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    hello my um viewers welcome to um my YouTube channel the ones that are always looking forward to being safe on the road we’re going to do another test route in swendon here again this is swendon test center we we we are currently at um this test route isn’t too bad um I’ve done a left from the test center I’ve done a right but straight from the left there’s there’s a Runabout there I’m doing a right on that test route run um right on that Runabout at the moment it’s not so bad but you’ve got to be very very careful because it takes it comprises of those two big runabouts that people are scared of and then there’s another weird one over there but I’ll talk about everything so we just going to we just going to go straight into the test route right now so I’m preparing my vehicle and as I already say we have to do a Torah check the bubble around that vehicle needs to be checked so which is the Sixpoint mirrors so I’m going to start doing my Sixpoint mirror checks when I’m happy I will move that vehicle so I’m starting from my left blind spot left door mirror I’m looking ahead to see who is coming behind me who is behind me for my right door mirror for anybody overtaken and my right blind spot for any um um motorcyclist or anything that I couldn’t see in my right door mirror it’s all clear so I check Center and the right signal right check the blind spot and I move that vehicle SN is just re um aligned itself it wants me to turn left so I check Center and the left and I signal left checking my right left right it’s not clear there’s a vehicle coming so if you look at way I stop I stop behind the giveaway line whil I keep on with my observations because when I decide to cross the line that’s a commitment I’m doing I’m doing that now I commit to Crossing that line okay I’m coming to the roundabout over there this is just a roundabout straight after the test center bear in mind us lots of pod cars here from um straight from the test center I’m going right on this test um go right on the roundabout and take the second Exit B 4534 Midway okay yeah so I’m doing the center and the right right blind spot I signal right my foot is off the gas the car is just rolling over checking the right is clear so I commit I’m telling the left to wait for me so Center and the left physically checking they’ve stopped after that I’m checking Center left center right every space I need to check it then I pick my speed up to the speed limit which is 40 after round here cross the roundabout and take the second exit Okay sna wants me to go ahead on that Runabout it’s an open Runabout I can see right I can see ahead I can see left right I keep checking like that it’s all clear so I commit there’s someone coming from the left but you’ll give way to the right I check my right and straight away I check Center and the right and I pick my speed up this is the mirror checks you’ve got to be doing as a driver it throughout your lifetime that you’re driving you shouldn’t leave yourself vulnerable by not checking the mirrors because people can be very very impatient on the road also I always talk about the following distance um when you’re driving look at the weather today it’s a little bit rainy you can see the droplets of water on the wind screen the wiper is going on you should be able to know how to switch your wiper on if you a new y because that is one of those safety questions they 4534 Midway if you fail those safety questions you can fail that test for that one okay I’m coming to this run about I’m going ahead so it’s a slope ahead of me I’m taking my foot off the D vehicle in front of me is slowing down using the brakes okay moving now my ahead is blocking the right for me so I can go straight through without touching my brakes checking my right to protect it the white car there wants to undertake me from that side bear in mind after cross the roundabout and take the second exit this WIP me R about it wants me to go right so I check Center and the right I can see the RAB it means I can signal okay I signal right the speed limit new one is 30 it’s important to keep an eye on your speed limit okay stopping distance in front of the next the car in front of me okay I’m looking on my right my right lane is clear so I can go because all those Tru traffic on the left are going to the left signal left make sure it’s physically stopped new speed limit which is 40 I check Center and the right and I picked the speed up I could go at more but ahead it’s not clear after 200 yards go around the roundabout and take the fourth Exit B 4534 white Hill Way okay so it looks like I took a wrong turn it’s not the it’s and take a b problem it wants me to come back to the main test route all you tell the examiner is I’m sorry I did I took a wrong 10 could you redirect me because what people do is because they took a wrong 10 they they panic and they think they failed the test it is not the end of the world you’ve got to be confident in what you’re doing you because if you want a license you need to prove to the examiners that you’re ready to go and drive on your own yard just like anybody else on that and take the third Exit B 406 make way okay so I’ve just done a nice U10 on that roundabout it’s brought me back in again and it’s going to take me back on the rout want to go it wants me to go right here so I’m checking Center and the right and I signal right speed limit is 30 it’s a big slope I’m checking my right ahead left right left is going to serve as blockers for me I can cross because there’s a blocker okay now I’m checking counting my exits out the second exit I signal left and just check my right and left and just carry on yeah like I said the taking a wrong turn in your test it happens a lot and people freak out that they think they failed