@GrantCardone : Creare un BUSINESS da 4 MILIARDI a 66 anni!

    In questo nuovo INCREDIBILE Episodio dell’1% Podcast, Grant Cardone, ci ha raccontato la sua storia, il suo parere sul MARKETING (e di quanto sia importante), dei BUDGET aziendali e del suo SEGRETO per rimanere così GIOVANE a 66 anni. Inoltre abbiamo parlato della sua ENORME CRESCITE negli ultimi 10 anni (giro d’affari di oltre 4 Miliardi), di quanti SOLDI ha nei suoi CONTI AZIENDALI, di quanto sia importante la COMUNICAZIONE nella vita, della felicità e di tanto altro!
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    how much money do you have currently in your accounts bank accounts like I don’t know if you’re ready for the secret maybe I don’t know I was with an old friend recently and the guy said man you’ve really changed and I’m like I hope so getting in the top 1% of the 1% bro oh the Jordan oh oh the like oh yeah that that’s that guy okay yeah what about poverty is a worldwide problem okay and the poverty mindset starts right here study the most successful people on the planet they leave where they are and go somewhere where they can make it why don’t you guys promote your country why are you giving it away okay you have to promote you have to promote expansion and bring new people in I’m not that guy anymore today I’m an equity fund manager we manage about uh $4 billion worth of assets but that’s not where I started I lost my dad when I was 10 I lost my older brother when I was 20 I’ve lost girlfriends I’ve lost businesses I’ve lost money the friendship the Italians have this thing about I am right and you are wrong and that’s the way it is but in business you don’t want to be right or wrong you you want to be right more often than you’re wrong so yeah am I happy getting there is one thing staying there is another thing and then getting in the top 1% of the 1% bro that’s a whole another level Cardone welcome Grant hey thank you thank you for having me man you know love being on your podcast h i i h couldn’t wait this interview so much and uh I’m I have a lot of question for you man and so I think that Italian Market uh is waiting for this uh for a long time we did it so uh one thing that we do in this podcast Grant is I let the guest present himself so I I I I think that you don’t need so much presentations but uh what do you uh how do you present yourself in 60 seconds uh well I’m an today I’m an equity fund manager we manage about uh $4 billion worth of assets we have uh I don’t know two dozen companies that we we work with either as partners or co-ventures on but that’s not where I started I started uh small town in Louisiana uh an Italian family my both my parents uh parents were from Italy and Sicily uh Naples actually in Sicily and uh proud Italian background and love love your country and love you know the Italy’s one-of a kind place right so I agreed to do this because I support what you’re doing I know that you’re very very committed to the space I am extremely committed to helping other people it uh in sales marketing real estate investing Finance um so I’m glad to be on your podcast today and glad that I have something to share with people that I believe can help them regardless of where they live in the world you you are already doing man a lot of Italian people are following you so they’re getting results I know for sure and I try to invite you here with for with your jet but you didn’t came with the jet so maybe next time you can you come to Naples with the Jet and uh let us know uh let us make a make a flight with you right so let’s get started with the first question yeah look hey we go to Italy almost every year uh we were in Naples last year we took a took a yacht out of Naples and went down to U what’s the French island there Corsica Corsica yeah uh yeah and then and then went to uh Sardinia so like I’ve always been interested in Italy the Italian people your Foods the wines it’s like I can’t get enough of it so we got to definitely meet in person when I get over there maybe we maybe we come to Rome or or Milan and do a big event there man absolutely we can do that together absolutely I want to flight on your jet so uh you you have to come right so first question first uh you are a genius on Marketing sales real estate everything I mean you are so genius but you started with sales and then you uh correct me if I mistake this but and then you expanded for a second skill with marketing right is correct so yes for Italian people which is the first sk skill if you have to choose between sales and marketing maybe you yeah so yeah yeah if I had to choose between sales and marketing I would definitely could go back and do it again this is not what I did when I I was coming up um I would learn to be a great marketer I would I I think that marketing is senior to sales I think it’s more important to be a great marketer than it is a great salesman uh to the degree that you can Market it’s go it should when done right it should make the sale easier great marketing and advertising should actually soften up a customer or the marketplace so that it wants your product or service so that it’s calling up saying Hey how do I get this when will it be delivered uh can I get two of them is there any kind of special that that that that’s what the marketing should do marketing should create trust with the marketplace because of the frequency and consistency of the messaging not the messaging Itself by the way yeah it’s the it’s the consistent all marketing works yeah and and the goal would be my marketing’s so good I don’t really sell anything I just take an order now now if your marketing is not going to be good then your it’s almost like this it’s like if your marketing is going to go not be as good your sales people have to get better the perfect combination is great marketing and great salespeople and you’re doing both but both yeah I mean you want to do both right but but in the ideal world I don’t really want to sell anything I want to take an order and um so the better my messaging the more frequent the more consistent uh the more intriguing but but particularly the more the most consistent and the most frequent marketing is going to beat even better marketing then if I could build a great