Trump or Biden? Dr Sebastian Gorka and Destiny go head to head! #politics #election #news

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    Dr Sebastian Gorka is a former Deputy Assistant to President Trump for strategy. He has lectured for US Special Operations Command, the FBI’s Counterterrorism Division, and the Green Berets, and has briefed the CIA, the Defense Intelligence Agency, and the National Intelligence Council. He is the host of the radio show ‘America First with Sebastian Gorka.’ Find more here:

    Destiny (Steven Bonnell) is an American live-streamer and political commentator. A social democrat, he often engages in political debates in which he advocates for progressivism and liberal politics. He is the host of the ‘Bridges Podcast’ which is available, along with many other kinds of content, on his YouTube channel: @destiny

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    Stand-up comedians Konstantin Kisin (@konstantinkisin) and Francis Foster (@francisjfoster) make sense of politics, economics, free speech, AI, drug policy and WW3 with the help of presidential advisors, renowned economists, award-winning journalists, controversial writers, leading scientists and notorious comedians.

    00:00 Introduction
    01:35 Why Biden Should Be President
    03:37 The Case for Trump
    05:24 Accusing Biden of Hating America
    07:24 Is Trump Really a Man of the People?
    14:43 Illegal Immigration
    19:46 Sponsor Message: Munk Debates
    21:17 Is Trump Just Playing Politics?
    26:19 Why Wasn’t the Wall Built?
    30:02 Trump Needing to Rely on Good Faith
    39:07 Can Trump Get Things Done?
    48:23 Who Do Other Nations Respect More?
    58:15 Sponsor Message: Monetary Metals
    59:44 Trump’s Role in Recent Conflicts
    1:12:15 How Biden Would Defuse Global Tensions
    1:21:02 How Trump Would Restore Peace
    1:30:54 Debate Continues on Locals

