I messaged 100 professional clubs to play for their football team! My dream of being a professional footballer is finally coming true

    Big thank you to @Ligue1UberEats & @StadeRennaisFCOfficiel for the oppurtunity!

    Check this I Played In A World Cup Final ft. iShowSpeed, Kaka, Hazard & Roberto Carlos https://youtu.be/SMQ0vkmnHes

    Check out some of my other football videos
    $1 vs. $10,000 Messi vs Ronaldo Seats

    The Video Ends When I Meet Mbappe


    I Hired Roberto Carlos to Rate My Football Ability https://youtu.be/nhPSPVwholk
    How Good is 85 Rated Footballer Jack Grealish In Real Life?

    How I Met Lionel Messi

    Whatever the Football Hits, You Win ft. Kid Ronaldo (EA FC 24)

    [Music] since a kid it’s been my dream to play for a professional football team but due to an injury that didn’t work out since becoming a YouTuber I’ve been invited to so many football clubs and played at some of the best stadiums in the world and after meeting so many pro footballers they always ask me why don’t I play for a professional football club but today I’m going to try and change that for over the last week I dm’d 100 football clubs asking for a trial to join their football club and whilst 99 clubs didn’t respond one Club did rent rent is a club based in France and they offered me a training day and a Showcase with their Club to see if I’m good enough to go professional so without further Ado it was time to pack my bags and head off to France now I was about to go on the biggest mission of my life now after traveling 3 hours to France we finally arrived at the hotel 24 hours later it was finally time for the trial day your boy finally arrived at the club Stadium right outside the players entrance this was going to be one of the greatest days ever and also in this video I have to play in a professional football match so stay tuned after waiting for 2 minutes the man who hooked everything up finally arrived are okay good to meet yes we are here ladies and gentlemen at stad Rene this is it the stadium the club I could be playing for one day man this oh hey I’m so gassed man this going to be amazing so after meeting the main man it was finally time to get this day started if I can do this honestly guys I can do anything now before I even start this trial we headed all the way to the players locker room where the team had a special surprise for me one of the biggest moments of my YouTube career is going to happen right now man we walk in ladies and gent we are here in the changing room and your boys kit is ready for my professional football trial with Ren man as you can see Eman number 99 we’ve got Amin gurri right here I’m going to be seeing him later on and we also have desri dwey so ladies and gentlemen it’s time to get this trial started first up I’ve got my medical just to check if I’m all fit to take part let’s get ready for it to make sure I was fit to take part in this trial I needed to complete four different fitness challenges to show that my body is capable of playing for a professional football team ladies and gentlemen your boy is ready Eman number 99 all right here we go this is it we are in the club’s gym and I have to do a medical before I can train with any of the first team players today so there’s a few tests I must complete to be able to train to do my trial this medical was going to be tough for challenge one I had to go on this spin bike and keep the RPMs higher than 120 for a consistency of 10 minutes this challenge was super super tough because my legs were not used to working at the capacity of a pro footballer hey come on I told you guys this is it I’ve got sign for this club man this is going to be it man I’m completing my childhood dreams hit becoming a professional footballer from YouTube man come on wo this was my moment to to shine and after getting down to 2 more minutes I was starting to struggle but I had to keep going what’s the timer on 5 more seconds 5 leg a dead and your boy managed to complete the spin back challenge I don’t know if I’m going to make it I don’t know if I’m good enough or fit enough man that’s the main thing but there are three more challenges that I must complete to even get the chance to train with the players okay next up we’ve got a plan I have to stay at this for one whole minute man go the plank is one of the hardest ab workouts you have to do and a lot of the pro footballers can actually do this for 5 minutes but I had to only do it for two I’m going to try 5 Seconds 5 4 3 2 oh my God no that is is this what the pro footballers have to do this is what they have to I don’t think I’m making it now for Challenge 3 and four these ones were much more easier as it was just showing good form in these workouts I found the skipping to be pretty easy and pretty fun but if you guys didn’t know skipping helps a lot with your foot Rhythm and if you’re a footballer you need to have good foot Rhythm for this and after finishing this off I completed the medical okay man uh let’s go after your warm up I will show you the stage of okay no now just before I was about to see the dream we actually bumped into some of the French Youth