2022년 8월 14일 ~ 2022년 10월 16일(64일)
    자전거로 잉글랜드, 웨일스, 아일랜드, 북아일랜드, 스코틀랜드 섬나라 파헤치기

    00:00:00 잉글랜드 도버 & 런던 정비 및 휴식
    00:22:05 잉글랜드 도시 바스 라이딩 & 여행
    00:50:07 웨일스의 수도 카디프 라이딩
    01:07:46 웨일스 브레콘 비콘스 국립공원 탐방
    01:38:42 웨일스 도시 스완지 라이딩
    02:00:22 웨일스 펨브로크셔 국립공원 라이딩
    02:20:12 6번째 국가 아일랜드 입국기
    02:37:07 아일랜드 위클로 국립공원 그리고 수도 더블린
    03:01:31 아일랜드 북동쪽 끝, 북아일랜드로 가는 길
    03:22:45 북아일랜드 수도 벨파스트 관광
    03:49:52 스코틀랜드 첫 라이딩
    04:07:40 스코틀랜드 글래스고(루크와의 재회)
    04:31:22 스코틀랜드 로크 로몬드 국립공원 & 오두막집 생활
    05:06:46 스코틀랜드 멀섬 라이딩
    05:36:18 스코틀랜드 글랜피난 해리포터 다리
    06:07:55 스코틀랜드 스카이섬 들어가기
    06:21:35 스코틀랜드 스카이섬 서쪽 끝 등대(코난과의 만남)
    06:42:16 스코틀랜드 스카이섬 하이킹
    07:02:09 스코틀랜드 유이스트섬 북쪽 끝 버너레이
    07:23:27 스코틀랜드 해리스섬, 스칼파이섬
    07:54:14 스코틀랜드 루이스섬 북쪽 끝 등대 라이딩
    08:22:44 스코틀랜드 메인섬 대륙 북쪽 도시 더네스
    08:47:23 스코틀랜드 메인섬 대륙 북동쪽 도시 써소(존 아저씨와의 만남)
    09:15:51 오크니 제도, 도시 애버딘 그리고 케언곰스 국립공원 라이딩
    09:45:40 스코틀랜드 수도 에든버러 라이딩 & 영국 아일랜드 자전거 여행 끝

    #세계여행 #자전거세계일주 #자전거여행


    Insta : @jinwcho
    Email : jo930131@gmail.com
    Camera : Gopro10
    Music : Epidemic Sound

    Let’s go to London. This is the town center of Dover, England. While I’m here in Dover, I’m thinking of walking around for a bit, enjoying it, and then taking the train to London. When I woke up today, it was 9:30 and it was a little over 10, but I woke up too late. I guess I’m tired. A little steam is coming out. It’s amazing. It’s refreshing. I’ll go to the sea and look at the sea. Ah, I keep trying to move to the right . It’s a really peaceful rich place. I’m thinking of going to the cliffs over there. I can get there by riding my bike about 88km outside of Dover city. I think I can . I’ll go get breakfast. There are a lot of trains. They run almost every 30 minutes, so I guess I can catch the train around 5 o’clock. Ah, what’s that wall over there? I want to go there too. Now I can read the menu. Oh, I have to eat this. Okay, in England. I’ve lived there for a month and I’ve never had English Breath. The weather today is the best. It’s not that hot. It’s decorated well and it’s delicious. If I eat it like this in the morning, it’s a calorie bomb, but I don’t mind because I use a lot of calories. If I eat it like this tomorrow morning, I’ll go crazy, but when I go to Yakju , it’s actually the same taste that everyone knows. But it’s delicious. I ate it and Wow, I ate it really well. Oh, if I eat it like this in the morning, I’ll gain strength. It’s really delicious. It’s a pound per meal. I have to at least think about it. Now, let’s go over to that castle that is right in front of you. You have to go uphill. Because you have to go up that hill . Wow, it’s a little steep. It’s a lot steeper than I thought. I rode this uphill for a while, but I’m tired. Before I go in now, uh, go to the Naver block for the entrance fee. I looked it up once, and 30 pounds 30 pounds 30 pounds is a bit of a burden for me, so I don’t think this is a good price. I’ll go to the White Cliffs of Dover Sea. Yes, you can look at it like this. The road is too narrow. This is a two-lane road. Wangbo Cliff doesn’t have an entrance fee either . Yes, it’s free for bicycles. I liked it so much that I got a ride, but wow. It’s a trekking course from here, but as expected, I can’t ride a bicycle. I left my bicycle here . Just like in Gibraltar, this place is well marked. I like it in red. Let’s take a look at the course. Looking at it, it feels a bit similar to the British party in Gibraltar. Wow, if you look to the left like this, the Strait of Dover is now a side character. There is a strait, and this is the strait where the North Atlantic and the North Sea are divided, but there is no stabilizer on these steep cliffs. Wow, what is this? How can it be so white? It feels like they are trying to paint it. It feels like powder, like chalk powder. Wow, what is this? There must have been a lot of war here too. They made shelters like this here as well. The UK controls the entire strait side, but the UK occupies the land on the road where the sea passes, so they are taking the lead. That white lighthouse is right now. I think it’s the last point of this course. [Music] Oh, [Music] It’s delicious. Now, I’m walking back. The scenery is really pretty. I have to go to the top. The course to take the lighthouse and return is not a 50-minute course. It’s 50 minutes one way, but I walked for almost two hours. Wow, it’s really steep here. There’s an underground tunnel like this too. Wow, what am I doing? I can go down this way, but I won’t go down. Wow, the courses are really diverse. Seven Sisters. I think it’s better to come to the cliffs on the Dover side. This is a very personal opinion, but two. The distances are similar, so if you take the train, it will take at least two hours to make a round trip based on that white lighthouse. I can see Dover Castle at least like this. The entrance fee is too expensive. Oh, I guess I came wrong. I didn’t come the way I came before, so I go back and go to the other side. I ‘m here. I walked more. I walked a lot of time. Now I think I need to go to the train station and look for tickets. Going take . They say there was a train and subway strike across the UK yesterday. I took a good look. It was perfect. Let’s go down. I thought of Dover as just a transit point. I was surprised because it was prettier than I expected. There was a lot to see and I wrote it well. It was hot so I wrote it like that and came right away to beat the heat. Why is the price so empty? 27.5 pounds is good. No, it’s more expensive than the price of the ferry. Airfare in the UK is really too much. It’s too rain. [Music] Anyway. Season 1 of my trip to Europe is over, so I’ll go to London and stay there for about 10 days, prepare what I need to do, do some maintenance, and then start traveling again. I arrived at Victoria Station. As expected, the train was good and fast. It took 10 minutes. I can’t believe it. A place called London It’s about 15km from here to the house I used to live in . I have to ride for an hour so I have to go and see the London Eye. I wonder how long the Big Bang construction took . Since it’s been almost 4 months, wouldn’t it have changed a little more? The number is London. This tower side is finished . Let’s send a proper Big Ben. It looks really pretty when you look at the completed tower. As for Ferrari, the bridge you see in front is the Waterloo Bridge. It’s the Waterloo Bridge. We’ll cross the Thames through London’s famous Tower Bridge. Big Ben and I saw the London Eye. I should go and see the London Tower Bridge. When will I ride it again? There are so many people going crazy when I come to the London Tower Bridge. It’s Sunday so it’s really heavy. We’re almost to Lewisham, where I used to live. It’s very familiar. I ride my bike around this area a lot. I went this way every day. Why is it that there is so much construction going on here? Heln, Heln , I got it right on time. It’s right there. It’s okay. I bought it black. It’s black. That’s right. Let’s go in quickly. I brought a gift for Hel. Hel’s favorite thing. What came directly from France? Oh, really. It came all the way. No, actually, I bought it at a duty-free shop. But I stopped by Bordeaux. Bordeaux is famous for its wine, so I bought Bordeaux wine. I said this and left. Even though I do this all the time, I’m still getting used to it. I don’t know if this is bad, but I always feel embarrassed and a little embarrassed when I watch the videos I make. That’s why I’m a bit timid by nature, so I’m not good at just letting things go. After all, you have to eat a lot to get good results, but this is a feast, a feast, a feast, a feast. Wow, thank you. It was a great meal. It’s delicious. It’s delicious. Yes, I will eat it well. Kimchi. I have kimchi. Oh, kimchi. I put it out here. Why didn’t you take out the kimchi? I really want to eat it. It’s so delicious. It’s ramen. Well, of course, ramen. Ramen mania. Cook it well. Oh, the kimchi is so delicious. It’s delicious. It’s crazy. And it ends here. I safely arrived back at Helen’s house. This is the luggage I brought with me when I first came to London, and I left it at Helen’s house. I’m heading to London Center to deliver it to my house. When I get to the center and get off the subway, it’s raining like crazy. I have to put it on, but it’s definitely London. The sun was shining and this is [Music] I’m a Korean. Ah, Helen, the merchant is the merchant. I’m preparing for it. Chatting. [Music] with [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] Today, I’m riding my bike near Richmond Park. I came out to look at some maintenance. It’s about 20km away from home, but it’s nice to ride in the morning. After resting, Hello I’m chese cing 17 right You Want to take video7 Okay Okay I got it name My name is mon AG i my in Z little here for fixing my [music] bicycle yeah yeah you like food yeah yeah That’s the best Yeah my very nice not to expensive As you know I do your all [music] one RO in putan We have a RO and in We have a RO really I didn’t know that so then you guys have like in know that information Yeah that is for 19 1975 can I put some Oh I’m F Yeah that is perfect Yeah I love it good Yeah Thanks for coming Yeah Thanks for cing my hair no enjoy the world ​ ​ ​ ​ ​Music] [Music] than so I got my bike serviced and cleaned. Since my bike was well maintained, I came to Richmond Park where I was staying to test it out. I came here once before and it was really nice to ride a bike here, so I took a leisurely ride here and biked once more. Let’s check it out. [Music] [Music] There’s something like an amusement park in Granny Park. The weather in London, England is so good right now. After all the hard work, happiness comes. Isn’t this paradise? Wow, this is my first time coming here, and there was a place like this. Oh, it’s here. Where I live. Helen It takes less than 10 minutes by bike from my house, so it’s great to take a walk. I didn’t know about this place. When I first came here, I had some free time, so I saw it. Wow, look for what this is. The merry-go-round that wasn’t high has appeared again. [Music] [Music] I decided to meet a friend today. The meeting place is Canary, which is on the other side of the Thames River. There is an underpass here. Thank you for your hard work. [Music] [Music] [Music] I’m currently packing up my unpacked baggage. I have to leave tomorrow morning, so it’s as if I’ve been here for three or four days. Time goes by quickly . Let’s go pedal the bike again. [Music] Next time, I’ll go to the raw fish cake. Yes, thank you. Yes, hello. I’m going well. Now, let’s start riding in England. I think I really took a good rest. It’s Tuesday, August 23rd today. The plan is to head towards the city of Redding, but I don’t think I’ll go into the city of Redding, so I’m thinking of looking for a place to camp in that area. Oh, it’s been a long time since I last traveled a long distance, so I’m excited. The road is narrow, but the construction is so congested that traffic is so difficult. Goodbye. Ah, you look pretty as always, Big Yeah today also i’m going camping But I have search it the camps How may next think my dre now myam I live in lon Ah holiday Yeah Ah really So my holidays I just Oh yeah perfect Yeah I really want to see the whole of the like Scotland Island yeah yeah I too heard about it yeah yeah I left at 3:30 and it’s 11 o’clock. It’s 11 o’clock, but I’m still in the center of London . This is a bit difficult, but wow, wow, the words are really big. This is Hyde Park. Biking is pretty good here too. I’m stopping by all the places I can stop by today on my last day in London. This is Kensington. There is no date limit, so I feel very comfortable. I left Central in two hours. I have no idea whether this is the side of Heathrow Airport. This is right next to Heathrow Airport. Wow, I feel a bit comfortable now. It’s not unusual, but it’s morning. It was really good, so I’ll go in here. Oh, is there a place to sit? I need to avoid my ears under the tree over there. I think it’s a church. This time, Ren asked for a lunch box. I’ll eat it well with fried rice. Hell, it’s delicious. It was raining when I first left London in March. I remember it was snowing and it was like this, but it was raining even on the day I left London. The lanes are really narrow. Even when I go to the outskirts, there is traffic. Oh, there are camping sites right around the corner, but when I looked into the prices, they were too expensive. What should I do with the campsites? Wow, I can’t even think about this. This is the best lane. Because it’s so narrow, it feels like there’s a lot of vehicle traffic. After this village, there’s a camping spot I found. Wow, what is this place? It’s really pretty. Wow, it’s really cute and pretty. It’s developed all the way along this river. There are small villages. I’m so Sainsbury’s Korea Ramen. They sell this. First of all , I think I can just buy a square bread and a drink. Thank you for this donut. And a cup of coffee. It’s 7,000 won. I bought a tangerine and two drinks and a donut, but it was 6.5 pounds, so I ended up paying 10,000 won. It’s really a village. Wow, this town is so nice. Let’s go to the river. Wow, it’s a picture. It’s a picture. There are a lot of routes. I just want to pitch a tent here. That won’t work. There’s a problem now. One of the screws that holds the bag in place must have come off, and the bag is shaking. I think I should quickly go and set up the tent and fix the bag. But the screw is gone. Please, I hope we find a good place. I can’t just open the tent. I think it’ll be fine, but I can’t get into the accommodation after paying 40 pounds. I just have to go there. It’s on this side of the land, and there are a few places where you can park. So, oh, this place is okay. I found it well. I think I can finish the day here. I’ll quickly set up the tent. I rode it for 8.3 km. First, I need to fix the bag. This is where it fell. I don’t know when it fell, but I found a joint. Still, I have a spare screw that I carry, and it ‘s the same size as the bag screw. It fits perfectly. Fortunately, I was able to fix it. Okay, yes. Oh, it’s a real accommodation. It’s too expensive. What should I do? I don’t know who this morning . I don’t think it’s the person who manages this place, but while I was walking my dog, he came to that tent and told me not to camp with it. He woke up at half past eight and told me to hurry up. So I withdrew early. It’s very quiet. I slept well last night. I slept really well. Yes, there is a camping car too. The current time is 8:30. The city of Reading is only about 10km away from here, so I will go into Reading, have a cup of coffee, use the restroom for a while, and then leave. First of all, my plan is to go to a city called Bath, but oh well, I will do it tomorrow. When I get into Bath, I think I’ll have to do some editing while staying overnight. First, let’s go to Reading. But I was scared so I got through last night. One of the biggest reasons why I chose Bath as my destination is that Bath is the cheapest place to stay. This is Reading. What kind of festival is it? Did you do it ? Everyone is carrying backpacking bags. Is this something like math? I think this is the center. I want to go to a camping site today, but I’ve never been to a camping site in the UK since I came to the UK , so I’m not sure about the price. There’s a camping site on the street. I’ll go there. But, maybe because it’s my first time here, I get used to changing lanes quickly. Still, it’s a bit awkward sometimes. When I make a U-turn or take a roundabout, I sometimes get stuck. Ah, the road is so pretty. [Music] The name of the village is so pretty. It’s unusual. Welcome to the disaster. I need to take a break . Oh , the weather is already autumn in England. Now I have to buy tangerines and eat them all. Finally, there are no more cars. Of course, you have to enter the forest. The road is really narrow, so narrow that only one car can pass by. There is traffic in both directions. What should I do when I get there? I think I’ll get there if I ride about 20km more. I bought some pork belly while resting at the Tesco supermarket at the campsite. Actually, if I’m going to travel to the UK for a week, I’ll spend it leisurely, but I’m currently spending at least 40% on the UK and Ireland. I’m planning on doing it for a while, so if I just spend it without thinking, I’ll end up spending 3 million won a month. What is 3 million won? I have to tighten it up as much as possible. Since I’m not doing this in a short period of time, it has to be long, so I have to think about it later. These two are playing around. Dream, no, this is heaven. The clouds there are all gone. Why am I so tired? It’s so quick here, but I wonder if it’s in a place like this. The owner is so tired. I’ll have to set up a tent and stay under the tree for a long time. [Music] The scenery is amazing. I wonder if it’s cheap here. I paid 88 pounds a day. I rode 76km for about 13,000 won. Ah, good today. This is the end. I ate salty pork belly, cooked rice, ramen , and went crazy for dessert. It’s a colorful bar. Wow, it’s really amazing. It’s really good. I gave 3 pounds of 500g of this, so it’s 5,000 won. It’s super cheap. I bought it because it was pork belly . Wow, I had a really good night. Oh, this is so delicious, it’s crazy. Even though I ate the last two bowls of ramen with a lot of red pepper paste, I still don’t feel full. Why am I going crazy? I guess I used up a lot of energy today. I ate 500g of pork belly, put it on rice, and had two bowls of ramen. How much did it cost? I found a really cheap camping site and took it to Kalos Oh . It was really comfortable. My stomach kept eating. He told me to put it in. I ate it all. Now I have to go in and sleep early. I’m tired. It’s raining a lot. Let’s withdraw quickly and go. Let’s withdraw. Let ‘s withdraw. It’s already past 10:30 when we withdraw. It’s only about 60km to get into the city, so there’s nothing to worry about. But I missed this weather, too. It’s really funny because I haven’t seen weather like this in a while. I like this weather. It’s not hot right now. It’s August 25th. Hey, I had a really hard time this time, but I got through it well. But it’s already starting to get chilly. I wonder if it’ll be hard to get through this winter. How cold is it? I don’t even know. I have to go to Switzerland and Turkey in the winter, so just have fun. This isn’t France . Wow , the sky is so pretty even though it’s cloudy. [Music] Oh, there’s a horse drawn on the hill over there . Is this a training place? Ah, it’s nice to ride in the rain. It’s really, really nice. After riding in a hot area , I really missed riding on the road . It’s fun. It’s fun. Let’s go destroy one country at a time. Oh, I’m going well today, so I guess it’s because I supplemented well yesterday. Oh, this downhill is fun. This is the Melk Shop. Have some lunch. Shall we go? It’s there right away. After eating Glee Blacks, Flower Chubber. Why is it so delicious? Grilled Tomato is delicious. With coffee, I gained 11 pounds. Tomatoes are really delicious. Tomatoes are so delicious. Wow, it’s cold because it’s raining . Summer is over. Bath is coming out of my mouth. There are 12 miles left. Oh, you look happy. If you look at the faces of most of the cyclists, they all look very happy. They look like they have a lot of leisure. Wow, I guess it’s a city at the entrance to Bath. Wow, it’s going down. It’s going downhill. The downhill is real. Ah, what is the weather? Look at the sky. It’s so clear. Hey , I think I saw this scene here in a dream. It gave me goosebumps. Why did I feel like I had just seen the scene of me passing along this road? In my dream, I had already come to Basford. Welcome to ah. Today’s ride was fun. First, I’ll go to the accommodation I reserved. From London to Bath. It took 4mm to come. It’s so pretty, but it exceeded my expectations. Wow, okay. I arrived safely at the hostel. It’s about 18 pounds, so it’s about 25,000 won. It’s really cheap. I rode 53km today. First of all, I’m drying the tent that was wet today in the common space, and I’ll take a look around the bath today. Here’s the circle. There is a reason why so many people come to Bath because the buildings are round like this at the roundabout. It is easy to get to from London. This is Royal Let. This place is a paradise for couples . They say the hot springs here are famous. So when they come here, the most popular place to go is Bath Roman, where you can see the hot springs. There is an entrance fee of 27 pounds, so I’ll skip that place. I’ll look around the city center and go there. The place I want to go is a little up here and there, and there’s a park where you can see the entire city of Bath from the hill. So I’m going to go there. I’m going to go there and watch the sunset, and then go eat . Wow, the English flag and the British flag are waving together, right there. What you see in front is the Bath Monastery . I’ll just look at the Ebi side and go. I think this is the Rohan bus. It’s 740,000 won and 3,000 won. You can’t go into the bathhouse and take a bath, but the admission fee is 43,000 won to look at the bathhouse . I don’t want to go in. There is no Oh, it’s so good , so the weather has improved so much. It’s a good thing I came to Bath. I didn’t go to Bath originally, but I took Bristol Rovers and this is a coffee shop where you can drink coffee while looking at the view of the bridge. Should I come here tomorrow? Ah, there’s a building like this in the middle of the bridge. That’s me. I can’t see the river from the bridge. Wow, this place is a great place. It really feels like it’s a great place to spend a day in Bath and look around. It’s not that big and it’s easy to see because there are lots of things to see. Actually, the weather wasn’t good today, so I’m planning to see it tomorrow. I did, but there is a course where you can go trekking around the city. There is no one there. I will go and see the sunset here. I was so excited. Ah, it’s cute. Look at the fluttering ears. There’s nothing to say . It took 3 days to get from London to Bath. Maybe that’s why it feels even prettier. The trip is here. I’ll finish it up. [Music] I came here to eat something delicious. [Music] The wheel is all deflated so I think I need to check it carefully. [Music] It’s easier because I can know exactly what I stepped on and hit the ground when it bursts. But if it bursts really minutely, I can find out the exact cause. There is no place to store my bicycle in the hostel, so I have to leave it here in the performance space. It’s also a bit uneasy. Tie it up well. The scenery is so pretty. Really TR [Music] [Music] Let’s leave Bath now. Today’s course belongs to Among the four countries, I’m going to leave England and enter Wales. Today’s destination is the capital of Wales. I always feel like a city with a river flowing around like this is always pretty. I think it’s a country. It’s a really good place to travel. I don’t know how much I’ll ride , but excluding breaks. I’m thinking about riding for about a week. Then it’ll probably be September. It might be a bit late to get to Scotland, but there’s still a lot of road left to go up and I ‘ll have to cross all of Ireland and Northern Ireland when I get to Scotland. Oh, this road is really good. I have to get on the bridge, but I have to look around for a while and then go up. Oh, oh, I wanted to eat breakfast somewhere and then leave, but I didn’t have time to eat. If you drive about 20km, you will come to another city called Bristoy. Stop at Bristow , eat something, and then go to Wales. I think let’s just drink Lactobacillus on an empty stomach for an hour and then go eat. Oh, I didn’t go that way. I have to keep riding this way. Google Maps would be better. That’s why I have to use multiple maps. These days, I don’t just look at Google Maps while running. I also use Google Maps Coat. I turn on three maps and compare them while driving. Sometimes Google Maps shows good places, but Google Maps shows a mix of roads and gravel roads, so it often cuts off like that . It varies from country to country, but that’s why I start every time. Before, I took a rough map of the course in the evening and compared it. It goes all the way. The map says it’s not a road, but a ride, but if you ride here , it looks like you can go all the way to Bristol. I think it would be easier to fuel if you ride that bike path, but I got around it a lot. Today, I’m on the road. It’s a long way , so I guess I’ll have to go to Bristol. Oh, I’m really not used to riding a bike. I’m really not used to it . I came to Bristol. This is Bristol Castle Park. It would be perfect to travel by combining a bus and a restaurant. Garlic bread [Music] Coffee together like this. So far, 9.65 pounds came out to about 15,000 won. I should have it for breakfast and lunch. There’s a nice bridge on the outskirts of Bristol Central, so I’ll stop by there and take a look, and then head over to Wales. It’s definitely a lot bigger than the bus. It feels like a big city. It’s Bristol Cathedral. Oh wow, it’s cute. Bicycle bath is so peaceful. Ah, that bridge-grilling vehicle has toll fees [music]. There are a lot of people. Oh, I can see all the bridges from here. I came up to the hill at the top. Hey, wherever you go, the lock is the Clifton Suspension Bridge. Let’s go over Wells. I need to start riding in earnest already. It’s almost 12 o’clock. I think the bike path is really good from the bus that only took 25km to Bristol and the bridge over Wales. The course is also good and ah going car are from name youn watch ah I can understand the language now so the good radish is long like this. You can do it small. It’s a bit difficult in Korea to just meet people you don’t know on the street and say hello and share things like this. In fact, I don’t have any hesitation in saying hello to people I don’t know on the street, and I really like that. Even though my English is good, I think it’s a little better now. Without thinking, English comes out first. England and Wales are divided by that bridge . I should go this way, but it’s blocked, so I’ll ride it first. It’s the Severn Bridge. Wales is just around the corner. Let’s go over to Wales. Wow, it’s the sea. A bicycle can’t go over it differently. They did a really good job of making it possible. This is the LAN , that is Wales. I entered Wales, but there is nothing like the welcome to sign. I lean against it, but anyway, what does it mean to be England? Wow, the quality of the drawing is pretty good, but this [music] road is very narrow. Nothing much has changed since I entered Wales. There is nothing. But I feel good. I have to ride another 40 km to Cardiff. I was walking around a bit while I was talking about seeing the bridge and doing something in Bristol, so I have to ride 100 km today. It’s really uphill here. It’s really on the side of the road, but I’m amazed that there are cars going. There’s no end to the uphill Okay. Awesome. I can see the sea in the distance. Wow, I don’t know if I can capture it well on camera, but the scenery I see with my eyes is really beautiful. The uphill is very short, but there isn’t much of a gradient . [Music] Oh, I’m hungry and I have no strength. Where’s McDonald’s? Is McDonald’s getting any oil from my body? I keep giving signals to put it in. Oh, I’m getting sick of waiting for 77 days. The price of gas is 77 pounds. It’s not bad for the price in the UK. It’s okay if it’s the same and it’s 1000 won, but I’m lonely. I filled my body with oil, so I’ll run to Cardigan. This is close by before going to Carp. The one attached is New. I will pass by New Ports quickly. What I feel from the electronic signs and signs right now is that this is written in Welsh separately. It is written in both English and Welsh. It doesn’t make sense to say that this is really a different country. I passed a lot of bridges today. This really feels like riding in nature. Why did this goat come out? Hello , I’ve entered the outskirts of Cardiff. I’m going to take a look at the sea before I go to my accommodation. My tire has a flat tire again. It hasn’t lost a lot of air, but it’s so soft that it bursts very finely. What’s the problem? This place is very fine. It burst, but why is this side burst? There’s something like a wire really finely stuck here. You can’t see it clearly here, but it’s very fine. It’s really hard to find. It’s stuck in. I’m sure they checked it really carefully at the hostel yesterday and changed the tire. I did it, but I’m still satisfied with finding the cause that was really hard to find. I touched it very slightly. Wow , the tube is bad. Wow, this lady has a lot of necks. Wow, I’ll throw it away as if it’s already been torn off by about 6 times and leave. Let’s go look at the sea. Now, it’s refreshing. It’s already 6:30. It’s been a while since I rode 100 km. I think I rode 100 km in 15 days. [Applause] Cardiff Bay We arrived at Cardiff Bay. Wow , it’s busy. Musang arrived today as well. [Music] It’s homework. [Music] Homework Oh, I’m just starting to dance. Cardiff is pretty. [Music] The sun is setting. The days are getting shorter. Now, I will see Cardiff Castle, which is famous in Cardiff, and then go to my accommodation. Oh, this is Cardiff Castle. It’s blowing hard in Wales. This is Central. Hey, the castle is cool. This is how I’ll end my trip to Cardiff. Riding again tomorrow. I have to do it. I rode more today than I thought. I rode almost 111km. It was the longest distance in almost 15 days. I will finish in Cardiff, the capital of Wales . End. There are a lot of Instagrams. What is this ? 