    every part of Donald Trump’s foreign policy it was a disaster out of his depth he’s out of his depth out of my depth okay the analysis is is childlike to defend Trump right well there were no Wars right Wars don’t just come out of nowhere there’s a buildup for how these things happen so what he just did is he said the conditions for the largest Slaughter of Jews since 1945 were created by President Trump a lot of the stuff that he did during his presidency was kind of a buildup to the frustrations that would obviously come out on October 7th and that horrible terrorist attack it’s because nobody fears the scile old man in the White House who talks to dead people and thinks his wife is his sister that’s why the world is on fire the question I ask you I want to ask you is a question I can’t ask you on YouTube which is about January the 6th and everything that happened around that do you believe the 2020 election was stolen so to say that he to say that he went along with the peaceful transfer of power is is just a lie well he did cuz he not only the White House yes after he failed to steal the election gentlemen welcome to the debate Seb Stephen thank you so much for coming on uh obviously we want to focus uh exclusively on the election that’s upcoming and one of the things we agreed before is that both of you get a chance to set out a positive case for your candidate something that we never hear anymore because everyone just criticizes the other person so uh given that Biden is the incumbent Stephen do you want to start us off yeah uh I why is he good I think that Biden is a good president because I think that he’s shown that uh he’s willing to uh defend and strengthen our institutions I think that the United States is only as strong as the institutions that we have um you can have parchment guarantees from constitutions that say you’re afforded XYZ rights or you know you’re guaranteed in the United States to be able to do some particular things but at the end of the day if we don’t have a government telling you that the food is safe or this medicine is safe or your car is not going to explode at the end of the day um I think that none of those things actually matter the parchment guarantees so I think that Biden has done a really good job at kind of reaffirming our institutions whereas I feel like Trump is a bit more negative towards them um the second thing is I think Biden has done a really good job at being able to actually bring different people in Congress together to pass legislation I think that bipartisanship is really important right now considering how divided we are um you’ve got things that Trump said about infrastructure for four years that got done uh the closest we got to infrastructure building in the United States under Trump are tariffs which are basically just taxes on our own citizens whereas uh Biden was able to pass the um the IRA and the chips act which both have like fostered a ton of new manufacturing that’s been happening in the United States which I think which I think is really cool because we’re finally building stuff again and then I think that the foreign policy under Biden I think that our aims right now are a lot more noble than they were under Trump I think that regardless of your feelings our participation with supporting Ukraine against Russia or supporting Israel against uh the situation in the Middle East is a lot more defensible than endless drone Wars that were trying to hide in Yemen um you know fighting in Syria um whatever other uh you know the photo opportunities with North Korea the back and forth with Iran um whatever kind of like mixed bag of undermining the United States Trump was involved in when it came to US foreign policy under him so those be my three big ones I think defensive institutions uh ability to bipartisanly legislation and then more noble foreign policy aims perfect I will come back to you to to probe but some of those things Seb what’s your case for Trump he loves America he doesn’t hate America it’s really that simple and um he understands the institutions are either broken or corrupt and he’s not a member of the political Elite he wasn’t in politics for 47 years like the current incumbent in the white house uh he is not part of the quote unquote political Elite that clearly detests our nation and judeo-christian civilization there’s a reason that workingclass Americans from Across the Nation voted for him in 2016 there’s a reason that recently in Harlem we saw what we saw a black 10-year-old child CH chant out we love you Trump which was then picked up by all the adults around that young boy because they see in that man authenticity he’s not a machine career politician he’s not somebody with 21 shell companies funneling money from communist China Russia the Ukraine into his son’s dodgy dealings and then into the Biden family he has authenticity and he loves America the first time I met him I’ve told this story on your show previously I grew up in the UK it was a very different culture for me to meet this reality TV star in his you know golden tower in New York but within 30 seconds of sitting down with this man I realized two things he loves America and he hates political correctness that is the antithesis of the political class whether it’s Rhino fake Republicans or the institutionalized Democrats and that’s why he’s trouncing Biden in every significant poll in America people see a man who understands America has lost its way the elite on both sides of the aisle have betrayed American especially American workers and we need to fix it that’s why uh and do you is it really do you is it really true that like the Biden and the people around him hate America I mean you you that’s isn’t that an extraordinary claim to make S it is it’s kind of perverse but if you look at everything they’ve done for the last three and a half years I answer the question thusly what else would you do for three and a half years if your ostensible goal was actually to destroy America what would you do differently nothing you’d open the borders you’d give billions of dollars to the greatest state sponsored terrorism in the world Iran that every Friday chants death to America you’d undermine our relationship with closest Ally in the Middle East Israel stop sending them the weapons they need to save themselves from the bloodthirsty jihadist that killed more Jews than we’ve ever seen since the end of the show the end of the Holocaust you’d make it harder for Americans to live their lives when when on the first day of the Biden Administration you ban the Exile Keystone Pipeline extension you say no more fracking no more energy exploration on federal lands and what do we have we go from $180 a gallon of petrol to now we have in California $6 when you’re a a a man who lives on how much it costs to put a full tank of gas in your car if you’re a worker if you’re a plumber if you’re a carpenter you’ve crushed tens of millions of people that is only possible if you hate the nation in which you live think of this thing it’s it’s it’s it’s set up by one person don’t listen to me don’t listen to Sebastian listen to Biden’s former boss 5 days before he became president he said we are going to fundamentally change this nation um I know you’re a married man Constantin M don’t tell your wife you want to fundamentally change her because she won’t believe you love her uh you’ll be on the couch or in the doghouse okay you don’t love that which you wish to fundamentally change and that’s what the left has become well there you go I’m getting marital advice as well I Stephen there’s quite a lot there I’m going to come back to some of the points you made in in your opening and let Seb Pro with them as well but there was a lot there do you want to come back on that um yeah I mean I disagree with almost every part I think that uh I don’t think Trump loves America I think it’s pretty obvious that Trump loves himself I think even Trump fans will admit that Trump is more in love with himself than any other individual entity that exists on this planet um I always think it’s really funny I think one of the most interesting things that happened with conservatives is this idea that they found a common man who’s not a part of the elite to Champion their causes and it happens to be a billionaire real estate uh Mogul from New York City that was essentially born with a silver SP I think that’s incredbly interesting um when you talk about like I mean we could go into family stuff I think it’s interesting that people are so critical about Hunter Biden when Kushner is signing multi-billion dollar deals with Saudi Arabia when Kushner was working in but that’s what bism right that’s not like Hunter Biden could be a bad guy and Jared Krishna could be doing whatever you say he’s doing does it not sure I’m not I’m I it’s it’s it’s not a one aboutism because it’s not a defensive Hunter I think it’s more remarking that it’s interesting what conservatives that are fans of Trump are selectively selectively skeptical of that if Biden had had created a position in the white house for his son Hunter to work under and then he had sent his son to go and negotiate on behalf of the United States and then afterwards his son was signing multi-billion dollar deals for companies that he worked with this is like barisma but 100 million times worse because it’s in the official capacity as a government worker while being related to a president who didn’t divest guess all I’m saying sorry to interject I really want you to get the time I I just that argument could be played the other way if if if Donald Trump had had had a son like Hunter Biden who was doing what Hunter Biden did everyone on the left would be outraged too right so people on the left talking about kusher that much considering how crazy those deals are I mean people have talked about it less it’s true sure well as for Hunter Biden I mean marger Taylor green has pictures of him uh in Congress I don’t know if you saw that um in terms of like what would you do if you wanted to make the country worse I mean I can think of several things I would encourage my supporters to lead an Insurrection on the capital I would try to say that the election results weren’t real I would claim that the election was fake uh before even coming into office which he did for before his first term um I probably start to gain notoriety or popularity in the political world by suggesting that the current president was born in Kenya not the United States a lot of people forget but that’s how Trump initially picked up his popularity it was with the birth certificate stuff with Barack Obama um I think that uh when you talk about like wanting to fundamentally change this country I don’t think Biden wants to do that I think Biden genuinely loves the United States um I look at somebody like Donald Trump who undermines basically every single part of this country whether it’s the legal and judicial system whether it’s trust in the voting process um whether it’s NATO whether it’s us uh Impressions or the US reputation abroad uh yeah I think that Trump fundamentally has no respect for any part of this country that’s why he suggested suspending the Constitution so that he could look for voter fraud it’s why before getting elected he said that people that burn the flag are one of our most important First Amendment protected rights should have their citizenship strip from them which is insane um and I would also probably try to undermine the current sitting president and the current sitting Congress by telling them that they’re not allowed to get things done on the border because if we keep that as a real problem it’ll help me in the next election cycle which is why we weren’t able to pass any bipartisan border legislation to actually fix the Asylum problem that we have right now that the current government’s hands are tied on t i i just most of that is just absolutely rable he loves himself more than anything any other human being on the planet yeah that that’s why he’s facing 730 years in prison uh right now because he wants to be president again he could have just gone off back to his private life running his businesses but no he actually said a few days ago uh I’m prepared to go to jail and make that sacrifice any day because the Constitution is more important than my freedom that sounds like a very selfish individual absolutely do you not think though I think it’s a fair critique to say that Donald Trump is narcissistic and so he would want to go back because he feels that he was badly treated the reason he didn’t get reelected was the election was stolen and he wants to show the world that he it’s it’s a personal ambition project rather than at the cost of going to prison well I some some people want to sacrifice themselves so everyone can see how they’ve been badly treated because they’re so obsessed with you know looking I’m glad we’re so good at psychoanalyzing people from the outside just saying that’s what a lot of people would think but but let’s look at the facts he wouldn’t be where he is today if he wasn’t running again that’s just we know that this is an attempt to steal an election before any vote is cast whether it’s the fanny Willis corrupt prosecutor in Georgia whether it’s the person Leticia James or Alvin Bragg funded by George Soros during their campaigns because sadly we elect these people in America and who campaigned campaigned on putting president Trump in prison how perverse is that and with regards he did it all for himself and uh he did nothing for America or destroyed America do you have any idea how much energy costs went up under the Trump Administration just for average families the president doesn’t influence energy cost that he does when he shuts down fracking and all licenses for oil exploration on federal lands don’t don’t don’t divert us production is at an alltime high so that’s a absolutely not true not true it is we’re energy independent right now okay you’re making stuff up okay how much how much would energy go up do you know under Trump are we counting the last year under Co when the entire world was slowing down four years how much of energy got do you know I’m not sure 4% do you know how much has gone up in the last three and a half years under Biden I I’m not sure 28% who’s destroying America so but that’s also a global Trend inflation also a function of what we created when we were in the the Trump Administration for the first time in our history we were net exporters of energy think about what that does for the lifeblood an economy requires energy I know it’s a scary evil thing for the left but oil and gas is how you run an economy it’s how you get food to people so when we became the first time ever a net exporter or talk about the other aspects of the economy we had the lowest unemployment for minorities in the United States since recordkeeping began and the lowest unemployment for women for 70 years look at what we have today I mean it’s Absolut the fact that most families in this nation cannot handle a fire $500 emergency they don’t have $500 worth of cash that’s why Harlem is shouting we love you Trump I don’t know if you saw president Trump after he had to leave the court last week he delivered pizzas to the firefighters in Manhattan it’s really interesting to watch that video not just of how he was received by those people who run into fires to save Americans one of the firefighters actually audibly says in the background save us Mr Trump that doesn’t happen if the man’s selfish and if the economy is absolutely superb it happens when you let in 8 million illegals in three and a half years to crush the working man and woman in America Stephen even as a fair Observer you would have to say and feel free to come back on the point Seb made as well but the immigration issue the illegal immigration issue seems to be much much worse under President Biden would you agree with that um yes we’re facing issues right now yeah so why why would you want to reelect a man who has allowed this many illegal immigrants and despite the fact I think it’s fair to say the vast majority of Americans agree that this shouldn’t be happening I think that there’s when it comes to border stuff or immigration stuff I think that most of the disagreement I think that we I think