    The neighbor’s deadly secret 2024 #LMN | New Lifetime Movies 2024 | Based On True Story 2024

    [Music] Billy [Music] Billy Billy this isn’t funny [Music] [Music] I [Music] [Music] [Music] help [Music] yeah it’s done I know it’s done I’m just triple cheing 110% okay great have all the files been said child you want me to call uh no I will thanks hi I wanted to know if all the files have been received Emily enough work you’re on leave H thanks yeah it’s all under control right go home reconnect with the family if they’ll take me I’m serious you need to relax work was really getting to you we’ll be here when you want to come back if when say hi to Andrew and the kids for me great work you too now go [Music] [Music] so no work no more research studies no one else’s problems to solve you alone in this big house only your family to bother you how insane do you think you’ll go Fairly listen I just I want you to relax and little little and keep me occupied Dr Valentine you are a dirty girl take me for a ride any time can I drive never ever you suck Livy it’s not play to stare you too Brian I count three how about you Olive affirmative can we come away from the window they’re going to think that we’re weird we are weird speak for yourself oh come on please you too oh come on let’s be civil and go say hello here Hunter come here boy K Hunter slow down hter he’s taking you for a while come on H hello hi oh Emily this is my husband Brian hi and our daughter Olive Hunter hi I’m Tamara we live next door yeah I saw you through the blinds oh sorry sorry no worries mom you should see the size of our backyard it’s huge this is uh Billy my eldest Titus he’s uh somewhere inside so do you need any help or no thanks we’re good uh well uh Billy uh if you want to get out of your mom’s hair I’m sure all of would show you around next door uh if that’s all right with Mom of course um no no we don’t want to intrude no that’s no problem at all that’s what neighbors are for right can I mom please please Billy he just he just got over cold so tell me about it these kids are like little carrier monkeys aren’t they well uh thanks mom was going to have more kids around right so where are you moving from East oh New York or uh not that far east Denver oh I love Denver the mountains there are just beautiful yeah well uh you know if you’re finished and and you feel like it you should come by you’re not too tired all right thanks yeah we’ll we’ll see nice meeting you yeah good to meet you uh thanks for letting uh Billy play with olive Liv always loves a play dat great you ready to die born ready okay okay come on you’re good the best what now I don’t know Blood Brothers what blood [Music] brothers Shake on it ew sick what it’s just a little blood no thanks I’m a girl anyways let’s do something else you’re it got right [Music] so how you liking the hood not bad everybody’s been really great thanks oh hey uh I’ve been meaning to ask you uh do you want a carpol to school we get tradeoff mornings and afternoons starting Monday if you want yeah yeah we could do something like that all right all right Billy we got to go we got a lot of things to do no Billy 10 more minutes I don’t thanks Mom know if he’s ever a problem no no not at all I mean Olive doesn’t have a lot of friends that live close by so it’s a welcome break okay well thanks again I’ll see you Monday see you Monday 9 Minutes ladybug ladybug Fly Away Home your house is on fire and your children are gone all except one and that’s Little P or she crept under frying pants gotcha ow wait don’t move night shade poisonous here I saved your life you owe me thanks what are those allergies R in the grass when it rains too much you’re it not anymore no fair you’re right now you’re it [Music] hi is Billy here you must you’re Titus right hey man it’s nice to nice to meet you now get him Emily Titus is here for Billy just be a second 64 yeah yeah you might want want to take a look the idle and Main mixture adjustment screw uh the O-rings might have some cracks yeah yeah no I was I was I was like about to uh what you teach me start by adjusting the main mixture adjustment SC the what kids are right back hi I’m Emily you must be Titus I yeah um if you could tell Billy he’s got to be home now thanks he’s a real conversationalist isn’t he talk more others could talk less watch it buddy did you see the bruises on his arm mm it’s just kids being kids I hope so timer seems nice yeah we should uh you know bring over lasagna tonight or something be neighborly honey honey if they wanted us over it they would have asked you’re already getting C fever what’s wrong with being a people person nothing nothing at all it’s just that you said that you wanted to take it slow that’s that’s all live a little will you [Music] hi we figured you could use something to eat thanks the house is a mess just just