111 I rode 111.1km today. I arrived in the middle of the day. [Music] HM [Music] Let’s go. There is an area I want to visit. If you go up north from Cardiff, there is a national park. So I want to go camping in the national park, so I’m thinking of going up there and then coming back down to the west. It’s a hilly area, so you have to climb a lot, but it’s in Brae, which is in the national park. I’ll sleep in a village called Cone. Oh, I rode a lot for the first time in a long time yesterday, so I’m a little tired. The departure was a little late. The current time is 9:50. Cardiff Main and Castle Park are very nice, but there are too many drunk people on the streets, and there are too many homeless people. It was good at first, but all the good things were ruined at the end. Oh, it was a mess, and I need to warm up with this uphill last night. Wow, this slope is no joke. Oh, I used all my gears, but this is really no joke. It’s over 20 degrees . Hey, how long has this been? [Music] No, going straight is harder than doing it. I want to ride it, but after climbing uphill and climbing and climbing and climbing again, I understand why they make the roads winding in the high mountains. It was a consideration. In fact, if you want to make it, you have to climb it in one go without any slope like this. I could have made it , but it was made in a twisty way to make it easier to climb. Ah, I thought I had finished climbing, but yes, the slope has become lower. Oh, what is this ? This is a surprise. Wow, my heart almost exploded. Wow , my heart rate goes up so much at once. What is this? Observatory, coffee. I have to go get everyone a drink. Karpilli [Music] As I come down from the mountain, the village opens up. [Music] Oh, here [Music] What is the name of this village? So the high hill where I had coffee earlier is Capley Mountain. Why did they come out? It’s cute. Oh, forehead. It’s pretty, yes. [Music] Wow, Chief Happily, it’s amazing. This place is perfect for a walk, and there are definitely a lot of hills as we enter Wales. From here, we have to climb about 15km more. If we leave the village here, we’ll probably go inside Sanggol. Now, Holy Live [Music] ] There are quite a lot of cars [Music] Oh, surprise , what if they get roadkill? How did they get out? Cha-cha-cha I have to go here. Ah, it’s over now. There are no cars. Ah, the weather is amazing today as well . [Music] hi heading to bre and beacons Yeah bre and beacons yeah yeah bre and beacons is one of the best hot spots for looking at the stars oh really It’s so Dark up there uh one They got famous place up there where they all Look at the ok you find it Yeah Thank you have a good day today You can see the stars. Wow , hell, it’s pretty while camping . I’m going uphill all the time today. As soon as I leave the village, the Brecon Beacons National Park opens. Before entering the Brecon Beacons, I’ve already climbed so much that my legs are worn out. I entered the Brecon Beacons National Park . Wow, there are a lot of cars here. You have to go up further. Wow, the view is wide open. The scenery is amazing. [Applause] Hello , the scenery was so good that I stopped for a moment. Wow, I’ve passed all of that. I’m like, uh, there’s a reservoir over there. Oh, it’s crazy. [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Oh, I can see the top here. Wow, it’s crazy . Wow, I can see all of Wales at a glance. I’m going down now. Wow, the scenery is killer. What is this? This is another hot spot, but I can’t stop. Well done on the hill . Oh. oh Wow , this is a scenery that is hard to find in England. [Music] [Music] Wow, okay. Now, I’ll go to a village called Brecon, get some supplies, and then move on to the camping site . There’s 2 miles left in Bracon. Oh my, it’s so hard. If I have to go back to the southern coast anyway, I’ll go to Brecon. You have to cross Cone Beacons National Park at least once. So when I cross it on my way back, I’m going to try another course. Welcome to Bcon D. I want to grill some meat today, but this is Whale Sesan beef. I see there’s a can of gin and tonic. I bought a lot of meat. I’m going to eat it today. I have to do it. The building is so pretty. This is the church. The church is quite high, but the highest peak is about 800m above sea level. The peak I climbed earlier is 510m above sea level . If the campsite is okay , I’m thinking about staying one more day and going hiking, but for now, I went to the campsite today. I think I need to go and have a look. The place I found is this farm, and I searched on Google Maps for surfing. It’s a bit expensive for an ell possible camping site, but the last campsite was incredibly cheap. This is probably the average price. I didn’t decide on 20 pounds , but he said he could, and there’s a table, a bathroom, a shower, and a refrigerator . [Music] Oh, this place is really nice. I’ll set up a tent here. I just realized that if I go down this way, there’s a valley. I decided to climb the peak of Beacons. I’ll come. I rode 74.7 km. It was hard today because I rode uphill so much . The end. Tonight, I had a Wells glass of Levi’s steak and two hot ramen. The person camping next to me gave me a disposable grill plate. He said I could just light it and use it. I’m going to try using this for dinner tomorrow. Look at the meat. The man gave me Dariki sauce, so I’ll try it while the ramen is boiling. I ‘ll eat it all before the ramen boils, but even though I have 250g of this, it won’t go away. Wow, it melts gently. This is good beef. I will eat it. I think ramen is delicious no matter what time I eat it. I ride my bike really hard and eat ramen when I am on my stomach. There is nothing like it. People say it is pitiful that I eat ramen every day, but this is more than a feast for me . Of course, it would be nice to eat something more delicious than this , but I guess it was cooked too well. Camping here. It’s perfect. The Wi-Fi works. It’s three spaces and it’s too fast. It’s a waste to stay here for a day with the Wi-Fi . It’s hard to find a good campsite like this. In fact, I’ve been to a lot of places and I think this is the best for about 5 months, but there are other good places besides this place. I had some , but now if everything is good, there’s nothing missing . In fact, if I’m hungry right now, I think I can eat 1 kg. I slept well last night and I’ll go hiking to the top of this national park and come back. The fact that I took out this windbreaker is proof that the weather has become much colder. It takes about two and a half hours one way. It’s been a long time since I’ve been hiking. I’ve always been on a bike. Wow, not really. There’s so much grass on the road here. Hiking trail. Wow , the sky here has suddenly gotten really good. This is a blackberry. The person camping next to me yesterday got this blackberry. He gave it to me to try and it was delicious. It’s really sweet. This is delicious. There’s a lot of food here on the street. I need to pick it up. It’s this way. 886m. I’ll go all the way here. I’ll take a picture of this place, but I don’t know how I’m going to get down, but I’ll go up here first. They poop. There are so many. There are so many sheep here. [Music] [Music] It’s Mother Nature. The scenery is amazing. Wow , the grasslands are spreading out. Wow, this is only 886m above sea level. It ‘s so pretty. Wow, the wind is no joke. It’s going up, so you still have to climb a lot more to get to the top. That’s the Kukdae Inside Cam . It’s a picture. How can it be like this? There’s water over there like the sandalwood of Hallasan Mountain. I thought it would be a lake in front of me, so I thought it wouldn’t take long, but it keeps going up. [Music] It’s really steep at the end. Oh, what’s up there? There’s people over there, too. Hey, I couldn’t help but laugh. The day has come. Wow, there is a plain like this at the top. It is flat and there are a lot of courses at the top. This is the penny board at the top of Brecon Beacons National Park . It is 886m above sea level . Oh my god, I am tired. I can almost see the evening in Wales from here. Oh really, come here to Brecon Beacons. I think it’s a place that’s worth it. It’s so healing when I come to a place like this. It’s the best because you can see all directions of the north, south, and south of the route . I think I walked, but I think I’ll have to walk more than 10km to get down and back to the campsite. The lake here is so pretty. How can there be water just over there? Why are you there? That place is now in the south. I’ll ride my bike again tomorrow and leave this national park and go there. Principle I’m going to a city called Suji, which is on the invisible sea side. Now I’m going down slowly. The current time is 12 o’clock today, and now it’s 3:15. It took an hour, including a break. I came up that way, but I’ll go down this way. This is the peak. The name is Kondo, and the altitude is 873m. I think it’s 873m above sea level after taking the Conde peak over there. [Music] I think it’s Penny Fall [Music] This is [Music] Kondo. These white spotted ones are all sheep. It’s a good thing I came here. Wow , you’re doing it down here. Look at the wind. The water is very clear. There’s a horse over there . I don’t know when I’ll be here, but I’ll come again when I get the chance. It was so good that I wanted to come again. I’m almost all the way down. No people come to this course. There are a lot of people coming up from the other side. There were hardly any people on the course I went up earlier, but there’s not a single person on the course I’m going down now . It doesn’t look like someone painted it, but there’s a heart here. A lot of people camp here on the tree poles. Is this outdoor camping site a sacred place? Outdoor camping that only locals know about. I think it’s a market site , but it was there somewhere like this. I came back to the place where the waterfall was earlier. I’m done. I walked 20kg today. I picked some blackberries in the water bucket. I have to go. I’ll eat it for dessert later than I bought six eggs here for 1.5 pounds for my stay at the campsite today. I ‘m making a fire. I’m going to eat some meat on top. [Music] I’ll eat soy sauce and eggs. All six eggs [Music] [Music] I put some. I rode it, but it was still a success [Music] I burned my neck, but it was almost like something smoked [Music] I threw it away. Then, I will finish climbing the Brecon Beacons today. End [Music] k [Music] [Music] Today is the last day of August 8 It’s the 31st of the month . Time goes by so fast. Each day feels so short. Let’s start again. Today, I’ll go to Swansea, a city on the coast. I have to cross that national park one more time. Oh, I got another rash on my thigh after hiking yesterday. It was like that. My legs don’t have time to relax. Wow, I’ve only ridden 5km, but my legs aren’t responding. This definitely seems to be different from the muscles I use when hiking. This is a wild camping site, so I wrote it down like this. How do I find a place like this? Even though my legs are stiff, if I roll them strangely, they roll again. In fact, physical strength is important, but mental strength is also very important. Mental factors really play a big role. Ah, the Bible is good . He is almost an old man, but Lee Jeong says he is becoming an old man. As soon as we meet, you start running. It’s so cute . Wow, Kyungsoo is joking here too. This course is also very pretty. There aren’t many cars here and the uphill is a bit steep , but Ah [Music] I go up to Brecon Beacons and keep going down, so the speed is really fast. Today is a resourceful day. It looks like it’s a district area. We still have to go a little further to Swansea. We’ve arrived at Suwon. I’ll get to the accommodation right away. Oh, why are you so tired? We’re back in the city. After getting out of nature, I guess this is the Suhwan area. Wells is the second city. It’s the second largest city. They say it’s a city. I know Swansea is famous for its soccer team, but I don’t watch soccer very much, so the wall in front of me is right in front of Suwan Branch, Suwan District. Oh, this is Castle Square. So, I left Brecon Beacons ES today and came to Aji, Suwan District. I rode 58km , the end . Ah, I can see everything. It’s a hill like Suwanji Point. The name of this place is Killbait. Tomorrow, I’ll continue going up there along the coast. It ‘s a little far from the center, so I have to walk for about 30 minutes to get there. Oh, it’s a really sandy beach. It’s been a while. I can’t even remember when this happened. How than [Music] you This is Suzy’s hostel [Laughs] Hello, hello, I’ve been living in Busan for 3 years. Your name Yes [Applause] own language Yeah the name of the host is Ah how to read it I like to get guests to try their best to pronounce it So How do you think it’s pronounced swe S not KCH means hug Here is hug host hug h [Music] It’s 9:20 a.m. Now let’s get out of the water source and towards the ocean. I’m going for a ride. I’m not sure whether to go camping or stay at a hotel, but I’ll think about it after riding it. [Music] I’m going to Maden Maden Ah [Music] Yeah car car car SW may Ah Cola, the bike is really pretty , Cola my dre actually I have h inuk so I stay in I can work here But I don’t want it Yeah the main reason why I came here isting traveling the world so country not have not enough time for riding going here I canide little with you and thank you your name sir My Name ni korea so bicycle It’s quite expensive right I bought years AG 8000s 8000s Aha Wowne [Music] kidwell about kw about miles in kidwell you can’t go left around the coast still another Ah to come out i’ suggest Yeah when you get A kid you go through the town small town a Bridge over the river You can do a left straight Bridge and left left it brings You Out In A little fishing Village called fair fair and you than you have a good Yes, I lead the way and lead the way. He told me about a good coffee shop, but I can’t not go there. [Music] I came to Heath Valley. It’s like a real place. I’ll go to the coffee shop on Ferry Side that Mr. Allen told me about. I think we can have lunch there and then leave again. Here It says you can cross the bridge and turn left. That’s right, there is a bike course marked. If you go on the road, you have to go back a bit to Cal Mardin, but since time is running out, this is Marden Bay. This is Leaside, 2.25 miles and Perissa. Right in front of Marine Street is the train road like this. It’s here. I didn’t know you were supposed to drink coffee here, but I’ll eat it and go [music] . It’s delicious. The mushroom potatoes are so delicious. We’ll have a delicious lunch and then we’ll head out again. Oh, there’s a camping site a little outside of Kalchik. So since it’s not raining today, I’ll go camping first. It’s 43km away now. I rode it, but I only have to ride about 30km more. [Music] [Applause] [Music] Ya bap ya, care, wow, the downhill is really steep here. Wales definitely has more hills than England , and most of the hills are very steep. The village you see in front of here. I have Marden now . I’ll go in there and supply it and then go straight to the camping site. Marden Wow, Tesco Class is so big. There’s a puncture here. The puncture wheel burst. This thing got stuck. What is this? Hey, something like a sharp thorn got stuck here. That’s why it got punctured. Hey, thank you. You’re so kind. You saw that tire burst and asked me if I needed anything. I have everything. So, I’m leaving. Why is this car like this again? Why is it so crowded that it’s a bit difficult to get over this road? There are so many cars that you have to pass quickly. If you see it getting blocked like this , there must have been an accident somewhere in front. The bike path is good, but it’s cut off at some points, so you have to ride along with this overpass. This is the course. It’s a bit difficult because there are too many cars, but the speed is fast, so I’m glad that the traffic is blocked. I’m ahead of everyone. I think I’ve been in an accident. I’ve been in an accident. I have to go this way. It’s okay that there are a lot of uphill hills, but all of them are too steep. The basic slope is just too steep. It’s like 13 or 14, so I’m losing my mind. Oh, I’m here. There’s a lot of camping at Big Bar. They’re wearing black clothes. They look cute. I’m the only person in this large campsite, and the price is really expensive. No, the first time I went to the campsite, it was very expensive . I liked it because it was cheap, but now the prices of the campsites are gradated and expensive. This one is 88 pounds, 12 pounds, 19 pounds, 25 pounds. Oh my god, Suji-eun Ping’s price is more expensive, but in fact, I can’t find a 25-pound lodging in Geumgum right now. Everything is expensive with a minimum of 40 pounds and 50 pounds. I’ll end the day here . It’s nice because there’s a table. I rode 77km today. A 25-pounder costs about 40,000 won. Of course, there are camping sites in Korea that cost 40,000 won and 50,000 won, but 45,000 won seems too big to me, so I’ll end the day here anyway. I’ll do it. I went to buy some camping gear and bought some gas, and then I bought another Hopel. [Music] It wasn’t enough, and I stopped by Tesco earlier and gave them 500g of beef for 88 pounds. [Music] Wow, it’s been a while since I had Spam, so I mixed it with beef. It’s raining a little now. I’m worried about tomorrow. I think I need to go to bed early today and wake up early tomorrow and withdraw quickly. [ Music] [Music] [Music] good can I thank you Thank you I have to leave , so it’s 9:30 on September 3rd. I was alone in this large campsite. Today’s destination is a national park called Fancy Course, if you go straight along the ocean side. They say it’s very beautiful, and I originally planned to camp there. But I heard it’s going to rain all day today, so I’m worried. We’re almost done with Wales. Why are they so cute? Today’s course has quite a few uphills. First, we’ll go towards a village called Tenby as a stopover. From here, you can walk about 22km and have lunch while avoiding the rain. I think I can eat and have a cup of warm coffee . Now, let’s warm up a bit. Hi, yes. Wow , Wales doesn’t have high hills, but the ups and downs are so extreme. The 14-degree sea is spread out. We have to go all the way to the end. The slope is 16 degrees. It’s good. Wow, the wind seems to have agreed with something . Wow, the sea breeze is no joke. It’s pushing me from behind. It feels like someone is pushing me with a hand from behind. It’s really a slope. It’s no joke. You have to go up to the left. It’s even worse here, but my good mother is also camping here . The weather is getting better, isn’t it? Except for land, wild camping and nose camping are not possible, but camping is possible implicitly, like camping like that. If you hide, the weather is no joke. I think it was really cold today. I really run straight while looking at the bar. Wow, what is this? There is a cave tunnel. Wow, good job. Someone is here. I entered a village called Bi. The buildings are very colorful. I really like it. There was a reason why I went to Bi. I’ll go down there and have a cup of coffee. There are a lot of people. There’s a very small island over there. I ordered English Strang Coffee [Music]. It looks like a perfect resort town. It’s pretty. [Music] My back foot is flying again. The force is a bit strong. [Music] There are a lot of ridge paths. I think it came from the Broke Hambrough side. There’s a ship heading to Ireland at Broke Hangu as well. If you take it at Pank, you can see the public park. I can’t, so I’m going to take it to a place called Fish Guard and ride it. Tomorrow, I’m thinking of going camping inside Fable Shea National Park. It’s starting to rain a lot. The weather is a bit disappointing. There’s a castle here too. There’s a lot of castles. On the ocean side. [Music] Thank you , Oh, my legs. You have to go over one [applause] Right now, okay, I guess it’s not going down very much. It seems to be connected along the river. Bicycles are everywhere. They’re all over the place. When you’re hungry, pick one like this. Instead of picking this one, pick one like this. Hey, this is so delicious, I’m dying like this. Wow, this place is a real treat. There’s too much of it. The blood is starting to come in earnest here. [Applause] It’s starting to come. There’s a lot of it. It’s coming a lot. Wow, even if you go to Fan Brush National Park, you won’t see anything. If this is enough, I’ll have to think about it. But I can’t see it unless it’s today. Today’s weather is like this, so let’s go first. I’ll make a decision later. I entered Independence Park. This is Broadway, a small town. Uh, I’m going to continue toward the coast. I have to go toward Broad Heaven. Broad Heaven Broad Heaven. I can see the sea , but it’s a lot different than before . I’m looking for one. Oh, I don’t know. Wow, it’s magnificent. To be honest, it’s a bit cheap here, so it’s fast, but I’m a sucker. I’ll think about the course. Let’s just add a coffee. [Music] I took a break and thought about it, but if you want to take a boat from here to Ireland, you have to go to Hangu Ma. It’s okay, but if it’s only about 30k, I’ll just take a boat to Ireland today. I’ll leave once the rain stops . There are only afternoon boats and 11:45 p.m. boats, so I’ve booked the 11:45 boat right now. Just today. I ‘ll finish Wales and move on to Ireland . It’s a 45-minute boat ride, so I’ll be heading to Ireland tomorrow around 3:45 a.m. Even if you arrive, you can save money. I’m glad there’s a late boat. It’s almost 5 o’clock right now, so I think it’ll be fine. If this continues, it’s going to rain again. The weather is so good that the sun is shining, and I can see the sea as I ride the coastal road on this side of Wales. Now and again, I happened to go 100km today. It looks like it’s a national park. It’s a national park called Broke Rest . [Music] Wow, it’s amazing. Hey, I can’t stop this . Wow , I have to go up there. The ridge road is empty again . Wow, this road is so pretty. [Music] There must have been a forest fire here. It’s burnt. Oh, the sun is rising. It’s raining on the other side. The weather has changed again. The trees are damaged. It’s all burned down here. Wow . Still, I’m glad the weather is better than I expected. I see a pretty picture. The environment keeps making me stop. I have to go. Wow. It’s beautiful [Music] Wow, it’s crazy [Applause] The national parks here, like Brecon Beacons and Hamble Shea, are really pretty. Wells, there’s a campsite here. There’s a lot of people. I’ll kill you if you camp here. Oh, I have to go up there. I’m hungry already. Ah, my body’s gas mileage is rubbish. Even if I eat, I’m hungry and the fuel runs out too quickly. Oh, what should I eat? The weather on this side is really nice, like a lie, but on the other side, there are dark clouds. No, the slope is 16 degrees. Let’s go up. If we get over this hill, it’s now a national park. It feels like I’m going through the sky. The sky here is so pretty. Wow. What would it be like to live in a place like this? Here it comes. It’s amazing. Fannie . It’s a slope. The difficulty level is quite high. I just climbed it. It happened to be the last day of my trip to Wells. The day I entered Wells. If it had been last Sunday, today would have been Saturday. I traveled for exactly one week. Now let’s go to Ireland. Wells is a small country, so I didn’t have high expectations, but I really enjoyed it. Even if I eat, my energy dwindles too quickly due to fuel efficiency. Current time is 7:10. The sun sets after 8 o’clock, so you have to hurry before it sets. I don’t want to ride at night. Oh, this was the last hill. Okay, but I made it to the middle with my speed. The sun is setting. Let’s go. [Music] [Music] Halo, it’s pretty. Oh, it’s pretty. Fish . It’s that side, and they say this town is good. It seems like a good place, but the Stena Line checks in here, but check-in hasn’t opened yet. So I have to wait a bit, but it’s pouring down. Thank you, thank you. [Laughs] [Music] No. Cars are checking in now, but it’s strange here. You can’t check in with your bike. They ask you to check in at the passenger area. It’s just after 9 o’clock, and there’s still over two hours left. Oh, I’m a little tired now, but I think I need to get on the ship and get some sleep. This is the ship I’m going to take . The current price is 11. 