This is out 4th and final day bike packing Scotland.
    Had such a great trip so we finished the ride and then showed in detail out bike packing set-up and then answer ALL your

    0:00 The final day and ride
    5:04 The bike set ups
    7:05 Q&A
    7:11 Toilet location
    7:34 Forgetting essentials
    8:04 Full listing of camping equipment we each took
    9:00 Tips for first time bike packing
    9:34 Bikes for panniers?
    9:45 Must have items on EVERY trip!
    10:09 Daily diet?

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    Ruby goodbye a nice St cute little sausage dog and jul putting the bags on a bike and we are now heading over to Across The Island from Ken Craig to I can’t think of the name but then we’re getting the ferry back to Aaron right around the top back of Aaron getting the ferry there back to Mainland this is the last day of our trip sadly but we’ve had such a good such a good run with the weather last night was the only time that it was raining and I think we’re going to be dry all day today and we’re straight out of the accommodation of a massive gril I’ve not got a route in cuz it’s only like 15K but this is another feature that I love on garming is the climb Pro when you’re not even on a route so it’s 1.5k 96 M so know how long I’ve got a go my junk up this hill sheep you can see in the distance that’s Aon that’s where we’re going to well going back to do the five fairies route last year done this a few different Islands this year and I think Aaron is the best it’s like the perfect size lots of hilly terrain just beautiful it’s so pretty and the clim pro with no roots I think it’s available on the edge 40 series and it basically just pops up when it’s when you’re on a road and it’s kind of estimating the road that you’re going to go on [Music] absolutely stunningly beautiful look at all those mountains this is the first time we’re going to go this way we came around Aon this way and now we’re going to go this way my ti up okay I think it’s only about 25k back to where we’re going to get the fair back to the mainland and the weather it’s still beautiful and actually we’re going to do a bit of a Q&A in a little bit about bik packing I’ve asked on Instagram all your bik packing questions 20 PS die did it that’s what mine had in itop right let’s go this is literally just like one big climb and it’s flat oh that’s the climb up there not that we’re going all the way over that but it’ be a little loop around this climb it’s unbelievably pretty I’ve never done it in this tarma I mean it’s way overkill for my ti it’s so smooth 3.3k to go and this is why I love I know I’ll say it I just love climb Pro because you can Pace climbs that you’ve never ever ridden before you know how long they are how steep they’re going to get I just it makes riding way more enjoyable for me because going to be able to pace and feel good and feel fit and ready for the climbs but look at that view Aaron the best even if you’re going to come out and come up to Arron even if you just do Aaron there’s enough here just for an amazing amazing like weekend Adventure people call it like a mini Scotland it’s just got everything uh Isa it was very flat not my favorite but I didn’t we didn’t do all of it but I just love this trees mountains there was really good gravel and really nice smooth t right we’re leaving the bike strewn herez Juliet has just spotted they’re so small the ones in Brick are oh my God I didn’t see those ones I was look at the ones on the Rock they’re so small they’re so beautiful I’ve never seen a seal oh no way no I’ll send you this video if you want oh yeah that’ll be cool oh yeah that’s so much better glad that so we’ve not got too long before we get the furry but look at the view and I was like oh we’ll just stop and get some food juli’s got cake and a coffee what you think I have got an ear an ear tea this is a bit weird why put Co we fave though right we’re back in Broad we’ve got the last F to get back to the mainland all the riding is done but I thought I would show you our setups so like Juliet’s just in the outdoor shop so I was like I’ll just show you the comparison and the things that I like and don’t like about I guess both right Juliet setup the first thing that you will notice is there are bags everywhere so the main Pro of this is that everything is hello do you let see everything’s really evenly distributed so we’ve got saddle bag frame bag top chew bag um front bag and then I really like this is all restrap I really like this but I guess one of the downsides of having that is I like my garming Mount out front which I sometimes get like sorry there’s golf going on sometimes get like a bit of a sore neck like leaning all the way down and also the other I guess downside of this is if you’ve packed something in the middle of there and you need it it’s really hard to get out but yeah the main Pro of this is that the weight is really perfect distributed then we’re going to mine so all the weight on mine is at the back which is not ideal when you’re trying to lift your bike and move it around like it is all at the back but the good thing is because they paniers they’re really easy to get things in and out of and really simple to take on and off as well like sometimes the things with having a saddle bag like that is it it’s a bit fluffier to get on and off whereas these just like literally clip off clearance like you don’t have any problem with on your bik with padd B if you ride a small frame that can be a problem also the other thing if you have to have a quite Wide Bar so you’re not affecting the the shifting yeah two and then it doesn’t matter that is very true oh it just swings around about it’s like I it’s like there’s pros and cons of both I guess it just depends what you prefer