Stage 03/21 of our Bicycle Tour
    We fly from Dushanbe in Tajikistan to Hamburg in Germany. After some days in Hamburg we start our bicycle tour through Germany. The route takes us to Cuxhaven, Bremerhaven, Bremen, and further along the Weser and the Fulda to Kassel and the town Fulda. Then we cycle across the Rhön mountains to the river Main. From there we cycle to the Tauber-valley and then the Jagst-valley until we reach the river Neckar.

    we have been traveling on our bikes for 4 and a half months now and in a few days we will fly from Duan Bay back to Germany to be more precise we fly via munic into the north of Germany to Hamburg we continue by bike from hurg to kooken then along the vasil the Fula the mine the yak and the necar to our hometown stutgart before we leave Tajikistan we organize everything and look together with Marcus and Stefano at Tuan B we particularly like the bazaar the most then the time has come everything is packed after almost 5 months and visits to 12 countries we are flying back to Germany short stay at Munich Airport and then we fly on to Hamburg we spend a few nice days there with our daughter [Music] [Applause] Nicole we enjoy the time together and sail on the El to blankin there has to be a bit of culture every time we visit hurg this time we have a look at and in the Mel after all the mosques in the past few months a Christian Church is a good change we start our bike tour through Germany in the old elit tunnel finally well-maintained cycle path again after around 4,000 km M on roads for cars and trucks typically along the German Coastline sometimes on the [Music] Dyke on our first day of cycling in Germany we reached St a very beautiful htic city with a small Harbor and lots of half timbered houses sometimes rain and sometimes sunshine this is how it went along the [Music] coast flat land with lots of sheep and soon we will come to brma [Music] halfen so B of this a beautiful place than we take the ferry to the left side of the laser to Northern ham at the Hun barrier near El flet we only have to wait a few minutes until it is opened again to cyclists and [Music] pedestrians we reach preman just in time for lunch look look around a little bit go for something to eat and in the afternoon we cycle about 20 km th along the Vasa until we find a campsite for the night the weather is very unstable and unfortunately rarely as beautiful as in these pictures when the weather is bad we simply don’t take enough photos or videos nevertheless we camp whenever it’s possible like here in Sten now here we go on a day tour around the Stein Hooda [Music] M today we will reach poav vest falika this also means that we are now driving from the flat Countryside into the German low mountain [Music] ranges with this Aqueduct the Middleland Canal crosses the Vasa in Minden we have just left Minden and can already see the Kaiser Wilhelm Monument on the mountain to the right in front of [Music] us in hamon this Monument commemorates the pipe [Music] Piper and in Borden F this sculpture to Baron mous the Vasa is getting smaller and the weather changes every few minutes we are constantly putting on and taking off our rain gear that’s good for the nature but we would like it to be a little bit more [Music] stable we always arrive safely on the other side however we don’t know whether he [Music] succeeded from hanov Munden on we drive along the river [Music] Fula near milfeld we have to use this cable Ferry [Laughter] [Music] m in Fula we stay overnight in what feels like the most expensive youth host hostel in Germany the weather in hessen is just as poor as in lower Saxony we cross the run and are in Bavaria weather isn’t any better either at their time we come into B wenburg and all of a sudden the sky opens up and the sun shines so we take off the rain gear and enjoy the sun we drive along the river Yak to Halon where we reach the well-known NECA Valley and after 6,701 kilm by bike we treat ourselves to a train ride to stutgart [Applause] [Music]

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