10 o’clock I’m checking in now. Thank you, thank you, cucumber. They check baggage very carefully here. Oh, my camping knife was stolen. Oh, it was really useful. I took it. I had a good time on the boat. The boat runs for about an hour, but when it arrives, it’s an hour early. They say they arrived around 3:45. I think I need to take a quick nap here. I’m so hungry that I have no choice but to eat something . It’s a little expensive, but I still have to eat it. If I want to buy it, it’s 14 pounds from this and this. That’s 23,000 won. Wow, it’s too expensive. Wow, really, there’s nothing. Island Rosslayer 3 At 45 o’clock, it will be about 4 o’clock when we leave Hangu. So, I think I will stay there until sunrise and then move. I’ll go in now and get some shuteye. I’m so tired. I rode 95km today. Originally, I thought about riding about 60km and started riding. I did it, but I rode it for 95km. Wow, it’s raining a lot. I need to find a place to stay. [Music] Since this is no longer England, but a completely new country, they ask if I have a return ticket back to England. So, I said I’ll go along the east coast to Bow Island. So I asked if 2 weeks would be enough. [Music] Welcome to Arand. I’m going to Europe again. This is a gas station right in front of Hangu where Slare Hangu came out. I was sheltering from the rain at the gas station. Ah, entering Arland was harder than I thought. Among the people on the boat. They were all British and Irish, and I was the only one from another country working there, but I was the only one who was tested. I looked into it again and found out that in principle, you can stay for 9 days without a visa, but for Ireland, you must have a return ticket or proof of what you are doing here. You had to have the right documents to get the full 9 days. I just came to Ireland on a boat without knowing anything, and now the immigration officer keeps asking me how long I’ll be there. So, of course, I said 90 days would be 9 days without a visa. I thought they would give me everything, but I didn’t have any documents, no return ticket , and I didn’t know when I would go back to the UK. So I said I was going to Northern Ireland on my bike, and I got a 3-week visa for Ireland . I think we talked for about 30 minutes. Why did you come? Do you have a return ticket to your residence in the UK ? Anyway, getting a visa was quite tricky. What should I do in Ireland? The current time is 4:42 AM. I saw a light in the distance and the check-in center here was open. I went back and got a 3-week visa because I didn’t get all 9 days, but when I go back to Ireland, I get to go to the UK, but they don’t do a test. They say I can’t get a test stamp to leave Ireland, so I’m only in Ireland for 3 days. There is no evidence that he stayed less than a week. So I’m worried about that right now, so I think I should ask. The sun has risen. I stayed up all night. When I go to Dublin later, I think I’ll have to stop by the Dublin embassy and ask . I came here fish hours and got me week. bic I wonder pass maybe one and WE is enough for crossing the but how to pro I just stay and half weeks two weeks When I crossing the is to the is They don’t check about why the how to police station is police station look it up Where the nearest one is in there and ask and then I also have a like valid Two years Visa in UK irel is EU Yeah so Yeah quite confused to me Yeah Okay F Yeah like like special situation to me right what you want it for you want it for When you’re coming back don’t you to say that you I’m not coming back to isand I just go past so coming here from your bike up to the north and then going back ENG I’ll go to the norther and then I go Scotland and then turn around to the England and I will take the ferry England to the holland When I go holland they g checking about my like staying duration about Island and UK If they asking me about how to prove You stay just less than weeks than you so than you Still, I got a bit of an answer. Yes, let’s get going now. I have to ride my bike again. I have to go to the city I know, Axford, where I have accommodation. It’s about 22km away from here , so you have to ride there and wait at the Ax Pod until check-in time. Another day has already started, but it feels like the day isn’t over yet. Let’s go. Ireland is a European country again, so they use the Euro. Time went by an hour faster, and fortunately the direction of the road was the same. It became so pretty as the sun rose. I didn’t know it was such a pretty place. I had to take a quick look and then go. Wow, this pizza is always tricky. This is Rosslayer Korea. Wow, there were a few twists and turns, but I ‘m still in Ireland. I came, but I was almost denied entrance. I didn’t use a return ticket, so I came in and asked for it persistently. If I had received the full 90 days, it was n’t a problem at all, but if I came from somewhere else, I could come in again without getting a stamp, and I could come in by boat like this. When you come in together, you have to get a stamp again and everything is different, so it’s a good thing there’s an Irish flag here. But the weather has improved. A gas station has also opened. Oh, I don’t know. Let’s enjoy Ireland for now. Our plan in Ireland is along the eastern coast, all the way to Northern Ireland. I’m thinking of going up to that, but the lodging costs are so high, Ireland is the worst. I left the UK and finally found a shoulder. It’s so comfortable. The road has widened. Maxpo 11km left. If I go to Scotland, I’m really going to die. I’m so sleepy. I ‘m tired now. I think I slept for about an hour and a half today. The day never ends. I think it started at 9am yesterday, but now it’s 10am. I’ve been awake for 24 hours. It’s been a while since I’ve been in hardcore mode. If I go to Dublin again, I’ll double check again. I ‘ll have to check with the embassy. I’m still in the UK legally. Since you have two years to stay, I don’t think it will be that much of a problem, but I think it would be good for Chao to leave evidence. It’s best to be sure and go. It’s a little after 10 o’clock, but I already got a call saying I can check in. Then I’ll go straight to the accommodation. I’ll go. I don’t have the stamina to see Spord. Now, the weather has gotten so good. Ireland is the sixth country. England, Spain, Portugal, Morocco, France. Next Ireland. There’s a merry-go-round and a Ferris wheel here too. I’ll take a good rest today and run to Dublin, the capital of Ireland, starting tomorrow. I’ll be there in a day or two. I think it’s about 150km from here to Dublin, and since it’s Sunday today, we’ll arrive on Tuesday. If there are no variables, I’ll see what kind of festival there is. There’s also an activity here . This is the AirB accommodation I’ll be staying at today. I ‘ll finish my journey to Ireland after finishing Wales. [Laughs] How, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh , oh , oh , this is my room It was so good that I wanted to wear it more, but I have to leave. A new week has started on September 5th. It’s Monday at 9:30. Let’s start riding in Ireland in earnest. If we step on it today and tomorrow, we will enter Dublin, the capital of Ireland. But the problem is that I don’t know where to plan today . Of course, I need to sleep a lot. Wow , I haven’t taken a nap once since I started touring the world on this bike. I bought it for over 12 hours yesterday and it’s in great condition. If you ride 50km on the Expo 2 road, you’ll come to a city on the coast again. You should stop there and think about the next course. I think it will work. Now that I’ve decided where to stop today , I think I’ll have to look for a campsite soon. Wow, there are a lot of them. [Music] There are so many. I can see an elementary school. Why should I take a short break? Beli Canyu Gorey. This is Gorey. I passed by the city I know. Acro is right there. I’m going to go into the city . Dark clouds are gathering from the other side of the interior. They say it’s going to rain late this evening, but it’s very clear near the ocean. Since I’ve just entered Acro, I’ll have some food. I rode just 60km in time. The course I came up with today is Acro. It was, but it felt a little short, so let’s go a little further forward. McDonald’s is good value for money , but the weather is cloudy and it’s about to rain. The central street is all here. This one here costs about 18 euros, 24,000 won, and 23,000 won. Prices are also high in Ireland. It’s really expensive. Taratara sauce [Music] Well , when I came out after eating squid, the sky became clear again. Oh, it’s cloudy in the back, but it’s really clear here. There’s another park called Claw Mountain on the way to Dublin from here. So, I’m thinking of going inland. When I looked for a campsite, there was a campsite about 20km away on the road going inland, so I’ll go there and finish today. Dark clouds are forming. It’s sunny here, but the kids are getting off school now. The parents are taking everyone with them. [Music] It’s a bit farther away than I thought. The weather is so strange to Dublin, Ireland. What is this ? Wicklow National Park is 19km away and Dublin is only 65km away. I booked accommodation in Dublin, but it’s a lot more expensive than I thought. Dormitory hostels are the cheapest for one night. It’s 40,000 won, but the price on weekdays is 40,000 or 5,000 won, but the price on weekends is 130,000 won. The dormitories are crazy . If you try to stay on the weekend, the price doubles and there is no answer. This is a village. There is a camping site. This village is amazing. Ladrum, I’ve come all the way down, and the name of this village is Low Town. The village down low is just like the name. Come to Hidden Valley Holiday Park. It’s raining just as I arrive. Camping confirmed in the rain. Still, I’m very fortunate that I didn’t get caught in the rain at all while riding today. I didn’t wear any clothes. And it looked like it was going to rain. Oh, it’s pretty heavy. How for per. This campsite is really big. I think there are a lot of activities. The price is 22 euros per night, so it’s 30,000 won. This seems to be a caravan area, and this building only has a bathroom, shower, and tent. They told me to cross the bridge here for the pitching area. Oh, I can pitch my tent right in front of the river. I’ll do it here. I’ll do it here under the tree. The course is good, so I rode it quickly today. I rode 82km. It looks like it’s going to rain, so I’ll pitch quickly and rest in case it rains. So I put on a lot of packs. The wind is blowing a lot today. It’s really nice here. It’s perfect. I’ll just soak my feet. Wow, it’s really cold . Wow, it’s really cold . Swimming is over now. I can’t swim. It’s cold. It’s starting to rain in earnest. But under the tree. So it feels like it’s blocking it out a little. Oh, it’s cold. It’s cold. Now, there’s a restaurant in the campsite, so I packed a box of chicken. It’s nice to hear the sound of blood. Camping is really good these days, so let’s spend some money. There’s a lot of food today. Let’s spend 17 euros like this. The peach and chips I ate earlier are all much better value for money . There is an Asian restaurant inside the campsite. Surprisingly, this is a lot . These days, the price of chicken in Korea is 2 or 3,000 won, including the delivery fee. When I was leaving, I emptied the french fries and when I was done, the price went down. It’s rising. First, I’ll go up to the village, have some breakfast, and then set off. It rained a lot yesterday morning and the water rose a lot. The sun is rising. What is this? It’s really impossible to control the weather in Ireland and the UK. Today too, it’s 100% riding in the rain anyway. It kept coming and going. I think so. The current time is 9:20. There is a coffee shop that opened in Las Drum that I passed by yesterday, so I will go there first and get out of the rain for a bit. Once I enter the capital of Dublin, I will be closed for about 3 days, so I only have to say a little until today. As soon as I start. My whole body hurts . There are so many places here. What’s the difference? The restaurant is good. It’s really good. The coffee is so good. It’s a tough journey. I expect it to be a rough journey. I’m going to cross the Flow Mountain National Park and enter Dublin, and it’s all uphill. 1,000 won. Something more. It comes out neatly. What is this? Let’s eat this and go for a ride uphill. I think it’s the most satisfactory breakfast I’ve had in the UK and Ireland. It’s not that cheap here and there’s nothing special about it, but it’s strange because they came in the rain. It’s a coffee shop. Do I have to do this? But they don’t accept cards. They only accept cash. It’s cheap. It’s really cheap. You have to order coffee separately, but it’s 10 including coffee and it doesn’t show any signs of stopping, but once you leave, you can’t wait. If you come to Last Drum, you must come here. Please stop by. I’m very satisfied. It was the best breakfast. I’m leaving for Dublin at 10:07 on September 6th . I hope the weather is nice when I enter Wicklow National Park . I want to see the pretty scenery. [Music] I’m not sure why, but I’m so happy. I’m going up. I didn’t see any signposts, but it seems like I’m in a national park. I did some research and found out that this is the largest national park in Ireland. I didn’t come here knowing that, but there are a lot of places with great Welsh revival. You can feel the great nature . There’s a waterfall far away. Waterfall Oh, there’s a waterfall there too. Can you see it on the way? [Music] Wow, it’s so big . [Music] It’s so big. The hooves are so big. It’s been raining since yesterday, so I think it looks even better because there’s a lot of water. Wow, look at the wind. The brown color of the water is really amazing . As expected, national parks never disappoint. It’s so cool even when the weather is cloudy. I don’t think it will show up well on camera. These sheep are everywhere. I’m seeing all the sheep I’ll ever see in my life. Cheer clap clap [Music] Oh , because I’m riding a bicycle, cars are looking at me with strange eyes. It’s not a big deal. I’ll protect it. It’s trivial. It seems like the uphill climb here is at least 15km, but it’s gentle and refreshing. It would be really nice to come here when the weather is nice. Riding Here, like this, I go up like this. If I just get over this, it won’t be long until I get to Dublin. Now, it’s raining. I’m wet. I’ve passed all the ridges. I’m going down. Ho, ho, it’s raining too much. First of all, I’ve passed all the peaks of this ridge. I have to go down now. Wow, it’s cold. It’s cold. I’m not done with the 30km doubling yet. I’m going up one more step. The sky seems to have cleared up on the other side here, but some rain has arrived. The uphill is quite long here. I’ve passed all the twists and turns you can see in the distance. I’m not sure if you can see it clearly , but the other side is. It was a little rough. My whole body was wet, so I had to go further. It’s dangerous, so I’m going to take a break while riding. This [music] I stopped for a moment to get some coffee. I’ll warm up here and then start again. It’s spicy and cold. It’s downhill, so I’ll go further. It’s cold [Music] Oh my body is sweet [Music] [Music] The sun has risen. My temperature hasn’t come up yet and my body is trembling. Wow, look away , no, look at this. Look at the sky next to me. The weather fairy came a little late. Everything is right and my clothes are all wet as I ride downhill, so my body temperature is low. [Music] The Korean ambassador to Ireland has arrived. I will ask related questions. Ah, you can only visit if you make a reservation. We talked briefly over the intercom, and if you have any questions, you can just email me. So it is not a simple question, and I will make a reservation. I will tell you to catch it and come back. I will spend every day at the accommodation and visit the embassy one more time while I am in Dublin tomorrow or tomorrow. I have to ride 4 km to the accommodation. As the sky cleared and came down, all my clothes that had been wet in the wind dried. It’s a long time. Wow. There are so many. It’s like London. Wow, it’s really complicated. There are too many buses. [Music] Well done. I rode 63km today. I’ll finish the journey here after crossing Wicklow Mountain National Park and reaching the Double Ring. End [Music] I made a reservation at the embassy today and visited the embassy and came out. Uh, I didn’t get a clear answer. There are many things that require an exit stamp, but if I go over to Ireland, I can’t get an exit stamp. That’s why the problem is now. The only way to get an exit stamp is by taking a boat or an airplane, but I don’t have an exit stamp. You can get it. What they said on the ferry was that they told me to stop by the police station as soon as I crossed the land, but they said it was not clear whether or not I could leave evidence that could be used to confirm my departure at the police station . It’s not easy. If you get an immigration stamp. What are you doing? I can’t get my departure stamp. As expected, it’s raining today. It’s raining here and there. Now that the rain has stopped, I’ll look around Dublin and then go in. I’ve decided, I think I’ll leave a lot of evidence, go in, and take a look at the police line. It’s a park called St. Stephen’s Green. [Music ] These guys don’t need traffic lights either [Music] I think we’ve gone to the main stream now. Busking is also okay [Music] The whole thing in front of here is Trinity University Campus Network [Music] What is this ? The inside of here is Doubling Castle. Look , blood is pouring again. The weather is so nice and the weather is really bad. The bridge you see right in front is called Hani Bridge. The width of the Lippi River is not that wide. It cannot be compared to the Han River . This is the bridge I crossed yesterday when I was staying overnight. It feels like the main river , and that big pillar I saw yesterday in the distance is called Spire. I’m not sure what the Spire is for, but it’s really high. It’s been a while since I went to a restaurant and had some lunch. It’s hard to look around leisurely because it’s cloudy. Please spend some money . [Music] I wrote two for 35,000 won. It’s been a while since I came out after eating. What is the sun? I can see the sun in Spire from here. [Music] It’s the last day to leave Dublin, and the weather is getting better on the last day. I’ll finish by eating something delicious on the last evening. I was able to get into Trinity University. I think that’s the library that appeared in Harry Potter. This is the restaurant I looked for. This restaurant is an Irish restaurant, so I brought it here. Hey, it’s delicious. I think this is shepherd’s pie. It’s either lamb shepherd’s pie or you can eat it with a spoon. It doesn’t cook like this. It’s mixed up . I think my hands will shake when I pay later . I gave it to 10. It’s good, but it’s inconvenient to eat. It cost 80 euros. It was 110,000 won including tea. This was a Michelin restaurant. Island and Guk Island, I felt like I was just passing through, so I passed right away. That’s it. I’ll set up my Dublin itinerary here. I’ll stay here for 3 days and now I’m leaving again. Today I’ll go towards the Northern Ireland border . It was completely cloudy in the morning, but the sun came out by the time I left. That’s good. I hope it’s not a rainy ride today. This is Dublin Airport. The weather is getting really cold now, so I think it would be better to fly to Scotland as soon as possible. I got out of Dublin. Com2uS. Droghead is a bit of a big city, so I think I should go there by the ocean and have lunch. But it’s not raining today. [ Music] As I climb the hill, I see the sea. Ah, the weather is good today. Ah, who are the people who live in a place like this? Look at the scenery. It sticks out in front of the house. [Music] I think I just need to ride another 30 kilometers to the hotel I reserved, but it’s not long. It’s already early. I have to go back to the dorm and edit again. I have to edit all the time I have. I’m busy. There’s so much traffic here. Why are there so many cars? Should I eat this? The lunch combo is only 1,500 won. This hamburger comes out too late. Now, it will take more than 30 minutes to make this. If it was McDonald’s, it would be McDonald’s. It’s like bucking . It was raining heavily just as I was eating. I can’t really predict the weather. I guess I’ll just have to assume that I’ll be riding in the rain every day until the end of Scotland . Since the sun came up and then suddenly rained, there were 114km left to go to Belfast, the capital of Boogaland. There are 34km left in Bunda, the city where I plan to stop today. My accommodation is on the outskirts of Dunda, and it is about 7km away. I made a reservation for a cheaper accommodation. If I feel tired, I pile it up again and there is no mistake. I can’t rest , so I’m writing down the information signs very realistically. As long as the sky is clear, it’s really pretty, but it’s hard to see clearly on a clear day. [Music] Stephen’s Town Phone I have to go in here and take a quick rest. Ah, this is the lodging on the map, but why does it look like home-style lodging? I paid 80,000 won for one night . It looks like a family home. I’ll end here today. I rode 81km. Hey, what are you? It really looks like a house you see in movies. I can’t believe this is an accommodation. Among the people who came, some came from Canada, some from Denmark, and some from New York. It is said that there are people who came from here. The weather is terrible today. I don’t know if the rain has finally stopped. I wonder if it will rain again tomorrow. This is the living room. It’s really amazing. I want to relax in an accommodation like this for a week. It would be so good. I think this is my room that I reserved for 80,000 won. It has two beds. Give me this for dinner. Dino is cute. He came next to me and asked me to eat something. It’s so cute . What do you want? Let’s eat . Is it delicious? Have breakfast. You bought a lot of food. Today is September 10th, Chuseok. Have a nice day. I am currently in a village outside of Dunda, near the border between Ireland and Northern Ireland. [Music] Let’s ride hard on Chuseok. Now we are crossing over to Northern Ireland, where the border is. There are about 30km left. There are two options to cross the border. The first option is to take the land route and go straight inland, or if you pass Dundark and go around the seaside, you can take a boat to a small village in Bookland. I can. I have to choose one of the two. I’ll leave a record of crossing over to Northern Ireland and go to the beach and a tavern. Departure I entered Dundark, a city on the border of Northern Ireland. It’s very peaceful. If you go straight this way to Oh Newry Pass, you’ll reach Yongro. I’m crossing the border, and if I go back like this, I can take a boat at the coast . I’ll go back. The bike path is good. I need to go here and see the sea. This is the road towards the ocean, but it’s a little inside, so everything is covered. Today’s weather is killing me. This kind of weather is killing me. There weren’t any recently, but today there were no dark clouds. Oh, there was a campsite here. Wow, that’s awesome. Oh, I came in well. [Music] You’re crazy swimming here. Let’s finish Ireland and go back to Northern Ireland and England. It’s 9km to the green, where the boats board, from here [Music] Wow, the other side is now Buga Land. Ah, the weather is really good today. It’s the best. Let’s catch the next one. Where can I buy tickets? They’re there every 30 minutes. Every 30 minutes. It’s 12:36 now. Can I get on the ferry now? I don’t think I’ll be able to get this ferry service . I think you can only buy it online, so I paid for it. The price is very cheap. It’s a very short boat, so I paid for it. One way. Now, I’m going to take the boat here and go to Northern Ireland. [Music] The weather is really nice today, so let’s go camping. Thank you, Island is 4. I came in on the 1st, so today is the 7th. It’s just that long, and on the 7th day, I’m going back to England. [Music] [Music] [Music] What is this place in Ireland? [Music] It’s 2 PM on September 10th. After leaving Ireland, I’m going back to England. I have entered Ireland. The British flag again. The name of the village here is Kilkill. It would be correct to say Kilkill. Kilkill. I am heading towards Newcastle right now. There is a campsite right near Newcastle. I will finish there today. The road is so good, there are too many cars, and it is also Young. It’s crazy. It’s good that there are so many mountains on this side. I think there’s a National Trust camping site called Bloody Bridge on the hillside. Let’s climb it first. Wow, the slope here is high so I can’t ride it, so I’ll slowly drag it up there. That mountain is amazing. It’s been almost 6 months and I can’t get used to the weight of the needle after traveling. The scenery is so nice, but I’ll definitely stop here. It’s so pretty today. This is Ah Nice Mates. It’s camping on the hill of the mountain ridge. It’s not supposed to be pitching here, but it’s pitching down there. But I asked you a favor and decided to pitch here. I could see the entire sea from here, so I rode 61 km. Tomorrow, I will go to Belfast, the capital of Northern Ireland. [Music] The end Today [Music] Even in the evening, the light floating in the distance [Music] will be different soon. It looks like it’s going to rain, but the current time is 9:30. Today’s destination is the capital city of Belfast. But since this is my first time on a bicycle trip and the cost of accommodation is very expensive even with a warm shower, I contacted a few places through warm showers. I was drunk, but there was someone who said it was possible, so I’m going to that house. Anyway, it’s been 5 months since I started traveling, and I’ve been using a warm shower for the first time. I’m going to meet the host who invited me. Today is different from yesterday. That horizon is awesome. The scenery along this side of the coast is truly the best. Except for the narrow roads , everywhere in England the roads are narrow, so you come to Newcastle. There is Newcastle in Australia and Newcastle in England. Wow, there’s a castle over there. It’s raining drop by drop right now. I was blowing it, but it felt like something was going to pour down at once. The rain started to thicken. Today, as expected , I rode in the rain. Why was it so damn good yesterday? The weather was extremely lucky yesterday. Hey, the weather was right, but strangely, the sun was shining only yesterday, but it didn’t rain when I was camping yesterday. I’m so glad. It’s nice to go camping in the rain, but I’m having a hard time cleaning up after this. [Music] I need to get out of the rain for a while. What is here? Where are you? [Music] It looks like it’s about to pour. So [Music] It’s pouring. After a fight with the heat, it’s a fight with the rain. Name of the village. This spa, this spa, I want to go to the hot spring and get fat. I’ve been pushing it and now I’m here in the village of Belina Inch, but I think I need to take a break. It’s been raining too much. Let’s see. It’s raining so hard that I can’t see it. I’m going to go down at the bell today. [Music] A lot. Hari This is the last city before the capital Belfast. Is it the last village? Oh, I guess I’m very tired. I bought 45% of it, but it’s so hard. I came in. Bookland sign language part. Woo, it’s raining a lot. Jangna Aine. I think this is the center. I think I should eat something and go in. Is there too much difference ? I’ll call Belfast later and go to the host’s house first. Wow Jin I think I need to contact you somewhere here. Wow, it’s raining so hard. Hell thank you, nice. Me Ah heavy rain take the good with the bad Yeah Ah It’s a good jacket does it work well Yeah is your shirt dry a little bit here I’ll hang it up here I went riding in the rain today and safely arrived at Sam’s house, which I got to know through a warm shower here in Belfast. After taking a break, I will now head to Scotland. I rode 60 km today and I will end the day here. The end Yeah jan style powder but to be honest I’m not crazy about it not my faite gc Fantastic you heat up the OIL Before adding The garlic or Can you throw it in and then just he it up it first and then Yeah it and cook with [Music] I did it for it was wrong [Music] do you ever use the soya the soya meat Have you ever tried it before no vegetarian meat yep It’s like um I’ll show you what it looks like If I have any left That’s it it cooks like it cooks in 5 minutes really easy to cook and a lot of protein in it 5 so Oh I hope we have better weather tomorrow I want your experience to be a good experi yeah yeah I look around the Maybe I hope tomorrow going be F sasi OIL I have never bought sesame OIL before But I think I’ll buy it next time Yeah you You should try You can try this with something this is pumpkin SEED OIL Oh I’ve never seen it It’s from my friend from Austria was visiting and he gave me this pumpkin and so put it here and just add it or just cooking I don’t know I’m not sure He said It’s good with the salad Ah but you can put it on whatever you want put it on anything you want I’m going to try it on the potato Yes smells we just turn it on Don’t remember How This work wel where Korea is all can talk about the national anem kore [Music ] [Applause] kore Now let Talk hist since 1950 1950 right Okay geography geography We have a lot of mountain South Korea has lots of Hills and mountains you know what the highest point is in korea mountain 150 good South Korea the highest point is right 1950 Yeah amazing on amazing [Laughs] [Music] Hello, hello, I took my bike out to look around Past. The place I’m here is the island, where many criminals were imprisoned. The maximum price is 20,000 won, but it’s my first time touring a prison, so I went to the restaurant. [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Wow, it’s a prison like you see in movies [Music] The facilities are a lot better than I thought. The desk, the chair and the bunk bed are not that different from the hostel I stay in . I guess this is a punishment room. A punishment room, solitary confinement. I guess this is the kitchen and I must have seen the food served here. They say it’s a painting of prisoners, but there’s something with an oriental feel to it. I guess there was a free -spirited person in this prison. Wow , it’s almost a prism break. The Mansell Lever Wow, the weather has gotten so good. It’s been raining so much lately. There are four corridors like this, and the corridor is called Wing C. But it seems that only Wing C is open so that you can see it like this, and other provinces cannot see it. It is a place where over 2,000 criminals were imprisoned, so it is huge. There is a wall of peace here, so take a look at that wall. I’ll go and when I arrived here in Belfast, I found out yesterday while talking to the host called Sam that the Titanic ship was built here in Belfast. All you have to do is leave evidence. So, I left evidence during Harry’s reception and also left video evidence, so it won’t be a big problem. It’s the same. There are murals painted on the buildings like this. Now, let’s go to the center of Street and Central, which we passed by yesterday. I didn’t even see the bus, but oh, this is the city hall. Belfast City Hall. The bus here is pink. What’s the name of the shopping mall there that I stopped by yesterday? Victoria. It looks good. I’ll have lunch inside the square while looking around for a bit. It’s the capital city , so I wasn’t expecting much. It’s okay. I’m back. I guess there’s a view if I go up to the top here. I’ll have to go up. Oh, the Five Eyes is delicious . By the way, it’s been a while since I’ve been to a shopping mall. Oh, here’s the clock tower. I can see everything. I can see the sea. What is it? There is an apiary. Let’s go to the ocean area where the Titanic Museum is. Odyssey Titanic Belfast Oh, I never even dreamed of it. The name of the walking course here is Titanic Trail. How much is the entrance fee to the museum? I wonder if it’s 20 pounds. Right in front is the Titanic Hotel. Online booking alone is 35,000 won. I’ll have to be satisfied with just going to the prison museum. This is the end of my tour of Belfast. I ‘ve booked a boat for tomorrow morning to go to Scotland for the next course. So, the Tena line you see over there, that boat company. I ride into a small village at the tip of Scotland. I think I’ll ride in Scotland right away. Northern Ireland was surprisingly short, but Belfast is better than I thought, so I’m satisfied. So that ‘s it for today, place for us I will you where to I w try to CH your mind always [Music] on I don’t know you like K inod rice whatever with rice combination perfect spicy the coke be perfect whoa that is spicy