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    Filmed and edited by Garrett Horner
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    welcome to the butterfly effect I’m Chris hor this is stage 14 of the Juro DEA 2024 brought to you by bicycle the largest global market place for pre-owned bikes with over 20,000 high-quality pre-owned and refurbished bikes available bicycle connects the buyers and sellers to make the process of buying and selling safe easy and convenient if you’re selling a bike remember to use the code Butterfly Effect 24 for 0% seller fee now let’s get into today’s stage 14 individual time draw at 31 kilometers it’s going to be a good course because it’s mainly flat they do leave the ramp it gets a little technical when they leave the ramp with a little bit of climbing up through the narrow town there then they’re going to exit on the county roads that’s a little lumpy and bumpy not quite exactly flat still some more climbing going up but one lane roads then it comes into a flat section we come into the finish and there’s a bunch of chicanes all the way into a right bin that’ll take the Riders into the finish with about 200 met to go you know when you went to bed last night who the two favorites are I can’t make it up here on the butterfly effect of course it’s Ghana from inos and then it’s t paga but when you look at the top list of 10 favorites five of those guys are inos listed in there you got the American Magnus Sheffield listed with phelipe oana you got our nman listed in there you got Tobias fos listed garrant Thomas is in there they got a host of Talent on Enos that are listed in the top 10 favorites when you look outside those five guys though Tad pagota of course is on there Mel Berg is on on there aenis on there and then we see the Colombian Rider that went solid in the first individual time trial that’s Danny Martinez and he’s sitting second on the general classification him and Garren Thomas are going to have to battle out today to see who can play around with the top three Podium spots here when we go into the general classification for the first climbing stages on tomorrow Stage 15 but when the cameras come on we’re going to see Dan from liell track up there he’s getting himself in the hot seat with the fastest time you can see Dan pulled in a bunch of bunch of on the pedals there to get himself into the hot seat but then we start seeing aeni F’s coming through fast at the Finish Line he’s got a Time 9 seconds faster than the time of Dan and we’re going to start seeing the next Riders though the time starts coming up because Tobias fos Tobias fos inos Ryder he’s one of the fifth guys there he’s going flying into the finish and he’s got a time of four seconds faster than aeni now I’m sitting there I’m thinking okay I know he’s one of the top five out of the 10 favorites right here for Ino but I don’t understand why they ran F here he’s not a threat on General classification and I don’t think he’s going to run with phip oana but of course he is the road world time trial ex time trial champion from a few years back so okay maybe he can win the individual time trial here maybe maybe if he’s feeling great so if he’s out there and he makes the decision to go full gas into the line put himself in the hot seat which he just did then maybe he knows more than I do but if he’s not feeling 100% that kind of form that he had when he was the individual time trial world champion then I say you back off and you save your legs but that’s a decision that Tobias fos has to make and right now he’s in the hot seat not going to stay there for too long though because Filip oana is flying and Tobias fos got himself in the hot seat for just about a few seconds but I’m going to rewind the film to the ramp there because phelip oana is leaving the ramp he was just a little bit behind Tobias F on corpse but we got to we got to pick him pick out the pluses and the negatives here from FIP oana ride there’s not too negatives because Italian Rider is flying after he leaves the ramp we see him come into the first time check 13 seconds up on everybody as he’s flying through that section he’s dicing it and looking beautiful on his bike in the TT position then when he starts coming in and catching Riders he’s getting a little bit of a draft off all the Riders don’t really like this part I think the organizer should have separated the time a little bit when you got a double World individual time trial Champion felipo Gana track champion and all kinds of championships that pH B Gana has plus he one stages here the Juro to tell you so they’re leaving the Riders a little bit too close and Ghana’s of course getting some kind of Advantage off of the riders that started in front of him especially the ones that aren’t going so hard that he’s just flying up on getting that quick little draft and then a quick little shimmy out and back onto the road again it’s going full gas comes in the second time check 59 seconds up on the best time so you know Ghana is going good now Ghana’s gonna fly through the roundabout and look how he’s going through the right left where the roundabouts roundabout is proper there in the center then coming back out on the right and each time when he went to right left and right again as he exited the roundabout he’s in the TT bars then he comes flying across the line 126 up for the fastest time of the day now let’s look take a look at Mel Buck who’s out on the course too for UAE team Emirates and he’s going through that same TT that same roundabout section not through not on his TT bars but on the bullhorns here but Mel B he’s going full gas on the pedals you guys have heard complain many times about Mel BJ’s efforts that he’s spend in on the individual time trial there’s no reason for it if you’re not going to win the stage there’s just no reason I know we have