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    Welcome to UrbanNews #16. In this episode –
    00:00 – Intro
    00:16 – Brazil will buy thousands of electric buses
    01:04 – Bullet trains in Toulouse, France
    02:08 – New tram lines in Casablanca, Morocco
    03:18 – Stadler trains in Dallas, USA
    04:11 – New Turkish trams in Timisoara, Romania
    04:56 – New subway trains for Oslo, Norway
    05:54 – Tram expansion in Warsaw, Poland
    06:30 – Drivers will be paid for cycling in Florence, Italy
    07:57 – Trains suffer from cable theft in Barcelona, Spain
    08:37 – New tram bridge and stolen cables in Stockholm, Sweden
    09:03 – Rebuilding project of the destroyed bridge in Baltimore, USA

    #cityforall #urbantransport #urbannews #train #tram

    hello everyone it’s Sunday my voice is back so here is the next episode of the most interesting Urban Development news from around the world and by the way I’m still making this episodes weekly so subscribe to the channel not to miss the future [Music] content the Brazilian federal government has announced an investment of nearly 2 billion us to modernize public transport across the country the program covers the purchase of more than 5,000 new transport units such as battery buses diesel buses of Euro 6 standard and trains the main goals of the program are to reduce emissions and improve air quality in cities reduce fossil fuel consumption and stimulate national production so all of these vehicles should be ordered from local manufacturers which will also be beneficial for the Brazilian economy and in addition to the electric buses themselves the program will also so include installation of charging infrastructure and staff [Music] training in French city of tulo they launched the construction of a high-speed rail line to connect the city with Bordeaux and Paris when the line is finished the trip from too to Bordeaux will take 1 hour and 5 minutes and too to Paris 3 hours and 10 minutes in total there should be built 220 km of new lines between bordo and tus two new stations in Aang and montabon and a convenient transfer to local public transport in to lose itself the line is scheduled to be launched in 2032 and its total cost is estimated at14 billion in addition has recently been launched the so-called to lose North Rail Link this project worth almost a billion EUR increased the number of tracks at the northern entrance to too to four on a 19 km stretch ending a bottleneck that prevented the required number of trains from moving [Music] simultaneously the Moroccan city of Casablanca is preparing to Louch two new tram lines that will increase the total length of the network by 60% construction of the T3 and T4 lines began in 2019 but was delayed mainly due to the coron virus pandemic and was mostly completed only at the beginning of this year since March 2024 both lines have been undergoing test runs and are currently simulating scheduled operation the line operates 66 C x05 trem cars which elom has been supplying since 2022 and they are equipped with a single driver’s cap and doors of both sites for two-way traffic the network in Casablanca is designed so that none of these four lines share a common track section but have intersections with the possibility of transfer in addition the city has a long-term plans to build a Subway as the population of the glomeration has reached 3 million and the tram in some areas is already operating at the limit of its [Music] capacity meanwhile Dallas Area Rapid Transit is starting a test run of eight new studler trains the trains are set to begin operating in late 2025 on the silver line a 42 km 10 station commuter route connecting Dallas Fort Worth International Airport to Shiloh Road testing will continue throughout the fall between the null train station in Dallas and the terminal B station at Dallas airport studler has been awarded 119 million US dollar contract to deliver eight flirt dmus in 2019 each consisting of one motor wagon and four passenger ones all of them were assembled at the manufacturers plant in Salt Lake City and the last one arrived to Dallas earlier this [Music] year the Turkish company bosan Kaya has prepared for delivery the first tram from a new order for the Romanian city of timisoara the Turkish manufacturer began cooperation with timara back in 2019 when bazan Kai delivered 23 trams in purple Livery the new delivery of 17 trams will be painted in yellow these new tramps are interesting because they can travel at least 70 km without a contact Network thanks to their battery system and for this feature Turkish tramps received the European Railway cluster initiative award in 2021 and the title of the most invative company in Europe not bad [Music] the Norwegian Capital Oslo has signed €150 million e contract with CIF for supply of 20 Metro trains with an option to add 90 more trains in the future they will also be equipped with onboard batteries that will allow them to reach the next station in case of power outage in addition the trains will be prepared for driverless operation in accordance with goway 4 standard the new trains will be used in particular for the f Neu line which is currently under construction and is scheduled to be completed in 2027 this line will be about 7.7 km long and will have six new underground stations currently the tban fleet consists entirely of 115 MX 3000 trains from Simmons delivered between 2005 and [Music] 2014 the Polish Capital War so has launched a newly constructed tram section in the Shela District the new section which runs along gurka spova and Gagarin street is about 2 km long and served by line 11 which runs from lower makot and goes by the Central Railway Station in addition to the trm line itself the renovated streets also received bicycle lanes and new Landscaping the trm frequency will be 8 minutes during peak hours and 12 minutes at other [Music] times the Italian City of Florence has decided to use money to encourage car drivers to switch to bicycles and allocated €1.2 million for this purpose the program is called pedala fan Premier and offers participants the opportunity to receive up to €0 per month based on 20 cents per kilometer those cyclists who already use bicycles will receive slightly less up to 15 cents per kilometer to participate in the program citizens will need to register through a special application and then they will receive a special antifraud device which is a patented system for monitoring and gamification of Urban Roots and in total there should be 2,000 participants the 200 most active users will receive additional €100 every month you know I have some mixed feelings about this news of course encouraging people to choose a bicycle is a good initiative but will this financial stimulation really work especially since €30 per month seems to be a very weak motivation and by the way what about the cycling infrastructure in Florence are there safe bike Lanes everywhere so what do you think of this initiative is it okay or not [Music] in Barcelona Spain several Suburban train routes have recently been disrupted the city is suffering from thefts of copper cables and allegedly after one of these incidents a fire broke out in the City rail tunnel and all trains were forced to stop in the suburbs and the fact that this happened on the day of the local elections make this situation even more controversial but in any case this story shows how complex and sensitive the modern public transportation system is and I really hope that Barcelona can put an end to this [Music] situation and a very similar case recently occurred in Stockholm a part of the power cable was also stolen on the newly built Lila leading go Bron tra and pedestrian bridge and because of this the test run of the trams had to be postponed by the way the cables there were not C ER which was obviously what the thieves were hoping [Music] for in one of my previous videos I already talked about the collapse of the bridge in Baltimore and this time the news is about its reconstruction the company named webuild group has announced that they has submitted their preliminary design and plans for the rebuilding of the Francis Scott KY Bridge To Us officials the company which has a subsidiary in the United States said that their design would make the bridge safer by expanding the channels through which ships can pass we build group is known for being among the companies that built the S Georgio bridge in Genoa Italy in just 15 months to replace the Morandi Bridge which collapsed in August 2018 the project completed in 2020 cost a total of 290 million including the cost of demolishing the remains of the collapsed Bridge meanwhile the Maryland State Transportation Administration plans to announce a formal tender for the bridge rebuilding by the end of May and they estimate that it will cost between 1.7 and 1.9 billion US and the Reconstruction is expected to be completed by the fall of [Music] 2028 so that’s all for now thanks for watching and see you next time by the way if you like my videos and would like to support this Channel’s development you can do it through patreon or YouTube sponsorship there are no small donations so I’m very grateful for any support all links are in the video’s description


