Planning on doing some Ireland Travel this year? Then this video is perfect for those planning their first trip. Find out from a local, things you SHOULD NOT do while travelling Ireland. The video includes things to do in Ireland, Irish hidden gems, tips on money & budget, Irish Slang & more.


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    Ireland Travel Vlog – Travel Ireland – Dublin Ireland

    things you should and should not do on your first trip to Ireland where Instagram DMS are constantly flooded with people planning their first trip to the Emerald Island they want to know about tipping they want to know about culture they want to know about Irish slang and the Irish language things that they should and should not do on their first trip to the Emerald Isle so as an Irish girl born and bred I thought I would fill you in on everything you need to know for your first trip to Ireland let’s dive in with the video so the first should not you should not pack for the season let me explain a lot of people presume that it is raining 24 7 in Ireland however that is not really the case oftentimes in the morning it could be nine degrees and lashing rain and then in the evening time you can have 15 degrees and blistering Sunshine the reality is we never really know what we’re gonna get and we often get four seasons in the one day that’s why I don’t suggest you pack for a typical season that you would get in other countries so if you’re planning a trip in the summer months of course bring some summer clothes but I also recommend bringing waterproof trousers a rain jacket and tons of layers if you still have questions about water pack for Ireland I do have a video that you can check out exactly on the topic okay I should you should come in the shoulder months so many people come in the summer because they presume that that is going to be the best time of year for the weather but that’s not always the case I recommend combing between March and may or maybe September and October there’s a few reasons for this first of all the Irish children are still in school so there’s far less people going on staycations and it’s nowhere near as busy with tourists I also believe that this is one of the most beautiful times in Ireland you get this like turquoise kind of color in the water and the cliffs are like a Musky Brown which doesn’t sound nice but I promise it is beautiful the next one is a really important one so listen up you should not I repeat should not say the phrase top of the morning to you nobody says that it is a Hollywood term and if you do say to an Irish person probably just gonna look at you with a blank stare and just probably walk off next should you should 100 check out some of Ireland’s hidden gems don’t get me wrong The Cliffs of Moher and the Giants Causeway are amazing attractions but there’s so many other beautiful places in Ireland that don’t get near really as much attention I recommend spending some time in maybe County Waterford or County Mayo if you’re looking to get a little bit off the Beaten Track and check out those beautiful places with half the crowd levels next should not you should not expect table service in a pub so we do have table service and restaurants but when it comes to pubs you go up to the bar order your drink pay at the bar there’s usually no tabs and you bring it back down to your table and on that note a next should is tipping so this comes down to personal preference it’s not compulsory to Tiffany Ireland I personally believe you should say a little thank you for the service that you get we typically tip in places like restaurants sometimes in pubs with our hairdressers a taxi man but we don’t tend to tip the likes of bus drivers but you do have to say thank you if you do not say thank you getting off an Irish bus people will presume you’re rude tubing is typically around 10 of the bill or you’ve rounded it up you should not ignore strangers so in Ireland if you make eye contact with a stranger it is very impolite to just continue walking on down the road usually we will smile wave say how are you give them a little nod just some sort of acknowledgment of hey I seen you I hope you’re having a nice day I really like it I think it’s a nice part of our culture and if you adapt these mannerisms you’ll get on very well in Ireland next tip is a good one for people looking to save some money and that is you should drink the tap water tap water in Ireland in restaurants and pubs is completely free you should not be charged for it under any circumstances and also in houses and rentals completely safe and tasty to drink so if you’re looking to save you Bob drink the tap water obviously if you are in a rental ask if it’s safe but I would be very surprised if they told you no the next one is an important unserious one so definitely take note of this you should not walk in the middle of a country road this is something that I see tourists do time and time again and it is not safe under any circumstances if you do happen to find yourself on a country road which is something that I do not advise but if you end up in that scenario you should walk in single file wearing something