Thanks so much to Outlaw for helping Lee and I with this, both in the lead up to and during the event. If you’d like to enter a 2024 Outlaw event, the code “TRIDANxOL24” will reduce your entry by 5%, I’ll also receive 5% of the entry cost which I will re-invest into this channel, it really does help me continue to provide free content, free of mid-roll adverts. Hope you enjoy 🙂

    Fundraising page (thankyou!)

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    The following companies (that you’ll see in my content) support me in various ways, so huge thanks to these guys for helping me document my Triathlon journey!
    – HUUB –
    – NRG Chains – (use code “TriDan” for 10% off of a Race Waxed Chain!)
    – Outlaw Triathlons 5% discount – TriDanxOL24

    #triathlon #swimming #triathlontraining

    [Music] good morning hello my name is Daniel this is the tri on Dan YouTube channel this is my good friend Lee Lee this morning we are at the outlaw half Nottingham middle distance Triathlon it’s the first race of the season I done this race times I’m so stoked to be back here a few weeks ago I didn’t think I was going to be in good enough shape to do it I had a bit of a wrist injury I needed somebody to swim for me so we could do this event as part of a relay you stepped up I did how you feeling about that decision now well you know don’t they say you should work on your weaknesses swimming is my weakest discipline so you know give it a go and I mean to be honest I’m really grateful for the opportunity to uh you’re welcome do this alongside such an amazing athlete give over um and yeah just to give it a go knowing I’ve not got the pressure of the other two perfect um you know nobody can run I don’t know if I’d be capable of it all just yet I’m quite early on my Triathlon Journey MH so the swim is a big enough challenge for me today yeah you’re right so today for me is all about about like gratitude like a few a few weeks ago I didn’t think I was going to be doing this race had a terrible winter as Le’s born the brunt of all my moaning so I’m just so stoked to be here seeing and talking to people who’ve had their own Journeys and own challenges over winter dead excited to be here hopefully we’re going to share the course with lots of people today thanks to Outlaw thanks to all the volunteers for making this thing happen I’m buzzing because you’re going to get to do a middle distance swim which is potentially something you might want to do in the future you can do that without the pressure of having to do the rest of it I’m going to do the bike run is the plan I’m going to see how we go just on the road bike taking the pressure off and just trying to enjoy as much as we can so I’m hoping that today is going to be a good day but it’s still going to be tough isn’t it right of course 1.2 M swim you’ve not swm that far ever no uh and I’m not prepared for the other side of it but yeah let’s get stuck in Lee shall we that’s it yeah let’s do [Music] [Music] it w [Music] [Music] so that’s the 70.3 uh swim done and dusted uh I’ve handed over the timing chip to Dan who’s out on the bike course now so uh good luck to Dan I hope you smash it mate um the swim for me I think really I feel like it went a bit better than yesterday in the the Sprint try I just think with a longer distance I just had in my head that it was I was going to be out there for a long time and I just kind of settled into a rhythm a little bit more and I would certainly learned some lessons from yesterday about sighting I think I swam in less zigzags today and uh it was nice to have so much company out there actually because it felt like in the Sprint try everyone just swam away from me and then I was on my own but today with the time trial start and the waves I felt like I was always you know there was always people coming past me and I was you know giving it my best shot to jump on a few feet and you know there was a few more people to follow and stuff I mean that did result in people you know swimming into my feet and swimming over me a little bit but you know that’s kind of The Full Experience really and I I actually really enjoyed it and uh I think I was glad to hand the chip over to Dan I was glad I’m not doing the bike in the run today but I think it’s given me the confidence that maybe one day in the future I could do the whole 70.3 um but yeah the uh I’ll put the stats on screen from the swim I guess the Highlight is I made it round and you know ticked it off which is great and probably I’ve not looked at the pace yet but it’s probably just my normal slow pace which is fine uh so yeah just glad to have made it round and come on down it’s just after 10 7 it’s all go here you join me on my roadside set up I’ve got my chair I’ve got my megaphone I’ve got my cowbell I’ve got my flask of tea we’re ready to go the athletes are flying through now I can’t tell you who’s currently in first place but it’s very exciting and they’re coming through thick and fast [Music] [Music] welcome home I’m Dave P cck down in my wife she’s somewhere waiting in front of me an ice cream oh she racing yeah she oh W right oh got it now oh yeah she’s trying to win it oh right oh fair enough well age grp but yeah so um yeah both um both booked on for Wales been doing trun a few year now about seven year but uh probably been about two or three years since