This is just the start as they extend the nonsense through to Sheffield city centre causing more disruption.

    South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority
    11 Broad Street West
    S1 2BQ
    0114 2203400
    REF SYMCAFOI 2024/21

    22nd May 2024

    Dear Tim Wells,

    Thank you for your request, under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, for recorded information relating to the following:

    Can you tell me the total costs ear marked to connect Sheffield to Rotherham town centres with cycle lanes and what stage we are currently at? And how it will be staged?

    Clarification provided regarding the location: It is the walking cycling route that comes out of Rotherham Westgate along Sheffield Rd and currently
    stops about where Magna is? But I am guessing this will go all the way into Sheffield and I want to know the costs and stages for all the work, including the bit that is half complete.

    Please find our response below:

    Sheffield Road cycleway

    The cost is £9,737,840, with £8,617,840 SYMCA funding and the difference contributed by RMBC from other funding.

    The scheme is for improvements to the A6178 Sheffield Road to facilitate active travel between Tinsley and Rotherham Town Centre. The scheme has been split into three phases which includes:

    • Phase 1: new cycle tracks between the borough boundary and Bessemer Way.
    • Phase 2: new cycle tracks between Bessemer Way and Centenary Way.
    • Phase 3: improved conditions for walking and cycling between Centenary Way and the town centre
    and will support wider town centre regeneration.

    The output of the schemes amounts to 4.9km of route for non-motorised users. This is predominantly segregated cycle routes, with some on carriageway cycle lanes and improved pedestrian spaces. There will
    also be 3 new crossings and 2 improved crossings included in the scheme.

    The scheme is forecast to complete July 2024.
    ‘Connecting Sheffield’ cycleways project Sheffield Road cycleways is planned to join up with Connecting Sheffield cycleways project. The initial
    phase of Connecting Sheffield is to put a new Toucan Crossing at Sheffield Road / Raby Street. The funding available for this initial phase and to pay for other associated works to prepare for later phases of
    development is £1,596,477.

    The next phases which will continue the connection into Sheffield are actively in development, with further detail to be confirmed later this year.

    Information Governance Team
    South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority

    so following the video I did on cycle Lanes from ramtown Center to Magna I followed up with the Freedom of Information request to South yire maril you need to keep a big eye on these guys who now took over the police force in South Yorkshire they’re driving the agenda from what I believe is the world economic Forum United Nations and the World Health Oran organization so I’ve got the cost now for the bit from the Town Center to Magna and you can see the cost there was 9, 737,000 nearly 10 million now the majority was funded by South H Merill Ram Council contributed the other bit but at the end of the day this all comes from our taxes it’s waste of money now there are some further costs to expand it to Sheffield so you can add a further one and a half million but the planning stages are still going through for that so that figure is going to rise drastically probably to about 15 million quid or more now none of this makes sense because there’s actually a cycle Lane along the canal from Sheffield to Ram the bit from tins iny through to Ram is fantastic it’s hard cord the bit from Tinsley into Sheffield City Center some of it’s mud some of it’s hardcore but it’s very poor hardcore what I can’t understand is we should be keeping Cycles away from roads where we can if that’s for pleasure Etc so why didn’t we just focus on just getting that cycle L right along the canal from Sheffield to rotheram cuz we’ve done is bringing it along Sheffield Road we’ve actually narrowed the road down all the actual Road from two lanes in most places down to one so if there’s ever ever any Industrial Vehicles coming down there the bigger vehicles are going to struggle so it’s really taking away the capacity to actually have Engineering in that area and it was a massive engineering area of rotheram and along to Sheffield so what disruption will it cause if they ex extend the cycle Lan into Sheffield because I’ve seen the nonsenses coming to attercliffe shortly so are they going to be narrowing all that road all the way along as well from Tinsley through to Sheffield City Center I think it’s going to cost an absolute fortune and just destroy the road network but you need to keep these guys sth Merill L2 account Freedom of Information request make them aware that you’re fully aware what they’re up to and keep the feet to the grindstone


    1. just think if they'd put the money into refurbing canals and beeching lines instead of forcing people onto roads, i cycle but i do my best to avoid roads.

    2. You're a cyclist Tim

      I assume you cycle for leisure and fun

      If you were to cycle to work everyday and back how far would you be prepared to cycle each way ?

    3. Excellent research Tim we are undergoing a WEF coup . About a third of this country realise this, two thirds are allowing it to happen through ignorance.

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