is it the kimch spicy Yeah spicy spy spicy you spicy All I like it I’m so sorry about it no It’s good I’ll eat it if spicy put some rice here It’s way better like sp be okay Can I use my spoon you know in the youtube videos I watch said Korean people work very hard work like a lot they work exactly and in high school Yeah you go to school like very late like Yeah When I When I was in high school every time go to the school at 8 AM finish at 10 pm just still Keep studying even every why I don’t know because of University I don’t know why we have to get like a because being driven to work hard the the MO behind It is to make lots of money and mye is you don’t need lots of money You just need enough money with you don’t money [Music] do people Smoke cannabis or marijuana never it’s really illegal highly illegal like I Don’ t use it I don’t Can a lot of people say it helps and It’s good for them really also canada is some some State is Toronto Ontario legal a lot of people like use it too much m But I know Somebody Who’s a doctor and He works in emergency and then after a day in emergency when he goes home he likes to Smoke like relax Yeah and It’s good for him it helps him but He doesn’t like Smoke it 10 times a day like you know he just does it one time like when he got a tired Yeah you know maybe crean people should sming to like chill man you know like to need work to and Yeah I realized like I don’t like studying University or like my maj but that time I had to go army after Two years army after grad University I have to do something I have to get a job But I don’t know what I want to do I always like vacation summer vacation wi my back [Music] TR trle [Music] TR Search internic tring around my some 300m in my 76 day after that why I dreaming about trav the world [music] [music] Thank you so much for inviting me It only takes about 20 minutes of riding. Thank you, Sam. Thanks to Sam, I really had a comfortable rest in Belfast. I don’t have a car, so it won’t take 20 minutes. I’m going to Haer Ryan, a small town in Scotland. I guess this is with a car , right? You don’t check in with a car here, but you go to the terminal and check in. I have to do it . It’s a little different for each go. It seems like it’s a boat to take to Scotland [Music] . It was loud. There are so many cars going to Scotland. Why are there so many ? Ning than But I go in first. It’s faster than the car. Scotland feels like I’m going to a different country. Why am I? Maybe it’s because I was looking forward to it too much , but now I feel like I’m going to a completely different country. It’s the same [music] spirit, but they tie my bike very carefully and give it to me very kindly, so the basics are good. It’s the same as the UK since the morning, and there’s no passport control or ID check or anything like that. As far as I know, the ferry to Scotland takes about one to two hours and 30 minutes. The price is 40 pounds. It costs about 40 pounds and 64,000 won. It’s not that cheap. I’m going to take a lot of ships when I go to Scotland, but I think I’ll have to spend a lot of money. I think I ended up staying in Garland for a very short time, but there aren’t many places to take a ferry outside of the capital city of Belfast, so I just took a ferry from Belfast to Scotland. If you go up north, there are a lot of pretty islands, so there are a lot of them. I’m looking forward to it . I’ll probably be traveling to Scotland for at least two weeks and then moving back to Europe. I think it’ll probably be early to mid-October. [Music] Wow, the weather is nice. I’m hungry. I want to eat something and leave, so let’s go out first. Advertisement There is only one road here and there is no shoulder at all. The road is so narrow that I have finally entered Scotland. The current time is 10 am. There is a shoulder, but it is very narrow. I want to get out first , but I think I have to go to the next village . I have to get out of the lane quickly because it looks like it’s going to explode on the lane. Wasco. What is that island in the distance? Why does the sky look like it’s pouring rain? It’s a village. Village, village . I drove for an hour and came to a small village. There’s no restaurant here, but there’s a pot and the door. I didn’t open it. I’m going along the sun van, but it’s suitable, so I’ll stop and look for a camping spot today. It doesn’t disappoint, either. Scotland Wow Cow-chan [Music] Wow, but it’s definitely cold. Oh, it’s crazy. The scenery is so cool and open. [Music] Oh, I see seagulls sitting here. There are a lot of them. Wow, all the white dots are seagulls. Why are they sitting still? I was worried about the road, but it’s better than I thought. Oh, but this road is so good. I’m really crazy. I feel like my stomach is full. What would it be like to live in a house like this in front of the beach? I feel indifferent. Every day I look at [music], oh, this place is so cozy. Shouldn’t I go camping? Wow, this place seems like a golf course. It kills the scenery. It kills the scenery in front, but it kills the scenery in the back. I ordered a Zinger Burger in the tea room. In the end, I ordered it. Also, it’s a burger, but the menu only has sandwiches and burgers. It’s afternoon, and the weather isn’t cold again. It seems just right. It’s delicious, but it feels like they used pork cutlet as a patty. I have to eat it. My biggest worry every day is where will I sleep today? Homeless. Let’s go where we sleep today. It’s very leisurely today. Ah, the scenery is crazy. Even if you look at it, it’s new. This golf course is crazy here. Wow, look at the Scottish flag flying. I went up along the ocean and now I’m inland. Let’s go into the forest here. Ah country. It’s only open until 5 p.m. I guess there’s an entrance fee to this park as well. Rum Pass is a National Trust structure. They’re offering a discount for those who just pitch a tent. So they told me to pay 11 pounds, so I just paid the price and came in. It’s really cheap in the UK. It’s hard to buy a campsite for 11 pounds. Now I’m expecting about 90km to Glascoe, Scotland , so I’ll get a good rest today and set off tomorrow. I rode 68km. That’s all for today. [Music] It’s spicy. The current time is about 9:20. I do n’t think I need to ride this 90km road . It’s raining a little bit, but it doesn’t feel like a lot of rain today . What is it? That rocky mountain I first saw yesterday has gone quite far away. Now the sky and the scenery have gone crazy. Ah, even though I ran all day yesterday, I still feel this way. This is different. Oh, I’m crazy. Wow, I can see it so clearly. Of Aran Wow [Music] I’m already in love with Scotland [Music] How can I do this [Music] Wow [Music] Here’s one. Since I’m in Scotland, I have to eat Scottish breakfast. It ‘s just outside of Ayr. It’s so delicious when you try it. This city of Air also has a great bike path along the coast . Ah, it’s heaven for dogs. Everyone runs around off leash. Wow, this place is pretty big. Now I left the coastal road and rode inland. The 28-mile Mahoy public phone box is like a bookstore. This is [Music] Fan Let’s and I’ve reached 11 miles. I’m done. The course is so good. Why are I so prepared today? 880km is too light. [Music] [Music] As I was going downhill, at some point I came into Glasco. That’s the bike on the river . It’s not a motorcycle. It looks like a motorcycle. [Music] [Music] This is a complete city. I’ll finish the ride from Caron Ryan to Glass. I checked into the hotel well. I was hungry, so I was looking for a place to eat dinner and found Sim. It’s a pho restaurant, but the concept is bicycle bread. So, I’m going to go there and eat dinner tonight. What kind of study are you doing in the castle ? It’s just the insulation of the university . The name of the restaurant here is Bike Shop. If anyone sees it, they’ll come here to fix the bike. There’s a lot of people. Hi, there’s a Poone bicycle tool hanging there, and that blood is an inorganic bicycle. It’s funny about the shop . I’m choosing the level of spiciness. Let’s try it in 5 levels. I’m going to ride my bike like this and I made a reservation at a hostel on Thursday and Thursday. It’s 50,000 won per night . I spent 150,000 won for 3 nights. And I got in touch with a friend named Luke that I met in Morocco. I think I’m going to go to Lou’s house and stay for a day this Saturday. I think I can stop by Blasco and do some editing during the break and take a break. Is this a serious level or not? Maybe it’s because it’s bicycle bread, but I’m not good at food. It’s almost as good as it tastes. I think I made a mistake, but I’m not missing something. This is just as bland as a small thing . 17 pounds, 27,500 won. It’s like college. Really [Music] [Applause] [Music] When I looked up traditional Scottish food, I found out that Gisra is mainly made from sheep’s intestines. I’m going to eat that Guise food today, and it’s famous for its whiskey. I’d heard of Scotch whiskey until now, but I didn’t know what Scotch meant. Skye means Scotland. If you go to the north of Scotland, there are a lot of islands. There are a lot of distilleries on the islands, so I think there are a lot of distillery tours. I’ll try whiskey. I’m not good at drinking, but I’ll give it a try. This is 5. If you come before 30 o’clock, you can get a course of 22 pounds cheaper, so I came here. The current time is 4 o’clock. Should I try a glass of whiskey? I don’t know the type of whiskey, but the scent is really strong [ music ]. There’s no need to use it, but it’s a little fishy. People who can’t eat intestines can’t eat this. It’s delicious, but it has a slightly similar texture to the black pudding I ate yesterday, but they say it’s made from animal blood. This is intestines and sour. I’ll press it a little. The ski is really too strong, but it’s so delicious. What’s with the horse? The skin is enough for me. If I eat more here, [Music] I ate it, it was crazy. 8 Original Words I ate this much of the Geese steak and had a glass of Skizzy, and it came out to about 43,000 won. Oh, it’s too much . I’m satisfied. Maybe it’s because I spent 110,000 won after eating a meal in Dublin, but my sense of money is now strange. They say this is a commercial city. The area is big and the atmosphere is really good. I can’t help but feel good about going to Haegodo. I feel comfortable and uncomfortable. Also, because it feels different, the Glass Code city is a huge city, and it is very large even on the outskirts . The downtown area is really big, and it seems to have a bit of a London feel mixed in. Ah, look at this place. This is Buchanan’s. Apple Store building. Look at Central Station. Why is this guy wearing a flower? Why is this guy covering it? It’s amazing. This is George Square. Wow, there’s so much bird droppings on the heads of the statues that their hair has turned white. To get rid of so much bird droppings, this is why the students wrote letters on flowers. I think I wrote it down and left it like this. I went to a coffee show near my accommodation to have some lunch. It’s so pretty. It costs 13 pounds like this. The atmosphere is so good [music]. What is it? I looked for this building and it seems to be related to Sikhism. There is a church right next to it. I think the Calvin Grove Museum is on the other side of the University of Glasgow, and next to it is Calvin Grove Park. Oh, the architectural style is really pretty. [Music] [Music] [Applause] This is where I am now, and my next course is now following this. After going to this island, I’m going to this island of Skye. I’m going to meet Luke, a friend I met near the Atlas Mountains in Morocco. Luke’s house is somewhere around here. I was planning to go to the city, but I came a little early. It’s 1:30. I met Luke around mid-May, so I wonder if we met him in War. Four months have passed. I think it’s been about a month or two, but time flies so fast. [Music] [Music] [Music] mor h hell local Scottish [Laughs] How does it to be on for So long It’s F like uh but like Spain was really hard after moro because of the temperature like sumer every time 43 42 arriv scot GL riding was perfect so amazing Yeah it should be beautiful up north Yeah I’m really excited getting more beautiful beautiful right theps in Winter Yeah like seas time right winter time in outp is best timing Yeah but like heart riding Yeah hello hello Yeah Okay nice st all the from good We’re going to make a spagetti you make spaghetti you make food you You make what absolut all so Tell me where you where have you been coming from and Where are you going to sp portal moro and spin France England Wales nor Now scot and next country is holland toing ity Now Almost like months traveling with bicycle I like Almost 7,500 km fuck Yeah If I arrive italy maybe 10,000 km i’m Going Keep riding whole the country so might be finish at next July I mean Absolutely honored from what you do That’s some commitment to do that you know what I like you know That’s my dream cou weeks you know was and then asked him like did you do like and then he also asked me ble we like together at the time [laughter] I thought I can meet you now I’m really happy every time just thinking about I to go glas because meet you main pur why There’s a party tonight for my friend’s birthday If you want to come but no pressure if not oh really Yeah If you want to come Yeah TR good good like house party So we go to the pub surprise and then to [Music] the you know I’m not good at English and especially after everyone has a few English Yeah Thank you You look you different looks good Yeah When I was in moro also finally sahara desert [laughter] took watching my video cany really wor know I just just making the video about my journey i can i can make the money just refu you st here Yeah Thank you lovely It’s lovely Where are you from one yeah yeah su one near capital City like when he speaks french He was rare french in sch with a really the french got When I was in morocco [Music] Now I’m out to go for a walk in the park together. I’m thankful for the arrogant poi [Laughs] me [Laughs] take going ten ten cool Thank you Thank [Laughs] [Music] [Music] Chicken This is the room, but my brother is right now. He said he went on a trip to Australia for a month, so I ended up using this room. My parents are really nice today. They are really kind and I am having a great time. Psugai Ah, the sky is so pretty, it’s amazing j [Music] always buying the tick forve not 24 hours small [Music] [Applause] [Applause] Hey work party like this That sounds fun. If you think about it, you must be that friend. [Music] It’s the life of raw people, so now it’s time. 10 o’clock. I drink a lot today, but I don’t know if I can ride tomorrow . After finishing the first round in the Cup, I’m on my way to the Cass party by car. The culture is really different. This law is different. It usually lasts until 12 o’clock, and after the law ends, they rent a house and continue the party. I’m already hoarse. Thanks to Luke, I’m enjoying my first house party in the UK. [Music] [Applause] It’s 1 o’clock in the morning and wow, there are so many people. Crazy, thank you, good morning. I’m going to go for a bike ride with Luke. Let’s go. Luke’s bike. [Music] g name is poock poock poock country par [Music] [Music] [Music] 15 Song. I have to listen to this [Music] that Oh my god so good at piano [Music] r [Music] Mokryul [Music] Oh, thank you so much. You told me to carry it like a good luck charm. Thank you. [Music] Q. Thank you so much. [Music] Thank you. I almost cried again when my father gave me this. I almost flew. Oh, my destination is going to the national park above. It’s about 60km away, and I’m thinking of camping inside the national park. Let’s start riding in earnest. Oh, here we go. It’s Monday the 19th, and today is a holiday for the entire UK. The reason is. I think today is the day of the funeral because the queen is in residence. I was so happy to see Jeong-eun in the house. The connection from that time made me so happy. Inviting me to stay at the house itself would have been really inconvenient and cumbersome. They accepted me so happily that I don’t have the words to express my gratitude, so let’s go into nature. Oh, it’s paved all the way to the outskirts. I’m heading to Luck Thurmond. Wow, it’s really paved. There’s really no one today. No, it’s a bicycle display. The saddle was also stolen. Someone stole the saddle. Didn’t they make it? Stealing a sculpture’s saddle is crossing the line. This is the bread Luke made this morning. Luke has a lot of talent, but he’s making a mess of it. Did he put salt in it? That’s right. Someone stole the saddle. There’s a saddle in the old photo. There is no saddle on this bicycle sculpture right now. That’s ridiculous. There’s about 16km left in Boraine Walk Ormond. The 10-mile road is so well-made that there’s no uphill climb. It just continues on a flat road . Oh my god, where does the water come from? Oh, really, all the stores are closed. I’ll keep going north along the river on the side, and then I’ll come across a lake known as Luck Lomond. It’s a very big lake. I’d like to camp in front of that lake, but I don’t know. It continues. Now we’ve entered Luck Lomond National Park. There’s a lot of people. It’s a park every day. It looks like it’s a big lake. It’s a lake and a meat party. It’s a party and a party . I burnt 3k while riding it. I need to go somewhere and take a break while looking at the lake. This is Lusra Village, which is inside a public park. Oh, the restaurants here are a little frozen. Look at the village. It’s really a village. It ‘s like something out of a fairy tale. It really looks like a movie set. Wow, it’s a perfect resort. This is a lake, not the sea. There’s a ferry. Have a cup of coffee on the lake. There’s coffee [music] here. Let’s go a little further forward. It’s amazing. There’s a lake like this on the side. I think you can set up a tent on the gravel field. It’s perfect for camping. It’s okay here, but camping is okay. These are from March to September. If you want to go camping, it costs about 4 pounds or 6,000 won to get a camping permit for one day. I think you can pay 4 pounds and go camping. The view here is so good that there is a restroom nearby, so it’s not bad. I paid 4 pounds and got permission. In addition, I’m going to pitch a tent now. Today’s Home Sweet Home scenery is perfect. It’s the perfect area for camping. I made it . The sun is shining right through the clouds. Actually , I don’t think there will be any problems with guidance, but I’m doing it with my conscience. But I feel comfortable paying, so it’s about 6,000 won to camp in front of this view. [Music] [Music] The sun is rising, though. Let ‘s clean up and leave. Let’s go to the bathroom. [Applause] The weather is much better than yesterday. Let’s go. Of course, no one came here to inspect camping, but I felt at ease. It rained a little early yesterday in the national park, so I set up my tent. I was a little wet, but I woke up to the sound of rain. The lake is very big and I can’t see the end. I’m going to leave the national park here and keep going up to the northwest. I got in touch with a host through the warm shower app. So, the host offered me a cabin or something like that. I’m going to go there because you provided it, but I still don’t know what it looks like or where it is. I have to find it. Tabe Wow, the sky has cleared up. This is how we live here. I really can’t believe ordinary people. The roads are narrow. This is why the national parks here are national parks. Wow , wait a minute , come on. At first, they did something with the proper reflection in the water. Oh, it’s really amazing. This is a place called the mirror of water that I saw in Bordeaux, France. I can’t even get a jab at it. This is a real mirror of water. Even if you look at this with your own eyes, it’s really so amazing. No, it’s the same. There are two crabs just like in the picture. I was so surprised. That ship is really amazing. It came back. The scenery is so nice today. It’s a ridiculous scenery . Ah [Music] Oh, I’ll just take the road. It’s uncomfortable for you. [Music] Come, go to one of the mountains. I feel like I have to go over it, but I have this feeling. I’m going up right now, and it looks like I have to go over a mountain range somewhere. [Music] I was trying to go through the valley in a hurry, but I almost hit a truck and hit myself. I said I’d go 2 seconds faster. He’s risking his life at the very beginning. Oh, he goes up all the way. Oh, it’s spectacular. Oh, but this place is crazy. I guess there’s construction going on far away. I see there’s a complete one-lane road there. Oh, but the mountains over there are really bloody, and cars on both sides are waiting because of me. No, I’m sorry. Because of the construction, it has become a one-lane road, but it’s uphill, so even if you want to get there quickly, you can’t get there quickly . Thank you. Thank you, thank you , thank you, you are amazing. You are cheering me on. They were pushed back like this because of me. Everyone is waiting. Hell, ah, I got out. Wow, they all waited because of me. The construction section was almost 3km uphill . Ah, I thought my legs were going to explode. Won, let’s go eat, I’m hungry. Now I think I’ve crossed this big ridge. It’s downhill. [Music] If you go down this way, you’ll come across a village called Do. I think I should look for a restaurant. My stomach is too high, so there’s nothing here. It’s a very small village. The altitude has suddenly dropped again, and there’s nothing to eat at the rest area. I think there’s a cafe. Look at the oyster. I ordered Fission’s butler to get angry. I got a coke and this for 22,000 won. Still, I’m thankful that there is a restaurant. Oh, but it’s really big. Well done. Oh, this is worth 20,000 won. It’s a lot of food and it’s a good restaurant. It’s a good restaurant. It looks like a rest area, but everyone stops and eats here. The scenery also played a part. It doesn’t make sense. It’s a village. It’s a village. It’s a winding road along the waterside and the side. But the scenery here is amazing. It’s really Larain. Oh, that bridge is next to the one-lane road. There’s a castle . Wow. Check it out. It’s closed today. I caught a glimpse of it, and the castle was really cool. I need to have a cup of coffee. The atmosphere here is really good. The kid said it’s awesome. Ah, what’s the atmosphere? There’s a coffee show right there. Let’s go. The place I’m going to right now is far over there. I have to go and go to Oban tomorrow. There are 24km left, but there is a hill here. I think I will get there if I climb over it. Mr. 13%, it is easier than I thought. I was scared of the uphill. Is this an easy uphill, or is it because I rode the very difficult Oak and it feels easy? This is what I did now. I think I’ve climbed about 8 or 9 km. I feel like I’ve almost reached the end. I’ve climbed about 10 km. Gradually. Now, I’ll go find the cabin and go there according to the information the host gave me. What’s really funny is that the host isn’t at that house. I’m going hiking in America right now. He said he was going, but he just texted me where the key was. I opened it by myself and went in and used it . Wow, that’s awesome. There are a lot of mountains in Scotland. There are a lot of mountains in Mali, Umile. It looks like it’s going to rain. What’s going on today? I checked the message again and the host told me about that area. I think I’ve already passed it. I’ll have to go back and check it again on the way down. You’ll see a parking space. Go in there and follow the white sign. I think it’s nearby, but there’s a white mark that says you have to go inside. Here, here, here. I’m talking about the road here. [Music] I think this is the right place, but the trees are painted white. Let’s go in. Oh, it’s very hard to get in. But the floor is long, and it holds water. My shoes are all wet. I think this is the right place. All the trees are white. It’s painted. It’s so amazing. I didn’t think there would be a house inside like this just because there was a house. I passed by it earlier, but when I looked at the map again, it wasn’t there. I’m used to going in, but as long as I have a place to sleep today, I don’t mind. The car is here. That’s right. What is this? It’s really here. Are you talking about this place? It doesn’t have an address. It’s difficult to find the house because of the address. There’s no jin and it’s obviously a shack. That doesn’t make sense. This makes sense. I think the key box is like this. I really did it. Oh, it’s amazing. This wood fire. I think it’s like this . Oh, the electricity is turned on. Wow, I guess you wrote a guestbook like this. For those of you who used Warm Shower, we arrived safely at the cabin that the Warm Shower host told us about. I rode 70km today. It was such an amazing experience, but I was lucky enough to get in touch and today. I will end here . The owner of the house asked me if I could eat whatever I wanted here and stay for a few days. He said I could stay as long as I wanted. I guess they are now collecting rainwater, purifying it, and using it as water. There is a shower facility. You can do it here. Outdoor shower. Jang’s bathroom is the most amazing. It’s an outdoor bathroom. He told me to dig up the ground and dispose of it properly when I go later. I see that the host is opening this cabin for cyclists. I ‘ll take a shower. I wash the dishes with foreign substances and take a shower. You said you could drink it , and everything was electric, and the water was really hot. All the electricity here, like this, was made by solar power, so you could use it. You said you could stay as long as you wanted, so it’s too bad I’m leaving after only today. It’s so nice, I can’t wait to have this special experience. It’s also my first time and I don’t know when I’ll do it again, so I’m going to heal for a while here. It ‘s on fire. Should I put some wood in ? The fact that they provide it for free is amazing in itself, but the facilities are so good. The road to get here is so amazing that I’m about to faint from shock, but I’m even more shocked when I get inside the hut. It’s such a waste to only stay here for one day. Even if it’s a bit late, here it is. I’d like to wear a little more , and the weather today is that it’s drizzling outside, so they say it’s going to rain tomorrow, but since it’s raining, I’m going to take a good rest here , and I’m going to cook some rice. I’m going to make pot rice, stir-fry onions, make eggs like this, and eat bibimbap. It’s all rainy. It’s raining quite a bit . I’m really lucky to be able to spend such a comfortable time in a cabin like this. If I wasn’t here, I would have been camping somewhere else. This is why I always travel while feeling that the state is incredibly important. I made a pot of rice and it will be delicious. It’s a bit disappointing that there’s no sesame oil, but actually, it’s delicious no matter what I eat. When will I get to experience something like this? My trip to Scotland is going to be longer than I thought. It’s so good. It ‘s this morning in Scotland. Eye sauce, red pepper paste, I’ve never seen firewood in my life, and there’s an ax here, so I’ll give it a try. From Glass Nose to here now. It’s quite a long time. I’m going to start some firewood right here. Oh, [Music] I’m not good at it, okay , okay, okay, it’s fun. I’ll try making a fire with the wood I cut. Let’s try making a campfire. Yao, okay, I got it. I need to control my strength well. I need to make a fire. [Music] Now, our next destination is an island called Merle. We’re entering the island, and today’s date is September 21st, it ‘s almost 6 months. It’s been almost half a year since we traveled, and even though half a year has passed, if you ride your bike every day, there are new and different scenery every day. It’s not boring because it unfolds. It’s so good. It’s really , wow, it’s real ice. How can a place like this exist? It doesn’t make sense. What should I do while I’m coming down? It’s been a while, so, wow, it’s crazy, three to one, wow, wow , it’s really cold, my body is burned in front of the wood fire, this hideout. It would really be nice to have it. Sometimes, my friends and I come here and eat meat and eat it. Oh, it burns well. Can you imagine coming to a place like this? If only I had bought pork belly or neck meat, it would be perfect, but it’s a bit disappointing. I need to eat brigade meat, but there’s no meat. [Music ] As I was making it, I made too much. I will have breakfast tomorrow. It’s raining [music]. This sentence depends on the phone call I’m making. My pastor, why can’t I contact you? Let’s celebrate together when I get back. Oh, it’s raining a lot. I love the sound of rain. Good night. I wrote it. I need to fill it up with firewood and go. Okay, this is making me sick. It uses up quite a bit more firewood than I thought. For my last dinner, I’ll cook it with the two ramen noodles I