We’re in sunny Hollywood, California, where Lionel spent an entire day shooting a Tour de France commercial with The Feed. This episode is all about the behind-the-scenes action from the shoot. Plus, we wrap up the day by heading to the airport to catch our flight to Germany.

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    Video by Talbot Cox

    [Music] what is [Music] that do you like your breakfasts yes very ni stuff all right how many hours of sleep you get I got uh three from 10 to maybe oneish and then I played solit for 6 hours and then I sort of fell asleep until 7:30 6:30 till 7:30 and it’s a pretty big day today hey full day testing today might need to schedule a nap time in there at some point s nice to see you yeah you too man welcome welcome nice place you got here yeah come [Music] in do you have any wish of those one of the half days right now uh that’s my focus yeah and speed confid in speed yeah if we can find something that’ be great yeah I could use another couple Watts anyway yeah you know that helps that helps I’m going to the Iron Man next so so what is the next I’m focused on the Iron Man from here on out that was my I turned down the PTO I had an offer to do the PTO series and I turned it down and I’ve decided that if there’s anything I want to focus on for here on out it’s the Iron Man it’s the only thing that it’s really what got me into it and the thing that I motivates me the most so Iron Man is all about efficiency that’s right that’s right and so I have to find a little more efficiency if I can here and uh that’s my focus so that’s a commitment for me I’m I’m I’m fully committed hi there YouTube Welcome to another episode of lemons into lemonade we’re here at the arrow wind tunnel and we are about to about to embark on a series of wind tests of which we will begin with my setup that we rode in Oceanside and then we will do the equivalent setup using all Canyon materials and then we will let that dictate where we go from there we have the option to mess around with some bottles BTA Mount uh helmet rise whatever it’s called stack height uh a little bit maybe with uh reach and it’s pretty well open as to where we will head after that but that is the beginning and I’m interested first to validate the position that we already have race data and then to see uh what we can what we can do to hopefully bring the CDA down while maintaining power and comfort bring your right knee to the chest as far as possible without the hands first without the hand and so so this is our this is the debate mhm because I feel that I’m losing strength due to lack of Mobility the only thing you need in your studio a big fan yeah this is still missing big fans in the wi sure I’m a pretty big [Music] fan sweating there 230 WTS pal that’s how out of shape I am freaking hard work already the stri C from gomiz which is just harder tissue and a little bit smaller or narrower which gives you more leg clearance mhm um but but then I roll my hips in more on that side of your yeah I sit on it as opposed to like perch on it yeah so you sit up more upright yeah because you you try to work against the high pressure of the sadle and not rotating your hip forward to the to the front spot so that’s why the pressure map itself is first of all fine um I mean what we could also do is like in front of the lunch break to go out with a cockpit on the roads if you would like so if this gets us in that direction it’s all I need to know then prepare I’ll take care of the power part y just need the CDA to express the power so um perfect and these ones look cool too yeah that’s important as well it’s a little bit important when you’re out there training you know yeah for sure much better super cold all wooden pot M the air comes from this direction yeah for this and um um Returns the air gets com compressed that we have here the exact speed we’re needing for the for the test velocity okay um goes feel it not going to be sweating anymore yes what are you measuring what are you measuring wind speed wind how does that affect the measurements um go for it you’re good oh you’re fine all right what uh what stage are we at now we’re at the stage where I take a three-hour nap and then we start over you tired you tired right now I’m in the I’m in the low right now once you go in there lay down take a nap what’s the ETA on [Music] starting all right yonas will you tell us about what you’re doing here so we bringing the bike and the Rick make it central to every side align it and then we are ready to go and stay right now in your position for at least 45 seconds just [Music] resting this is Baseline run Oceanside set up the how’ it feel LEL good fine different from the other wind tunnel um we definitely I was in there a lot longer per test per per um run really we tested 0 2.5 5 7.5 10 and 12 and2 it’s pretty darn close it’s probably a little bit different pretty darn close to uh same the Z apprach at 45k this is a benefit of of one wat with a new cockpit it is a one to one comparison that’s why it’s uh nice that it’s that close um but we have [Music] to get low in this number because too high in comparison to our track and all the CPAs you collected outside yeah this is a CDA without rolling resistance without drivve train resistance so this is just the force you and the bike Against the Wind on the scale so the other CDA you got from me uh from the track was including also an uh rolling resistance but this would be worse with rolling resistance yeah yeah but that doesn’t agree with reality though you know what I mean like that’s like that number is like that would I wouldn’t even be remotely able to compete I would say at that at that number yeah yeah I agree yeah but uh yeah this is The Benchmark of today what we compare uh here uh don’t Focus too much on the absolute value so working with the Deltas and um that’s why we are here to develop your cockpit in terms of power production on the padn and how you react on stack TI my wish right now is to put in 1 cm to test it just higher higher and see if we maintain the value or if you go go lower how you react on on that I feel so it’s a 234 so that means it’s 3 wats faster going up going up all right what if you go the opposite and you go down we have to test yeah so usually in my process I would follow the the way up first of all um to find in the right spot yeah but also test later one step deeper sure like the Baseline to be sure where we are [Music] okay let go up now to 235 again uh that’s why we make right now the rerun of the second run of today to just confirm our values all right to it um we compare right now the Baseline with a new cockpit to here this is the Delta yeah um but it seems still that the plus 20 mm was fast to set up well at the very least you you you could you could say that they’re they’re a wash right you could you could make that clean as well clean like they’re a wash like like choose which ones is most comfortable cuz they’re they’re within the margin of error yeah yeah that’s right that’s why that’s why we would like to stick to the plus 20 out of biomechanical Reas of course and imitate the same height but with more angle of the cockpit okay more more angle upwards like um hands yes hands high okay yeah all right cool all right will you give us a little update what you found thus far I’m awake now so that’s good this is a this is my normal time that I would wake up what time is it 3 p.m. 6:00 a.m. 3 p.m. this is my normal wake up in fact it’s 400 p.m. is my normal wake up time but so far we have uh did a comparative test between the arrow coach and the canyon cockpit Canyon cockpit tested slightly quicker then we did some height testing and for the most part I seem to be not super sensitive to the changes in height it appeared going up 20 mm actually caused a decrease in CDA uh it’s kind of a wash being flat or being up to 20 mm on top of my current position and so obviously you’re going to choose plus 20 mm uh because you’ll be more powerful you’ll be more comfortable and run better because of those things so that’s where we’re at so far and now we’re going to do uh BTA Mount which I’d really like to adopt and then uh close in after that close in the cockpit so that it’s all one piece uh which I haven’t had the capacity to do with the arrow coach cockpit so it’ll be nice to have that capacity because pretty well everyone is doing that now everyone’s enclosed uh that space so it’ll be interesting to see what the combination of all these things does this is the important one look at that that’s pretty cool when’s the last time you had that uh St George bike custom for Canyon that’s Beauty woo what is this basically replacing what do you mean well cuz all the athletes were shov them down there oh yes uhhuh now that that’s banned this is a method with which to still get some fluid wow that is that is weird there it is it’s in there I mean it’s it’s in [Music] there is it noticeable or not even notice it what do you mean the bottle like did it bother you I don’t even notice it you didn’t even see it no only good news only good news only good news so um with the BTA we have uh more benefits at 0° instead of your angles and at 0° we have uh a winning of four wats but due to the uh the weight at CDA uh at Cross runs there’s only a slightly effect we have a CDF 23 run which is comparable in the weighted system but we have few four wats at 0° on y okay so an extra bottle plus an advantage at 0° and we could get rid of the frame bottle so far does it say 237 or 231 this is a one okay sorry [Music] American go a little more ham 228 now we’re moving the frame bottle and it looks like they go with no frame bottle what remove that bottle it’s one watt yes is it worth it it it worth because we find it another uh spots new bottles with more fluid and yeah that’s why an overall safe and over FL double barrel shotgun it’s the same so it’s it’s a it’s a in between this is a one watt difference again so getting one wat faster and have more fluid on board okay interestingly your CDA is not much higher when we give you 3 20 wats so that’s good yeah I would think it would remain fairly stable at least yeah in the early going of race that was the first observ observ observation and the second one was how does your movement at 320 uh changes the uh CDA at 0° y when you’re moving your head even higher and we had a 0° at 23 0 without moving and a 233 with moving okay so you lose like three Watts at 0 deges of your just by having more movement at your body I would obviously the next most interesting test would be cuz I don’t that was like intentionally moving I move because of power so the obviously the next interesting one would be 350 right yeah yeah just because I will just I will just naturally be moving more so we could write down 350 for tomorrow yeah just just one run towards the end or whatever like when we’re nice andm down 60k with the with the uh with that helmet all right so that’s the end of day one of testing uh we did about 20 runs and it was really fascinating and we will fill you in on the details of all of that tomorrow we still have another day of testing and we have a lot of cool ideas to see what the effect is so got to go home get a hopefully a good night’s sleep tonight and get back here first thing tomorrow [Music] woo [Music]