    1. the Florence cycling idea is not the best, since the extra 100€ will not go to bikers, and definitely not people who used to drive cars, but rather itll be cyclists, the people who cycle for fun/for sport

    2. Yeah I doubt anyone is leaving their car for 30 euros a month. I think making car ownership somehow more expensive is a better solution.

    3. France implemented a renewable transportation yearly bonus for people who go to work by carpooling, cycling or using e-scooters. It's a facultative bonus for companies to give to their employees, and the employee just has to declare that they use eco-friendlier solutions, but it's still a nice incentive of up to 800€/year.
      I think it's pretty good but I'd prefer the money to be invested in making the bike infrastructure better in cities.

    4. The Florence initiative represents a lot of money. This money could be used to build bike lanes, and when they are bike lanes, people bike… so I don’t really understand

    5. The rising cost of car ownership in America is going to help push in a new era of public transportation. Once ppl start to realize that car ownership is a massive scam they’ll start switching sides

    6. I hope Brazil does well. I've only spent a little time in South America, but it seems like there's a desperate need and a lot of opportunity for good transit, especially intercity rail.
      Toulouse looks more and more appealing every day.
      I'm curious about the bike scheme in Florence. I've only been there once, maybe eight years ago, and while it was a pretty walkable city, at no point did I think, "hmm, I'd like to bike here." But I felt the same way about Lisbon, and I've seen that they've put in a lot of new infrastructure since I was there. So, who knows? Maybe it'll work.

    7. It will be interesting to see how they replace the Francis Scott Key bridge, and if they add rail to it. It will be interesting to see if they keep the name or change it (since Key, who wrote the lyrics to the United States anthem, was a slaveowner.)

    8. 8:38 the stolen cable was replaced, and the first test run of a tram across the bridge has been done now 🙂
      The new bridge is two tracks, and decent sized bike path and pedestrian path. It replaces a bridge that was single tracked, and had a much narrower bike/pedestrian path.

    9. A bit of financial incentive is fine, but not nearly enough for people to actually change habits. What cities truly need is proper bike infrastructure – bike lanes and bike parking. If you have that, then sooner or later more and more people will start choosing the bike.

    10. Yeah, I'm not sure about that paying people to cycle thing. I would imagine that taking that money and using it to add new bike lanes would probably a more effective way to use the budget to get people to cycle.

    11. sorry to all you Calvinists who want to use a a stick to make people leave their cars in Italy. that a sure way to lose in italian elections

    12. I wonder in florence if it wouldnt be smarter instead of spending the 60.000€/month to 2000 people (~0.5% of Florence City population), to use this Money for upgrades to the bike infrastructure and maybe also long distance cycle paths.

    13. It’s funny that I know a YouTube channel on urban planning with a name very similar to yours and its author also promotes the same general ideas as you
      Your stand in urban planning is very similar at all

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