saved and the rice I made on the first day, heat it over a wood fire, and eat it. It’s amazing. It’s done, it’s done, okay. Let’s eat, wow , it’s crazy, wow, um, put all of this into the rice, and take it with us as a bicycle travel special. Ah, this is how I should eat it. Ah, I always miss the kimchi , but it’s hard to find , so wow , there’s a lot of wood in it. Ah, it’s good. Tomorrow, I’m going to go to a village called Van. I’ll go to a small hostel in Van, upload a video, and then start my trip to the Scottish islands. Every day of my trip is full of variables, so I was actually planning to take a day off that day and leave right away, but I happened to find this cabin. It’s the first day . I really feel like I’m disconnected from the world and alone. I haven’t seen a single person in 3 days. It’s not that I didn’t see it, it’s just that I didn’t see it . There’s no one. Ah, I ate well find [Music] [Music] [Music] me Ah Hallo h TR One room It’s hard to move it, so I’ll take my luggage out to the road first. Now, I’ll never find this place. If someone doesn’t tell me, I’ll leave. The weather is the best. Let’s go for a bike ride. Thank you Mark. I’ve used it well. It’s truly become a memory I’ll never forget for the rest of my life. The three days I spent here are now full of wood burning. Jin came in whining and saying, wow, this is how I got in . I had the feeling that I was the only one to survive the whole time I was in there with all my luggage. I never said anything that was captured by the camera. The time is now 12:45 on September 23rd. I have to go to the accommodation and upload the video I edited while staying in the cabin. I have to go and see the opposite sex again. I don’t think it took more than 3 minutes and 3 minutes from the cabin I was in , but if you go up along the river a little bit, I see a castle like this. There are a lot of people walking around here and there are 24 miles left to reach Van. The further north you go in Scotland, the more mountain ranges there are. Wow, look at the hotel. The hotel looks like a castle. There are so many pretty places in the world and so many things to experience and see. While traveling, I always These days, I feel like I don’t have enough time. When I travel, I don’t have enough money and I don’t have enough time, but the first thing I think about more is that I don’t have enough time. [Music] It’s not enough. I’m doing sewer construction. [Music] Thank you. I think this is the inner bicycle road to Oban. There are no cars . Oh, it’s good. I hope the weather is good when I enter the island tomorrow. I’m the only person there. I thought I’d meet quite a few people riding bicycles, but I can’t even see my nose. I’m the only one riding a bicycle. It ‘s like a completely country road. [Music] It’s raining . Wow, your horns are really cool . They look like buffalo. Oh, I’m a little scared, but when I hold them, they’re cute. It looks like they’re a different species. The fur and fur of the cows are praying for something. You’re vegetarian, right? They even have black ones. You don’t have horns. Look, they don’t have horns, but they’re cute. Sleep well. I was surprised at the time. 5th class, 2.5 miles, 4km left. I came back to the secular world. It’s so pretty. There are a lot of islands that you can take a boat to from here, so I think there are some hostels here tomorrow. I’ll take it in the morning and go to the island. There’s a boat that ends here at 9:05, so I checked out now and left. I didn’t reserve a ticket in advance at 9:00, so I have to go offline, but I think I’ll have to go a little sooner. I went in , and the tickets are cheap. It’s a pound. Where should I go? I can take the here. There are quite a few small islands in front of Oban city. I think there are a lot of ferries. Oh, the ship is quite big. I was thinking of a small ship, but the ship is very big because it carries a lot of vehicles. The water is really clean. [Music] Okay, thank you, I’m so used to it now. Tak is so used to it. I have to sit outside . As long as Rain doesn’t come tonight. [Music] [Music] Now, riding a boat is at athlete level. There are a lot of athlete level cars. Hey, there are so many people. [Music] There are so many people. I’m going to turn clockwise. I ‘m going to go left. Let’s enjoy today while the weather is nice. It’s almost 11 o’clock when I get off the boat. I think I’ll ride about 5 or 60 kilometers today and then stop and look for a place to camp. All the roads are single track roads. There’s a sign that says the first lane is Dutt Castle, but I think it refers to the castle at the end. I’ll take a picture of that and then come back. Wow, there’s a ticket fee. There’s a room here too. Tea room Wow, I wonder if I can go down here. Wow. There is a walking path around the castle like this. Oh, it’s awesome. [Music] I don’t know if this is an island coming in. Where have all those cars gone? If you pass through the forest here, you will enter the coastal road again. There will be a bit of an uphill climb, but I have a feeling that I have to climb over a mountain. Wow, I’m crazy, I’m going up. It’s going up. The weather is here. Ah. The timing is really good. Riding high is so good. The roads are very well paved and this island is amazing. [Music] It’s unreal. It’s like Gonggyeong has come to another world [Music] I took a ferry and fell here today, but I turned around like this and am now here. If you go straight, this is the outside road. There is only one road, so it seems to be the place to enter this island, but I’m not going this way, I ‘m planning to ride like this, turn around like this, and stop around here. And tomorrow, I’ll turn around like this and get out. place here but you can wild camp it’s really flat It’s Open cool and It’s amazing View Yeah I’m going to iona so I will go there and sleep on the There’s a campsite there iona Island Yeah exactly five six days Where did you start DF is there in the south South I went I was on the A of Iron Ah you You did the all and then I went up again yesterday then I took the bus Ah to yeah and then from there I took theer to and I wild Camp last night there holland holland W and are youc so How long are you planning to cycle for maybe one year one and a half year more yeah yeah I don’t know I just W to travel all the Europe country Yeah because of the sheng Visa like you know That’s I came to UK just W vis My visa Days Are you so just on your own Yeah by my every time Alone Yeah Nice and nice bike Yeah you too Thanks you you live in Berlin are you planning to pass by Yeah I think I’m going to go Berlin but maybe next year like like last course ber can Okay Okay Okay my your name I’m Jose Jose It’s one year I’m still in Berlin india but from India I’m from South Korea Okay Oh nice How is it with the Hills Hills I have a lot of Gear strong [ [Laughs] Now h so nice pingk you I met a bicycle traveler and we had a pretty long conversation. I’ll go up there. It started raining suddenly. I wish I didn’t have to go camping in the rain. Bye, I’m over it. The scenery ahead is changing again. I can see the coast again. It’s almost 4km away. 4 I think it’s over 5km [Music] I started on the east side of the island today, but now this is the sea on the west side of the island. The sea on the west side of Mul Island . Are you crazy? Wait a minute. I have to go and look at the kid. What is this? Ah, ah, I hit it . [Applause] Ah, I can’t help but admire it. [Music] ] shit Wow , this is my first time seeing a wild hedgehog. I like it , it’s cute. It’s strong . Guys , the island is quite big. I think it’s the best ocean road I’ve ever ridden. Now, I don’t mind if you come. [Music] You can camp here. Actually, but it’s next to the road so the tent is here. Hello , it’s ambiguous. [Music] Let’s go a little further forward [Music]. There were quite a few good places on the way to the ocean, but all the camping cars have already taken up their seats, so the remaining seats are a bit vague, so we keep moving forward . It’s okay. There’s no one in this corner, so what can I say about the scenery? I don’t have anything , so I’ll pitch my tent here. It’s much better than the caravan place earlier. This is where I brought some canned tomato sauce pasta and spam. I went around about half of Mul Island today, and it was really, really nice. The weather was really good until about two or three o’clock, so I took all of Mul Island with me. I think I enjoyed it , but now there are dark clouds. I rode about 64kg today, and I will end the day here . Finally, after getting hit by the rain, I withdrew. I just put the current time on the back. I can’t put it in my bag. The weather is completely different from yesterday and today. Today, we will turn all the way to the west coast of Mul Island and get out of Mul Island. To get on a boat, we have to go to a place called Tobae Moo. If we turn around, it is about 49km away. There is a boat at Tobae Head. It is now 8:30, so I think it will be a while. We will have to ride diligently. It’s the same . Let’s go. We have to go camping today, but it won’t be easy because the tent is all wet. Yesterday was a really lucky day. The island is really pretty. But I came back along the coastline yesterday. The coastline there is really pretty. It’s very close to the sea. It’s stuck, and even thinking about it now, it feels like a dream. Yesterday’s scenery has quite a lot of uphill climbs on this island. The ridge road keeps coming. It ‘s a real ride. It’s a bike ride. Oh, oh, oh, my God. Oh, I almost passed by if I was at Hammart. Let’s ride here for a while and come. This is a good place. It rained early yesterday morning, so the current is strong. Wow , it flows like this and goes out to sea . Wow, I’m losing strength. Originally, I was going to go towards Calgary over there, but I’m going to go towards Beigue. If I take this place, I’ll be able to adjust the boat time a little more leisurely. I think why are you looking at me? You’re trying to run away. You’re going to run away. Wow, it’s raining. Why is the rain and weather like this again ? Wow, I can’t tell with my eyes. Oh, wait, wait, wait, wait. Oh, the visibility is too short [Music] Wow, okay, Veig is in. Go down and across, there are a lot of Morongs. You have to go up there. If you just get over this, you can enter Hangu Village. Wow , the last part of the course is tough. The sun suddenly rises. It’s good. If it rises, ah. It’s my first time seeing two lanes on Tobe Murray Island. There’s a two-lane line here. [Applause] Awesome. 11:45. If I had crossed there earlier and hugged, I almost wouldn’t have been able to parry. Where do I buy tickets? Can I buy tickets on Lee too ? I think it’s closed like this. I’ll open the bar here and eat well. [Music] [Applause] [Music] I’m hungry. It’s raining a lot. It’s cold. Yeah, okay, okay, the ferry is small. I need to stay inside. It’s cold. It’s 3 pounds. It’s 3 pounds. I’m worried about where I’m going today. I have to go camping today too, but I guess it’s somewhere. Let’s go. This will end our trip to Mull Island in half a day. I’ll go back to the inland of Scotland. [Music] [Music] ja [Music] Thank you. I rode the boat for 35 minutes. Wow. It’s cold, it’s cold, it ‘s cold. I have a bathroom. I need to go to the bathroom. Let’s ride just 35km and 40km. Today, I ran 40km without stopping from where I started. I safely took the ferry and crossed back to the inland of Scotland . Is this the most westly of the UK ? It’s near a village called Bone Kecon. The single track goes up again right here. You have to go over the ridge section here , and then the road to the ocean will open. I’m going towards Salen Salen, and the cars passing by are cheering me on a lot. That gives me strength. Wow, it’s raining. You see, I’m so used to these situations now, so it’s not a big deal. Of course, it would be much better if the weather is nice, but it can’t be good all the time, so just as there are uphills, there are also downhills, so if there’s good weather, there’s always a cloudy day. [Music] It looks like the rain is starting to pick up in earnest. Is the rain getting thicker today ? We’re almost all the way to the coast now. Let’s go down. I think we ‘re all over it. It’s done here too. Even if the weather is bad, the scenery is spectacular. I think this place has a spectacular view. The sheep have taken over. Let’s go. We can’t rest. It’s cold. If we rest, there’s a coffee shop. Where’s the coffee shop? I’ll take a break. I looked it up and it looks like if I ride about 19km further from here, there’s a campsite and I have to go there. After I warm up, I’ll leave again. I ‘m going into Rensalen. I’m done. I’m done. I think I’m here. Ah, I’m feeling uneasy, but I don’t seem to be doing anything. Why? It looks like this holiday park campsite is closed right now, but the laundry is open here, so I’m thinking about spending the whole day here. I can just sleep here and avoid it, so what should I do? But I’ve looked for the next campsite, and I have to run another 15km from here. But it’s already 5 o’clock, so the sun will set in a little while, so for now, I think I should stay out of the rain here in the laundry room and watch the situation. If someone comes, I can explain. I have no choice, and I have nowhere to go, so I tried to change, but I didn’t get a call and scouted here. I tried it and there wasn’t a single person. It’s too much to go any further from here. I’ve already ridden 84km today, so I opened the bathroom next to here and there ‘s an open bathroom. I’ll wash up here and pray that I can get through the day safely. The owner of the campsite just happened to be here. I thought it was new, but when I explained my situation, they told me to stay for a day and leave early tomorrow. Yes, thankfully, they hung the tent out to dry, but I was really thankful that they didn’t tell me to leave. Even though this is a laundry room, fortunately I was able to end the day a little more comfortably today. I think I can do it. I’ll clean everything up tomorrow and go. [Music] I’ll clean up the bed neatly. Still, it’s not raining. It ‘s currently 7:20 a.m. this morning. The place I’m going to see today is an area called Glenfinnan, and it’s Hogwarts, which appeared in the Harry Potter movies. They say there is a bridge where an express train passes by. I didn’t know it actually existed, but they say it’s here in Scotland. So I’ll take a direction and go there. I had a good night’s sleep. It was really comfortable. Yesterday, I never thought the laundry room would be this cozy. Yes , it’s raining. Yesterday. I poured it out without any mercy and ran like crazy. This scenery was so pretty, but I couldn’t see a thing. Today, I had a hard time yesterday, so I should be compensated for the test, but I’m a little sad that it’s not good. This is the right sky. Too much rain is also a problem. It rained just two months ago. Please stop. I begged him to come , but now he’s begging me to stop bleeding. It’s so treacherous. You can’t just like people. The sun may rise like this, and then suddenly dark clouds appear and it starts to rain. You have to enjoy the moment. How can you find an open laundry room? And Also, the owner came and asked permission to sleep, but he said there is no way to die, so there is a way, so you have to try it first. Start and try. It seems like the next reaction will come. If you don’t start and are just worried, what should you do? I don’t know if it will happen, so yesterday was a lucky day in some ways . [Music] Wow, the sun rose in the area. Oh, it’s good. There are dark clouds behind the road I passed. There are dark clouds behind here. Wow, the weather is so hot. [Music] We have to follow the sun quickly, otherwise. It looks like it’s going to rain again. Is there something like Stian’s driver’s restaurant? What do British drivers eat for breakfast? It’s the best if you give them a hearty bowl of soup. It’s so pitiful that British men don’t know such things . If you had done it, you should have come all the way. You’re lucky. A convenience store is open. Hey, it’s coffee, snacks, and drinks. Bread, eat this for breakfast, and here’s the glam refuge. To see the Harry Potter Bridge I mentioned earlier, there are two ways. Turn around and take the paved road, and it’s 60km from here. If I hit it right away and take the dirt road, it’s 30km. So I’ll just hit it. I think it’s better to hit the road. I don’t know what the condition of the dirt road will be like. I don’t know, but let’s just take a ride on the dirt road today for the first time in a while. It looks like dark clouds are coming again. It’ll be empty. There’s no loss. Now, good mother, if you go over the mountain over here and turn towards the lake, the dirt road will open from there. It’s my first time seeing a pink public phone box. A public phone like that. There is no public phone in the box, but is the reason for leaving that booth as it is to maintain gambit? Ah , hello, I’ll pass by. Uh, I ‘ll pass by. It’s okay, it’s okay. I like cows, but I won’t eat it [Music]. I guess I can just put that hill over there. It’s really steep here [Music] A lot [Music] I’ve climbed a little further. The sun has come out. No, the climb is about 7kg. Wow, it’s really steep. There’s a base station here. I think it’s the top of the transmission tower. The sky on the other side is so clear. There’s really a lot of mountains. [ Music] I rode uphill for an hour, but it took less than 10 minutes to come down. Wow, how is asphalt laid down all the way to this place? Wow , the dirt road has opened. Oh, it’s okay. Just keep going straight ahead along the lake . The road isn’t bad, and I’m running alone, and there are no cars. It’s the best. It’s definitely going to rain today as well. I did, but I guess I came here to avoid the dark clouds. The sky has become so clear. Oh, there is a house . The house was built just like this in a good spot. I was a little worried because it was an unpaved road, but the road was completely cut . Wow, the water is clean. This is not a river, but a lake, and this lake is very big. It’s cool. I kept following this and now I think I’ve climbed more than 10km. What is this? Hey, wow, wow, it turned around. It feels like I’m running in real nature. It doesn’t make sense, and raindrops are flying. Wow , it’s like a Scottish onion. Even the cracks keep coming out. I’m doing well on the course. I’m not sure if I’m riding it or if the scenery is like this everywhere, but I can’t help but say this . I’ve been riding here for over an hour now, and I haven’t seen a single person, I haven’t seen a single car, and oh, this doesn’t make sense. This doesn’t make sense. [Music] Wow, really. I can see the waterfall endlessly. Come from here [Music] [Applause] [Music] You can see it from afar on the way. That is now an area called Glenfinnan. Hey, that’s it. We’re almost there. Looking at the rain today, I don’t think it will rain as much as yesterday. The sky is blue. Today I thought it would be like just taking a break, but the rain got heavier right away. Let’s go to the bridge first. They said it felt like a tourist spot and there was a parking lot. Let’s take a rest in the parking lot. I think the paved road is finished, but I went in the wrong direction. I heard, ah, there was one more uphill climb. I should have gone here for refuge. I have to cross this bridge to get out on the main road, but then I have to take a detour and take a long way back down the wrong road I took earlier. The road I climbed up on due to my ignorance is correct. Ah, the rain got hit. It’s blocked again. The wind is right in front of my nose, but I can’t get out. The river is flowing, and the Digital Center Clan has taken refuge. Yassi left 100m away, and now I’m almost 7km back. Oh, there’s a cafe here. At 1:20, a train passes by, and it takes 20 minutes to walk to the view point. But right now it’s 1:10 , so I’m trying to see if I can go up by bike. Hey, that’s awesome. It’s 1:15 and I can go up by bike. Hey, my legs are really big. I’ll just tie them here for a moment and run up and go. There’s 3 minutes left now. 3 minutes Wow, I actually see this. Everyone is there. Okay, it ‘s coming. Wow . [Laughs] I see this. I arrived just in time. I saw the sunrise . I thought this was a poem when I saw Harry Potter, but this actually exists . I found out about this bridge at the hostel. Someone told me that I should definitely go to this place and that it is really pretty. That’s why I forced myself to take a course. It’s so magnificent that it was worth it. The bridge here and Bali were also very pretty, but I still can’t forget the scenery on the way, so I bought something to eat like this. So, 16,000 won. Wow, that ‘s a lot of sheep. Let’s leave. I’ll see if the train passes this way after crossing that bridge. I’ll take another look at this car, but it seems to me that I’m riding the same way along the train line. [Music] Wow, the terrain is amazing. It’s like stairs. It’s done. It’s amazing. It’s just an ordinary road. There’s so much to see. It’s so narrow that I ca n’t stop. Wow, it’s really good for the eyes. [Music] I know. The train [Music] is passing by. It’s coming from the other side. [Music] This is a really long single track. He said I could take the last road, so I’ll take it and take it slow . I don’t understand why the weather is getting so good. [Music] Oh , oh, here. [Music] Wait, Mallaig, take the ferry over there and go to the Isle of Skye. There are 17 miles left. What are you surprised? Why are people? Row , ha, there is a way up from there. Look at the scenery now. The scenery is a painting. It doesn’t make sense right now. You’re crazy. The weather really helps me a lot. Of course, when I looked at that Harry Potter bridge, it was raining and it was pretty, but wow, what’s the bridge? That’s a train. The road is right. I guess this is the train road. The train passes here. It’s a picture. Hey, it seems like it’s the sea now. The river flows like this and goes into the sea. This is the beginning of the sea . I’ve come towards the sun. Oh, the bike path opens. Oh, it keeps stopping. Oh, that arch bridge here too. I can see it. For some reason, they made a bike path. I can’t help but stop the car while driving here. When I see this scenery [music], I’m so busy looking at it. Every time I turn a corner, the scenery doesn’t get much better, so I don’t know how many times I stop. I feel like I’ve stopped, but I’m sad that it’s already over. They made it so short. What’s the reason? Bus drivers on this course don’t see this every day. Where we stopped today, Aisei, there was no time to get bored. The scenery was so pretty. Welcome to Arisei There’s a supermarket in the village. I’ll supply some supplies and then move in. Ah, it’s amazing. Ah, good job . I want to take a shower and I’m new. Scotland is trying to come up as the top pick, but I’ll go that way for Baek-o Fork. Malay. The bike path is open up to that point. Wow, I arrived safely. This is where we pitch the tent. It seems like it’s a place , but I’m the only one there. It’s almost the end of the season, so there are a few things missing from the campsite. It’s all land, so 16 won is quite cheap. Today’s gospel was spoiled, but I rode a lot while riding. I rode 86km. I’ll finish. The beer I brought from the mart earlier. As the days got shorter, I needed a lantern. I used a lantern for the first time in almost 6 months . [Applause] It’s hot. Ta -da. It’s so good to have a shower after two and a half days of having to go to the red pepper paste, beef, and land with a knife. Really, I felt so uncomfortable. I woke up early in the morning, pulled out, and went for a ride. If you go to the Isle of Skye, you can finally stay at a hostel. It’s the only cheap place to stay. In fact, it’s not cheap. It costs 240,000 won, but Scotland is so good. I really like looking at the scenery, and the scenery is so pretty that the leftover rice was what I bought. I have canned curry and canned chicken curry, so I mix it up and eat it like this. It looks like dog food baby Give me one reason [Music] st Oh Tell me Tell me you love me me [Music] one on my [Music] [Music] It rained a lot at dawn and now It was very windy in the morning and the tent was completely dry. As I was pulling out, it started raining again and ended up getting a little wet. The sky is clear over there, but the rain keeps coming and going. The sea breeze is no joke. It’s okay because it’s a little off. Today, Tuesday morning , September 27th. It’s 8:10. From here, you can take a boat to the Isle of Skye. It’s about 14km to Malay, a village in Hangu. If we keep doing this, it’s going to rain again. Let’s go along the coastline. It’s the same day as yesterday. I don’t need the refrigerator anymore. It’s cool even if I just leave it alone. It’s amazing. It’s amazing. Naturally, there are six bicycles attached to the camping car. It’s family. It’s far away. Why don’t Koreans travel here? It’s really nice here, but it’s probably because transportation is inconvenient. There aren’t many lodging options, and it’s expensive and you have to keep moving. Traveling isn’t easy. In fact, it’s really hard here without a car. I guess the detour is over . Those crows seem to be all upset. I came in just to cross the bike path. Let’s go on a boat ride again. I don’t know how many times we’ll take the boat, but the boat is still far away. I have to take more. I don’t think I’ll have to take the boat at least three, four, or five times to finish Scotland. Like the village of Van, there are a lot of islands and ferries that you can go to from here , so there are quite a few cars. I’ll go get some breakfast. I’ll have some food here. Hey Pere. It’s small. Oh, yes, I rode it well. Now I just have to go to Skye Island and ride about 25km more. Postel check-in is at 5 o’clock, so I have to go to Postel first and kill time . [Music] It’s cold, so I have to stay here. This also takes about 30 minutes. Let’s get on and go up like this. Now, let’s go this way. So we’ll go up this way and go up like this. We’ll take a boat and go to Oist Paris. Another island, Askai Island. Skye Island was nice. I like you. Where should I go? Welcome to Sky. The place I’ll stop today is Broad. There’s a hostel in the village over there. I’m going back to the hostel after 4 days. The weather is nice, so I shouldn’t worry about the rain. There’s too much time until check-in, so let’s take a rest. There’s a coffee shop here. Why is this island so busy with data ? Wow, it’s almost the first time I’ve seen all the signs, but it’s so pretty, right? Yeah, thank you so much Yeah get a nice cup of coffee Yeah they do a nice cup of coffee Yeah Thank you have a great day Thank you Yeah [Music] [Music] It’s definitely good because the Isle of Skye is the more popular island. There’s almost no flat land from the north of Scotland. You can see it as non-existent. It’s either uphill or downhill. It goes down just as much as it goes up. And as much as it goes down, it goes up again. It’s like the ups and downs of life. [Music] Uh pair [Music] ] It seems like it’s a windy trekking course on the rainbow day . The feeling of the island here is definitely a little different. Ah, I ‘m tired. Ah, you’re taking care of this place too. They’re mowing. [Applause] When the rainbow just appears, it’s raining. Hey, I saw a lot of rainbows today. Let’s go first. If I don’t ask and check in early, I think I’ll have to look for a place to stay for a while. Ah, my mouth is frozen. Ah, I have to stop for a moment. It’s bad. It’s bad. Why is the weather like this? Why are you looking at me in the opposite direction? I thought I had gotten used to it, but I haven’t gotten used to the weather at all. Listen to the road pod. I’m here [Music] [Applause] [Music] It’s empty when I come in. I ate it all. It’s really deep inside the hostel. Oh, please, I wish I could check in early. My whole body is wet. It’s slippery. Oh, I arrived at the hostel safely. I’ll go in and rest. Hell Oban Hostel let me in exactly 5 i my name Jinwoo from kore sou oh really yeah yeah mor of all let UPS and then go right and then go then again next oner laund The current time is 3:30 Thank you very much for early check-in Originally, I couldn’t do it, but you told me to do it. Let’s finish here today and start riding the Island of Skye tomorrow. I rode 43km [Music] No at the end of Sky [Music] My eyes were swollen, probably because I was tired. I’ll start Skyriding in earnest now . Come and go. My shoes aren’t dry and they’re wet. Ah [Music] I guess there’s an Olaegil trekking course here on Skye Island. A lot of people come there. My plan today is to ride the western coast of Star Island and go to the westernmost point of the island. My shoes haven’t dried for 4 days. Let’s go. The current time is 10:10. We left a little late. It won’t rain for just one day. Let’s get it right, please help me, weather. It’s definitely bigger, so the lanes are two-lane, and there’s a lot