the Olympics coming up but I can back up basically every Grand Tour that I’ve watched the last four seasons that Mel be’s in he’s always going 100% in the TT there’s no reason for this so of course I’m going to call him a knucklehead like I have just about every time he’s doing an individual time trial in a grand tour and you see as he went through the roundabout once he was dropping in the bullhorns he’s not taking it the same kind of speed that phelip oana is and doesn’t have control of his bike like the Italian writer does either otherwise he’d gone through in the TT position Mel ber will come through and he’ll cross the line 28 seconds back from the time of FIP oana now he has a solid placing with third but he’s 28 minute and 28 seconds back on FIP oana that’s a ton of time and it’s a ton of energy wasted all right let’s get back into the action let’s see who else is out there pla is out there he’s throwing in some fine times and he’ll come across the Finish Line 118 back on Philipe oana to put himself in the second and bump Mel bu even further down now we start looking at the next writer team Enos that’s the American writer Magnus Sheffield he was flying as he’s going through the first time check five seconds behind FIP bana then he comes up to the second time check 39 seconds back on FIP bana at this moment the American Rider Sheffield he needs to just back off and save it you go through the first time check five seconds you’re young kid you’re here at a grand tour you can get a solid result I still don’t think he should be doing it but he’s a young kid so let him go once you hit 39 seconds back in the second time check though the Americans got to back off save some energy steady’s going full gas comes out of the left corner there going hard it’s got a little bit of a descent there he’s going into the right loses the front end before he hits the white paint there the front end slides out he loses the bike slides all the way across the street with a little bit of Bend as he comes up to the fencing doesn’t quite hit the fencing he hops right back up gets on his bike and goes solid still all the way into the line 1 minute 35 seconds down from his teammate filipo Gana now with this time though like why did you do it what what was the risk for hanging it out through the corners when you’re already 40 seconds down on philipo’s time this was a ridiculous crash it’s going to cost American a ton of energy in terms of how much he spent today racing and of course the crash and night sleep and the recovery when we got the big mountain stages coming up and we got Garren Thomas who hasn’t even left the ramp yet well we start going into the top 10 it’s our edsman leaving the ramp as our edsman leaves the ramp guys he’s flying he’s got solid times he rides for team inos and he’s one of the top five guys to go top 10 favorites here our edan’s putting on a show out here remember that stage one when he blew up and his dad posted there the Twitter the nasty things about his trainer well right now his dad’s getting excited because our end men still flying on the pedals he’s coming into the first time check 11 seconds down on phelip oana he was just in the top 10 armsman when this when this race started here today stage 14 but now he’s flying and you know he can move himself up we start looking further back there at the ramp again we start seeing inar Rubio leave the ramp Zan’s going to leave the ramp fortunato’s going to leave the ramp and B and inar Rubio those guys when they cross the first time check they’re 52 seconds down they’re losing time all over the place those three guys zana’s coming through at 29 seconds so he’s holding some some kind of ground right here but still losing time when we’re talking about our edsman back there who’s in front of them that’s flying up the road going through the second time check at 47 seconds back from Ghana he’s got a solid Pace we’re going to see our edsman come through the Finish Line he’s going to be 107 back of the time there filipo Gana a solid that we know he’s going to start moving up in the top 10 for sure when you know Rubio back there you know Lorenzo fortunado and B are having bad times because when B crosses the line he’s three minutes 24 seconds back there of the time of Philip oana so he’s going to drop in the top 10 for sure along with Rubio Zana is doing an all right job he’s going to hold his position in the top 10 no problem with his crossing the line 2 minutes and 32 seconds back so now we start going into the top five okay the top five is going to be Baran Victorious tibary he’s leaving the ramp Baran Victorious tibary he’s hanging out look at him coming by the fencing the guard the railing fencing there as he’s almost brushing the fencing he’s going full gas he comes into the first time check 17 seconds down you know he’s flying good the Italian Rider from bar Victorious has to put on a show and has to have some pressure here at the individual time trial after his teammates have ridden not one but two mountainous stages here at the jro detal for him to protect sixth on General classification and then the later to protect fifth on General classification after we saw Keon ult Brooks drop out of the race sick so tibary is doing a fine job of holding his GC position here flying on the pedals up there AC cross the line 1 minute 19 seconds back on phip oana’s time this means he’s going to keep his top five position now what’s happening into the last four Riders here as they’re leaving the ramp Ben o Conor’s up there he’s doing solid time coming through the first time check 15 seconds back he’ll come through the second time check at 1 minute and 1 seconds back from FIP bana and then when Ben oconor crosses the Finish Line he’s 125 back on phelip oana he’s going to get himself a top 10 position here at the end of today’s stage 14 okay the Big Time