for America I think we generally agree on most things for what the immigration policy should look like the problem is we have a very unique problem right now the Border relating to Asylum seeking and the federal government’s hands are ti in terms of how you can deal with those people so with the way that the law works right now if you’re an illegal immigrant and you come up to the Border you see that like the um the encounters have gone up dramatically um well so was the actual catch rate of people coming in like not that many people are sneaking past the Border guards the reason why is because you don’t have to actually sneak into the country anymore you just have to show up between a Port of Entry or maybe even at a Port of Entry now go hey I’m here to seek Asylum and once you’ve done that it’s like a it’s like a get out of jail free card and you’re basically they have to take you in they have to process you because of how the federal laws on the books are right now and then because we don’t have enough judges to actually go through all the cases you’re given basically a slip you’re say hey please show up for your trial and then you basically release them into the country uh some people will try to say that like Biden does Catch and Release or we have like a catch and release law but we don’t really it’s like a combination of pretty complicated things on the books for how we deal with Asylum Seekers now Biden Biden and the um Democrats in Congress wanted to deal with this but Trump was literally telling uh republicans in Congress con do not touch the Border issue that’s why the bipartisan bill that Republicans had largely approved of a few years earlier got completely shut down because Republicans don’t want to close this issue um again in classic Trump fashion which is putting Trump ahead of the country we didn’t do anything about the Border because Trump was telling Republicans not to fix a particular issue because he wants to win re-election that’s an issue that Biden and the uh Democrats tried to solve but we couldn’t do it and look I want to hear seb’s answer to that and other things you’re about to say but just I can tell you someone look I was born in the former Soviet Union I don’t live in America Amica I can promise you this unique set of circumstances that you’re talking about like every other country in the world pretty much except Western Europe is able to have a border right you can’t just turn up to the border of Russia or China and like walk in and then be like oh can I please that’s not how it worked it’s not look the idea that a country has a border has not been controversial for very long this is a very new thing and the fact that the the number of people has skyrocketed since President Biden was elected you can’t put that on the Republicans I well I’m not putting anything on the Republicans what I’m saying is we have what I’m putting on them is the refusal to fix the actual issue which is passing legislation to do it and the last huge bipartisan bill that died uh in the house was supposed to increase the amount of Judges we have to work through Asylum Seekers it was supposed to change the standards that we would use to evaluate people claiming Asylum um and it would have been and it would have increased funding basically for every part of the would it be easier to just erect the physical barrier that prevents people from going into this country accept at a port eventually no it wouldn’t do anything this is the frustrating thing because the issue was what I said the issue if you look at the vast majority of people that are coming in and you talk about things like Catch and Release it’s Asylum Seekers these are laws on the books that have to change you can you can go to a border right now as a immigrant and just like hey I’m like claiming Asylum can I come in nothing to do with laws and then that’s that’s the issue that you have when you’re trying to deal with um with our current immigration issue is the Asylum seeking process and you say that like well other countries have uh borders and they don’t have to deal with this um when the Syrian refugee crisis happened sure you remember because I think it was probably a big motivating factor for for brexit even if it was in the background uh there were tons of refugees that were streaming into Europe and there was a huge crisis you saw a lot of right-wing parties gain popularity because of how unhappy people were in Sweden you’ve still got residual issues relating to those immigrants you had the afd rising of popularity in Germany you had Marie Le Pen becoming popular again in France I totally agree with you but the problem is that all of those decisions about letting those people in they were political decisions and that’s why people are frustrated because the decision took allow a million refugees into Germany was a political decision after which Angela Merkel admitted that multiculturalism doesn’t work it’s not like the countries fail to have a border it’s that politicians choose to create a situation where millions of people flood into agree but that’s that’s the choice that Trump and the Republicans have made right now when we’ve said hey we can change this with bipartisan infrastructure or with bipartisan immigration legislation it was on the books it was or it wasn’t on the books it was a bill it was ready to be passed it would have addressed all of the these issues but Trump told Republicans do not pass this bill I need this as an election issue and he didn’t even though this Bill had um I wish I could remember the name of the um the Republican that that had co-authored this but this is like a basically a republican authored bill that would have fixed all of these problems I want to give you more time on other points but say one also just we’re truly honored to be partnered with monk debates the place where the world’s leading thinkers debate the most pressing issues of our time the next monk debate is one I promise you will not want to miss the motion is is anti-zionism anti-Semitism on June 17 British commentator and trigonometry favorite Douglas Murray an international legal expert Natasha how dorf will debate former MSNBC Anor Medi Hassan and Israeli journalist and critic Gideon Levy to find out how to become a member and watch the debate live go to www.mon and now on with the show conservatives love to bring up the lowest unemployment for minorities that are Trump and blah blah blah we have the lowest unemployment for is right now under Biden um the idea that you would look at unemployment and use that as like a win for Trump when unemployment under Biden has been the lowest that it has been in all of us history and it’s and it’s after rebuilding an economy not like soaring ahead of like historically low interest rates uh year after year after year which kind of led into a lot of the issues um that we experienced with with inflation and having to tighten up interest rat everything uh the economy under Biden has done exceedingly well it would be nice if we had a a Democrat come into office that wasn’t trying to clean up the mess of the last conservative we had um Obama come in after Bush’s uh the end of Bush’s presidency which was a 2007 housing crisis which was like an International Financial issue and then we had Biden come in after Trump’s horrible mishandling of covid it would be nice if we could actually get a Democrat to come in and run a clean four years instead of cleaning up the mess of the last conservative and then still trying to compete on things uh Seb obviously you heard my uh interjections about immigration and and I think they’re Fair certainly from my perspective uh but the one thing I have also heard including from many Republicans who who who might be mutual friend of ours are people who are high up in the Republican party is that Donald Trump is playing politics with these issues right now in order that he has a better chance of winning do you accept that no I don’t let’s talk about this Canard that the the left wants to fix this and they had legislation that a rhyo fake conservative sponsored in the Senate the legislation stated that if you sign this into law you will allow at least five at least 5,000 illegals into America every 24 hours of course we’re going to say that’s garbage that’s Insanity the idea that they in good faith want to fix this let’s just look I in preparation for today I called up the former Commission of Customs and Border of protection and I asked him what is the situation like let’s just talk about one statistic because you know 8 million illegals it’s hard to even fathom in the last three and a half years they have intercepted 47,000 felons at the border these are criminals coming in into America that is a 99% increase over our four years in government let’s just say 100% increase besides that they found 160,000 felons convicted felons in America including 4,700 murderers and 8,000 gang members uh one of whom murdered a beautiful 22-year-old nursing student called lakan Riley in Georgia a a man who murdered her after he was ayed into America by Joe Biden system was then arrested for endangerment of a minor in New York and Alvin Bragg the Democrat da of New York led him onto the street so he could murder this 22 year-old let’s be clear they created this you’re right it’s policy decisions my parents were real refugees real Asylum Seekers because if my dad had gone back to the land of his birth as an escape prisoner from a communist prison he would have been shot on site not you can’t say 8 million political prisoners are coming across the border into America and let’s just use the stats of the left the United Nations hardly a hard maggot entity Human Rights Watch not exactly America First what have these organizations stated about the Deluge the invasion of illegals across our border under Biden between 50 and 60% of the girls and the women are being raped or sexually assaulted by the coyotes by the human traffickers it is absolutely empirically a statement of fact that Joe Biden has become the largest human trafficker in human history the party of come come on Sir come On’s numerically numerically no no that’s not what I’m disputing I’m disputing the idea that he is a human trafficker totally his policies happening under his watch it’s his decision his let’s talk about what he said no no hold on but he’s not a human traffic that’s ridiculous his policies have made his government empirically you can’t argue with 12,000 illegals a day 12,000 to call someone a human trafficker implies they’re doing it on purpose come they are doing it on purpose I’ll tell you why because they they are so bigoted and so racist remember this is the Democrat Party The Party of the KKK the the the party of the Jim Crow laws this is this is the party that you know whose activist murdered the first Republican president Lincoln the great emancipator this is the DNA of the Democrats the Democrats are so fundamentally bigoted they believe if they we let in millions of illegals because they’re brown skinned because they’re black skinned when we amnesty them and give them naturalization and citizenship they will vote for us because of their skin color this is CRT at its core critical race Theory and that’s why they’re doing it this isn’t an accident you not open the borders an accident you know that and this isn’t because of humanitarian stuff let’s talk about why it’s happening technically and why he is the largest finish point and I want to say something how do these people come into America do you know what cbp1 is Stephen cbp1 is the app that illegals download on their way to America it’s funded by you and me American taxpayers they’re sitting in Mexico they’re sitting in the Dominican Republic they’re sitting in Afghanistan and they download an app where they pre-clear themselves you tick a box I am Mickey Mouse and I’m an asylum Seeker when you cross the border you say hey I’m registered and you’re let into America that’s deliberate Constantine that’s not accidental that’s deliberate and these people aren’t political refugees okay why didn’t you build a wall when you had the chance we tried to and we were St we consisted you know what president Trump had to do this is the insanity he he the protestations from the EST establishment were hysterical we had to repurpose DOD funds and say the border is actually national security issue if you’ve got terrorists coming across the border we had to repurpose National Security funds to build the border and buy the steel to build the wall that’s and that took us over a year what does Joe Biden do he comes into the administration and the the steel members that we had bought to secure the Border he sold them for scrap iron that’s why it’s deliberate and that’s why he’s a human trafficker the talking points are funny I think it’s really funny I think if you’re listening to this in video form I think you should rewind because I think Seb accidentally gave away part of the plot it’s funny because you described that um border Bill and you said that it allows 5,000 illegal immigrants to come inim minimum WR that was the maximum cap one of the issues that we faced I I sir I did read it let finish I did read it you should read it as well I did read it um and it’s funny because what you’d said later on was that we were seeing numbers sometimes in excess of 12,000 per day the reason why that bill um was so important one of the things it would have been nice is it would have actually placed a cap on the amount of people that were coming in and claiming Asylum that 5,000 perte would have said that once we hit this cap we are not processing anybody else you could have the most legitimate Asylum claim in the world and we would not allow you into this country which was already about to be challenged by a ton of legal people around the United States um and I think the international uh there were International bodies as well because whether or not you can cap ay and Seekers is still an internationally debated topic but that is what that legislation seek to do um if you feel again so passionately about the Border why didn’t we pass any bipartisan infrastructure or bipartisan immigration legislation why did Trump shut it down because you have to have the other side acting in good faith you can say that but that’s you did if you really truly believe that the other side is at fault then it seems like you need a candidate besides Trump because Trump wasn’t able to get anything done when he was president you just said it yourself thatp Trump had to repurpose DOD funds to do it Trump had a larger margin in Congress Trump had all three branches of government and accomplished less than Biden did when it came to legislation when it came to the Border when it came to infrastructure when it came to foreign policy when it came to almost every single aspect of running this country and Trump was the one that came in saying I’m the business guy I can bring people together I can get these things done because I know how to get people to work together and all I hear from people once Trump left office was well the Deep State got me and it was the other guys and that I couldn’t do anything and I had to take money from the dod to do and I couldn’t I couldn’t F anything out and blah blah blah and now that he’s out of office supposedly running for America despite the fact that what he’s really running for is so that he can pardon himself from his crimes and be immune from hopefully State charges um what he’s really running for um yeah is is to save himself and that’s why he didn’t care about the Border that’s why he tries to continue the border of problems um he wasn’t able to fix it when he was in office because he’s more concerned with his reputation than actually bringing people together to get anything done um I I just I don’t understand how even if you believe everything that you’ve said that Asylum seeking is an issue that illegal immigration is an issue even if you believe that these are issues that are brought by democrats intentionally and they’re destroying the country which are all ridiculous claims Donald Trump is not the guy to fix them because he already proved that he couldn’t do it once all right so we can go back and forth saying uh I read this I read that look it up for yourselves everybody can