On this cycle ride video I cycle from Alne (north of York) North Yorkshire in a loop through Easingwold and back to Alne, looking at lots of interesting stuff including a plague cross, a medieval battlefield where Robert the Bruce routed the Archbishop of York’s Yorkshire army, old railway branchlines and a curious, ancient French nursery rhyme.

    Cycling over 60 / cycling 60+ : Setting myself a challenge this year to do 66 bike rides with bike ride videos in the year I officially become an Old Age Pensioner

    A link to the Kaleigh Cohen strength training channel I talk about: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLr83wuYXq9hsgV66T7Ap551ERaZZ-QajI&si=donni6fxrpSJa7jt

    [Music] where right I today I’m not where I said I was going to be I was going to do the penine hills but I decided that was a bit ambitious seeing as this is only the fifth ride of the season anyway we’re in the village of Al which is north of York between York and easing world and we are heading off in a clockwise Direction just thinking I got everything I need I always forget something um we’re heading off in a clockwise Direction and I think I know what was causing me rattling on my last video when I went to Studley Royal and fountains thatby I think it was the the metal the wire ball in my Shaker my I brought a protein shake with me and it’s got this metal ball wire ball that helps you shake it and make it all frothy and I think that’s what was rattling as the bottle got empty so when I drink it I’ll remove that bowl adust my camera Meanwhile we’re coming up to the first point of interest just at the top here there’s a Crossroads if you go straight on you get to the old walk toll bridge across the river ooze or it might be the river Yore there because the Y becomes the Ooze before it gets into the YK but we are turning right but on this Crossroads there’s something interesting hi hi saw that my dad it’s a Saturday so there should be quite a few cyclists around lovely day day in early May yeah point of Interest number one is this which is called Al cross and Village of Al is where I started off my cycle ride just down there and as you can as you might be able to see in the early 17th century Al was struck by the plague um and in the same way that they did with the village of IAM in darbishire later that Century um the locals used to leave money in a trough with whatever they use for disinfectant back then if you can see it um in that trough uh they used to leave it so people outside the village could leave um foods and things for them um and this cross it was this this as I said earlier was was um probably an old actual old cross the remains of so it’s all all quite interesting so that’s point of Interest number one I’m heading up this road which goes through well it goes to burough bridge but before then and we will go through the village before then before then it goes through the village with two names which we’ll come to later but first we’ll go and look at the side that the scene of a medieval battle and I’ll also tell you why on cycle routes many people call the little lane that we’ll be going down they call it Ken’s Corridor and I’ll tell you what by when we go past it get quite a few cars on this road but it’s not too bad apart from cars like that that are going really fast I think we got a motorbike now climing what did I say about it being quite quiet anyway I missed that that turning down there and there’s another turning up here goes to the little village of oldw walk ah terrible Road surface here sorry about that bumpy yeah the village of wwor is an interesting little place I’ll take it take you to it on another ride and there’s also oldw toll bridge which is an old toll bridge that yeah it’s still you still have to pay to cross it not if you’re on the bike it’s free for bicycles and motorbikes I think it’s 40p for cars which is quite reasonable and hasn’t changed over the years I think they applied to have it changed but I think the local Council said no I’ll tell you all about oldw tollbridge on another ride well we will cross it it’s just been refurbished so we’ll go across it on another ride maybe as soon as tomorrow I don’t know haven’t decided this is the other turning to oldw walk this is the village of I think it’s pronounced flow floth forth correct me on that if I’m wrong correct me in the comments below sh over on the right you won’t be able to see them but there’s the howardian hills Howard Howard after Castle Howard howardian Hills which lead up to the North York Moors North York MOS not North Yorkshire mes always makes me irritated when people put that wrong mind you as you all know from my last cycle ride I’m not one to boast about accuracy I was calling the a61 the a64 throughout and of course the a64 is the road to York which I drove up today to get here and that was the a61 on the other video as I also said on the other video I don’t claim to be 100% accurate in my facts but I’m not a tall guide or an encyclopedia I love this time of year when the blossom is still out it’s gorgeous actually it’s not very nice with these fast cars it’s scary hello but soon we’ll be turning off to a little Hamlet that you wouldn’t go down there unless you were going to it is it a hamlet is it a village anyway it’s my turn on Swale which is it says it’s a dead end but it’s not if you know the roots hello and it’s great for cyclists because touch wood it’s quiet why are people always in such a hurry urgent urgent urgent apologize if it is a bit bumpy it’s the road surfaces are not the best at the moment there’s a tiny bit of