The City of Bristol has more people living Homeless in Vehicles, Camper Vans and Caravans than anywhere else in the UK. Bristol has been Named ‘Caravan City’ by the National Tabloids due to the Numerous Sprawling Homeless Encampments across the City. In this video I visit the homeless camps across the city, what I found was shocking levels of Poverty, Deprivation and Depression. Homeless People living in decaying Caravans amongst abandoned vehicles and Caravans. In Part 1 of Caravan City we headed to the Clifton Downs area of Bristol, in Part 2 we uncover the full extent of the Housing Crisis in Bristol. What I found was thousands of people living homeless in vehicles and Caravans across Bristol, however alongside the Homeless people with no other alternative other than Living on the Streets are a community of Van Lifers, people who choose to live full time in a Camper Van or Motorhome, Van Life as they call it. My return visit to Caravan City was a shocking one, hearing from the Homeless people and residents of the surrounding properties in Street Interviews answered a number of questions that so many people asked in Part 1… Buckle up, if you thought Caravan City Part 1 was bad, we barely scratched the surface.

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    National Headline ‘Caravan City’:

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    today I’m in Bristol otherwise known as Caravan City more people live in Caravans and vehicles here than anywhere else in the United Kingdom let’s take a deep dive into Caravan city today and explore the numerous encampments around the city of Bristol here I am with one of the residents here Rose and Rose I’m with one of the residents here so this Caravan actually has up the back alley was poo an enormous pile of garbage here feel in part one Caravan City we was barely scratching the surface and here you can see the beginnings of the Caravan City site on new stadium Road here in Bristol next to the main Ikea building and just off of one of the main roads in and out of Bristol let’s delve in and explore so as you can see here rows and rows of Caravans as far as the eye can see I must say these seem to be in a bit of a better State than the Caravans that are up on the Downs look at that fancy one clearly got a wood burning stove or something along those lines in there with The Flume at the side at the moment as I’m walking through the middle I have to say it does seem to be kept in a better State than the site on the Downs area of Clifton from Caravan City part one currently there doesn’t seem to be any huge piles of rubbish or anything like that seems to be all up together to be fair to them so what do you think the leading factors of this what we see behind us are could it be the cost of living the high rental costs in Bristol Bristol is the second most expensive city to live outside of London in the United Kingdom low wages what do you think the factors at play here are as you see Caravans behind me as far as the eye can see quite ironically all of these Caravans actually lay outside the Eastfield dep Depot of Bristol city council where take care of the pest control maybe that’s why this area hasn’t got as many rubbish bags in it there you go Eastfield Depot bral city council for pest control and Parks operations I’m assuming that’s the entrance into it there maybe that’s the exit this place is fairly up together and like I said in the last video it’s pretty much like any other campsite you’d visit across the UK however we’re just in the center of one of the UK’s major cities you can see people are making an effort got their plants out the front cooking utensils there a kettle there okay there’s an Old Trolley there to be fair no way near as bad as the last site we visited where there was big piles of rubbish outside a number of the Caravans granted not all but many of them okay there’s a few piles of trash there to be fair in caravan City part one I mentioned the figures released by Bristol city council whereby they stated that around about 800 vehicle dwellers are scattered around the city however from my investigations and video one and what I’m seeing so far I would say there is far more than 800 out and about around the city of Bristol I would double that figure we’re at the nitty-gritty end of the encampment here and as you can see there’s a number of trash bags here outside people’s encampment seeing a number of uber delivery driving in and out of here I wonder if these residents are actually delivery drivers as a job and with all these people and all these Caravans one of the main questions that was asked in the last video was where do they dispose of their waste well frankly I don’t know there is not a portal l or anything along those lines in the vicinity so frankly I have no idea where waste is disposed of you can see there there’s a takeaway delivery scooter and other scooters I wonder if the residents of this area of Caravan City I wonder if some of them are delivery drivers for takeaways would that then potentially explain what leads them here is it the low wages and the high rental costs in Bristol who knows there green one there look another delivery motorcycle more delivery motorcycles and another delivery motorcycle and another one I’m with one of the residents here so tell me brother how long have you been here uh about 2 and 1/ half years really how are you finding it was it by choice or um more cost of living y yeah just forc me into a f really really I was um renting with two friends they got girlfriends and then got their own place and then had know one to live with no way so I fig out um yeah really it just cost a living cost a living and that’s that’s what I’ve heard elsewhere as well Bristol is one of the most expensive places to live in outside of uh London yeah which is mad because I was coming here like 10 years ago yeah and all my mates were moving here because it so cheap for the rent really yeah yeah so good here you get place no it’s the opposite no it’s the opposite I actually love it to be fair I living oh nice my girlfriend calls me a caveman calls you the caveman well it seems like you got a nice little spot and how’s the community here you know here is CH we got me my friend am over there um and then just loads of Brazilians actually wor for deliver room but they love it they do a big cook up and that do they barbecue get the Sal music playing yeah too right it’s a party oh that’s cool yeah yeah the Brazilians