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    the Riders of the Jal were subjected to their third Mountain test in a row this time T poacha would take the pink jersey from SVA Val Gardena all the way to Paso broon a shorter day in terms of kilometers on the menu 159 five mountain passes and thankfully better weather no arguments no cancellations modifications to this particular stage 17 two ascents of passo broon first from the north then from the West first visit to the mountain at Theo since the 1960s it would be a very difficult start and the chimac copi would be tackled straight away with the removal of the stelvio and its replacement the day before it’ll be uphill for 50 points and that special Prize winner of this stage would take the tro Torani in me memory of the late jilo organizer first couple of attacks came in the first few kilometers several Riders including Gil Steiner niika Ki a couple from V group bani were trying to get up the road closer to the top of the climb poacha was marking pelari was going for it and it was a photo finish at the top of the passel C as naido kintana made a late burst for the Chima it will be the youngest rider in the race at 20 years and 6 months Julio pelari would win the prestigious prize he’d go and continue to attack junor ala Filip would go on The Descent as would Emanuel gabier and 10 Riders would get in a breakaway would it be the break of the day UA Emirates tried to control things quite a few Riders got back and dear fic poel one of the teams who really wanted a race at the top of the passi the Gap was just over a minute pelari took another big set of points King of the mountains prize a long shot for anybody whose name isn’t T pachad however on The Descent anybody who wanted to be in the front of the race was really really struggling the ASM had forced a gap they caught the Breakaway and would try to attack Guan Bal though was marked by T poacha they’re still with 60 km to go there was confusion as to how things would go from there on in Riders who’ been in the original Breakaway thinking about attacking again and then with just under 60k to go near the top of the shortest climb of the day Emanuel GB zabia of a Leal Trek would go for it g steinhauser would follow him would there be any more re action the two quickly got 42 seconds but they still had two ascents of the passo Bron to come inside the final 40ks a more apathy behind but 35 km remained when with a minute and a half of a gap it would be G steinhauser to attack gibber xabier the 22-year-old German looking to do something magnificent he’d never won a bik race but he was out there with a gap and that Gap continued to grow onto the final climb of the D with 8 and 1 half km to go he had over 3 minutes on the ma Roa group they in turn were led by the Enos grenadiers gabber xabier was caught but with fourks left to the line steinhauser still had just under three minutes he was hanging on he was holding on but he was still looking good looking less good was Ben oono who started to lose contact with an acceleration among the GC favorites that acceleration mainly came from Danny [Music] Martinez poacha then came to the front and as we’ve become accustomed to seeing pogacha would go off the front very quickly the Gap opened again Thomas and Martinez in the chasing group with Tiber Rubio and Company ran Bal was having a better day than the day before steinauer in the meantime was having the day of his life bacho was gaining but was he gaining enough the answer a very clear no a minute and a half of a margin of victory for EF education easy post gorg steinhauser his family ties talked about extensively as he came to his first grand tour now he was his own man a first Pro victory at a first Grand Tour a new German cycling star was born Pacha pedal over and extended his lead yet again in the general classification TI put distance between himself and irman in the white jersey just a handful of [Music] seconds but all the glory on the day going to geog steinhauser as EF education easy Post finally came and got what they were looking for a stage win at this jle small differences between the GC Riders Ben o Conor one of the big losers on the day but the big winner gorg steinhauser what a way to announce your arrival on the big stage tacha now leads by almost 8 minutes in the GC Martinez second at 742 Thomas at 804 another day in the marar Roa number 16 now for pachad at a day closer to Rome as the Riders probably will try to set up a Sprint on stage 18 it’s an opportunity for those sprinters as they go to the Venetian plane finishing in part of that but they stage down the years with tired sprinters and maybe a reduce Bunch has always offered an opportunity for the brakes to Surly you can watch it on Euros sport Discovery Plus or if you’re in the US on max [Music]


    1. Why do they NEVER mention EF Easypost? It’s like they are paid not to say the team name no matter who is in the breakaway. Oh wait, I guess if you have a great result he’ll say it.

    2. Pogi: no point doing a surge on a steep part or anything like that, just ride steady zone 4 and leave the fellas behind.

    3. 5 star stage?
      5. The beautiful route and the fans.
      4. George Steinhauser for his victory.
      3. Pogačar for his excellence.
      2. Amanuel Ghebreigzabhier for his combativeness
      1. Einer Rubio and Antonio Tiberi for their desire to improve.
      0. Rafael Majka if he were not gregarious and without Pogačar he could perfectly be the leader
      -1.  Martínez and Geraint, what a boring pair of cyclists.

    4. To all those who say that dope is in cycling more than ever… how come that no one (not even pogi) can come close to records set 30/40/50 years ago while they have lowers bikes, power meters…. meanwhile wada is in charge of doping and not uci itself, that dope is much easier to find and it is 99% accurate, and there are more on pogi's level… he just has to come later on. Proof me wrong. Waiting

    5. At tour, wva and vingegaard are coming.

      To win, pogacar will attack from day 1 for time, b f they get their race legs back, which won’t happen for 7-10 days. P needs approx 3 min on v, b c at stages 14 and 15, v will get approx 3 min on p

      V at tour is better than p at
      Climbing in heat

      If p crashes in tour on descent will v wait this year? And vice versa? It seems that each wd wait for the other, that’s their character. Good I say

      But that waiting takes an advantage away from v, the better descender. So it’s not really fair to neutralize a talent one has over the other.

      Fir tiur will be x close this year. V or p win by less than 45 sec. This tour cd be won or lost on a descent. But w waiting if crash, no not won there after all

      Is v the better descender now? After such a massive crash and such pain for many weeks? Fatherhood also slows down a descender. But usually it takes 2-4 big crashes for fear to settle in, v has had one such

      Tour will be great race. V injury makes things approx equal

      Ineos thrashed here at giro will have it even worse at tour, for here it’s only p they can’t compete w, at tour they can’t compete w wva nor mvp nor roglic nor Remco nor v nor of course w pogacar. Yet Ineos still has biggest budget in the sport, and i s getting knocked down, day after day. Let’s see if Bernal can come back….I think not but who knows, perhaps

    6. What a great ride by Steinhauser! Herzlichen Glückwunsch! Nice to see another german talent. A great commentator as well with a perfect pronounciation.

    7. this is one of the most boring Giros in history….that's what ya get when you get a super drugged up cyclist….boring competition. get the drugs out of cycling.

    8. Podgacar still can’t help himself . Someone please test him! Has anyone been busted since Lance ? Anyone of note ? Hmmm… cycling doesn’t want to know now do they ?

    9. Nothing against Pogacar, but this must be one of the most boring Giros since I can remember. What a terrible lineup. No competition whatsoever. I guess those who crashed out before didn't help.

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