suspension on this bike it’s built in here cuz this bike was built for a little bit of off-road as as well as Road riding so hopefully it’s absorbs a little bit of impact but my tires are fully inflated and that makes it a bit more bumpy all right we turn off here we turn left heading towards the little village of M on the Swale because it’s still the ri it’s the river Swale comes all the way from the Ora Dales from Swale Dale which is the Dale that’s north of Wesley Dale yeah see couple of horses tethered here and here they are I hope they’ve got enough to drink The Village itself is on a no through road which ends in a foots bridge over the Swale there was me saying it’s quiet well it is Saturday I suppose as I said there’s a foot bridge over the river Swale it’s a bit bigger a bit wider than a foot bridge but it’s not a road bridge but it what it is is very old I think it was built in the 1860s and it’s listed made of iron as you’d expect from that era hello doesn’t actually lead anywhere apart from into a foot path through some pasture and I’ve kind of ridden my bike a bit through there to take a shortcut to b a bridge but at some points you have to get off the bike and push and walk right come on there’s a big van behind me overtake me please let overtake me overtake me thank you I hope I manag to cut out edit out all the bits where I’m blowing my nose cuz all this pollen sets off my hay fever so apologies if I miss them and if I sniff a bit should have taken an antihistamine shouldn’t I anyway we’re coming up to the little tiny little village of miton on Swale and somewhere people don’t know exactly where but it might have been around about the pasture the other side of the bridge though it was a different Bridge back then and no one knows precisely where that was located if you do tell me down in the comments back in the I think it’s 14th century the 1300s the Scots came down Maring and there’s a battle against the the forces the army of led by the Archbishop of York I mean I don’t think he physically LED it I don’t know maybe he did but anyway the Scots gave the orire people a real kicking absolutely routed them and apparently lots of lots of Yorkshire men died while the bodies were thrown or they fell into the river Swale the bridges just down here it’s all no through Road you can’t go anywhere from here it’s actually a bridal way that’s why I could ride my bike along a bit of the pasture and I had as you can see the Iron Bridge and here we go and gets a bit a bit bumpy not too bad but it’s not surfaced so if you were walk doing a walk around here you could do a walk over here and it can get to burrow Bridge faster than if you were on the the road so here we are this ancient bridge I didn’t realize how ancient it was until I looked it up as you can see it just leads over into pasture so it’s not known exactly where this battle was but this here you can see it’s a river sale and there lots of bodies in it apparently after the battle so Scots must have come quite away the other side this um the river here it goes it ends up flowing into the river Y which is spelled u r e it’s always quite funny to hear them try to pronounce that on things like the tour the Yorkshire they call it the river but it’s the y u and the Y is a bit strange because as it heads towards York it changes its name and it actually becomes the river ooze so it’s actually the same river and the river y comes all the way from Winsley Dale so this one comes from the Swale Dale and the Y comes all the way from Winsley Dale but they all end up in York so bit of history for you there now we have to head retrace our steps just slightly out of the village where we turn left into what cyclists like to call Ken’s Corridor why do we call it Ken’s Corridor you’ll find out in a moment back okay is see that phone box on the right apparently there’s a phone box in eing World which we’ll go through on this ride which is listed so it’ be quite interesting to find it and to see what’s special about it it’s a little church little churchard maybe we’ll go in and have a look at that on another ride I’ve never actually been inside try and find out some interesting facts about it now here we turn left we came down there and now we’re going this way and this is Ken’s Corridor because on the left as you can see it looks like it’s the grounds of a stately home and it is because on the left is a Georgian a smallish Georgian man house that was owned until fairly recently by Ken Morrison of Supermarket Fame so obviously made enough money from the supermarket chain to buy a rather Splendid house which is on the left coming up this is I don’t know who lives there now but it’s not cising cuz I think he’s passed away can you see it it’s quite amazing nice nice and small and this is all the Parkland with sheep now which I guess used to belong to the Mana house or whatever it is we go left again just up here and we we go on the road that takes us directly past the old stable blocks which are quite some distance from the hall have expose that bothered whoever lived there when it was built the stable blocks now divided into private Apartments there we go left and they look kind of Victorian so they were possibly built later than the house which I’ll see in a moment this is a nice cut through though for cyclists cuz it’s usually pretty deserted of traffic usually if you come on a weekday there’s also what looks like an old water tower I wonder if you can see that on the left don’t know if anyone lives in that maybe they do anyway it’s very pretty stable here it is must be really peaceful living