are cool man no way but they’ve clocked on you know it’s too expensive to so all just in the Caravans looking for deliver yeah makes sense saving their money yeah yeah same as me same as you saving up so what’s the end goal mate are you going to pitch on elsewhere what’s the feel just I’ll just save and travel really that’s nice nice bro just back for summer save some money off for winter what you do kind of live a bit more sort of nomadically rather than just bit in sort of St here yeah cuz it’s cold in the cold in the winter what is a couple of the difficulties that you do face living uh taking a yeah cuz I don’t want a in my van of course but I got Ikea there yeah um and then oh so you can use the public toilets in Ikea yeah water yeah um same again I just take all my washing off washing like here do it just washing the toilet uh washing your clothes submission and shower go to B Time Spa but you know takes an hour out my day where just hop in the shower and get home your day of course yeah yeah sort of five minute thing but for you you got to go an hour out your way to go and do that sort of stuff I’m living off gas at the minute so if I run out of gas I go freezing really yeah of course and that sort of explains why you sort of tried to chip off two track suits two sleeping bags in the do making sure you don’t freeze yeah and your nose is freezing oh thank you ever so much for your time real pleasure meeting you nice just had a lovely chat with one of the residents fellow by the name of stiggy and he clarified what we were saying earlier on in the video in regards to the delivery drivers Apparently that is a community of Brazilians that live here and drive for Uber and deliver and other companies alike delivering takeaways around the city of Bristol well guys that was the new stadium Road area of Caravan City let’s head over to another encampment now and find out what’s there I’m just approaching another encampment here in Bristol and just on the walk too and as you can see just off the side of the road here on the way to the next encampment an enormous pile of garbage here absolutely huge goes all the way down the hill bags and bags of litter amongst other unsightly objects just on the side of the road here on the way to the next encampment here behind me you can see another encampment here on the outskirts of Bristol right in the middle of a residential area as you can see various different units that people are staying in got like a little micro camper thing here I can tell you what a number of these have not moved in a long time you can see there that’s fully set up an outdoor cooking area and washing area big sink see the recycling set out there so it can be done nicely it’s a good example of how it can be done there sticking this recycling out good on you mate wow look at the back end on that one wooden door on it BL me as you can see we’re right in the middle of a residential estate here in Bristol there’s so many spots within Bristol where you’ll find pictures of like 10 and 20 Caravans we’re with two of the kind residents here of Bristol and they’re just telling me their experiences of having Caravans and motor homes parked outside of their property and then I didn’t mind them being there but up the back alley was Pooh with toilet paper at various intervals along the way right and I didn’t like that really no that seems to be one of the main difficulties is how how do they dispose of the waste safely and though the local pub was willing to have them come in and use the toilet there they couldn’t obviously do that at night yeah so they were moved and so did did you say that the Caravans were moved on they moved and then they put a sort of cycle path so that they couldn’t par there anymore ah okay okay cuz they does seem to be as we’re just talking now there’s a there’s a row of Caravans just to the left of us and there does seem to be sporadically placed sort of plots of 20 or 15 Caravans around the city well I I think if you’re a caravano you just go where there’s a space don’t you exactly it seems to be doesn’t it yeah I don’t think it’s being controlled by anybody it doesn’t seem to be numbers are certainly increasing yes well well it’s better than people living on the street it certainly is Sir isn’t it and to be fair a lot of the people that are in the Caravans that would be their only alternative would be the street so it’s a really tough one isn’t it it’s a very bad situation it is indeed the rents are terrible the rents are really high the wages are quite low and so it’s those people in the middle that are um are stuck yes thank you ever so much for your time I really do appreciate that guys thank you very much there you go guys we heard it from a resident of Bristol who had Caravans actually pitched up right next to her house and she said that she would often find human excrement and urine about the place seems to be one of the major difficulties for people living in Caravans is how do they dispose of their waste safely it’s a really really tricky one and it’s one that Lit the comment section up of Caravan City part one people questioning how do people wash how do they get rid of their waste all of these things well we’re starting to find out so I’ve just arrived at another area where there’s plenty of encampments here in the City of Bristol we’re overlooking St Andrew’s Park and behind me you can see more Caravans left in a total state of disrepair can see there the wheels are totally flat there ain’t no way that’s being tolded so this Caravan actually has a council notice on it Council aware fight tip under investigation minimum F of £400 so the person staying in this one is currently under investigation by Bristol city council for fly tipping see this this in a total State as well there’s another two camper van up here there’s just so many in Bristol it’s even got a little cat flap on it that one windows in the side as you can see houses behind we’re right in the center of a residential area of Bristol there another camper van over there and another one there another question that was frequently Asked in the last video at Caravan City in the comments how do these people provide a decently cooked meal for themselves if they haven’t got gas and they don’t have the equipment inside their Caravan to be able to provide that hot meal for themselves there another two campers there as I say mixed in amongst the other residents of the area you can see a really big camper van here outside a