do that okay I just want it to be common sense does anybody with a straight face have the capacity to say yeah the Democrats are strong on the border and immigration and Trump isn’t I mean it just just it Beggar’s belief it’s rable that’s that’s one of the weaker points stepen made but I think a very strong point that he made right at the end and one I’d like to hear you answer is Donald Trump you say didn’t build the wall because there was a lack of support from the other side they were not acting in good faith okay well you think there’s going to be more good faith after he gets elected let’s say in 2024 right I’m not sure it’s the good faith that’s the problem he seems to paint president Trump no you said this ear no no no but let me let me just unpack it in terms of what’s possible and what isn’t I said this when I was in the White House I said it after I left the White House Donald Trump won the election despite the GOP not thanks to the GOP I mean this this is the Oddity I mean this is what Americans forget and I find it funny that I have to you know remind Americans who are born here unlike me a legal immigrant that Donald Trump the American people did something utterly historic in 2016 because prior to that every chief executive from George Washington to Obama was from the same class they were either Senators congressmen Governors or retired fourstar generals every single one from George Washington to Obama then what do the American people do in 2016 they say we’ve had it with the swamp The Establishment the Rhinos the Democrats they elect a man who’s never run for any office not County dog catcher a guy who has no political background and they say F you to The Establishment we want him that’s actually historic now that’s what the president had to compete with when we walked into the White House on January 21st I said this publicly back then there were less than 20 of us in senior positions like myself who were actually America First and and Maga right because it was it was it was it was an Insurgency it a political Insurgency The Establishment hated president Trump we had people inside the building who were actively subverting him even his former Chief of Staff that will not happen in a second Trump administration because the president understands what Reagan taught us Personnel is policy we can’t have you know people betraying the will of the American voter inside the wire inside the building it’s more than just oh well he didn’t pass legislation he actively had people who believe in the footsy under the table with the other side I’ll get my cushy you know lobbyist job after I leave Congress that’s changed in the last eight years the the Republican party now now is Maga is America First there’s a few hold outs and rhinos who are leaving like Mitt Romney but the situation for getting even more stuff fixed is much brighter than it was when we walked in in 2016 St anything you want to say populism usually takes a pretty predictable route where people are frustrated with a set of circumstances which to be fair there’s a lot of things to be frustrated about and what you do is you turn to a strong man who promises to deliver you from all of your evils to deliver you from the the pain and the suffering and whatever around you because he’s the one source of Truth the one source of goodness the one guy that can get the job done that’s what Donald Trump sold himself as when he came into office and like every populist he came in he over promised and he underd delivered Trump failed on every single conceivable metric when it came to being a president besides and I will admit uh he is very funny he’s very funny he’s got good stage presence and he can work a crowd that’s why the Nic pretty good during its period until Co hit the economy was good but I mean like you can you can Google markets you can look at indicators like everything had been hitting all-time high since 2013 under Obama right ever since the economy crashed after 2007 and started to recover that same recovery happened under Trump and it was happening with pretty low interest rates um and it was just a Carry On from Obama’s administration people will say well the economy was really good under Trump what did Trump even do he did a bunch of tax cuts and that’s it do and then and then as a as a quick thing again um I’m I’m sorry but uh my my my manorial experience in the Ordinary World outside of the I guess the YouTube world I live in now is is limited but I was a supervisor in a restaurant if I was given a shift and all my tables were dirty and my manager comes in and she sees my restaurant it’s my ass I’m in trouble I I can’t say well these employees were working against me and these guys didn’t show up and these guys didn’t call in she said okay well you’re getting paid the big bucks it’s your responsibility you’re the leader there right when Trump was coming into office um because I am an Ardent capitalist the only redeeming quality I saw was well okay he is a business guy so at the very least maybe he’s got some comprehension in terms of how to get people who with different opinions to actually work together and he is the most divisive leader in like all of us history um or at least recent US History the idea that you know even his former Chief of Staff was against him like that’s a point in favor of trump these are your people you’re nominated how is it that every person that’s worked with him how is it that his former attorney generals his Chiefs of Staff his personal friends his personal when you have this many people around you that are saying to the rest of the world don’t trust this guy this guy is is no good I don’t work with him anymore I don’t trust this guy anymore like at what point do you look at him you’re like okay well maybe it’s not actually the Deep state every single institution all of the media all of the world all of Academia and all of the politicians against him maybe he just kind of like a bad person who’s not very good at getting his job done this is it it’s like you live in an alternate universe I know you’re on YouTube and that those are your qualifications we’re all on YouTube so no I’m not no I’m not I’ve been banned I’ve been banned on YouTube right so you know I take that as a mark of honor I’m on Rumble so let’s be this idea that he failed at everything yeah that’s a great description of Joe Biden from mortgage rates to inflation to the price of energy to surrendering in cabul to the invasion of Ukraine to October the 7th yeah massive successes in the last three and a half years let’s talk about my baileywick let’s talk about National Security we had been told by our predecessor Obama that Isis quote is a threat we just have to get to learn to live with can’t be solved just going to live with it when we came into the White House president Trump got the lawyers out of the way and Unleashed jck and Delta Force within five months the caliphate of Isis was gone kaput China we initiated a trade war with China we facilitated the rise of NATO to such an extent that under President Trump’s presidency defense spending shot up by $400 billion inside NATO the guy who was going to destroy it actually saved it then we look at oh I don’t know um the Middle East five Peace Accords five Peace Accords in less than four years these are meant to be failures for us let’s look at the international environment under Obama Ukraine Crimea taken under Biden again a second invasion hundreds of thousands of ukrainians and Russians dead the largest loss of Jewish life since the Holocaust in Israel and then the absolute surrender and betrayal of the Afghan people in a withdrawal that made Saigon look like a small incident these are supposed to be the success is and as to this oh he’s the most divisive it’s so peculiar but I find it incapable I find it impossible to remember my former boss giving speeches in front of iconic locals such as Independence Hall in Philadelphia bathed in red fascistic light with Marines standing flanking him labeling half of America extremists and fascists and preaching to us about white supremacy in his State of the Union Address that really brings us together this is the man who told us Biden said on his inauguration I’m going to bring you together by calling half the nation white supremacists when the real racist problem in America are the Democrats on the campuses saying death to America from The River To The Sea if you’re Jewish that’s the left today radicals who hate America I go back to my original point and then this this strange idea of populism using this this label as a smear some kind of pejorative I don’t know I remember the good old days where if you had the popular support of the people that was a good thing I don’t like the elites they stink they’re corrupt but a guy comes along who has popular support no no no the elites will decide just like Sam Harris destroyed himself on your podcast when he said I don’t care if Hunter Biden had dead children in his basement the plot against Donald Donald Trump in the election in 2020 was quote Justified that’s the left that’s the other side those are the divisive people uh I want to talk about a couple of things you read raised there which is foreign policy geopolitics Etc and also what’s happening on college campus of Stephen as well I do I would like you before I I go back to Stephen to address you the one point that he made which I I think worth is worth exploring which is we say this guy knows how to get things done and you say you had all these people in the white house and elsewhere who were working against him what about what Steven said which is he just seems like an that annoys everyone and and people can’t work with him well look I’ve I’ve said it many times before it is absolutely remarkable what he achieved in really not four years two years despite the people who are subverting him because they represent the Elite Class what were those achievements again just the strong Theon we’ve ever had low unemployment things he’s done not things that happened uh what do you mean what’s the difference so like if I stand outside and the tree grows I wouldn’t say that I grew the tree I the did nothing I’ll give you the example you said he did nothing with not not his his responsibility when we came into the White House the president had a modest goal he said I’ve had it with the growth of the state you know the burden on the average American 60% of businesses are small businesses in America I want to get the monkey off the back of the guy who has the family company so what did he do he said I’m not going to sign any executive orders as president unless for everyone I sign two are rescinded I I want to have a redress of the balance the abuse of executive power we said okay sir by not the end of the first year by the 10th month of the first year that figure wasn’t 2:1 the figure was 22 to1 we had rescinded 22 executive orders for every new one the president’s side that’s how you unleash the economy and that’s exactly what happened when you allow federal government lands to be used for energy exploration when you say yes XL Keystone Pipeline when you block Russia’s nordstream that’s when you unleash the American people and that’s on President Trump let’s just finish this point uh Seb which is about the fact that Donald Trump isn’t is not able to lead the country well because he’s not able to bring enough people with him to buy into his vision and instead you had constant turmoil internally and it’s not just rhinos who were leaving it was people like Steve Bannon no he didn’t he didn’t leave he was fired by the by by the chief of staff who was an actual seditionist right John Kelly fired him Steve didn’t want to go so why didn’t Donald Trump overrule him and say this is my guy I’m because he trusted Kelly this is a fourstar general right this is a guy who was in the Marine Corps sadly he didn’t know he didn’t have buddies in the swamp but now after the last seven years let me assure you because this is my number one concern and I’ve discussed it with the president he knows who to trust and he knows who not to trust therefore he will achieve even more God willing if we reelect him in November all right Stephen go for it we we’ll do a few minutes with you and then I want to move on to geopolitics what inate that even um the yeah the idea that Trump a billionaire real estate developer from New York didn’t have friends in the swamp which is very funny to me was this guy wasn’t he literally in pictures at Hillary and Bill Clinton’s wedding I I mean like how the idea that you’re living in man that doesn’t mean you’re running a political campaign you have the a realtor yeah a real billionaire realtor who doesn’t has never run anything in government how would you know who the good bureaucrat is and the crappy one like f how would you know that you’re building real estate because real estate do you know a lot you’re in media do you know how to create a cable TV show I know a decent about about I know a decent bit about real estate and I know that real estate is one of the most tax advantaged things I know real estate has some of the highest Integrations with City Cil polies sexual defense should be what I if he doesn’t have any of these ideas then you’re making a very strong argument for career politicians this is why people that tend to do politics stay in politics is because they’re actually able to know these things understand they have Rel we need more of them Sten well considering that Trump again failed in every conceivable metric and you weren’t able to give me like any strong things that he actually suceeded he said that he rescinded uh executive orders like that is a measurable increase give me something like the chips act give me you think that matters though I mean for the people who want to reduce the size of government that that would that would be service thing I would encourage everybody that hears there’s two lines that people there’s there’s one really common line that politicians always say it’s it’s politic speak um which is funny that Trump uh utilized it but it’s this I’m going to go line by line through the budget I’m gon to go line by line and I’m going to get rid of all wasteful spending first of all this is just fiscal stuff okay this impacts your budget which by the way Trump ran record deficits when he was in office so budget arily he still failed but this doesn’t improve your economy or Unleash Your economy it’s not like we were receiving significant executive orders that was destroying our ability to actually succeed if anything I would say the most successful business that we had growing in the United States were our tech companies that Republicans are constantly trying to undermine and Destroy by getting rid of section 230 which would make us you could sue Twitter when somebody posts something on Twitter that I don’t like so no the idea that uh that Trump was unleashing the economy by resending some irrelevant executive orders that had no impact on the economy anyway and the fact that he was still running these record level deficits even though the economy was exploding all three years at least under his presidency is is ridiculous um oh man if we want to go foreign policy Jesus um almost every almost every single decision that Trump made under foreign policy was either a form of kicking the can down the road or it just did nothing we talk about like the historic stuff that happened with the Abraham Accords uh I’m sorry but the Abraham Accords started because Netanyahu was on the verge of annexing the West Bank and the Gulf States were like this is probably not a good idea and a lot of people are going to be mad and then Kushner hopped in and there were official conversations that were essentially facilitated and then eventually you start getting these bilateral treaties that are signed between Israel and other countries but these bilateral treaties did something very important that’s happened with other treaties with Israel and that is that they undermined the Palestinians they didn’t include them in any of the conversations so when you look at what happened on October 7th and then you look at Biden you go man this must be Biden’s fault it’s like okay well didn’t we just have a historic round of of talks with countries in the Middle East