there so she seeing another car coming behind we’re heading towards a village called braon helper be or helper be graphon whichever you prefer it’s actually two Villages that now are sort of lumped together as one and I think people refer to it as helpa be helpa be on the signs anyway I need to do a bit more research about that I believe that back in the day a few hundred years ago there was a fire which burnt down most of the buildings so they had to be rebuilt in the 18th century I need to check that that might be wildly inaccurate there was a strange Hall as well which I’m not sure what it was I’ll have to check that out and a very very ugly former Methodist Church which I think now is apartments or a house helper be is one of those Villages that if it was located somewhere else like the cot worlds for example it would be full of visitors and antique shops and pain display car pox and things because it’s got that look about it but because it’s here I guess you wouldn’t know about it unless you cycled or drove through it there is a pub and there are there two pubs at least and there are some shops which is unusual in a 21st Century Village where most of them have been sadly closed down which reminds me where I showed you Allen cross if you heard behind me in the opposite direction takes you to the Village of totan which has a rather nice Village Store and post office Village Store salesman really yummy locally made cakes and other produce really nice pork pies I let I mention that on my other cycle ride from another pork pie Village shop po pies are not good for the digestion when you’re cycling or when you’re not cycling when you when you are a certain age right we left here are it’s bumpy apologies this look like it’s past the garden center it’s an old wolves Garden was it something to do with my son hall or was it something to do with Hy I don’t know again if you know put it in the comments this is the road we were on before before we turned off to my turn by the way ends up at burough bridge but we’re not going to burough Bridge today we’re going to look at all wellway lines among other things that’s the garden place on the left awful awful Road surface these cars that go really fast and it’s really really do knck of their suspension I really must this is a what must have been an old Garden Market Garden W Garden don’t know if you can see it little corner Lodge there and there’s one on the other side I think it might be something to do whatever with whatever it is here in the Hela be bit further on mostly brick round here because it’s quite flat well it’s not that flat if you’re cycling but it is quite flat here we are helper be rafon and sometimes they call it Bron Hela be Hela be Bron look at it’s a really quite Splendid Village Street Main Street see what I mean by if you stuck this somewhere like the coxwells or Oxford it would be really busy now here we have on the left is a strange place that need to find out what it [Applause] is what does it say can you see it it says oh it’s in French a something F something Tre petites oh look like some French see if it says anything down here of course I’ll look this up I should have looked it up before I came look at it wonder if it was a school or something or an orphanage I don’t know I’ll look it up and I’ll let you know on the screen the old bakery that one is I think there’s a new bakery warm day today one of the pubs old arms houses on the left little Fountain commemorate Queen Victoria doing something we got half Timber’s house here on the right you don’t see too many of those not here must have been one of the ones that didn’t burn down coming up on the left is the Hideous ugly old Methodist Church really I think it’s really ugly some people might like it but I think there’s a prop um C of church down there as well I’ve never been down there so on another ride we’ll come and have a [Music] look and there’s another pu on the right we’re going left towards B bridge but we’ll be turning off at just outside the village soon we go over hang on we go over what used to be an ‘s Railway and I think it was the ‘s railway to bur Bridge again correct me if I’m wrong in the comments below please look more affordable homes spilling over into the countryside talk about my opinion on affordable homes on the last video I mean that Mana house was obviously affordable for cam Morrison so you could say that was an affordable home Enough Said by the way if there’s a bit of rattling which I’ll try to get rid of on the video at the moment it’s it’s not they ball the metal ball inside the protein shap it’s actually the little bit of a suspension sort of tends to Rattle a bit so we’re this is what we used to be the bridge across the old rway line and it would be the old line to bur Bridge can you see it it’s it’s difficult to show it um when the camera’s lower down and I don’t want to call over and I just stop my handies some nexs see what I do I sacrifice all of this so I don’t know if you can see there the truck bag goes into what would have been I guess local station but now it goes into a a farm shed so that’s Railway Branch line number one these are all lines that was branched off the east coast Mainline which of course is still very much in existence and we will be Crossing that we’ll be Crossing it twice on this ride as I said on my abdine depends on longest train ride in the UK video north of York there’s many many many little bridges over the railway crisscross the railway and I cycle over loads of them on my various cycle rid so we are turning right just appear here this is one that