favor so three Podium guys right now we’re talking Garren Thomas Danny Martinez and T pagar pagar is walk Walking his bike over to the start line he’s got his director sportif there machine once he comes into the tenant area there get a little F fist bump to garrant Thomas and then once he gives a fist bump it’s time for Garren Thomas team inos again one of the top five favorites in the top 10 for Enos ride as inos got a ton of favorites here on stage 14 he leaves the ramp and the British Riders looking fantastic next up to leave the ramp that’s Danny Martinez second on General classification so we know if that second last to leave the ramp there is going to be none other than Tad Pacha the Slovenian in the pink race leaders two-color skin suit there as he leaves the ramp we got everybody out on course and we see Garren Thomas come through the first time check 11 seconds down on FIP oana’s time that means he’s flying only to’ be 11 seconds back so we know Garren Thomas is going good what’s Danny Martinez back there looking like when he comes through the time check well he’s 30 seconds down on G Thomas that means we could have a switch up here between second and third but will we have a switch with t pagota as he crosses the first time check he’s 4 seconds up 4 seconds up on filipo Gana time and filipo Gana has been a minute minute and 10 minute and 30 seconds up on everybody so far here on stage 14 so you know the sylvanian is flying now we start seeing split screens there with Danny Martinez and with garant Thomas where we see Garren Thomas is solidly up on time there from the Colombian once we start coming into The Descent garant Thomas comes through this left turn here you see as he’s a little bit more towards the center of the road there and I’m like why is he taking it so wide maybe it’s a little rougher there on the inside corner there for garrant Thomas and that’s why he’s going wide you see him start the left turn wide you see him come out really wide on the right side of the road then he makes the right Bend there now when we start seeing the Slovenian come through this same Corner well he does what I thought you would have done and he hits more of the Apex is going through the rougher part of that road there but he makes it through clean no problem he shoots through it clean comes out a little bit faster and Garen Thomas because the Slovenian back there he’s flying as he makes through the next right turn now we start looking at the second time splits it’s Garren Tomy coming through 47 seconds back for third at this second time check then we see Danny Martinez come through he’s 1 minute 20 for 13th so he’s got a solid time but not going fast as garrant Thomas the Slovenian T pacher he comes through the second time check and he’s losing 10 seconds to Gana so he’s dropped the 4 seconds that had there on the time check W plus 10 more seconds that means he’s lost 14 seconds up to this second time check on the Italian Rider Philip oana which means he’s most likely not going to win today’s stage unless he can pull out a big time Miracle but as you’re sitting there on the Chesterfield it’s TD pagach are you guys really going to give up hope well we start seeing as Garren Thomas comes through the Finish Line 1 minute 14 seconds for third on the stage at this moment he’s got his teammate in front of him marman on second and filipo Ghana the Italian Rider his other teammate sitting first right now in the Hy Dy Martinez is flying through the Finish he’s coming through a little bit back on the time 1 minute 45 seconds to put himself himself in 13th on the stage then Tad pachar is out on the course the last and final Rider here that’s why he’s the last right Philip oana’s got some companies he got Johnny Milan up there his Italian friend from liel Trek and they’re both in hot and tense wonder whether or not if T pagach could take the race lead away from phelip oana well once he comes into about 500 met to go you see the clock change from green to red and the expression up there from filipo Ghana and from Johnny Milan is one of elation and celebration right now is Johnny Milan’s patent filipo Gana on the back we’ll see the slovan Ty Pacha come across the line 29 seconds back to put himself second on today’s stage 14 but he loses the stage of phip oana but all in all it was a great showing here from T paga because he added time on everybody else of the general classification favorites and we start tomorrow Stage 15 going into the mountains but you’ll see the Slovenian he went deep after the stage as he went over to warm down on his bike you see him suffering with the pain face the reason why you’re seeing this though is because of Slovenian T pagach he can’t have that spot to warm down like other Riders did like I show you Ben oconor here where Ben oconor almost passed out it looked like he was in the fetal position laying up against the fencing there but T Pacha can’t do it there because he’s going to get crowded by everybody so he has to go straight over to the warm down tent area for the podium celebration that’s why you see him hurting there when he’s getting on his bike to try to warm down you’ll see phelip oana go over there they’ll both congratulate each other as the Slovenian warming down with his skin suit pulled down to cool off then phip boana is going to go up to the podium and do a celebration here of today’s stage 14 individual time trial his first Victory here of the 2024 season congratulations Philip oana fantastic win here going over 53 kilometers an hour average speed for 31 plus kilom distance here on today’s stage 14 remarkable up here from the Italian Rider fipo Gana congratulations like And subscribe I’ll see you guys for Stage 15 the Big Mountain Stage starts tomorrow so make sure you like And subscribe and I’ll see you for the butterfly effect Stage 15 and the Gerald deta