reflective on your body and if a car is coming towards you you should be facing the nose or the face of the car you should always be able to see the face of the driver and the driver should always be able to see your face too this is the correct way to walk on a country road and it could save your life because sometimes the speed limits are 80 to 100 kilometers an hour and you know you don’t want to end up in an accident or seriously injured and on that note just for someone who hasn’t been to Ireland before we don’t have sidewalks or paths on our country roads so this is is the reason why I’m bringing up this point if you’re enjoyed this video guys please give it a big thumbs up and a comment it really helps my channel to grow next one you should pre-book your accommodation this is an advice I really like given I like to be a flexible traveler but unfortunately Ireland is an expensive country and the later you leave it to book your accommodation the more you will pay so I recommend booking a few months or weeks in advance next one you should not call an Irish person British or from the United Kingdom we’re not either and we do not appreciate when we are told that we are also not living in the British Isles and it’s just something that you should refrain from saying and on that note you should not ask people about Ireland’s troubled past clinically speaking the island violent has two government bodies you have the Republic of Ireland which is in the EU and is an independent country and then you have the north of Ireland or Northern Ireland depending on your persuasion as they say in Dairy girls that is part of the United Kingdom and Ireland has a sad and complicated history but I recommend not bringing it over your average day person because no matter who you ask you’re gonna get a biased opinion if you do have questions on that matter I recommend bringing it up with a designated tour guide who will give you professional answers because the reality is everybody who lives on our beautiful little island is happy to see tourists come in and explore and enjoy how amazing it is now there are a few things that you should know about the North and the South so the Republic of Ireland is part of the EU so the Visas that you would need to enter there are European Union visas and then the north is part of the United Kingdom and because of brexit there might be different Visa scenarios for you depending on what country you come from so make sure to look that up before you plan a trip to Ireland however with that being said there is no hard border so you can drive from the North and the South interchangeably without having to go through customs another difference between the North and the South is is the speed limit so in the Republic of Ireland we drive in kilometers per hour and in the north it is Miles and then the last difference is currency so in the Republic it is Euro and in the north it is pounds that brings us on to our next should not you should not withdraw a lump sum of Northern Irish pounds the reason for that is you can’t use Northern Irish pounds in the rest of the United Kingdom so I know a lot of people who come over to Ireland and they’re planning to visit London afterwards and it makes sense for them to withdraw pounds while they’re in the north however that’s not gonna work if you want to spend that in England or in Scotland or in Wales so just keep mind of that and try just to use your card most places accept card anyway and you shouldn’t really need cash next one you should not just visit Dublin we have so many incredible Landscapes all across Ireland and they deserve just as much tourism as the capital and if you’re only here for a few days and you’re basing yourself in Dublin you should go on day trips if you’re here for five days do at least one day trip there are so many beautiful places surrounding Dublin that you can go explore and I do have a video on the top day trips that you can check out and I’ll also link tours in the description down below and to contradict myself a little bit you should not try do everything so if you’re planning a trip to Ireland and you have a week make a list of all the places that are on your bucket list and half that you’ll have a much more enjoyable Holiday by spending more time in each destination instead of bouncing around from HB and not really getting to experience the full attraction okay so the next few points I’m going to talk about renting a car I know most people will rent a car while they’re in Ireland and on that note you should not expect decent public transport I wish I could tell you we have great public transport and links between cities and towns and why we do have links between Dublin and major cities and towns and then some other cities and towns it’s really not that great and it’s really not that reliable there’s not really any way to get onto the coast in a timely manner and most of our attractions are on the coast it’s an unfortunate one but a sad reality hopefully it’ll get better in a few years time another should not is you should not drive on the right side of the road in Ireland we drive on the left which is not common in the rest of