The last day of my Devon C2C and the last day of the trip.
    My hopes of a dry finish were washed away and I ended this day sitting on a nice warm train with my feet so wet I could feel the water squishing between my toes.
    I probably didn’t smell very good either but fortunately the train was pretty quiet 🙂

    I really enjoyed this little adventure and I’m pleased to say that the next one is already lined up. I wont give away any details just yet but as always, there will be videos so watch this space.

    My route :

    ==== Coffee & Merch ====
    Chip in to buy me a coffee, offer regular support or buy some wonderful merch ::

    ==My Etsy Shop==
    I will try to keep it stocked with interesting things so keep an eye on it over the coming months 🙂

    === Supporter Links ===
    Örebro’s only mobile bicycle repair service –

    There are affiliate links below to the gear featured in this video. Clicking on them gives me a little commission on anything you buy during that shopping session. It doesn’t have to be the thing I link to even!
    I’ll only ever link to stuff that I have personal experience of and that I genuinely rate as quality products.

    == Bollé Eco ==
    Really comfy helmet.

    == Helinox Chair Zero ==
    The ultimate luxury when the ground is wet and cold.

    == Big Agnes Copper Spur ==
    Best tent I’ve ever owned. Love it, love it, love it.

    == Trangia Stove ==
    Simple stove, easy to find fuel

    == Trangia Fuel Bottle ==
    Sturdy, non leak storage for alcohol stove fuel

    == GoPro Chesty ==
    Best mount for a GoPro on those fast/technical sections.

    == Magicshine Lights ==
    Used them for years. Solid, well made, bright.

    == Quadlock Outfront Pro ==
    Best way I know to attach a phone (or other device) to a bike (or tripod, or car)

    == Tilley Hat ==
    Comfy, weatherproof, indestructible

    === Music ===
    As We Go :: The 126ers

    Pressure :: Riot
    Don’t seem to have a linked presence on YouTube?

    Barely Small :: Freedom Trail Studio

    Green Green Garden :: Chris Haugen

    I had harbored faint hopes that I might end this trip cycling in Golden Sunshine across the crisp Brown Morland sadly I’ve woken up today and it’s very gray very drizzly somewhat blustery so I’ve procrastinated long enough this morning it’s about midday now I’m going to set off for the last last run of this trip down to Plymouth to get my train home I’m heading to Mary Tav Peter Tav and then maybe up onto the MS to Princetown for a nice downhill section I don’t know I’m going to have a look at the climbs have a talk with my legs see what the weather’s doing and just sort of pick my way along really um yeah last day of this trip D Mall down to Plymouth that way [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I’ve come to my first potential climb and I don’t like the look of it it looks like a cow tractor churned Mudfest on quite a steep climb I wouldn’t be pedaling any of that would be it would be hike a bike and I can’t be asked so I’m going to go a little bit further along on and see if the roadway up looks any better cuz hopefully if it does I can get up to Princetown and from there there’s what promises to be a really nice swoopy swoopy downhill kind of downhill all the way to Plymouth basically from there so it’d be worth that little extra climb I think anyway going to push on this little uh Farm track see what the next potential up looks like [Music] [Laughter] [Music] the climb up was it was right actually it was a bit of a SLO but it wasn’t too bad a few trucks passing by all the views that I’d hoped for eaten by the clouds that have come down really low it’s quite windy now as well but I’m at the top I’m up in Princetown come past the prison and I’ve picked up the top of this little Broadway hiking track bike trail thing and this is basically the the start of my descent into Plymouth it’s pretty much downhill or flat all the way from here so I’m just going to blast it I’m cold I’m really wet it’s not really raining but it’s really wet it’s one of those sort of days so I’m going to see if I can make up some time and if I get to Plymouth early I treat myself to some fishal chips or something I’ll see how much of this I can film without water logging my cameras probably mostly be GoPro footage see you a bit further down maybe out of the rain in a bit [Music] on a different day in different condition i s that would have been a really really lovely descent down long swooping curved across the hillside all gravel and rocks and stuff but today couldn’t really see anything it’s cold it’s wet slippery muddy bits it was uh it was all right it was all right but it wasn’t the joyful thing I’d hoped it would be I have to say I’m very very damp I’m back on time now and it’s really just a sort of push from here down and down and down into Plymouth so I’m just going to crack on with it and I’ll probably check in once more before the end of this one before I drop down into town just to uh sign off and let you know how the end of this little journey has gone I see you down the road [Music] m [Music] m [Music] 2 [Music] well that I think is just about that um and actually it was a really nice way to end this trip um I got down back onto ev1 and it was was just a cruise a lovely swooping traffic free cruise through the forest Rivers lovely bridges over wooded valleys it was really really pretty weather never really picked up I’m soaked I’m cold I’m hungry but I’m pretty much in Plymouth it’s just 15 or so minutes more to the city center that way so I’m signing off I might put a couple of little shots at the end if anything amazing turns up but that’s me done for this one it’s been yeah it’s been grand as usual I hope you’ve enjoyed coming along for the ride please like Please Subscribe leave a comment um yeah all these people over here they are my monthly Kofi supporters and they are absolutely blinking wonderful they are the ev1 of my bike Network so if you’d like to uh join them please uh go and have a look at the link in the description that would be awesome hit the thanks button check out my uh Etsy page check out my Kofi page sorry I’m being being distracted Now by uh having to do stuff to camera when there’s people around I don’t like it still feels weird um that’s the I’ll be back very soon for the next one hope to see you there bye now now