turning right is really handy I I should say I’ve got um a cat eye barend mirrror which acts like a wing mirror or a rear view mirror on a car and it’s really really really handy for seeing what’s behind you whether you’re turning right or overtaking or anything they’re Dirt Cheap I think you can get them for under a tener and I’ll tell you what they could be a lifesaver I couldn’t do without mine I even carry a spare because it’s the ball and socket joint that can fall out and if I lost it along the way i’ want to replace it number one essential cycling accessory coming up ahead are the howardian hills that I mentioned earlier and you may or may not be able to see it on the GoPro can’t now but I can’t see it now but I will be able to see is the White Horse which is a figure Hillside figure not as ancient as one would think in fact I don’t think it’s ancient at all but it it looks like it the looks like it’s ancient it’s up above the village of kelburn and kelburn is famous for the mouseman for his carved oak furniture that features a little mouse that’s some somewhere on each of the items he makes we don’t go through kurn on this ride but we’ll be doing on another ride there a very windy and very steep Lane that leads up to the White Horse and Beyond which I’ve done in one I have done it in one I was really pleased with myself a couple of years ago so where are we heading towards now well we’re heading towards tiny little Hamlet of little CES which has the sweetest little Victorian church with adjacent School Primary School it still is a primary school very peaceful pretty spot with a little Gothic Arch Bridge just before you get there you wouldn’t know it was a Gothic Arch Bridge unless you Lent over to have a look at the arch underneath and we will eventually get to the a19 got my a roads right this time the a19 from York which we cross and head towards the haian Hills yeah the clicking is the it’s here it’s the suspension I’ll see if the anti- click um tool on my power director video editing software man just to get rid of it sometimes that messes up the voice though we shall see so I apologize bit of wind today as well well Breeze we go past another what used to be another bit of the B bridge line before too long close to where it joins the East Coast Mainline at least I think it’s the B bridge line depends what side of the I can’t remember what side of the main main line it’s on always smells here that farm I’m glad you can’t smell it think it’s paved cuz have to check my GoPro battery before long cuz I found out these batteries run out after 1 hour which is a pain but the new SD cards seem to work and I’ve got another new one in today which is an Amazon one Amazon Basics SD card I think it’s about 256 um is it gigabytes something like that these videos take quite a while to edit because GoPro splits the recordings into I think it’s about 17 minute section so you’ve got however many um sections of 17 minutes that you have to string together and so if you’re trying to edit anything like the sound it can take ages cuz you got to do it on each one it doesn’t seem to be able to flatten them all together so you can do it just in one game so it may be we stuck with the clicking w we’re coming up to what used to be an old station which is where that Railway line I mentioned was Branch line this building on the right is an old station building they all have that look about it this is pill mall and here is where the line would have been see go down there and then down there I think this probably joins the other the line where it that we crossed before so it’s probably still part of the branch line to b a bridge but I will have to check that so I’m guessing there would been a level crossing here [Applause] sh so a lot of Boggy flooding over on the left in the Woodland from this terrible terrible winter and early spring that we’ve had here is the East Coast Mainline [Music] still four tracks [Music] here slow on the outside fast on the middle and some of these br just had to be raised when it all was electrified to allow for the handcrafts and the electrics pilmore it’s not was LR sign though pilmore Cottages so obviously where we crossed what was the old track bed a few minutes ago would have fed into the East Coast Mainline somewhere over there so the next point of interest is the village of little ceesi so sweet the going gets a bit tougher as we head over the other side of the a19 it gets a bit hiler but it’s doable and then there’s quite a nice relatively downhill section into the market town of eing world many of these Villages and towns around here have ancient names that go back to Saxons and even the dames Vikings there’s a lot of information on the internet because eing W the W it sounds like it should be in the Yorkshire WS but it’s not it’s in the foothills of the howardian hills I looked at what the old ancient version of world’s men’s and I think it was Hill yeah so cots walls cots I think comes from Cottages so hilly Cottage area maybe question mark Yorkshire Worlds the Yorkshire Hills which incidentally are not the same as the North York MOS the howardian hills or the Yorkshire Dales or the penin they’re in East Yorkshire and they’re stunning they feature on quite a few of my videos my older videos so do have a look through now I can see the White Horse on the hill over there I don’t know if you can cuz the viewfinder on this it makes everything quite small but it’s right over there on the hill I could see it from the train when I did that abine to penance trip back in March if you’re into Railways do check out my rail