    1. im not going to disagree with you about efficiency, but to say that ironman is about efficiency is odd to me — in every distance of triathlon we are about efficiency. right?

    2. fantastic video with a lot of insights – I'm sincerely grateful that you share this knowledge. Not necessarily applicable to age-groupers but super interesting!

    3. I now see and totally understand Lionel's exasperation with aero testing from years previously. He goes outside with one expert for hours on end and gets a CDA in real life conditions of sub .19. Then he goes to experts in Germany goes into a wind tunnel with a CDA that seems uncompetitive and amateurish. The science/math of aero testing seems like guesswork at best.

    4. Love the videos as always, but the generic music that keeps being used is horribly annoying. Sounds like music from a childrens cartoon and bad elevator music combined…

    5. I wonder what the reproducibility of these measurements is. So many single measurements, it looks like, but the video is for entertainment and not a scientific exposition. It makes sense that the actual protocol did not make the final cut of the video. But assuming 17 measurements in 4 hours results in 14 minutes per measurement, including going on and off the bike and the numerous discussions. That's not a lot. Did they do repeats of the most relevant ones? Thanks for taking us along for the ride!

    6. You getting a German accent and that is a good thing. Look what happened to Jan. My man Lionel is now on point. Thanks, Talbot for dragging Lionel to Germany.

    7. Wind tunnel testing is always interesting to watch but I wonder if locking the bike into the stationary rig throws the values too far off from "reality". As it was shown, Lionel's body movement changed his CdA noticeably, and in the real world, the bike would have also been swaying with his body. This is natural for all riders to have slight side to side movement in the bike and yet every wind tunnel video I have ever watched has the bike locked into a static rig. I would think that it would be more helpful to have a rig that allowed for the slight movements of the rider to be able to provide a more accurate "real world" value. Then again, I'm not an engineer, so I guess there's that…

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