A transport minister has revealed he “managed to nab quite a few cyclists” during his long police career as he was pressed over government action to tackle dangerous riding.

    Lord Davies of Gower said there were laws already in place to deal with reckless cycling and pointed out it was the job of officers to enforce them.

    Jeremy Kyle clashes with spokesperson for Cambridge Cycling Club arguing that cyclists create problems on the road and don’t pay any taxes.

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    you see now this I need your help right because you pe I don’t want you to be offended Andrew we’ll be friends but you people annoy me you people well I’m sorry to hear that no no I tell you why you on a bik I tell you why you annoy me not that you want to be healthy you annoy me on many fronts firstly you don’t pay any road tax secondly you don’t play insurance but most of all and I want you to help me out seriously why do I have to sit in a car hear me out follow the rules and stop at a red sign when you people come up the inside go up the pavement or across in front of me you go through a red light I’m being serious right you have four of you across the road you are causing problems on the roads Andrew Grant well Jeremy you must have led a very sheltered life who know are not also motorists uh it’s it’s a typical Folly that we are accused of not paying


    1. I also struggle when these people say, "for fitness" yet most are over weight, slow and most the time are pairly putting the effort in. I've been behind people doing 30mph and had no roller with them. If you are blodding along, get out the way.

    2. Sports Cyclists in clusters and during the rush hour (s) these are ones that make me seethe especially when they are on a ‘time trial’ which means that nothing matters, other road users, just so they can beat their ‘time target’.

    3. 1. Road tax is emissions based – electric cars don’t pay
      2. Many cyclists are insured
      3. Cyclists are required to follow the Highway Code and aren’t exempt despite your anecdotal experiences

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