In Part 2 we are driving from Millau to Benidorm, via the famous Millau Viaduct…! Then we’re headed South towards the Spanish border, skirting around Barcelona and finally aiming for Benidorm.

    Who will get the first, and can Geoff get there without too many fuel stops…?!

    EV vs ICE 1,300 mile EPIC Road Trip Challenge Full Video Series:

    Preparing my car for the road trip

    Buying a completely different car for the road trip

    Preparing the V70 R and some behind the scenes B Roll

    The drive to Dover and Showing MacMaster my Volvo V70 R

    PART 1… The big Video… Calais to Millau

    PART 2… The big video… Millau to Benidorm

    PART 3… Conclusions
    (coming soon)

    Selected outtakes from Benidorm…
    (coming soon)

    really yeah you’re just going to leave me I’m going to have a we I’m going to leave yeah you’re going to leave yeah if you leave me now you’ll get there three hours before me don’t buy an electric car see you in a bit see a bit see you Bor see this is the point right Le just said to me Jeff it’s going to take me 10 hours and I’m like yeah well that’s that’s the thing you know it might be slightly cheaper for you to get there but if you’re going to be that far behind me what’s the point anyway we’re off and was sat now we’re going to the vuck which is slightly out of our way um but not too much out the way and then benador another full day of driving I love it I am never happier than when I’m behind the wheel of a car and although this one uses a lot of fuel uh I do like it a lot it’s such a mile muncher it’s very comfortable it’s very happy at cruising speeds uh uh and everybody kind of reassured me in the comments yesterday 30 mes to the gallon it’s all right for a car like this you know it’s 150 mph car 147 um but um you know for a car that’s that capable and that big and at the end of the day I’ve got two paddle boards in here I’ve got two scooters in here I’ve got two skateboards in here and I’ve got all our stuff for a 10day holiday um and there’s space for four adults right need my SAT now I definitely didn’t forget which side of the road we meant to drive on did you notice I pulled out the hotel on the wrong side of the road yeah so did I regardless of how I drive as well if I drive fast I use more fuel but it takes me 5 minutes to fill up it’ll cost me more but I’ll get there sooner and again that’s where you have to go well what is what what’s the value here is the value in getting down there as cheaply as you can or is the value in getting down there at 5:00 having time to relax and then get some dinner instead of arriving at 9 10:00 and that that’s where you really have to wear this up as we discussed this morning I still think the big winner in all of this is the diesel car CU It’s the Best of Both Worlds it is it is shadow of a Down you do this in the diesel you got your range you got your price that’s it win diesel win every time yeah 100% right okay uh I’ll get off the phone and see what the satav is saying and um next stop vuck this is where I’ve got toll road anxiety cuz Lee can just go straight through mate that was a nightmare none of my payments would work are you through yeah I am now where are you shoulder okay where about what far from the toe Booth no not far just keep coming up and I’m you go ahead at me and I’ll just flash me I’ll go ahead you then you can take me that was so stressful neither of my bank cards would work and then my Apple pay failed as well but then so I called assist there’s people queuing up behind me but then it like miraculously went through on like the fifth attempt I was there for ages I wish I’d got my toll tags yeah it makes it a lot easier yeah well another wind are you are you far behind now I’m just coming over the crest of the the hill now you can see me minut that stressful ahead of you all right well the viu just come into view it does look impressive doesn’t it no I don’t think so did you pull in like to the lab just after the toll or are you further oh no I can see you I can see you right pull out go after the golf I’ll let you go ahead on okay yeah I see you I see you all right I’m going to come down and go next to you that was stressful that was I’m all I’m all like I’m all on high alert that was horrible got people people queuing up behind me and bbing their ons and everything it was nasty you’re you only got working have I yeah oh one of my fog lights has failed then never mind right I’ll turn them off there we go should be back should be back to two liks now oh that was stressful right anyway VI beautiful amazing let’s go [Music] that is epic I’m just recorded now what how cool is that it’s a very cool V isn’t it it’s not as long as I thought I thought it was going to be longer than that but it was pretty cool to be cruising across pretty cool to be cruising across the Vu next to you like that yeah that was worth it that was a top GE with that was fantastic it was driving the driving the me out viu in a v70r in Saffron uh yeah good experience that going to get next say for me right 893 km which is 943 3 minutes to go there well mine’s just re-rooting it saying uh 7 hours 57 for me you see an hour and 43 minutes over compared to you because I’ve got to charge and that is where the issue is you know it’s all very well doing it for cheaper um I just want to get there to be honest I’d pay another just to get there couple of hours earlier just to hang out to me with my M and relax yeah exactly and and I got to admit it was kind of I arrived yesterday early and I was like well it’s a bit pointless without Lee here so but then again if I’d waited then both of us would have got there at 9:00 and we both would have been naked so it’s it’s I actually I actually thought this morning I was going to basically cut up early at leave but I wanted to do that up together like that otherwise that’s what we the only thing that was