the world but luckily we do have signs everywhere reminding Taurus that we drive on the left there will be stickers on most rental cars to let you know and there’s also paint on our footpaths before you cross the road to let you know look in the opposite direction to where you’re used to if you are planning to rent a car in Ireland you should be mindful that most rental companies will take a deposit and put a hold on your card this is typically around 1 500 euro to 2000 Guru so I do recommend having those forms available it is returned to you when you return the car in one piece and another thing to do with rental companies if you are renting from Dublin and planning to drive out further in the country odds are you may end up going across the M50 toll the M50 is a toll bridge that you have to pay for usage on the road but unfortunately there is no man sitting in a box where you hand the money or you put money into a machine it is quite literally a scanner and it is really really easy to miss so if you’re planning on using Dublin motorways while you’re renting a car ask your rental company how the best way is to pay the M50 toll usually they’ll have measures in place or they’ll fill you in on what you got to do and the last bit on road usage is traffic lights you should be aware of how Irish people use traffic lights this is in reference to when we are walking I just want to clarify that not driving but Irish people don’t have the tendency to obey the traffic light system we are big fans of jaywalking and it’s just the reality I don’t think it’s legal but it’s just something that we tend to do and I advise as a tourist not doing as the Irish do in this scenario because the reality is we are used to the timing of our roads we’re used to a traffic light system and it’s not really safe but it is something you’re going to notice when you’re here next thing you should not do is withdraw money out of any ATM I recommend making your way to a bank and using that one or there are Bank ATMs that aren’t actually physically attached to the bank and usually our main bank is aib so if you use these types of Bank machines you’re going to have a much cheaper with Rafi the next point is for anyone watching from the US and one thing you should be aware of is unfortunately a lot of places do not accept American Express in Ireland not really sure what the reason is behind it but unfortunately it is just a reality and on that note you should bring a travel card that you can use freely throughout Ireland the one that I recommend is revolud I use it all the time for everything that I’m buying and if you do make Irish friends you’ll be able to easily transfer money in between each other’s accounts because it’s really common here in Ireland I do have a link in the description down below and if you get a card and make three transactions you get a free 10 euro so it’s a win-win situation and it’s just a prepaid banking app next one this is an important one so again listen up you should not ask about leprechauns you will not get a good response of Irish people so just don’t ask that’s all I’m gonna say about that point and on that point another should not you should not make fun of Irish accents or how we speak one thing that I get asked time and time and time again and I know I’m setting myself up for comments in this video but can you please say 33 333 trees and while it’s funny the first time or two when it gets repetitive it can be really really annoying and yet the reality is this kind of tree and this kind of tree is the same thing when it comes out of my mouth but what a lot of people don’t realize or forget is that English was not always the first language of Ireland and when we were learning the English language we were learning it from people who were not native speakers and there’s actually no th sound in the Irish language and that is why a lot of Irish people struggle to say it I personally cannot say the th sound I’ve tried time and time again and I’m never successful and for those of you who are planning on visiting Ireland for St Patrick’s Day there is one thing that you should not do and that is called the celebration Saint Patty’s Day p-a-t-t-y-s it’s not called that never has been never will be and if you say it in Ireland people are just gonna be like [Music] um it is either St Patrick’s Day or Saint Patty’s Day and they are the only two ways that you can say that holiday well come it’s great crack next should you should bring an adapter so this is the type of plug that we use in Ireland it is the same plug as they use in the United Kingdom cannot remember what the name of it is but you need an adapter that fits this style of outlet and continuing on with the team of electricity you should not expect there to be plugs or outlets in our bathrooms we do not have them we it is not regarded as safe in Ireland and it is an illegal requirement not to have any electricity flow in the bathrooms this is included in hotels and all that jazz so nowhere in Ireland are you going to find somewhere that you can plug something in to dry your hair or straighten your hair or shave your beard in in a bathroom next one is one that I