A look at road biking in Granada region, including cycling in Sierra Nevada, and the Alpujarra ,certainly one for the mountain goats out there including the highest paved road in Europe. More information or get in touch for bespoke trips on www.cyclingthespains.com

    hi there Dom here from cycling Spain calm in this edition of cycling in we’re going to be taking a look at Grenada Grenada is both the city in the province in the south of Spain that became the last refuge of the Moors before they were overrun by Christians this means you can still find the incredible evidence of their presence throughout the city and the region well this makes it a fascinating place to visit more relevant for the cyclists is that it is also known to the sierra nevada the highest of the many mountain ranges in spain the highest peak in the range is almost three and a half thousand metres high and these Peaks make it a regular destination for proteins on high altitude training the highest summit is not accessible but the close second best pico a letter has the luxury of the highest paved road in Europe leading almost all the way to the summit just short of 3400 meters this climb deserves a video on its own but safe to say whichever of the routes you take to the summit it’s going to be incessant grueling and featuring punishing gradients particularly on the lower slopes unfortunately the paved road doesn’t quite reach the summit as a surface deteriorate steadily above 2900 metres but you can reach around 3200 metres before you reach the limits of a road bike moving away from the Sierra Nevada for a moment there are hosts of great options in the greater area around the city of Granada you have a number of other clients through varied terrain from drying craggy salaah forests further to the west of the city a rolling lands that are largely dry and dotted with pretty white fortified villages between craggy hills occasional woodlands and spectacular reservoirs the northern part of this area is wall-to-wall olive groves well to the south its agricultural with yet another mountain range protecting the coast this is popular cycling territory with quiet roads beautiful views and plenty of white village cafes to discover directly south to the city of Granada yes magnificent descents the coast including the road of the old goat herders trail but expansive views over inland mountain ranges and the same am this incredible place is the al-baqarah these southern terraced slopes of the Sierra Nevada fed all year round by the meltwater from the snow which means that they’re lush and they feature these incredible white villages perched on the float side the Clinton letter may be the headline act of the Sierra Nevada but we recommend these southern slopes in the adjacent Sierra de Luca has one for everyone’s bucket list the whole Kolkata has for much of history been isolated and it retains of rustic slightly downtrodden feel but that only adds to its charm and as long as you’re not looking for flat roads its unique environment and geography make it a must ride no fewer than six walk-up degree climbs are registered on strawberry in this small area and two more first category the roads on the lush Sun slopes of the Sierra Nevada rise to around 1500 meters past beautiful white villages while those on the slopes of the Sierra Toluca opposite a much drier populated by all even almond trees the ridge crest is around 1,300 meters with views over the sea towards Africa and more incredible clients cleaving up from The Cove and talk about panoramic views from the pinnacle of this pig you can look over here you’ll see the Mediterranean well see you’re right you swivel round and you’ve got a rather stormy looking Sierra Nevada waiting for you and with that slightly angry looking Mo’s and behind us we’ll take I’ll leave thanks very much for watching check out the website but if you want them north information please to get in touch on the email address look forward to seeing you next time till then keep riding


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