it’s May it’s 2024 and that can only mean the first of the two partisan shows being held at the nework show ground at nework in Nottinghamshire cracking show very very busy lots of things going on enjoy enjoy enjoy okay it’s a hot May here in Newark Midlands and that can only mean one thing we are at parties end big parties and war game show held at the nework showr and as you can see today’s one is totally banged out the car park is very very full right so here we are about the middle of the hall far in there and lots and lots of loveliness that’s where I just was standing that end and then behind me cafeteria area that end and more tables Traders Etc this is a busy one and someone’s obviously just rolled a six so starting here we have the bunker presenting Indiana Jones and the Temple of ramama lad dindong although I think the aircraft owes more than a little to the original Indiana Jones film that’s the uh sort of Horton flying wing of course it would have been jet engines on the original but they’ve done it with propellers decent size castle and medieval town on this side we have a sphinx here with presumably the Well of Souls type thing down there and the inevitable inevitable nasty Nazis with their uh version of a World War I tank and presumably somewhere on here Indiana Jones are going to be riding along the White Horse oh another Sphinx over there okay someone’s been ra raiding the G garden ornaments section I think so this is the bunker presenting Indiana Jones and the Temple of Rama ramama lad dingdong fair play to right this is uh Simon Miller Mr Simon Miller doing two the strongest for King and Parliament and we have got well a quite for English Civil War battle take a look at that now we’re looking at probably 25 maybe 30t a table all the way up to a walled town at the far end which is up there in between there are an awful lot of figures I’ll try and go in close on some in a minute Cavalry on the far side infantry in the center and down here some rather tasty Cavalry SC right there’s the uh parliamentarians got their orange sashes on down here more parliamentarian orange sashes in front of us wearing the red sashes of course are the royalists this has got to be a big big game so this is Mr Simon Miller doing to the strongest for King and Parliament right this is the Chesterfield old boys the cops cobs and they’re doing a 135 scale 54 mm late World War II in front of us there we have a yaged tiger that’s that puppy there 128 mm gun lots of armor next to it a pan of four and then looking down the board stretches all the way up to that end where the US forces are they’ve got M18 hellcats uh late Shermans with the long 76 and i’ got to say the buildings are rather nice nice bit of work on those I don’t recall seeing these kits so I assume they’re mostly scratch built but some has put a lot of effort into it the uh German infantry pan of grenadiers are down here they’ve just debus from their SD Cur Z 251s next to an 88 mm and I suspect I see an old Panzer three Beyond them that guy’s arms off yeah oh no not sure what that is anyway take two we’re at the American end of the uh the battlefield we got Sherman 75s and M8 Greyhound here someone is very wisely move the 76 mil long barrel shers out to the flank to give them flanking fire down that road was at some stage or another they’re going to need it uh Americans have just crossed the river just crossed the river there and they’re heading for a probable encounter with those German troops on the far side so each side’s roughly halfway in M8 Greyhound scouted the bridge and again the M18 Hellcat with a long 76 is facing straight down the road and appears to have probably knocked out that armored vehicle over there hence the big puff of smoke I the M8 Greyhound got it or the M18 Hellcat got it so this is Chesterfield old boys late World War II probably Germany and and um yeah 54 mm 135 scale we’re at the Bramley Barn War Games Club unusually doing it in in 20 mil but it does mean they got access to lovely 172 scale uh p47 Thunderbolt so close up to some of the figures they’re using got some M7 priests CLE of m10s there’s some of the 20 mil figures they’re using American and now here’s the full full spread of the battle you’ve got about 15 ft here haven’t you uh about 13 14t yeah yeah and this would be Normandy it’s nor dday plus one right I’m told this is dday plus one so they’re into the rolling country but not quite hit the boow car yet yeah my dab was there sorry my dad was there oh really he came in on D+ 11 on the British side should mention that in case right we’re now with uh first core who are doing a very very large game here which at first blush looked in Napoleonic but I’m actually seeing Mexican and American flag so without even bothering to check I think this is the Mexican ameran war yeah yeah definitely American artillery and colors there and over here the green white red of Mexico extending quite a distance out to there and over here we’ve got a typical sort of Mexican building and more American troops hotly engaged in front so this