property here in Bristol I wonder what those residents that are sat in that window are thinking as they look out of their window to see this giant camper van it’s a really tough one guys one that most of the residents that I’ve spoken to today agree with me where are they actually supposed to go just walking down a residential area here and I’ve counted nine different camper just on this small residential Road here and if that’s anything to go off of I would say there are thousands around the city of Bristol you can see here another row of Camper vans got big one here we’ve got six or seven here on this left hand side as well I wonder how long these ones have been here for and I wonder what the residents of this property here and the ones next door think as they look out of their Windows every day to see this I don’t expect this what they purchased the property for there another eight Camper vans in this small little area here at the bottom of St Andrews Park Bristo is home to more people that live in vehicles than anywhere else in the United Kingdom and it just goes to show when we was filming part one Caravan City we was barely scratching the surface as I’m walking past two more Camp van here in Bristol in a residential area it’s a really tricky one if the council come and evict these people where are they actually going to go there is no permanent Caravan or motor home park that these people can actually go to in the center of Bristol can see this one again it’s got the big open back on it we’ve seen that quite frequently here in Bristol today with these old lorries are converted they put the wooden back on it really is a mixed bag here in Bristol you’ll have people that are choosing to live van life living right next to people that have got absolutely zero other choice and it’s either the Caravan or the streets can see on the back of this one poy van life I’m back at the largest encampment here in Bristol or should I say Caravan City I’m here on the Clifton Downs Where it All Began where Caravan City part one was filmed well on my last visit there was a big bin here completely overfilled spewed out all over onto the floor but it looks like at present somebody’s come and tided those away the problem with the litter does certainly look to have improved well guys I’ve got to be honest and I’ve got to be fair it does look like the rubbish has been cleaned up since my last visit we are going to head up now onto the main row of Caravan City and find out if anything has changed well guys on my last visit there were piles and piles and piles of rubbish lying in these Caravans here and it looks like Bristol city council or someone has come out and sorted out the problem here I am with one of the residents here Martin how are we mate good good good man it seems to have improved remarkably y so were the did the council come out and clear the rubbish or uh I’m not sure cuz it’s all gone I was probably asleep at the time yeah so how do you find life here uh well my situation is a little bit worse so like I explain to you uh I lost my miss my house and my drive one day yeah so ping the last bit of money into this shed yeah and uh yeah just trying to live life well there’s a nice little Community here I will say that yeah it’s amazing yeah good we’ got a new neighbor down there he’s all right oh is he he’s so do you get them coming from all over the UK then uh well I haven’t met many no I don’t really ask him any questions keep yourself to yourself Martin yeah yeah probably the best way sometimes mate that’s probably the best way yeah no nice little Community it was all about um throwing up maybe like a outdoor party or barbecue oh if you do send the invite this way Martin I’ll be down mate yeah yeah it is a community here mate and I will say that for sure what would you say is one difficulty of living living here and one benefit uh well freedom freedom for sure but uh at the moment obviously I haven’t got shower facilities or you know cleaner facilities so yeah yeah so that would be the difficulty that’s the back and forth bit the back and forth bit it’s um I interviewed a fell down next to Ika and he said the exact same thing so I I’m looking forward to trying to get a caravan yes at the moment okay so that’s the next step then is get the Caravan but I’m still going to keep that yeah yeah absolutely it’s bloody awesome I pointed it out so many times in the last video is the red is the red mini one oh awesome a lot of it seems to be out of necessity if you guys didn’t have the Caravans there would be no alternative yeah so it’ be a tent it would be a tent or you be would be out in the street yeah I’ve done that a couple of times and you’ve done that already Mar yeah bus stops bus stops sh FRS yeah and at least you’re here and you can call this home upgraded to a yeah mate it look super tidy inside as well I just had a little peek through in Martin’s little cabby there and it looks really really tidy you can CH some phot if you want got everything you need in there though mate really haven’t you yeah bed food bed food and yourself tiny little uh and you got tiny little there as well well that’s not it that’s where my food is but I’m just jumping inside you can see stinks a little bit no it’s all good refresher can still see big row here but I will say this row here was filled last time as well so whether or not they’ve been moved on or they’ve moved to a different area of the city I don’t know it’s definitely improved since my last visit I can’t see any signs of the huge piles of garbage about the place now but they still haven’t sorted out a big bin for them or any means of disposing of their human waste those questions lit up the comments section in the last video where do these people dispose of their human waste where do they dispose of their litter and their garbage just spoke to a resident Caravan City she preferred to stay off camera and it was a really sorry tale just like so many that I hear of that are here it’s by necessity they’ve got no other choice unfortunately it’s over here or the streets you can see there the camper van that we had a look inside of during Caravan City part one and now there’s a number of new neighbors that have moved in alongside the Yellow Horse box that was there previously well guys that was Caravan City I’m really happy to report things are much better here on the Downs now since my last visit let me know what you think in the comments below and I’ll see you on the next one