enjoy it than all right can I stay it’s late honey I don’t know [Music] please come on in please if it’s inconvenient no no no come on in uh drink H she would love one yeah anything would be great some wine drinking florist yeah wedding um funerals mostly thank you mhm uh salute Salo thank you you okay I think I I’m bleeding yeah I cut myself I’m so sorry that’s okay okay um bathroom um yeah down the hall must have chipped in the move [Music] you’re stay in here ran there’s somebody outside the door what there’s somebody outside the door there’s somebody outside the door there’s somebody outside the door oh my God there’s somebody outside the [Applause] door oh Brian no no T call 911 where’s liby it’s okay bab it’s all right I want my son back they took him they’ll take yours what what is he saying I don’t know he out of it Tamara S no I’m I’m sorry you all should go we can stay if you want let’s go okay good night what just happened I don’t know okay guys that’s all we need for tonight I may need to contact you again okay have a good night good night ladybug ladybug Fly Away home your house is on fire and your children are gone all except one and that’s little land but she crept under frying [Music] for for [Music] you two doing okay last night was scary but man’s in jail now so that’s not worked thanks but we jumping in oh well you know that’s what uh that’s what Alpha Ms do oh well I’ll make sure to thank him when I see him okay uh alpha males also work on their muscle cars so I’m going to I’ll be in the garage this is boring there’s nice spending time with each other right yeah hey Olive can I go sure what are you stalking me do you ever feel like you’re not quite living the life you planned on it’s all just slipping away and there’s nothing you can do about it nothing’s new and there’s more behind you than in front of you n Nei hey hey our finest flowers are often weeds transplanted uh this one though I I don’t know if you know it’s um it’s nightshade poisonous can be deadly for uh children animals if you want to dig it up I’d be happy to take it over to my compost pile Oh yeah that’d be great thanks so how you holding up I’m holding I brought you some wine oh thank you so I’ve got a confession okay the man last night was my husband more recently ex Marcus the boy’s father they’re uh we’re separated for obvious reasons I’m so sorry he thinks I tried to take the kids which maybe I did but it was only to keep them safe he called today we’re in the smoothing out part of the cycle um sorry that you had to get in the middle of it I noticed some bruises on Titus and Billy they’re okay kids are resilient like that it’s good to have him gone and I’d rather have roses on my table than diamonds around my neck you know so I don’t want to get into it any more than that I just I thought you should know how long have you guys been married 10 almost 11 years no s year agch that was more like the burning sensation we’ll have to do dinner part two sometime yeah I’ll try not to have the police escort Billy’s welcome anytime same thank you I’ll get rid of this thank you wow Brian Brian [Music] [Applause] [Music] Brian oh where’s I got my hand man caught in the fan belt oh are you okay yeah ow ow ow ow I’m fine the car is coming along maybe an I’m okay scream next time yeah Titus I just talked to your mom she told me about your dad you know if there’s ever anything you need we’re always here m in the people care business kind of a bit thanks uh I’ll let you get healed up all right I’ll see you later Titus so I just talked with Tamara mhm turns out last night that was her husband what that’s crazy guess that explains Mr conversation a little oh Titus he’s a good kid he just needs some Direction that’s all Billy seems like he’s doing okay in fact I think Olive has her first official Crush poor kids something seems strange though I can’t explain it come on I’ll finally has a friend that lives close by let her enjoy it just relax a little bit okay meanwhile what does Dr Valentine want to do today not what you’re thinking how do you know what I’m thinking am I that obvious get out of my head do it again Losa how many times can I save your life Billy Oh Billy stop messing around you should be more careful not funny you sure I’m sorry so how is it great it’s terrible I know it’s it’s terrible but look you can’t be good at everything right if I ever die will you please marry a wife that can cook don’t say that besides I’m going to die way before you LOL as the kids say we don’t say that so uh the um can we move these Tamar brought them over they’re nice right yeah Titus says we might have the Mustang running within the week so you’re never going to let that car Beach are you this might Vietnam and what about Billy we going to have to have the marriage talk with him take out my shotgun rough him up a little bit what Dad maybe