how is it that the Palestinians were excluded yet again from these talks you know and the idea that Trump was some strong partner in the Middle East when in 2019 Iran literally was shooting drones and missiles over into Saudi Arabian refineries and the United States stood by and did nothing or the idea that we’re going to stand here and we’re going to say oh my God in Afghanistan uh you know we pulled out and we abandoned our people one that timetable was sent by Donald Trump he had a round of talks called the Doha talks that happened with the Taliban and the Afghanistan government was completely excluded from those talks when Biden came into office we’d already been drawn down to historically load numbers in Afghanistan we had almost no military presence left over there when Biden came into office basically the last thing the only thing left to do was to follow through on Trump’s time table which was to pull us out of Afghanistan but hold on a second just on that particular thing didn’t you just say that if you’re managing a restaurant and your boss comes in and sees a messy table that’s on you and yet in this situation you’re saying it’s Donald Trump’s fault even though it’s Joe Biden that did it nice there’s it’s not nice and I’ll explain why if you take over and I’m just trying to be that’s fine if you take over a restaurant and the manager of a restaurant you bought a bus and somebody comes in and they say hey I’m going actually I’m going to sit here with me and 20 friends okay because that’s what we want to do and I go well no that’s and they go well actually um you bought this restaurant and we signed a contract with your last boss that gave us the right to do this for a year Well if you buy business generally you also inherit along with the assets and liabilities prior agreements you’ve solved as you’ve signed as well or or the previous owner did with the Doha agreements we were on a timetable to leave now could Biden have increased the true presence and fought against that withdrawal he could have but then at what cost remember it only takes one or two attacks against US soldiers by the Taliban to have the United States thinking like well shoot do we need to stay there for another 10 or 20 years um I agree that the pull out could have gone better I think that there were people that should have had um the opportunity to leave that country that worked with us uh that should have come out um that didn’t get that opportunity but like compare that to say uh because remember this is done under a trump timetable what is Trump’s excuse for abandoning the Kurds that we fought alongside in Syria to a Turkish Onslaught there was no excuse for that there was no reason for that but he did that with I don’t even know because he said why I don’t want to be in the Middle East anymore um and then he what he obscured all the information relating to Yemen drone strikes um that we were helping Saudi Arabia with as opposed to Biden who said we’re no longer going to participate in the Saudi Le Coalition in Yemen which was I think an improvement um we act the Iranian nuclear deal and then we replaced it with nothing I guess ostensibly that’s supposed to keep Iran from pursuing nuclear weapons um we had historic photographs taken with Kim uh and our leaders for nothing I guess I’ve heard Sebastian claim in the past that they stopped uh ballistic missile testing that’s not true that you can literally go on the Wikipedia and read test test test test test after the dates um Pence and I believe tayloron were both complaining about those talks because literally nothing got done in North Korea um yeah every part of Donald Trump’s foreign policy it was a disaster um let me give you let me give you a narrative that is popular um with people who probably don’t agree with you which is that um the the main thing about Donald Trump is that people around the world and I can I can tell you this is true people around the world feared and respected him they didn’t like him necessarily but they feared and respected him and the fact that you have Iran backed GA people from Gaza committing October 7th the fact that Putin felt able to invade Ukraine uh the fact that China is getting more muscular on Taiwan this is a sign of the perceived weakness of the United States under Joe Biden and you can take that at whatever level you want all the way through to sitting down across from Joe Biden and going this guy can’t finish a sentence um if we want to say that the United States has a weak foreign disposition right now I think I would probably agree with that but I don’t think it’s because of Biden I think it’s because of how divided we are internally and I think when you look at a country and you see that they’re like fighting with themselves like okay well let’s come over here definitely I wrote a whole book about that so I definitely agree with you because like when I look at any these particular issues and it’s easy to kind of like pain a story if you just like name some things and you don’t really dig into them like we talk about Iran right and we say well October 7th Iran was bold enough to you know do foreign proxy training for troops in Hamas okay well Iran physically literally attacked Saudi Arabia under Donald Trump and nothing happened so why would we imagine that they wouldn’t back Hamas as well it’s not like Trump destroyed it’s not about imagination it didn’t happen when well no it did that attack did happen Iran attacked Saudi Arabia and Trump didn’t happen sure but from a from an Iranian perspective that attack was Bolder than October 7th direct Ukraine Etc um yeah for Ukraine Donald Trump didn’t like the Crimean Peninsula was inhabited by Russian troops the entire time Donald Trump didn’t do anything to stop that Donald Trump didn’t care about that it’s not like pull anything out of there that’s let me just do this bit that that’s a bit different though Stephen because in in 2014 as as Seb said correctly under Obama Russia took Ukraine and started a Civil War in eastern Ukraine yeah wanted us to invade to recap Crimea at that point would have meant literally World War III so nobody could have retaken Ukraine it’s not like Joe Biden’s position when he was elected was we’re going to help Ukraine retake Crimea yeah so all I’m what I’m putting to you and I think it’s a fair question is isn’t it the weakness of the withdrawal from Afghanistan I think we’d both agree was calamitus what who whoever’s fault it was that’s where the debate was signaled weakness to other people who wanted to capitalize on that yes I agree with you the internal divisions in America contribute to that but ultimately isn’t a large part of this the signaling of weakness that invites challenge no because again I I would say Point pointing to Ukraine it’s not like Russia stopped their military activity in Ukraine because of trump being in office that the The Invasion just hadn’t escalated yet to where they were doing a full on actual on the ground military Invasion instead of the more under under Trump post the 2014 taking of Crimea and once the the Min cords are in place there was no hot war going on in Ukraine there was still the civil war in the Southeast that war has been raging for like 10 years the conflict you think there was a total s didn’t those MK agreements last for like months the no one and two no look I have a lot of family and friends the region understand very well post the Minsk Accords there was no hot war going on for how long for well until the invasion basically until the invasion it was pretty stable now I’m not saying there wasn’t the occasional people but it was broadly there was a ceasefire in place people were not killing each other on mess I that I can tell you i’ have to go and I have to out of his depth he’s out of his depth out of my depth okay I mean we can focus on the Middle East more if you want but um yeah no I just I don’t think that I mean Trump you know we talked about NATO I think that Trump was constantly like NATO skeptic on the international level I think a lot of people expressed a lot of fear for that um well he wanted them he wanted other nations within NATO to contribute their fair share yeah their military percentage of GDP which they were not doing and he was saying we can’t continue with NATO if America is the only country that’s actually paying its way sure but the idea that the leader of NATO would be publicly undermining NATO and saying we might have to pull out or stop if people like I think there are more diplomatic ways to pursue those conversations never ever once said he was going to pull out forces you just make stuff up Stephen you’ve got to stop it like there was hot fighting F on the no no this is important fact because this this is this is an area where you can win give us the fact this is tactics he just floods The Zone with stuff that’s false let’s address talk about it CL by clim if you want that’s what i’ like to do when when we were in the White House and you know this as opposed to what Obama Obama after the invasion of Crimea the jewel of Ukraine stolen what did Obama do he sent blankets and night vision devices if you don’t believe me look it up blankets and night vision devices when we came in I I don’t understand this Steven’s positing that we should have invaded I’ve never oh well there was land in Ukraine that the Russians controlled and Trump didn’t do anything about it what he want intervention I didn’t know you’re a neocon Steve when we got into the White House did I say that we should invade anybody you said that Trump did nothing about the land taken by Russia I said that Russia didn’t run away from Crimea they didn’t fear operations were continuing garbage there were no military operations in Crimea in Ukraine or on was captured and the whole thing is military operation there were no military as constant is right there was no hot War you’re you’re just making stuff up when we came into the White House we deployed Javelin shoulder launched anti-tank weapons to Ukraine so they could defend themselves and for four years it’s interesting the dtive KGB Colonel did nothing the idea that oh I’m going to kind of explain away what happened in Afghanistan let’s break Afghanistan down for a second yes there was a timetable for president Trump but it was conditions based if if the Taliban hadn’t met those conditions there would have been no withdrawal I was part of those negotiations let me tell you there would have been no withdrawal without those conditions having being met instead because he wants a photo op for the anniversary of 911 I mean what a cynical Biden wants an anniversary 20th Anniversary photo op that I won the war in Afghanistan so 13 of our servicemen are murdered by ISIS at Cal airport thousands thousands of Afghans also are interpreters are left you see a plane takeoff with hundreds of people hanging on the fuselage and how do they leave oh we’re going to get the military out and then we’ll somehow get out the civilians the rank dilettantism for the photo op that you don’t even leave from Bagram which is a military Airbase you can actually defend you go to Kia in Cabell in defense defensible and you have a complete circus well not a circus a tragedy of a surrender and then Putin goes okay Lads rev your engines we’re going to invade Ukraine then Hamas says o yeah let’s kill uh hundreds of Jews on Israeli soil that’s on Biden uh and so let me put an argument I curious for that on what were the conditions based for that Afghanistan agreement for the Doha agreement were the conditions like the Taliban control wardak Province had to be stabilized we had to have harat have less Iranian influence I’m not going to go into any more details because they’re classified Stephen okay you’re what you’re saying is just not true um one bed one of the big reasons why um one of the big reasons why that uh pullup was so catastrophic is because because the Afghanistan army wasn’t you can read all this there was a huge report that was done by uh by the United States analyzing the failures for why that fell so fast and part of it was because the United States had negotiated away some of the land that was previously controlled by the Afghanistan government to the Taliban we didn’t even tell the Taliban about that so the Taliban would roll into cities and say by the way we agreed to this and the United States like said we could have this and at some point the Afghanistan army is like screw this and they just started to n whole Retreat and from these areas so let me put a challenge to you Seb you mentioned giving javelins to the ukrainians ETC I mean as you well know and by the way it’s interesting that even though we’re all three from different kind of ways of seeing the world actually on Ukraine there’s quite a lot of agreement in this room ironically but there are a lot of people on your side who have bed this idea that this is Ukraine uh the reason the war in Ukraine happened is that Russia was provoked it was provoked by the expansion of NATO it was provoked by the giving of Weaponry to to Ukraine so what would you say to the people who say well yeah Donald Trump gave stuff to the ukrainians and that’s why Russia invaded I don’t think we need to go down you know a kind of uh rabbit hole on this you know my stance you know there’s me Dennis Prager and you know clayin and Mark lvin that’s about you know the the three conservatives who are strong on Ukraine uh we we reject the tuite isolationism the neob canite isolationism but the whole I me you’re the expert you’re the guy who translates Putin’s speeches immediately when they’re when they’re given this I this Hy Canard that that we encircled Russia or that US presidents have provoked this great champion of Western you know Christendom called Vladimir Putin is asinine I mean know better than anyone for 22 years since he became Premier Vladimir Putin has been giving speeches on the fact that Ukraine Poland the Baltic states are all legitimate I need to be parts of Russia he’s been planning this ever since he you know walked into the the palace in Moscow can I ask can I ask a personal question I’m curious we that person personal politics last year I was introduced to monetary Metals a game-changing platform that offers a unique approach to saving and earning income and I have to say I’ve been so impressed that I’m really enjoying using my monetary Metals account if you listen closely to our interview with world renown Economist Jim Rickards last year you’ll have heard him say this gold will be where 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visit monetary trigonometry or scan the QR code below my mom came from Cuba uh and my mom and dad were in the Air Force when I grew up my parents hated China and Russia for understandable reasons my mom flew on the Looking Glass Mission uh looking for basically nuclear missiles doomsday end of the world type stuff and yeah the fall of the Soviet Union the Iron Curtain was a monumentous thing in the in the world and it sounds like you have similar feelings about Russia which I’m happy to hear does it bother you or does it give you pause that so many fans under Donald Trump that so many of the people that support him seem to be so either skeptical about supporting Ukraine or fallen in support of Russia because they see them as a stronger better country that Champions Christian values better or doesn’t submit to the woke mob better and that maybe it is their right to own Ukraine and the US provoked that uh it bothers me that there are such voices on the pive conservative right I have come to the conclusion they’re not numerous and they have nothing to do with my former boss let let me tell you a story about that we’ve he heard for seven years still Hillary was doing it a few days ago that he loves Putin and Russia collusion Russia collusion one story it’s so amusing that there are people who are such experts on the Wagner group now right after the fake coup we were experts on the Wagner group in the Trump Administration we informed president Trump very early on that there are 300 Wagner group Special Forces guys running around the Middle East destabilizing the region we weren’t neocons he’s not an interventionist but he’s not an isolationist he’s the perfect balance between the two and he said what