A fresh morning’s ride with Noel from Blyth taking in a loop including Langold, Letwell and Firbeck via fields, woods, roads and bridleways.

    About 20 miles on the flat and very enjoyable.



    [Music] hello guys we’re on 3° now it was earlier 2° it’s a Saturday morning in November and if you look closely we are on the old great North road heading towards borty the sun is shining there is blue sky and it’s [ __ ] cold it’s amazing how quickly it just drops So today we’re heading towards borry and parking at BL and doing a circular Loop of langold and verb and I think it’s cat on I don’t know I don’t know um but um yes I will where I’m here I am I will see you at blly the beauty of blly oh place I know place I’ve been through seems I’m going through it again right we take a left up here um it Sheffield it say Sheffield rather Sheffield Road there you go we go this way oh still Golden Leaves still Golden Leaves still Golden Leaves not your fault weather lot of yes there was yes there was can’t be out this kick it kicks up a loader yeah yeah it’s about time you [ __ ] up straight down now all this is this is what you call a descent brother not what you’re accustomed to oh God that’s how I picking these days it’s a wintry day veryy cold Ro Sky Ace ground pretty getting firm that’s all good stuff oh oh go on go on then go on then oh I know I know he’s only stabilizes off a couple of days he’s a he a professional I know you won’t believe it would you you can tell by his Bell it’s Bell right there yours you should ring it end end I did stopped me in me tracks I was just about to do it in one down any I thought you might have gone under you know but what’s it called that when you go under thing don’t know eco eco eco Warrior put Trail e a couple of guys who were recent subscribers St z uh did when your rides on the oh God I can’t remember when he got to he got to excuse my memory [ __ ] um have I done it yet can’t remember either way uh we will be doing it right I’ll give you a shout out then and Jonathan uh thanks for asking me out again right Peaks as you can see as a texture me and brother no are in north south Yorkshire today hope you have a good time and uh thanks everyone else who’s recently subscribed I know I’ve had a a fair few hits of about six or seven this week it must have been the Pete District videos that are doing it uh if you watch that one I was always in Auto today cuz I want to save me bash I’m in I’m in Eco it’s making me peral getting me a bit warmer so I’m happy but more importantly out brother I will we can that over in the uh in the blue sky there’s a big black line a linear line um and it’s going from left to right the GoPro might not be able to pick it up uh anyway think of make of it as you will to the left brother cuz basically there’s a bike thingy bob there a there yeah let’s go to the left oh this is lovely Lang is this Lango I think this is Lango Country Part don’t it now it’s nice to get back into trees into trees you know like went around columber that one nice the trees is good trees is good I I do love these little single single tracks outside the uh the woods in between the woods and the fields really nice well that’s I know I know but it’s nice on the outside looking into the wood and also on the outskirts here the fields is nice beautiful if this is a typical winter morning love it Blue Sky Frost the ground is pretty firm or was only downside is my Chin’s getting a bit gwed but you know it’s great to be in the outdoors no’s loving it that’s what counts beautiful single uh I think see roads aren’t they really nice oh oh God [ __ ] tail slap going on here [ __ ] oh I miss all this the pinks are great but then you get in the Great Outdoors on the flats you just miss all this the countryside you just see it’s just beautiful no that’s beautiful ah i’ had to wear me bloody Wy acid here cuz it’s been a bit cold on Crown nice oh [ __ ] that was oh that was good well the trails decided to go through a field now I was unsure about this but I can see tire tracks so it’s obviously a uh a bridal path but uh Christ I’m glad it’s pretty firm it’s cold it’s making me nose run like a little Kitty’s Jew drop on end of it this reminds me of the Som or the nicknamed Bridal path of suit spr oh God put actually you from SP o cross cross pass to uh m which is bloody awful this ain’t too bad tires are kicking some [ __ ] up I know that much for sure oh in the road now interesting that right right to furbank verbeck oh this a bit of a downhill no oh CHR it’s nice steady descent I think we go through Woods here ooh not much of a descent really not going that was a very good