we should do some more stuff as a family though come on she wants to play let her play you like Billy right he’s okay you guys play a little rough though him specifically yeah he pushed me really hard today I put him back in line not a girl did you know anything about the blood on the patio Billy wanted to be Blood Brothers but I told him I was a girl he cut himself boys terrible creations aren’t we yes you are then done take your plate Brian maybe reconciling maybe something doesn’t seem slightly off to you do you want me to go over there she did say that he called to apologize maybe I’m just overreacting maybe your maybe are always yes maybe I no and I don’t care I’m not going to stop until everybody knows the truth me do you have any idea what I’ve been through now you need to do the right thing and you need to turn yourself in [Music] since when do you take out the garbage there’s blood on the car what car on the door her husband there was there was blood on his car door hello Tamara hi are you okay of course why wouldn’t I be I I’m sorry I just saw your ex-husband leave and I just thought uh I’m sorry I just I was worried it’s all good thanks for the call though uh carpo tomorrow you yeah yeah yeah see you then okay everything okay I guess so are we that boring around here or oh wait look someone that’s some candles someone is a very lucky woman I am sorry I guess I’m overreacting wait you overreact that’s crazy you are perfect ruggedly handsome the Feelgood hit of the summer did I say perfect already perfect sweet thanks you’re welcome losing my appetite mhm gaining something else housekeeping [Applause] a for [Music] [Music] morning morning have you seen Hunter uh probably a back Hunter she’s on upstairs either maybe check again okay Olive you ready I’m on it all right have you seen Hunter i c not Hunter I’ll take it to day really yeah okay come on you don’t want to be late oh everything all right yeah yeah we’re good okay have fun at school learn lot I love you love you too long come on carpol we have more news this week great [Music] you guys have a good day all right take care love you sh for [Music] [Music] y [Applause] why is he alarm on because I don’t know are you you okay yeah by the way have you found Hunter honey we probably left the gate open he’ll be back he’s done this before he’s out there peeing on stuff that’s what he does you’re okay I’m fine good all right no alarm right here Hunter Hunter hey ly how was school good thanks for picking them up yeah yeah they had a great day they really get along well together it’s such a relief relief yeah you know sometimes kids mesh other times you know how it is it’s true yeah it’s nice having you so close yeah I just want you to know I really appreciate everything that Brian’s doing with Titus he’s really uh opening up he’s kind of a quiet kid but um well everything that’s happening with his dad and I’m working all the time so I miss work enjoy the time why you have it kids grow up quick and then one day poof they’re gone oh have you seen Hunter by any chance no he can’t be too far I guess I’ll see you [Music] VI [Music] viiv Vivy oh God would you do he didn’t do anything we’re were playing tag she fell I think it’s broken I’m so sorry do you want me to drive to the hospital no don’t bother very gent we’re going to get you fixed up [Music] [Applause] it’s how you feeling fine was it an accident yeah you were just playing I it’s part of being a kid I tell you that time I broke my nose running into a fence so 3 4 weeks in the cast yeah 3 or four weeks we we’ll take a look at it then good night I love you Dad where’s Hunter he’s someplace safe we’ll look more tomorrow okay get some rest mom yeah what if it wasn’t in an accident what do you mean I don’t know Olive did somebody push you who Billy I didn’t see are you sure you were pushed on purpose maybe yeah I don’t know I don’t want to get anyone in trouble no honey you could have been hurt a lot worse I’m sorry no oh it’s not your fault baby doll here no worries before bedtime okay live from our Los Angeles Studios Channel 8 news thank you for joining us now our top story officials are investigating the suicide of a man found dead in an East Los Angeles motel room early this morning the body was found by a hotel made on her cleaning rounds police are treating the death as a suicide but have not red that’s her husband right and another news the 38 that was blood on the car and I don’t think that was him driving away and that was him you missed it hey uh we’re sorry to bother you so late it’s okay we heard um sorry about your ex-husband we we heard about him that he passed asked I I just saw it on the news um so we wanted to I know a relatively new friends I don’t want to get off on the wrong foot but you must be confused oh we’re sorry we we we probably made a mistake um we’re really sorry