messed from that VI was a third car filming us both but you can’t have it all can you no yeah there we go anyway I’m going to hit the road and I’ll see you in man probably about 10:00 so the next instruction I’ve got is 65 miles away so I’m guessing we’re going to stay together now for about 100 miles cuz I don’t need a Wei I don’t need any food and I don’t need any fuel for 150 Mi so yeah I’m guessing we’re going to be uh level pegging for a little while now for the first time in any of these trips to be fair yeah to be honest it’s done a lot easier using the the POR we figured that one out and I reckon T of USS now I reckon I challenge you a game to CH to this time using por Supply navigation system and charging system all right let’s do it and I will use my beloved Volvo 850 diesel can you not use that one well again like I’ve said it so many times on video the reason I chose this car is because the last few challenges we’ve done based on the cost price in the UK I could have used pretty much any car so long as it gets above 28 m per gallon but those numbers are completely different in Europe that’s crazy I don’t know anyway award’s onwards indeed right miles and miles and miles together now I reckon cool see you in a bit I think we got ourselves a convoy we are driving down through some beautiful scenery I wasn’t very far ahead of Lee anyway we’re both observing the speed limit so I thought you know what I’ll just sit tight for a couple minutes and wait for him and then we can film capture both cars cuz it’s not actually very often on these trips that we do get to capture both cars the scenery is absolutely stunning when I put the full edit together you’ll see all of this uh it’s been a good day so far we’ve done the V duct uh plenty more still to do 500 Miles still to go I’ve got 200 miles left in the tank before I need to fill up again and if I slow down a little bit that number will keep coming up I know Le’s got roughly about the same so very much level pegging today had a disastrous experience at the toll booth which really stressed me out um and got to me and I was all all sweaty and nervous cuz I I I I just knew that my um The One bank card is now empty and I only had the other one that was working and I just thought if I’ve got you know what it’s like when you got to move money between your bank accounts on your phone it’s like well that’s all well and good but not when you’re at a toll booth with other people waiting and I was like this is not the day for this to happen so that was just really stressful and I wish I had my toll tags but I don’t and that’s all part of the adventure running down through this Valley it is stunning I got that I mean I’ve said this before the Porsche tyan is a good-looking car uh I don’t mind um staring at Lee’s rear end for hours on end um and I think the Volvo is probably well if it’s not an attractive car it’s at least an interesting car to look at um so you know we’ve given given Lee an interesting vehicle to uh to document for the trip primiera love it absolutely love it this is beautiful I’ve done I’ve done this bit before this is the run on down towards the Spanish border now and then from the Spanish border you’re on the Main auto route that hugs the coast all the way after Barcelona it pretty much hugs the coast all the way to benador that’s going to be a nice part of the drive it’s a nice conclusion and it’s a nice day too so yeah very much enjoying life at the moment speed limit is 110 I’m doing I’m doing 100 actually so I’m slightly beneath the speed limit um let’s engage the cruise control I’m engage the cruise control at 110 there we go just beneath 70 M an hour yeah today is a good day [Music] [Music] right cruising along in my v70r with my sunroof open and many of you know that I was DJ at the school disco on Friday lots of the little girls were requesting Taylor Swift and for some reason I’ve woken up this morning with Taylor Swift in my head so guess what I’m listening to today yes I am admitting on YouTube in front of 120,000 subscribers that are driving along in a 250 horsepower car listening to Taylor Swift apparently I don’t know any of the words to a Love Story by Taylor Swift but you can pretty much make it up as you go along so long as someone sat around waiting and there’s a wedding ring and there’s a telephone and there’s a wedding dress and it all ends up happy you can sing whatever you want great song just admitted that on YouTube tell you what I’m really like that Ford Focus up ahead because it’s got the rubber bumpers on each side and it’s kind of done up a little bit like see he’s got the rubber arches so it’s slightly higher and I really don’t know why slightly lifted more practical estate cars haven’t taken off the Volvo V70 XC which was this shape was one of the first and it was such a great looking car with big rubber bumpers and big rubber wheel arches and that makes so much more sense because you don’t have to worry about knocking your cars on things you know or driving past bushes or doing stuff that you’re actually use a car for I really think like a practical station wagon estate car is is the way to go especially if it’s got rubber bits on it so you don’t have to worry about it so much y I appreciate the Ford Focus so we are 270 mil sorry so we are 275 km from Barcelona which according to my Speedo is about what 170 180 mil something like that uh once we hit Barcelona we then pick up the coast route and then it’s the coastal auto route all the way down to benador so a relatively easy run today there’s more traffic cuz it’s a Monday the lorries are on the road but all is well in the Volvo all is well in the tyan which is behind me uh I’ve got 140 Mi of range left at which point I will then stop and put in a full tank of petroleum Lee has roughly the same amount of range in his car well he doesn’t he’s got about 80 miles left until he needs