videos from March a train I think it’s an auma going down the East Coast Mainline over there I took in March I took an auma elen auma from leads to abedine and stayed in abedine for a day and then I did the absolutely crazy barking M 13 and 1 half hour rail journey longest single rail journey in the UK from abedine all the way to penance and I stayed in Penance for a day I went to St IES on the little train lovely at St Ives and then on the final day P the train back to leads bunkers but great fun if you like trains you have to like trains this is little sess hello and this is the little bridge that if you are doing this ride stop here and have a look over it cuz it’s got a Gothic Arch a little stream there this is a sweet hello sweet little church say so sweet and it’s the the primary school next door and we are turning right here it’s a WG we over there in the school playing field [Applause] I was going to go on a ride yesterday but I dropped my phone on the floor and broke it and I have to rush out and get a new one and then I have to do all the uploading and all that bollocks that you have to do with a new phone copying over things luckily I’ve got a tablets which has all the has my account on with all the apps and stuff so I could copy that over cuz obviously couldn’t do it on the other phone cuz it was broken and then we had a bit of a scare with my mom who is 97 next week she has dementia oh I had to rush her to the GP at the end of the day cuz she started to behave even more strangely than ever which was really worrying GP just said it’s a progression of the disease which is a horrible disease so it’s been a busy week and I’ve managed to F cycle rides and videos and I’ve also managed to fit in my recorder lesson if you like music recorder music check out my playlist and yeah we took I took Mom to see a care home where we’re planning to move her to at the end of this month so that’s all going to go a bit a bit pear shap so I would like to do 66 cycle rise in my 66th year but things might get in the way if everything kicks off with my mom but I don’t think she’s that Keen on the idea of moving into a care home but there’s no no alternative unfortunately and It’s upsetting cuz she thinks my dad is still alive when he died 14 years ago she rang rang me up eight times the other night to ask me to get in touch with my dad so he could come and pick her up cuz she didn’t like where she was in her flats and she said I can’t get through is this numers not working oh and when I took her to the car home to be assessed she kept saying things was like well I’m going to have to ask my husband I’ve got a husband in Yorkshire I’m going to have to ask him um and I don’t know what he’ll say um I don’t know he cuz of course he’ll have to come too and I don’t know if he’ll want to and she said that over and over again and she kept saying I’m going to get a train tomorrow to go home and my husband’s going to pick me up at the station so you can see it’s been quite an upsetting week hello but I find cycling and recorder playing quite restful and just gets me away from it all and other people if you’re watching this and you’re of similar age to me you might know what it’s like to have elderly parents who have lost their Marbles and have completely changed into someone different so sad this is Hutton CES which is the last Village before we crossed the a19 it’s got a really old Pub if you can hear me above the wind it’s quite windy now oh bumpy look Little Old Pub on the right there [Applause] so I was going to do a ride in the penin climb some hills get it out of my system a bit but I decided probably best to wait a bit cuz pen lines around the hfield area can be quite challenging w I’ll check the battery in a minute and maybe change it [Applause] a little bit of a climb before we go down to the a19 which we will cross with care there we go over the bra of the hill and down to the a19 you might be able to see the White Horse clearer over there no right just changed my battery let’s see how long this one lasts for this is the original GoPro battery so it is old cuz this is a Hero 4 which I bought number of years ago so hopefully you can see the White Horse on the hillside coming up on the left Maybe H go that’s so CL an awful lot of cers [Applause] starting to get a bit hiler h [Applause] check the battery at 2:00 just after 1 now w h this is Colton hust weight which has a pub and it has a a blacksmith also has an interesting half Timbers walk and or house on the right before too long which kind of looks a bit out of place thatched and looks a bit odd and we took get some ped buildings around here but not many very rare So we’ got the pub on the left here with a bear Garden I’m on the rise this thatched cotage looks as it should be in SLE somewhere bit further along is the blacksmiths and over there a little chapel over there on the right well there’s that lamp I think that’s the blacksmith or is it here no no let’s see name of the farm I once went down there to try and cut off some a corner but ended up in deep M on a really awful um brid away which was horrible it got really muddy and you can’t cycle along it it was just deep mud but this is a really sweet little lane and it crosses the old track beds or what would have been the railway from the East Coast Mainline again all the way through um through to molon through the village of Cox walls which is another wall that isn’t in the Yorkshire ws and past ample for four just beyond ample fourth Village is ample fourth College where James O’Brien on LBC Radio used to go to school there’s a little Serve