Breweries visited:

    Brauerei Wagenr Merkendorf:


    Brauerei Knoblach Schammelsdorf:

    Brauerei-Gasthof Kundmüller (Weiherer):

    Das gute Mönchsambacher – Brauerei Zehendner:

    Social Media:!/MasterofHoppets

    hello YouTubers and welcome to yet another on the road video with me Peter the Master of Puppets and also The Bad Seed crew but they’re missing because I’m shooting the intro to this video at home cuz it kind of happened a bit spontaneous and I want to talk a little bit about what this video is about so one ofth last as as you can see it’s definitely a few months down the line this January it’s freezing cold here in Denmark we’ve had um minus 15° or so that’s why the landscape is looking crazy like this we haven’t had weather like this in ages but uh I went to bmag as you know the bmag area and whatnot and I got to tour so many great breweries and one of the videos which is the one I’m sharing with you guys today is touring breweries out and around Bomar and the bomber area we visited uh Bai Vagner we visited um KLA we visited uh v We There loads of rues also one of the most notable ones zna where we actually got to try their V straight from the tank although we didn’t shoot video of that uh because we’re just having a great time but um enjoy this video guys we’re going to tour some fantastic Brewers that you really need to check out and we’re going to finish this video but with a little bit of a tour or not a tour but a Showcase of some of the goodies that I brought back cheers and hope you guys enjoy this on the road [Music] video [Music] hello YouTubers this is Fredick the B seat and Peter the Masters and welcome to yet another on the road video where today we’re traveling around P area to visit Brees and drink delicious beers in the smaller towns around right now we are in mondor yeah in the postal code of mof at V very uh well-renowned L Beer Brewery They have a few European Stars yeah very W round Brewery a lot of chers dis beer Rider told me is a must visit so we’re here we got a pills we got aab that’s that’s one of the best PS of the entire trip that’s really refreshing crisp this is really nice I actually said I didn’t want more beer today but because this is Hoy I I’m changing my mind this is what I came here it’s a lovely it’s got that fullness Rich mold body lots of bread lots of uh fresh grain especially in the after taste it opens up that’s a really nice really clean but there’s a lot of character a lot of character try the pills oh it smells good I think we need to get some more beer here to bring home cuz we went to kenka but they only had a couple of their beers I want to bring down home some more maybe just say hey I’d like a bottle of each maybe a party Fest for my birthday not a bad idea one thing I noticed with both of these they have higher bitterness than what we experience inside I’m back yeah consider really nice little breas okay surprisingly bre new Brewery to me never tried AIA I’d say this is a franconian must yeah just judging by these two beers alone fantastic we’ll see you around maybe with a little uh plate of food in a minute we’ll catch you later so we ended up actually saying we are only getting a one beer at each Brewery because we can buy bottles to bring back and try it home and we have a few places to it up but then we were told that this is amazing so now we got this as well this is their UB Lam’s beer or UB be or UB beer which is for their anniversary was it 150th anniversary or something there was something about it on the outside of the building this was also one of the beers that won a gold medal or a silver medal I think at a beer cup or European beer star it smells similar to the uh to theab oh that’s really nice it’s almost it’s it’s really robust any flavor also quite Hoy peppery it has like that kind of Munich malt rustic flavor yeah it’s a bit more sweet than the other two I yeah but it’s not too sweet I really think the bitterness compliments and cuts through nicely with like pepper I think the quality of the loggers here is extremely high it’s very like the beers in the city are amazing and the other spot were good but I don’t think there’s any of them that come close to this so far this is yeah it’s a for for T it’s a league above the other ones we is delicious so definitely if you’re ever in go out to yeah go to magor visit and we also had the plate of food which was kind of like cold cut Su which is like Pig’s head that’s boiled and tender tenderized and need put it in uh in the gelatine so it’s like you can slice it and put it on red like you like the stuff you ate in the 80s yeah we have the same probably lat earlier than that but we have the same in Denmark it’s just finer textur so it’s similar that like boiled sausage everything was in like a sour broth but it tasted good but the beer is the high is a nice companion to the beers yeah so we’re probably going to pick up some bottles to bring home and up next we’re going go to another Brewery a lot of people said we should go to is KOB see you at [Music] so guys we’re at KOB block and I’m trying to film a bit more discreetly here because people don’t want me filming them so uh that’s understandable people don’t want to be on camera but I wanted to share the beer with you I’m having that Al and it’s quite nice the name implies Alia but it’s not it’s a met full bued full m flavor toffee bre biscuit notes toasty hazelnut loaf but a good amount of hoppiness to it it’s like spicy grassy but they’re not as vibrant the beers as they were at vagna I think vagna was T better but they’re really good the logger beer is the other one you well you can’t see anything also full body fa malty sweet Brady malt and then a high level of hoppiness to this one as well compared to other spots but the hot flavor this is made like really peppery and spicy like freshly ground right by pe or I prefer the Masson a bit more of the two but nice beers for sure worth a visit and the first time we see a menu with somewhat different things compared to