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    slep so well again it’s about 8:00 a.m. and it’s so nice I could just there the SE alll right I’ll show you the view I love cing good morning another little morning swim look at this though but look how pretty this place is it’s like few boats rocks like a little it looks like a little old church I don’t know what that was little stream and look at our little little tent up there I just love beaches and sea not necessarily the beach I don’t really love sand but I love love the see everyone is so friendly I think in the UK when you obviously because it’s not legal in the UK to Wild Camp the guy walked past last night and um just came over chatting I thought oh no he’s going to tell us to move it’s like oh what you up to where you going it was like so nice [Music] we think that nothing else is going to go wrong you snaap the pole you could TI it can you tie it back no cuz to what I don’t even know no oh what you don’t see is how long it took us to pack up how long did you asking well I don’t know what time it is now it’s after 10 isn’t it we start at 9 took us an hour it’s a lot pack up so now we are going to go back to the town get some water and then do maybe a I think it’s like 50 60k loop around this side of the island soz we’ve got to get the ferry there’s been a lot of faffing around of like where we’re going to go and get the ferry back cuz there’s been lots of cancellations of feries so we need to make sure that we can get back to Mainland tomorrow so yeah we’ve got to come back basic to this port to get back over it’s very complicated it is more complicated than I like yeah goodbye nice Beach that was a good spot right let’s get this saved also one little like safety tip is where we I didn’t I didn’t end the ride basically yesterday where we camped because I don’t want people to see that on straa or anything like that so basically this is Juliet’s tip so you basically pause your ride turn your garment off and then today stop it and save it now we’ve gone just at the ferry pot and we had a little idea like because we’re just doing a lot like I wonder if we can leave some of our stuff here and the lady just like yeah bring your back in just leave what you want here I’m like than God right let’s go and check off stuff that the gift that they feel again I can’t wait let’s go we got to change of P we’re just going to pick one of these I think the bikes feel so good I can you the same she’s like oh my God these bikes are so light we just going to go and do a loop proba about 40K or so hang on start the Garin um and then head back here at the end of the day to go back over to Ken Craig which is where we’re going to be maybe camping maybe maybe stay in a a bed and breakfast because the there’s going to be quite a bit of rain tonight so we’re like M don’t really fancy camping in the rain also as well the thing that I’ve noticed most is people are so friendly like unbelievably friendly I was saying that in the um in the ticket office and they oh have you not have the I wave and I was like what’s that like oh people just wave at you I was like really we’ll see yeah this all W jum so ni in fact you’ll be able to see it on the camera life oh I like it already that’s the one that’s really nice isn’t it yeah wo she’s B the jum them look at this teach your cut gay headed out to this is called bow more uh and we just going to do a little Lo back around remember it’s again it’s just weather 10 out of 10 scenery 10 out of 10 little bit of a flat road but that it’s peing over the wall look how clear that war is we have zero plans today really of where we’re going to go where we’re going to ride well let’s just ride over here and have a look what this looks like look it’s a pretty beach this is so pretty and honestly like I don’t normally like not have a plan but I think cuz of the fairies and stuff we just been like you know what we’ll just go away the wind takes us we’ve had a bit of a headwind so I’m going to turn back and I think J there a couple of distilleries that we’re going to go and have a look at and this will never ever ever really get old I’m so lucky that we was both saying oh God I I wasn’t in having a wee then um we’re so lucky that we get to come and do this and honestly this has cost barely anything at all the faes are like 75 or we’ve brought our own camping stuff and food has been like barely bought anything really so come and have your own little mini Adventure isn’t this nice this is this is the life the floaters in my eyes the floaters you don’t get them what the flo floaters floaters it’s like a bit of like a dead skin cell or something in your room no what the hell you don’t get them no oh I can see them Julia I think you’re talking crazy guys who knows about floaters in your eye it’s a thing jul is maybe it’s a sun thing it’s dead like when there’s a dead cell or whatever in your eye and you see it as a dot in your vision and it moves around when you move your eyes have you been on the whiskey already I don’t know that is so pretty all right so we’re almost at this Distillery and the smoke apparently this one is like a really Smoky flavor I mean I don’t know I don’t drink so look at this View W what a spread what an absolute beautiful spread would you drink the whole thing yeah I’m I’ve look how much look how much I’ve got in that got enough yeah that is V this is why we’re going to stay in a bed and breakfast cuz look look at all this we’re going to be there that I know another fairy what are you doing what are you doing where are we going this is our stay in [Applause] here so this is YouTube reality Juliet forgot to press record so she’s gone out and turned around to do the approach again oh my God fancy seeing you here what a coincidence


    1. Great vid, good idea of Juliet's to disengage the Strava, stop any unwanted "Fruit bats" swoopin in !
      Don't always have to follow a plan, time to chill.
      You stick to the Orangina Katie, don't let J lead you astray ! 🤪
      Thanks for putting together the vlogs "Mardy" girl, always appreciated. ☀️
      🎵Tried to get me go to rehab
      I said no no no ! 🎵 😁

    2. People are always so surprised wild camping is legal in Scotland (some local restrictions do apply though, such as around Loch Lomond or on private land), always see requests for "stealth" sites on bike forums.

    3. Juliette’s antifreeze solution for Scotland is brilliant!
      “When in Rome. . “
      So what if she has to fake a little footage here and there. Right? 😅

    4. Just to add, naturally beauty of Scotland is another level. Remember my trip to Isle of Arran in 2014, although no camping. Maybe someday…

    5. I’m so here for this adventure. Nothing better than time away with your mates. I just had a weekend away in the Peaks with the girls doing the Edale Skyline. Wild wees, sunburn because I forgot my legs existed, coming up with our favourite combo of swear words, and swiping right on one of the girl’s Tinder accounts😂 Proper good times. X

    6. Hi Katie (a.k.a. Duchess of Dates) I "LUV" (trying to speak your language out of respect) your bike adventure videos. I'm sure the filming it's quite an effort, but please know it is SOOOOOO worth it to your community. Can I ask a question? How would you classify your accent? Like the USA, there seem to be a lot of regional accents in Great Britain. During COVID, I made a lot of friends in GB ❤ and they all sound different due to where they live. It's fun to learn what accent goes with what part of the country. 😊

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