of vehicle traffic. It seems to be the size of Jeju Island. You won’t be able to tour the Island of Skye completely and thoroughly, but you can roughly take a walk around it on a bicycle. I think it’s because I’ve been running in the rain for 4 days now, so I’ve accumulated a lot of accumulated fatigue, but the break time is too short to be relieved by yesterday. Ah, this is the weather in Scotland. This is the real weather in the airspace . It changes all the time. It’s raining . [Applause] ] Save me , Ya, isn’t this too much? When I get hit by the rain, I want to run away from the rain, but it’s hard to find something to avoid, and in fact, if it stops like this, my sweat cools and my body temperature drops a lot. So, it’s better to keep stepping on the sea otters. I can’t help it. It’s going to rain suddenly , so I cleaned it all up yesterday, and as soon as I leave today, I just shower with rainwater. The sky is clearing up ahead, so I have to hurry and run away. I was planning to go on a healing bike trip today, but it’s a continuation of Onan. The rain has stopped. Wow, it’s been 10 minutes. Even though it seems like I’m here, there is a sense. Still, there is a force . Going into that mountain valley, the force comes, hey, it’s over there. [Music] It’s going up, hey, it’s over. I hung up my shoes to dry them, but I wasn’t good at drying them today. Look at me. My eyes are swollen. Oh, there they are. The sun is rising. [Music] Let’s go up there. There are a lot of people who come by car to see the island. It’s definitely a famous island, so I should pick that one. Hey, wow, the color of the island is different again. I like this so much. [Laughs] That coffee shop has a take-out coffee shop inside. There are no tables, so I’ll take a short break here in the building . Sting said, why couldn’t I do this? Oh, I’ll sleep. It definitely didn’t rain that much, but it’s raining more than before . It’s still raining, but I think there’s a lot of traffic because this is the main road that goes up to the northern end of the Isle of Skye. Just a little more here. If you go forward, you may end up on a new road. Then, I think there will be less traffic. I’m going to the port tomorrow, and I’m going to the Dundae photo spot. I guess this is a tracking course, so there are a lot of cars. If you come when the weather is nice, it’ll be a hit. Today, I think I’m following dark clouds. Dark clouds It seems to be the direction I’m moving. It’s raining every day. The weather is good on the other side. I ran away because of the rain clouds. The sun is rising. Wouldn’t the weather get better if I go west? I’m sure it’s a new road, so there are no cars. There are a lot of people coming on that side, and it just keeps going up. Wow, that’s the road I came by. Hey. There’s just a dark cloud over there. Hey , if you go down here now, the sea will open up. It goes west again [Music] [Music] Hey, hey. [Music] Okay, all these islands are to the west. [Music] Yang Mul did it right, here. [Music] There’s something about Dabo. Wow, what is this? This is a blessing in my heart. The other sky has disappeared. I can’t call it again. My jeogori has a flat top. It’s flat, as if someone just cut off the flower stalk. Ah, all the peaks here have flat tops. Let’s go to the westernmost point of Carr Island. I’m thinking of camping there today. It ‘s only about 17km further into the main country. It’s a single road, so when you come out, you have to go back to the road you came in. Glendale OK . Everything that got wet in the morning has dried. It’s definitely windy. It doesn’t dry well because it rains a lot. It’s not raining. Oh, it’s coming. The slope is 16 degrees and it’s too steep. If you want to go to the very end, this is Glendale. You have to go about 7km from Glendale. Yes, I’ll go all the way to the end. Wow, this is tomorrow. This has to come up . Naist Point. The uphill climb inside here is no joke. Wow, it’s all tough. Going in, I’m here now. I’ve overcome the dark clouds. What’s the weather on the other side? C [Music] The weather is just clear here, and it looks like sky to me. Dark clouds have come over the entire island right now. Oh, it’s a superb view. Ah, this place is a superb view. You really did a good job on the oil. Hey, aren’t you crazy? Wow, there are a lot of people here. But it’s worth coming in. The weather helped. There’s a trekking course down there. Hey, this place is awesome. Bring a bike. It seems like the enemy can’t go I’m doing a long journey Now Yeah si months iiw mountain today so I’ve had my shoes I’ve had my shoes drying in the van Yeah I just hanging on the bicycle my shoes was too much crazy like It’s fine and then the next thing you. I’m taking pictures. When the people disappear a little, I think I’ll have to pitch the tent. There are a lot of people right now . I’m just guarding the front. I’ll go and come back. [Music] This and that. You did a great job on the road. Oh Ah [Music] I rode 80km. I’ll end the ride here. End [Music] How was it? I need to pitch my tent. I looked around, but there’s no place like this. There are traces of someone making a campfire here, so I think I can do it here. I’ll spend the night in front of the best view. It’s nice that That’s really nice you like it Yeah normally II make like steak and burgers and stuff Like That but because by myself It’s just easier having these I don’t miss like go to the Korea But I miss Korean food Yeah I know what you mean mate uh like when you go to different countries you kind of miss I went to America for work yeah and um I really really missed like the british food because American food I found was like way too salty and fatty and it was like been Drinking out of the ocean but obviously like all of America isn’t Like That but but but you know what I mean it was just like something else Yeah so Yeah I know what you mean about missing like home food yeah what’s your favorite food in British [Music ] It’s raining too hard. It’s coming again. Let’s sleep. [Music] Today’s original destination was to ride around the area and go into a village called Paul Tree, but Conan, who I met yesterday, is also going to Fort Tree. If it’s okay, tell him to take his car to Port Tree. Take his car. I decided to ride. The departure went well. Let’s go. Easy man. We arrived at Port Portree. If I had ridden a bike, it would have taken an hour and a half just to get out of that road, but if I took a car, it took an hour to get to the port. The one-hour check-in was at o’clock, so I had too much time left and followed Conan. I’m going to go hiking. He said he was going to do some maintenance here for a while and then go hiking, so he asked me to come with him and we went hiking . Now, Conan and I have come to the photo spot. The mountain above, covered in clouds, is where Old Man Steer is located, so go there. We are going to go hiking together. The weather is so good today that it would be a waste to just go straight to the hotel. Kona is taking pictures. He is a very sincere person. He takes pictures with real passion. I think this is the most famous spot on the Isle of Skye. People come here. Look, everyone comes to hike a lot. Look at the plane . [Music] The top of The Old Man Store is the store. It’s 719 m above sea level. Thank you, thank you, Conan. Look at you taking pictures up there. Oh my god, the view is spectacular . Look at this. We haven’t reached the top yet, but it’s no joke. Ah, crazy, crazy, crazy , I have to turn around here and go up further, but actually, I think it would be okay to stop here, so I’ll go down now. I really enjoyed looking at the scenery. Today is the best weather. I think this place is about 400m above sea level. Hello the next sp naming yeah gotri and two pho opportunities people lot of people go to one few people few people go to the other one the other one meant to be the best one because There’s massive mountain there shape like I’m going to see the place. Oh my god . Oh my god, I can’t explain the scenery in words. There are no words to describe it. The ever-changing scenery is crazy. Does this make sense? Wow, the clouds are just forming. Look at the clouds coming. Come here , Conan. To fly that drone, Conan comes to the viewpoint all day long and is just looking for a spot to take a picture of and a spot to fly the drone. It’s so cute. Hey, I’m overwhelmed when I see this scenery with my own eyes, whether it’s in this or this. Wow. [Music] ho shit D What the hell [Music ] C [Music] [Music] [Music] I went there earlier, I went there, and now I’m on the other side. After hiking here, I’m going to go see the waterfall, and then go to the hostel and check in. Now, thanks to Conan today, there are so many people before check-in time. I’m looking at it. Wow, I’m so lucky. It’s a place called Ring, about 30 minutes away by car from a town called Port. If Conan hadn’t told me about it, I would never have known about it, but since I’m going this deep inside, the trekking course is good and it’s awesome. Come here. It keeps coming out. I said this before, but every time I hit the onion-like Highland hills, the scenery changes so much . Conan keeps making reels. He’s working so hard on Instagram. I keep taking and deleting pictures and deleting and repeating to upload the reels on Instagram . Oh, I’m really not talking about this. Okay, what are we going to do with this? [ Music] Conan, let’s go over here to see what kind of table. Yes, bring it. It’s steep here. [ Music] We have to go here. I rode up here, but I found out that this is not a road, but a valley with water flowing. Oh, I should have come up this way originally, but I came up through the valley over there, so it was very difficult. [Laughs] The place where I am now is called the table. It’s like this . I guess the stones are cut down like this every year. That’s why it seems to be a famous place, but because the course is difficult, there’s not a single person. Hello [Music] Hello, guys. Hey, you came up high. Mr. Hey, the son-in-law over there came down. We came down like that. No. Conan is also a crazy guy, but even though I met Conan yesterday by chance and was happy, today I went on an unplanned hike to the north of the Isle of Skye. I think I walked for a total of about 6 hours or 7 hours. Anyway, let’s go check-in with the force. Lastly, before going to the village of Fort Lee, I walked to this waterfall . I came here Ah, I guess the lake water here came through like this and a waterfall like this was created by the cliff I saw. Thank you so much for yesterday And today Thank you Thank you Yeah AS much as possible Yeah just give me Thanks to Conan, I went to the north very comfortably. I had a good trip to the Isle of Skye. There is a Japanese restaurant here. I edited the video for 10 hours and came here to eat a delicious dinner. I couldn’t finish one video. I think I’ll have to ride tomorrow and go back to the hostel to finish the video. I don’t have enough time. I’ve been editing since 10 in the morning until now, but I haven’t been able to finish a single video. Wow, this pork cutlet is really delicious . [Music] It’s so delicious. It’s so expensive. It’s crazy here. This is one pork cutlet and 2 menus. It’s 5,000 won. The price of this has gone up to 20,000 won. What should I do? [Music] I have to eat when I want to eat. I spent 10 hours editing without eating anything. I’m at a restaurant today and they have kimchi fried rice. This is kimchi fried rice. It’s so delicious, I ate it, but it’s so delicious today. It rained all day, but it stopped only in the evening. I’ll have to sleep while praying that it won’t rain tomorrow. [Music] [Music] [Music] There’s no ferry in the morning, so I’ll have a cup of coffee and take my time. It’s now 10 o’clock, and it’s only a short distance from here to the boat boarding place. You have to ride for a while. [Music] Let’s go. It’s a languid island. The weather fluctuates. The sun still rises today. My life of riding a bicycle continues every day, so even if I don’t ride for a day or two, it feels like I haven’t ridden for a very long time. A middle-aged man, a traditional Scottish doctor, wears a skirt. Check. Skirt I’m washing my dry shoes after 8 days. It’s so hard to wear really dry shoes. Oh, I love them. They’re so comfortable to wear. Hey, my legs after hiking. [Music] Today is October, but as of today , it’s been 180 4 days since I started my bike trip. Yes, today is the 185th day. Half a year has already passed. I feel like about three months have passed. I can’t believe it. I can’t even believe I came this far, and I’m a little curious about what country I’ll be in a year from now. [Music] I keep wondering. Let’s go forward . It’s not surprising anymore. It’s raining a lot again. It’s going to stop again right away. But it won’t be long. The weather is good today. I hiked the mountain on the other side with Conan the other day. It looks very high, but it’s only about 400m above sea level. The island is amazing. Now, if you go over to another island, it won’t be a breeze again. Now, if you go out and take the main road and go another 16km, you will arrive at a village where you can take a boat called Uyu. From there, you will take a boat to the Northern Istra Island. Dry shoes and rest for 30 minutes. It’s all wet. I went all the way to the end. Hey, I went really deep. Yes, I should stop for a moment and look around. I came too quickly. It’s only 12 o’clock. This is now Ui. The village where I will take the boat. The place you can see over there is the village where I will take the boat yesterday. This is the place where there is a lighthouse at the western end where I came from. Let’s go to another island. Right [Applause] P First, let’s buy a ferry ticket and then go somewhere and wait for a while. I’m going this way. Lomedi. It’s Saturday today, and there’s only 2:30 p.m. There’s five boats on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. tick 23 Ah okay yes [Music] It’s not a 2 o’clock boat, it’s an o’clock boat. It’s actually better. It’s time. There’s a map here. From here, head towards Almadale. Ride all the way and rest. Now, on the first day of sky riding , ride this road until the end. I went to Neist Point on the second day, took a car with Conan, went back like this, went to the tree, [Music] It’s quiet here , went up, went up to The Store, hiked here, went up, was somewhere here, hiked to a place called Ring, looked at the waterfall on the side, and came back. After giving it to me at Fort Lee, I rode this way today and came to the bay. It takes 1 hour and 35 minutes to take Lee to Loch Medi. Now I’m going to Newest Island. Hello, hey, body is cute. There’s only one restaurant. What are you ? I think I’ll eat it. Fried mon 15 pounds 2,000 won [Music] It looks delicious. It looks like he’s saying hello . No, he’s obviously watching me, but he’s letting all the cars in and not even mentioning anything to me. When I ask him, he asks why he’s going in now. Hey, Mr. Lee, if I hadn’t asked, I would have missed it again . I del masus [Music] It’s 4 o’clock now . I’ve arrived at North Uist Island. It’s late, so I don’t think I’ll be able to stop by much of the island north of Uist. I’ll head straight to the hostel and ride while sightseeing for a while. Here’s the bridge from North New East. You can ride to another very small island. There is a hostel inside. From here, you only have to ride about 20km, so if it wasn’t for video editing , you could have just walked around and camped somewhere, but I definitely had to upload a video today, so right away. I’m going to go into the hostel. It’s a bit windy. I’ve come all the way to the north. Normally, if I go this way, I can turn north like this, but I ‘ll go this way. But the weather is helping today. It’s not raining much, so it’s not going to break the signal. I can’t even get it. Oh, you can’t do it without Wi-Fi at the hostel. Hey, even if it only lasts for 5 minutes, everything would be fine. Wow, the strong wind pushes me from behind, so the uphill slope feels like flat ground. I don’t even want to think about the headwind. Wow , now the next island is called Paris and Louise . The island is a little bigger so I’ll have fun riding there. The current scenery is crazy. I’ve seen so many beautiful scenery so far that it still doesn’t make sense. In fact , from here I’m going further north towards Burner Eye . Burleigh News Hostel is 7.5m away. Above the wind. I get on it and go straight out. Hey, this is so comfortable. When the wind pushes me, it’s like, wow, Ms. Yassigu. Wow, it’s really quiet . If you look at the island like this, it’s like a deserted island. It’s really, really quiet. Look at all the colors. Hey, what is this ? I guess it ‘s some kind of festival. Why are you greeting me? It’s funny. Ah It’s amazing. Wow, what is that? Do you see that? People here are cheering in the sea . The color of the sea is so pretty. Emerald Peach. You have to go here. There was a road on the map, so I thought there was a bridge, but they made a road like this with a breakwater. If you cross this bridge, you can see it. The island you see in front is an island called Neray. While passing this bridge, I recorded 8,000 km. I achieved 8,000 km of accumulated K distance. I rode 8,000 km in 6 months. Oh, I parked there. Ah, I guess this is the ferry to South Ohris. They say it’s at the very end, but there are quite a lot of residents there. There are a lot. I’m really glad that there is a hostel in a place like this. It’s the end, but I’ll go somewhere else. Are you hoping for that cabin or that house? There’s no road here. Is there a hostel here? Let’s go in . Oh, suddenly it rains, and I guess there’s a hostel here. I didn’t expect this , but wow, this is a hostel. I’m going to quickly go in . What is it? How do I use it? Huh, I thought it was a cheap hostel, but this is an unmanned hostel. It asks me to fill out the information and put money into the money box with my conscience. 20 pounds per night. It seems like it’s a kitchen and living room, and the room is like this. One, two, three, four, all six. I’m all alone today. I’m at the end of the land and there’s no road to the hostel, so I walked on the lawn. Today, I finished my trip to the Isle of Skye and came here to the north of Uist Island. I crossed the breakwater bridge and saw a small place called Burner Ray. I came to the island. I’m probably on this side now. So I’m going to go back down here and take the ferry to Harris Island. I rode 50 km today. Just 50 km. I’ll finish here. I guess I can burn a firewood fire. Awesome rainbow. It’s a really bright double rainbow. Wow, it’s coming down. Bring it here. It’s really clear when you come here. The problem is that the data here is not working at all and there is no Wi-Fi. I can’t upload it to YouTube today. I was going to upload it this week, but in the end I couldn’t upload it. I didn’t know it was in such a remote place. There’s nothing I can do. Oh, this is it. Now, there’s a bed here too . Oh, the bathroom and shower room are the same. Tonight’s dinner, I cooked rice and baked spam. I think it’s been 3 weeks since I bought this, but I’ll eat it together. Next to Oji’s Cabin, the most amazing thing I found out about this place is that I searched for hostels on Google Maps and found this youth hostel [Music] But [Music] No matter how much I searched for information, there wasn’t much information about it. First of all, I rushed here all of a sudden. It’s amazing. The accommodation fee was 20 pounds, so I put it in an envelope over there and put it in a box over there. From the moment I arrived from the Isle of Skye to the Isle of Uist on a boat, I couldn’t get any data, and people who live here in Uist are offline. Are you making a living? [Music] do [Music] It’s 7:30 before October. I have to go on a boat ride in the morning. I left early. The wind is no joke. This is a really amazing place. The sun is hidden behind clouds right now. It seems like I’m riding here, but the boat is far away. What is this ferry? You just have to get on the ferry and buy a ticket. I made all the videos that the camper over there mentioned, but I can’t upload them. next next [Music] alid yoube yoube Here is wif wif wif [Music] [Music] I did it. Yes, I’ll get on it first. Morning. Ning, I want to go camping today , but I uploaded it to YouTube. Come to think of it, I got the ticket. No one told me. Welcome to Harris. No, I bought the ticket on the boat. So I was waiting, but while I was writing my diary , no one told me to pay for the ticket, so I just did it. What is Ne-Yo? Why didn’t you tell me to buy a ticket? You didn’t say anything to me when I left. Anyway, I arrived at Harris Island safely. The name on the south side of this island is Harris. If you go up to the north, the name is Lewis, so I’ll start riding on Harris Island. It’s really cold. It’s just a joke. No, the ground isn’t working. Let’s ride towards a village called Tarbert. Originally, today’s plan was to go to the western end of Harris here and camp in front of the beach, but now that I’m uploading, there’s a Tarbert hostel . Check in early at the hostel. I think I should finish a little early if I can . I ‘ll have to think about it. It’s definitely a real island within an island. As I got deeper into the island, there were no cars. Oh, the weather is unusual. Is it raining? Ah, this is scary. It’s like before the storm. Just before it pours. It seems to be empty. There is a sandy beach in front of the sea. From what I can see , there must be more sheep than the population living here. Of course, it has to be that way . Look at the sheep in that garden. The topography here is a bit strange. To me, the sea is here. I don’t think so, but what is the sea in front of? Now, is it a point of mixing? The sandy beach in the middle is hell yeah yeah par front h Excuse me you want coffee What do you prefer coffee you Sugar or milk no Sunday everything cl Thank you so much some hard days you turn pushing me what are you thinking uh stoping atot rest one day in a host and maybe tomorrow go to the west side of the West put down my lug h and Way Back sal all this is allore kore are you doing any work as you go are you are you Just Like Before I work aot I prep traveling for 29v and working and Now just but you know not enough money always not enough enough doing usually doing the youtube This day So when I go to the hostel editing my journey video food What did you do When you I did thef also I lived in Canada one year learning about my English and saving The Money can wi we used to to FG and WE would pick up a car we just Drive mountain is really amazing all the way up to that was really worse for me time is time was really good i improved my English skills a lot first time I can speak Just Like how much is it Hello nice to meet you but Almost like during the months in Canada LE my boss like telling me like you fcked up everything because I couldn’t understand customiz like no tomato like too Fast like i put the tomato but after months I was used to like doing the work and living in can after that really perfect canut love it not possible to bring you guys camping car to can we could h one out but it’s expensive isn’t They don’t like you staying wi the way you do bik you can stop any in UK especially Scotland canada they If you have Yeah always go to the h Yes home Yeah Scotland is perfect strug always got a problem and struggle and hard to get information says You’re going to Switzerland Yeah I’m really expecting hy hy doesn’t matter Now my body like really strong weather is really problem even Summer Time was to hot and dr Now getting CH CH CH sometimes good people help me a like you guys nice We’ve Got and daughter we would like people to be nice to them you want people to be nice to your own people keep in touch no on the on the Wii no sign may [laughter] to now help me I can makeus h here all Thank you so much Here is Power Thank you. They gave me a lot of snacks and I really didn’t want to receive it, but they said there was nothing I could give them and gave me 15 pounds in cash. Oh, thank you so much . I’ll really put it to good use. Oh, I’m so happy. Ah, the feeling of the island is different. This helped me so much. Accept it and I will try to help you a lot later. As much as I received, wow, the waves are amazing here, the coastline, wow, going to the coast here is no joke . Ah, I don’t step on the pedal, but it just goes at 50 km/h. I hit it, and hey, Mother Nature is really scary. Seeing things like this makes humans. There’s nothing I can do . Why am I in this great nature? It doesn’t make sense that the time is 11:10 am. Just looking at the sky makes me feel like it’s already afternoon again. I really don’t think I’ll ever forget this Scottish island trip. There’s something about this scenery that’s so powerful that I can’t erase it from my memory. There are so many. Wow, look at the sound of the waves. Wow, my body is all pushed. It’s a little disappointing. The weather is bad. Here, too, the sandy beach between the sea almost meets the land on the other side . It’s raining. It does n’t make sense if there isn’t rain in the sky. This is fog right now. It may be hard to see because it’s foggy, but the water is very clear and very clean. Hey, this feels different too. I think it’s now over the coast and entering the inland part of Harris Island. The road is going down rather than uphill. If I just get over this, I’ll be in the village. Tarbert 8 miles. Here on the inside of the island. There are a lot of rocks here. It’s a rocky mountain. It says to just go camping . Oh, I guess they all came up. No, they were hiding behind there. The sky is clearing up a bit. [Music] Oh wow wow wow It’s almost 1 PM, but I’m finishing up here today and heading to the accommodation. Let ‘s go in Even if you don’t see it, I’ll send it to you. I’ll be happy for the hard work. Nice to own a bike. W going from Now north part riding to the Edinburgh doing it the right way. I did I did it From from Ah edb like Because the wind is coming from yeah yeah wind is coming like this so you got a all all the wind right your name Nice to meet you Where are you from uh I’m from korea from the netherlands netherlands Oh next country I’m gna go Amsterdam really you g go to Amsterdam I’m G to take the fair and newcastle that gu the guys help me taking the ferry Oh maybe middle of the October May I book my for the 12th of October home after holland I’m trav country so holland belgium and to the south Germany and cross tur really did it my plan was to go for a month but after two weeks I was like I don’t want to go home two weeks That’s way too soon so I extended my trip with six weeks cool cool and next year I to try to also R to Rome then I to norway all the way to the top tury I’m gna go to the norway like and then denmark pra then I’m go can with bicycle How long are you not sure depends on the money my next Question would be How do you make money Yeah there also Do you know what the B isy like small free HS Where can Stay for free You don’t have Wii there sometimes most time just a place where you can lay down sleeping sleeping back and inside right there see bri in the distance Oh yeah on that Island over there That’s there one I was there this morning Next To ligh beautiful It’s just really nice because you can stay fore and It’s [Music] We talked for almost an hour. Maybe we can meet after Scotland. Now Knowles Harris South It’s coming out of Harris . Ah, from this tabo, you can go into the right wing that I rode yesterday. This is the hostel. Oh, you can check in now. It’s 255 pounds per night. I only rode about 38km, but the weather is so scary, so I came in. I put my luggage down for a day, and uh, west is east. I’ll go for a ride and come back. But I heard it’s going to rain a lot tomorrow, so let’s get up and see tomorrow. That’s the end of today. There’s no one there . I’m the only one in this spacious accommodation. I hope it doesn’t rain tomorrow morning. After eating breakfast, I’ll go out for a short ride and come back. The sky is bright again today. It’s not unusual , so I put it all down. It looks like it’s connected to the I Love Skull Face bridge. Ah, I can’t control the uphill or the handlebars. This is too light. This uphill is hard. It’s short, but the slope is huge. I’m nervous. Oh, really, what is this? Hey, this is the house. It was a good idea to put it in and come back Hey , hey , hey, I wanted a sky like this. Yesterday, there were so many islands. [Music] Oh, please, the high speed of the slope here. I hope this weather lasts until the end of the island. But that won’t happen. It’s definitely going to rain today as well . If you cross that bridge, it’s Spey. Island within an island within an island. Island within an island. [Music] Crazy Spey. Not here with Skull Face [Music]. Ah, the road ends here and you have to hike to get to the lighthouse. I said I’d only enter by walking. Walk 2.1km and go in once to the end. Let’s