I’ve done one so best B to yeah get used to the Transitions and stuff again to do it make sure I don’t forget wet suit on the day we’re both in like a similar situation that you’ve got a niggle I’ve got a niggle we’re just sort of seeing how it goes and stuff we don’t want to risk it on swiming bike and now just tring that t-shirt now but you almost recover night F probably God she’s back [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so I understand that you’ve had a considerable swim debrief already so I’ve I’ve given him chapter and verse already yeah got it right so bik ride I had absolute whale of a time it was so good to be around some people sure it was quite busy at times but I really control the first half an hour going into this I was it was all about just finishing or getting as far around as I can so I wanted to control it not go too hard and about half an hour in it’s busy on course sometimes but some guy was properly set on my wheel and i’ said to him you shouldn’t be Drafting and he said it’s not that deep mate I just want to try and follow you Etc and I said it’s not a bike race try one of them if you want to do that that and it escalated a bit from there so I just rode hard after that so that anybody I did pass was less likely to want to properly sit on me I just don’t want to be associated with people properly drafting he said it’s not affecting you it’s I’m doing exactly yeah I said everybody’s here racing fa anyway so after that I turned the gas on a bit I was really enjoying it I felt like I was going well I was fueling well and I rode 228 which I was actually a bit surprised about yeah a robot 22 mph I’ve TR for that that’s that’s strong coming from you cuz yesterday in travles no that’s good on a road by it mate on that course how windy was it getting onto the course was quite windy yeah but any so I above anything I wasn’t really looking at numbers too much I was just having a damn good time when your morale is good you ride well and perform well don’t you so I did the bike got into transition uh I was half an hour ahead of schedule so Chris wasn’t there so I was a bit like well I’ll Dr to my transition point I felt like I need the toilet so I got have portal and Chris might appear at some point so I did that it was just false alarm it was just and Chris wasn’t there so I thought well okay I’ll start the run then and my my plan was I’m going to see how my knee was feeling at the very least I wanted to get one lap done so four miles I started doing it and I got about a third the way 2/ third of the way around and I started running the chap called Dave who finished just in front of us and we ran the whole thing together very similar Pace just chatting away I feel it ever so slightly but I felt absolutely fine it got hard towards the end but I just controlled it so that I got to the finish and I’m absolutely so stoked with today like I feel like we’ve had a team experience absolutely like I’ve been a part of the atmosphere I’ve been on course shouting your you a couple of times though it’s hard in it so I feel like this is exactly what I needed to be continue being motivated by the sport now I’m going to go away it’s going to motivate me in training a few weeks ago when I asked you if you do the swim I was having a bit of a wobble and I think if you’d have said no I don’t even know if I’d have come today I don’t think there’s anything you could ask me that I’d say no to anyway like when you said festive 500 on Christmas Eve I was like go on that there so this has been absolutely brilliant I want to say thank you very much to anybody who said hello on course who’s raced today the marshals of volunteers the atmosphere is brilliant isn’t it and I’ve honestly I’m overwhelmed with the amount of support that I get it is not fair but it is absolutely brilliant I hope you’ve had a mega day and I hope you’ve enjoyed the video and maybe we’ll do some more of this sort of stuff in the future I quite like the team relay sort of thing yeah you know and thanks to all the people who spotted me out on course as well do you want to drop in the quote you just said to us somebody uh told that you were what somebody did run past and say I was even more handsome in real life but nobody believes me so if that was you can you comment down below thanks very much thanks to camera guy Chris Outlaw everybody involved Liz as well she’s somewhere here oh yeah I’ve seen us a couple of times got it like And subscribe and I’ll see you again very soon because we got some stuff to do this year yes let’s go


    1. Well done you two, Outlaw 70.3 is a great race, may have to do my 6th one next year! Not been for a few years.. 🤔😎

    2. Thanks so much to Outlaw for helping Lee and I with this, both in the lead up to and during the event. If you'd like to enter a 2024 Outlaw event, the code "TRIDANxOL24" will reduce your entry by 5%, I'll also receive 5% of the entry cost which I will re-invest into this channel, it really does help me continue to provide free content, free of mid-roll adverts. Hope you enjoy 🙂

    3. 😂 yep that was me Lee during the run!

      I also spoke to Daniel on the Saturday as he was finishing his vlog!

      It was my first half distance and I have enjoyed watching the channel getting tips and sharing the journey!

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