In this episode of Great Books in ten minutes, we delve into Ernest Hemingway’s literary masterpiece, “The Sun Also Rises.” Set in the aftermath of World War I, this novel follows a group of expatriates as they navigate the post-war disillusionment and aimlessness of the Lost Generation. Hemingway’s succinct prose and stark realism capture the essence of a generation grappling with the existential void left by the war.

    “The Sun Also Rises” holds significant importance in American Literature for its portrayal of the Lost Generation and its exploration of themes such as disillusionment, moral ambiguity, and the search for meaning in a world devoid of traditional values. Through the characters of Jake Barnes, Lady Brett Ashley, and their circle of friends, Hemingway paints a vivid picture of a generation adrift in a sea of uncertainty.

    At its core, “The Sun Also Rises” is an exploration of the human condition, portraying the struggles and desires of its characters with unflinching honesty. Join us as we journey through this timeless classic and uncover the enduring relevance of Hemingway’s masterwork.
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    greetings ladies and gentlemen and welcome to a new episode of great books in 10 minutes by the end of this video you will learn everything about Ernest Hemingway’s Masterpiece The Sun Also Rises The Story begins with Jake Barnes a wounded American Veteran who had become impotent during the first world war introducing us to Robert con a Jewish former middleweight boxing champion at Princeton despite this liking boxing used it to overcome feelings of inferiority and shyness his coach spider Kelly permanently flattened his nose during a match after graduation con’s boxing championship went unrecognized and he gave it up for good con came from a wealthy Jewish Family he married the first woman who showed him kindness but after losing his inheritance and divorcing he moved to California in California con became involved in literary circles backing an Arts Review magazine until it f it Francis his romantic partner persuaded him to go to Europe 2 years later as Francis Grew Older she became more insistent for con to marry her con who was receiving a reasonable monthly allowance from his mother remained relatively content living in Europe and writing Jake then recounts an incident where he suggested a trip to Strasburg with con to visit a female friend which prompted visible jealousy from Francis the incident at the cafe showed francis’s possessiveness leading con to avoid other women to appease her Robert con’s trip to America marked a turning point in his life his novel’s acceptance by a prestigious publisher caused a rift with Francis who noticed a change in him upon his return from New York Co became more enamored with America but also more complex losing some of his Simplicity and charm the praise he received inflated his ego especially coupled with Newfound success in Bridge games which he began to boast about influenced by wh Hudson’s romantic novel The Purple land con saw life’s possibilities through a romantic lens he approached Jake with a proposal to travel to South America seeking a deeper experience of Life despite Jake’s attempts to dissuade him and suggest living more fully in Paris con remained determined their conversation ended with Jake’s polite invitation for drinks which led to a candid discussion about the fear of missing out on life’s opportunities Jake empathized with con’s dilemma but recognized the futility of convincing him otherwise con’s stubbornness rooted in his idealized Notions from literature and his discontent with Paris made him resistant to change Jake sat alone outside a coffee house on a warm spring evening a good-looking girl passed by caught his eye and joined him at the table she ordered a drink revealing her name as Georgette despite her initial sarcasm their conversation revealed her cynical view of Paris they shared a horsedrawn cab to a restaurant in the cab the girl put her hands on Jake’s face and wanted to kiss him but Jake declined and disclosed his War injury at the restaurant Jake met some of his friends and all went to a dance hall after a few minutes a beautiful woman named Brett arrived with a group of young men lady Brett Ashley was an English socialite and a friend of Jake whom he had met while convalescing at the hospital during the war Jake not liking the Rowdy youth who had accompanied Brett left for a while and when he returned he saw Georgette dancing with one of them at that moment Robert con who was enamored with Brett’s Beauty asked her to dance with him but Brett declined and told him that she was going to dance with Jake during the dance Jake told Brett that it seemed like she had added cone to the list of his admirers Jake and Brett then got into a taxi and left the bar together in the car Jake and Brett shared a passionate kiss but Brett abruptly withdrew citing her aversion to physical touch despite her love for Jake Jake proposed keeping their distance but Brett insisted on seeing him despite the inevitable challenges as they locked eyes Brett reflected on her past actions and their consequences saying that her love for Jake and Jake’s injury is the price that she has to pay for the hell that she put men through Jake tried to shift the conversation away from his own struggles which were often trivialized by others upon arriving at the bar Brett was introduced to a count by A Portrait Painter named Duke the count treated Brett to champagne and