Lanterne Rouge presents highlights of Paris-Nice 2024 Stage 7.

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    Footage | Amaury Sport Organisation
    Photos | ASO / Billy Ceusters

    an important day in the GC battle in parin we were sure to see attacks but unlikely to see The Knockout blow on such a gradual finish as a reminder mcnalty was in the leadest Jersey 23 seconds ahead of Jorgenson and 34 ahead of plat RTO on 103 because of the snowy weather conditions the stage was revised to finish on Ladon D no really serious climes beforehand and then 15 a half kilm 5.7% very regular no 9% 10% kilom in there somewhere so a good stage for RIT and rco as well to be honest and one for mcnalty to defend with his UAE teammates 8 degrees in raining the weather will not relent for the Riders inos look like they controlled the Breakaway early doors of Benjamin tomar and yobs uh for Bernal I guess uh doesn’t really make sense but they did it anyway Trenton cops are pasting from the motorbike on its way through and you can see there’s a lot of standing water on these roads uh the descents are tricky and so visma got Jenson up front and Santa Remco comes through and gets Lampard to lead it out so there’s no issues or mishaps on these descents in fact Remco and Lampard go clear at one point uh when a quick step will let the wheel go so maybe unintentional splits no really wanted to to press on in the valley before the climb it all comes back no problem and everyone gets time for even a nature break and a and to take off their jackets before the climb which is what Bernal took advantage of but onto that climb the rulers doing the lead out to make sure they’re right a start in good position very gradual as I said so you know the rulers like tling can really pull the first couple of KS at a at a decent clip and Turner in second wheel aeni pulls off and then rco says get bro off the grill it’s time for L vaka to up the pace very very quickly drop some good Riders like Bill Bal has the group thinned out but then Katan pulls off he’s done without taking a pull I know he did help him positioning earlier but he’s dropped off a vara’s pulling and now you’re looking at 13k he has reduced it I don’t know if that’s Al maer or who’s coming back for UAE I know poet was there at some point this group then gets bigger because quickstep just don’t have enough numbers nor the fire power to keep this going to keep the Pace High maybe vaka pulled too hard initially like Harper in good shape he was off the back initially and he comes back and it starts to Bunch up again you see kman moving up position beral Lov moving up position so the pace definitely slowed down at this point and I mean it was never going to be hugely selective climb anyway it’s just impossible with no difficult climbs beforehand and another GC day tomorrow but inos get the PLO to pull here we’ve got an intermediate Sprint in a couple of kilom with about 6 km to go and he’s pulling for Egan Bernal there 642 bonus seconds Evel sits in the draft it is single file now and it does get reduced on the PLO Pace it’s a bit more serious than vakas the Van Wilder still there for REM Coole and then so was seven Cas to go a little bit strange what happens it seems that Jorgenson and mcnalty weren’t that interested they were just going to react on someone like Remco jumping but Bernard jumps vanilda follows him looks across sees no one or maybe sees rco probably sees no one and then Sprints to try and take away the bonies from Bernal but actually ends up taking two seconds away from renco so beral takes the full six allotment vanua takes four renco slides into three without really having to do too much of an effort and mcnalty and jensson as I said they seem to be chilling they didn’t really react too much on the bonies and so Bernard takes those but at what cost because we still got six K of this climb left if you can avoid doing a big wat Spike or Sprint like that there’s going to be some later that you have to react to and ramu goes and you can just see how gradual this climb is with someone like jensson on the wheel they’re going over 30 km an hour here in the Big Ring the draft is so important and there’s no real obvious point on this climb to attack it’s more in between moves perfectly timed by Alexander vlasov Reno’s looking over his left shoulder there’s space to his right in the G whilst rogl has let vlasov will go and this counter from vlasov is Absolut abolutely perfect great tactics from Bora they got RIT to sit in who’s got the good Sprint normally vlasov is like two and a half minutes back on GC so no none of the real guys in it for the win here are going to sacrifice by chasing vlasov they’re more like what Jenson eventually does is he puts kelman on the front to manage the Gap keep the Pace High we’ve got Parry pantra here plat Bernal schelm moo Remco mcnalty but we’re just seeing a little Gap open up with Bernal skelos as well and with 2.8k to go and these guys about to launch it uh again not looking good for Bernal on this climb although he’s had a good start to the season so far so looking good for vop 20 seconds 2ks to go and he’s got RIT defending in the group behind ramco goes again and this time mcnalty can’t respond it’s ramco sany Jorgenson rogich actually there pretty easily he looked better I think today on this finish although it is a clim that suits him quite well and mnal is having to close it down and jorgens is just the free beneficiary of this he’s the best placed in the group right there with Remco mnal is having to chase against remco’s pacing schelm MOA won’t help him in attacks across and Jorgenson’s getting towed away from the race leader but eventually Remco is going to stop at some point but he does give a decent pull and mcnalty he looks like he starts to really struggle through The Hairpin here afterwards when the group accelerates again but with the gap down to 12 seconds to last off he just lost 8 9 seconds in that kilometer the group behind kind of stops again remco’s got no interest in pulling a you know Jorgenson all the way to the Finish Line eventually Jorgenson does pull across he has to to keep uh mnal behind but then he doesn’t want to get attacked by rco or skelm MOA who are not that far behind him on GC either so then he flicks the shoulder or the elbow rather and that’s it for last off stage win guaranteed with no one immediately taking over 3 seconds now multi looks like he’s back to that group but then Jorgenson kicks again not not enough to come back on vlasov but this really does put a decent Gap into mcnalty in the last 500 met with that group probably conserving a little bit for their Sprint but huge win for Lov marks off a difficult week for Bor really good tactics from them today rco second RIT third for the bonies and it’s all still to play for in parenes going into the final stage like perhaps Bor will be aggressive with numbers again tomorrow V winning the stage 8 seconds ahead of the a ret schil a jensson buo group mnal lost 19 seconds to that group here’s what vlasov had to say after the stage a yeah I’m really happy to win here you know it’s World T stage race one of the most important races and especially it is my training Zone and I know this road and uh uh yeah I’m super happy to to win here in terms of GC mcnalty does Hold On by 4 seconds because Jorgenson didn’t take any bonies at the Finish or the intermediate ahead of his compatriot skelos are on 35 only 1 second ahead of ramco that’s very narrow pla defended well he dropped down to fifth but he’s still hanging in there on 47 seconds it looks like a big battle for the win still for anyone in the top three or even five on the cards to still win tomorrow in a very ult stage I can’t wait to watch it and I’ll see you with the recap of it then ciao


    1. Truly Egan is the highlight for me across this generally-awesome P-N. Not there yet but what a big improvement from him. You love to see it.

    2. Remco alone works so hard all the time , to watch and guard everyone somwhere without reason, he doesnt even need to warmer jersey at such low temperatures.

    3. I get the feeling that nobody bothered to tell Ineos that they're not the dominant team they were back in the Sky days. They keep trying to dominate the pace setting when they should just sit back and let Remco's team and Roglic's team battle it out between them.

    4. Es una carrera importante correrla de manera inteligente para llegar en buenas condiciones a las de alto nivel y exigencia suerte para todos los competidores

    5. Funny how Jorgenson was bickering about Skjelmose not putting in the work the other day…
      He didn't make one pull himself today before the moment he realized that he was about to take the leaders jersey, with about 1k to go xD

    6. Jersey question: does Remco get to wear the world champion jersey even though he’s not reigning road champ because he’s a former champion and MVDP isn’t in the race? Or does the reigning TT champ get to wear it for road races too? Always thought the TT champ could only wear it for TT stages

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