Our next cruise port was Kiel Germany and we had one day so we decided to take the train from Kiel to Lubeck Germany. Lübeck’s historic medieval old town is located on a densely built-up island onei Germany’s most extensive UNESCO World Heritage Sites

    We had a great journey to discovering the beauty and charm of Lubeck, Germany the one time capital city. From the charming brick buildings and churches of Old Town, to the great views atop St Paul’s Chruch and the relaxing boat tour around the historic town, we had a great excursion from the port of Kiel.

    By self planning this cruise excursion using the train from the Port in Kiel to Lubeck and doing a self-walking tour and a self-guided boat tour, we saved over $190. As the Carinval Cruise excursion was $154.99 each for a Lubeck on our Own excursion.

    In July 2023 we took a cruise in Europe for 33 days out of Dover England. Our first cruise was a 12 Day Baltic Cruise. Join us as we explore 10 countries, 18 ports in 33 days.

    🎥 Watch our other videos from our European cruise: https://bit.ly/4a2Hjmw

    0:20 Our Midlife Adventure
    0:32 Cruising 33 Days on the Carnival Pride – Baltic Cruise
    0:56 Nynäshamn Cruise Port
    1:56 Sweden Train to Stockholm Cruise Excursion
    3:11 Vasa Museum
    10:30 Gama Stan Stockholm
    11:35 Royal Palace Sweden
    16:30 Stockholm Sweden Old Town
    19:00 Food in Stockholm
    20:00 Train back to Nynäshamn

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    #Kiel #Germany #CarnivalCruise #TravelTips #Lubeck #cruiseexcursion #balticcruise #cruiseeurope #eurpeancruise #CarnivalPride #germanyexcrusion