invited Jake to join but Jake declined and left while he learned of georgette’s behavior and con’s miserable State while going home with Francis Jake Bid Farewell to Brett who promised to meet him the next day at a hotel Brett also confirmed receiving a letter from her fiance Mike who would soon travel to Paris Jake arrived home alone in bed he began reading papers about bull fighting but his mind soon wandered to his War injury that had left him impotent he reflected on the advice from the Catholic Church to not dwell on this condition wondering if meeting Brett after being wounded was the beginning of his troubles later Jake was awoken by a commotion downstairs a drunk Brett was arguing with the concierge who wouldn’t let her up once Jake intervened Brett came to his room recounting how the wealthy count had offered her $10,000 to vacation with him which she claimed to have declined however she admitted telling the count she loved Jake and that the count had invited Jake to join them for an extravagant dinner the following evening as Brett prepared to leave she invited Jake to join her and the count for breakfast Jake stated he was too far behind the night to be any fun alone again Jake poured out his remaining drink got into bed and felt miserable thinking of Brett being with another man on a pleasant Parisian morning Jake enjoyed a leisurely walk observing the Lively Street Scenes before heading to his office he was joined for lunch by con who admitted his writing wasn’t going well the conversation turned to Brett her impending divorce and plans to marry Mike Campbell con confessed he found Brett remarkably attractive and maybe in love with her though Jake insisted Brett loved Mike con didn’t believe Brett would marry someone she didn’t love Jake stated matter ofly that Brett had married twice before without love con took great offense at this perceiving it as an insult to Brett’s character an argument erupted with con demanding Jake apologize for his comments about Brett after the calm down and reaffirmed their friendship Jake deafly avoided any further discussion of Brett when he sensed con wanted to revisit the topic they spent the rest of their time together discussing other matters before Jake departed for the office Jake found himself waiting for Brett at the hotel at 5:00 when she didn’t show up he wrote some letters and left during a stroll around Paris he contemplated if it was the association of ideas that caused dead spots and Journeys and made people not like certain places he then pondered if Robert con’s inability to enjoy Paris stemmed solely from reading the works of alel Minkin who notoriously disliked the city later at a cafe he reunited with Robert con whose earlier writing confidence had diminished Jake reflected that con never exhibited issues until falling for Brett even his once beloved tennis game fell apart afterwards Francis con’s fiance soon arrived and asked Jake to accompany her for a walk during their walk she revealed the news that con no longer wished to marry her claiming he hadn’t lived enough Francis confided to Jake that the real reason con got cold feet was his desire to experience success from an upcoming book release in New York that fall Francis continued that con prioritized Personal Achievement over marriage when they returned from their walk and sat at the table again an emotional Francis went on an embarrassing rant about con right in front of him during her Outburst she sarcastically berated con’s emotional immaturity his tendency to cry around women and his seeming wish to keep a mistress rather than a wife as francis’s denigrating rant continued Jake politely excused himself slipped out the side door hailed a taxi and retreated to his flat leaving a displeased cone behind at the coffee house Jake returned to his apartment greeted by a concer whose attitude toward Brett had significantly improved thanks to the generous tip she had left he was informed that Brett and the count would soon return to meet him as he showered Brett and the count arrived to collect him sensing Jake’s distress Brett noticed his extended preparation time upon discovering him lying face down on the bed she sent the count to fetch champagne and bought herself some time to be alone with Jake Jake proposed living together but Brett foresaw herself being unfaithful Jake then suggested going to the countryside for a while but Brett declined saying she couldn’t live a quiet life and didn’t want to hurt her one true love she then mentioned leaving soon for San Sebastian after the count returned with great champagne regaling them with stories of his past Arrow wounds the trio went out for dinner and dancing however Brett suddenly grew distressed while dancing with Jake and requested to be taken home outside Brett’s apartment she kissed Jake goodbye saying they would not meet again Jake did not hear from Brett again until after her return from s Sebastian with Francis in England Robert con had also disappeared though he left Jake his bank details to contact him through it Jake enjoyed this Freedom while getting ready to leave for their Spain fishing trip with his writer friend Bill Gorton at the end of June Bill returned from a trip to Vienna in Budapest recounting how he witnessed an African wrestler being pelted by the crowd after beating the local champion on a stroll Bill jokingly suggested buying Jake a stuffed dog and horse making humorous remarks and telling Jake that a stuffed dog would brighten up his dull flat they then ran into Brett on the street