Putin’s got hundreds of guys running around the Middle East that’s not good I’m not going to invade the Middle East I’m not an interventionist but he told secretary Mattis kill them kill them now 4 hours later every single member of the the Wagner group Special Forces deployment was red misted what did Vladimir Putin do nothing he crapped his pants he didn’t even hold a press conference because he was a afraid of what president Trump would do next that’s what president Trump understands is the use of force not intervention but when you cross a line when you destabilize regions that are already destabilized enough in Syria when we informed him this is now Declassified that there was a second chemical weapons attack being prepared by the Assad regime what did he do well xiin ping was having chocolate cake in marago he dropped 52 cruise missiles on that airbase and turned it into a sheet of glass and whispered into she’s ear I think you should know what I just did in Syria that was a message for shei for Putin for Kim in North Korea for the mullers in Iran that’s why for four years no new Wars I don’t understand why you aren’t happy that for four years we had no new Wars under Trump and now you think you can blame you can blame October the 7th on Donal Trump you can blame the invasion of Ukraine for a second time under a Democrat president on Donald Trump It’s actually an insult to intellect for four years the world was safe and now we have a world on fire but yeah the guy who’s in court today in Manhattan it’s his fault it’s laughable anything you want to say uh both the situations are just completely and totally misrepresented the attack on the Syrian Airfield they had advanced warning of that attack there were no soldiers there they did chemical weapons Trump said we’re going to bomb your airport this is when we’re going to bomb we’ll give you a little bit to get out and then we bombed it and that was it that was like business as usual the idea that was some huge strong show of force isar chemical weapons we used and the uh the the Vagner group um I mean this operates as a paramilitary organization of course Russia is not going to claim direct responsibility at least prior to the Ukrainian War for any activities that they do that’s fine but but Russia is not going to claim Putin is not going to claim personal responsibility 300 Russians being killed of course because it’s the Vagner group that’s the whole point also the excuse the people that were eliminated the people that were eliminated conditions for the wars were being created but the Vagner group that was the Vagner members that were destroyed in the Middle East wasn’t Trump saying there’s people in the Middle East let’s get them it was them attacking the US position in Syria and then getting destroyed by us aort we what happed Constantin this is exactly what I feared would happen uh this is Alice in Wonderland through the Looking Glass Donald Trump is not responsible for anything good he did for four years and all the awful things that happened in the last three and a half yeah those are his culpability it’s Insanity it Beggars critical thoughts I think that like to to to just real quick just on one thing okay because it’s it’s it’s it’s frustrating because like the analysis is is childlike to defend TR right well there were no Wars right Wars don’t just come out of nowhere there’s a buildup for how these things happen so we would talk very specifically just on one event um also keep in mind when you say like I don’t want to go into the weeds or get into a rabbit hole it feels like it’s because you know you’re wrong if you actually get into the details of things when you look at October 7th what are things that Donald Trump did to Signal how October 7th would have gone well when Iran attacked Saudi Arabia he did nothing uh he showed strong support for Israel by moving the jerus uh moving the embassy to Jerusalem uh and we signed the Abraham Accords which where we mediated them which were bilateral bilateral negotiations between Israel and other Arab countries that didn’t involve the Palestinians whatsoever how do you not are relating to October 7th like these are the Ty of things that lead to that type of violence this is actually disgusting this is dishonorable it’s a lot of adjectives for disgusting no no stop it for a moment okay just stop it because you’ve just blamed president Trump for October the 7th for blame stop it I’m going to respond now because this is your debating tactic you’re like an ADH version of Ben airo you throw out stuff out there and then it’s all garbage but beneath it is actual venomous venomous illogic you Venom will you just shut up for two minutes hold on let me respond to him do a single both you stop right now first of all Seb you got to stop insulting him secondly when he was talking you were interrupting a lot I tried to stop you now he you’re talking he’s interrupting L let him interrupt so what I’d like for both of you to to do is just make your points in a slightly calmer and more respectful way go ahead right so what he just did is he said the conditions for the largest Slaughter of Jews since 1945 were created by President Trump that’s horrific Stephen chill for a second both of you SE go ahead it it’s almost like a blood liel it’s it’s really you know the the fact that this man let me talk to you about who Donald Trump says for 23 years swamp politicians of left and right broke a promise to Israel Bill Clinton said I’m going to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of the Jewish State and I’m going to move our Embassy because of that statute every 6 months for 23 years the incumbent President Clinton Obama and Bush had to send a diplomatic missive to Jerusalem saying sorry I know we promised this but we’re not doing it now when my former boss was chosen by 63 million Americans to be the chief executive he said I’m doing this by the way a man whose daughter is Jewish whose grandchildren are Jewish he held a meeting of the National Security Council at principal’s level not the bureaucrats but the actal cabinet members and he told them all I’m mov moving the embassy and I’m recognizing Jerusalem only three members of his cabinet shockingly supported him and his secretary of defense this man who had very carefully built his reputation as mad dog Mattis was petrified and told the president Mr President don’t do this you will ignite World War II and I don’t have enough Marines to protect our embassies what was the president’s response he said I’m doing this for three reasons Jim number one I promised the people of America who elected me during the campaign number two for 23 years we’ve told the Israelis we’re going to do this and we haven’t we have Dishonored our oath and three it’s the right thing to do Jim we moved the embassy and no bombings no Slaughter of women at Pop concerts in the desert no men being beheaded with uh blunt Garden hes I watched the unedited video of what happened on October the 7th strangely none of that happened but when Joe Biden comes in surrenders Afghanistan and Ukraine is invaded then we have suddenly we have 1300 Jews massacred no it’s not Donald Trump’s fault that he Reck recognized Jerusalem moved our embassy it’s because nobody fears the scile old man in the White House who talks to dead people and thinks his wife is his sister that’s why the world is on fire and don’t you dare blame president Trump for what happened on October the 7th because that is Despicable and you know it Stephen I there’s other stuff I want to ask you about but I feel like you you you should have a right to respond if you want to yeah there’s no substant of analysis um I mean it’s a bunch of virtue signaling it’s a bunch of oh how dare you I saw the videos and blah blah blah U but the reality was is Donald Trump was an idiot when it came to foreign policy he didn’t understand the intricacies of any of the situations that he nor his administration were involved in and a lot of the stuff that he did during his presidency was kind of a buildup to the frustrations that would obviously come out on October 7th and that horrible terrorist attack um it’s funny that you were even slightly preent without realizing it by saying that like well if we move the embassy there’s going to be World War III uh yeah moving the embassy and showing that kind of support for Israel while they’re continuing to uh kick people out of neighborhoods in East Jerusalem uh while the rest of the Arab world is having this huge uh separation between what their people think because a lot of Arabs aren’t really happy with Israel but the leadership is kind of like done with the conflict and they want to move on um but it’s continuing to antagonize uh those types of things it’s uh the Abraham Accords again these completely cut out the Palestinians from any of the conversation whatsoever Donald Trump was a Man Who Loved cheap victories the idea that I could get bilateral peace between Israel and Saudi Arabia who for all intensive purposes had already basically normalized like conversations with each other um at the historic no the Abraham Accords no absolutely not um the the impetus for the Abraham Accords was if you look at what’s going on in Palestine there’s a big part of the West Bank called area sea that um Israel is holding on to and Netanyahu was essentially signaling that he was about to start to formally Annex parts of these so they they formally Annex the Goen Heights a while ago um you’ve got East Jerusalem is more or less formerly annexed Now by Israel and now they were going to start to encroach into area seas and formally Annex that because I think it’s kind of the goal for Israel and the I think it was qter I think that might have been the first ones to say this like we need to talk and do something because if this happens it’s going to be catastrophic and then Kushner uh inserted himself into this process and then we got the Abraham courts out of that to delay essentially the annexation of the West Bank but again uh it was it was a cheap win without solving any actual problems because the big stickler right now at least in in the Gulf States and in uh in the Levant is is Palestine and Palestinian and Trump got us no closer to any of that again a cheap win whether it’s the Abraham Accords or the do the Doha talks with the Taliban in exchange for an actual real solution which would have been lasting peace solved for Afghanistan or an actual deal that involved the Palestinians um Donald Trump wanted neither of those but man we sure got a lot of really good stories and moving speeches about I want I want one one sentence just one sentence on one word I want the viewers and the listeners to note his choice of words which is very telling this man labeled October the 7 sth the result of frustrations the murder of women and children and grandmother mothers is Justified as the result of frustrations file that away you got your sentence in uh I didn’t mean it in a dismissive way I’m just trying to make sure that you both have the right amount of time and and being uh fair so the one question I think that we ought to be thinking about in terms of the geopolitic side of things is Donald Trump could be reelected or Joe Biden could be reelected how do you think Joe Biden is going going to improve the global situation we I think we all accept that the world is on fire in terms of everything that’s going on um the conflict in Ukraine the conflict in Israel and Gaza if Joe Biden’s reelected what gives you hope that he’s going to resolve these things in the way that you talked about having some kind of long-term solution to these very complicated difficult issues how do you think he’ll solve that when I think of the three hot bed spots right now um my mind I’m thinking China and Taiwan I’m thinking Ukraine and Russia and I’m thinking Israel and Palestine I think are the three hotbed foreign policy things right now um when I look at Don uh Donald when I look at um Joe Biden’s behavior for Ukraine I feel like it was about as well as it could have been um in that we were able to gather a wide amount of support across Europe we were able to energize our allies we were able to add to our NATO roster we were able to raise a lot of money and send stuff to Ukraine while at the same time drawing like a very clear like listen we’re supporting them but we’re not going to have troops on the ground we’re not going to do no fly zones we’re not going to do anything crazy nothing that’s going to set us on some uh Road you know that we can’t turn back from to go to World War III but we’re going to support them as much as we can basically I wish the support would be a little bit stronger I understand the hesitation though and that they don’t want Ukraine to be able to strike into Russia because there’s concerns about escalatory stuff there I wish the was a bit stronger but I think for the most part um I think Biden’s handling of the Ukraine Russia situation was PA you just because on that issue I just um my perspective is slightly different in that I understand the itation about offering more help and it’s it’s a lot of money and it doesn’t enjoy as much domestic support as it did at the beginning of the conflict Etc but I can tell you what’s happening on the ground now is even though these bills are very controversial in America and they’re hard to pass that 61 billion dollars it’s not going to make any difference on the ground Ukraine is losing I’m sad to say this I I was very keen advocate of us helping them I don’t know that I would agree with you that that strategy is going to be effective going forward what I’m saying is if the current way of dealing with that situation continues what will happen is Ukraine will keep losing hundreds of thousands of men as Russia will ukrainians will lose and lose territory and eventually they will get a worse deal than the one that they might have done a year ago when the ukrainians made huge advantages thanks to the weaponry and the support that the United States provided so how is how how do you think Joe Biden is likely to resolve that situation going forward cuz I will put it to you what’s happening now is not working okay that’s I haven’t heard the same but maybe we talk to different people or see different things I’ve got a lot of friends that go back and forth through the front lines and I’ve heard there were huge complaints relating to amount of shells available or what they thought the support would look like so for instance sometimes you can’t Advance not because you don’t have the weapons to advance but once you advance you don’t think you have the supplies to maintain that Advance um well that is what’s happened right they ret took territory and now they’ve been sliding back now I’m not saying the artillery shells they’re going to get now are going to make no difference like on in small situations but on the big picture it’s not going to make any difference f6s are supposed to be online I think by the end of this year or maybe even in the next few months um I mean I’ll be honest I mean I’m not going to be delusional Ukraine winning I think is still probably like a less than 50% chance thing of happening and when I say win I mean like at least take back um dones and lensk um but the I think there’s a I think there’s an important question to be asked about like who’s to tell Ukraine not to fight like if we have the ability to supply them with weapons and if we want to stand by them for as long as they’re willing to fight um does not send an important message to say where we would say we would support Taiwan or we would support them in whatever capacity that we feel is responsible until we feel like the fight is completely over rather than like well we’re democracy so if you can make the war last for a couple years it’s probably going to be unpopular we’re going to pull out which is historically like a strength or a weakness that democracies kind of have so I think that showing support for Ukraine is important in in two ways one is the moral way that if they if they want to fight they should be enabled to um it’s funny I hear foreign people Express more concern over people dying in Ukraine in in this war than I’ve ever heard ukrainians Express like I’ll hear people all over the like oh my God these poor