Took the Ribble CGR out for a spin, starting in Elmore and making our way to Ley Bistro in Frampton on Severn for lunch and then onto Purton to look at the wrecked barges, before looping back and getting a well deserved Gelato from Wholly cow.


    00:00:00 – Intro
    00:02:05 – Stem Adjustment
    00:05:19 – Ribble CGR
    00:11:43 – Fretherne
    00:13:50 – Cafe Stop
    00:15:10 – Tow Path
    00:15:43 – Fishing looks expensive
    00:18:29 – Purton Wrecks
    00:21:25 – New Roads
    00:24:00 – Bugs Ahoy
    00:24:38 – Bike down!
    00:25:41 – Manual labour Canal Bridge
    00:28:24 – Leg Burner
    00:29:56 – Saddle break
    00:30:35 – Off to get Gelato
    00:31:03 – Wholly Cow
    00:31:57 – Outro

    Cyclist trying to loose some weight whilst riding to cafes and eating cake: Road and Gravel cycling in and around the Forest of Dean, UK

    Check out my wife’s channel featuring more Bike rides

    #cyclist #bike #ukcycling #cyclinguk #gravelbike #roadbike #cycling #gravelcylcling #forestofdean #ebike #ribble #myribble

    hey everybody it’s a lovely day it’s Sunday 24° we’re in Elmore it’s going to do about a 30 mile leop maybe stop at the cafe in Frampton I’m on the old Ribble CGR non electric today it’s quite a flat route AP from this little lump we got here first of all so I thought I’d take this one out for a spin I haven’t used it for quite a while hopefully it’s Works hopefully my legs still work don’t have a motor to rely on today I’ve just noticed my handle bars are completely wonky they’re pointing in completely the opposite direction sort that out in a minute let’s be from where I changed the uh stem over on the other one I think we’re going to stop up here in a minute even we’ve only just started there’s a gelato shop up here so probably get some ice cream just here I think been riding less than a mile we going to stop already I need to um my stem’s completely help like that here Cy so I need to fix that first bit okay change your PL no ice cream yet sorted the stem out there so that straightener I think we’re going to try and stop by the pan racks it’s a load of old barges that were deliberately Beach to uh help prevent erosion on the bank of the river into the canal it’s quite an interesting place loads of old boats wrecked on the side of the bank I think we’re going to head into Pon from here there’ll be a little bit of a toe path ride to get down to the rcks and then from there I think I’m going to head towards slimbridge I think and then sort of loop back on ourselves back down here should be a good ride this is one of my favorite routes actually I used to do this or a variation of this route all the time back when I was cycling about 2011 12 it’s really nice and quiet around here usually lovely Countryside and it’s quite flat so it’s quite a nice fast rolling route although when I used to when I first started like and I came out this way those two little bumps we just did the one at the very start and that little one we just did they used to kill me I used to have to stop at the top of them now I barely notice them so shows how far it’s come Al though I’m still nowhere near as fit as I was sort of the end of last year we recycling a lot but hopefully I’ll get back to that now the weather’s better I was going to bring my focus road bike to do this but I couple of weeks ago I put some Moval chain rings on it to try out then it started pouring with rain I never actually got to test them out I put it on the turbo trainer and did some zift with it I haven’t actually ridden it on the road so I don’t know if all the gears were lined up and if it’s going to work too well so yeah I didn’t want to bring it out all the way here to find out it didn’t work so I’m on the old gravel bike I think we’re doing some tote path anyway so should make that a bit more comfortable though I have done it on the road bike before I was going to sell this when I got the electric one but actually the amount of money it’s lost since I bought it less than a year ago I think it’s been better off just keeping it I think to be honest it’s a spare or just to use sometimes I don’t want to take a massive hit on it can never have too many bikes I used to stop here all the time at this church to have a drink and a breather after doing that little bit of the loop there doing 23 mil hour in pointless bringing the ebike anyway I think I’m going to be sort of around that sort of speed for most of it so but I just been hunking 15 kgam bike around for no reason I suppose it’s kind of good for your Fitness this bike feels feather light compared to that one and this isn’t particularly a light bike I think you can beat too light down here any the wind can get quite strong gusts if you’re too light it just blows all over the place I think this one’s just about right feels nice and planted it’s easier to um hand film on this road than it is on gravel I’ve bought my stick today but I don’t know how I use it have you it’s quite busy along here today lot of cars about by our standards at least everyone out for their Sunday drive I swe that used to be a thing certainly used to do it with my parents when I was a kid just go out on a Sunday somewhere just drive somewhere maybe have a picnic or something we used to do that pretty much every Sunday that people do that so much these [Music] days can see May Hill from here let me see if I can I know we said this last time yeah I don’t understand how it got there and it was over there just now look surprisingly hilly from here actually how are you getting on on this bike today then all right so far good I was just saying that looks quite steep up there but I know it’s not yeah this bit I always used to find tires me out as well but you get used to it don’t you help if the road surface wasn’t crap I would have considered this a climb before quite a good judge of progress coming around here we know it we know how we perform on it oh yeah and that’s why you need to check under your car before you drive off a lot of potholes down here so be careful and mud any trouble with the countryside ter we just forgot about that that’s very badly indicated on my PO completely forgot there’s a turn there yeah I don’t think there was anything coming behind me but I feel like we’re blasting around this today yeah I don’t think we’re even going that fast but it just feels a lot quicker than we usually do it granted it has been a few months since we been round but now it’s getting good weather and that that we’ll venture over this way more often it’s coming into freezer now not a great deal here really I’m not even sure if there’s a shop nice Church quite like this stretcher road you can get a bit of speed going it’s a shame it’s always a headwind not always is when I come down here anyway this is framp turn on seven hope going to be really busy today it’s got a lovely big green sure we spoke about the last time we came down here car rare packed in there hi oh it’s warm