come on come on honey BR did you hear that I I heard it too stay behind me be careful quiet quiet careful quiet quiet quiet quiet quiet over there just be careful oh Hunter boy he’s not breathing my Bri need’s not breathing come on I don’t understand how do you think we should tell Livy a dog doesn’t just die like that it’s in perfect health dead oh [Applause] sweetie I’m so sorry sorry he left it out here honey knows that we loved him and that we’ll continue to when you were a baby you used to pull it his ears and poke him in the eyes and he just sit there and take it it’s like he knew how important you were us you’ll be missed you want to say something Libby I love you come back Emily I’m so sorry for your loss excuse [Music] me ah I’m sorry it’s just it’s been a rough couple of days I can imagine you all right yeah I’ll pull through you know you know maybe a little Park time would help cheer us up I don’t know if Billy and Titus want to go but they have uh basketball courts there I don’t know if he plays I’m sure they’d love to but all right well let’s settle then you can catch up on some lost sleep we interrupted the other night 10 minutes thanks all right [Music] I’ll let put this in the back with you after what he did to her you’re taking them out hey do we even know that you’re kids come on what if he does it again I’ll talk to him he’ll be home soon watch close I [Music] will and a man found dead in East LA has now been confirmed as Robert Johnson who himself lost his only child in a tragic hiking accident just 2 years ago the Shawn Johnson case made national headlines and captured America’s heart when hundreds from communities in the Denver Colorado area mounted a 3mon search effort Robert Johnson was found in his hotel room dead as a result of an apparent suicide police also say Mr Johnson was arrested days before his death for breaking entering unrated still family [Music] ofert and Str with depression soon after his son’s body is found Mr Johnson wased his name SE might be in heaven but this case is far from close and we look forward to learning more facts about his Sean was last seen theive playing hide and secret friends in the mountains near Denver area neighborhood after an extensive investigation Denver Police ruled out file and described Sean’s death as a tragic accident Robert Johnson will be remembered by friends and family for his generous community service work with local youth more on this story of [Music] DET they took him they’ll take yours Pam Johnson who was never married to tomorrow the man last night was my husband hi now’s not a really good time I’m just at a loss well it’s just I’m on the phones this is our second move in the line last 2 years we just wanted to find someplace we could be a family you know but people some people can’t let us have even that they don’t get what family means you get it though yeah I’m I’m not really sure but yeah I I get what you’re saying we’d hate to have anything happened to our families so we keep them close do anything for them I’m sorry I don’t really know what you’re saying what I mean is I’m glad you’re a friend it means a lot yeah I’m glad too good I better get back to my call talk [Music] [Applause] [Music] that’s so hard you’re it but detective iomi she lied about being his wife look listen if you trying to get over a painful memory from the past would you reveal every detail to a neighbor that you just met huh the child’s death was an accident come on just let these people be what if it wasn’t an accident I saw medication at their house antis psychotics and those kids have bruises on them I don’t think that they’re safe with her okay then I’ll follow it up and I’ll contact Child Services you’re supposed to make me feel safe make me feel safe if anything else should come up don’t hesitate to contact us okay thanks for nothing hello this is who uh wait wait did you did you say Child Services yes yes I have two sons that’s weird where’s his tag what the hell are you doing what calling Child Services I I never called Child Services I was just being stupid being stupid gets people hurt I’m sorry not everybody has the perfect life that you have and there are more important things in this world than you and I would appreciate it if you would just focus on your own family for now okay mommy hi I missed you what do you say thank you for taking us you’re welcome thanks Brian we appreciate it no problem all right come on guys we we have to talk okay I don’t think it’s Billy I think it’s her maybe it’s both or maybe it’s somebody overreacting I’m not imagining this she attacked me she attacked you she threatened me I called iomi I told him about the bruises and he called Child Services wouldn’t you be upset if somebody did that to you somebody wouldn’t do that to me because I don’t hurt my kids and I don’t think they’re safe over there