see. Yang-ri says there is an enemy. Look, what are you doing? [Music] Okay, there really isn’t a picture . Who’s going to come in here with a bicycle? I’m not coming in. It’s very clear. Oh, the bicycle fell. It’s about 16km one way to the end of the lighthouse. You have to go in pretty deep. A sheep welcomes you. Wow, look at the poop. It’s a poop field. This is the place called Bosi that Stan mentioned yesterday. In Korea, it ‘s like a pavilion. They say that there are pavilions in every village all over Scotland. Let’s go in and block out the wind like this. It would really be nice to just rest here and last a day. [Music] Let’s go back to Harris Island on a rainy day or something like this . The sun only rises in the morning and dark clouds are hanging in. I’m going to get caught in the rain while riding on the west side again. [Music] This is just the beginning. I think this is probably Lee, but it’s about 27km. So, if you have to take a round trip in and out, I’ll go back to Tarbert Village. Ah, the bike is about to fly away. Yeah, the bike almost fell off. If I hadn’t applied too much force, okay, I’ve arrived. There’s a coffee shop here, so I should have a cup of coffee. Now, rain. It’s coming a lot. I think it would be better to end the ride here today. It’s raining quite heavily and it’s going to keep raining from now on, so I’ll be riding north of Harris tomorrow anyway. It’s a shame I’m going to the west, but I decided to give up . Thank you, thank you. I ordered today’s soup . I’ll go to Perris Island and Lewis Island tomorrow. I’ll pass on. Yesterday was Sunday, so the supermarket wasn’t open, but the supermarket here is open, so I’ll go after some groceries. Riva Stick Neck Wow , it’s a good thing I went riding early today. The weather is so good in the morning. If I had gone riding west today, I might not have been able to come back . It’s been pouring rain since 30:30. [Music] I finished it. It’s over. I’m eating it. It seems too short. [Music] No, it tastes better than beef. [Music] [Music] Fortunately, it’s not raining again. In the morning, leave Paris Island and go to Lewis Island. Let ‘s go in. The goal I’m thinking about today is to go to the northern end of Lewis Island and go camping, but the distance is 102km. If the weather is good from here, I’ll try it, but if it’s not, I think I’ll have to stop at Stoner Way. The wind is too strong. Wow, I can see it in front. The sea is the Atlantic Ocean. It rained a lot and it cured your illness. I didn’t think it would be surprising because I’ve seen it a lot now, but every time I see it, it’s so surprising that it drives me crazy. I’m speechless at this. Ah, it’s amazing. I feel small in the greatness of nature. [Music] Ah, I cry, yes, this is it. What are you feeling? I’m glad the weather is nice today. Oh, Luke, I was sleeping with the necklace my father gave me under the exhaust of the hostel. I was just going uphill and suddenly remembered that I left the necklace behind, so I’m heading back. But you can’t leave it behind, not for him or me. It’s precious. I came back to Tarbert Village. But it didn’t take long before I remembered it. It’s a good thing. I rode about 30km and then I remembered. Oh, fortunately, I found him. I left at 9:30, but it’s 10:30. Ah, I ‘m done warming up. On the way. I’ve ridden it three times. It’s back. Now I’m going to start in earnest . Look at it coming through. The lady dragon is coming out. The dragon is coming out. Oh, that place is the sea, too. It’s open. [Music] If you feel itchy, hit the barricade here and scratch it like this. From the north of Harris, Lewis. There are a lot of uphill roads on the way to the North. The shadows of the clouds are moving. [Music] I didn’t know because I was riding on the wind, but wow, it’s no joke because I’m going against the wind . It’s okay when going north, but now, on the contrary, people coming down from the north to the south are really dying. If you ride in that direction, there is no hell. Oh, from here, it’s the Island of Lewis. Welcome to the Ruth. This is Harris behind here. This is now Lewis. I was running on the border. It’s unusual. It’s a combination of islands , but it’s divided into two. To the north of Gyeongi Island is Seuss Island, and to the north is Harris Island. So in reality, it doesn’t matter what you call it. You can call it Lewis and Harris Island, or you can call each island separately. The sun is shining like this. Yes, there are Highland cows up there. Honey and ah, they are so cute. Since coming to the Island of Lewis, the room has become flooded. There are a lot of trees growing here . Weather like this is not common, but I don’t think it will rain today, so I rode a lot more. I’ll do it [Music] Let’s go back along the west coast and go to the northern end. There are 80 3km left from here, but I’ve ridden 47km now, so I have to ride 130km to get to the northern end. Give it a try. [Music] I’ll see. But the wind is helping, so I think it’ll be easy. No, it’s not easy. No matter how hot the wind gets, it’s hard. I know this because I rode it in Spain. What’s wrong? He’s tied up. Hello, did you monopolize the grass? Why is he so big? He ate too much grass. The money is good, but there are days when you can relax like this. Ah, photosynthesis. It’s good. If you take this road and go straight, you will come to Stoner Way, the largest Hangu village on the Island of Lewis. Stone No Way will go tomorrow, and now if you turn left, you will have to run against the headwind for about 20km for a while, but it will be okay. It will be okay. Oh, I don’t know. It’s not right. You go straight. or turn left Okay, you got here really quickly. You’re definitely going faster because you have less luggage than me. What your name TR TR TR nice to meet you How many times have you fallen off whil taking the Video never you guys to stop here We’re going to Keep going on to We’re only going about another five miles Something Like That Ah cool great to see you and good luck with your trip Thank you take care enjoy I’ve ridden 65km now I’ve ridden half of it I just need to ride as much as I can I’m almost out of the straight line. If I go up there and turn to the right, the wind will help me now. This strong wind was now an enemy, but now it’s an ally. It can help me. Now it can help me. Can’t you just look back a little like this? Now I’m out of stamina, so the wind is pushing me from behind. It’s hard even if I give it up. I’ve ridden 880km now, but because of that necklace snowball, there’s still 50km left. The tailwind is strong. Still, I’ve lost a lot of energy, but I can run like this. Ah, I’ve finally made it to the coast [music]. I ‘m walking yohai with my butt turning Wow, it’s been a long time since I rode a long distance. It’s tough. [Music] [Music] Wow, there are a lot of houses in the back of this place. Since the island is quite big, there must be a lot of people living here . I’m running 20 km man. Wow, it seems like there’s no end to the road after 110 km. I’m really mentally strong now. I don’t know if the blurry double rainbow is captured in the video. I’m the only crazy person riding a bicycle at this time. The clouds completely blocked out the sun. It’s so pretty to see the sunlight spreading out from behind the clouds . There are a lot of residential areas like this at the very end. From the north of the last 5 km. The village at the end is cute. If you go a little further to the left from here, you will see a lighthouse. I will take a picture of the village at the end and go down to the lighthouse. Ah, I attached it. I think I will find a place to camp if I go in towards the Piri Merial Lighthouse at the end. This is a very residential area. It’s 7 o’clock and we have to hurry before the sun goes down. Oh, let’s see what kind of construction is going on. Okay, that’s good, but there’s a pavilion or something here, so I think we can do it here . It’s the second time to go early tomorrow morning at 30. I’ll do it here today . Done. Oh, the pavilion here is good. Thank goodness. Let’s eat quickly. I’ll eat it and sleep. Tomato pasta for dinner is so hungry. It’s delicious. It’s so windy that it doesn’t help even though I was under the pavilion. It’s raining all the time . The end of withdrawal. It’s not even 8:30 at the moment. It rained really hard in the early morning, but I made a save. Let’s see if we can go into the lighthouse. I’ll just check and go into the city. Still, I’ve come all the way here, but it’s too bad. Oh, you’re joking. Wow, it’s really going in a lot. It’s really cool. Oh, the sun is rising. This is the lighthouse at the northern end of Lewis Island . p [Music] It’s about 456km from here and there’s a complete headwind [Music] 456km Oh, it’s really really cool. The lighthouse is at the end of the northern end of Lewis. I’ve seen all the islands on the west side of Scotland. I’m going to take a boat back to the main island of Scotland. I think I’m halfway through Scotland. I’m jealous. I’ve been in England for a long time now. When I come to Scotland, I see rainbows all the time. Rainbows appear all the time. When a clear rainbow appears, it rains like a double rainbow. Oh my god , the road I rode yesterday is a good ride. [Music] Yesterday, I came riding this wind and rode 130 km. Thank you. It becomes a downhill supercar uphill. The magic speed is not over 10km. It will take about 3 hours to get out of this. The headwind is too strong. We met again now . How are you per you’re halfway Now on you CU you got do 15 to the turn and then be fine be F Yeah so I’m thinking about just go to the stone Yeah and then I will take the ferry right away maybe they have a 2 yeah yeah If I can make it I will just take the to the I think so Ah ah you guys to take the [ Music] I know big ones You can under Ah coming You just put your hand out stop iri rang them this morning so the big ones I think There’s only three bikes on the Island to see you enjoy eny may see you later bye I took a shot yesterday I took it with me and headed towards it, and they were somewhere in the middle. I’ve stopped because I’ve already booked a place to stay. They said it’ll be released if I go a little further, so I’ll give it my strength. You’re talking about the bus. They’re really the Hyeonmiwon people. I’m ignorantly stepping on sea otters. Ah, we’re finally here. Ah, it really took just three hours. This is the single road. At the end of the lighthouse, there’s a fork in the road. It took three hours to ride 30km to get there. Now, if you turn left here, you’ll be fine. The wind is a little bit strong, so I don’t think it’ll be too bad. There’s a ferry to Hangu Village called Ullapool at 2 o’clock, so if you arrive in Thailand before 2 o’clock, you can go straight to Lewis Island. I don’t think it would be a bad idea to get out of there . Even if you go to Olaf, there is a hostel, so it’s 11 miles to the store. It’s 18km. Oh, I don’t know if it’s possible. It’s 18km right now. It’s 18km. It’s 11 minutes now , but if the wind helps, I might be able to do it. It does n’t end, but it feels like hell. Oh, the hellish ridge ends. I’m not going to lose, I’m not going anywhere. I finally got out. Really, I finally came. It was so hard. Wow . It’s a traffic light. Why is it so unfamiliar? Now that I think about it, I ‘ve never seen a traffic light before. Now I’m on the outskirts of the entrance to Snowway, and it’s a city. Uh, first of all, go straight to Hangu and take the Doosi ferry. I’ll ask if I can , and if I can get on it, I’ll go straight to the main continent. The town here is really big. It’s not a town, it almost feels like a city. Oh, Ulapool Ferry. What is this building? No, where is the parity terminal? I arrived at the parity point and bought a good ticket. Ouch. As I was traveling around the island, there was no village this big among the islands. Oh, the Sway here is a very big village, but I happened to pass right through the Isle of Lewis, and the islands on the west side of Scotland were over. I rode for two and a half hours and entered the main land. The islands I passed by again. The Isle of Mule, the Isle of Skye, the Isle of Uit, the Isle of Leys, the Isle of Fay and the Isle of Lewis. I visited about seven islands. If I were to give a general review of my trip to the Highland Islands, this is a place that needs no words. The Bible is so beautiful that it always made me exclaim with joy and admiration during the island trip. I think I’m going to go to the main land and ride for about 3 days and go to the northern end, and there’s another island. I think I’ll take a picture of that island in the north and then head to Edinburgh. Oh, it’s raining again , so this is Ullapool, the main land on the Scottish mainland again. I’ll go straight to the hostel and try to check in. Thank you, Care Bar. I checked in well and came in. I need to pack up my luggage, do some laundry, and do some other things, so I’ll fix it here and rest for another day tomorrow. Oh, I’ll start riding again from Friday. I rode just 50km today. First off, Scotland. I will end my trip to the western island here. The end Yeah I heard h is really isn’t it hard on the really Narrows When you’re Writing first time it was so Annoying and then really scary Yeah If you make space for bicycles more people will ride the bicycles right Yeah That’s what We’re doing or have to make space bicycles with every new nowadays I I’m used to it riding bicycles with narrow but big B big TR is scary passing so fast I’ve been driver and every time One of the great big trucks come by I have to hang on really tight [applause] all make the car skin get the trck i don’t think here you don’t see many cycle in holland you see so many people yeah I love riding bicycle after finish Korea travel I felt like Korea is so small I want to go outside some country that time I was not good at English I don’t have money I have to graduate the university lots of things to do after finish everything and Save money a lot actually I 2020 covid messed up And what did you study in University life science like biology Oh ni quite different like life Nature Yes and your mother is she nervous scared for you This day not really I finish and show them finish show them I did I did many things in korea trav to them Okay mother father now time to traveling around the world with bicycle just Go let’s go I really appreciate my whatever you trust You know You can do it any Now [Music] rejoy and father going to the hiing my youtube channel should some me you lot of money [Music] winter wi Yeah I will try but [Music] [Music] [Music] Um, the rain comes and goes. I packed my bags and put them in. Now I’ll keep heading north. I’ll have to ride a lot today. I’ll go diligently . This is Ullapool, Scotland’s main island. If you go early, it’ll take 2 days. Oh, if you go late, it’ll take about 3 days. Let’s go as far as we can. It’s October 7th. The weather is bad, and it’s raining too much. I hope this is the first time. If you get from start to finish, today’s riding won’t be easy. Ah, it was perfect within 5 minutes of setting off. I barely stayed in the hostel for two days and came out, and this was the weather in the Scottish Highlands. The weather doesn’t look right and I have to hope it doesn’t rain that day. The sky just cleared up. The dark clouds have come out. Hey, I passed another hill, so look at how the scenery has changed. The weather isn’t outside either. It’s so pretty. How can it be so new every time? I just have to follow this road all day today. I think it’s time to stop being surprised, but why is it always surprising every time? This is so annoying. It starts at and ends at sea level, but the cumulative elevation gain is 1. It’s pouring like that and it’s not raining again. [Music] I’m going to go all the way to No. 3. From what I see, I’m at No. 2 right now. I have to go all the way to No. 13. When I go up to Ya, the wind blows. I’m doing it because it ‘s a re-edit. Ah, it’s raining heavily. It’s raining on the other side. It’s really amazing. I think it’s right to say that I’m speechless. The moment I see the scenery, I’m speechless. It’s raining. Isn’t this why weapons usually appear after it rains? Why Scotland? When the rainbow pops up, it rains. It’s a village called Finn, and there’s a tea room here. It’s a pumpkin. It’s hail. It hurts. It’s a hail. It’s a hail. It’s closed. Lou Claus. Oh, why did it sting so much? It’s raining in a mix of pumpkins and ears. If you go a little further, it’s raining. I think it will be clear again. Is the sky clear in front? Why is the rain so heavy? I was like this. Oh, it has stopped. I don’t know if you can see clearly, but it’s raining in front of me. It’s not raining here, but it’s raining in front of me. But I have to go ahead, so it passes quickly. Rain clouds are real-time weather information. I can tell . I can see it in front of me. Whether it’s going to rain or not. Now it’s going to rain. It’s not going to rain. This is the forecast. I’m going to the left side. My destination for today is probably over there. I’m betting on that side. There’s 50 miles left, so I just have to ride another 880km. It’s not that long. Look at the weather . Does this make sense? This weather is beautiful . It rained hard just 10 minutes ago, but it feels so good when the sun comes out. Even if it rains, clothes and pants dry really quickly, but the wind is strong, so if you just endure the cold toes a little, you can ride. [Music] [ [Music] It’s okay . Wow, what is that sign? Does it mean there’s a monster ? It’s a place that doesn’t need any explanation or words. In fact, you have to come to the north of Highland Scotland in person. You have to cross another mountain range here. If you look around, there’s no water in the waterfalls. Because it rained so much, it all came up. It was caught by the dark clouds. The dark clouds are moving so fast that it’s almost time for snow. These particles are falling. It must have gotten a lot colder. It’s much colder than when I first came to Scotland . The average temperature is something like 9. It’s about 10 degrees. Let’s go. Oh, it’s okay. It’s raining. If we don’t give it to you , you won’t be able to see it. You just have to go up there. The sky is clear in front of you, so you just have to hold on. Wow, what’s going on here? I guess I’m done after climbing quite a bit. What are the mountains? Hey, I’m sure the weather is fine since I climbed the mountains . It’s coming again . Mamui is right here . Ah, it’s really, really fun. There’s no time to get bored. Because the situation keeps changing. Ah, 1km coffee shop, okay, please open it. Let’s take a break. We’re running 50km now without resting. This is Una, his name is in the canyon like this. It’s connected to the sea. Oh, and this place. It’s very open. I’ll just have to go. What is it? Here, the one in front of you is also an island. The small island here is connected by a bridge. Wow, I’ll take a break here too. I think I need to eat something. My toes. It’s so cold. Ah, my toes are hurting. I think this is also a view point. It’s a joke. This is also the peak of capriciousness. Scotland [Music] The weather is Ah, I crossed that island with a bridge like this. When I ride another 55km, there’s a hostel. I’m going to stay there today. I’m thinking about it, but I have to go first. They say there are a lot of uphill climbs on the ridge from here. It’s good for an hour, so I’ll have to ride more. [Music] I think I’ve ridden for an hour and 20 minutes. [Music] The course is still better than I thought, but it doesn’t feel that difficult. I took two days off and rode it. I guess that’s why I feel like I’ve recharged my stamina a lot. I went out to the west coast. Wow, the sea and the Gallery Hotel. What are you? It’s a store. I think I could just buy some bread and eat it. I bought two pieces of bread. The Once, 24 miles, 40 km, 40 km left. We’re there. This is the lake. Yes, the lake is going up again. It seems like the slope is 12 degrees. The sky looks like it could rain again. It looks like it’s going to pour rain. Now I can control the weather. It’s falling like I said. Does that look like the Bochi hut that was next to the lighthouse back then? Look, there is only one real house like this. Let’s go up. How many times has it been uphill ? The current time is 4:40, so we will arrive around 7. [Music] The water is flowing from the top of the peak and keeps falling. All the water and grains that have come down to the peaks. The rivers are coming together in one place and going out to the sea. It’s truly magnificent. Oh, there’s a huge river in the distance. It’s come up a lot. The clouds are right in front of me. Everything is so pretty and cool in all directions. I don’t know where to put my eyes. It really looks like another planet. Oh, the lake looks so blue. If this continues, I won’t be able to get there. I have to stop too many times. People who stopped their cars said they passed me five times. They said it was the sixth time. They asked me if I was going to ride my bike all day today. I guess they were surprised because I was in front again. It must be funny from their point of view, this guy. I’m surprised that this is still in front of us and I’m just asking. Wow, the real scenery while going up here is ridiculous. There’s no village. I guess the uphill is over now. There’s a happy uphill. Hey, it’s raining again. Let’s go down quickly. You can ride the 16km man. It’s a very open place. There is nothing. It’s so huge. It’s not the Earth I knew. It’s so different from the Earth I’ve seen with my own eyes that I can’t help but be surprised. [Music] [Music] If you just pass the road you can see in the distance, it’s now Dulce. Uh-huh, these guys, they’re doing something else. Go and play. Go somewhere else and play. If you get hit by a car, you will be stabbed. The house on top of the hill far away is not really a dream house . Who will live there? I came to the end. Arrived early, now at 6:10. Welcome to the news. Let’s go to the hostel first. There is a supermarket here. By the time I arrived, there was a campsite here. I was hungry today. I really didn’t eat much. Oh , this is where I went to the reception to check. This hostel is off season. It’s over. They say it will open again in April next year. Then I have to go to the campsite. I have to finish it quickly. It’s getting hot. I want to take a shower. How much is the hot water ? Hell hell. How not so Yeah Sure Sure So it’s 10 for for one night ok cool perfect can ip car Yes Sure Thank you did you cyle far today Almost 7 m 70 Yeah Jesus Christ from yeah You do it like this I have to do it here Ugh Look at it’s damp The tent here is all set Wow My whole body was wet . I rode a lot today, but I rode 113km. What should I eat? I’ll finish here today. The end. Oh, I’m really, really grateful. How did this happen? I was just setting up the tent in a hurry when that couple came and took you on the road three or four times today. I think he saw me here, and he must have been watching me riding. When I entered the campsite, he greeted me and asked if I needed anything. I said I was hungry because I hadn’t eaten, and he gave me a file of hot pie and whiskey. He gave it to me. Oh, I can eat this and sleep soundly. Let’s eat this first . Wow , I made some rice with the tie he gave me, and I’ll eat it with spam. But it’s raining with pants on. [Applause] That’s a good thing. Tomorrow is the problem. Skiing [Applause] Mukjangummum. Meat below. It’s like this . It’s so delicious. Mmm. The item is the best. Ah, this skill is strong. But what about today? [ Applause] Oh wow, this scene [Applause] No, that’s the tent. [Applause] How did I stop it ? Pie, whiskey, and rice cake are baked. It’s romantic. 100% leave it to me tomorrow [Music] [Applause] I don’t know, the last Hell Hell [Music] [Applause] [Music] Tomorrow I will go to Seosora Village, and the host who gives warm showers to that village invited me. Thankfully, today I rode 113km. I have to ride 113km more tomorrow. If I have a hard time tomorrow, I can rest at my host’s house, so I’ll just ride it tomorrow. It keeps raining intermittently. The tent does n’t dry out, so as soon as I wipe the tent, it starts pouring down. Current time. It’s 9:30, but we all pulled out. We couldn’t dry the tent in the end, so we hung it up like this. We have to ride a lot, so we have to go diligently. It’s a little late. Wind, help us. Let’s start riding on Saturday, October 8th. [Music] Let’s go [Music] Wow, crazy. Scenery [Music] Ah, there is a gym line, uh, you can also cliff jump. The activity here is designed like this. Wow, I want to ride it. I don’t think they do it because it’s not the peak season. There is no such thing as a good day . I have to turn around and go out. So the headwind is really strong right now, but if I just get out of here, the wind will help me. Now that I’m in Scotland, the scenery is so pretty, so I’m taking too many videos, but my hard drive is about to explode. I’m taking too many pictures, but I can’t capture them all. I’m sorry I can’t do it, but I’ll capture it all with my own eyes. I have to go all the way to the coast. I have to go that way to make a U-turn . The place where I make a U-turn is too far. I have to go around a chunk of land on this continent before I can make a U-turn. There ‘s a cyclist coming from the other side. [Music ] [Applause] We shook hands with the car and immediately parted ways. I’ve been dreaming for 6 months. My dream is so long. I hope this dream continues. I’m living a very happy life. That’s why people should live doing what they want. It’s really hard. I know this , but I came in in the rain. Now I’m almost at the U-turn point. I can see the rain falling right in front of me. Oh, come down from the very end like this, and I ‘m circling around the coast like this . I have to turn around here like this and go back out. I hope the U-turn is successful. It’s so comfortable to get on this. Wow, I turned around in 20km. What is that? [Music] Oh, I thought the road was made like this, but it wasn’t made, it’s connected to the beach. I thought it was an island, but it wasn’t an island. The terrain is strange. Step on it all. I’m here. It’s the last time I’m getting out of here. This isn’t really a slope. It’s really a 15 degree slope. [ Music] Ah, I guess I’ve come all the way up. From there, the 15 degree slope that Jeongsa also sampled is uphill for 6km. 6km [Music] What’s going on? It’s downhill. It was so long. It was so long. [Music] It’s funny. What is a Kraken? Munno is holding the car. It’s connected like this by a breakwater like when crossing from Ruist Island to Burleigh Island. [Music] After 45km , I found a chair and opened a cafe. Ah, but. I had a cup of coffee, took a break, and now I’ve ridden 50 km. But the weather is better today than yesterday. There’s almost no rain. I’m heading to Seoso So. Infinite Ridge [Music] Ugh, the same 113 km. The course is much tougher than yesterday. Ah, I’ve done it again. I have to go over four or five more peaks. I think I’ll arrive today, but if I go down, I’ll come out again. Uphill cow 33 horses, we met again. How are like 45 people yeah yeah yeah know going on Oh the bik is rusting now so hum How have you been with the Hills really Fantastic pretty much the same that [Laughs] It seems to me that a group of friends of the same age came on a trip to Scotland. Why are you so good at riding the roads on a bike? I didn’t really plan or decide on a route, but luckily this fell into place. Hanne I think I just need to get over one more, but once I get past this, three are okay. Clear one. Just break them one by one. [Music] It’s okay. I got over two [Music]. I slept too much. I slept too much. Just like our country’s national water purification certification center, there is this at the top. At the end of three, Strat Strati [Music] ] [Music] So it’s only 5 o’clock, but it’s already getting dark. My stomach is really short. Last, last. [Music] Oh, I think the last is over. It’s 93km. There’s 20km left. Oh, I ‘ve run out of stamina now. My legs don’t listen. Oh, I have no strength. Now, oh. Oh, I’m hungry. Chu, how many climbs did I ride today? Even if I had to guess, I think I rode more than 10. Why are they so forgetful? Are they actually cleaner in the wild? It ‘s 5 minutes before 7 o’clock and the sun is setting. I’ve taken it all in. I’ve come , I’ve come. Hey, it seems like a city. The host who invited me is good. I arrived home safely. 