    today we are back in Germany and where are we at Rich Lubec Luc Luc and this is a m evil town from the 13th century that crazy and so come explore with us today let’s see what we can find today we’re taking a tour of Le book Germany on a goboat let’s go we’re rich and Robin and these are our midlife Adventures Liv in and out of our midlife van in July 2023 we boarded a carnival cruise ship in do England to visit 10 countries and 18 ports in 33 days 10:15 on the SE day and I got the last clamshell shaded seating area sun is just starting to pop out and we’re gonna see what we get into today on our SE day day to relax we just had some nice sunny weather and now what what we got here rich black cloud we’re sailing right underneath it wait blink it’ll be gone okay promise light the usage of the rity pool today on this overcast day yeah not crowded yeah where are all the people in the buffet in the buffet it is lunchtime what do we have today is this a dinosaur might be another beautiful sunet those waves tonight we are back in Germany rich are Kyle or ke it’s not Kyle you say that every time we are in ke Germany and most people are going to Hamburg I think we’re going to go to leuk LEC Le hey Rich where are we Robin we are in Keel Germany we’re in we’re in Germany again we’re in Germany again it’s not a new country cuz already been here but let’s go find a train I think let’s go find luic luic on the app I couldn’t find a return so let’s see [Music] start I need to find somebody that did you cck on English yeah yeah but so we want single tickets all day tickets oh wait here’s a don’t all yeah Collective ticket for two people right or is that how much is that okay up five people how much was it before um it was 30 okay so yeah for 10 more okay so that’s it okay we got a card on second we made it to the train rich just in time I mean literally bought the tickets and then we had maybe 2 minutes it’s a platform one we’re on the LEC train and uh see we get there we think by 8:45 uh maybe nine nine that [Music] works it was pretty easy to take the train from Keel Germany to luic [Music] we have made it to l l l Germany we’re about an hour and a half from the port of Kia and uh it’s pretty easy to get on the train about what seven stops a lot of people yeah it was pretty packed and so now supposedly this is a pretty uh medieval Town yeah from the 13th century so let’s so we just got to figure out where we’re going to go let’s go we’re going to go to Oldtown let’s go check it out right okay okay Robin what do we see here uh it’s one of the rivers that goes around old Lebec La that’s one of the rivers that goes around Old Town labuk lauk lauk no it’s not a lady it’s not a lady just curly here Here We Go Robin I think I start to see uh Oldtown here look like a church the what do we got here Rob the name Lebec comes from the Slavic root love love one of the many Town squares right before we get into Oldtown since the 10th century laas was the second most important settlement Lebec was granted s city right in 1160 and in 1260 it became an immediate City within the Holy Roman Empire in the middle of the 12th century Lebec developed into the Cradle of the henic league uhhuh of which it was considered the de facto Capital most important city from then on so at one time this was the capital leck’s historic Old Town located on a densely builtup island is Germany’s most extensive UNESCO world heritage site nicknamed the city of seven Towers let’s go see if we can find the seven Towers promin uh dominated by the seven towers of its five [Music] churches okay Robin where are we at we are at St Peter’s cathedral in Luc Germany what do we know about this church this church was built in 1170 or opened in 1170 and it’s a brick medieval architecture sits on top of the hill if you get here or after 12 we’re here way before 12 you could take the elevator up to the top of the tower and you’d have views of old the old town and some of the new town pretty cool yeah look at those tall Windows huh yeah real cool if we take the boat tour later the boot will not be well at least the one that we found the one that we found yeah so maybe down further well there’s another one over here we might go to [Music] well at first I thought it was another church it’s actually a hospital and across the street a community garden so this hospital was restored and after was it was first built in 1286 and it has been restored after this is considered among the first hospitals you want to see if you can go in Rob let’s go check it out one of the oldest hospitals in Europe construction started in 1260s it was still used in the 6 1960s [Music] look at the spiral staircase over there so is this the church part of the hospital is this the church part of the hospital here’s a [Music] model cemetery on the edge of the hospital [Music] Farm got a well here so the front must be the church and then maybe coming down think so it’s the hospital so that it shows there’s hospital beds here coming down okay yeah it kind of looks like they have like little rooms or something down an old hospital part of the building very small hospital room where are we at Robin you see the uh Sun clock sun dial what time is it Rob looks like 8:15 it looks like 8:15 but it’s almost [Music] what do we got Robin St Catherine’s Church St Catherine the only Monastery Church in the Lebec World cultural heritage this is the only Monastery Church of the former Franciscan monaster Monastery built between 1300 and 1370 most important High Gothic medicant medicine Church orders group Western facade with a group of terracotta figurines by Ernest berkay and Gart marks Did you see the figurines up there yeah over yeah see right here where are we going now Robin just wanted to see this cute little Street down here there’s a shop that I just went shopping at say Charmed charm charm me is said a charm Charming little shop it was a Charming little shop I wanted everything too bad we’re going to ship stuff back right Yep this is part of St Catherine’s Church somebody needs to oil their shoes we’re going to find out you’re going to find out into a courtyard yes little Alleyway into a courtyard look at it t 1659 which one was 1659 1659 I think that yellow building and uh these brick buildings are just so cool and stuff but is this yellow building rich is this yellow building a little cockey it’s I think the bottom is kicked out or it’s is it optical illusion no and then what’s look at they that brick one over there but look at they exposed the brick on this one uhhuh to see the original like Arch or something yeah this one’s kind of leaning back Rich yeah do you think they’re made like that I don’t think so I think because it’s from 800 years ago that just struggling a little bit with it yeah is that a optical Lo no I don’t think [Music] so where are we going Rob once again we got an early start now it is almost 11 and look at these crbs we are going to go to town hall right we’ve got m on one side modern on the other [Music] An Elegant gothic church that was rebuilt after World War II I thought it was St Mark Marine oh that’s how you say St Mar’s St Mary and St Mary’s Church the model for many large churches in the Baltic region built between 1260 and 1350 to destroyed in 1942 restoration Works were completed in 1959 and then you got the turret in 78 through 80 see all the different bricks the patchwork this is aall all church I’m getting dizzy look at uh the Corner Stones it has Stones instead of the brick those are crazy look at all those windows yeah we went back to St Peters Church to go up to the top of the tower to take in the views of the [Music] city Robin where are we the cran is moving we are on the top of a tower at St Paul’s Church in Lu overlooking the canal in the old town oh look we can walk over there cool the birds are flying it’s incredible these facades how they’re kind of teered little curved ones or squared off ones but it’s amazing how the ones we’ve seen that are kind of tilted back in Le they’re tilted back and not forward look at these rooftop patios over here yeah those are pretty cool look at the second roof in and look how