This week I was in Preston, Lancashire to attend the FOA Ride for Palestine hosted by Slowspokes CC. We took in Cottam, Ingol, Fulwood, Samlesbury, Walton-le-dale, Brockholes Wetland Nature Reserve and more.

    Join us ASR cycling Tours and Events and the Barely Average Cyclist on our next low cost cycling holiday in Europe and the UK. All abilities catered for, bespoke routes. Take the holiday at your pace, no pressure. Everything taken care of, just bring your suitcase!
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    he’s flying CL pal ASR okay we’re here at the uh the Riders uh Hub uh everybody’s getting registered uh desk here lots of people here lots of activity I’m not sure it’s all going in the direction of starting the ride but there is lot of activity we’ll get to a point where somebody’s going to say let’s go and we’re going to start riding but for now it looks like we’re going to carry on with the uh formalities a registration probably four tours maybe speeches and after that we’ll think about uh some bike riding te Riders here from Yorkshire Yorkshire can we go fre three going to be a loud one Creston can you hear me can we go fre Freon we got a shout out from Bolton bolon can we get free fre just put his hand up at the back Brad are you free free Palestine free free Palestine free free Palestine fre fre as told him not to buy that bike yeah I told him to buy the Aluminum Bike no no i’ got to get carbon bike I got to get a carbon bike the classic one when he when we fix that pedal and take us slow it’s all about I’m because of this I want to be they didn’t get it they would have said to me you me the you they didn’t get it at all they totally missed it but it is it is what it is it is what it is number let’s go number 10 where you from where you from guys Preston Boys Preston paltin free free fre team here you guys you guys are sweepers that means we know when you guys have gone past there’s nobody behind you and off we go oh look at this this is nice yeah look at that yeah now takes to the skies got people up there above the traffic a [Music] l now we’re on the Rock Stu the H I’m on my gravel bike today as you can see boom boom boom youngsters team out in force here on this bright Sunday morning well done lads [Laughter] [Laughter] he’s helping pollinate this uh Woodland not got fever you’re going definitely oh my god oh man oh I’m getting covered I’m getting covered oh what the hell first ceas and deist order on this guy is causing destruction to wanting destruction to Pro Council property I hope I I hope none of the trees are protected okay are you doing you oh man it’s like Christmas here what’s going on like two Four Mile climbs then there’s like 16% up there as well so so in the end it was what yes 6 62 m is easy what’s thaty yeah yeah yeah 45 miles yeah yeah 5 and a half yeah yeah yeah 5,000 but the CL not only all on you out your fresh legs anyway yeah yeah yeah yeah after that it was just beautiful nice right right right good gradients right right he kids have Ino yes than you do it hopefully the weather’s good morning morning that be nice to get get the in it yeah yeah morning just wait for those to catch up at the top there yeah the last one on your right on your right is that the left sorry on your right’s on the left hard this guy in front of stopping him oh sorry St this is a f left me some smalles what’s going on here oh yes bro how are you alhamd all right good thanks what’s going on ah no no no said a CR oh what happened we it’s dangerous that bro oh no is your bike all right bik his why he say are you all right is it look a war wound the bike I told you that bloody flag pole is dangerous man why let’s go holding the flag now get the video did you get on video they didn’t do the video come on man power down yeah that’s the problem with these power riders man power riders change of gear too much power you need to be smooth like me and you hang away and you broke it off the world of Jurassic Park yeah the Ash Park that’s why they wearing what’s the uh stats then how many kilometers to go 8 K about 5 miles 5 miles to go to the end of this Loop wow it’s been the longest 15 miles I’ve ever done all right [Applause] go go go let’s go let’s go keep going Rob cops around so be careful rops around [Music] bomb yes I bet you’re happy with the gravel bringing the grael back yeah yeah is it man is it definitely look at H made use of it there’s a bit more gravel to come is there yeah Wicked man this is first time You’ done this one yeah yeah it’s livens it up a bit with a bit of gravel in there yeah it’s getting interesting that descent was interesting bro that’s proper interesting there’s a few there’s a few drop offs there as well I know it looks like you’re a night from the Middle Ages and you’re jousting yeah you saving that RoboCop if you see him on the other side of the road Jou him Jou RoboCop tell him we’re ready for your Robo zulie is ready for you he’s got his Jou he’s got his LS we call him zulie from now on let’s go sir zie KN of the realm people’s champ night of the realm you’ve been Anointed with a new title you’re going to defend against the evil of the RoboCop okay it’s nice here you know Bronco’s Nature Reserve oh wow natur Reserve there there’s a cafe and everything there oh nice yeah lot people coming here for picnics and oh wow okay let me just hang on for mang you car on that looks really nice in between two Lakes yeah on the side doing 18 mil 3.8 mil left and it’s 1:30 in the afternoon we’ve done 679 ft of elevation it’s been a flat ride some little dinks in there that’s a big river that’s a very big river there he’s probably already there eating I’m hungry one day after month you [Music] and paltin the call this ay don’t you cry B belly don’t you cry now well B biley don’t you cry we’ll give you a big pie we’ll get you a big pie is your leg all right yeah okay sorry about that went over his uh leg fortunately tiesy usually made of rubber and so it’s quite it was all right not too bad clear clear clear thank you thank [Music] you and that was in oh doggy doggy doggy doggy doggy in the road Bally bite packing around Tunisia yeah yeah of course of course yeah amazing people yeah yeah wow people are so nice amazing so one month you spent doing that wow yeah oh I tanned and appe peeled twice I was there for so long I tanned twice and app peeled twice nice park the plan is now we’re going to go up the massive Hill because none of you have ridden hard enough yet and then when we reach the top we’re going to turn right are youing know you live so zie I’m filming you don’t give up yet that from the river to the side will be free from the river to the come [Music]


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