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    now [ __ ] off I’ve called the police I’ve called the police yeah I’ve called the police they be here yeah all right yeah you think you’re a tough tough man do you yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah okay all right calm down calm down it’s a bike why are you doing this why’ you do this I’m doing it’s my [ __ ] job [ __ ] what do you mean it’s your job how much are you getting for that bike when you sell it for your drugs still from the [ __ ] [ __ ] whoa why you Robin Hood we are poor we live in the council house you stupid idiot lose in it where’s my house lock it this is my house it is locked look at you big tough man with his little bloody Stanley blade yeah okay okay okay now we just you little toag look at you who bought you up what Mother’s yours she needs to go away in prison bringing you up little Thug look at you little tow rag look at you you can’t even get out you do rob a guard him I’ve rung the police anyway they’re coming police are coming the police are coming [ __ ] okay okay okay calm down calm down you going got a present for 30 years for that are you for a bike huh is that what you going to do oh now you’re escaping are you big tough man oh look at you big tough man that’s it just break my fence do some more damage look at you you little thg yeah go on then go go on go on [Music] then not so tough now are you little boy


    1. Alhamdulillah, very brave lady indeed but also, she could've been serious hurt or worse but I also understand that feeling/urge to protect what is yours, y'know? I noticed that a LOT of People are saying that "This is Fake", etc. Allah Azzawajal knows BEST, Subhanallah. So therefore, I say this: IF it's Real, then THIS is how NOT to antagonize a thief who's armed but IF it's indeed Fake, then know that THINGS/Incidents like THIS DO HAPPEN Daily in East London, where I used to live in Leytonstone. And No way would the thief be wasting time threatening you & NOT being looking to get the hell outta there!! And in Broad Daylight too!! He could've scaled that fence & been gone before she even hit the record button!! And most Suspicious of ALL, the guy just tossed the Stanley Blade into the Bush!! Like, What? He's obviously not very Forensically Aware & the more I think about it, hmm, I really am wondering now if it's real or not. And he never even took the damn bike, after all that!! Very Suspicious indeed. But like I said, Allah Subhanawa'tallah knows BEST. Allah Hu Akbar 💯💗☪️🇵🇸🇹🇷🇵🇰🇲🇷🇳🇪🇯🇴🇪🇬🇸🇾🇮🇶🇰🇼🇯🇲🇵🇸🌍✌️💗☪️💯

    2. Guaranteed the police arrested her and gave him therapy because of two tier policing cos of the PTSD he clearly ended up with for being a thiefing twat and being a smk head

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