Yourself Cafe as well on on the right just by where the old R line would have been thank you hi hi yeah day is it it’s beautiful yeah makes a change any shorts out yes oh we’re coming up to where the old radway line would have run along there along there in the little costage which may be an Old Railway building Old Railway Station it’s got a servey sou Cafe with ice cream probably a honesty box how SL gate it definitely looks like an old railway station building it’s that style and so gu the line went along there and along there won’t peek over their fence not when they’re in the garden and this crosses a stream not the rber line there it is and the railway line goes carries on uh to the Village of Coxwell and the signal the old signal box is still there it’s now someone shed in their garden and when you cycle past you can see the old track bed if you haven’t gathers I do like checking out where old Ro lines were Branch lines and so on before Dr beaching got his hands on them Dr beaching had a second phase where he was going to close even more railway lines but thankfully he was prevented from doing so of course he he has all his money invested in roads Road Transport and so on it was always going to be a little bit biased when it came to Railways and also the railways were in decline in places after the war infrastructure was bit knacked in places but some lines are really popular like the harate Rippon route anyway a bit of a plime here that’s to the junction where we turn rights if we turn left we would go down a really pretty road to Coxwell which we would do on another video hello welcome to Sunshine yes is yes h turning right it’s a hust White those cyclists are faster than me cuz they probably half my age or younger how faster bikes lighter bikes with treadless tires and they probably a lot lcer than me but then I don’t do it to race right turn right into the village two ways so you can go you need to carry up there up a hill and turn right down a hill or we can go along here and turn left and go up a hill I’ll start it coming this way it’s just prettier and it gives you a bit of a break after that climb that we’ve just done we go left here just opposite the church it’s a pretty Village and then we start to climb a bit before descending and then there’s a fairly easy stretch all the way to e world just nice cycling if it’s not busy right we’re going to go up that climb that you can see ahead just remember what I called the rules relax your elbows relax your shoulders relax your hands slow down get onto the lowest gear and then just use your legs your thighs a PO up it’s only a short climb my cycle coach has a guy in in Sussex who coaches me over the Internet which is a lot cheaper than the onetoone local Coach and also he’s great he so Maj as me I.E not a spring chicken I’ve been with him now for four or five years can you believe that he is so good I’ll put a link to his website below should you be looking for a a cycle coach who can coach you want to say online it’s all done by emails and every few weeks he calls you to just catch up with you see where you are what your goals are it’s all personalized it’s all this spoke there’s a really nice guy called Paul highly recommended I’ve seen massive improvements in my cycling under my motivation since I started with him he’ll be really pleased I got out on the road this week cuz he knows that I really hate doing indoor cycling on my indoor trainer but he’s very good at giving Which spoke programs that are rarely the same so there’s interest it’s only hear me with the wind but it’s also aimed at achieving your personal goals hi I is really nice these the going section towards eing world excuse me T quite brly isn’t it see what I can do about removing winds but again it’s difficult when you got so many GoPro uh Clips to string together or you could s the sound off and that would avoid you having to listen to my monotonous voice talking all the time come on cycle coach is a really nice guy because last year I overpaid by accident and he said should I refund you I said no no um give it to McMillan ccer charity cuz one of my really good friends has got cancer um and so he said yes of course he says and I’ll I’ll add some of my own to it to the donation which I thought was really nice he also um volunteers for a hospital radio station so he can get you playlists or he makes playlists if you are getting bored with your indoor cycling during the winter or you could just watch my videos couldn’t you and pretend it’s a lovely spring day in May like today cycling towards easing world where we will see if we can find two things one that listed telephone box and try and find why it’s listed we’ll do that first and then we’ll look at the second thing we won’t go into the Market Square on this occasion we will go into it on other rides so lovely markets were local shops cafes post office toilets free parking yeah free parking and sometimes they have little markets though there’s a Market Hall in the center but we’ll go through it on another ride I do like eting world it’s a good starting point for quite a number of cycle rides too it’s good for cycle rise into the howardian Hills all the using world is on a national cycle route which we shall join once we’ve had a look at stuff there all the way back to Al where we started oh oh here’s another reason I’m not so fast that I don’t wear cleater cycling shoes not since I fell off the by I can break my arm and also I’ve got a bone spur on the top of my right foot that I have to keep my shoes quite loose and laced up in a certain way again a