    1. All GC guys rode hard for the ITT yesterday! For INEOS, most of G’s climbing team rode hard as well! Thankfully, most of UAE saved their energy. Today, it’s 5700+ m of climbing! Who’s gonna pull? It’s going to be a day of ultimate suffering for the peloton!

    2. Being in control of the Giro, is it possible Pog didn't give it everything he had to save gas? Just curious.

    3. Shouldn't Martijn Arensman (Thymen's dad) offer up a heartfelt apology to his son's trainer at this point? Or did this prove his point and Thymen rode himself back to form?

    4. Congratulations to Ganna on his win Pogacar did well but for sure flat racing is not his favourite This guy with a balanced team will make it hard for all other riders
      I wish him all of the best for the rest of the Giro
      Fan from South Africa 🇿🇦

    5. One thing I am curious to see tomorrow. In the Tour de France Pogacar blew up on a difficult mountain stage the day after the time trial. The stage tomorrow features the Mortirolo, one of the most difficult climbs in cycling. How will Pogacar handle it? Granted there is no one else in this peloton who even comes close to his ability though.

    6. I agree that in terms of team tactics it is not ideal, but TT specialists, such as Bjerg, Sheffield and Foss are of course going to go full gas. I don't think it's reasonable to ask them not to. This is their speciality, today it's one of the most important TTs of the season for them and obviously they want to race. Besides, these guys do sometimes beat the outright favourites. Foss surprised everybody at his world championships. Bjerg surprised everybody at last year's Dauphiné. Sheffield had scored two straight podiums in TTs before today.
      Yes, I understand what you're saying. However, consider also this: if Bjerg is not allowed to go full-gas in TTs, he's probably not going to stay in UAE.

    7. the french can t time trial baudin is in the 10 ! and paret peintre up 1place in gc .where s the time trial tour ? njoygiro

    8. big time Wiinners :
      GUNNER (little help 4 Chris)
      (who – again beats any live coverage by far❤)
      Heatd eurosports experts claiming 35min flat out would be a good preparation for the upcoming mountain stage.

    9. I dont think Tobias Foss is 100% after his crash, but he needed to feel going fast. He needed to feel that he is regaining his strenght. And he is getting closer.

    10. Chris the giro was over in one week, it’s a fu💩king snooze fest.. how can you even invest time watching a done deal. It’s kills grand tour racing interest.. it’s shit in my opinion, Only JV GT makes a competitive race these days.

    11. I understand your argument that Sheffield shouldn’t have gone all out in the TT, but he is a young rider with the potential to win TTs in major races in the future. Aren’t these great opportunities for younger riders with potential to see where they stand against the best?

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