Academy play yeah yeah hey hey they were so excited that I was going on trial for their club and I said to myself I cannot let them down I must pass today’s challenge hey I come I come I play for this club I come play I sign contract I sign contract soon everyone all good we we we hey come on let’s go after meeting the academy players I knew this was my moment to shine it was time to get ready for the trial this is my moment a woo ah guys this is it man this is where I could be played if I complete this try today hey your boy will be playing on this pitch on this pitch running down the wing scoring goals I’m ready for this moment man this is going to be a big moment look at this Stadium though this stadium is amazing and you know what’s crazy my player on FIFA used to play for this club I moved from Watford to Ren and then I went to Madrid after that so this is funny that I’m here in real life playing for the club man I love this hey this could be me this could be me now it is time for the real Tri I will be meeting some of the players for ens and showcasing my football and ability to them and if they’re happy for it I will get signed for the club now before we headed off there I did some warm-ups on the pitch just to motivate me so in my head I knew if I complete this this is where I will be playing football after seeing some historical artifacts and moments from the football club I was hyped and we headed straight off to the training ground for my trial to start the training ground of Ren was amazing it gave me some cool classic old School football Vibes and after meeting some of the under 23s it was time for me to get ready and get on the pitch all right guys here we go this is it we are here at the training ground right now so a few of the pro football players for Rens are about to come out and they’re going to assess my ability see if I am good enough to play for Ren so before we do that I need to make sure I’m all good and ready for go the moment had begun my tri had started the ren coach has put me through a small solo session that I had to do just to make sure I was warm and my abilities were at the best to show off to the players to make sure I was sharp we did some light dribbling through the poles to make sure that every single touch that I had was precise and efficient next up was finishing I had to be on point as I’m a striker getting ready I’m getting ready I need to sign this trial man this is what I got to keep on [Music] doing and after a few more shots your boy was ready all right if I don’t get signed today there something’s wrong I need a play like this in front of the pro I don’t they might come down to nerves man they’re coming in 5 minutes I’m got a watch on they’re coming in 5 minutes so I think I’m ready after waiting 5 minutes the pros finally came out I finally met the two Ballers that are going to be assessing me this is Amin gri and deser Dewey they are both professional footballers for Ren now both of these players are absolutely amazing look at this goal and mean gy scored he takes it past so many players and finishes it into the goal it’s going to be so hard to impress them now there’s two challenges that I must do to Showcase my abilities as an attacker towards them previously football legend Roberto Carlos rated my footballing ability and he said I was amazing so let’s see how this goes these are the two top dogs right now at the club Ren and as you guys know hey they’ve given me a trial today today is my day to prove to the pro ballers that I’m good enough for the first challenge we have a speed drill we will be timed going through this slum course and we will see how many goals we can score whatever the pros get I must match it or beat it who wants to go first I’m the younger okay youngest goes first yeah let’s go ladies and Gentlemen let’s get into it come on all right ladies and gentlemen here we go desri Dy is up first are you ready for this bro I’m ready bro hey ladies and gentlemen this is what we’re going to see the time is lap for the professional footballers you can put it when you’re ready 3 2 1 go oh my God hey he’s too quick he’s quick through it he’s quick through oh dribbling e e shoot oh my god oh Oh that’s oh my God hey 12 is that 12 12 seconds Jesus we give we give him 120 0 yeah yeah so bro 12 seconds 12 I’m be it good I’m good bro how I can do better I can do better you be better 12 seconds bro how guys hey I don’t think I’m going to S bro you got 12 seconds and he scored you scored three out three Jesus okay man after that amazing performance from Des Dewey this was going to be a hard challenge next up am mean gri is about to go let’s see what he gets bro what do you think he’s going to get what time do you think he’s going to get 15 15 15 seconds all right you ready I Me 3 2 1 go oh okay now he’s going quick he’s going quick he’s going quick he’s dropping through them dropping through them like it’s nothing shoot shoot oh oh finish a oh yes fre 13 13 no bro I can’t lie I might be stressed here these guys got three out of three on the shots and they got quick times as well you have to you have to do better bro all right so what time