sales team that can handle objections followup be consist as consistent with their followup and their response uh to the market marketing uh then then it’s going to be a killer combination so you basically doing that uh saying that uh uh the marketing accelerate the sales right so you have to be consistent and so the quantity is preferred to quality of the message right yeah yeah yeah I would rather I would rather quantity than quality um some people would disagree with me on this and I’m and I’m not trying to be right it’s it’s only because I don’t know how to get to Quality like I don’t know how to get to Quality without going through a lot of trial and era so um Jared and I Jared who runs our company here Cardone training Technologies we we have this conversation all the time right and they’re like you know Mr Beast talks about he’d rather have one quality post than a bunch of great posts but I don’t know how to do that I don’t know how to get to one quality post without doing a lot of quantity yeah to find out what what do people actually want also one post and again I’m I’m I’m I’m I’m trying to make sense of my own logic here right or or and I and I’m and I’m certainly and always willing unlike some Italians I am willing to change my mind on anything okay like Italian boom I will not change my mind no matter what I’m like okay well that you know the most valuable thing a person can do is change your mind as you grow and discover new things I’m like okay I’m going to change my mind uh the French and the Italians have this thing about I am right and you are wrong and that’s the way it is but in business you don’t want to be right or wrong you you want to be right more often than you’re wrong yeah and when the market changes you change so all I’m saying to you is like I would rather be consistently and and have more quantity than uh than be than have quality that doesn’t mean I don’t want quality by the way yeah I do want quality yeah I want quality but the way for me to discover quality is through quantity the ones that don’t work I’m going to throw away and not do anyway I’m I’m assuming that people are intelligent enough to say okay that didn’t work nobody liked it well okay you’re going to throw that one away and stick with the one that did work yeah in in Italy we uh we uh teach this to our client with the splash method I invented this name splash method because you throw a lot of things on the wall you see what remain there and what slide down and you throw that throw a lot of combination again to the wall so that’s great that’s a great uh concept and uh what would you say because in Italy uh there are a lot of companies that uh when they sell marketing to them they have an an objection uh saying to us answering to us this these things uh we have limited budget because they do budget at the at the beginning of the year and if the budget is like let’s say 10% of the wall revenue of the past years uh they don’t do marketing what what do you say to that yeah so look for for for you the business owners out there everybody’s got a budget everybody only has so much money but I will tell you this okay to the degree that you’re willing to spend and commit money even borrow money for your marketing all marketing works okay the only marketing that doesn’t work the only marketing that will fail is when you when you invest in it and then quit on it okay because it is the quantity and the persistency the frequency and the consistency of the marketing that will determine whether or not the marketing works so you got to have consistency frequency and persistency in the marketing if you have a great marketing message and you send it out one time and your budget says we can’t afford anymore all you did was warm up the market for the person that follows up on it it could be your competition by the way so it’s a ridiculous thing exactly it’s a ridiculous thing that in January you would set a budget in March you figure out this messaging that’s working in April you’ve dropped the messaging mark all of March let’s say you you you blew through your budget by the end of March and the marketing just started working in April it’s ridiculous that the accounting department in January made a decision back in January about something he didn’t know would happen in April and now they’re going to stop because of some some idea that some BS meeting you had where an accounting person decided we can only spend X doll and it just just started to work on April 5th or April 1st that’s April Fool’s Day over here in America so it’s ridiculous right so what I would tell somebody is that’s great you went through your budget now you’re going to quit marketing because you went through your budget you understand that that money is now wasted there’s absolutely 0% chance you got 1% back there it’s a 0% chance when you quit on marketing that the money you spent will ever have a return it’s gone yeah and often they they ask they accountants accountants or CPAs you know and they do they get a negative response and they ah we want to do marketing and they uh still uh cry and complain about the their situation so it’s really we and this is why this is why the small stay small okay this is a big problem in Italy by the way it’s happening to your population has happened to the whole country you you refuse to promote you got like like as much as I love Italy the thing the thing I watch I’m like why don’t you guys promote your country why are you giving it away okay you have to promote you have to promote expansion okay and bring new people in you can’t try to keep it to yourself I mean look at the look at how Italians have handled their property I’m going to hold it I’m going to only pass it on to my kids and then their kids and their kids and guess what happened you know the kids aren’t interested in it anymore that there has to be expansion in the marketing yeah and to the degree America is a marketing machine we are the best we are the richest we are the entrepreneurs we’re it’s just [ __ ] it’s just marketing man and Italy could say the same thing by the way we have the most beautiful Rolling Hills we have the best sunflowers we have the the best Tuscany the best Rome the best Milan the best everything dude like we have