    1. Loving watching your adventures….you offer a very chilled approach to bike camping.
      I rode from Lands End to Herne Bay 10yrs ago for my 50th birthday…on a crappy pushbike with two paneers and a tent from argos…it was the same weather as you are having today…took 4 and a half days…soaked through but grinning like a cheshire cat.
      Been hooked since that day and have a better bike ..tent etc…still wife calls me forest gump on wheels😂..atb.

    2. Your trip reminds me of my last overnighter in Condroz. The storm broke down, I was soaking wet, everywhere mud. I set up a camp in the forest and it was raining till next day evening. Still, it was a great ride 😀

    3. What it should have been like if the weather was better – yep – back in 1992 or 93 I did an epic motorcycle trip (well I thought it was epic) from Blair Athol down to Whitchurch (I was actually trying to make Ledbury but ran out of time). Perfect weather, perfect trip, A9 down to Edinburgh, A702 through Biggar then get on the A74 (before it gained the '(M)' suffix), to Carlisle then A6 through Preston, Wigan and Warrington, then A49. Tried to recreate this route, or part of it anyway, recently 3 times, each time peeing down, gales, fog or low cloud. One time nearly got blown off The Shap, 50 mph wind!

    4. I was on a trip to Dartmoor one day of the last millenium. There be mist, mist and thereafter mist. One would have thought it should have left by now, but no! I can see tis indeed the same mist. Tis quite Misterious!

    5. When was this? i live jus up the road and it's been glorious sunshine almost the entire last 2 weeks. come back and do it again in the sunshine, it's a stunning ride. Princetown to Plymouth is a really fantastic ride when you can see the surrounds.

    6. Unlucky the weather was grim, thats a nice route into plymouth from princetown and the close by froggintor quarry is fun to explore.
      Granite extracted from there was used for nelsons column in london. Worth stopping for a snack break and gander if you go by 🙂🤙

    7. Hey this was great Jethro! We had a day just like this one here in New England. I had to mow the grass today and it was horrendous!

      Do you still go back to Sweden from time to time?

      Take care sir!


    8. Nice ride, hope can see your next episode very soon. I also like to be alone, and travel solo. Just wondering why your riding is so scarce of people, probably just UK style.

    9. Fair play Jethro you have suffered along with the rest of us outdoors types with the wet Winter and Spring this year. Princetown is lovely in the sunshine but blimmin grim when its like that.

    10. Hi Jethro..what waterproof jacket would u recommend for cycling in wet weather… i have never found the ideal jacket so far..Love the vids

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