to charge but that’s the point that I’ll be looking to fill up anyway so we’ve ended up staying together for most of this morning neither are driving particularly fast we both sticking to the speed limit we’re both engaging cruise control it’s quite nice cruising along with my mate in my rearview mirror or indeed in front of me cuz we’re kind of chopping and changing as of how the traffic flows so all good however I am still going to get to benador significantly before Lee and um you know although it’s cost me more how much is time worth I’m I’m going to keep saying this because um that’s uh that’s the way it is isn’t it but we shall see how we go tyan looking good Volvo looking good not too many complaints uh just under 500 mil remaining mm is your bladder bursting bursting but also just recording this we need to take because those bursts of acceleration that I’ve done means that I’m going to be very low on battery when I get to the charge point now so I’m taking it easy I’m sure you are with your running off fuse cuz I’m looking up thinking yeah may he of a new burst of acceleration I’m not going to make it to the charging point so I need to take the time now yeah well my I’ve got 80 M range now and uh my fuel light’s going to be coming on in about 30 minutes my gauge is extremely low so yeah I’m uh I’m quite happy to sit slightly slower while we get to this petrol station really slow now just in the nor at this speed just chilling along control got 55 km 35 minutes hopefully my Char will last and won’t burst yeah Dale I’m absolutely uh ready for a Wii as well so yeah we we we’re in syn today aren’t we you know you know [Music] like to the left Castle on the left this is amazing this is a really beautiful run now as we work our way down to Barcelona you sort of come down from on high we’re at a fairly decent altitude at the minute so this Road’s just going to get better and better until we get into Spain and then from memory the the Border bit through Spain is fantastic because you’re coming down from height you’re in the mountains um pretty sure this is going to get really Scenic as we push ahead today wow this is great but I’ll tell you what what fantastic way to do it now there is something to be said about flying but you miss all this you don’t see it yeah it’s flying’s very different thing isn’t it I don’t think you I don’t think you fully appreciate the terrain when you when you fly either do you you don’t and I’ve got to said by the way although we some disappearing from each other the next not there’s something to be said about the C boy I like it yeah it’s good fun is it I think maybe at some point we need to um yeah oh we should see what other YouTubers that we actually like and get along with are up for doing some form of Convoy thing cuz yeah it’s it’s more fun is it when you’re all together it is we just need a bagette we need a bagette if we don’t have a bagette in front bail right bail I I I can taste it I can taste the baguette that I want I I can picture it I know exactly what it looks like I’m ready I’m ready right I shall see you at the service station I’ll tell you what we’re going to do when we get to the services yeah you’re going to PL my car in like to charge that that’s quite a funny idea yeah all right yeah we do that €14 later but it is now pretty much full so that should be the last one on the way down to bernor that should be my last fill um he is now I can see him getting onto an ionity subsidized by Porsche and this is the thing right even though it’s been cheap F Lee to get down to benador all of his charging has been subsidized and someone’s paying for that and it must be is it Porsche or is it taxpayers and if it’s taxpayers then you’re paying for Lee’s trip I mean I know there’s questions about how taxpayers fund the EV movement via the company car think but um yeah ridiculous isn’t it UK government subsidizing people weren’t they paying thousands of pounds to Tesla is it working we don’t know tell you what we’re going to get you to do it what have I got oh have I got to do it yeah I’ll get your camera look what we’ll do is we’ll set my camera we can double Vlog here quite easily ready right so right okay all right what do I have to do what you got to do is first of all you got to get you need my charging card but don’t show it on camera cuz it’ll do it right you pass me your camera yeah right okay I need you to get that that pump there pump charged thing plug right pull that pull that over there right that’s it try not to capture my paint workor oh okay there yeah then you got to undo that right right pull down that flap yeah shove that in shove it in okay right that’s it rest that neatly along the body work there like that he’s doing it he’s doing it right okay now what now what you got to do is put the card okay you’re going to put the card onto the thing itself there no the other way around yeah like that that’s it can you get it in English Connection okay can you get it in English uh English okay press start start Mobility contract direct payment are you on Direct payment yeah that’s it pull away take the card away now put it on again okay right what’s it saying pring to charge my my wrist is buzzing my wrist is buzzing setting up communication you can can remove the card but don’t show the camera right hard off to charge okay 59 Kow this one 59 p kilowatt ah it isn’t though for me oh right okay got you so it’s subsidized for you it is yeah who’s subsidizing that am I paying for that you’re probably paying for that yeah right is it charging yet still preparing preparing this is where your stomach turns is it going to work or not % is it charging % okay is this a fast one or is this a slow one no this just a faster one so it should get 177% that’s cuz it’s red what’s in your battery now yeah it’s reading all the stuff 240 Kow it’s going up is that what we got 240 Kow 249 18% okay now