Sports fans its a fresh track and its gonna be a really fun time – ALSO DONATE AND WIN MY BIKE HERE –

    Lets go!

    #bksport #Ladaman #mtb

    [Music] morning gorgeous day one in Poland come on Morgan you like it you’ve been on it for a while let’s go we’ve got Juro what we got injo Practice Day Steph oh we do taking a friend don’t worry about this bike L it you’re not going with them we got EDR I think it’s called ews practice day we got a very tidy van up here yeah nice Eddie Master’s L man you’re not going with himuro’s practicing downhill is going to walk and we’re in Poland and it is sunny so far epic weather and the rest under construction thanks for coming we are we are what the red one cl you’re not going with them you got M want to go with you practice you are not going intoo practicing this a l man with a carrot we’re going to take him for a walk in a second this is my new downhill bike and I just want to give a quick shout out to the desert Garden School in monor if you saw my Instagram maybe I given my downhall bike away from last year because Rachel used to work at pivot and now works there as a teacher I she’s a teacher and I’m trying to help out basically you can go and donate to the school or you’re buying raffle tickets for my bike however you want to look at it but please go check it out it’s going to be in the link below it’s for a really good cause it’s a school really close to Pivot Cycles in Phoenix Arizona and hopefully you know one day maybe these kids will work for pivot or ride at pivot so check it out you might win my downhill bike buy a couple tickets and uh support a good cause this little ra school it’s digging holes come on we got to take you in we got walk a track come here L it’s the high classic tea design by the go herself right we’re heading up now it’s 12:30 we’re going to go and sit at the top so we can be at the front of track or que hopefully cuz it starts at 1 and it was too busy and for with in we jump in this sucker and head up yeah all right we got a local I think this local Oshi little proteam bar Cru we’re the first team here weren’t we first team when we will be on track in approximately 23 minutes right the oosi coconut caramel five star review we’re here at the start and we are waiting to go few clouds about fair weather a bit of wind right we’re here now and it is 1:00 yeah M Lads are going to drop in bit of track walk here we go sports fans we got the cony start gate it’s a new it’s quite a flat start here this is going to be us inoc some jump straight away yeah like we said it is 1:00 just to make sure that we have not going to have of time a bunch of people have gone back ahead of intent because they tried to snake the whole line but we’re going to enjoy it so it’s straight at the start we got quite a pedal and I’m stoked people complaining looks bike park but I like jump so it’s straight into little Sharky but it is quite windy up here Emily would not be a fan of the Wind on the jump toas looks looks fun it looks fun that is quite a long it’s the second jump you’re coming out you’re going quick but it’s still a long way no you’re going have to try take the same I think if you pedal to the first jump and did a little lift for this you be dialed so Landing of this is so so dry might be on an Aro you know might be on a mud tire or in just because it’s so soft third jump already someone said if there’s 32 jumps apparently on the track even if you’re in the air for 1 second on each roughly that is uh 30 seconds in the air sorry guys you’re about to have a stampede of people fibers fibers baby first burn be low on it anyone skip it it’s going to be so fun first couple practice that just Skipper Skipper Skipper can you go ah so we not right we got our first Canadian feature of a tool M coming up I don’t know this it’s actually so many jumps going get destroyed destroyed make it hard though least yeah as soon as there’s holes in it like do you set up inside outside just hit them dude I honestly think we’re going to be double Argo out the gate if not one on the front yeah oh yeah it’s going to be photo Nation or slowmo Nation out here hopefully for like and it’s steep like yeah you sprint out the start but after that you’re going to be carrying really good speed down this first pit right so we’ve either got burn burn tight in or you got like a mini sharpen quite like a that’s a little pop over that isn’t it really to hard brakes like how theyve made a landing it makes it more techy I reckon skipping could be good from here sh listen to it I’ve been saying I hope for a mud of Sunday but all really dry the hotter it is the more I normally like it so they’re really dry really wet and we’re into our first lone section now is actually a l I’d say there’ be an apex right through here into a little catch hopefully people have seen some stuff online but we’ve got detail track walk now through the loan where you actually check up a lot and you need to get back to feet quick now we’re talking about how we even if a track’s not very good we really like it cuz we do good there like Snowshoe for me is not the best track but I love it like the winners of the endur last weekend that did good there literally right out of this loan back in just kind of stuff and uh you might be insiding and using the jum that next turn I think you’ll want to come out rather than inside shark shark another BM this is kind of cool cuz you could either squash bounce or kind of pull it in and again like we keep saying the BMS it’s so dry right now they’ve obviously had not a lot of rain done what they could but these are going to block with Hol I’m fro that’s a l leafl [Applause] section yeah boys love your work keep it going brother rev it up yeah boys thank you thank you now l l l l l l right out L this looks at first split time coming up super important here cuz it’s straight scor that sucker I’m saying and it’s not that steep like the first one is steeper em says it is quite long you probably carry speed out the turn but first lap it might be slightly longer than you think com yeah I want to be flying into this then we got a couple flat turns high speed all right after the Rogue gy thing I’ll try and Quant down I get too excited there’s a big inside here hope you I reckon you’re here you’re trying to carry speed for the exit cuz I bet looks like it goes straight after that jump for a while if you go here you’re surely losing ah you might cuz if it ruts through the grass you could catch the beginning of the turn eh might be all right right that’s two bands and then we’ve got the probably like the F by now but hey I’m not mad at that it’s going to be inside slap inside slap this could be round the right Bunny Hop road yeah don’t go on the right straight line yeah left is definitely the be line guys we appreciate the padding it’s going to hopefully Keep Us Safe turn this this little Gully section of jump this is like a cool little Trail to ride man like scrub scrub gra the corner yeah man photographers dream yeah and video Angus MCD media we want to see some fire from here this looks so fun we got like a little scrub roller a little bike par we got a single here into a split split line we got left or right the tree it’s all going to depend on exit yeah pretty much is first re line you can go right and stay on the thing or come left I’m try and keep exit yeah I’m going to say left cuz your exit is so important cuz you could check up up there come through here and just carry so much exit speed for a while no from I support it little single across a ski piece into another shy down there this is quite a tight little scrubber I like this it could be a cool shape right little scrubber and this is a gnarly I think there’s a few bit so it’s kind of English like a real skinny little track like sorry Hills we used to Mad pump or high I see that’s cheeky a little