115k [Music] I’ll end here today. Good John the bike here back okol welcome Thank you building which is half built uh That’s where you sleep Yeah ok Yeah cool So you can have your sleeping bag As well as that It’s actually quite cold in here I’m sorry It’s quite I can’t get it warm because it’s not finished Okay when we hang things up we remember where we put them because it’s not your fault not your fault because everything is just moving around and boxes Somebody left Ah really Somebody left a jacket Somebody left bag Somebody left light Somebody Somebody even left a stem Oh my god you know So it’s easy to lose things in here so That’s thing number one thing number two is If you use that plug there uh um to charge things Ah Here is toilet yeah yeah there is a toilet ok cool and the toilet If You look at this It’s not screwed to the floor ugh than you joh Oh nice How stayed in I bought this about four years ago years ago when I first bought it it was a proper house when there was a kitchen and there was a bathroom and there was a sep bed and there was Wall acr m ceilings Electric Light switches lights But I thought We Could make something much much much better That’s why you Yeah mak It’s going to be innovative you know that word innovation [Music] A bicycle trip while playing the instrument God Joeun wants You say it. Oh, it’s so cool. The song that’s coming out right now is Jo Eun’s song and he put the music to it . fat means trav trav isat B where you think your opinion my opinion Yeah is worth more than my opinion that my opinion is more valuable than your opinion need it s s right yes yes yes Well done fatal to prejudice bigotry and narrow mindedness and many of our People Need it sely on these accounts broad wholesome charitable views of Men and things cannot be acquired by vegeta in One little corner of Earth all one’s life Ah, good man, where have you been? The name of the island up here was Orkney Island. I ‘m going to take the ferry again today and go straight to Orkney Island. But the weather is unusual. How strong is the wind ? Good morning, good morning. [Music] Monil Cheong It’s cold. This morning, the temperature is 1 degrees Celsius. I’m crying even now [Music] [Music] I’m going much yen think yen problem [Music] fing cross Smoke like [Music] back High [Music] [Music] Ah moring FR journey UK Yes ENG may december I’m trying to make Video at least one week for one Video so or days days I have to to the hing Wii andc [Music] days it take a lot of time Almost 15 hours to make just one Video bye ready cool yeah [music] [music] h [music] [music] [laughter] [music] h Oh [music] hh [music] h [music] so good than so Oh so so so so good I love it That’s good it yeah yeah go Right to the end straight to the end straight straight straight to t junction Yeah turn left Go up the Hill up the Hill up the Hill up the Hill past little supermarket and then you take the right hand fork and then that takes you into scrab Andra down yeah than the host performed a tuba performance for me. Now I’m going to take the ferry that will take me to Orkney Island. It’s 12 o’clock, but it’s 11 o’clock now, so I think I need to go quickly. I play the tuba in a low tone. He’s singing it in the background, but as soon as I first heard that melody, my emotions got complicated and I almost cried . I entered Straps, a place where you can take a bus to the Orkney Islands. Ah, where should I go? Thank you, thank you. I arrived on time. It’s the northern end. Lee’s company. The name also seems to be a stand-alone ferry company that mainly operates to the northern island. The ferry here is quite expensive. Normally, it would be 5 to 6 pounds for an hour to hour and a half boat ride to the island, but here it is almost three times that. Pound 20 Pounds If you ride for about an hour and a half from here, you will reach a place called Orkney Island. The main reason for going there is that there is a very long ferry that goes to a city near Edinburgh, so I will jump on it. Thank you so much John. 1 person for me. They held a concert, and after sleeping well and resting in a warm place yesterday, we set off again today. I will ride for a bit and then enter Kirkwall, the capital town of Orkney Island. There is a hostel there, so I plan to stay there for a day . how are all Thank you [Music] [Music] Oh, the ferry is nice. Oh, there’s an airport here. There are a lot of islands here, so you can take a ferry from this side to get to them all , but due to time constraints , I’m planning to only tour the main land. Yesterday, I was here at Seoso. I stayed like this for 5 pounds. This is the only Orkney Island. I didn’t know there was a separate Orkney Island flag. It’s interesting. Where should I go? It’s raining. It’s raining and the weather is windy. I’ll look a little to the west of Orkney Island and then go in. I’ve accumulated to the point of accumulated fatigue. I’m tired. Even though I slept well for 230km in two days, the fatigue doesn’t go away. My bike has a lot of rust. It won’t dry out, so it’s really hard to come here when I stand at the northern end. It might be difficult even if I come by car. I have to see at least a little bit when I come here. I don’t know if I’ll have a chance to come again. I keep going north, so the wind is pushing me, but I think I’ll have to get hit by a good breeze as I go. Hell, it’s open, but when I go in, the wind is really strong. It’s not easy to travel by bicycle in the UK. It’s also very cheap. It’s hard to find accommodation and the weather is hard and changeable. Ah, there are a lot of cows on this island. There are all kinds of different colors. You have to turn, but are you scared to turn? Look at the current moving because of the wind. Ah, you have to pay to go in. Let’s go back. Bye, we have to stock up on this wind. It takes more time , but send me this. Wow, wow, wow. This is the strongest person I’ve ever felt. Rudy surpassed it in Spain. This thing is really going to fly away if I don’t hold on to my phone. This monument is placed like this. There are balls placed around the circle like this. Oh, it’s raining so much . Look at those sheep hiding behind the stones. Even though they’re trying to stay out of the wind , they’re the same. The steps have definitely changed. There are a lot of thin stones. They ‘re stacked in layers like this . Wow, it has to be raining. [Music] It’s raining. The biggest village on the open island is I got something. Go to the bar. Ah, this is not the same. Anne . Ah, it shouldn’t be done here either. I don’t have anywhere to go today. Oh, I feel uneasy. I thought they were doing it here too, but the light was on. Someone came out and said they got it. There’s just one thing. I called and they said the room was full. The cheapest room was 70 pounds and 110,000 won. Oh, I can’t help it. This is the key for Ya, Sat, Ya. I don’t know how long it’s been since I last used a single room in such a nice room. I don’t think it’s been a while. I warmed up and did some laundry. The mess was all wet. Arrived in Orkney Island and 42km got better. I’ll stop here today. The end is the ramen I used to eat every day this evening. Now that I’m in Scotland, I’ve been eating ramen for 3 weeks. I really want spicy ramen. I have to take the ferry to Aberdeen today , but it’s an 11:45 p.m. ferry, so I bought a ticket in advance just in case. Where do I buy a ticket? Are you sure you live here? The ferry time was too late in the first place. Oh, the reception building is open from 00:00. I didn’t know, so I walked in vain. I’ve checked out of the hotel I stayed at yesterday, but now that the ferry is always late, they’ve created a system to allow you to wait. You can pay 5 pounds to let me wait. So I’ll edit it in the kitchen, rest, and come back at 8 o’clock to buy tickets. Wow, the wind is this strong, but the boat is floating . Wow, it’s raining. This is downtown Kerko. What you see in front is the cathedral. The cathedral is really cute. The atmosphere of the village is really good at this accommodation. I’ll go and buy a ticket. The current time is 8 o’clock. Wow. Look at the full moon. The moon is so big. There is no one. There is no car. The condition is that the ferry service is confirmed at 11:45 on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays . Why don’t you do this? Did you come too early? I opened it. I opened it. TI I’m scared because there are so many people. Oh, this is a real experience of missing a boat once , so I erase it from my mind. I have to make sure that I don’t miss it again. I bought a ferry ticket, but today’s ferry was delayed, so I originally arrived here around 11 o’clock, so I think the ferry will arrive about an hour to two hours late. Hey, ah, I almost missed it. Don’t tell me about this. I wanted to reserve a carbine bedroom, but if you want to reserve a room, the price for a large room is almost over 160,000 won, so you have to sleep somewhere here. My bed is now past 12 o’clock . Bye, wow, you were nicer. This is Everden, a city in Hangu. It’s the third most populous city in Scotland, so I guess the second largest city after Edinburgh and Glascoe is Aberdeen. I don’t think I slept a single hour today. I slept for about an hour, but today I’m going to run towards Gurum Independence Park. Start right now. I’ll do it. Let’s ride. Let’s just drink coffee and set off. Ah, how long has it been since I was in the city? Since I got out of this, I’ve also climbed up. Ah, it feels warmer than I thought. Let’s go . It’s easier now. It’s not even 8 o’clock. I originally said the arrival time might be delayed by an hour, but the arrival time was delayed by about 30 minutes. The autumn leaves have just turned colorful here . The sun is shining brightly. [Music] It’s pretty, but it’s been a while. It’s been a while since people really know it’s only when it’s gone. [Music] It’s amazing how precious this was. We’re all out of the city center of Aberdeen. We’ll continue to climb for the remaining 880km. But the northern course is more difficult than this course. What can I say about it? This is a graph of the rise above sea level of today’s course. It’s a warm-up. It continues to rise gently. [Music] It’s like a gate through the forest. I really think I’m dreaming. The great natural scenery I saw on the western island to the north flashes before my eyes. It’s so rainy that you wonder if it’s true that you went to the street. The national park I’m going to right now is the largest national park in Scotland . Fortunately, the hostel in the village at the top of the national park is still open. I’m sleepy, so I’m not sure if it’s early in the morning, but I’m going to rest for a while. If I go early in the morning, the next day will be difficult. I couldn’t sleep, and the place where I set up the hostel is just a mile away from Braemar. Uh-huh, this damn sky has triggered again. It’s raining again and again. Stop it. Now, let it rain just a little bit. Okay, I’m going to scold you. If it rains again, I’m alone. There’s no traffic. It’s so nice. [Music] Now we’re going up along the river. It’s going up really steadily. I think it would be better to go up Wuhan Ridge all the way up in one shot and then go all the way down in one shot. I think I’d go crazy if I keep going up and down over and over again. As I enter the inland. Now, there are a lot of trees in the mountains. I always saw Mindong 3 and ran on that side, but there are only 28km left to Clan Moike. It came so quickly. It’s a cub. The horns are so cute. Wow, there are a lot of people riding bikes here. Wow, I guess we’re almost there. There’s something else here. From what I could see, I was already inside the public park, but I don’t know when I started coming in. There was no boundary sign. Ah, there must be a big castle. I can’t see it because it’s hidden by the trees. Why is it so hard to pronounce this national park from the outside? Karen Gomes I’ve seen so many beautiful views. Hey, my eyes have become too high. What should I do with this? My eyes are in the heavenly world. I have seen so many beautiful things. In fact, this is also a truly spectacular view. I have arrived in the village inside Kane Gomes Public Park . Ah, the weather has not improved again. I should go and eat something . Is it a hotel? Oh, the buildings in the village are really painful. Wow, let’s take a look at the kitchen menu. It’s okay, but it’s expensive. Let’s eat haggis for the first time in a while. [Music] The haggis I had back then is a little different. That haggis lolly was like this, but this is a potato and this is a radish one. The sauce in the middle here is salty, so the two next to it are boring. This is whiskey sauce. This is what is sprinkled here. Mix it up like this. [Music ] Hey , the sauce is really delicious. When I come to see Yanggom National Park, there are a lot of accommodations in this village. There is nothing like a news hostel. The only place that is cheap. Today’s stay is 22 pounds. The atmosphere is not open . It is just 5 o’clock here , and it is Brae, a village in the national park from Aberdeen. I’ve ridden 95km. I’ll finish here today and ride again tomorrow. Finished. I’ll eat this this morning and start pedaling. [Music] It’s 10 o’clock on October 12th. Let’s set off. I think I’ll definitely have to go camping today, but I haven’t decided on my destination yet. So, let’s go to Perth, a city about 880km away. It looks like the season is over in Scotland in October. It ends very quickly. The season was written by two people, including me, in a large hostel yesterday. There are mountains with high peaks here. There are a lot of trekking courses here because it surrounds Ma village . The highest mountain seems to be around 800 degrees above sea level. I ‘m going through the foggy mountain valley in the distance. The weather is bad. As I leave Braema, it feels like a national hike. Wow, it’s windy. It’s like that. Baramgol Braema The next course is fun. It’s going up 6km . You’re hiking with your dog. How excited is that dog ? Look at him running. His clothes are all wet in the light rain. 2.2 If you go to the village, you’ll find a village. Hey, but when did this uphill end? Is there a rest area here? I can’t see clearly because of the fog. Let’s take a break from the rain at this ski resort for a moment. It’s not raining . [Music] No. I’ve climbed 14.2km uphill. Yesterday, from Aberdeen Korea to here, I rode about 110km in total, of course. There was a bit of a ridge downhill , but there was a 100km uphill climb up to this point. Hey, it’s not too easy, but as you climb up, the visibility is very low. I thought I had just reached the top, but no, it keeps going up. I have to come. I can’t see any cars coming from far away, so this is the summit. Welcome to Skeros, the heart of Scotland. Perth and Close is the heart of Scotland. Hey, I’ve just come up 15km. It’s 12 degrees. I’ll be careful. I can hear the car, but I can’t see the car. [Music] I stopped for a moment because there was a coffee shop on the way down. [ Music] I also like [Music] Near While I was having my coffee , I had a quick chat with my mother who was sitting next to me, and everyone ate it and left first, but she paid for mine as well. Thank you so much. I just saw this. I got a business card and a snack like this. You put it in a zipper bag like this and put it here like this. Oh, thank you so much. I’m really touched. I’ll contact you and say thank you. You’re so sweet. Wow, the weather has cleared up. The sky has become so pretty. Wow, look at the clouds. You can see the uphill road as well. Wow, Hearth 29 Horses 47 km Edinburgh. We’re almost there. The sky is so pretty. We’ve all gotten out of the public park. Now it’s raining again on the ridge road. I think all we have to do is get out of the dark clouds here. This is a cow. This is a cow. Hey, what is the weather ? Ah mu ah. In Morocco and Spain, the sun was so scary, but now it is. It’s so nice when the sun rises. This is the sky. Oh, this is the right sky. Hey, there are a lot of ridges on this side. [Music] I think I need to decide on a destination and get a direction now. [Music] I think there’s a campsite before entering the bus city. Let’s go there. [Music] I’ll see. It’s perfect weather for camping in Guildtown. It’s probably the last time in Scotland. I wonder if camping will be possible. This is a village with a campsite now, so I need to find a supermarket. Before I go to the campsite, I came from Ma today, and this is Old Scone. I have to go in through Spawn, and there is a supermarket. Then, I will go into Scone Village, get supplies, and then go to the campsite. Bye. It’s a park in Scone village. Inner, why are you all here for work? The price is very cheap. Isn’t it the cheapest camping site I’ve used in the UK so far? 7.5 pounds, 12 won. Today is 82k. Enter Edinburgh, the capital of Scotland. Okay, that’s it for today. I rode my bike for 5km and went to Tesco. The reason I came was to buy a bottle of wine . I had some small clothes, so I bought these clothes. While I was looking around Kirkwall Village in Orkney Island, I saw a sportswear store, so I went in and got it. Wow, the quality is really good and it’s very comfortable. 45,000 I gave it to me. It was great. I got it. Scotland was so pretty that I stayed longer than I thought. [Music] [Music] [Music] I’m done with the withdrawal. Yesterday, I was sleeping so much that I looked at the weather and the lowest temperature was 1 degree. It was so cold, it’s not even mid-October yet. It was done, but maybe because of the large temperature difference, the tent was completely compacted by condensation and I couldn’t clean it up. I’ll put it on the back and go into the accommodation. Wow, it was so hard to clean it up. Today is October 13th. The first day I came to Scotland was September 14th. Somehow, I ended up staying in Scotland for over a month. I circled around Edinburgh, which can be reached by bicycle in 2 or 3 days from Glasgow, for exactly a month, and today I finally entered the capital city of Edinburgh. Bus 3.2km Rio Bus Oh, I really want to eat hangover soup. It’s really spicy. Oh, why is it rice soup? I don’t think there’s really anything good to do if you just roll it up with rice like this. Wow, what is this? This is a city bus in the bus section. Ah, I’m really excited. There wasn’t much breakfast , but I feel that way every time I enter the city. Bus 2 City It feels so good. Let’s go to the capital now. The road has become so big. [Music] To get from Perth to Edinburgh, you have to climb over this big peak. It seems like you’ve climbed 5km. [Music] Inval Catching. The city is separated like this by a bridge. Cucumber red. It seems like there is a bicycle draw under the bridge like this. Ah, after a month. Ah, after a month, I turned around and came back. Than for, I have to go to the other side. The right direction is blocked. I didn’t know. Wow, there are three bridges. Let’s cross the sea again. That red bridge looks like a train passing by. People sometimes ask me when they see me traveling on my bike like this. How long have I been traveling? I said I traveled for 7 months. Then, Dada Wat. I’ll go to the sports goods store Decathlon first. If you have any good winter gear. I think I need to buy some . The shoes I wash every day now have completely dry soles, so when I step on that wet lawn, all the water comes in through the soles. So they are not waterproof. The soles of my feet are not waterproof. My shoes are always wet. I need to buy a pair of shoes. I think it will work, but I don’t know if I’ll have decent shoes. The child’s legs are very good. It’s done well. The bike course is the same for elementary school kids and school people. It’s the middle and high school kids here who just talk about themselves. There’s a lot of school here. Today, but it’s really nice to fly. Ah, days like this are rare. Will it rain tomorrow? If I see the sky is this good, I can learn tomorrow. I’m almost out of Edinburgh. Decathlon is too far away from Edinburgh. It’s completely at the end of Edinburgh. Oh my god, I finally found this guy. Wow, the store is really big. I need to buy room supplies. These shoes are okay, but now. Look at my shoes . I bought new shoes, shoe covers, socks, and something like this. What I wanted was handlebar gloves like this. But they aren’t here. I’ll throw them away and go to the accommodation and try on new shoes . From here, it’s 88km to the accommodation I reserved, so quickly go to the tower and check in. And I’ll end the day today. There’s 4 miles left to the center. Tonight’s dinner is Burger King. I’ll eat it. I’ll definitely drink it. The Edinburgh Rugby Stadium is here. I thought it was a soccer stadium, but I’m not used to a big city. I’ve entered the world. What is this? Wow, it’s not a joke. Today is Thursday. I’m planning to stay in Edinburgh until Sunday. The ferry to the Netherlands costs almost three times as much on the weekend. So I guess I’ll have to wait until weekdays. I’ll take a break after seeing Edinburgh, doing supplies and maintenance, and then ferry to the Netherlands on Monday. I ‘ll get on it. It’s almost no different from London, but I’m going crazy. Wow, this is no joke. What is this? I ‘m crazy, but my love Burger King was fine. I was wondering why it wasn’t raining. Okay, I’m glad I got off right away. I checked well. But the room is at the top. When will I get this up? Ah, I rode 81km today and I’ll finish here. After arriving at Edinburgh, please make an elevator. This is the accommodation I stayed in yesterday and today, but the extension for today, Saturday and Sunday was not possible, so I have to move to another accommodation. I really had a hard time. Don’t forget your shoes, because check-in at the next accommodation is early. I’ll stop by the camping supplies store on the outskirts of here , kill some time, check in again, and then go see the city of Edinburgh. Oh, I can’t stay overnight, so this is a hassle. It was hard to find accommodation on Saturday as most of the accommodations were fully booked. I’ve adapted perfectly to this rainy weather. It’s good. Today is the 3rd day since I arrived in Edinburgh, and the weather is still good. It doesn’t rain much. Am I a British person who says this kind of weather is okay? Edinburgh Center Now, this part of the Old Town is really real. The buildings are grand and amazing, but it’s about 4 or 5km outside. When you come out, it’s no different from any other city. I bought a pair of functional winter pants at a camping store over there. Oh, they don’t have the gloves I want. I thought there were gloves that attach to the handlebars like this, but there aren’t any. Wow, it’s Castel Tong. Hey Castel, I crossed over from the other side. I’m here . There’s an apartment at the end of our street. KakaoTalk doesn’t send. The bike path is really good . I need to break in my new shoes a little. It’s great, but you can easily get it by ordering it online. But no matter what I order, there’s no place to receive it, so I have to buy it offline. You have to do it. Then they say that most bicycle rooms don’t have it. Oh, I think I’ve seen it somewhere before. It wasn’t here in the UK, it was somewhere in Europe. It was in France. Oh, it was in Spain. Oh, is it France? At that time, it was mid-summer and I didn’t need it, so I said I’ll buy it next time I go, but that makes me regret it. Oh , it’s uphill. Oh, I want to go in quickly and check in. I have to leave my luggage. I looked around the city, but today is the third day and I haven’t gone anywhere. Yesterday, I edited it all day and didn’t even go out. I was so confused. I wonder if there was a market open today. Market Today, I checked in a little late, so I took a quick look at the National Museum near here, and then took another day off tomorrow, so tomorrow I’ll go to the castle over there and Edinburgh here. I have to look around the city diligently. The architecture of the Old Town here makes no sense. Scotland is truly like an onion. Even if I try to peel it, it keeps coming out. What is it? It’s the National Museum of Scotland. Ah, admission is free. Wow, the current time is 4:06. Time flies so fast. Every day. I cut it out completely because I was running out of time. I started from around here and went up like this. I went up like this, went to something, went up like this, went up like this , from the Isle of Skye, from North New East, through Paris Tarbert, went to Lewis Storeway, at the end of this lighthouse, I went to Ports of Ness. I took Terry to Ullapool, so I went like this. My student Gurle Ray wrote it. We took a boat from Sonya Kirk to Aberdeen, so we came down through Cain Gomes National Park and now we are in Edinburgh. It took about a month. I ate at a hostel that looked like this on Burleigh Island. I made a traditional costume. I guess it’s a tool used for ejaculation. It’s a bicycle . I’m crossing the bridge in that picture while looking at it, but I’ve been there before. Why didn’t you write Korea as Korea? I have to take the train to Newcastle from here on Monday. Oh, what else ? This downtown area is a bit modern. There’s a feeling, and it’s a completely old town, so the atmosphere is different. I’ll have to go to the castle tomorrow. [Music] This is the Scott Memorial Tower. Ah, it’s raining . Ah, the music is so good. [Music] [Music] I came out wearing civilian clothes for the first time in a while to look around the city of Edinburgh. I’ll go. I came here to eat first before looking around. It’s better than KFC, but the rain is good. Today, I’m going to tour both Edinburgh Castle and the palace, but before I go, there’s a pretty village in the city center of Edinburgh that looks like something out of a fairy tale. The name of the village is Billy. I’m going to go to it. And the last thing to do is to go up on some hill and look at the river. It’s neat. I rode my bike up here yesterday, and there are no people if you leave the center. Is this Dean Bridge or where should I go down? I saw that this is a photo zone, and this is Dean Village. Oh , you can walk along the river. Maybe it’s because I’ve seen so many villages that are much more beautiful than here, but I’m not very impressed. Wow, what is this? I never thought of this before because I need Popo . This isn’t on the offline map , so I guess I have to buy an online ticket. But I was told that it was sold out in front of there, so I checked online and it was sold out. Hey, I didn’t know this. If I had known it would be like this, I would have made a reservation. Ah, TI, okay, thank you. I told him to pay and go in, but what the hell is this picture? I just thought I could cancel the ticket at any time. I knew this and didn’t check at all. Oh, I didn’t know there was a limit to the number of people. It’s a shame, but I can’t help it. This Royal Mile is the very center of the heart of the Old Town. Scotland is a country I want to visit again, even if I can somehow make time for it, so next time I come, I’ll stop by. I’ll go towards the palace. [Music] [Music] I think it’s Asse Station. Ah, I did n’t want to go into all the castles I passed by this time, but this time I told myself to be careful and go in, and all the tickets were sold out. I tried to go in again, but I couldn’t . It’s a pity [Music] This is Holyrood Palace, which is still used as the official residence of the British royal family. Let’s check if you can buy a ticket. Out than. You can come in here . The ticket price is about 28,000 won. It’s Holyrood Palace. Unfortunately, Korean is not supported. This doesn’t work. The interior rooms and facilities inside the palace are very old-fashioned and elegant. Now the cliffs are all in Holyrood Park, and the hill above the park is now called Crow Hill. I’ll go up and see . Would n’t it be okay to walk for about an hour round trip? Beggar [Music] [Music] Oh, the culture is really different. I can’t adapt [Music] Oh, I came up. I can see the whole view of Scotland from Edinburgh. [Music] [Music] It’s me. I really like the view from the top of Holyrood Park. I like it here, but the weather is great. The sky is so clear that you can see everything. I think the highest point in the era is in Edinburgh. If you want to see it, you have to see it from the top. But there is another hill called Calton Hill, so I’m going to go there. I originally planned to see it there. But now that I’m here, I think it’s better to see the sun here. I still have an hour left before the sun sets, so I’ll go to Calton Hill. That’s Calton Hill. [Music] Look at Farhill [Music] You can’t see it from here. It started on August 23rd, so I went all the way around England, Wales, Ireland, Northern Ireland, and Scotland and came to Edinburgh. Now let’s go back to Europe. Europe Travel Season 2 I’ll take a boat tomorrow and go to the Netherlands. I entered on foot from the French branch. It seems like it was just yesterday, but it’s been a little over two months. Including the time I spent resting in London, it took about 50 days to finish the soup by bicycle. Tomorrow, I ‘ll take the ferry from Newcastle to Amsterdam, Netherlands, and then take the Newcastle train. End of my trip to the UK. Looking at it, there wasn’t a single drop of rain today. It’s rare on days like this. [Music] It tastes like pork from school lunches or cafeterias. It’s not delicious, and it’s not bad. [Music] It’s not, but this is 20,000 won [Music] k [Music] [ music]


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