come to the car to the car open up the door right and then what do need to do that I don’t know then on the middle bit there you should be able to see it’s charging it’s green yeah it’s green how fast is it going up uh 249 Kow it’s at 19% okay 76 km 77 km yeah 20% see how fast that’s charging it’s quite fast yeah it’s pretty cool cool cool um it might have already preconditioned the battery to be fair cuz it was getting ready to get to the next place yeah yeah how do you feel about that was it easier just put in and fill it with fuel well yeah but it cost me €14 right well this is probably going to cost me 20 odd yeah cheaper do you want any camera back going to go for a we then I’m going to go we need a baguette I’m not ready to eat you’re not ready to eat I don’t really I don’t really midday eat when I’m driving really yeah you’re just going to leave me I’m going to have a we I’m going to leave yeah you’re going to leave yeah if you leave me now you’ll get there 3 hours before me o don’t buy an electric car um yeah so basically I’m I’m going to get going right cool right see in a bit he’s going to leave me SM he’s going to leave me I’m going to go and get a baget I’m get I’m yeah you’ve got 80% time so uh see you in a bit see you in a bit see you in benador bye helicopters so uh I’ve just walked off with Lee’s charging card which would have been have been a bit Top Gear that wouldn’t it that would have been a bit Top Gear I know yeah right there you go military helicopters hey cafeteria yeah just filming these [Music] helicopters weird lines in the sky even down here very odd Skies that we’ve driven through right let’s get going so I’ve just put in 450 miles and Le’s just putting the maximum of about 250 that means even if his car is charging fast and it’s going to take him 20 minutes now he’s got to do another 20 minutes later on so that means he’s at at the at best 40 minutes behind me and once I’ve had a Wei I’m off so that is the essentially the end of day two in terms of the challenge point of view um there’s still a lot that can go wrong we’ve still got quite a lot of miles to cover but yeah pretty confident I’ve massively enjoyed my Volvo check that I have actually locked it yeah so um I don’t need to buy anything I don’t need any food I’ve got water in the car I don’t need any coffee so I’ll just get going now okay so I don’t need to drive at break neck speed down to benador I’m already 3 and a half hours ahead which is banked from yesterday so all I’ve got to do is get there um maybe if I sit at 70 mil hour instead of the speeds that I was doing yesterday we can eat some more economy out of my v70r so let’s do that would have been funny if um if I had taken his charging card wouldn’t it what would he have done you would have had to I should have done it Bugger I wish I’d done that kind of wouldn’t be fair to totally sabotage lay there we tell you what I’m going to do I’m going to reset my fuel economy so so so far I’ve done 939 mil and it has averaged 31.1 what I’m going to do is I’m going to drive the rest of the way without doing the stupid bits of acceleration and highs speeded bits that I did yesterday and just see what the old girl can do see if I can claw back some of the spend on the petrol cuz I know that LE just put in a slightly more expensive electric fill so let’s cheat a little bit let’s wait for a downhill section then I’ll reset my miles per gallon and let’s see if we can get closer to like 35 36 out of it 36 would be an absolute win for this car wouldn’t it heading into Spain now let’s get some distance covered we’re in Spain we just passed from France into Spain I am in Spain hola hola here we are cool now we got a big run down the mountain I absolutely heated by resetting my fuel economy at that point cuz my average right now is saying 49.7 m to the gallon very good for all 52.6 I love it when you cheat and reset your fuel economy just as you’re coming into like a long downhill coasting section 58.4 MP gallon from a v70r 61.3 is just going to keep going up now oh dear y oh well I can have a little bit of fun with cheating can’t I that says my ranges 400 35 mil to this tank and I’ve got less than 435 M to do oh someone wants to come past in AIA let’s get out of their [Music] way uh you just reached Spain have you you got to have your spizzy water adds a bit of zest to it I love a bit of sparkling water I do I am a sparkling water kind of guy I am I care what my elest daughter says it’s awful right it’s great it’s the only way to go water spark in hang on though cuz I always think this when we have sparkling water right our road tax is based on the co 2 emissions so what if they just stopped putting CO2 in drinks cuz where do they get the CO2 from that goes in drinks they got to get it from somewhere and then the like the fizzy drinks industry is huge so how about instead of charging us a fortune to drive our cars we just cut the fizzy drinks industry in half cuz it’s all full of sugar and it’s all bad for you anyway so it would protect People’s Health and it would do stuff for the CO2 thing which I mean that that’s an argument in all itself CU you know CO2 is the food is the gas of life and if you have more CO2 you have more plants you’re not allowed to say that well you can take away that sugar but you’ll never take your of fizzy water yeah I’m okay with that shut down all of the fizzy drinks industry apart from sparkling water yeah keep the sparkling water and then we’re all good hang on but that would sort out the plastic problem as well cuz most of plastic is being produced by the fizzy drinks industry so cut the busy drinks industry in half and you cut the plastic in half I’m full a good ideas when I’m on a road trip there’s no need to have a plastic botle for a drink right because t a better taste better a 10 a 10 you mean a can you sound like you’re from like 1943 with your 10 of di