get asked about all the time in my Instagram DMS you should not be worried read about Irish slang Irish people are very much aware that we speak completely different to the way people traditionally speak English and you know if you don’t understand what we say just ask us to repeat ourselves honestly we won’t be offended however in saying that I know it is nice to understand a few phrases that are constantly being used so here are the top ones that I can think of the first one is sorry so in Ireland like the rest of the English-speaking world the word sari is used to apologize however it also has another use and that is for excuse me so for example if somebody is in your way an Irish person will say sorry sorry and then if they don’t understand eventually they will say excuse me another way that sorry can be used is to question something so if somebody says something that you don’t quite understand instead of saying pardon or I suppose excuse me again you be like sorry like sorry question mark like can you repeat another phrase that we use quite frequently is to give out and this is something that I always struggle to explain in plain English and I probably will not give it a good explanation in this video either but an example of this is when I was a child if I did something that I should not have done my parents would be like Laura I don’t want to have to give out to you or I’m tired of giving out to you but they’re not really really Cross or Furious but they’re also not happy either it’s like a medium in between and it is a phrase that we use probably every day in Ireland next one is your man and you’re one so your man refers to a man and your wound refers to a woman and usually this is used if you don’t quite know the name of someone so an example that I can think of you’re walking down is City street and you see a man going down the street going like doing a chicken dance or something something funny and you look at your friend you go Jesus what’s your man doing you know it’s something along those lines and then if it’s a woman doing a chicken dance you’re like look at your one anyway we use that phrase a lot and yeah it confuses a lot of people and finally probably the most used word by Irish people and that is grand grand is used all the time when we speak and it can mean multiple things but most of the time it means okay so how’s your day Grant how was the party oh those grand Sherlock how are you getting on I am Grant like I feel like it’s just our response to everything everything is just yeah it’s okay but like it’s more than okay because I feel like okay he’s like mediocre where Grand is a little bit higher on the scale or mediocre and next should not you should not be afraid to ask Irish people for help we are incredibly friendly and we’re always looking to help 99.9 of the time so if you’re lost and you’re looking for directions don’t be afraid to stop someone and say hi do you know where this is they’ll point you in the right direction or they’ll send you somewhere where someone else can help you now it is important to be mindful that Irish people have The Uncanny ability to stretch the truth so if someone tells you it’s only around the corner that could mean it’s a five minute walk away or a 25 minute walk away our timing skills aren’t the best so just be mindful of that another should not you should not come to Ireland with Bad Manners we are an extremely polite nation and we do always use our pleas and thank you and we expect tourists to do the same also in Ireland it is polite to decline on first offer not really sure why we do it but I will explain what I mean by that so you go into your friend’s house and she goes hi Elora can I get you a cup of tea if I say yeah it should be like well that’s rude so I’d have to say no no you’re okay I don’t want a copper and then she’ll be like are you sure like I’ll get you a cup and I’m like no no no no you’re okay I go on just have one okay I’ll have a cup of tea when the reality is I always want that cup of tea it’s just impolite for me to say yes straight away doesn’t make sense but it’s just the way we are another should not you should not be shocked by swearing so in Ireland I think it’s a lot more socially acceptable to use curse words than it is in other cultures and I don’t know I feel like it’s just not something really bad and eyelid at and we also have substitute words that are less heavy on the tongue but still in some way are curse word because of the matter that we use them so for the f word we will say fek and for the s word we will say and these are far less extreme curse words and they’re very much socially acceptable in everyday life another thing that you should not be shocked by is the Irish use of sarcasm we are extremely sarcastic people and if we are sarcastic towards you it might be strange but it actually means we like you so just don’t be offended by it it’s just a bit of Banger and if it does get a little bit too much for you you just let the person know that it’s bothering you and they’ll try the rest to stop for reality is we just grew up like that from young children we’re very thick skin and we’re just used to that kind