the best of everything but you guys don’t promote enough and and this is why small businesses stay small this is why America continues to expand uh this is why Europe is failing okay because it it refuses to Market and propaganda wins the war yeah the number one weapon in all wars is propaganda the number one weapon in all of business is an unlimited marketing budget yeah and and for the for the accountant last thing I’ll say about this for the accountant that decides their budget is whatever $250,000 look look it’s completely ridiculous sales should fund the marketing yeah so that what you should do is you should determine the marketing based on the sales if it’s working keep spending yeah that’s the if it’s not working if it’s not working change the message until it does work simple that’s great thank you so much for this answer um I agree completely with you uh one thing I wanted to ask you because it seems like you exploded on the market on the American and World Market like 10 years ago or so right what did you change uh what what changed in your mind in your business what did you what what the one thing that make made you explode in the market well well the one thing that changed uh it’s a great question the one thing that changed is I I grew up in a from a poor family uh my my grandfather was a ship Builder from Naples my other grandfather was from Sicily and he was born on the boat born on the boat and never had papers to live in America so he he basically didn’t never had legitimate jobs in America so these were poor families that came here and there was scarcity there was a concept of scarcity and poverty and I don’t we’re never going to have anything and if you get something hold on to it and save your money like when I shed those ideas and I started spending more money investing more money in marketing and advertising and brand and said I’m just going to keep pushing money at my brand the whole the everything changed for me like today if I knew today or when I was 25 years old what I know today I would spend everything I have on building my brand my name my market my advertising pushing my products into the marketplace I wouldn’t save any money I wouldn’t have money in retirement I wouldn’t have money in a house I wouldn’t have bought a car I would literally have taken all the money that I had my in my from 25 to 45 and I would have reinvested all that money back in my brand my name and my future oh that’s great and I would be I would be a hundred times bigger than I am today if I had have done that it’s kind of you described the old the things that Italians do so uh you are from Italians Origins for sure right it’s not an American I I mean it’s an American thing this scarcity mindset is an American thing or is just an Italian thing that you brought that your parents brought from Italy yeah the farm no dude this is a worldwide problem poverty is a worldwide problem okay and the poverty mindset starts right here I’m stuck right here like Jesus left where he lived like you know if you guys study study the most successful people on the planet they leave where they are and go somewhere where they can make it yeah so like the people in the Gaza Strip today if they want to be successful financially they are going to have to leave the Gaza Strip sorry if you’re a young black man in Baltimore today in an urban gang fi neighborhood where you live in a in a in a ghetto dude you want to get better you have to leave your neighborhood and and so you cannot stay where you are sometimes you have to leave and go where the game is so that you can then come back and have prosperity to share but but either way you got to Market yourself you’re gonna have to Market yourself you’re GNA have to advertise sometimes it’s easier to tell sell to a strange audience yeah than the one that knows you but but what happens is people want to be comfortable they want to stay where they’re at I want to I got to take care of my grandmother and I got to take care of my dad and I got to take care of my sister okay but the truth is you’re not able to take care of them because you never changed your mindset and and so the best way to change your mind is to get around other people that have changed their mind and that’s what you did right I was with an old I was with an old friend recently and the guy said man you’ve really changed and I’m like I hope so he he wasn’t saying it as a compliment by the way it was kind of a sideways yo you really changed and I’m like uh that’s why I left here bro I left here to change thank you for noticing yeah that’s great and uh just for the sake of who who is listening to this podcast how big is your network right now because you came from nothing basically right yeah well we have um I don’t know we have $4 billion worth of real estate $45 billion dollar go probably be five billion by the end of the next 45 days I say it in portfolio in US Dollars we have we have there’s two dozen companies uh one company does uh $55 million a year in educational products uh our Ventures company does about $130 million so that’s 280 between the two of them there’s a health company that’s doing 15 million a month so that’s 180 thou $1 1880 million US dollar a year and then we have another you know 20 companies that do uh that we’re either a partner or co-partner or sponsor in or supportive uh taking some kind of position in so I don’t know there’s billions of dollars $750 million of annual revenue um the ventures business is probably worth a couple billion dollars and then the real estate’s worth five okay can I ask you a question Grant I mean if I if you were Italian I would ask you this question you won’t tell me the answer but I try to to ask you how much money do you have currently in your accounts bank accounts I mean well let me see they sent it to me this morning so I had to look I know there’s 80 million there’s $83 million in our in our real estate operations um in for expenses and capex uh let’s see somebody sends me this every morning uh there’s $75 million credit line in One bank there’s 80 million 83 M another $83 million in cash in no 70 $73 million in another account uh and $142 million in another one the reason I’m willing to tell you guys like like to tell you that is