but yeah I wouldn’t this is very heavy at the back though H right should we go and sit and do a little little Q&A last little ride can I see that we asked you on Instagram sorry there’s a fairy that’s what the one we get to together do it’s like we’re going to miss it again um oh best poop location well I prefer to find a toilet personally I have to be pretty desperate to poop in the wild and then you know you got all sorts of things to deal with like have you got a poop shovel all that I just I dig a hole in yeah just poop away I find somewhere that’s like soft ground so I can kind of kick it foot anyway how often do you forget something essential most most trips yeah right I forgotten well look what I’m wearing look how hot it is I forgot to bring bibs and Jersey cuz I check the weather it looked like it was going to be cold so I would say I’ve forgotten that this trip what have you forgotten HIIT flask oh HIIT flask but I mean there’s always something I find it really stressful packing for right packing trip it’s really nice once you get going cuz what you’ve got is what you’ve got but before oh God but the thing is you make do if you do forget something you just make do with what you’ve not got could you please list your camping equipment T sleeping setup you want to go first go first So currently I’ve got the out kit Ultra one which I’ve been testing I normally use The alkit Soloist switch I prefer and then I’ve got a RAB 300 neutrino some RAB something RAB sleeping bag it cost a fortune it’s amazing I’ve also got an Al kit sleeping bag L for that extra comfort and I’ve got an Al kit I’m like a bloody Al kit for they should be paying me got an out kit pillow you you were raving about that like I’ve had a more expensive one this one’s the best it is so for mine I’ve got a a homemade quilt I’ve got not like an actual quilt but like a a camping quilt I’ve got feres You’ got therest oh say that yeah theres I think mine’s X therm really that’s the best bit of kit it’s expensive but they’re amazing um 10 I’ve got a ultraplex the one for two people but it’s really really small light best distance time recommendation for your first attempt at bike pack well we discussed these questions beforehand we both agree just keep it short simple really one night just go because once your bike is loaded you think you can do like 100k think you’re fit enough to do it when you’ve got your loaded bike you don’t realize how much time like 50k takes even keep it simple go somewhere close to home ride from home Camp there even for the campsite that that’s another thing if you are a little bit worried about while camping camp site is really nice cuz then you’ve got all like the water facilities you’ve got toilets you’ve got showers which is really nice I think I can get away with a light bite packing set up on my Giant Defy rear panes and the front bag yes cuz that’s pretty much what I’ve done with my bike I’ve just got panes at the back and then like a little tiny bar bag at the front with all my Mechanicals and repair stuff what’s the important item you quadruple check you packed before going on rides like this charger that is a good one and power bank but yeah Power Bank uh for me I check earplugs um sleep mask and the garmenting the the safety I’ve just told you all about that but yeah and that they’re probably like the three most important things I have a couple of questions about this what’s our daily diet like oh Christ your is unbelievably bad basically I eat hang on let me turn that down again I eat beans on toast and some sweets that’s pretty is pretty much always eating Sweets she just empties the packet of sweets into straight into the top bag yeah um I try to keep things slightly healthier I’ll try and get some fruit and veggie in there you’ve been eating fruit as well yeah so what did have for dinner last night though last night on Dura where were we no we’re on Isa weren’t we Isa was that the night where I just had raspberries and chocolate covered pretzels for dinner that was when we C to the beach that was the beach one yeah oh no last night I can’t remember basically anything you can get I think anything that you’re used to eating and anything that’s easily cooked so I had some cuscus one night had some noodles some rice yeah noodles are like the staple aren’t they like simple things to cook I think just whatever you get whatever is easy for you to digest and think you know that agree with you I would say always take porridge and soupa noodles and then you can add extra stuff in if you find a shop although saying that about me eating sweets you ate a whole half a block of cheese yesterday oh yeah that was a good bman I think that’s pretty much is anything else that you would add I would make there are several things I would do actually it depends where you’re going bik packing if you’re in the UK you’re probably all right if you’re going anywhere else just make sure you’ve got the map on your garment for that country because I’ve been caught out so many times by that make sure you got them app and then another tip is you can actually download a Google map of the area you’re traveling in you can download it offline to your phone I would say make things shorter than you think cuz then you’ve got time to actually stop and stop at cafes I think make things shorter so you’ve got more time to enjoy like swimming don’t have like a schedule that’s packed oh yeah like make things way less um although I think this video has been really wonky yeah but you can change that afterwards right thank you for watching I’ll leave a link to Juliet’s videosos well yours be out yeah M up I don’t know I I’ll leave a link to jul channel anyway but yeah goodbye we’re going to get the fair bye they getting on over thank you goodbye Aaron