is first core and they are doing the almost certainly the Mexican American War I’ll check that as a go past just in case I got it wrong I have been known to make mistakes uh so this is Mr to Phil Ole and they’re doing action at acan which is apparently a 17th century musite European sort of late Renaissance lovely little musite uh town over there Little Onion Dome on top of the uh Church zeroing on that and then we have what was almost certainly ottoman troops advancing on that side waving their various ottoman banners ottoman Cavalry there looks like some tartter Li horse close in there skirmishing with bow and then beyond you’ve got the serious musite Cavalry streaming through that Gap um colorful different and refreshing to see sort of Eastern European getting onto a British war games table nice one says Mr Phil Ole action at action well I’ve seen these good people before this is the like a stone wall War Games club and as before they’re doing an Aztec Conquistador type situation the conquist the doors are short here with a variety of Cavalry it looks like they got some uh hunting dogs there as well over there and then heading towards them in the distance we’ve got the massed Mexican Str astec stroke Aztec allies there were a variety of other tribes in the area um not all of whom were loyal to the azex in fact quite a few of them threw him with the Spanish magnificent Temple over there and uh oh and for fans of Stargates it looks like we got a Stargate written in as well very very nice model the table is well over 20 25 ft long it’s a big big game lots of plastic foliage some of which I think has come out from the aquarium shop but not knocking that looks good closeup of the Aztec Temple quite a few steps there would like to lay the carpet on that and panning down here we can see that some of the conquist doors have already got this end of the table as well there’s conquested or cavalry there we have their halers already engaged in action with uh what looks like some kind of atic elite over there no 16th century Army should be without an organ gun or two and there’s there’s an organ gun that’s facing towards the oncoming Aztec there nice game right one of the big games here is down on the Adriatic Sea this is set 1920 post the Bolshevik Revolution and it’s looking at what was happening with the collapse of the austr Hungarian Empire magnificent model there of a pre dreadnut Battleship looks to be in oh it’s an American an American pre redn Battleship just spotted the flag various a fortification Inland I see the cafes have still got their colorful um umbrellas out above you have uh competing aircraft bombing more at the end extensive fortifications down this side very very very nice fortifications gorgeous sort of Martell Tower there in the middle old uh 16th century Town Gate with a modern ba bridge in front of it and what looks like a radio station here so we set somewhere in the uh the Balkans austr Hungarian collapse and the scale appears to be about 28 mm I do like that Battleship says is down on the Adriatic Sea and it is the league of extraordinarily extraordinary C spielers I’ll say that again because my teeth fell out the League of Extraordinary cek spielers another view from this end the League of Extraordinary C spielers troops moving across the bridge there aircraft hanger over there shot down spad in French markings there and um raveling readand type fortification there and uh just over there that rather quaint T Town thing I was looking at just now and yes the cafe umbrellas are still out in blue and white very nice model tables at least 20 25 ft long big chunky game so this is the League of Extraordinary Creek spielers out along the Adriatic Sea right and Now for Something Completely Different the Skirmish War Games Collective presenting death on planet Puma p i m a and what we have here is a very large scale and I mean very large scale the figures look at least 54 mm if not bigger um sci-fi Skirmish um some of the terrain looks like it may come straight off of Doctor Who or Blake 7 set but I’m not going to knock him for that the models are very colorful and I must admit I don’t go for sci-fi Skirmish normally but uh this looks like it could be a game it’d be fun to take part in so this is the Skirmish War Games Collective death on planet Puma I do like the crash spaceship here as well it’s uh looks like it’s been through the wars quick pan back that way the figures are very Dynamic we go in there say very Dynamic yeah nice [Music] one as parties are are hosting this event I can’t really miss one of their own games this is the Battle of Freeman’s Farm 1777 um it’s being played by parties and members wearing their t-shirts uh assembled for fores here which I presume will be coming on during the course of the game so that’s what that’s what we’ve got to come over here we have Colter’s Farm cter Farm is there we have what looks like Benedict Arnold when he was still still in the American side down there and over there we have what looks like the good ide the makings of the arrival of