An initial glimpse of Warsaw, Poland tourist area via bicycle.

    oh and we’re back on that’s one of the largest museums in Poland if not the largest might be one of the largest in the world I gotta get off the street go but you can see there’s one two three one two three four wings of this building I mean this goes on and on so if you’re a I think it’s I think it’s a history we’re just a national museum if you’re a history lover or a museum lover that like polish museum is your spot one of the key buildings in the city is a uh Testament to the communist Soviet era it’s uh it Grant it’s grandeurs can’t be denied and it still remains you know proud and tall I don’t think the polls are proud of that period of history but uh the architectures incredibly impressive and it’s I think there’s a theater in it so let’s check it out let’s go down this it why not let’s go down this area and we’ll get yeah and we’ll get to it they blocked off the road so here’s just total tourist tourist section right it’s nothing but restaurants I might go back and and start from where we just left off too to give you that feel of like the grand entry it’s Warsaw this is the Tourist entry it’s a Saturday and you can see all these people all that’s going on here he’s gonna lead us right into the Old Town it’s here during the winter and my God was it cold now it’s warm not much to say I mean just that people are doing their thing out and about strolling through Warsaw on a Saturday Eve should be a few musicians out and about too my nose has been running like crazy here I don’t know if it’s the pollen from all the Farms or what but mama ‘s that dude had an aura to him and I don’t know how to put it into words but pretty intense kind of emotionally flat words and strings blew my nose and do it again oh my god it feels so much better holy let me drop it off there I’ll pick it up let me cross

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