you 10 be SP time in America we do apologize all right I’ve got you um hey it’s getting hot isn’t it and my aircon don’t work and I’m wearing [Music] jeans 25° that’s exactly what I’m going to do in a minute I’m going to try and take my trousers off do while you’re D it might end up of Street where John cand get oh hilarious but if I do do it while I’m driving I’ll film it and then I then I finally got a video I can put up for my members only on YouTube Members Only You Can you exactly yeah only jeffly do you know what I think as well though I think driving under bright sunny skies like we’re under today is more tiring than the skies we had yesterday cuz it was changeable and gray and the weather kept changing I think that kept the tiess of B whereas today it does feel like a long route it’s just it’s a lot easier over it everything is just better everything is better I I I say let’s join the EU again uh I wouldn’t I wouldn’t be against it I don’t think I mean like I said I’ve not seen a single benefit of us leaving and when it comes to legislation and everything the EU still has far too much of a say in what the British do anyway so what what what was it all for I maybe it was all I think it was probably all just smoke and mirrors maybe it was just all another distraction cuz nothing’s changed do it it’s just everything’s got a bit [Music] worse Chang the fact when you get off a plane now to get into the era you’re still in a press B you uh and it’s an absolute but I have to tell you this right now you can disagree with me to get to Spain you stood in a massive queue now where they treat you like garbage and you got to St cuz you’re an outcast now I know you but we got another th be sure our P very Qui clear hand but we’ve not had an issue since Ah that’s actually a very good point yeah cuz when you arrive on an airport you have to stand in the queue to indicate that you’re from a third world country and everything takes forever but on a ferry we were straight through it was easy that’s cuz I i’ I’d explained that I was with a famous YouTuber there was a famous food reviewer behind me and he needed to pass through quickly he needed he needed Swift passes right I’m going to crack on then what’s your ETA ETA says 838 838 oh that’s not too bad there’s an hour and a half behind me yeah 838 you’re you’re not going to stop at all no I I don’t really see the need unless I need to have a Wii um but no I just want to get there and again like that’s the benefit of the petrol car in it I don’t need to stop so I shouldn’t stop yeah well I mean I thought you stop for about 40 minutes would you would you like me to would you like me to stop for about 40 minutes did you know what as I drive away from that service station I was kicking myself I should have taken your bloody charging card with me oh that would have been hilarious that means I would to P I really wish I’d done it now I really wish I’d taking your card but it got about another qu all the people in the all the people watching now are yeah they’re they’re they’re attacking me for not taking my opportunity to sabotage the EV going get a load of plastic balls and fill your car with it awesome love it all right so I’ll see you about half eight I’ll get down there see if I can sort us out a hotel oh I’m going BL bridge bridge uh yeah can’t remember whereabouts that one was I’ve been under a few Bridges but yeah I am going to have to stop cuz I’m going to have to take my trousers off all right I’ll youat all right see you in a bit [Music] bye well the cost of being alive seems to be going up and up and up yeah which is again slightly concerning is it um the general costs of stuff is getting wild I had a pizza last night and a oranger and that was €20 that seems like a lot [Music] of no so I’m just quite looking forward to getting down there now um you know I mean got the last four short on get my shorts on I tell you what I’m sweating out at the minute it’s very warm how have you found in that car uh great it’s got a slight pull to the right which is annoying I should have had the tracking done before I left but the tracking was the tracking was in the history of the car so I just presumed it would be fine but it didn’t really make itself apparent until I got on bigger roads um the car’s great it’s been lovely comfortable plenty of power um but I just find myself missing my diesel because the Diesel’s got plenty of torque which is what you need on a Motorway you you need to be able to accelerate out and away from people you know you need to be able to accelerate up hills and the Diesels do that perfectly well so I haven’t needed the acceleration that this car provides I haven’t needed the top speed that this car provides so it’s just an expensive version of the car that I know and love which is a 50 or V70 estate comfortable I tell you what the stereo though it’s got um an expensive Dolby Pro logic surround system in it that’s one of the best cast areas I’ve experienced so that’s been nice you’re nice so what you need really in respect to what you’re doing yeah exactly and all the doors open and the sun roof opens which immediately puts it above the green one um would have been a pain doing it without sun roof I’ve enjoyed having a sun roof I like a sun roof if you engaged if you wait for a long stretch of road and then engage your cruise control sat behind a lry it is possible to remove your trousers while driving your car I tell you what when Tesla sort out when Tesla sought out their autopilot there’s no end of possibilities for what you can do in a car you know what that’s a good idea that is why they invented all aut pilot I think it must be I can’t think of any other reason that I’d want autopilot other than to get [Music] undressed that’s absolutely wild what a sky looks just like the one in Twister [Music] well we didn’t have to deal with this in France I didn’t film it