the English driving um uh Rebel Rebel forces back into that wood English artillery action there and uh four action yeah down the road and uh poly uniformed American unit there British lighting in action here against American light infantry and over there we appear to have some pro- English um Indians sorry Native Americans right this is the Lincoln Lincoln miniature Warfare society and what we have going on down here appears to be a modern although I’m trying to figure out where it is here we have jungle with obvious Huey helicopter there over here we have what appears to be European with German tanks and in the distance I can see what appears to be a horse and musket possibly Napoleonic so my guess is they’re doing three different periods on one table I’ll just confirm that with an organizer well I’m just recording for um uh YouTube my guess is you’re doing three U representative period on one table Yeah fair enough I worked it out it’s not complicated it’s it’s nice when my soundtrack actually match up with what you’re doing so you got uh Vietnam War here World War II here and is that Napoleonic naponic yes oh good my eyes are obviously working that trip to spec saers helped indeed sir right thanks and you’re the Lincoln miniature Warfare Society I take it you meet in Lincoln we do yes good I shall give you a PL Ian will kill me if I don’t mention this Central London War Games Club Ian the au3 is up there wearing a wonderful Napoleonic shirt you can’t really missing and they’re doing his own rules which is emperor of the battlefield I’ll try and give him a plug every time I see him and believe you me I see him a lot [Music] so this looks like about 12 mm maybe it’s a small 15 or it’s 12 Napoleonic you’ve got uh Highlanders there and the British line extending off in that way so it’s Central Lon War Games Club Emperor the battlefield by Ian right something close to my own heart of course Wings Of Glory this is the UK wing of the aerodrome it’s uh something I own a lot of I’ve got about 110 aircraft nice little selection here we’re doing a participation game today it’s got lots of young people I’ll have to keep the camera down I have to keep the camera down as YouTube has got rules about children appearing on uh on on camera but basically it’s a it’s a card-based game you draw three cards per turn and those are the three maneuvers you will perform uh I have some objections to the way it plays out uh having war game many many years ago on a slightly prus system and I will be uh doing something on on YouTube in due course nevertheless there a lot of very inspired and inspiring players and uh there’s flying officer helmet over there I’ll give him a mention on the aerodrome site later right this is the the KB club and deep in the Realms of Science Fiction dog fight um looks like a a Star Wars dog fight on acid ships flying in all different directions various squadrons coming in they is an asteroid belt of various spots and uh yeah they’re going for it and I’m told gentleman’s kindly holding up the sign the rules are accelerate and attack the eons of War thank you sir when I first came in here I could not get near this table you’ll see why this is the foror Hope doing um sci-fi big that model there is nearly 2 ft long possibly yeah 2 ft long huge ornate attack Cruisers up [Music] there asteroids vessels here that look vaguely like uh helenistic rowing G the full and they’re based at Beamish another shot from here that model there is nearly 3T long other Cruisers here yes serious serious models going for a closeup on that one again this model here is about 3T let’s call it nearly a meter in length very very nice very very detailed very Barack if you’re going to build a spaceship build it barck J is my winess right back on for part two and with the uh yorshire gamer yire gamer they’re doing an 1867 Battle of me Menan which appears to be I’m looking at this correctly well we’ve definitely got oh that’s a bloody ask does pay to ask does pay to ask this is the Italian Wars of Independence um sort of gabaly period sorry I you didn’t see I was standing here sorry I wasn’t you yeah we we crept up on each other Italian Wars of Independence Battle of men menana 1867 Italian forces over there and that’s presumably the French down here yes stretching way into the distance there larger action over there I’m assuming they’re French allies of some sort I don’t recognize the flag I it’s more Italians on this side so I mean that could be people forces it could be all sorts of people so anyway Battle of menana very nice buildings I do like the uh the castle structure there always useful to rest the rules on Battle of menana 1867 this is the north riding War Games club and we are somewhere out in Sudan or Southern Egypt British Square formed there large number of uh Mists fuzzy wuzzy types attacking there Cavalry attacking there against the I think they called him hadow out in the distance looks like the Egyptian Army which was on the British side are facing a large number of um AR with [Music] their appropriately patched