like because I know what it is I see it every day yeah and it’s not a secret like like it might be a secret to your audience I’m not bragging I’m not bragging I’m it’s no different than me saying I have a you black shirt on yeah or I got a watch on like it’s my money it’s my money yeah uh I earned the money it’s sitting in a bank and the IRS knows the IRS is Internal Revenue Service so the government in the United States of America they know every penny I have why wouldn’t I tell you yeah or your audience right so a lot of people take that as bragging right like like I I know people can be like oh you should never talk about money okay well then don’t don’t talk about it if you don’t want to talk about it don’t talk about it but they don’t have Mone have any money they if you were if you were Coca-Cola you would you would you you would have to tell people how much revenue you made yeah abely now I’m not going around you asked me so I told you yeah there’s going to be this many people that hear this interview uh based on the 8 billion people live on this plant nobody even knows me so and what do you say to the haters that came up when you talk about money because in Italy we have we talking about Marketing sales and things like that in Italy we have a lot lot of haters when you talk about money so how do you uh manage haters because I know that you talk about that a lot I I I’m agree with you because I also created this uh this thing where I where I see this is my this is me little me where where I say you see my face because the more they talk to me the more they see me and I agree with you I mean when I I I um saw you talking about uh a that’s my man I mean that’s my man so what do you say uh about uh to the Italian people about haters and what do you say to the Italian haters yeah yeah yeah okay so look you when you become successful you’re going to get criticism you’re going to get it’s going to come let me just tell you about the haters okay because I have plenty of them number one they’re going to it’s going to be from your family first it’s not going to be from strangers it’s going to be from people that know you people that you go to to the to their homes uh people that you grew up with and went to school with the first criticism is going to come from the people that actually say they support you it’s it’s most bizarre thing in the world when you become successful for some reason man it bothers people that know you and love you uh the second thing I’ll say about the haters they’re either going to stop you or they’re going to inspire you one of the two they’re going to either like make you feel bad about yourself and you’re going to get you’re going to stuff yourself shame on you by the way or they’re going to inspire and lift you um I I always I believe that the haters the people that have criticized me both internally in my family first me family members first they can change their mind by the way you know um because what they’ll do is they’ll say something to my cousin uh you know Grant thinks he’s hot [ __ ] now you know ba blah ba but when they’re in front of me they’re like man you’re really hot [ __ ] man you know like it’s it’s they’re saying one thing to them and one thing to me it’s it’s the same sentence but with a different intention yeah you know yeah I understand uh you know oh look at Grant look at Grant showing off in his plane and then when I fly into my hometown where I grew up they’re like hey can I go for a ride on your plane and and so there’s that and then there’s your competition there’s people that are threatened by your success it’s a different this is a different level of hate now then there’s those people that don’t want you to do well they they really want to hold you down these are bad people right their their their intention is to hurt you harm you uh damage your brand uh they don’t want to see you do well they they are threatened by your success they believe as you get stronger they get weaker those people should really inspire you okay it’s going to happen to you and I can tell you I I know people in the finance World technology world uh in the in the health business there there’s not an industry Athletics the rappers I know rappers they hate each other dude like like in the Arts actors actresses producers directors like there’s not a space in the restaurant business uh David grutman owns a bunch of restaurants here in town you know there’s other restaurant tours in this town that are extremely threatened by him and don’t want him to do well so that’s coming you guys should actually wish for it you should be like I want lots of people hating on me uh because that only means that you became very successful and that that that those people should Inspire to do better uh it is probably the thing that inspires me more than any other thing is people trying to damaged my name or my brand or you know I I’ve had the most awful things said about me my daughter came to me one day and said Papa the there’s a man on the internet that says you’re a scammer or that what what was the thing Sabrina somebody came to you and said something I’m a terrible person or something really nasty wow even to Children yeah by the way those people yeah those people no somebody the guy said I was a well this person said terrible things like okay anyway so they went to your daughter Instagram account and and they were talking to her about you right yeah yeah well they were doing a video a video about me wow and I’m like Sabrina just understand am I am I in the interview was I in the interview did were they interviewing me no they weren’t interviewing you okay they were talking about me yeah that’s an important thing and talking about your daughter I just changed topic because this is really interesting I really admire you for how you grew up your two daughters I mean they are great speaker I was a grocon like two weeks ago uh it was great by the way and when when they speaked uh when they spoke in public they were phenomenal I mean how did you do that or you make made them do that I mean it’s incredible yeah well I didn’t make them do it uh I’ll tell you there’s a course that both my kids did it was delivered by my church the Church of Scientology I think you guys have