ukrainians they’re dying we need to stop supporting them and then I hear ukrainians say we want to fight Russia is taking our territory my wife’s Ukraine and my mother’s Ukraine I’m very concerned about ukrainians dying because I have family and friends on the ground now at the same time I what I’m I’ve always said from day one as I think you both know is that Ukraine needs the support that we were giving them to get the best possible deal because they were always going to lose territory so I guess what I’m saying is how is this conflict going to come to the right the best possible end for the ukrainians which is what I care about right under Joe Biden how is he going to in your opinion resolve that because throwing some artillery shells at them when they get desperate every now and again doesn’t seem to me like the root to what we might want for them and also for the interest of the West yeah I mean I I think that the I think that the path forward is to supply them uh as much as and as long as they’re willing to fight and then once it seems like the fight is done or ukrainians lose the will to fight or the it’s basically position itself into a war where no gains are being made or lost um then at that point you look for some kind of offramp or some kind of peace deal so ukrainians would obviously Ukraine would negotiate with Russia with somebody mediating I don’t know who would mediate that but um but I mean that’s basically all you can do but I’m not I’m not sure I don’t know significantly more I guess what the us could do in that case well I guess what American people I imagine would want to know is like if we vote for Joe Biden again how is he going to make this problem go away I guess is how most people would just be thinking about this well I mean unfortunately it’s not it’s it’s a this is no yeah I understand yeah I don’t think there’s anything the US president could just make it go away we could tell Ukraine like we’ll stop fighting right now but I mean what we could say to them is look we’ve come to the end of the road there’s clearly the domestic situation as such that we’re not going to be able to give you much more it’s time to start looking for the deal do you think it’s is it the US’s place to say that if Ukraine wants to continue to fight well the US’s place is to decide whether the us is going to provide weapons or not and then ukrainians can make their own decision saying like if if Ukraine wants to fight should we say well we don’t want you to fight anymore we’re going to P that what what I think we’re misund understanding each other on is this if the president of the United States was to say to the ukrainians we are not going to provide you with more weapons the ukrainians would then have a choice to make they would not make the choice to keep fighting at course but that’s what I’m asking I guess is like is because we’re essentially we truly are making the choice for them regardless right like if we continue to support them we’re at least enabling them to say yes or no but if we say okay kind of pulling out then you guys are done fighting like is it the United States’s place if we have the opportunity and the means to help should the United States say we’re done well that that’s what I’m asking you so I guess I don’t think we should I think Biden would so what I’m hearing from you is if if the United States votes for Joe Biden he will continue to give them support at the level that he can muster in order that they can keep fighting or not depending on what they want that would that would be my assumption yeah I don’t see that changing and on on this side of things is there anything more you want to say before I go to Seb um for yeah for I mean for Israel Palestine I think that’s an incredibly uh touchy issue I don’t think that Trump has the ability to Biden what would Biden do to solve that um for Biden like I mean I I think that Biden has done a good job at providing support for an ally which I think is always important because the United States needs to be seen as supporting people they say they’ll support while also trying to reign in Israel a bit um so I think we were saying that um I don’t know how true these conversations are but as of recently I think Biden was telling Israel that like if there’s a huge Rafa raate a bunch of people start dying like we’re going to start to condition some of this military aid um I know that initially when they announced their Invasion on the 7th I think that we encourage them like you need to wait and chill for people to actually move out of Northern Gaza before you guys start attacking um I know we’ve pressured them a lot to allow more humanitarian Aid in uh that ER Crossing opening I think was a really good thing the port the humanitarian Aid Port that’s being built by the United States um at the Navy Court the engineering Corp um I think that was a really good idea I would hope to see more of that but I also imagine that this conflict is probably going to be mostly done by election season um the RAF invasion is happening and then after that I don’t know what else there is to do in uh the Gaza Strip but I feel like uh whatever whatever that situation looks like afterwards um whether that’s Israel occupying Gaza for some short period of time or whatever I think it looks better under Biden because I think Biden is more likely to tell Israel like hey like you’re not going to start building settlements here or hey you’re not going to do this or that because he’s already sanctioned some people in the West Bank who were building outposts um I think that Biden would have a better handle on controlling Ukraine there um rather than Trump who who I feel would would give a little bit more unconditional support controlling Israel I think I don’t know if I just said ukra you meant Israel yeah uh Seb if we if not we if the UN the people of the United States vote for president Trump in 2014 how is he you said the world’s on fire 20 24 we’re all getting everything wrong let’s start again if the United the PE can’t do it if the people if he wins if the good guy wins I’m neutral in this debate so if you you just wrote a book on saving civilization I did I’m not sure electing Donald Trump is the only way to do that but um if the people of the United States elect President Trump again to be their leader you said the world is on fire how is he going to extinguish those fires and bring peace to the world well at the risk of talking about what I did in the white house because they’re just stories but you know I think they matter historically come on be the bigger man come on I used I got this question asked all the time when when we were there saying what’s President Trump’s National Security stance what’s his foreign policy what makes him different and I just spent two and a half years teaching the Marines at quano and I I I just stole their motto I said under President Trump as Commander in Chief no better friend No Worse Enemy and it’s exactly what we did bad guys around the world were petrified Good Guys felt safe whether it’s Israel the UK NATO Nations they understood American leadership was back with regards to specific conflicts president Trump has said what he’s going to do in Ukraine he he will end the fighting very rapidly by behind closed doors saying to zalinski look I know you want your country back but you have to sit down and negotiate it is you know it has to happen now and I’ll help you and then he says to Vladimir Putin the obverse of what you were positing he says you need to sit down now with Kiev or the aid we have given already will be minuscule to what I’m going to give zinski may I pause you there yes because this is an important thing to tease out uh that is one of the reasons uh that I that to me seems like a credible way of solving that conf I’ve said this from day one the whoever does that deal has to go in with a Cara and a stick correct how is Donald Trump going to go in there and make the claim that he will quadruple or 10x the aid that’s already been given to Ukraine when half his own party basically supports Russia at this point I mean that’s an exaggeration that’s not fair thing to say but you know what I mean yeah I know what you mean but that’s the a public discussion I very specifically said why would Putin believe that threat because he’s made a measure of this man for four years he understands that this isn’t about Bluff when you decide to use chemical weapons we’ll turn your chemical weapons base into a shida glass if you’re planning to kill 600 US servicemen in the Middle East will kill you with a drone as you’re on your way to meet the puppet prime minister of Iraq that’s what we did to kasum suani I know but but he know he know the words mean something yes but I’m just saying if Putin is thinking about a logic which I believe he is then he will say look Donald Trump is saying to me he’s going to throw the kitchen sink and give everything Ukraine that they possibly could get but at the same time I see the internal divisions that we’ve talked about already how is going how is Donald Trump going to sell this to his own party uh when half of the the people involved are really against helping Ukraine at all and that seems to me like and not particular credible threat even if it’s coming from Donald Trump but but again you’re you’re you’re mixing uh open political Communications with what is done Behind Closed Bulls diplomatic he doesn’t he doesn’t have to go to Congress and say I’m about to tell Vlad this and you better back me up that’s not how it works yeah let’s just clarify this what I’m saying is let’s say that they are sitting behind closed doors why would Vladimir Putin believe the if he knows that Donald Trump can then go back and actually sell the 10x of because because it’s a risky bet to say ah you know he can’t communicate this to his base and I’m not going to take him seriously that’s a very dangerous I mean you know did you watch the Victory Day Parade yesterday in Moscow with one tank yes I did not just one tank it was one t34 not even the t80 right during the Cold War it was scar missiles it was zs3 324s it was hundreds of of Tanks one tank from the 1930s I don’t think he can risk hundreds of thousands of Russians on the off chance that you know he may not get that support from Congress H I’m just going to Bluff him out let me ask you a different way do you think it’s credible to argue that Donald Trump could get the Republican party to 10x support for Ukraine you think he can sell that you think he can well he wrote The Art of the deal uh the part the party is really his with with Lara you know co-chair of the RNC with a lot of the Rhinos actually resigning or not running again this year it’s I I’m worried but it’s not the Rhinos who are the problem on Ukraine no no it’s the isolations but I don’t think the isolationists can go up against President Trump and say yeah sorry um you want the election you’re the president but we’re going to you know we’re not behind you you think he can take the party with him on that I think he can but I think the more important thing is he can convince Putin behind closed doors that dude don’t risk it it’s not worth it and and with regards to everything else it’s it’s really quite amusing now that we’re six months away from the election I’m doing more and more International media and when you know the news agency of Sweden or Poland or whatever comes and they say so what’s it going to be like if president Trump wins and I always say were you alive when he was president it was only a few years ago it’s going to be a redo of that so whether it’s China policy it’s going to be a very forthright robust e economic trade war with China whether it’s the mullers it’s going to be you know the swinging sanctions regime we put in place that almost had uh the whole of the economy of the irgc on its knees by the end of the Trump Administration with regards to Nato will be back to what the current Secretary General stoltenberg who’s a former leftwing prime minister and minister of the environment said is absolutely what it should should be with increased spending in every member meeting its 2% of GDP Target Force goals so if you want to know what it’s going to be like it’ll be like the Trump Administration the first time around with the special um addition of the deal with Vladimir Putin to scare him into negotiating and then with regards to Israel Israel it’s pretty obvious this is the most philosemitic president since 1948 and the re Rebirth of Israel and I expect president Trump to give Israel everything they need and how will he look to settle that issue long term because obviously that’s an ongoing conflict has been the I feel like the world has come to a point where everyone is horrified by what what they’re seeing irrespective of you know what their political position is the fact that that conflict is happening is horrific and it has reached horrific levels of mass killing right right but but we also have people on you know us campus es who are you know chanting from The River To The Sea so they may be horrified but they’re actually on the wrong side of that conflict look there’s no with regards to the Middle East we’ll we’ll try and revivify the abrahamic cords but with regards to to Gaza we have to be very blunt here they have to kill every terrorist every single terrorist responsible for October the 7th but if you look at every poll there’s been three significant polls taken since October the 7th of Gaz and residents and between 72 and 78 % of the residents support what happened October 7th that is not something that is military militarily soluble right you have an environment you have a population that supports genocidal murder of women and children I think the longterm solution it’s an unamerican answer because it’s not really a solution we we tend to think we can solve everything it’s a far more European one uh Israel after October the 7th has to kill everyone responsible for that attack and then they will be responsible for the security of Gaza for the possable future not not Hamas not anybody else Israel Israel do we then not go back to square one where essentially Israel is living with uh a population who are being badly treated or feel that b let’s just use neutral language who feel that they’re very being very badly treated they’re oppressed they’re going to rise up against it and we’re just going to have more terrorism and this all of this horror is just going to continue look you I’m not saying I have a better answer by way but you know this was my thing for 20 years was counterterrorism policy effective counterterrorism is about attacking two things it’s like any enemy really you have to attack their capability to hurt you and you have to undermine their will to hurt you the cap the the Israelis have been very good at the capability thing right we take out their Chief bomb makers we interdict their their supply of Arms from Iran and elsewhere the question is the will thing will you create more terrorists there’s no really good solution to that why because the Arab states of the region don’t want any gazans I mean Egypt does not want any more Palestinians Jordan is full of Palestinian quote unquote refugees if the Arab Muslim nations don’t want that problem Israel has to contain it it’s not neat but it’s the best thing they can do given the conditions that you have two more than two-thirds of the population are pro terrorism well gentlemen we’ve had a great hour and a half uh we’ve got one segment that we still haven’t covered which is what’s happening on us college campuses I imagine you see that very differently that ties into the election because of Biden and Trump and how they’ve responded to that we’re going to go to locals to talk about that and answer questions from you guys which I will be putting to both uh Stephen and Seb head on over to locals right now for the rest of this debate the question I ask you I want to ask you is a question question I can’t ask you on YouTube which is about January the 6th and everything that happened around that do you believe the 2020 election was stolen so to say that he to say that he went along with the peaceful transfer of power is is just a lie well he did cuz he left the White House yes after he failed to steal the election [Music]