    1. Great set of vlogs Katie & Juliet, thanks for making & sharing.
      Idea for you two "floaters" 🙂
      Hire a narrowboat, stocked with beans & toast, vegan sushi etc. Fridge full of Coke, Orangina etc for Katie !
      Shelf of whiskey for Juliet !
      Negotiate few locks, high aqueducts etc !
      Don't forget the life jackets 🙂

    2. Panniers are very handy and practical not just for bike packing, but for your day to day workhorse bike if you use the bike for shopping etc, not very "cool" perhaps but amazingly practical 🤔🙄😊

    3. Wow, katie is out of breath during the climb. That must have been a big hill .Thanks for bikepacking vlog . I was curious about your bikepacking setup? Like what you store in each bag? What is the estimated weight of your loaded bike?

    4. Great bike-packing gear info … ta very much. Really enjoying this adventure … can’t top them fabulous views, smooth tarmac, sheepies, seals and more beans and toast! Speaking of which, my top tip … add some quality grade A Canadian maple syrup to them beans-n-toast … yum! 🚴‍♂️🚴‍♂️🐑🦭⛰️

    5. I really could have done with climb pro on the Fred Whitton. It never popped up on my wahoo even with the route loaded. May have to switch back to Garmin in the future. Great video Katie it looks like you had the best time on this trip ❤

    6. What i would like to see sometime,, would be something different,, testing other types of bikes,, like a cruiser,,a simple 3-speed City bike ,,single speed or something like that ,,and compare them ☺️✌️

    7. Glad you had such a good time! Arran is usually the starting destination for so many of my bikepacking Scottish island adventures. Combining Arran with Gigha is another favourite. Gigha is only 6 miles long but the community owned island has beautiful wild camping at the north end and the views to Islay and Jura are spectacular. The Islay road you took to Bowmore is probably the flattest section of road on any Scottish island and one of the dullest, I know it wasn't planned, it was just unfortunate that you didn't see the best of Islay has to offer. The rest of Islay isn't hilly but is more scenic and worth exploring and not quite as flat. Jura is wilder and more lumpy too and you can ride your bike beyond George Orwell's house at Barnhill at the north end before hiking the last mile or so to Corryvrechan and the infamous whirlpool. A truly remote spot with great views.

      If you want a hilly Scottish island bikepacking adventure go to Shetland. Accessible via the overnight ferry to Aberdeen, there is a an incredible network of hilly roads with jaw dropping coastal scenery, The furthest you can travel is three miles from the sea in any direction. I cycle in all of these locations every year and ended up cycling to every inhabited Scottish island in one continuous trip a few years ago which was a truly magical adventure. If you want any advice on Scottish island bikepacking trips, I'm happy to make suggestions to fit the time you have available. I used to guide in these places too but these days it's just for fun 🙂

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