one in Milan Rome um I don’t know where the other churches are over there but I think you have one in Florence maybe but there’s a course called a communication course everybody should do this course it’s open to everybody Catholics Protestants Muslims anybody can go in there and do this course it’s it’s a course about how to communicate W with an audience to make sure the communication gets through to you and that you duplicate communication and those kid my kids did that course when they were like I don’t know five or six years old wow my wife and I have done the course a couple of times okay it basically teaches you what communication is how to communicate clearly how to make sure your message was gotten through how to make sure it was duplicated how to actually have a communication like you and I are having right now and whether that’s oneon-one or one to, thousands tens of thousands communication needs to be understand stood as a uh as a system um so that’s one thing I can’t take credit for their communication I do give them the audience to speak to uh but they write their own speeches they’ve been doing this since you were how old Sabrina she’s in here right now probably seven seven She they’ve been doing their own speeches two audiences since they were seven years old and I would highly recommend people do that course have your kids do the Course adults should do the course wow that’s great that’s great um yeah because because the the ability to communicate like if you can’t communicate you can’t Market you can’t sell you can’t grow you can’t expand a business you can’t lead you can’t have a marriage okay like you can’t you can’t actually educate your kids like the ability to communicate is probably one of the most important single tools an individual can can develop and it’s not even taught in the school system yeah at least not here in America and is that the first skill you wanted your daughters to to learn yeah absolutely uh we homeschool our kids and the there was a we at that time we had a nanny in the house and they’re like Mr Cardone what’s the most important thing to you most important thing to me in my our kids schooling is that our kids know how to communicate with anyone about any topic okay whether they’re talking to an astronaut whether they’re talking to somebody in technology or somebody in real estate the ability for the CH the kid or the adult to be present and receive information that they may not know anything about by the way okay and still be present uh is like when my kids are with someone it doesn’t matter who they are and they’ve been around pretty important people they could be around Usher or they could be around Tyler Perry or Arnold Schwarzenegger or Donald Trump or and they’re they’re going to be present okay they’re goingon to be present fully present and be able to receive information because the ability to receive information is communication yeah and when I’m receiving and duplicating communication every time I do that I’m learning and I become bigger and bigger more and more confident about where on the planet I can go look Gandhi was a great communicator Jesus was a great communicator Alexander the Great was a great communicator Caesar was clearly a great communicator like if you’re going to build an Empire you have to be able to communicate that’s great and why uh this is a question I wanted to ask you why homeschooling in in uh like a 60 seconds would you explain to Italian people why you choose to homeschool your children well because I wanted to I wanted to be able to spend more time with my kids so when I send the kids number one when I send the kids to school from 8:00 in the morning till 4:00 in the afternoon I don’t get to be with them yeah so selfishly I wanted to be with them I want I want I want to be with my kids and watch them grow up number two I want them to be with me I think they can learn more from me being with me than some teacher that I don’t even know I don’t I I don’t know the teacher I don’t know what her agenda is I don’t know what’s going on in Italy right now but I know what’s going on in America and it’s not good even in ital I I tell you so the third the third thing is you know I’m worried about the teacher and I’m worried about the kids so if if my kid is is in a class with 30 other kids you know 10 of those kids are great 10 of those kids are probably below great average and then there’s 10 of them a third of them that are problematic well I don’t want my kids around the problems and I don’t want them around average and the the top 10 which is probably stretching it those top 10 it’s hard to have a third of the classroom be exceptional people today when Instagram and Tik Tok and Facebook and with psychiatric medications hitting one out of five kids in America wow the teachers are on the drugs dude it we we got major problems so the the the the most important reason I pulled the kids out of school was because I don’t want them around the crazies okay I take topic uh uh Grant I look at you you are 66 right almost 66 yes sir okay you look you look great how do you do that I want to be like you at 66 H what’s the secrets man this this I mean I don’t know if you’re ready for the secret maybe I don’t know my church I tell you what my church has helped me a lot to stay you youthful wow okay because because when you have losses in life right if you’ve ever seen somebody have a loss it wears on them if you’ve ever seen somebody lose lose somebody you they’re going to actually have grief on them and um if you could get rid of the losses if you could get rid of losses the memories the pain you know all that comes with it the weight of a loss in life there people have millions of losses in their lifetime by the way they don’t have one they have millions and millions of them from from I I lost my dad when I was 10 I lost my older brother when I was 20 I’ve lost girlfriends I’ve lost businesses I’ve lost money I’ve all these losses right um and and and it weighs you down dude and it gets heavy and so what I do is I go to my church man I and and they they have technology for processing getting rid of the loss literally erasing the loss so that I can now have free a future to create on not a a past that I’m stuck in oh