Hi and welcome to this new bikepacking series. This time I set out east without a clear goal, had to return home though after a couple of days because of tooth aches and after, restarted the trip from Hannover, destination Prague. Today’s highlight was surely the Kalimanjaro 🙂
    Hope you like it, enjoy your rides and stay safe out there !
    Next up: Hannover to Bad Harzburg
    * If you like the music, unless listed below, it is on epidemic sounds.
    If you use the referral below you get a nice discount:
    * Exploring the lake by View Points
    * Black Water by Loving Caliber

    00:00 intro
    00:27 the plan
    02:39 splendid city hall
    03:12 spicy literature
    05:00 meer or see
    06:40 The Kalimanjaro
    09:22 entering Hannover
    10:25 the next morning
    11:19 the route

    Hi and welcome to WannaGoBiking I’m just about to leave my Hotel in Ehrenburg and this is the new building attached to the hotel. Was absolutely fantastic I would very much recommend this place 50 Euros for a very roomy room. Good food well that was not included of course but they had a separate garage for my bike and they are I think building that over there to store more bikes in the future so yeah excellent well done As I said yesterday, I will be making my way now to Hannover which is another 100 plus Km yeah that should be achievable right I’ll be on my way now and let’s see what we could find on along the way right? okay see you well I’m glad I’m off that main road really no fun it’s good for the average but that’s the best I can say about it so this looks much more promising 89.5 to go that’s a long day okay, los geht’s wow this is much more like it haven’t seen a car or anybody in 10 minutes 15 minutes? beautiful so looks it actually looks like this is the city hall of this community, wow this is a nice one well done Steyerberg I guess that’s the community right I’m going to look for some shade and have a little break see you later see what we have here Book shelf Me and Him,oh my dear some spicy literature here I guess that tells you all you need to know about this village right yeah I have no idea where I’m going next to be honest so just hoping that half an hour or an hour or so I can find a cafe that would be nice ah the Weser river haven’t seen that one in quite a while it’s hot, better better start moving yes some shade That’s welcome at 30° Still have to remind myself: it’s September 8th I think wow or 9? well it’s hot for September I’m making good progress today the wind is not as strong as it was the last couple of days so my average has gone up with two or three kph that’s good it’s still another 60 kms to Hannover and it’s now 14:00 yeah that’s super nice all the time in the world, all right talk to you later right so this to me is very funny it says Mer here, Mer is the German word for sea as it is la mer in in French it’s also the the word for sea like sea in English and zee in Dutch so this should be Steinhuder See, it’s a lake I think it’s it’s supposed to be a lake so why do they call it the mer here? or it’s a local slang? interesting fact maybe I can find something on the net we’ll see all right that over there you can’t probably tell now I think it’s called Kalimanjaro I’m not sure if it’s a just a lone rock or if it’s a garbage belt or something? really can’t make it out but was a highlight so we will go and check it out it’s kind of funny though all right oh seriously guys the length I go to to give you some good footage eh? ah not even sure I’m on the right track I really do wonder what this is ? is that natural? I have a hunch, this is a garbage dump, but don’t know so it is a natural phenomena and they’ve been delving salt here for ages 130 million tons in 120 years and you can see some of the salt I suppose all right, you can actually smell it as well it’s a bit salty? okay uh let’s just move on this almost looks like you can ski off of it maybe you can well for last half an hour or so my stomach’s been very upset not sure if it’s due to the weather but I’m crawling along the road right now so I think I’ll skip the highlights of Hannover right now and try and go to the apartment that I rented and tomorrow morning make some footage on the highlights so now you’re updated I think that could be the end of this video today we’ll see fingers crossed that’s a sorry sight landeshauptstadt Hannover well it’s still 15km out but yeah I’m closing in right I’ll try and come back here tomorrow because yeah I literally don’t have the stomach to do this right now so again thanks for watching enjoy your rides,stay safe out there and I’ll see you later well, made it now I need to gain entrance cuz everything is digitalized and I don’t even want to get started on the check in procedure that was absolutely rubbish, so still have to get in wish me luck well I wonder what is this supposed to be? It’s colorful though I’m heading towards the Bahnhof – railway station I do hope I can find some sandwiches there cuz I haven’t found any so far and I’m kind of peckish we’ll see

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