either but the guy in the truck on the left pulled out as it was coming to him I just slam the brakes on first time I’m about to deal with this right come on let’s get through on the plus side fuel economy saying 50 to the gallon while I sit behind this guy go on over you go there we go oh it’s a pors lari it’s Porsche Motorsport customer racing Lee told them to do that Lee told him to pull out and Slow Me Down [Applause] [Music] right my maps is telling me there’s been an accident up ahead uh I’m now crawling in traffic it says it’s only a 10-minute delay but I suspect it’s going to be longer I know Engish Lee is quite a way behind me and that might mean that he’ll miss all this it might be cleared by the time Lee comes through so it remains to be seeing this is not going to help my fuel economy um I’ve got 150 mil to get to benador when I’ve got 205 mil range so I could really do without this sapping much of my petrol cuz I really don’t want to have to stop and put in more fuel and therefore more money so fingers cross CR that we clear this traffic relatively quickly and of course let’s hope everyone’s all right yeah we’re going down to one lane that seems to be the problem going jump into the Lorry [Music] Lane what is going on here well they’ve got a crane out there’s police there’s a Lor gone off the side I think a Lor’s gone off the side that means what is that all about I can’t even tell what’s happened there yeah Lor’s gone over looks to me like a Lor’s gone through the barrier and they’re clearing up all the mess I think that’ll still be there when Lee goes through there cool car coming up here look Jeep Cherokee Turbo diesel as well yep L that a [Music] lot uh lee is having problems Char him um he’s been to one and it didn’t work so have to find another one now which means I’m not going to get there about half 9 qu to he’s a long way behind me but the problem I’ve had is the Final Approach to benador I’m now how many miles out am I I’m now 13 mil out got my hat on the wrong way around but all of the final approaches uphill I’m going to I’m going to arrive in benador around about 7:00 I am going to be on F [Music] H right I have now begun The Descent into benador yes I know I’m not on a plane but the last stretch is one big long climb before you get to the downhill section my car was eating range like anything I could not get the fuel economy above about 20 for miles and miles and miles I was genu concern I’m going to be pulling into benador on absolute fumes as it stands right now I have 60 M left in the tank 10 m left to do so I should be arriving at my destination with 50 m left fuel consumption on this car has been shocking but it’s a performance car so what did you expect um what did I expect what was I thinking I hear you say Lee is uh 120 miles behind me he’s having problems charging he was directed to buy his car he directed buy his car to a charger that wasn’t functioning now he’s scrabbling around with 100 km range trying to find a charger and he reckons he’s not going to get in until qu to 10 uh I’m going to get in at 7:00 I should have plenty of time to have a swim have a shower have a cup of beers I might even have a bike to eat cuz I’m not eating yet today I haven’t felt the need to eat I don’t feel the need to eat when I’m doing these big Journeys so all is looking good and in 14 minutes all should be looking even better Ben we have made it I am here I’m about 10 mil from my hotel Boo’s been sweet oh yeah I just driven 401 miles without stopping and it felt great I loved every minute of it and I could drive further but I do now I need a we so yeah if the question is how many miles can you drive without stopping the answer is 400 cuz I just did it actually did slightly more than 400 cuz can’t remember where I reset the trip uh but there we go 400 right I’m going to listen to my favorite chical house mix as I film The Ride into benador uh the music that you’re listening to sadly is not my favorite tropical house mix because of a copyright issue but here’s some cool music anyway m [Music] stop the clock stop the clock I’m here 6:00 I made it 6 o00 right let me get my trousers on genuinely just drove about 400 miles with no trousers on but I have just driven 1,336 Mi with no shoes on Barefoot the entire way right let’s get the car in a position for a photo well I get my trousers on oh yes we’ve made it we are here first here obviously always going to be first here but even though it’s a bit of a hollow Victory still kind of feels good oh the fuel Li has just come on the fuel ligh has just come on right let’s get a picture made it stop the clock 6:00 here we are benador hey would you like to buy it I’ll sell it it’s just one a race against an electric car all the way down from I mean I’ve spent a little bit of money on petrol but he’s hours behind me good looking car is it beautiful yeah they are they’re quite special cars doing a YouTube video yeah yeah yeah hello W there we go buy this Volvo cuz of the one ofest car in the world they are yeah everybody loves this Volvo yeah I’ll see you in a bit Yeah Yeah have a look there we go look just pulled up and somebody already wants to buy the car so Le just found me he’s having a right nightmare charging he couldn’t get charged he’s gone to a Chargers out use it wouldn’t take his card and now he’s got a Tesla owner who’s trying to help him get charged he’s not going to be here for hours and hours and hours and I’m already here having loads of fun I’m R escate board for a little while though so interesting to see her fall off honestly people get all excited about longboards and electric skateboards what you need is a three-wheeler see uh it’s the only three wheeler that I’m interested in anyway right I’m going to get off my phone cuz I’m going to fall off skate all the way back down to the front and then get in the sea I’m loving it bad news a you got to see my