high isn’t it if you could pump out that and say hi out burn back there and then we got another fresh L section it’s obviously going to chop up guys look sick pretty off cvas section though like coming out you got to check up there’s going to be loads of roots and little stumps that this sucker come out and this one here if you could but if you mid and you could get over it throughout you could carry more speed maybe that off camera is quite vital because we got quite a long straight after it or good pedal if you’re in the right gear and now to some L which I guess should be low in and then see where I’m is where do you want to go down there out hi maybe maybe that is real off camera though like put one it looks on camera these roots here so maybe thing is though you can be where you are and then get up there and then get up yeah cuz it’s really flat here we got one huge Ana here so it’s kind of tight right and then super chunky it’s what I’m hearing Jake’s going maybe Gap at first run for sure but this is kind of dangerous oh Rock literally what I said cuz oh my God that will be happening loads when we ride through here literally almost killed someone use a bit of a rig yeah there’s a lot of loose rocks but this will be hard kind of Snowshoe Vibes yeah hey gummies and then compress through here and another straight line up yeah exactly we got a lot of jumps coming out here I can already see so you really want to get your pump split baby right we got a little jump out here and we saw this from the lift actually it’s going be a real tight right back on yourself so we got a BM here and you can see which think it’s cool they’ve really tightened it up out of this might catch few out first lap especially look out out yeah really this is steep like it and the light Chang yeah cuz you’re real bright here and it’s going be quite dark in a goggle I don’t know where to look or where to go sorry toas I cut you off there just going to keep this camera rolling for a seconding literally well this is tricky there’s no like Dial Dial bit is that like catcher down here anyone on YouTube hand out your expertise that’s know where we should be going yeah but then that that is so gnarly so gnarly yeah so what about if you at Mid here oh I was going to say over this but now I can just R oh that’s going to be like down that way if it ruts that could R super deeper fluffy so tight where Jake is this is really cool can’t see a good good line outside we the four outside for now and hopefully it’s going to rut up J on a St that might work right you could literally do anything here we have no idea what’s going to work is what we come to we’ve got no idea yeah what Jen said that is high look M catch and two I actually have to stay left down the next bit we should between you’d be pretty sick if you could like jump Dodge bomb tight yeah L and you got a little easy let’s call it easy like a supportive catch there but really want to be up here so hit the right and try and punch up right we’re getting info that maybe we want to come out hit the rat and punch up but then I I prefer come to here though and then go straight across I personally like going really slow here well as quick as possible but slow and staying up here and coming around so you do want to sit up here is wide here and hopefully some ruts will form but it’s fresh baby it’s fresh I’m guessing you want to be where Emily is Emily you want to be as far left as possible or it doesn’t matter too much it’s not that play it by here I like trying not to get too high out of the loan because it could be real soft stay through here and we’ve kind of got a good turn through here and then there’s like a pool yeah it’s like this is me try and get some soil samples here look at that it’s like some some good moisture there you go that’s low man it’s hard normal it’s L is what you boys saying yeah just below the pink just below pinky I reckon just below like war rde and pump out jump in there if it gets cut right you exit the woods another cool little Skipper tiny step down it looks to be into quite a long one you’re going to generate a lot like from look where Emily a lot of speed I think you’ll pop this so easy here we are after the jumps this will be the blown turn the blown motorx oil turn cuz that is a tight little sucker with hundreds of people going around there 100 times a day say again o has tight got squashing left e outside around there I’d say a lot this could change ride this tomorrow kind of natural lump the trees falling out or something just squash this will be risking it onto the little Bridges the wet you were going so quick yeah we’d sketch you I like it oh so you will be honestly flying through here by the looks of it and you’re turning on like not the grippiest surface and may concrete dust onto a bridge this is Imagine going as fast as you could ever go through somewhere cuz that’s what world cut racing is trying as hard as you physically can I’ll just keep this rolling quick this is going to be a long LSD hopefully all might day more boring hope you had a boring day or you’re really excited to see the Poland track oh literally tiny now the words an honor see what I think looks to be the hardest turn here so far we’re going across the ski piece you got a little rain WRA and then yeah like an off cry hopefully all the gravel will got of this but I’m going to say i’ probably hug this Top Line into the next Woods in the woods this is UK goat track baby put me on it we’re here at Poland EDR so think it’s going to be off this kind of on the bank wide oh it’s a huge pedal pump and then you got pedal into a little bit I remember nice little stream if you need to sip mid mid uh practice little step down I this one’s a solid 8 ft as well so don’t hate on it few little jumps we got flat right flat left and looks like a road crossing the Shimano road crossing then you have to Sprint and we got a split coming into the final Woods track and we got a little this even now this is really really hard light you’re going from Bright to dark which will be yeah I think just kind of pamp and stay settled and you’ll be breathing so I reckon there have been a quick Sprint back there across the piece you got like a weird lump into this flat right loan which I really like it’s going to be like techy to keep your wheels on the ground and keep like preloaded in to try and get some grip into this last steep section we got a split section after that turn a high there or a mid through personally like in the mid the minute oh we’ve caught you they left 20 minutes before us surprise yeah what a surprise cell look at that not mad at it last deep bit right we got high on the right but I think I’m going be going down just straight into the catch so honestly I’m froing this it’s super different it’s new so hyped for a fresh track and having some fun she’s steep oh you can’t right so we got I call this almost the last turn we’ll see in the race onto a bridge and you got a squash and this is a real cool looking section it’s going to r on TV hopefully just massive like last step down through the finish so on here and this is it sports fans The Crowd Goes Wild hopefully just pinned off here that’s like a big like U dip so you’ll be like boosting through the finish line but stay low burnard this might be thumbnail Nation don’t you put me in your C why not that’s it and you’re probably going to land through it so you got to squash this last little dip straight through that is the p and track down R the little Ras we’re back from track Walk we’re going to go cryp toils I think Bonnie knows that going to start on those for the goat track and stuff if you have watched this far check out the link in the bio for the school in Phoenix Arizona donate maybe win a bike and uh we’ll see you tomorrow for the first day on track here in Poland I reckon you’re changing first lap