descent was it but we’re going to go through to I think we go through Woods right oh yeah okay now where do we go oh it’s just started to kick us out I think we go left here brother we don’t go to your house we don’t go your house mate I think so it’s a bit weird seems outside yes it looks like it don’t it it looks like it o that’s a crunch no it’s like a little Railway house we’ll soon get old off otherwise heading into furb now it’s beautiful around is you keeping him happy there used to be an air base around [Music] here yeah was that a give K this is beautiful is it I can see you living around here in all and me not visiting I know you won’t let me get that’s that’s that’s a great incentive to move you you [Music] how F there you go CER school though 44 to 46 polish FTS I thought it said ffs fgs everywhere don’t they yeah this must be the what’s left at Runway then a bit bit of uhit bloody uh conquer yeah that’s the all right are you there where he go oh I do like it I need to explore around here even more if anybody’s got any uh ideas or routes or paths or trails around um furbeck and blly and uh Lang gold let me know cuz I’m I’ve really enjoyed today really enjoyed it I just forgot the come last night I looked on Bridal Network and just thought R beer so open and beautiful didn’t have to travel so far either is cool the NOS enjoyed himself NOS enjoyed himself if anyone’s got a Garmin or use a Garmin I’m in need of it ging again I think um I was looking at the 10:30 well it’s a lot of money plus um I think the maps what I looking at on Amazon came in as uh African and North America which really is not going to be useful to me uh so if anyone’s got a 10:30 or know anything about it if I got it could he put Europe maps on it um that’ be good for me please cuz uh f up we’re getting lost and In fairness today we haven’t really got lost but I’ve had to use quite a lot of other Ms to find out where we are including Google Maps to make sure we’re going that Bloody way lot of trails in the sky few conspiracy theorists let me know what they are let me know what they are I’ll be interested to know your thoughts on all those trails in the sky a lot of tail slap around here and all oh all right oh God it’s so open and beautiful need oh did you I thought I thought you’d come off no it came on I desperate was it number one or number two number one was it right great did you have a wee wee brother and this been right nice this I know it does it it comes on I know it does those old is mate once you get a pain do you think we should join the old gits channel oh yeah we fit in nicely no it’s all good it’s all good you swear a lot this no you you swear God you swear more than somebody with tette I’ve never swearing come up back I I don’t know why nothing to do with me Tourette sowl tette no straight on brother I’ll tell you what it’s a good job it’s pretty uh cold cuz this is quite firm is it consider we not wet with I I was expecting to be a quad Meer it’s a red no narrow man lold on the right hand side lold part which we uh seem to have missed um we’re taking a bridal path on the left uh sun is really really bright don’t it’s like on GoPro but I can’t see diddly squat um yeah we’re going to go left here yeah this one here right oh this is a bridal path this isan oh is it this where we came out I think oh yeah yeah yeah this is where we came out that’s right we’re doing say we’re going back on it then yeah cool cool cool this T Maki yes beautiful I’m just looking at this nol where is he it’s like my which which you think is a rep representation of my alotment the one on the right or the one on the left oh well one on left yeah the one on the right people have already got their S I need to go I need to go that Ro yeah me genuinely yeah genuinely would have been yeah yeah genuinely so you weren’t moaning littleit a little bit Yeah cuz that’s why I left you only done 40 miles and you said 23 cuz we’ got another [ __ ] nine to go all right God you make me laugh you no see there’s that gate again it’s like ground dog day a it can you smell that pig Manu baby you T can you get through there do you think oh oh right okay that that got me I thought he’ tied it all up please Richard I didn’t I actually thought that was tied up and we’d have to like bungee it and squeeze through he’s he’s undone it that’s what he’s done he’s undone it mate he has he’s undone it he bloody has it get your eyes chest should have got should have got lasers do you know you know any noeds have had that laser treatment done yeah you had it done you did have laser I had lens place oh did you thought you had laser oh laser okay which which