ugly mug now but Lee’s still trying to charge I’m going to go in the sea and I’m going to have a beer so uh leave him to it with his electric car I spent a little bit more money getting down here but uh who’s in the sea well not me yet but I will be in a [Applause] minute wo yeah I could have got down here quite a lot cheaper but I also could have got down here faster I think the way to do it is do it in a diesel car that you know does 45 mil to the gallon even if you’re driving at 90 M an hour and then just smash it that gives you the best of both worlds 31 32 mes per gallon it’s not enough at €2 a liter it’s just not it’s too expensive unless you got loads of money or you absolutely love the car the thing is with the v70r is it does everything my TDI does except it does the acceleration and the top speed a little bit faster but once you’ve done the acceleration and once you found out your top speed what’s the point then you might as well be in a diesel and that’s a little bit like the way the modern petrol hybrids work they’ve got all the performance but then they can shut down a cylinder or they can run on electric like I get it but just give me a good turbo diesel lump and day of the week and I’ll take that right I’m pretty sure you don’t want to be staring at my bald head for any longer than you already have so let’s get out of here and go back to the hotel and have a beer or two and we’ll go sit and wait for Lee that sound good to you sounds good to me if you’re wondering I had my wi while I was talking to you 8 now or France is now ahead hour ahead my watch says qu 8 it’s actually qu 9 so still no sign of him 10:00 now also it’s raining what’s with that why is it raining the weather can’t predict the weather anywhere anywhere anymore can you like any month any country take your pick spin the wheel you never know what weather you’re going to get it’s actually raining benador in miday who knew right check this out Lee is actually checking in before me but that’s cuz I’ve been down to the Sea I’ve had some calamari I’ve had a few beers I’ve been for a walk I’ve been for a skateboard and here he is the macm to park you finally arrived I got here and it’s charging downstairs 10:00 I know well let’s get the car parked and let’s get out yeah yeah haven’t checked in yet can you come with me in the car yeah good get me around where where’s the charger downstairs I’ve got to pay to park and yeah so downstairs I left my park down the road be right I’m not leaving yeah 120 Grand car in the middle of an hour yeah with my number plat on it that people know that’s true I have haters you know it’s a long journey yeah I need beer this lady is very nice though she very helpful cool right let’s do it ah electric charging point but am I going to fit I’m not going to fit in that am I where is it it’s there is that it I’m not going to get in there how am I going to get in there uh drive drive drive back by the way ladies and gentlemen Le has arrived it’s 10 10 um I’ll jump out and you want me to see you you got all your sensors and stuff aren you yeah side of that thing there was going to be a bit tight there we go let me jump out how we doing there I’m going to film you going through in this so Lee is at the hotel the hotel offers electric car charging and the electric car charging Bay is rather narrow it’s here look so he’s got to get in there he can get through there surely his quite s where’s he going swing it round swing it around oh easy look easy get a bus through there so now leak and charge at the hotel he paying € 11 for his parking space whereas I’ve parked for free on the road and then he’s got to pay 49 cents per kilowatt it’s a chargers car but the car is safe and secure in the underground car park there’s other electric cars over here look yeah there’s electric cars charging over here so what time did I get here I got here at 7:00 and they got here at 10:00 so 3 hours again so 6 and 1/2 hours behind me overall from Cal to benador I don’t think that’s too bad it’s that’s better than John gr yeah there’s a there’s a full row of electric cars up there I think that’s I have to tell it to switch it on otherwise there’s no other charges is there that’s no that is it yeah that’s it right hey you lucky there’s no other electric cars here yeah I know I don’t think there’s going to be many electric cars coming down here to be fair so right all right Hotel be oh hang on oh no it’s not it knows that it’s plugged in knows it’s plugged in but it ain’t doing it yet the other thing is Lee couldn’t have climbed over his center console whereas I could just hop into my passenger seat to do toll payment you ain’t climbing over that are you that’s that’s virtually impossible especially for a man of your stature man of my stature is never climbing over that well you’re probably expecting a proper conclusion on that video and I was two but it turns out we forgot to film one so you’re going to have to wait for the um summing up debrief video that we did in a little cafe the day after and that should be uploaded after this video has gone up online I hope you enjoyed this uh series the part one and part two do let me know which bits you like um which bits you didn’t like what we should do again give us some suggestions for what we should do next and um real and more serious videos about all the dark stuff that’s going on in the world you know the normal Jeff stuff I guess we’ll be resuming soon but it’s been really nice to take a break from all the grimness that’s going on in the world just to do something stupid like drive two car well basically hang out with a mate of mine and then drive two cars down to the bottom of Spain so thank you very much for watching make sure you click like make sure you click subscribe do leave a comment and uh the next video summing up all the costs and all the times will be coming up tomorrow thank you very much