sign of old age I’ve got had a an x-ray of it just before Christmas and a lot of the car just worn away and there’s also evidence of um arthritis in the bones which is a bit annoying but I went to see a podiatrist the other week and she gave me some special insults and I saw it on the NHS really good and then I’m seeing another Well video on the NHS I think next week about my knee left knee keeps giving away way when I’m walking so far it hasn’t affected my cycling all these annoying things as you get older could be worse could be worse yes I’m really lucky I’m really lucky cuz as I said my one of my really good friends has cancer she’s going through chemotherapy and she feels really evil poor woman I am so lucky so fortunate it’s that age a certain age people start your friends start to get ill and it’s horrible horrible to see them get ill so he wants to make them well but it also gives you a real sense of just get out there and do it use this or potentially lose it and I mentioned in the last video I’ve been doing a bit of lifting of dumbbells and squats with leg strengthening exercises ankle weights and so on I think the link should be in my in the description below this video to Kaye Cohen’s strength videos strength training which are wonderful they are amazing and there’s so many of them that you don’t get bored but as I said last time check with the doctor before doing anything build up slowly you have to be careful with your back your neck your knees your feet your everything when you get to a certain age and of course you’re losing muscle and bone density especially women over after the menopause but doing strength training helps to helps to I don’t know I don’t think it reverses it but it helps to keep what you’ve got as I understand it so that’s another thing those guys cycling who are probably more than half my age they would have had a lot more muscle they haven’t got to the peak when they start losing it I just want to cycle for as long as I can and I really don’t want to have to move to an ear bike I really don’t want to for as long as I can just stick to a normal bike right we’re heading into easing World here’s one of those affordable houses on the left as you can see very affordable more affordable houses coming up all the villages and towns are growing that’s bollocks when they talk about theable housing isn’t it back in the day when I bought my first house it was only £15,000 right we turn left to [Applause] terrible Road surface here that natural traffic com we’re coming up to a little mini roundout where we will be going right to Al where we started off but I want to go and try and find this post sorry this phone box the one that’s listed such is grave one I think and I think it’s on the road that’s straight ahead when I first came to eing world I thought this was the main street but it’s not the main street is the marketplace which is over on the left right let’s see if we can find a phone box oh I’m not seeing any phone boxs it’s post box unless it’s not like proper phone box she marketpl is there on the left I might I might go around it I don’t know if we can’t find the phone boook all night there i ph box if I don’t find it I’ll have to Google it see what it looks like and where it is all so we are going to see the Market Square yes oops I okay f I’ll tell you what if you don’t find the sand I’m going back cuz this is the road to Creek strange down oh there’s the phone box ahead it just looks like an or room I’ll tell you what right see the Market Hall ahead all sorts of things there cafes pubs shops it’s a oneway entrance exit to the marketplace oh there’s a little market going on Street Market really nice little town and we didn’t find the phone box but we are now going to find another point of Interest which I know where it is this time if you want to do a cycle ride from here there’s often parking places near the church there’s a little Rob coming up on the right oneway Street you go up there parking SPAC is on the left this little road coming up on the right parking space is on the right sorry not left that car looks loud exhaust and go faster strike look at me on so mucho excuse me sorry I SW right we’re joining the cycle route towards York cycle route number 65 we we heading back to Alm but first I must show you something and the clue is in the name of this coming up and at the end of this street as you can see is this large building on the right and that is the former Railway Hotel of the EAS easing well station which was over there as you can see there’s housing now here and this hotel is now private residences Apartments eing World Railway was different from the other Branch lines because even after the railways were nationalized it be it continued to be private and the reason it closed in about 1950s I think it was was cuz it ran out of money oh and there used to be a little wooden railway station on the other side of this hotel which actually burnt the ground so they never rebuilt it and it joined the East Coast Mainline at El station which is just before you get to El point it out when we get there so this would have been the lead up to the old station and that would have been the old Station Hotel so the station would have been down here the line come down there Station Court so yeah the old Station House it’s called I think it’s quite an ugly building actually but if you Google you can find old photographs of it with the station next to it and information on the history of that strange little Branch lines using world it’s fairly easy going back to Al and we cross the railway of course at Al