do you think I can get honestly yeah be real with me you guys are the professionals I’m I’m trying to Prof now you are F yeah okay one one boo okay I think 14 or 13 but you will miss one fair enough all right guys let’s see what I’ve got a locker this was the moment I’ve been waiting for it’s time to see what I can get if I do good you sign me for the team okay okay no problem 3 2 1 hey hey hey 15 15 15 and you missed too bro it was going well I didn’t know it saved my first shot then I hit with the post is it it’s good it’s good it’s good now after that performance my trial was not looking good I don’t think the professional footballers were impressed but they let me go one more time what I need to work on to get to your level so I think uh have to be calm composed yeah compos you know when you shoot calm just before to shoot you know yes all right guys I’m going to run that one more time let’s see if I can beat my time what was it 15 15 21 the moment was now I needed to try and score as many goals as possible 3 2 1 stop okay okay okay okay okay quick quick go go sh down okay go go okay 16 now after checking V we actually saw that the players stopped the time late my actual time was 14 seconds and I managed to score two goals which means I passed this challenge bro yeah it’s the goals that matter not the time minut it in the game the the is to score bro to score you see how that so as I passed that challenge it’s time to move on to number two this is the finishing challenge let’s see how many goals we can score all right ladies and gentlemen so as we got the attacking players today it’s time we doing attacking challenge right now I’ve got some balls laid out over there each of us is going to take six shots and we’re going to see what the standard is so whatever you guys get I need to try and match it so I can get signed for the club after the game you speak to manager signs the contract there we go so ladies and gentlemen who want go first you going first you who goes first let’s do this come on ready I’m ready finish no no no save one no ready oh my gosh no that first one no o I standed though standed how have he scored that first one bro four in that’s free for me you have one more two oh finish oh my God so out of that many shots Desi got a score of two next up is a mem let’s see what he gets 3 2 1 oh my God that’s what that’s one Jesus Oh my goodness I just got power as well just run away bro oh sh I don’t think I’m making it three for me one more for you oh my oh my God like oh my gosh bro there’s no way you see that finish bro Striker real Striker bro what can I say so I have to try and get you guys set me the Target what’s the target after tr get for you yeah you speak to manager yeah yeah I speak to manager but two it’s easy to to beat you know okay okay all right I’ll try to get free I’ll try to get free guys let’s go come on let’s do this if I pass this challenge that will be two challenges completed and there is still one big challenge I have to do in this video and that is to play in a real football game easy good G come on come on again again again come on damn damn go save no easy yeah come on dude One Touch One Touch One Touch One Touch oh last one no go three bro you miss the chers bro now although I thought I failed this challenge we looked back at the footage and we saw I only took five shots the pro players had six which means I had one more chance to beat the score of [Music] two come on come on what did I say WM come on come on W hey guys he’s talking to the manager from me ladies and gentlemen this might be the moment where I finally get signed a professional team bro but now honest to you guys amazing finishes right there bro I appreciate it thank you so much for that thank you and now thank you I’ve got a game coming up on the weekend um if I score a goal then you 100% talk to manager is that okay is that deal I’ll send you the clip as well yeah ladies and gentlemen it’s time for the charity game man let’s go this is it I am playing in a professional football match versus xpros and semi-professional footballers if I can score a goal in this game I will get signed for Ren and the game is off ladies and gentlemen here we go if you guys don’t know again I am playing for the green team right here this is JX on the ball my bro I get the ball now I’m on the ball I see going for run I’ve tried to Ping it through to him all the way down the line but the keepers come out the box and he’s handballed it he’s hand bed it and we have one a free kick if that was a real game The Keeper gets sent off right there the free kick Stacks up boom Oh my God that was a phenomenal free kick that was from Colin kazim Richards ex-professional football player he is a boss and right here the blues have now got the counter attack they are driving through this player on the ball he is an expr as well look at the way he’s just driving through driving through he gets the ball cuts it across to Zayn Zayn goes for it but our defense is too good this guy dribbles through what can he do and they’ve won a penalty guys this is not not good my team is about to concede a goal or they have the