    1. No doubt that you are a very talented and fast rider Bernard however, why don’t you concentrate on getting that first win before you shamelessly just push your merge every five seconds. It’s absolutely disgusting. You haven’t even made it yet yet you walk a lot around like you have. It’s not hard to comprehend why you haven’t won yet

    2. We are here too and we need you to sign us a photo what we have with you. Hope we have luck and see you here !! Good luck this weekend ! Big fans

    3. It’s always nice to see a brand new track on the calendar even though it’s new it just looks like all the other paved tracks on the calendar this is meant to be World Cup racing not shredding. bike park laps with your buddies on your day off work but sadly that’s how World Cup race tracks are these days

      on a more exciting side of things cannot wait for headline Wales this year because Dan has changed the course in a big way I’m not going to spoil things but 100 foot doubles look tame compared. to what Dan has install

    4. That is a fast track. Flat with no heavy rock gardens. After a few riders you should get some lines opening up. On the down side. The dirt is dry and loose. Some riders might be doing some sliding around. (GOOD LUCK TO THE TEAM )

    5. I don't understand why they would choose to create this track while they have something called "Bestyja" nearby – that would be a killer dh track world cup worthy. Whatever this is looks like a cross country.

    6. Ok, thats a better look at the track than the official "preview" and the second half doesnt look horrible. But it hasnt yet stimulated my excitement center, maybe if it chops up real good or even rains it could be a screamer! We got some pretty wet weather rolling through Switzerland in the NE direction, if that makes it to Poland by weekend, you got a slippy one on your hands. 😅

    7. Love a track walk LSD, it's great for a sense of scale that doesn't always show up on race footage (even better when Lada is in it too)

    8. I think racing is not only about riding a bicycle but also about getting out of the box. Competition is a nice opportunity to show what this sport is about not only to the local community but to let it grow further. Of course you could go to the same track every year and think only about timelapses, but here this is something different; you don't know how the track will change until the race day, and I love it. It makes people wonder what downhill is about. I'm proud UCI World Cup is in my country for the first time in the history, the trail builders probably as well, and they did their best, believe me. There is big soul for this sport in Poland. I'm fucking excited to go to Szczyrk and Bielsko-Biala to cheer, and hopefully the rest of the crowd is as well. Yaayyyxxxx, let's go, can't wait!

    9. Frothing for seeing how this new track runs in, and all of the bts lsd content, good luck everyone have a top weekend and bring home some trophies. Donation dropped too what a great cause man! ❤

    10. Sic track mang bit toey through dem woods gonna be on for sure i likey! How can i get me some BK sport gear bruzzy,hook a bruda a link up mang and enjoy dem kranskies

    11. Conti start gate?? You mean Michelin 😂😂.. sorry 20 years doing car tyres cant help it.
      If Uni Royal made DH tyres theyed be amazing. Uni Royal are made by Continental so we may have them in the near future!! Sick Tyre though

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