    1. Thanks to everyone that's watched! Let me know your thoughts in the comments & Please share the video with like minded people to help shine on a light on this situation… See you on the next one 🙏👊

    2. St.Werburghs resident here… in-between IKEA and St.Andrews.A lot of our van dwellers have been moved on from Werbs by the creation of cycle lanes too
      I think you need to make the distinction between caravans, not allowed on Bristol streets officially and some will get towed by the council.
      And campervans which are fine to park on the road as long as road tax is paid like any vehicle.Also a lot of those campers are OWNED by local residents.You seem to assume they're all full of full-time vanlifers but many are just recreational

    3. Governments have driven down and then held wages low with nasty economic policies. The promise back in the 70's when there was overwhelming pressure for housewives to enter the labour market was a better living but they then cynically used that to drive down wages. A working couple is needed now to provide what just a mans wage would provide for his family back then. Wholeheartedly agree with women being in the workforce, just that the family income should refelect the fact that 2 people are working in that household now where only one was years back.

    4. Well yeh, Council tax, high rent, bills…what else is one supposed to do, Shame it is not like USA ..loads of woodland which anybody can build a house on ..I wanted a boat …way to expensive ..cant do nothing in UK as bit of freedom.

    5. I will not comply
      I sold my house and live in a caravan i live and work nomadic around the UK why the fk do i want to be stuck in one place paying crazy high bills ?

    6. I wonder how gypsies and travellers relate to this…. Do any members of these ethnic groups join in and are these encmapments mistaken for traveller camps?

    7. The sad thing is i think people wouldn't so much mind if they all kept the place clean . It's obvious that people are not going to be happy with rubbish piling up everywhere

    8. This country has been on a spiral for decades, but this seems to be part of a global reset that is most noticeable on the West as living standards begin to nose dive, cost of living astronomically soars while wages stagnate (which they have been slowing in real terms since 2000). We can all have theories why this is happening. Its hard to say what the end result will be but there is a strong indication that we are being lowered to the lowest common denominator, that the banking and corporate elite want us to own nothing and that may be there are just too many people on Earth and its time to humanely and inch by inch – thin out the herd. Whatever it is, we have not hit the bottom yet in this controlled collapse things are going to get a lot worse!

    9. Without yours & a few other channels most wouldn’t even be aware of the deep seated social decay, keep up the good work because the mainstream avoids focusing on the real issues going on.

    10. That guy u interviewed is that 10foot the graffiti artist he has it written on his top. His my num1 artist il love to meet him one day

    11. Dear Joe, what another excellent video of part two you have made. I am pleased that you referred to the sanitation and waste disposal that most people were afraid to ask especially in the UK where things like that and sex are always taboo. With hot weather on the way in the next few weeks things may well exacerbate seriously with the sanitation problem. The council could help and supply portaloos but I think they don't because it encourages them to stay. If moved on where will they go and will there
      be forced evictions from the council under police supervision. A better solution would be an allocated caravan park with all facilities and amenities, don't you think. In your last Bristol video I referred to and mentioned sanitation and waste disposal so thanks for picking that up and pointing it out. However, in many caravans they do have basic toilets and even a small wash basin. I am sure you were filming in Effingham Road Bristol, it looks very much like it and I lived at the top of number 69 in the 60's, what a small world. At least they can walk to the shops in Gloucester Road just a couple of streets away for provisions and water and even dump their rubbish next to a litter bin where the council will pick it up sooner or later. There is no or little excuse to tarnish St Andrews with trash when they can dispose of it in the High Street and taken away. These are now obviously gentrified houses but in the 60's they were ordinary houses with bedsits. The view of the park is an added bonus for the residents one supposes if they get a clear view.They still need water that has to be collected and IKEA won't sustain loo visits from too many people for long periods. They will get wise and change the rules and flush them out so to speak (no pun intended) my jokes always have a chain reaction to some people.I hope you may still visit Luton as you mentioned perhaps in the autumn. I would love to take you to the Wetherspoons for a drink, meal and a good chat as I suggested earlier in one of your videos. I do know that you and I will have lots to talk about should we meet.


      Luton UK

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