station which is where the branch line for reasing world would have branched off we go left here following the cycle rates now up there that’s also a cycle rout different one [Music] it she nose so that little Branch line with the trucks along somewhere on there along the left if you look at ordinate survey might be about to see The Roots as often can be the case with these old lines we’re about across the a19 which used to go through easing World along that that road where I was looking for the phone box first of all but now there’s a bypass so we cross it doesn’t feature on older Ordinance survey Maps which I used to have and I was a bit puzzled but here it is hello hello sh some see this m here for Museum there’s something I think it’s Roman along here I don’t know where obviously here tell you what have we crossed over here we’ll have a look on the map see what we can see sh I must have done this particular section so many times over the years oh right we’ll be coming before too long to the east coast Mainline at M station station’s no longer there but it’s where the eing Well Branch line used to join so I’m assuming it must have had a shuttle service cuz it wouldn’t have been on the mainline the little private engine or whatever it was you know probably a bay maybe it’s on St should have to look it up a bit like when I went to St IES and there was a little Bay the station there St Earth station there a little Bay for the shuttle service just say times hi then you might or might not be asking yourself if you’ve watched this far and thank you to everyone who has watched this far do start again do I ever cycle in groups and the answer to that is no no because I like to do my own thing I like to stop and explore and challenge myself and of course won’t be able to keep up with the younger Riders but I don’t want to ride with the older ones either when the last time I rode with someone was with my husband but I think it was 9 years ago 10 years ago 9 years ago when he cycled into me and he and his bike fell on top of me and my bike and it broke my elbow and Dam my spine which wasn’t nice but I had to cycle back to the nearest Village so my husband could then go and get the cars to pick me up so I was cycling it was I can’t remember which arm it was no it was this arm of course it was I fell over that way so I was having to cycle I couldn’t use this arm because you can’t get any pressure and it was I was so much pain when it’s broken you don’t get the pressure that’s why you can’t drive either when you got a broken elbow and you don’t realize how much you need to use both hands to get on and off a bike and things anyway the arm eventually healed itself but the spinal thing was awful turns out A Hern turns out I had a herniated disc in my lower spine ended up having to pay for a private MRI scan and some private injections into the bottom of my spine which were really painful but they in the end they did the trick and touch word it’s been all right since then right I think we’re coming up to the east coast Mainline the bridge so it would have been here a little Branch line joined the main line at what was Al station which is a bit of a distance outside our village so there we are the main line into York more affordable housing on the left now which is quite new great if you like trains so it’s not too far back to the village island itself where we started so I hope you’ve enjoyed this ride and if you managed to get this far in the video I congratulate you cuz these videos are quite long yeah if you get there you get to the a19 into York hi there there’s someone local in lead is videoing me on the 20th it’s making a it’s a video production company who I’m making a video to try and get people to get interested in cycling and I replied to his his message on Facebook his Facebook post sent him a link to my last video I must get back to him he said yeah we’d love to to video You So I guess I’d be talking about sticking your bike in the back of the car going out into the countryside and cycling when you’re over 60 maybe here we are this is our and we’re parked by the church which is a bit further along I forgot to point out if you are in on anytime doing a cycle ride there’s a little wheelbarrow thing stall thing on the corner we’ll be going past it it sells vegetables and things jams and whatnot it’s a pump actually we won’t be going past the vegetable store because it is up the other R here we are coming back to the chur now little church says there’s Commonwealth Warg grave here that was usually for people who died in the UK after being brought back from the wars as opposed to dying on the battlefield look sorry old doesn’t it I have to look at why the tower is made of brick [Applause] [Music] [Applause] smell really d don’t they sweet little church presumably this was here when they had the plague [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] the door that must to be ancient [Applause] [Applause] I wonder if these Graves go back to when the plague hit but I would say probably later than that cuz I think the plague was was it about 1605 or something I don’t know just a long time ago [Music] [Applause] I’m going to start volunteering doing research as undercliffe Cemetery in bretford the famous Undercliff Cemetery where the Great and the good of Bradfords are buried in huge melons it’s one of the big Victoria and Municipal cemeteries and I’m going to help out with research there I’m going to see them this week well next week so anyway thank you thank you for watching [Music]

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