every other place they fig can get like half a chicken and you could get like carp and like it’s not the same and pizza snitel uh I think it’s a very nice laa beer I’m not as impressed as I was by the vut this one it’s like it it’s not it does have such a complex uh flavor profile and then it has it has a high bitterness which I like but it’s almost like a sort of lacking bit of hot flavor should back up the hot bitterness uh but I mean it’s still a very very nice laga beer I could drink this all day still but coming from the vagana which was like perfect this is a a bit lower than that in my ranking although Gest as Magna like o when we said we’re going here as it was really good yeah but um there we go there we go that was let’s see now you can’t see any color but still really good stuff for sure something check out my favorite is the map F my favorite is theab so well good that I have that then and then you have that [Music] cheers [Music] so we’re at my or is it k and and they have the V beers and I’ve reviewed quite a few of them on the channel and I really enjoyed them but we have a pick us up some coffee because it was late last night and I have possibly some of the last cakes of the green Hof and pills you can go on to the channel and have a look I’ve reviewed this beer uh a while back and I loved it dead fresh it’s a very cool take on like a killer pills not so the aroma on this one is Magic it’s like almost like juicy Noble Hops we agreed that it’s a little bit Tas buba likee there’s like that fruity spicy juiciness about it like almost like juicy mle for you like citrus and Elder flour it smells really nice carries through on the flavor really soft bitterness lots of fruitiness lots of what’s like the most fruity of the beers we’ve had down down here I think uh very soft bitterness next to no bitterness uh and then a little bit of like a because the yeast is and suspension it feels like doughy more than bread it’s like doughy sweeter malt with lots of that fresh vibrant hot flavor I think they released this just around hop Harvest so it’s been maybe a month or so in the B maybe more than a month in the bottle or cake but I think it’s holding up really well I think it’s really nice we also have something Crystal Clear their pills which also smells nice this is won an award World beer Awards world’s best Piller okay they won a lot of rewards also World beer cup European beer star I think that’s a good pie not it’s a bit more peppery it’s more franconian in style it’s not like in insanely hoppy but I got a bottle to bring home to review as well but I still think the pills at vagna was the best that was really good but I really like this this is probably one of the best unfiltered kup style beers we’ve had on the trip I think nice stuff so delicious after this uh we’re moving on to one of those spots that you have to visit we’re moving on to so that’s going to be really fun so stay tuned for that cheers in more franconian beer from this trip around the bum area in fun [Music] do [Music] we’re at the final spot of this tour today uh breweries around bumbag in the EO that’s not what you say but around bumbag and this is a must this is I’ve really enjoyed their beers over the years I’ve reviewed so many of them and this is a bucket list place to visit and right now they have three beers they have their bab beia export and biton and uh we have the export and the lagab beia two lagas oh you changed your mind yeah I changed my mind so the lagab beia is from uh the the cake H the HZ no it’s not HZ that was a the is from HZ export is onake but it’s not a h i saw the cake okay so but it was one of the cakes where you slam a handle into the side and it’s like this feels like like the most true iteration of kab kind of like it’s on filtered it’s slightly hazy and it’s so soft and pillowy and delicate it’s like um if you drink American Brewers interpretations of the some of these Styles I think this is what they often aim for it’s like it’s so soft and delicate and nice and with so many delicate flavors just really really really high quality stuff like not as hoppy as other producers but the balance between Hops and Ms is great it almost has like a little bit of a creamy custardy Vibe or something like to me with floral slightly peppery Hops and then just like this full malt body and malt flavor but this is this is a key study in perfect balance between all ingredients I think yeah um yeah I think we’re going to try both export and lighton because why not we’re here do you agree uh yes I agree about what you said about this beer I think it’s a very beautiful beer um it’s got that really really it’s really rustic too yeah rustic and also very malt focused like it’s a really big malt flavor compared to how light a beard is yeah they’ve really been working the the Brewing process like lots of steps to create that full um mold flavor and an amazing mouth feel yeah very much so and low carbonation too yeah so needless to say all the places in this video breweries you need to visit but for me the most is zner and vag vagna I think those are the [Music] best [Music] [Music] hope you guys enjoyed the video as you might notice that wasn’t really any outro so we’re shooting it here and as I said we’re going to show you guys what I brought with me back so let’s step down into my sell this is where the goodies are kept this also where I keep some of the Lambic but not for long cuz as you might have spotted in some videos I’ve said that I’m moving and I while I got some of the barbecue gear but over here let me show you the stuff I brought back so we got a lot of stuff here and I’m just going to try and step a bit out of the way first and foremost this 750 of Vil’s double buck in Bourbon barrels um but yeah two crates and there’s a couple beers missing cuz I already did reviews on them I was so impressed with vagna that I got their entire range so um there’s two beers missing and that’s their box but let’s just start from one end so I’m from we got their and we got