the night you’re living me with a [Music] goodbye I love that good breaks welcome to the cake rail trail you are here I think not we are somewhere around here in this area maybe so this is the rail trail that goes all the way up cool it actually is says it’s a 22m trail and um yeah so that’s what we’re attempting to do today and my rag Bret see what you nice nice yeah so that’s what we’re going to [Music] do when you walk in the street alone and nobody can hear you go are you happy right brick should be here any second there he is that’s a whole lot easier now it is e oh down who is Seymour Pond I think it is hi again and it is just lovely calm beautiful St some recording as well there he is so uh a bit of a debrief of the ride Brit what was your take on the cape card rail trail what we’ve done of it we only did 15 uh KS out mind you not uh the 25 miles um probably too many Road Crossings just to pain the ass yeah say a lot of traffic but it just seems to always be traffic at the Crossing there you go so uh it’s just a constant really this now is at the other side we’ve crossed over and now you’ll have to hear me are you happy you feel you’re a freak when you get to [Music] KN are you happy like a ghost in the night you’re living me without goodbye [Music] and we’re back at our little Johnny he is still here thank God you always do wonder sometimes when you go out for a while and then uh come back you hope he’s here but we do always try and park in a nice open area just and hope that that might uh deter anyone breaking into him but um so the trail 25 mil out 25 miles back so we did 15 km out 15 km back and it was yeah a really nice ride but there is quite a few tree roots that uh you sort of like J bars you could say on your bike trail it’s probably the easiest way to explain them um and then the other thing is we did 30 km how many Road Crossings Brett did we do 17 on the way back 34 34 Road Crossings over 30 km so as brute put it not the most relaxing ride because uh well it’s just not but still a very good ride would not be in my top 10 of uh cycling um Trails we’ve done here in the USA and saying that we’ve done an extensive list of cycling trails here um so yeah definitely wouldn’t be in my top 10 but we’re back and now it’s lunch time I probably should add um that it is a gorgeous ride um you are on path the whole entire time there are quite a few cyclists quite a few Walkers out there as well and you um a pretty muchly I would say 95% of the time under um a canopy of trees so gorgeous at the moment here at Springtime to our back of our van Brett sitting down on the job this is where the bikes go they both fit in here lucky I am 5’4 does help it does help that my bike of course is smaller uh Brett is 6’2 and A2 so his bike’s a lot bigger so his seat has to come with his and mine can stay on and as you can see both sets of handlebars just fit in here perfectly so this was not built for the purpose of these bikes we brought this van already kid it out so we are just very very lucky that uh everything just fits nicely in here um the front wheels come with both bikes to fit them in and they just sit in here like that so um all is good in the hood when you walk in the street alone and nobody can hear you [Music] go are you happy Brit’s just opened up the new coffee we got the other day and Ro Island oh if only you could smell it m milk chocolate nutty noua is it the tasting flavors Colombian coffee and it’s smooth yeah only a medium roast which I’d rather a dark but yes we have decided we have um we don’t like like the ones that have like a tasty notes of cherry even though I love Cherry but not in the coffee tasty notes but so this is what we got the other day and that was the beautiful little coffee shop we set it and they had the most oh decadent and divine it was glutenfree chocolate no chocolate carrot cake muffin um just beautiful I love carrot cake so yeah what I love I love carrot cake I do love carrot cake I love carrot cake we are on our way to Cape Cod right at the moment and we’re just in a place called Plymouth this is where the Mayflower came about 400 years ago so we thought we’d just pop in and read about a little bit of History see a bit of history and um yeah it’s as you can see my tire it is a cold day here on the coast um just windy quite a chilly wind coming off that water so we visited the Mayflower 2 which is a full scale replica of the shipped that carried the 102 men women and children along with the 30 crew members for the 10 weeks it took them to cross the Atlantic [Music] Ocean founded in 162 20 this Boulder marks the place we set as aboard that Mayflower are thought to have stepped ashore the town of Plymouth is a gorgeous small town so easy to explore all the historic sites by foot for anyone into history this town is a gold mine with all its churches houses and monuments we absolutely loved spending our time here beautiful other than the very cold weather that was happening [Music] this is what I woke up to I’ve got Mr Ed this little all head out there saying good morning another gorgeous Harvest host spot so quiet last night the are chickens roter didn’t hear them there are horses llamas or alpacas sorry little piggies Grace horses here there’s even one horse we met his name’s Salem Manny’s the biggest horse I’ve ever seen and um he was an old arish horse that used to pull the car thanks for joining us again this week we loved exploring Rhode Island by bike along the rail trail and by foot along the cliffwalk seeing the famous Mansions of Newport and just walk in all the streets and it was our 40th state to explore being on the coast has meant we have had a smallest bard of seafood every day in Cape Cod so Brett and I searching out clam chela and the local oysters so that’s a wrap from us so keep up to date with our adventures by subscribing until next time see you from me and Brit

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