don’t do that you are in charge we all even the experienced drivers do take wrong you just have to deal with it safely 46 [Music] mway okay so if you look ahead there is a sign a triangle that says fire station on the floor there’s a yellow box over there to my right is the fire station there please do not stop in that box because you just you just give that license away just like that ahead the light is on green anticipate it changing like it’s changing now when you’re breaking remember to check the mirrors to see who’s behind you this used to be a Runabout it’s now a crossroad but the map has not actually um been updated so you can see it’s still saying roundabout but it still doesn’t matter if you if you are ready to drive you should be able to physically see these things and sort it out yourself and also if you’ve done lessons in the area you’re doing your test your instructors would have mentioned that one to you it’s important to do a lesson in a place where you’re doing your test don’t just go straight there because you think you’re confident you can do it because there are a lot of things that you need need to be drawn attention to okay looking ahead the um the van in front of me wants to turn right but there’s a waiting box in the middle of the whole Road there we have priority because he has to wait in there for us he has to wait in there light has changed check Center and right and pick the speed up so you can see the van is coming to the right there but I have priority he’s going to wait in that box for me okay looking ahead the speed limit now is 40 I’m checking Center and the right and then I pick my speed up to 40 after 250 y go right on the roundabout and take the third exit b406 Great Western okay so this is the meat roundabout it is confusing to people but for the simple Lanes I teach just keep to the right side when you hear right and then deal with what happens to the right lane look on the floor the right lane splits into two it’s a left lane and a right lane IGN the left lane people think there’s a whole lot of space over there and they get worried about it and then they pick wrong lanes and they fuff about do not worry just concentrate on your lane pick a left lane if they want you to go left or straight on at a Runabout you pick a right lane if you’re going right then you deal with what’s happen in that right lane if the right lane splits into two unless it’s got destinations written on the floor always maintain the left one it’s easier but if you take the right one it’s not wrong just be confident and get yourself out after that do a a lane change quickly check Center left center right and just move on if I look ahead my Lane is correctly nicely mapped in front of me I’m just staying in my Lane I’ve passed first exit when I get to second exit I’m going to check Center and the left I signal left looking on my left the motor bike is gone you know those ones are the ones you need to check in your blind spots I’m checking Center left center right my cancel my speed limit is 50 center right blind spot and picking my speed up if you do not check your mirrors and pick your speed up they will get it’s a serious offense before you increase your speed you’ve got to check your mirrors Center and right before you step on your brake you have to check your Center mirror and and the right as well after 300 y so traffic is ahead of me I’m breaking I’m checking the mirror like I was saying 312 Great Western okay keeping that distance safe distance at least it must be tires and time mark this is maniton runabouts did you see that motorbike that motorbike just zoomed past me if you’re not checking the mirrors it will take you by surprise if you this is manit roundabout we’re going ahead ahead is second exit the space is going to be very big but the concept is still the same when people don’t understand the concept is the same they fuff around they get scared because they’ve got into a bigger space I’m going ahead it’s my left lane speed limit is 40 I’m checking my mirrors for the motorbikes okay because they can just sneak up on you look at that board on my right over there it says four lanes over there the left one goes to Oldtown the two goes to M4 the far right goes to Oldtown I’m going to M4 so it’s the first one in the middle so I’m checking my right is clear I’m going straight in the middle avoiding driving on the dotted lines the left is waiting now so I can check my right and then I can carry on and check Center and right and pick my speed up you need to do this confidently you have to stay in your lane do not cross any paint either left side or right side the space they provided for you in front of you like now just driving it okay the the Lorry is uh the van is just coming in I have to watch my speed from from here it’s only 50 uh 40 look at that National speed limit sign over there before I pick that speed up I check Center and the right blind spot and I pick my speed up for anybody trying to overtake me to that 70 mph because it’s a du Carriage Way okay so I’m going to teach you how to do a lane change as well confidently I’m picking my speed up to 60 I’m getting closer and closer to that car so I’ve taken my foot off I’ve checked center right right blind spot signal center right right blind spot and I smoothly move into my lane straight away I check the mirror and and go back onto my speed and pick that speed up to 70 M an hour do not stay in this Lane for too long because if you get undertaken by another vehicle that is a fail serious fault okay so I’m looking for a perfect moment where I need to leave this Lane but I can see the ball that I’m going to go right if I’m happy here nobody’s behind me instead of changing Lane I’m not going to change that lane because I can see that roundabout ahead of me which is closing enough