Cycling Safety in Ireland

    This is a video on Cycling Safety in Ireland. This is becoming a hot topic in Ireland at the moment. Cycling is an absolutely great way of keeping fit so a lot of people are taking to it.

    However now there is more and more demand for safe cycling spaces in the country. Currently more and more cycle lanes are being provided. However their mix up with traffic lanes is causing a lot of controversy.

    Added to that as there is now more cyclists the authorities are becoming concerned about the increase in cyclist road death’s and serious injuries.

    It seems that they are intent on hammering motorists for this, instead of providing proper high quality cycle lanes completely apart from traffic lanes for motorists.

    Thus, a lot of motorists, who are now seeing a lot (not all!!!) of cyclists completely disregarding traffic laws, are now getting very concerned about cyclists doing this as the cyclists seem to be getting off scott free without being caught and sanctioned.

    Lately a law was brought in that mandates motorists to stay at least one meter from cyclists in a 50 kph zone and 1.5 meters in a higher speed limit area. Some motorist’s think this law should also applied in equal measure to cyclists and stopped them from going too close to motorist’s also in the same manner. Cyclist’s regularly cycle up between car’s that are stopped and the roadside to within less than the 1 or 1.5 meters that motorist’s must be from a cyclist.

    The government’s response when this was pointed out was that sure when motorist’s start to move they should then see the cyclist in their mirror’s doing this and not move!!! Fair enough it seems.

    Just one problem there. As a driving instructor for over a decade and a half now I can tell you not too many motorist’s look in their mirror’s moving off!!!

    The cyclist is then within the distance to the car that motorist’s should be keeping from the cyclist. Then, even if the car does not move, and the cyclist hits the car who is going to get the blame???

    Hopefully not the motorist in such a case. Such a case is bound to occur at some stage. In the court then the Government will look pretty won’t they for making such a pointed, unfair law!!!

    Recorded with ScreenCastify (, the screen video recorder for Chrome

    Hi everyone, thanks for watching this video on driving lessons car Welcome dot ie And today now we’re going to do a little video on Hazards when you’re driving around in Ireland I’m going to stick to one particular hazard for care drivers, which is cyclists and people cycling now if you go onto the Ross a photography website here and You click on pedestrians and cyclists To get to where they speak about cyclists and click on cycling safety you get brought into this page Know they give a bit of advice and tips there on how to stay safe while cycling on Irish roads Cycling is a common metres means of transport in Ireland. No doubt. It’s popular for several reasons It’s great exercise its sheep and it costs time and travel time, especially during rush hour And of course is great for the environment as well because you’re not driving a car using fossil fuels So there’s less carbon emitted into the episode. No one actually and who you’re on a bicycle? But cyclists are also a vulnerable category of road user Every year there are several cycling footage fatalities now roads and countless collisions involving cyclists, unfortunately and Did our fancy cyclists and motorists in Ireland going through red traffic lights You rarely ever see cyclists be pulled in by GAD and been warned as through behavior on roads you after see motorists input in and Been warned find and Summons to go to court not regarding their behavior on the roads Unfortunately cyclists They seem to think there laughs, you know and and and they do, you know more her skill about it with a lot to Cyclists get away with math as well now not every cyclist Is poor driving around we’re in far frontier some are so therefore Cyclists in general and Have a bad name from the fuel going wrong driving irresponsibly And putting their lives the lives of other royal jewels at risk in Ireland today As a cyclist you can reduce your risk of death or injury By following some simple advice Never cycling Zak without adequate lighting Right for the front of your bike and a red light for the back of your bike Almonds are Lumis clothing such as high vis vests Flourescent albums and reflected bells. So the other road users can see you Wear a helmet No helmets protect your head in the event you fall off the bike. That is crucial Amount of people going down on cyclists on bicycles or cycle around they don’t wear helmets Crew she’s like, you know You wouldn’t remind you don’t wear a helmet Make sure you keep left on the road I was look behind you and give proper signal before moving off change millions are making a turn Father was the Lord never run traffic lights are weave unpredictably in and out of traffic It says here maintain your bike properly in particular a bridge should be Walk properly and being good working order and your tires will flee as if the correct and right pressure and be in good condition Respect other road users when you’re cyclists don’t get into shouting matches with Morris Stop and pedestrian crossings and don’t cycle on the footpath Watch your speed especially cycling on busy streets and going downhill Cuz obviously if somebody steps out But we have you to stop, isn’t it? Stillwell fear of left-turning shocks Let them turn before you move ahead Do not go up this on the left-hand side of a shock if it’s turning left you know drugs generally have indicator switch or if they use Correctly and generally they do to be asked so if you see a truck sitting to the left on psych and a bicycle Drove up there the left-hand side of the truck get the truck Trump horses. You are safely know The section here true for cycling for children Using a bike for the first time and learned to write Has been a bit of a rite of passage for generations of Irish shooting Cycling is fun and sociable and like swimming a life skill. It stands children in their ears Yet like mini activities cycling carries an element of risk Here in Spain important role in minimizing this risk by giving their children proper guidance and instruction At an early age – sure the basic road safety rules are observed while their children real Do’s and don’ts of safe cycling for children to ensure the children cycle a bike match their height and experience we our safety helmet and use lights dark or dusty conditions Don’t allow children to cycle on public roads unsupervised if under 12 Don’t allow them to wear loosely worn scabs on the side clothing that could be cut the wheels are she instead of a bike And don’t allow them to take on miss unnecessary risks There’s a cycle right problem two out there is the national standard for cycle training provides practical safeties cycle safely and skills training promote competent and confident cyclists Use our website our here’s more information on this problem Psycho, right? Psycho right is produced and supported by the Department of Transport tourism the sport raw safe Authority and cycling of input from central and local agencies and other groups So course sure there have been benefits of cycling or the benefits of cycle right training Yes Let go slow saying like, you know, so I could write safely. You’ll be you’ll be better for life, you know and then It goes through the details here of the stages of the cycle right training as well on the back of the website page the homepage And then Azolla DS has a power cycle ride trainer courses the wrong resources. There are frequently asked questions They get asked if you want to contact them and you can the page share true for the trainer a lot of love trailer ovens and When you our cycle as I say here furthermore on the road state authority website cyclist mark and psycho safe Cycling has never been more popular and why not? It’s fun fast affordable The recession in Ireland there in the late nineties People said cycling became the new goth people couldn’t afford golfing and emotions took up cycling cycling reduce pollution and ease traffic congestion on top of all The great exercise cyclists get there are sir reducing their fuel bills when cycling make sure your equipment check is correct Make sure that you know the rules of the road and comply with them when you’re driving around as you said already don’t be conscious red traffic lights if they’re red fur, they’re more horse beside your than the red for you to Drop you on the phone you’re cycling around Leaves not here You’re not focused on the road, then you could very easily make mistake share draw properly where everybody is Use your signals travel around the bike know your signals use them Okay, folks If you liked the video, please do click the like button and Subscribe to our Channel We like to make videos that help people armed with their driving as time goes love whether it be that our care or if you’re honest on bicycle and Because bicycles on the road Can be a high source of the hazards for care fibers and other motorists So make sure your cyclist correctly Thanks for listening folks hope you enjoyed the video until next time bye for now

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