    1. You live in the countryside
      So surely you should do your next challenge using either Home Made Biodiesel using oil from local takeaways, or using Red Diesel.
      Lee could never win on costs then. 🤣

    2. Love the video,have driven as far as Tarragona with a coach load of passengers, I think you should have a meet up so we could all drive in convoy maybe for a charity?

    3. Thanks guys, highly entertaining!

      Diesel is still the way to go, my wife’s 2003 diesel Micra still does over 76mpg after 160k miles! Brilliant little car, love it to bits. ❤

    4. 30mpg. In an old Volvo. !! I have a new XC60 T8 Polestar Engineered…. and I can't do better than that. Cos… once I have used up the electric, I'm lugging a load of batteries and electric motors around.

    5. Absolutely fantastic viewing. Better than Hot Hear whatever it was known as. Good on both of you for doing this, & other trips. Love them gents. All the best.

    6. Geoff , my girlfriend is Swedish and she studied Latin, she told me today the name Volvo comes from Latin Translated from Latin, the word “volvere” means “to roll.” After conjugation, the term “volvo” has a literal meaning – “I roll.” Apologies if you knew already 😊

    7. 46:20 Rather you than me. People don't realise the Mediterranean is arguably the most polluted sea in the world.
      650 million tonnes of sewage, 129,000 tonnes of oil, 60,000 tonnes of mercury, 3,800 tonnes of lead and 36,000 tonnes of phosphate pumped into it every single year. The North Sea is cleaner.

    8. The driver of the Taycan will arrive more refreshed largely due to lack of vibration. 440 miles door to door and the EV did it exactly the same time as before in a hatch. Twenty eight minutes split into 20 minutes and 8 minutes price difference was £98 in fuel for the return trip.

    9. Millau Viaduct fun facts.

      1) The bridge was built under the French equivalent of a PFI contract

      2) The company that built it is allowed to collect tolls for 100 years, or until they've made a certain amount of profit (whichever comes first). After that, it reverts to public ownership.

      3) The bridge opened about 6 months early. Any tolls collected ahead of the official scheduled opening date didn't count towards point 2.

      4) You can very nearly fit the Eiffel Tower underneath it.

      5) The temporary visitors centre had to be replaced with a permanent facility, so many visitors wanted to see it.

      6) Having built the Millau viaduct over the Tarn river, they then had to build another road and bridge over the same river in the same place. This became necessary because so many people visiting the visitor centre wanted to take a photo from the foot of the tallest tower on the other side of the river that the route from the visitor centre became very congested. So, they built a road down the side of the valley and a new road bridge just for the visitor traffic.

      7) The impact of the bridge on the town of Millau has been fantastic. Previously, it was a town with a traffic jam. Now, it's a nice place to be.

      8) The viaduct is in the region of France where they'd burn down McDonalds burger outlets.

    10. If you do John o groats to lands end again you should use my car, I'll swap you for a bit. I drive a 2007 Seat Leon FR 170 at 70 on the motorway I average 55mpg I get about 650 miles out of a tank driving conservatively. Still got to do the lap of Ireland I suggested, there's lots of good food places for Lee and lots of historical places of interest and don't forget to kiss the Blarney Stone

    11. I've watched both channels and have come to the conclusion that one of you is the biggest whinging Pom on YT and the other would fit in perfectly Down Under as a natural Aussie. 😂😂🇦🇺🦘🪃🇦🇺🦘🪃

    12. Us Americans absolutely do not ever refer to cans of soda as a tin of soda. Lee needs to stop always blaming his errors from his time spent in America.. just get your verbiage right

    13. Grab a manual transmission base engine, 3rd gen Mazda 3. It'll get 40+ miles per gallon. Youll get there even cheaper since you'll be paying petrol and not diesel prices at the pump.

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