that’s great and so number one that’s how I stay young bro my church helps me a lot okay number two okay I always have something to do like I believe work is the greatest youth reju rejuvenator particularly if you’re winning you got to win in life man if you don’t win you lose and the third thing the third thing that helps me uh stay young is 10x Health uh we own a company called 10x health I use all the products all the supplements the IVs um and we’re expanding that we’re now approved in 47 countries Italy’s one of them yeah I I tried to buy that but uh they didn’t allow me is still uh um young for for it yeah we’re we’re we’re we’re in the process of of scaling that out in in Italy to be one of our Target countries by the way uh you should uh go and check out thex he really great great great system man uh I was really sold like one moment I was sold to to buy that and uh for me and my wife so that’s great just uh last couple of questions uh really great interview Grant thank you so much for this um really like quick answers because I have like a few when enough will be enough I mean you are growing you are multi-billionaire when in Al will be enough this is not my question this this is what Italians would ask you by the way yeah so you know I it’s not a fair question I mean I know it’s a fair question but it’s not something I even ask myself I ne I’ve never I’ve been asked that question a hundred times I have never asked myself that question so never think about okay when am I done ever I’ve never ever even contemplated the the the idea when this even when you ask me the question I don’t even consider it I have like I have zero curiosity about when enough is enough 100 billion 500 billion like if I get to 100 billion dude I guarantee you I’m gonna be interested in 500 yeah you fire me man like I I it’s not really money I’m not really thinking about the money I’m thinking I need the money to do the other things right so right now I’m thinking about hey how do I have a m a 1.5 million investors I’m I’m measuring in different things right I’m thinking about how do I brand how do I become a bank or an equity fund manager or a Wall Street guy not just a sales marketing guy I’m trying to I’m I’m in transition right now to become something else yeah so we will see the gr Cardone bank right in a few years yes 100% that’s great 100% that’s great can can wait maybe I I will be a customer and another quick question I I saw your interview with Jordan bford I saw how did you behave and I like it how you behaved so much okay um what was the reason about that uh behaving I mean you went there like a fire right you you went there like a really big uh um I don’t know tsunami uh and I I like that so much I like that how did you uh go there right I saw you that you went there like a tsunami right and that was that because uh uh it was a comp I shouldn’t have done that look I I shouldn’t have done that interview okay that I I didn’t want to be there I I don’t I don’t respect him and and I was disrespectful to him because I don’t respect him and why did you go there it was it was somebody scheduled it I happened to be in La I went and did it and I you know I probably should not have done that interview I mean just to be completely honest like I’m never going to do anything with him I’m not going to do business with him like it it was just a bad decision and and uh you know and and the way I acted on that interview was it was never going to be understood to his audience because what he’s asking I have no interest in like what are you going to do if the guy says they’re not interested I’m said bro I’m going to build a bigger Network like like I’m am not going to try to handle one guy saying no to me and unfortunately that didn’t get through correctly okay yeah like look like bro bro I don’t I don’t need one person to say yes to me anymore I used to need one person to say yes to me I used to be a sales guy I used to be a guy trying to get one person to buy from me I’m not doing that anymore I not going to to beg one person to do business with me I’m going grow my audience and get the ones to say yes to me that want to say yes to me okay business is not a sales game only you know and and and I didn’t know this when I was like when I thought I used to think like Jordan I used to think very small uh everything was a sale everything was an objection everything I had to close the guy I had to overcome the objection I’m not that guy anymore I a we we have a very large business we do $750 million a year in Revenue okay Jordan B for does not do $750 million in Revenue never done that in his lifetime okay like his whole life so I’m not being hateful I’m just that’s the truth okay he runs a very small business out of his home I used to do that I’ve done that before that’s not what I’m doing anymore so got yeah it it was a great interview I I like it that so much by the way the way you liked it yeah yeah yeah but but but I did I didn’t like it because I was disrespectful to him and by the way I just saw him I don’t know a couple months a uh uh maybe maybe last year late last year uh out I would and said hello to him whatever I mean I want the best thing for him I hope he does well but we’re we’re completely different places I I there’s nothing me and him ever do together okay and and yeah part of my response to him was just like I don’t want to be you anymore bro I don’t want to be you I don’t want to be in this I’m disgusted with this this this whole idea that I’m G to operate out of my office out of my home and have six young kids temporary workers downstairs making phone calls that’s not the businessman I want to be anymore so that was that that’s part of what came in and I was in transition I was still transitioning to this next version of Grant yeah that’s great you know so so anyway dude look I’m just I’m becoming newer versions better versions of me hopefully and um you’re a beast man you’re doing really really great you’re you fire me up every day uh last couple questions those are my wife’s questions like uh the first one is how happy are you my wife asked me to tell you so ask you yeah I don’t I don’t really think about happiness you know I don’t I mean I’m I’m a 10 today so but I don’t I don’t