possibilities there for them to concede a goal this early on into the game man we’ve dived in late and they’ve got the penalty number 10 steps up for it is he going to score he steps up and it’s one n my team is officially losing guys we are now losing 1 n man but the game is still going on right now here we go their Defenders have taken a bad touch and AAR is on the ball he’s going to take it past their Defender AAR shoots and there we go that’s 1 instant reply back from them that is 1 AAR if you guys don’t know AAR Barbers legend in the game right there has now scored and he’s equalized it for our team right the ball has been sprayed out who’s it gone to it’s gone to me I’ve taken a great touch there played it into galani JX JX is now running through running through can he get the goal he’s one-on-one shoot the keeper has made a brilliant save right there Big G from scons has done amazing man listen up guys so they have possession of the the ball look who’s there it’s Ean I’ve ran through ran through I’ve got the ball guys look crossed it in the defender missed it a star’s there why did he not shoot why did he not shoot I could have had an assist right there man that honestly got on my nerves but it is what it is so now the ball’s been whipped in right here all the players have missed it it’s coming the air to me I’ve gone through it and I’m H the crossbar all I need to do guys is score one goal just one goal and Rens will sign me and I’m hitting the crossbars I’m doing assists and a but now nevertheless right here colim kazim Richard plays it into AAR aar’s on the ball I’ve made a run in and as you can see ean’s on the ball he gets it and there’s a go I’ve scored and as you can see right here I hit the Jude Bellingham Celebration by the way there wasn’t a lot of people up at the top there was a big crowd at the top your boy gets it and he puts it away this is the goal I will be sending straight off to the team at Ren man this is amazing and then here right after I scored guys the number 10 gets the ball plays into Mr composure he back heals it and now it is 22 although I’ve scored I want to win this game I need to win this game to show Ren I can score the goals and my team is good enough to win because I will get signed for them and then right here guys look at this masterpiece boom Oh My Gosh these are the free kicks I score in videos with my friends at the park but he’s doing it in the real game now the ball’s been sprayed over the top into JX jalani on the ball he’s done well to H it can he do it this is his moment JX go that is my boy look you see he does the cartwheel I’ve come running off cuz I’m actually on the bench at the moment I’ve run all the way up to him biged him up I was so happy cuz I wanted him to get that goal so badly man he’s done so well to control it and finish it and just put it in the bottom corner he’s done very very well over there man as you can see guys it is free three and it’s getting to the last moment of the game and it’s getting so intense right now as you can see they are driving through right here this player gets the ball he plays it through and that’s another goal in the last minute guys this is the 90th minute by the way this is the 90th minute and they’ve scored a goal but it’s football of course Jamie London movements my boy gets the ball plays it into this brother but this brother is another QPR Legend as well and he scored in the last moment that’s why everyone’s ran over to him and celebrated because he has now taking this game off to penalties guys so we are now here for penalties number 10 steps up he’s taking first for the blues he shoots that’s a phenomenal pen what can I say that is phenomenal and he hits the Triple H next up is your boy Eman sv2 what can I do here go of course hey one fun fact about me I have never ever missed a penalty in a game I’ve never ever missed in the game it’s a weird fact but I’ve never missed I’ve taken quite a few and I’ve never ever ever missed the blue Step Up right here that’s a good penalty I think he’s sent the key but he’s used his body so well to finish that one off it’s 2-1 right now please a star steps up for it oh and he digs the goalkeeper I can’t lie yeah taking penalties in this thing there’s so much pressure you don’t actually feel until you actually have to step up for it and Mr composure replies back and he dinks the goalkeeper as well he’s done that one super super super well and now is 3-2 if we don’t score our next penalties hey we could be in danger JX is up now what can he do top beIN that is my boy right there man and he’s done the car it’s so funny me and him done the exact same celebrations it’s like we’re twins it’s like we’re brothers and SS has missed it this is our chance the blues have missed their penalty if we score and they miss and we score again we win Colin kazim Richard takes it that’s another goal right there this is it for free they need to miss the next penalty if they miss this penalty we win what’s going to happen here he steps up for it he shoots the keeper saves it we’ve done it we have done it I’m signing for Reds


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