and we might not be either enough honey do do do you even listen to yourself this this this whole thing is nuts I’m time let go I’m going hit you you L cat boys please stop it ow you little go to your stop it are you all right Titus it’s happening again you’ve got to stop it [Music] [Music] all right I appreciate it thanks I’ll see you later all right one Cafe Mocha vodka volume as ordered just regular coffee who’s on the phone your mom my mom I just keep running this over and over in my head and I keep coming back to Tamara Oh honey we have to find something new to talk about is it that you’re not listening or do you just not care no no no it’s not that I just think that maybe you’re seeing something here that’s not there so you don’t get any weird vibe from her at all I think she’s a single mom that’s doing her best of course you would say that what’s that supposed to me oh Brian please you’ve been flirting with her ever since she moved in okay now I know you’re losing it she freaks me out and I don’t want to wait around here to see what else is going to happen all right so what where where are you going to go I think we should go stay with your mom at least for a little while okay you know what this is this is getting ridiculous yes they’re weird honey but everything is going to be fine trust me I do trust you but this is not about you it’s about the crazy person living next door look at the facts she lied about her husband now he’s dead 2 years ago that guy’s son was killed Livy’s got a broken arm and her kids have bruises but that doesn’t mean it was her I mean kids fall down and Hunter what about him Brian because he was a perfectly healthy dog but it doesn’t mean she killed our dog and I don’t know why she lied about her ex-husband but it’s none of our business sometimes things just happen and they can’t be explained but that doesn’t make her an abusive mom or crazy person no so what are the antipsychotic drugs for if it happened once it can happen again I want to go stay with your mom for a while Olive hurry up we’re leaving early I just I don’t know you do say it say it I’m not imagining this I didn’t say you were you didn’t have to look I love you okay we’ll get through this together morning hey morning morning everything okay um yeah fine well I have to apologized for the other night oh no you don’t have to I do I can be overly protective especially with all that we’ve been through and it comes out in terrible ways your mother you understand of course you okay to drive today what carpool oh right sorry I forgot sick in bed so we’re staying home oh that’s too bad okay well we better get going look who’s feeling better it’s a quick recovery Billy jump in learn lots I will Bye Mom [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] hey man would you do me a favor hand me that uh that ratchet so what’s new not much so any new uh job prospects not really yeah and uh everybody settled in over there I guess you know I uh grew up without a doubt around two probably why I go out of my way to be at home family is an important thing it’s everything so uh how’s Billy holding up you know with the moving all good I guess you know if um if you’re Billy ever need anybody to talk to or just just hang out with you know I’m right here right we don’t need another dad that’s not what I meant it’s just my mom always goes off on how we say we love flowers yet we pluck them we say we love trees yet we cut them down and then some people wonder why some are afraid when they’re told that they’re loved right yeah right man I get it get [Music] it Tad you’re it all is everything okay with Billy has he said anything to you about anything that’s kind of weird like what I don’t know maybe things from his past I don’t know Titus does hit a lot it’s Titus that’s tough maybe you just play with your other friends today okay why just please okay fine yeah I’m going to go home and pack up and then we’re going to go stay with Grandma Williams for a bit can you bring my bear of course love you love you too please let me be doing the right thing Titus that’s 3/4 in than don’t worry about that the machine I’ll pick it up hi this is the Valentine’s please leave a message and we’ll call you back hi it’s me look I know you don’t want to hear it and I don’t know what’s going on over there but Titus is not right they are not right I don’t know but I’ll call you on your cell [Music] good song yeah Hey listen will you hear me uh have me the gasket turn turn it down a little [Music] bit thanks man you know I’m the only people have ever had any kind of real feelings for with my family those others nothing sometimes I wonder why I’m like this feeling nothing wish someone could tell me honestly I’m curious what are you trying to say Tas I’m a sick person I know that I mean how could a normal guy do what I did it’s like there was another