#cycling #ultraendurance #longdistancecycling #cyclist
    Join me on the first leg of my epic journey as I embark on the Gapped Ultra 600km ride! After a year-long hiatus from long-distance cycling and without any specific training, I’m diving headfirst into this challenging adventure. Starting from Leyton in east London, our route takes us through picturesque landscapes and bustling cities, all the way to Birmingham on day one.

    This marks my return to the saddle after a year, and I’m excited to share every twist and turn of this multi-day ride with you. From the adrenaline rush of the starting line to the breathtaking scenery along the way, this video captures the essence of the Gapped Ultra experience.

    Stay tuned for the upcoming episodes as we tackle the remaining legs of this incredible journey, passing through Stoke-on-Trent and back to Birmingham on day two, before heading back to east London on the final stretch. Don’t miss out on the adventure – hit that subscribe button and join me on this unforgettable cycling expedition!

    For more information about Gapped and Brothers on Bikes please visit the websites below:

    Strava: https://www.strava.com/activities/11333098361

    Please remember to click SUBSCRIBE to support the channel if you would like to continue to see future content and hit the LIKE button if you are enjoying what you are watching, this really helps me know what content to produce going forward.

    you’re right you okay [Music] a [Music] [Music] asalam alikum and hello everyone Punjabi cyclist here it’s been a while since I’ve done a video I don’t want to bore you guys with the details too many things happening in the background but alhamdulillah back on the bike again have entered a Ultra endurance ride of 600 km even though I’ve hardly got any Fitness for this only done a couple of 100ks in the last 6 to 8 months so I’m taking a chance again but I can’t help myself as usual I’m running late I have to be at the registration point at 6:00 in the morning and it’s already qu 6 so I’m running late the ride starts at 7:00 I should get there inshah in the next 15 to 20 minutes and yes it’s not it’s not 600k orx that’ll be really stupid on my part this 600k ride is over three days so multi-day ride haven’t done one of these before doing it with G an organization called gaped arranged by a brother called Jan ibraim he manages gaped as well as the East London Brothers on bikes group so it was entry back in January so we we are about 30 Riders those 30 Riders are split into three categories solo peirs and groups arm with the solo intentionally chose that because I know my fitness is not that good so I don’t want to slow either the pair down or the group finally made it to the registration Point everyone’s getting ready to get going again lovely very nice all the brothers are here got fresh as well which is great the first good news I had this morning was my headphones stopped working beats which was awesome they’re working perfectly fine but I to reset my phone and everything else they’re working again alhamdulillah finally got out of the London area this is a bit of a headache too many TR lights too much hot holes too many towns not getting enough speed finally got out now I’m at past Luton now down about 60 km which is great so this this ride the first day is day one is cycling to Birmingham which is around 200 km and then you got then stay in a hotel then in the morning kick off again 7:00 in the morning from Birmingham to stoke on Trent and then back to Birmingham and then back in the hotel sleep and then in the morning on Monday final day three cycling from London back to East London sorry back to sorry back from Birmingham uh back to London this one you have to plan the route yourself and manage it yourself there’s no actual official finish time got to finish as quick as possible so that’s just not going to happen with me so I’m just happy I made 60k done 60k it’s been about 4 hours 15 minutes of total time including half time so at this R I think I’m going to get there about 8 8:00 p.m. inah try to maybe earlier my bike was the heaviest out of all the Riders oh really to carry too much really feeling it now legs are really hurting can’t move down 145k go another 40K to go 45k to go lesson to learn for next time as it was a multiday thought I need all that stuff but anyway let’s see doesn’t look like I’m really need it alhamdulillah finally made it to Premier in at 4 to 10 I was supposed to get to the control point at 7:00 but as as no one was there I was advised to come to the hotel directly hopefully get my biver card stamped tomorrow I should have got here much earlier I should not trust Garmin for Point too directions when I compared Kut I went on the Gin route with the putting it towards the premier in and then after about half an hour I checked against the cut it was pointing somewhere else Google was saying something else so I thought forget it ignore Garmin so I started following Google instead so the bike computer the Garmin one for point to point directions is useless in my opinion unless I’m doing something wrong anyway I’m really knackered need to get some food and sleep and then go ahead for day two tomorrow inshallah my good old Co up is always open and allow you in the bicycle comes in there’s that petrol station with a this see guys say layers start recording oh y it’s not even listening oh god oh


    1. Bro' if you need the route planning next year let me know. I just squirm when I see people riding many more miles than they need to or when they are on the main busy roads when there are quiet options. Everything is in the planning!

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