and invited her for drinks before her fiance Mike’s return later Jake and Bill joined Brett and the drunken Mike for dinner where Mike kept drunkenly going on about Brett’s Beauty and at the same time disparaging the Hat she was wearing when Jake told Bill about Mike’s annoying continuous remarks about his fiance’s Allure Bill said he didn’t blame him Jake received a letter from Robert con wanting to join him and Bill on their upcoming fishing trip to Spain Jake agreed for con to meet them in Bon before traveling together to Pamplona Jake also visited Brett and her fiance Mike at a bar where Mike asked if he and Brett could join the fishing trip as well to which Jake agreed with plans to all meet up in Spain after Mike left Brett revealed to Jake that Robert con was the person with whom she had gone to S Sebastian Jake became angry initially but then suggested Brett informed con to give him a chance to opt out of the trip considering her fiance was going to be there on the train to Spain Jake and Bill encountered a group of Catholic pilgrims who had booked the dining car forcing them to make do with sandwiches and wine in their compartment at the Bon station they were reunited with Robert con and took a cap to his hotel where they would all stay before departing to Pamplona Jake Bill and Robert con explored Bon under the radiant Sun upon their arrival at the Montoya hotel in Pamplona they indulged in a Spanish lunch during which con’s nervousness about his past with Brett and S Sebastian became apparent witnessing con’s self-righteous attitude Bill challenged him to a bet regarding Brett and Mike’s arrival with Bill confident they would come that night while con was certain they would be late as usual following lunch Jake ventured to familiar spots in Pamplona including the cathedral where he prayed for himself his friends and the successful bull fighting Festival Jake then seeing con’s desperate efforts to impress Brett like getting a haircut and shaving deliberately accompanied con to the train station he did so to both amuse himself with con’s annoyance because of his presence and to observe con’s nervousness to their disappointment Brett and Mike were not on the train con was so disappointed that he relinquished his bet with Bill later that night Jake received a telegram from Mike revealing their delayed arrival so Brett could recuperate upon hearing this Con decided to stay behind and wait for Brett promising to rejoin Jake and Bill in the mountains with Brett and Mike Jake found Bill who while shaving his face revealed that con had confided in him about having a date with Brett in San Sebastian Bill mocked con’s presence on the trip though he admitted liking con despite finding him awful bill then ranted about Brett’s foolishness in going to San Sebastian with con instead of someone like himself or Jake he then jokingly praised his own face as trustworthy for women ultimately bill was glad con wouldn’t be joining them for trout fishing in the irati River and he and Jake eagerly anticipated getting drunk on wine before their bus trip the bus Journey was Lively with bask passengers offering drinks and playful banter making the trip enjoyable for Jake and Bill arriving in the mountains they encountered a police officer who checked their fishing permits before they settled into an inn run by a stout woman to combat The Chill Bill played the piano while Jake negotiated the room rate and they warmed up with hot rum punches in the morning Jake woke up and dug up some worms for bait Bill woke up and they had coffee and buttered toast Bill teased Jake about digging worms and accused him of being an expatriate who had lost touch with his roots Bill also mentioned that some people thought exp Patriots were impotent which Jake dismissed they joked about the Civil War being about Abraham Lincoln’s love for General Grant they then packed a lunch and wine for their fishing trip and left Jake and bill went fishing with Jake catching six trout using worms and Bill catching four larger trout using a fly they cooled the wine ate their lunch and drank the wine bill made a humorous tribute to William Jennings Brian by reversing the order of eating the chicken and eggs as they became drunk Bill asked Jake if he had ever been in love with Brett which Jake admitted but didn’t want to discuss further they took a nap and then walked back to the hotel Jake and Bill stayed at the end for more days swimming and playing bridge with an Englishman named Harris in the evenings while staying at the Inn one morning the Englishman Harris gave Jake a letter from Mike informing him that they would reach Montoya hotel in pona on Tuesday and asking Jake how to join them Jake decided to leave for Pamplona that afternoon to meet their friends they also received a telegram from con saying he was coming on Thursday Jake sent a telegram back stating they would be back that very night so there was no need for Mike Brett and con to travel Jake and Bill arrived at the Montoya hotel in Pamplona where preparations were underway for the fiesta Jake explained montoya’s passion for bull fighting and how he separated the afficianados from commercial bull fighters they all watched as the Bulls were released into the Corrals Mike taunted con likening him to a steer following Brett wherever she went suggesting he should know better than to linger where he’s not wanted despite the tension the they enjoyed a pleasant supper with breath radiating Beauty and the group fostering a lively atmosphere reminiscent of wartime