really think about being happy I don’t have a happy meter um I can’t it’s like you if you ask me what I weigh today I’m like I don’t know what I weigh but I’m I’m I’m I’m fine with it I mean I wasn’t even thinking about it until you brought up my weight then I’m like yeah I probably could lose four or five lounds you know so yeah I’m happy but I don’t think about happy I think about productive I the better question for me is Grant how productive are you today yeah and and and so because that’s kind of what I think about I I I’m a productive I’m a producer I like to produce things I am a human that wants to do stuff I don’t want to just be I want to do I like games I like activity I I’ll just tell you like one one other thing because me and my kids my two kids I I’ve been my my wife is with her mother right now and so I’ve been home with the kids for a week yesterday we were playing 20 questions and 20 questions is basically I come up with something and they have to ask me questions until they figure out what I’m thinking of dude like that makes me so happy it’s unbelievable okay like but it makes me happier when they finally get it and and so but but you know but when that game’s over I want to do something else now what are we going to do now so yeah am I happy it seems so seems so yeah I mean you’re the first one that uh um accepted to do this interview with us and in three days you were ready to do that it was great man uh really great uh last couple of question the last one of my wife’s questions are what would you say to Grant’s child to the child version of Grant I mean if you could go in the past and meet yourself where when you were child what would this what dude hey I I yeah let’s say I’m five or six years old bro you’re doing great you’re going to keep doing great think bigger go bigger shed shed get rid of all these old small ideas okay leave your town leave where you live as soon as you can okay I would tell 5-year-old Grant go to Wall Street go meet go meet the people that run this planet they’re on Wall Street okay they’re not in DC go to Harvard Yale go to one of these big colleges and meet the kids of the bushes and the Obamas and uh you know the bill Aman’s amans of the world and the the Steve schwarzman and the Larry Finks these people run the universe bro wow and I would say hey don’t even bother with what you learn in school uh I would say you learn how to communicate stay curious about who you are as a spiritual being okay that you can have anything you want on this planet any car any house any amount of money any boat and it’s nothing but learn who you are man spiritually okay learn what happens next what’s the purpose of life where did you come from stay curious about these questions that that people say you can’t know the answer to because just because I can’t know the answer to it doesn’t mean I can’t stay curious about it and to be curious is that is like to Li live right it’s like to have a life because if you’re not curious you are dead basically right yeah that’s great the last question great interview Grant I really appreciate that you took the time to to really speak to the Italian people Italian Market even though I think that this this is a great interview even for French guys or uh maybe Spanish guys you know our neighbors uh last question that I ask you ask all the time to the guest that come in this podcast what does to be part of 1% mean to you you well to be part of the 1% means that you have you have hacked you have hacked you have shortwire and put yourself in a position to be a select group of people on the planet you know I I I like that if I go into a restaurant I’m like hey what’s the best thing you have on your menu what’s the best wine the best pasta the best dessert who’s your best cook if I if I go to if I go to Milan what’s the best restaurant I I don’t why why would I want an average restaurant and so to be in the 1% means you you have achieved a level that 99% of the people on the planet have not achieved and that took a vision a commitment conc consistency frequency persistency to get there okay it tells me a lot about a human being that gets in the 1% okay and by the way you could have been born in the 1% my kids are born into the into the 1% now that doesn’t mean they can stay in the 1% so so they have to go grind that out too they got to decide are they committed are they willing to pay the price are they willing to to be disciplined over la long periods of time to get into the 1% I know people that got into the 1% and couldn’t stay so getting there is one thing staying there is another thing and then getting in the top 1% of the 1% bro that’s a whole another level yeah and you did that so that’s great man so it was a really great interview I took a lot of notes here in my uh in my computer uh thank you so much Grant uh I I want to ask you last question when get can I get a ride on your jet I mean I love your jet I want your jet I I want the the 1% jet when can I get a ride when when when will you come in Milan to be my guest man yeah yeah let’s do it man I I love Milan uh you know I’ll tell you a little story uh the first time I went to Milan I flew into Milan we we we rented uh motorcycles in Milan went to Lake KO okay yeah and then I rode that motorcycle is a BMW um Cruiser took the motorcycle from Milan all the way to Naples wow and how how did you see the street I never Hey listen to this I had never ridden a motorcycle before W in Italian streets because Italian Street in the Italian streets yeah in the Italian streets in the first 30 minutes I was on the motorcycle I laid it down in com on those oily streets in the Square yeah I laid the bike down and then I hit a bus I hit the side of a bus and kept it up and then we went to Milan and when I get the Milan I pulled into the hotel and said take the bike send it back to Lake KO so thank you so much Grant it was a really great interview uh thank you for your time thank you my friend and uh we going to explode this interview we’re going to push that in the market and thank you so much the episode was great uh for all the people that listening want this um interview with everyone thank you grant see you next next time in Milan R R thank you so much format okay Que for