the speed limit coming is 40 so I’m taking my foot off check Center and right right line spot and take the third signal right speed limit is 40 I’ve come to 38 I’m good now this is BL Grove BL grve you got Volvo down here Volvo I think you can see in one of the videos we’re going right here thir the people coming from the m four have a little slip road on the Runabout so they do not give way to their right so you got to be very very careful not to cross the hash markings over there do it nice and slow stay in the right lane signal left check the mirror make sure the left lane is clear there’s hash markings on the floor do not cross the hash markings check your left mirrors to protect yourself straight away you look at the map on the SAT Na and you see it’s taking me straight on the next Runabout I do not need to stay in the right and I need to change the change CER left left blind spot signal Center left blind spot and make sure that there’s no car coming and then change lane looking at the light I’m treating the light like a human being that line I should not cross that line so I can walk to the line and get ready to move when the Amber comes on after checking my mirror but remember steady Amber is the same as red so do not cross the line when the steady Amber comes on if it’s a flashing one you you can go it’s a steady one foot off checking my mirrors and now it’s clear I can go okay this is windmill run about so I’m taking my foot off I’m going ahead according to the test route so I’m approaching it speed limit is 30 checking right I can’t see ahead but I can see right is clear in my left lane Center left signal left protecting my right straight away go back on the gas after checking my center and right and pick my speed up to 40 to the speed limit on the lamp post which is repeater because it’s a small circle a fre 40 already so I need to just take it easy after 400 y cross the roundabout and take the second exit so you see the sna gives you plenty of warning and information about what is coming ahead of you so you can forward plan and your drive will be nice and smooth I can see that R about been warn I’m going ahead already the speed limit is 30 my foot is off the engine is breaking by I’m slowing it down I can see ahead I can see left I can see right now there’s someone there there’s somebody coming from the right side have you seen that so I’m approaching the giveaway line nice and slow that white car from my right is also going right nobody’s coming now I can carry on check Center and the right and carry on Center and the left signal left protect the right pick the speed up to the speed limit but before do that Center in the right mirror and pick my speed up after 300 yds go right on the roundabout and take the third Exit B 4553 chury way okay so look at this round about chsb cross this is another highlight of our swinging test here route here it’s a pop one here it’s just that it’s a tiny place but it’s so busy if you look on the floor I’m going right it’s split into two the uh left lane goes straight on the right lane goes right I’m approaching carefully the first blue car on the right is is going left I can cross check uh left second exit Center left signal left make sure that blue car is stopped and then straight away I check Center and the right for the speed change and pick my speed up please please it’s important you check your mirrors to change speed after 300 y the same must change in direction if you st in right you must check the mirror if you’re stering right you might check that mirror this is two TI roundabout it wants me to go right speed limit is 30 I’m bringing it down to 30 checking center right signal right and I’m I’m approaching the RAB from the yellow post to the right side here looking my right right is clear there’s nobody I’ll cross the road for the tip of the concrete inside that’s my Lane if you look there’s a marking on the floor there it’s faded but it’s still there counting my exits so I’ll keep staying in the right here put the left signal on keep staying in the right until they Road you on ahead of you check take drive after 100 y go left on the roundabout and take the first exit Okay so I’m going left Center left I signal left and then checking my right is clear so I just carry on it wants me to turn right so I’m just preparing myself straight after this do Center and the right and pick my speed up in situations like this do not speed up because you get yourself in trouble okay so I’m checking my center and the right here ahead is clear so I can cross and borrow the ahead Lane to pick my Lane straight away check Center and the right look ahead there are parked cars on my side but ahead is clear so I pick my speed up to clear off these parked cars straight away check Center and the left to go back to the left side here if you look ahead there’s a car coming they have their road now I’m there’s an obstacle on my side so you look at how I’ve stopped the distance do not to get yourself boxed behind that parked car check your blind spot before you pass them check the left mirror and go back to your lane and then after that you check Center and the right and you pick your speed up I am an instructor that is very critical with mirrors that’s why my students pass with two driving faults sometimes no Faults at all few driving faults because you have to be a quality driver on the road safe safety is key [Music] okay so I’m coming up a hill here I’m going to descend down the hill that’s par cast on my left so I’m approach I’m I’m anticipating someone coming from their normal road so I have to duck and look in there no one check Center in the right blind spot to pass them straight away check Center and the left and come back if you look behind me that’s a white van that’s coming so fast behind me don’t be not be