they have to work on these houses that crane is way over there and yeah cuz you can’t drive trucks in there into the courtyard did you see the pictures downstairs of with snow on these rooftops nuh so look how steep they are to keep the snow off but they have an ornate front but a steep sharp roof for the weather so cool look at that second roof seems kind of like it does seem kind of kind of uh wavy I think these are the two churches we haven’t been to this one there and then over here look how big Mary’s looks oh man how close it looks like I felt like we walked quite ways like to get over here it’s pretty cool it’s a nice view cuz it’s hard to really take it all in while you’re walking through the street and then you get to see more of the church yeah from this view you can see more of the rooftops house they’re all little red and brown and then we see more of the [Music] [Music] let’s go see if we can find a Canal tour Rich yeah let’s go check out we walked across the island old town and back again so now maybe we can Circle it in a boat let’s do it do it Robin let’s go on a goboat let’s go we oh no let’s go on a boat now that’s the name of the companies let’s go on a boat now they’re electric boats and they actually will be able to scoot around um the island the old Island the old town and it’s an hour and it’s €49 let’s go is this our boat lucky number 13 no no that’s the he say these other one’s supposed to be coming in got our German soda R cheers now you can go back okay go quiet yeah go straight back go straight back maybe you’re crushing to them try it don’t do it rich there you go now you can right okay here we go a piece of metal thank you Dona Dona Dona ready to roll no ready to Let’s now we’ll roll like Robin ready to boat yes watch out for the duck I think the Ducks will watch out for us there is the church we went up to the top of the tower we are on this pretty cool yeah so quiet quiet on the electric boat boat now we’re going to go under our first Bridge all bridges you go under the middle in the middle so we don’t get stuck in the book get it mhm [Music] this building is really cool this is the one that we couldn’t see too good from up on the tower because of the cream in the [Music] way so do you have a constant speed on that I was now I’m I slowed down to go through the the brid the tunnel and now I’m jumping on it I want to pass these people you don’t want to pass these people I yeah I don’t think we should I don’t know what do you we’re in a hurry stop it so what do we have here number two is what do we got here for so we’re at 3.8 knots you get some 3.8 knots Rich the boat was going uh how many knots 19 kns the other day should we get going we’re on a slow Cruise oh is that what we’re on not a fast cruise stay to the right [Music] [Music] since the other Canal tours were all done in German why not rent our own boat we’re not going to understand their tour so we’ll just do our own little we can make up our own tour so over here is this used to be a firehouse Robin yeah this here was a firehouse back in the 1300s and unbelievable it burned down you would think they would and what’s the name of the church that we passed earlier well holon bro brocken and I don’t know why St Mary’s is called Maran I understand the Maran part but Circle cir yeah yeah so which is back there since we’re on a 1hour tour we have to stay in our one little circle I think we’re going to be good going around the old every turn we’re just going to make a right go right right the name of our boat is Mela Mela the Mela [Music] boat how you doing there Captain Rick doing good how easy is this electric don’t run into them how easy is this El boat to pretty easy it’s the response is really slow it’s like you turn it and you got to wait about 5 seconds in the pirate ship of laok okay we’re going right underneath the bridge we got a red light or right turn I don’t see any oh I don’t know maybe even the bridges had little towers another Bridge a double bridge that our little Gobo it safely under I don’t know five Bridges Four Bridges but this bridge was pretty tall I think that was a pretty easy one on the left on the the left side we have new LA on the right we have [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] old glass Bridge looks like a double bridge now I see three Bridges unless we’re turning maybe we’re turning before the other Bridges we have another boat restaurant here on the canal turn the old cargo boats into some restaurants no anchor so this ISS [Music] eight we kicking their butts back there Robin we are got the wildf flowers on the side of bike lane bike trail pedestrian Trail such a cool little spot a perfect day in doand a per a perfect day in Doland go the course R theion you got this Rick so what are they doing over there inspecting the bridge good job Rich good captaining now we got to find our right turn otherwise if we miss our turn we may miss our train and if we miss our train we’ll miss our ship and we’ll have to stay on this boat stay maybe we can get all the way to our ship on this boat out here Rich where’s our turn I think this is our I don’t see any but I’m pretty sure now that’s the other bridge I don’t know bro I don’t know not the best Navigator Terri no this map is terrible it looks like a turn rich and then and then and then maybe the wind will go behind us and push us in we do a tight turn okay yes got some fishermen over there there’s another bridge I thought you said we were over the bridges there’s the six [Music] [Music] oh where not yet another Bridge [Music] uh-huh we are back at the boat now and Rich has successfully navig the canal we tried to get the the one with the Honda motor but they wouldn’t last 50 instead We electric electric boat we took the electric boat cruise yeah pretty fun a lot of fun this is pretty cool let’s go to the train look at that what do you know about this building I don’t know anything about this building except for it’s like from the 1300 s and uh it’s a little crooked I know that too it’s pretty much the passage to the uh the old Island passage to the old Island the old town maybe they once had the original Bridge there still got 15 minutes till with the train leaves so let’s go find the platform and we are going towards ke on on training 83 it’s green light now it’s red take a picture of the St train 83 te and we made it to the station now we just got to try and find our train so what do we got up there on top ke looks like that towards the top it’s one right one maybe it’s for 1306 yeah so plot one so right here to the left so looks like it’s open that one yep to the left heel hpf 1306 perfect now where would you like to sit I don’t care but let’s find a place to sit near the front it’ll be closer to I don’t know if that’s our let’s try 83 to ke here we go here’s a back here okay back by the window did you see that they had Wi-Fi here I did [Music] [Applause] [Music] not uh this is the Central Station in ke and there so we took the train to Lu Germany now let’s go do a little exploring our exploring we got an hour okay Robin it’s not fiddle fart you want to go that way or this way this is the way we came in right I don’t know let me get my phone out doing a little shopping in K Germany there’s a Starbucks rich I don’t think they have beer pretty cool walking area in K downtown shopping eating following the blue Lon still rich I think we’re going opposite of the fa [Music] though we had a great DayDay here I’m glad we came to Luc Lubec oh there’s the dommo and the cathedral back Cathedral we didn’t make it there today but we got to see a lot of the churches a lot of the old buildings there supposed to be how five churches think there’s five churches with seven Steeples and we saw four churches right three or four well thanks for joining us this is it for Germany yes now we’re going back to Sweden tomorrow we’ll be back in Sweden we’ll be in G join us next time in Sweden so little did we know that in a few hours there would be some issues with the ship and our plans would change stay tuned and find out what happens in our next video

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