way which way now then we’ll go we’ll go uh I bet you it’s that way yep it’s that way no lens replacement keep Posh man oh is it [ __ ] I don’t know poor relation me for relation I have Ed but 2.5 extra vision from B&M oh do it I I just go I just got B&M mate and go from 1 1.5 to two 2.5 glasses I know you remember you remember how many glasses you used to snap and [Music] lose like Jack D with Ching arm hanging off Baker yeah day after we went on a flight and they knew was so over it off wind and then when I come back front bog and put the gas down realiz and you know blanket thing you have put that other so I thought not wake it up again so I stepped on to Ste onto it seat and brought the glasses cleaning out have have you had you worn them i’ for 24 hours hell you any [ __ ] yeah yeah I know I’m bored now he did say to me as I went past which one I went in if you had a bang mate and you fall I’ll just carry on I can’t see any pheasants here oh they all shot them all aren’t they oh it’s nice doing a local ride is this a local ride would you say well still need to go around asking a bit more and a bit more I’m Miss Missing and uh that is a that is a challenge for your videos try to find it is well I actually like all this um the clumber around it I know it’s not South Yorkshire North not but some really unexplored areas it’s really beautiful isn’t it yeah yeah that nice ride this would be I think these are nice in spring and summer that’s one of those I an all year round Rider would you say yeah all year you got your gay Bell going I think uh I think the shooters as well all sorts oh Cheers Cheers thanks very much thank you cheers guys is that is that you lot dfor day then no you going to do some more cool it’s nice in it out here oh oh can I just get through please guys thanks very much thank you cheers have a good day don’t shoot me don’t shoot me shoot no he’s he’s an EAS he’s an easier Target then y down from sandal Bridge bit why was it shut then all right okay all right carry on then down yeah start walk I go about 20 foot yeah and it typical like that time went bar all I put put forward and it went down [Music] about and you didn’t tell me this little nugget how you forget how could you not how could you forget that out thank you dear nice little nugget I have to I have to try and reverse out by oh yeah w’t oh she didn’t have to put it in reverse then oh no and you didn’t tell me that little nugget brilliant I bet you were bit like when we went to rzo yeah brilliant oh I missed that you see that would have been brilliant enjoy the countryside woodlands Brattle ways and Fields this is ideal this this is IDE deal I enjoyed it actually seem it more to go south well in fact I enjoy all my rides to be fair uh but this was only created last night just looking at uh our West M bridleways trying to create a loop of 20 miles but um it’s cool P are right nice day as well snow drops used to be is it ad do he do oh I can’t you do in springtime everybody used to come here for snow drops I don’t know hey hcock hcock Hancock um he’s just got beautiful gardens and all snow drops in Woodland area how you has stock hand stock hadstock hadstock you been there you’ll be going next time you know why cuz I’ve been you’ll need to go you’ll need to go h stock yeah h stock hod sock eat hod sock even hod sock hod socks still busy with the car par now I think people just come here for a walk but uh Sumer must be up too much sun can’t really see it cuz it’s Sun uh can’t really see two build it’s nice oh a bit of Road section but but we get on Bloody foot path here one thing about the E back is you need a couple more layers on I think or at least one more unless you put it into Eon I can’t be ass today cuz I getting too hot headed into BL so I’m just nice and warm now I’m not overeating which is good into BL oo that was a good ride enjoy that we got left what does it say 21 21 miles now all 21 21 21 oh you a’t come off have you I think we are parked here then aren’t we see who has well get trffic GE like I’ve got 19 and a half mile down oh so maybe you have back up here I can’t see this be getting anywhere yeah hold on that’s that’s a bit more that’s a bit more you get nice gloves on there aren’t you you can’t see this voice of that we’re going to get here cheers got do that nonsense yeah thanks for watching guys that’s it that’s all done with beautiful little place beautiful little place did he I might just go to church actually I I need and I need I need a picture I need a picture I don’t know what of though need a [Music] [Applause] picture [Music] a

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