intimidated because you are in front you decide safety if it’s not safe don’t over speed okay take the left nice and slow because it’s so busy down here lots of past over here now if your head is clear check center right and pick your speed [Music] up if you crumble on your test that means you’re not ready to be an independent dri okay so it’s a it’s a residential area I’m doing 27 28 miles an hour which is good okay because there’s lots of par cars there I’m still aware of all the hazards ahead of me looking ahead it’s a very tight area but that vehicle need stayed in the road I’m looking past those cars check my right blind spot and past this uh black see that door just open over there so if you’re not so careful all these things can catch you out on your test check Center and the left and come back after 100 y turn right build and Drive South okay so it wants me to go right down here this right is is a it’s a je courage way I’m just going to join that J courage way so you don’t have to use the mirror line for the right turn just straight away you check your mirrors and then if ahead is clear you just turn but you must check your blind spot to join the DU Carriage Way the speed limit is 50 so I’m going to pick my speed up on the slip Road and before I join I will check center right mirror and right blind spot to make sure the first Lane is free check center right and right blind spot again and join then check Center in the right and pick your speed up look at that board over there put the board down and drive on it so I’m going all other routes all other routes is going to split in two sudden enough say as you go left I’m just going to turn left use the arrow on the Flor there to go left first okay this van is signaling left I don’t know what he wants to do by he’s in the ahead Lane I’m just being careful these things do happen you have to be very very careful and stay in control okay the black car on my right is not moving it’s a very busy Runabout manit Runabout they want to see how you join if the one on your right is not moving do not commit suicide by crossing the line you got to make sure that the one that can see better has moved before you move move I’m looking through their windows I can see it’s still not busy sorry it’s still not clear over there so they’re all waiting and now he’s going so I’m going to use them as a blocker please please if you want to use them as a blocker you have to stay wheel to wheel mirror to mirror don’t let them leave you behind because you become vulnerable then if you’re not sure do not go just wait see before you move [Music] okay it’s quite busy ahead of me so you can see the traffic is not moving so fast but be patient that’s all all these examiners look out for they look out for your confidence your patience and how you deal with hazards okay so the the vehicle in front of me is after 300 y just breaking and picking the speed breaking speed that means ahead of them is not clear if you look on the map here you can see the route I’m driving in that blue one there I’m going to be going right on this Runabout I’ll go right on the next one and then there’s another just about 30 40 yards another right 10 third I’m checking my right right is clear now I can cross and pick my right lane inside that Runabout this land is just a waste of land it’s too big but keep that right lane tight stay there and then signal left just the exit before the one you want check the left and when the lane the road you want is in front of you you check your left and the left blind spot mirrors and before you peel off if you look at that RAB about there ashington I’m going to Wesley and then I’ll go right again on the next one second this is where they catch people out they say you should be uh following your map checking that right right is clear signaling left for the left left cars coming I’m just going to check my left again because the space is Big it wants me to go right on this small Runabout again ashington so I’m checking Center and the right and signaling my right is clear that blue car needs to wait for me which he is waiting look at where he’s waiting very safe he’s not pushing me out of that Runabout and that’s what you should be doing that was a very good patient driver there after 100 Ys go left on the roundabout and take the first exit Okay so this Min roundabout catches people up because there’s no sign on the other side if you go in the left side if you’re coming from there you but the wall is restricting me my right I can’t see so I approach carefully make sure the right is clear the blue cars are blocking them for you so you can take it it wants me to take the second turn on the left which is the first one here if you look on the map that first Gray Line there is the first one the next one where the white um arrow is showing on the map is where I’m going turn left okay Center the left I signal left and it’s a it’s a blocked right uh left as well I can’t see who is coming so I need to approach it carefully okay looking ahead straight away there are parked cars and there’s a Bend coming over there check my center right right blind spot make sure I pick it commit but be very careful keep looking for visibility ahead of you check Center and the left and come back straight away look at the the board over there saying school 20 when light shows light is not showing there’s a van in my way I’m checking center right right blind spot because anybody could be coming from that side I need to it’s a chicane area here if you look at the red and black poles over there the blocking on my side so I give way to that vehicle coming it looks like he’s going into the school there check Center right right blind spot before I commit to Crossing this area please please mirrors are so important it looks like that ler in front of me wants to