    1. – Quantità MEGLIO di Qualità. Usa la quantità per arrivare alla qualità.
      – Lavora meglio sul marketing così che la vendita sia più facile.
      – Non impostare un budget sul marketing. Se smetti di fare marketing, TUTTO quello che hai investito è buttato.
      – Impara a comunicare.

    2. Marketing vs Vendite: il marketing è più importante delle vendite. Un buon marketing crea fiducia e facilita le vendite. All'inizio, meglio puntare sulla quantità che sulla qualità per capire cosa funziona davvero.

      Budget e marketing: Limitare il marketing a un budget annuale rigido è un errore. Il marketing deve essere persistente, frequente e consistente per funzionare. Le vendite dovrebbero finanziare il marketing, non limitarlo.

      Cambiamenti personali: Cambiare la mentalità da una di scarsità a una di abbondanza è fondamentale. Investire tutto il possibile in branding e marketing è la chiave per il successo.

      Gestione degli haters: Gli haters spesso provengono da persone vicine. Possono ispirare o fermare, dipende da come reagiamo. Usare la critica come motivazione è essenziale.

      Educazione e comunicazione: L'abilità di comunicare è fondamentale per il successo. Grant ha educato le sue figlie in casa e ha dato loro corsi di comunicazione per sviluppare questa abilità.

      Obiettivi e futuro: Grant non si pone limiti su quanto vuole raggiungere. Punta sempre a crescere e raggiungere nuovi traguardi.

      Consigli per il giovane Grant: Pensare in grande, lasciare il paese natale per cercare opportunità, studiare comunicazione e rimanere curiosi riguardo alla propria natura spirituale.

      Essere nel top 1%: Raggiungere il top 1% richiede visione, impegno, consistenza, frequenza e persistenza. Non si tratta solo di arrivare al top, ma di rimanerci e aspirare al top dell'1%.

    3. Probabilmente questo video rappresenta, per la pura presenza di Cardone, uno dei più importanti investimenti di questo canale… tanto di cappello

    4. Giacomo bellissimo interview e complimenti per essere riuscito ad intervistarlo, è anche complimenti per la confidenza che hai nel parlare una lingua di cui non sei padrone

    5. Non so se Giacomo ha realizzato cosa ha appena fatto, ha portato un miliardario americano con in agenda così piena, che manco il caffè riesce a prendersi, in un podcast italiano.
      Chapeau Giacomo, ci vediamo a novembre💪

    6. Bravo Giacomo Freddi per avere intervistato un personaggio di questo calibro.

      Il fatto di sapere l'Inglese è un netto vantaggio competitivo su cui spingere per "portare in Italia" formatori e/o imprenditori internazionali da intervistare. Bravo!!!

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