it’s warm that headwind was actually quite nice I was thought oh lovely give me some more of that it’s going to be busy along this bit we going P sher’s Lane again it’s it there isn’t it yeah there we are you can PCH here can’t we yep where you going on the end okay was a lovely lunch um salad sandwich definitely recommend that Cafe for cycling in this area especially on a day like this sit outside oh there’s another one there look is it what part of that thing Swan new peeps have to look that up when we get home see what that’s about yeah oh that breeze is so good lovely bit of topa lovely bit of squirrel oh this is going to jiggle the lunch about isn’t it out have my um redest stem of carbon no you don’t do you going to be a bit jiggly they just going to be busy along here too lots of dodging C of s close up ahead yeah Cy is an expensive hobby stuff you guys I’ve got watch out fishing rods that’s all right taking your life in John’s down here up a fish in my mouth you got to watch fishing rods across the path as well just said that oh did you fishing rods and ares yeah oh they got some gear on them these days literally just said that too my brother I don’t remember him ever going out with this much gear didn’t e just used to have a net and a rod yeah that’s it everyone’s got like trolle and that now hi yeah Che thanks crazy the amount of stuff they’ve all got oh hello yeah I just said I thought s CL was an expensive hobby little bits and Bobs you buy these blat have got massive great poies fulles and all sorts just used to take your you know your little fold up little store store maybe a table your net Your Rod box of bait sorted yes this is pan Closs the route to go over the bridge and back down the road the other side but we’re going to take a short detour to see the recks bit further down the tow path on the other side so that is quite a beautiful boat look at all the gates and I’ve used to all these Gates here lovely and the rcks should be where are the rcks on the right somewhere you can go down that way or here I think go have a look I don’t know if you can ride down there very easily mind oh that’s right we can get off and have a look can’t we not much Point coming along here if you’re not going to go look at the rcks a actually it’s a good day for it cuz the ti is out quite well isn’t it good time there should be quite a few visible steps o steps bit of off-roading ah there we are look yeah you can see the ones out in the middle today they’re disappearing though aren’t they yep I used to come down here all the time to take photographs do like Sunset shots with the boats there’s hardly any water in the River today no idea if you can see me or anything else got the old selfie stick out another place definitely worth a visit if you’re in the area for I don’t think I’ve ridden any of these roads before so this is all new to me I’ve driven it before years ago I can’t actually remember where I plotted them up so I know we end up back on the roads that we came up in a while I did like a figure of Loop sort of thing I see a hill there is a hill that must be the 500 ft of climbing it’s probably not as bad once you get on it ah just nothing yes I know where we are now after to drive my Lorry up here for work sometimes one of our customers is up here yeah it’s always fun driving up here when someone comes the other way decent tall I like my elevation profile on my map just a dead Flat Line it is so flat lovely right there oh there so many bugs have to start wearing a face mask that was a big creature that just hit me there’s a lot of flies about oh I bet you’re please that isn’t your more expensive one no oh no not that you want any of them to fall over on Surface like that but oh I love this side entry thing it’s awesome so much easier oh Charming how some of that lovely it already smells a bit like that around here anyway doesn’t it beautiful same about the wind I’m enjoying the wind today do you know what I was saying I’d usually be complaining my butt off about a headwind but I’m enjoying it it’s very cooling oh man oh well that’s fairly good timing I suppose oh he’s got a man [Music] laor forgot there’s more toe paath yeah need good B steps for that all right good workout by the end of the day ago would been tce as busy to be [Music] disappear bit less tote PA though isn’t it yeah a little bit not as much as we had before thank you very much enjoy the rest of your day Church Frampton again back to the cafe to the cafe again second lunch I swear to God if we miss our ice cream I’m going to be devastated I think we might they might shut later I just it’s Sunday and you think it’s possible that they might shut at 4: but not necessarily some beautiful walls cool little things that a MK that’s cool scum it head little sure what that is Tom will know what that is no no you don’t car rare starting to feel it now it’s just this wind oh there’s Jess’s milk I knew that was around here somewhere thought it supposed to be all downhill I think we’re going to miss the ice cream place really we come out the other side of it I think so oh boo unless we drive to it maybe you should check if it’s open when we maybe we should stop and have a peek I think we’re parking time yeah yeah so I’m going to end it here un we go to the ice cream place thanks for watching we’ll see you in the next one I think my saddle just broke it’s not good yeah something is just my saddle’s just tilted backwards about 45° hopefully it doesn’t fall off this isn’t very comfortable change of plan we’re going to get gelato and I fix my saddle there’s a car coming there’s a car coming I’m getting good at balancing when staying still today and we’re back back at ho cow again well deserved ice cream goodness whoa that’s a big queue he’s a big thank you we get a guess guess I’ll wait here you need to choose your flavor mint mint on then we’re back at holy cow the holy cow it’s a big queue it is a big queue but um I’m going to go join it and get some welld deserved ice cream yummy they do really good to our here okay ice cream eaten massive queue for it but worth the wait I just got to go back down this hill find the van and now I’m going to end the video for real this time unless something happens between here and the van 2 minutes away thanks for watching please like And subscribe we shall see you on the next video actually scratch that that was the freakiest thing I’ve ever seen there’s an absolutely massive cobweb on that tree that bloke was looking at there absolutely covered in cobwebs like dripping all off it it’s horrible okay now I’m going goodbye e


    1. Looks like a fun route. I’ve been meaning to take a look round there. I often ride a bit south of that, a loop from Thornbury up to Berkeley and back. Fairly flat and quiet roads but as you say, the surface can be a bit poor (especially on 16” Brompton wheels!).
      Thanks for the vid, enjoyed that 👍

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