do a paral pack so I’m not going to be impatient I’m going to be very patient and just give him enough space if you look at the distance I’ve given him he knows that I’m respecting him that he’s also learning to drive so the they he can carry on with whatever he’s doing the examiners look out for all this because if you push them out you you will get serious fall for that whilst you’re here just keep checking the mirrors because I have seen situation where the van drivers have come past me and used the pavement they’ve driven on that pavement and past even the lers so keep checking those mirrors to protect yourself okay I can see ahead there are oncoming traffic so I need to check Center the left blind spot and move away so oncoming traffic can go as well okay I’ve given them their road back straight away I’m going to check Center mirror right mirror and right blind spot now to pass that ler okay I can see ahead another vehicle coming he signaling left so I can carry on with my journey this is the situation you have to prove that you contr you understand what you’re doing and you can deal with it confidently I’m going right here a it’s a hidden right the right is restricted okay so approach it nice and nice and slow carefully if you look at the school bus coming it’s going right my right there’s a lorry coming but I’m looking for blockers from the left as well so if there any blocker coming from that side I’m going to use it so I’m checking right ahead left right ahead left that’s why I keep checking looking out for people to come and block them for me so I can just cross where they just coming from to carry on with my journey I keeps doing that checking I’m looking for perfect moment where I can quickly just take the opportunity and cross the speed they are coming is not advisable for me to go but I’m confident now the road is now clear I can take it before the other car comes in so that’s first exit passed as I’m reaching second exit I do Center and the left mirror signal left I am in control of my driving here okay check Center and the right and pick that speed up after 200 yards go left on the roundabout and take the first exit B 4534 good so we’re going back to the test center now roundout and take the first exit Okay so we’re going left so Center and the left I signal left if you look on the floor the lanes are marked for you it’s like idiot’s guide you can see your left lane is marked for you if you want to go ahead you have got to use that that head Arrow if you look on the opposite side on my right the head Lane is clear so I can carry on speed limit is 40 Center and the right and just pick my speed after 200 y cross the roundabout and take the second Exit B 4534 Midway okay so now I’m going ahead on this Runabout here it’s a very open Runabout I can see who is coming I can see who’s on my left who’s on my right side is all clear I’ve still got priority that car can go and then I signal left keep an eye on make sure they’ve stopped check my right to protect it cancel the signal for this uh Shell station so that people don’t get confused you’re going there signals are very very important it’s the communication tool for all Road users even pedestrians because sometimes you got to tell pedestrians what your intentions are if you don’t signal nobody knows what you’re doing it’s only you that knows what you doing in your car but the the other Road users need to understand your decision and what you’re about to do nowadays people buy that £60,000 Tesla and all those cars fast cars and they forget it’s like they rip the signals um um switch off they just rip them out they don’t signal anymore please please don’t be one of them just communicate with your fellow drivers it’s very good and useful okay I’m going ahead here I’m looking my right ahead right ahead okay there’s nobody coming I’m taking my left lane just left signal left looking ahead there’s a big traffic there there’s no need me picking me speed up so I’m just taking it nice and slow respecting that stopping distance in front of me especially in this weather I can see at least tires and TI Mark so that driver in front of me doesn’t feel intimidated when the traffic moves I’m checking my mirrors because this times when the traffic is not moving like this this is where the motorbikes become very very vulnerable so you don’t get caught out but one of them sneaking because they they go through in between the cars okay so I am very confident I did not I didn’t I haven’t made any serious mistake during my test so I’m it’s about only 2 minutes and then I’m in the test center so this time you should be feeling excited that you are going home with your license okay so I’m going to go left here I’m looking ahead because there’s no right on this roundabout are away from the center concrete which means they not coming my way so I can just keep checking and just carry on straight away there are part cars here this is the typical sing test center look at all the part cars over there and the test center is the black box over there so you got to giveway Priority Zone you got to giveway to those cars coming after that check those mirrors center right right blind spot and just commit to it make sure you leave a good clearance because if you don’t leave good clearance it’s a serious turn C right and signal right going until your right door mirror lines up with the center of the road before you take your turn and keep to your side of your road the the information they’ll be giving you here keep it slow please whil you’re going in because there are other slow learning vehicles or moving Vehicles over there okay and then once you turn in they will just do exactly what they’ve asked you to do and if you haven’t made any mistake that’s a pass for you you

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