of back and forth nature of taking the person I suppose you should not let a door swing behind you so if you’re in a shopping center and it’s a push and pull door you should hold that for the person behind you and also that person could be a good bit behind you and they’ll see that you’re held in the door and they’ll start running really really fast to get to it but if you let the door swing behind someone you’re considered rude and yeah people just give you funny looks and be like why’d you do that so something to be mindful of something that you should be aware of is the Irish language is used a lot more in Ireland than you would expect we don’t speak it every day and it is a language that we’re trying to get back into a spoken level with Society whoever it is everywhere around Ireland so it’s used on our road signs to do some public announcements it’s used on you know our public transport and it’s also used in our everyday language to an extent for example the word crack which might be something that you’ve heard before I have this this lovely little Caution to show you and this says any crack and I am not talking about the substance or the drug the word crack in the Irish language means fun and in this instance any crack means any story any gossip any like juven things to tell me and and crack is just something that we use quite often as a nation in our English language and yeah it’s a great word love it I also have another little coffee mug to give you an example of the Irish language and this is germila mahogot and which means a thousand thanks to you um and you would think it means a million thanks but nope a thousands or thanks a thousand guramila thanks a thousand and I feel like that’s kind of something that we would also say quite frequently while we’re speaking English like almost like in a like if someone gets into my like oh gorilla and they’ll be like you know it’s I don’t know it’s just nice okay so drinking in Ireland we are known for our drinks and having the crack while we have a bit of alcoholic beverages so on that point you should not spend all your time in Temple fire don’t get me wrong I actually do think temple Fire is a good place for tourists to go have a listen to some live Irish music and buy a drink or two just to experience like the top tourist destination in Dublin but you’re not really gonna find any Irish people there and you’re also gonna pay an arm and a leg for a drink so once you’re finished in Temple Bar I recommend making your way to like the likes of Harker Street or Dawson Street or Camden Street this is where you’re going to find locals and look the drinks are still going to be expensive because it is Dublin and it’s an expensive city but a fraction of the price of Timber bar and on that note another thing that you should should be aware of is the term around so around is when you’re in a pub with a group of people let’s say eight and someone stands up and says I’ll get the first round that person will buy the round for all eight people at the table and then the next person will buy the round and then it will just continue around continue around it will continue on until all eight people have bought all eight people a drink does that make sense but it’s a really common tradition that we have in Ireland and yeah if you make Irish friends it’s probably something that you’ll end up being involved in and then the next two things are just things that you should try so the first one is you should try a shot of Baby Guinness so Ireland is known for Guinness but we also have this other alcoholic beverage that isn’t actually Guinness at all it just looks like a point to Guinness in miniature form and it is a shot it is not a shot that’s going to make you make a weird face like other shots it’s actually quite nice and it’s not crazy strong there is still alcohol in it so of course it is going to give you alcohol but it’s not crazy strong and it’s quite popular among Irish people so you should give it a try and if you want to try another thing that is like 21st century I don’t know if I can call it culture you should try a chicken fillet roll this is the Saving Grace of Ireland and we swear by it for a hangover cure basically in our supermarkets there are delis and you’ll go to the deli and they’ll be a shop worker behind it and they will make you a fresh sandwich wrap or roll and the chicken fillet is a really popular thing to put in this another thing that you should do is check out the Guinness Storehouse so a lot of people will presume that this is a bit of a tourist trap but I promise it’s not I’m not even a big Guinness Drinker myself but I love going to the storehouse and taking part in the experience pulling my own pint putting my face on it and having a sip and also once you’re finished experience you can go up to the top to the gravity bar which offers 360 views of the city it’s just a really nice thing to do while you’re in Dublin I hope you’re enjoying this video and if you are I think you’ll really enjoy my seven days in Ireland itinerary next thank you so much for watching and please don’t forget to like comment and subscribe I’ll see you in the next one bye