    1. It was so nice of the moderator to just let buddy do his white house audition uninterrupted. I really would've hated to hear him actually answer any questions. Narrativizing is where it's at.

    2. Thank you all for the information and opinions. I appreciate the ability to hear other's perspectives and I look forward to new "debates" on "new topics" 👍

    3. 30:20 stay is Mexico bill was passed and was in motion, until Biden removed it.. so of course, the intent is political. He did not want to keep what Trump did and does not care for legals in america.

    4. Correct me if im wrong, Mr Gorka, but Donald Trump has never won a popular vote. Hmm.. 🤔 Weird.

      Edit: "He fixed something he meant to destroy" is not the own you think it is lol wtf

    5. Destiny’s opening statement is so effin retarded I can’t take these people seriously anymore. It’s hard for republicans to get the country back in order when we have clean up four years of bullshit (or more) every time they get in office.

    6. anyone that thinks asylum is real when u have 8mil people coming in doesn't understand how Asylum works. Getting approved for asylum is incredibly difficult. As an Immigrant I can tell you that 70% of asylum seekers would not be approved. People like Destiny doesn't understand the system, its easy for him to read and read but don't really understand how reality actually works. I am almost sure that most of the people seeking asylum right now would not even think of that as an option if it wasn't because of Biden.

    7. Destiny confuses rapidity of speech with knowledge of the facts. To say that this man is disingenuous is a gross understatement … I would say that he is a pathological liars, but I think that what we are seeing, more than anything else, is extreme cognitive dissonance… the sort so common with those mired in cults.

      I was not happy with Sebastian Gorka's side of this affair either … he failed to provide adequate responses to many of the lies and hoaxes coming from Destiny's side of the table.

      I can see why Destiny appeals to so many on the left … he is above average in intelligence and speaks far too quickly for the average person to process, and he agrees with many of their most absurd claims.

      All in all … this felt like a waste of time. Gorka should have been much better prepared.

    8. If he did that and I don't believe that he would, but if he did the American people, at least half of it would be fine with it, because the crooked politicians have been stealing our money for decades, destroying our country for decades. So yeah, it's not called revenge. It's called justice and we will demand it. As far as this idiot goes up here. Of course he's dressed like a slob. Because that's how they dress, but worse than that is how messy his mind is. People like him are jealous of people like Donald Trump. You want a narcissist, because a narcissist doesn't like to lose you freaking fool

    9. it's a shame this British guy got into politics. Instead of being evil, he could have been narrating documentaries or playing old distinguished warlords in game of thrones spinoffs

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