The US Army just gave you orders to Germany. You’re PCSing to Grafenwoehr or Vilseck…

    This is your first look at the biggest city closest to the base: Weiden in der Oberpfalz

    US 🇺🇸 Military Bases in Germany 🇩🇪
    Kaiserslautern Military Community + Baumholder
    Garmisch + Edelweiss Lodge & Resort
    Büchel Air Base

    See our related video for more!


    1. I grew up in Vilseck!! Ppl don’t understand Why Usa in Germany for bases. WW2. After hitler committed suicide, Germany, had to be watched!! Divided into 3 sections, I believe. Russia got east Germany, hence Berlin Wall. USA got a part and think Britain. Not sure anymore!! That’s why soldiers are there. Many bases closed by Clinton overseas and stateside

    2. Look at Vilseck!! Outside of Vilseck was a small German town with a big Olympic sized pool (12 ft deep by 5 ft with 3 heights of diving boards), then a middle pool (3 to 5 ft deep?) and had shallow area with showers to wash off grass before entering!! Go out front gate and turn right. Was parking lot. Keep walking and should be concrete stairs

    3. That was Fitzhum Village.. off base housing. Lived at the top of the hill!! To right of my building was another building and stairs, also a playground on right with back of housing buildings. Probably not there anymore!! I Loved it there!!

    4. Hmm, ich muß zugeben, daß ich noch nie richtig in Vilseck gewesen bin.(Sofern ich mich recht erinnere!)
      Die Stadt scheint aber hübscher als Grafenwöhr zu sein! Aber Vilseck liegt eben auf der anderen Seite des Übungsplatzes und insofern ist es etwas aufwendiger dort hin zu kommen 🤣🤣

      I have to admit that I never realy have been to Vilseck, (If I 'm not wrong!)
      This town seems to look much nicer than Grafenwöhr! But Vilseck is situated on the opposite side of the area and thus it isn't as easy to get there.

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