person inside me you’re not you’re not sick oh no I know I mean you learn what you need to kill and take care of the details first time you’re careful by the 30th time Titus Titus Titus no want to hurt them only wanted to kill them sometimes she all had one neck I had my hands on her tius Titus listen to me whatever’s going on we can we can talk no we’re friends you don’t even know me wait just wait wait don’t what do you want I want you to take your worst nightmares don’t and put my face to them tius it’s okay it’s not your fault so have a let over the professional the voice said that’s the person to kill [Music] Brian Brian Brian Brian Brian oh God Brian help somebody help O2 stats are way below normal getting the ventilator CED [Music] [Music] how is he stabilizing broken ribs internal bruising he’s in pretty bad shape this wasn’t an accident he did this just like the kid 2 years ago in Denver just like the father just like Hunter okay look those are huge accusations she could be covering for them please I’m asking you anything medical records they couldn’t have gone this long without raising some red flags something is not right over there I have to go pick up my daughter but I’m begging you please just look I thought my mom was picking us up it’s my afternoon pickup today come on hop in I just have to stop at work but we’ll get home soon [Music] [Music] [Music] 2 [Music] Emily oh hi uh have you seen Olive she just left what do you mean left Mrs Mo picked them up what how long ago not that long ago is everything okay [Music] Libby [Music] Libby Livy liby [Music] where is she liy he [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what are you doing you broke our window where’s your mother she’s not home if you know something that’s not yours please whatever’s happening what exactly is happening come on I just want my daughter back how you doing hi okay I hope everything works out for you yeah uh I I have they took my daughter what Tamar picked her up from school they never returned they never called and she’s not answering Olive’s gone and they have her hey it’s zomi listen I need an APB put out for an olive Valentine last scene approximately 3:00 p.m. in the company of Tomorrow Moore thanks I’m getting close I found this in one of their upstairs bedrooms [Music] Sean Sean Robert Johnson’s son the boy who fell from the cliff [Music] yeah there was an old woman who lived in a shoe she had s children she didn’t know what to do so she fed them all Bri without any bread and whipped them all soundly and sent them to bed wiard [Music] you’re just like your mom you know that what I don’t think I want to go in there where else you going to go home I did not leave that door open all right wait here behind you help [Music] [Music] I couldn’t get a hold of your mom again let’s hope she’s not too worried and Olive I have to apologize to you for everything we’ve put you through in the last few days let’s just hope the worst is behind us maybe we should go I don’t want to get in any trouble [Music] [Music] Emily Emily [Music] [Music] okay Billy it’s time bring it over for [Music] [Music] he [Music] h okay come on come on [Music] okay let’s go [Music] [Music] 12 please the woman vehicle Report Olive oh are you okay oh God I was so worried about you my son what’s going on [Music] to thanks sweetie how do you feel still punctured well ventilated I [Music] guess oh my it it’s beautiful it is isn’t it the car looks pretty good too wow it’s unbelievable I know you could have finished it yourself yeah not likely there’s no money for next year’s vacation but we can drive it anywhere we want want to go for a ride you drive what happened to never ever don’t R up [Music] [Music] [Music]


    1. The music throughout the news report about Shawn Johnson was too loud, so one was unable to follow the report, which was essential to the story. But otherwise a very good film.

    2. They seemed pretty underwhelmingly freaked out when the daughter finally came home. And dad only had a scratch on his face after having the car lowered on him?

    3. I don't real know why men in the name of husband and father dose not listen to their wife and children , he was luck that his wife came home in time order wise he would have be dead man .

    4. They should have called on the vet to determine the cause of the dog's death before burying it. I would cease association with the new neighbor immediately: no more visitations, socializing, carpooling and children's play dates. The wife suspects something is amiss, but her husband is naive–too relaxed.

    5. This family are stupid! The dog are always subject for those crimes they shouldn’t leave their dog outside during the night. Those people wanting dog to be there security gurad?eave their dog outside even specially winter?wtf

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