their meren beer that was like the two main beers they had on tap and then we got this one Bai F oh I can’t remember house house boy it’s a beer that we got for free as a gift at vagna from a small small Brewery that produces tiny amounts of bottles only for locals supposedly good stuff and then we’re diveing into the Vodka stuff so I got their pillner which one w a bronze medal at the European brr they won a lot of medals at this Brewery vagnas Vice Bia Vagner Matson Vagner 150 yund beer I think that was a Kor beer or 850 yund beer uh they’re helis they’re Fest beer they C stitch ro beer they ler beer and lastly their Richard rard Vagner D then we also got a bottle of B Hill never tried this one seen so many people love it and then we got from Gman this is a brewery it’s supposed to be really good at viton this is their viton book and their viton I’ve never heard of them or tried of them tried their beers but people say they’re like on the level of the great Schneider andex mavan all that so hopefully they will be dope then we got from kman they hand pills I really wanted to revisit this one because I did a review I was not like super stoked but down in bumber it was amazing then of course the fresh vintage of ok from schena and then from spal they be beer and their lagab beer reviews coming up of those fresh bottles This truly is probably the best session in the world then moving on over here more Vice be K Visa I think I’ve reviewed the t visa but this is also a fairly well ACC claimed vit then we got from V the beer also to revisit also won some awards uh V’s beers are really cool they also make some Modern stuff the K pills I reviewed which I loved maybe for a re-review we’ll see uh they Hill new beer from them their Killa beer and their pills and lastly their R Double B so because it was the bock season there was so many bucks that we brought back then house the Hillis I’ve tried this once before again wanting to revisit it because I’m So Into loggers these days and their what was this called Sun Tonk I can’t even remember what this is it looks a bit dark so maybe it’s like a mle or something and then we got some stuff from cluster boy which the last time I had it I wasn’t the biggest fan at least from the of the RO beer but we got the bger Brown beer the killab beer the scha which is a was it a Schatz beer or maybe that was yeah it’s a Schatz beer maybe it’s just called then probably some of the most epic beer will get save that for last but we got one a bottle of this one uh because Eno who sent me beers back in the day from be loved this one and sent me like a vintage bottle so I thought it’d be fun to try Fresh then another Brewery to really also check out is H boy so we got some of their stuff kabia a viton buck because the buck season their buck and the pill and then the last three some of the best logger in the world this is not a logger but this is a from alongside their lagab beer and their export so that was the selection of beers really good stuff there to look forward to um there’s a lot of stuff in there loads of loger so I’m going to try we’ll see when I get to all of it cuz there’s so much to review but you you can expect a lot of awesome logger beer a lot of buck beer and I’m really stoked on pretty much all of those because some of them I had down on the trip and they were amazing and some of them are going to be Revisited some of them also brand new to me so uh yeah I’m really really stoked on these I’m more excited to be honest I’m more excited drinking these and trying these fresh loggers than a lot of other craft here these days so you know that’s how it is you you know you come full circle um but yeah I think that’s about it so I just wanted to show you guys what I brought back minus two bottles of buck from um um vagna yeah that’s it I I don’t think I have anything else upstairs but truly if you go to bmack try and take some time off to not only visit bmack get a car get get a driver and go around the area um there are so many magnificent small breweries out s of bomberg in the small towns that need some love and there are some that I would love to have visited that we did not get to visit as well but CU we’re pressed on time but truly if you’ve never been to Franconia it’s a must as a begeek like especially if you love great logger it’s probably the hot bed of some of the best loggers in the world and I got a comment that Frank Onan logger is too close to water or whatever compared to um like check beer but I disagree like they are more clean some of them and they’re more easy goinging and balance but there’s like it depends on the Brewer quality and like profiles are different from Brewer to Brewer but yeah wonderful place a bucket list place to visit and such a great time and also probably the biggest bucket list trip think of this entire trip was that visit to schena in the seller wow that was magic I can’t tell you how magical it was drinking Matson straight from the logging TR tank unfiltered bucket list but hope you guys enjoyed this video possibly a little bit long let’s see how it pans out uh but hope you enjoyed it thanks a ton for watching and as always remember to com subscribe check out the Facebook fan page and Twitter and Instagram and give this video a thumbs up enjoyed it and ring the bell for future notifications about videos and I hope you enjoy the Cavalcade of on the road videos from Franconia and I’m going to say cheers and no beer because I’m down in the seller well cheers and a lot of beer woo and see you guys in another beer [Music] video


    1. Enjoyed that great video, I'm lucky enough to have tried a lot of those beers you brought back and considering I'm from Ireland and haven't been to Germany yet (going to Berlin soon) you can guess the detective work it took to get them all delivered here, but you are right these as some of the very best lagers in the world, and yes you will always come full circle to the traditional classics done well🍻

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