dinners where calm coexisted with chaos and danger Jake was very drunk after dinner and stood on the balcony he reflected on disliking Brett being with other men and the cost of friendships with women which went beyond money Jake wished Mike would hurt con but also didn’t like Mike berating him every chance he got he called his dilemma moral ity and then decided that he should call it immorality rather than morality he then mused about the English language as spoken by British people before finally falling asleep toward daylight after more reading the next two days were calm with preparations for the fiesta continuing Brett told Jake she would love to hear him confess and they went to visit the local Cathedral they saw con outside the church realizing he had followed them there Jake not wanting to embarrass con further decided to not say anything the three of them then went to a gypsy camp where Brett had her Fortune told on July 6 a rocket burst announced the start of the fiesta in Pamplona with people pouring in from the countryside Jake Bill con Brett and Mike watched a religious procession with Effigies of giants Moors a king and queen and dancers passing through the streets at a wine shop the group partied with Festival goers and Brad learned how to drink from a wine skin from the locals the next day at the bull fight Jake cautioned Brett against watching the horses after they were struck by the Bulls afterward he went back to the hotel to fetch his wine and was introduced to the young bull fighter Pedro Romero by the hotel owner Montoya throughout the bull fight Jake guided Brett through the nuances of the spectacle Pedro Romero emerged as a standout Talent far surpassing the other matadors Brett was mized by Romero’s Mastery his effortless control over the Bulls and his good looks despite the rain the fiesta persisted the following day Montoya sought Jake’s Council regarding the American ambassador’s invitation to Pedro Romero fearing the potential Corruption of the young bull fighter Jake advised against conveying the message expressing concern for Romero’s wellbeing and cautioning Montoya about an American woman meaning Brett who collected bull figh at the restaurant they encountered Romero conversing with a bullfighting critic Jake introduced Romero to his companions and the young bull fighter engaged with them politely Jake intervened when Mike inebriated began disparaging cone and insinuating about Brett’s interest in Romero preventing the situation from escalating the group then headed outside to watch fireworks Al beia disrupted by the wind later at a bar Bill spotted an acquaintance named nedna then the the two of them accompanied by Mike left to mess with the English patrons fed up with con following her everywhere like a hopeless romantic Brett lashed out at him telling him to leave her and Jake alone so they could talk when con left Brett told Jake she was in love with Pedro Romero and that once she wanted something she must have it Brett asked Jake to stay on her side and help her Jake and Brett ended up in a cafe where they encountered Pedro Romero Romero played along with br’s flirtations joking about her reading his fortune and asking her to tell him he would live forever and become a millionaire Jake left Brett and Romero alone for a while Upon returning Jake realized they had gone together Jake found Bill Mike and Edna outside a bar where they had been thrown out by the police for bothering the patrons Mike revealed that he was completely bankrupt on their way to another bar they encountered Robert con con became aggressive when Jake wouldn’t tell him where Brett had gone and Mike drunkenly told con that Brett was with Pedro Romero enraged con called Jake a pimp and knocked him down with a punch as Jake walked back to the hotel everything looked new and strange to him like when he had been kicked in the head during a football game in his hometown Bill told him to go see Robert con who was in a bad State and asked for him Jake went to con’s room where con was lying face down on the the bed crying con apologized to Jake for his behavior saying he couldn’t stand Brett treating him like a stranger after they had lived together in San Sebastian he asked Jake to forgive him saying Jake was his only friend Jake told con he forgave him and con said he was leaving in the morning Jake woke up with a headache remembering he had promised Etna Bill’s friend that he would take her to watch the Bulls run into the ring he witnessed the chaotic scene as the Bulls charged through the the crowd Goring and trampling several people including one man who was severely injured after being tossed into the air by a bulls horn despite the violence the crowd cheered as the Bulls entered the ring in a conversation with a waiter at the hotel the waiter expressed his disdain for bull fighting saying it was stupid to risk one’s life just for fun Jake later found out that the injured man had died the next day the deceased man’s wife and two little children came to collect his body a funeral ensued with the coffin being transported by train back to his town accompanied by the Widow and children riding in a third class wagon the bull that killed the man was later killed that afternoon by Pedro Romero who cut off its ear as a trophy and gave it to Brett Jake returned to the hotel went up to his room and lay down not feeling sleepy despite the early hour Bill and Mike soon joined him recounting the chaotic events of the morning’s bull run where many people were injured by the Bulls