    1. All of this is much the same for Scotland too. Even the weather! In terms of language, we have the opposite. Englush people pronounce Loch as Lock. They can't say the ch sound. I should say that being of an Irish family we use "sorry" the same way. Which my wife still doesnt get 100%. In Scotland we say "yon man" which is the same as "yer man". I think its because a third of us in Scotland are of Irish descent and Scottish Gaelic was developed from Irish.

    2. We had a wonderful time in Ireland. On tipping your bus driver: at the end of a day-long bus trip my husband tipped the driver as we were disembarking. But he wasn’t paying attention and simply emptied his pockets of his euro coins. He tipped the man about 50 euro. It was a great day, yes and the driver was massively appreciative…but as a traveling person maybe pay attention to the currency 🤪 I’m sure that driver has a great laugh recounting the dumb American who tipped him like a lotto winner.

    3. The narrator is incorrect about the term " "British Isles" @26:00 it has nothing to with politics. It refers to the general geographical name and not a political unit.

    4. Very sound advice. Just to add, you can use NI pounds in the rest of the UK. NI pounds are sterling pounds and are legal tender in England, Scotland and Wales. People from the northern parts of Ireland (Ulster) can pronounce 'th' properly and words like 'many', 'any' (instead of 'manny', 'anny' and 'pattren' instead of 'pattern' etc). Be careful of Irish 'banter', especially in pubs where drink is involved.

    5. Great advice for those first-timers going to the Emerald Coast, Highlands, and Cities/Towns of Ireland. One thing I would add have a look at what festivals, or events are going on in Town or areas of Cities are going on before going because some aren't that fun, for example, Banbridge in the North, won't go deep in depth of it it is a bit brutal the Orangemen Order at times.

    6. VERY interesting and helpful, thank you! The various courtesy tips are, fortunately, things that my grandparents instilled in me (holding doors for others and the like).
      Most of my ancestry is Irish, with a bit of Scots & 1 from Wales, so I'd love to spend a full month in Ireland, but I doubt that'll happen (sadly).
      Question: what's a "temple pub (bar?)"
      Question: Here in the US, we have a mix that's half Guiness and half Harp (or Bass?). It was introduced as a "Black & Tan", but someone else said that was a kind of rude name and it should be called a "Half & Half". Which is correct, please?
      Last question: I really love Irish red ale, like Killian's or Smithwick; is it kind of touristy-pathetic to ask for such?
      Anyway, thanks very much!

    7. We are going to Ireland this summer. I am an O'Brien and planning to keep our visit in the west. Planning on visiting the church where my g,g,g, grand father married before leaving to America.

    8. More things not to do in Ireland. DO NOT say begorra! Which is actually the Irish Frankenstein. DO NOT say you are anaemic. Which is actually a Irish midget. If you are actually a American, DO NOT tell people how much you are worth. They do not want to know OR are impressed. It’s “ just a short way” up the road is really at least ten miles just as “it’s just round the corner” will really be a good half mile. And lastly, we really are that friendly and not engaging in a chat prior to mugging you. Enjoy the best country.

    9. When visiting Ireland always remember, if its warm by some miracle then it will be over very soon. Remember to bring jumpers that are used in the artic. And bring plenty of vasaline for your lips,failure to do so will lead to your face being wind burnt. Think cold,cold,and freezing and that's the summer. Oh and don't feed the immigrants, they might look sorry,but are scamming filth. So be aware,bring enough Money because you'll need it in the pubs,and bars. The food and service are exemplary.

    10. Jesus, if you go country mayo,you best be brave. You will need industrial woolen attire,from long jons to hat .in fact forget the hat youll be chasing it all the time. Irland is a buitifull place,but no matter how you dress it up its just too cold. It gets to the point you just get annoyed with the place.
      The wind is incessant, whatever month it is be summer spring, windy and bear the cold but that bloody wind .no!!

    11. Since when have Irish pound notes not been legal tender in England, Scotland or Wales? It is acceptable tender and if you have a problem go to a bank and they will change it for you! Obviously there might be a check to make sure it isn’t counterfeit! However who carries that much cash these days?

    12. There is no problem you can do whatever you like in ireland, all you need to do is identify yourself temporarily as a muslim immigrant from africa/middle east. You wont face any consequences for your actions.

    13. British Isles, group of islands off the northwestern coast of Europe. The group consists of two main islands, Great Britain and Ireland, and numerous smaller islands and island groups, including the Hebrides, the Shetland Islands, the Orkney Islands, the Isles of Scilly, and the Isle of Man.

    14. When you make a purchase, DO NOT use the shop's currency exchange they will charge a HIGHER exchange rate vs what your bank would charge. They will word it as an easier way to understand your purchase, it's a trick.

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