gibbers which they patched to show their poverty and they’re follow following on the Mii the expected one Cavalry there I’ve just been informed that the Bengal Lancers are they charging into m mry B large number of uh terot BR mest troops coming on there and this is another big game it’s about 20 22 ft long so this is the north riding War Games Club it wouldn’t be a war games show without the very British Civil War and here we are again uh concepts of the very British Civil War forum who are shown here sorry terrible glare on the uh plastic concept of it is that Edward the E and Wallace Simpson got to the throne it was a massive rebellion and the nation has been split osw Mosley has become Prime Minister and basically we got the Spanish Civil War butting England Anarchist groups workers groups militias Sometimes using X World War I equipment Sometimes using extemporized armored vehicles all in 28 mil if you’ve got any Dad’s Army figures sort of the early War World War II British infantry ideal for this to another this is another closeup on the very British Civil War the uh World War one tank over there with a Turret on top looks like it’s come straight out of the Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade cuz they did not have turrets on top never mind uh it is fantasy so what the hell looks like you got fascist units over there judging by the flags um You probably have anist unit somewhere else yeah more troops down here and as I say this is the a speculative Civil War similar to the Spanish Civil War taking place in Britain uh 1937 38 39 and some some reserves about to come in you can’t beat the good old bicycle it was good enough for the Japanese to get through Burma so so they’re going to use him here in the very British Civil War well here we are at the Durham War Games club and they’re doing the other battle from 1066 that nobody ever mentions we all know about Hastings we all know about um Battle of um Stanford bridge but this in fact is fulford gate also sometimes called gate fulford this is an earlier clash between the Saxons and the Vikings unfortunately the Saxons came off a very bad second which then led to Stanford bridge and the Vikings coming off a very bad second going for a little bit of detail I’m assuming that’s the Viking Mass CU I see the Saxons are displaying Christian crosses although by this stage some of the Vikings at least were also going Christian right this is a closeup on the Viking forces at the gate fford game lovely double Raven Banner there you’ve got some uh saxs and skirmishers peasanty types chucking rocks where are we chucking rocks there over here large mass of um Saxons we have what looks like feed there with some more heavily armored Halla type in the center and trailing off in that direction facing a large well equipped Viking force and there is the Viking Banner close up on the Viking Banner there very nice closeup on that Viking Banner there G want right we have Westbury War Gamers there and we are down here in the Realms of 28 mm ancient and they’re doing the Battle of gabini gabini Gab gab winter 316 315 winter 316 315 the Battle of gabin you say gabin I say gabini just been correct by one the organizers very very nice figures are couple of jeweling elephants right in the middle there I always feel very sorry for the elephants it was actually a separate North African species which was largely wiped out by the wars cuz when they say African elephants in this period they don’t mean the um the big Savannah Forest elephants from down south they mean the North African version so this is Westbury War Gamers the Battle of gabin 316 to 315 BC very very nice I’m unscrewed and I’m going in unscrewed I’m going in close that’s the fighting elephants knocked more fighting elephants over there it’s going really close can’t just there very very nice very very nice over there again big pipe blocks all the way down and another spare elephant just here yes very nice this has been a warspite production if you’ve enjoyed this please leave a thumbs up if you’ve really enjoyed it please feel free to subscribe I look forward to seeing you next time This Is War spite out and have a very good day


    1. Thank you for compiling another most interesting show report. I find your video reports useful as they are not as rushed as some. Further, you stating the scale of the games is most useful, there were several I would not have picked except for you mentioning it.

    2. Great video…. However the Blitzkreig Persian battle are missing🥲
      Appreciate time constraints but a video going round traders and models plus sneak peaks would be great

    3. Cheers for covering the Mentana Battle, it was Garibaldi against the Papal States supported by the French, you were actually stood next to the 5ft poster that explained it all 😁👍

    4. The show was the busiest yet with record attendance – 1384 through the door, plus all the Traders and Games organizers. The 600 free figures were all given away in the first 30 minutes 🙂

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