they made fun of Jake for getting punched by con the previous night Jake asked where con went after hitting him Mike revealed that con had found Brett and Romero together in Romero’s room and beat the young bull fighter knocking him down repeatedly he had then tried to take Brett with him and make an honest woman out of her bill and Mike mockingly continued that Brett defended Romero and con ended up crying and wanting to shake hands with Romero the bull fighter despite being repeatedly knocked down by con found a chance and pretending that he wanted to shake his hand punched him in the face Mike found the whole situation amusing but also unpleasant Mike then talked about Brett’s unhappy marriage to her first husband Lord Ashley who would make her sleep on the floor and threaten to kill her with a loaded gun every night despite this Mike said Brett enjoyed life the next day and at noon as Jake Bill and Mike were eating Brett showed up and after making sure that con had left she joined them Mike being drunk as always made a few remarks about Brett being with Pedro Romero and angrily flipped over the table Brett asked Jake to take a walk with him after briefly mentioning that Pedro Romero had been badly injured by con Brett asked Jake to accompany him to a chapel where she could pray for the young bull fighter at the chapel however she felt felt uneasy and they left later that day the bull fight began with three of the best bull fighters belon marciel and Pedro Romero taking turns facing the Bulls Belmonte who had been a legendary bull fighter in his Youth and had retired as the Undisputed Champion was booed by the crowd due to his slow moves and riskless performance young Pedro Romero however impressed everyone with his skilled and graceful bull fighting despite his injuries from the previous fight with con Romero’s performance with a bull that was colorblind was particularly impressive as he had to rely on his body movements to guide the Bull’s charges outside the bull ring Bill asked Jake where cone went and Jake reluctantly replied that he must have gone to his old girlfriend Francis seeing Jake’s miserable State Bill bought him a few rounds of drinks to help him feel better at the hotel Mike told Jake that Brett was looking for him to say goodbye and that she had already left with Pedro Romero the fiesta in Pamplona was over and Jake woke up the next morning to find the town empty he met up with Bill and they decided to get a car to Bon where Bill would catch a train to Paris they also discussed Mike’s plans to go to San John de loose along the way Mike opted to stay with them for a bit longer Jake Bill and Mike stopped at a bar where they rolled dice for drinks they then drove along the coastal Road passing through various Villages when it was was time for Bill to catch his train they stopped at the hotel where Mike would stay after bidding farewell to Mike Jake accompanied Bill to the train station and there they said goodbye Jake returned to Bon and checked into a hotel he had stayed at previously he spent the afternoon reading newspapers and feeling strange about being back in France after the fiesta in Spain Jake had dinner at a cafe in Bon enjoying the wine and The Simple Pleasures of being in France he appreciated the straightforward and transactional nature of French service and tipped generously to make friends knowing he might return the next morning Jake took a train to S Sebastian he checked into a hotel with a balcony overlooking the town and Green Mountain Side after settling in he went for a swim at the beach and observed the bicycle race passing through Jake watched the bicycle Riders at their hotel amused by their friendship and togetherness he spoke with a team manager who praised the sport and claimed France was becoming the most sporting country just as Jake was enjoying his time in San Sebastian he received telegrams from Brett asking him to come to Madrid as she was in trouble he booked a place on the express train for the next day Jake arrived in Madrid and located Brett at the hotel Montana the proprietor was initially reluctant to allow him to see Brett but eventually gave in Jake reunited with Brett who had recently parted ways with the young bull fighter Brett revealed she had been considering marrying the young bull fighter but decided against it as she didn’t want to ruin him she was relieved to be free of the situation but also emotional about it Brett expressed her intention to return to her fiance Mike despite his flaws stating that he was both nice and awful just like herself over martinis Brett mentioned the young bull fighters inexperience with women before her and felt good about deciding not to continue with him at lunch Jake and discussed the nature of belief with Brett suggesting her decision not to take advantage of young Pedro Romero was akin to having a god Jake inquired about her plans and they agreed to have more wine over more wine Jake became intoxicated prompting Brett to caution him against getting drunk despite her concerns Jake suggested going for a ride to see Madrid Brett lamented the good time they could have had together and Jake acknowledged the poignancy of her sentiment your support is crucial in helping me to create further episodes to contribute kindly consider becoming a member liking sharing and subscribing to the channel for those inclined to donate secure links are provided in the description box thank you sincerely and see you in the next episode

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