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    In this very special podcast, we welcome Konstantin Zülske. He is a musician, traveler, and environmentalist. He has traveled from Germany to India on his bicycle with the message of saving soil.

    In this episode, we will talk about his experience traveling through different countries, interacting with different people, and witnessing different cultures. We also talked about Pakistan and the life of people in the rural area of Pakistan. Along with that, we also touched upon his life in Germany and how he got out of dr*g addiction to pursue spirituality.

    This was an amazing conversation with an amazing personality. I hope you will enjoy this and let us know your thoughts in the comments.

    (0:00) – Start of the podcast
    (2:15) – Konstantin Zülske x Ranveer Allahbadia begins
    (3:56) – His time in India
    (4:55) – Why he cycled from Germany to India
    (6:38) – Save Soil Movement
    (9:52) – Start of his journey
    (13:04) – Commonality among all these countries
    (13:51) – The most dangerous situation
    (18:18) – Crossing borders
    (21:54) – Interiors of Pakistan
    (24:40) – Women situation in Pakistan
    (26:00) – About Iran
    (29:09) – Georgia and Armenia
    (32:00) – His friends and school life
    (33:33) – Crazy stuff he did when he was younger
    (40:47) – Sadhguru Inner Engineering programme
    (45:12) – How did the dr*g lifestyle change him?
    (49:35) – Meditation experiences
    (52:55) – Spirituality in west
    (58:01) – Thank you for watching
    (58:48) – End of the podcast

    #savesoilmovement #travel

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    BeerBiceps by Ranveer Allahbadia is the ULTIMATE self-improvement & self-help channel. We began as a channel only for fitness & health enthusiasts. Eventually, we started covering topics such as fashion, grooming, personal finance, etiquette, meditation, mental health, communication skills & even entrepreneurship.

    Today BeerBiceps is the home for The Ranveer Show or TRS. A show where we host the world’s greatest success stories and try digging out their secrets to success. Every conversation on The Ranveer Show is intellectual, deep & informational. We cover everyone from entrepreneurs to Bollywood film stars to even athletes. Every conversation is an EXTREME learning experience for the viewer.

    you’re cycling from Germany to India I’m sure you’ve seen a lot of stuff that one doesn’t normally come across when I was standing at the Pakistan border the policeman ask do you have any with you like no no no no no okay then we give you at what point does the trip become a little dangerous I got spit by a scorpion I was just sitting down for my morning meditation and then I noticed like a huge pain in my leg it burns I think I would have died I’m very curious about the Interiors of Pakistan what is specifically beautiful one thing that surprised me about Pakistan was actually how big the Hindu Community is there and they all want to go to India what is Crossing Borders like especially when you go into Iran Pakistan India when I crossed the border from Iran into Pakistan they said you cannot cycle here at all you’ll basically be a slow moving Target we done anything crazy like when you were much younger I was on I think six or seven different substances at once I just completely can’t remember anything that happened that night the next morning I woke up in an entirely different city and I had no idea how I even got there damn when you put yourself through that many substances something has to change in the head my whole experience of Life shifted I have a technology Within Myself to create all of these things that I was getting from just by [Music] meditation Constantine Zula has one of the most interesting stories that have come across on the show he cycled from Germany to India imagine all the different countries he’s gone past imagine all the stories and experiences that he shared with us on today’s episode imagine all the human perspectives he’s shared but also there’s a slightly dark Edge to this conversation that edge will come through towards the end of the conversation it’s one of those conversations that went to adventurous places as well as dark places as well as spiritual places lots of power pack perspective on this particular conversation I hope you enjoy the special episode of the RV show [Music] H Team how are you bro doing great it’s an incredible pleasure being here it’s an incredible pleasure speaking to you I’m having a very intense angry day uh people getting to see the podcast but you know that there’s a lot of anger inside me right now but I’m sitting in front of you and I’m feeling calmer oh thank you well I already got your Vibes so it’s just yeah sitting here meditating for a while and uh trying to calm myself down I hope I calmed you down by that as well when I get to meet people like you it is a very calming experience because usually when you live in an Indian city you only meet people who are driven about careers or emotions it’s one of the two always uh and then because of my show I’ve met people who were driven by life experiences I think i’ put you in that bracket and these are the podcast I look forward to the most because it’s just like meeting someone on your travels and then exchanging travel stories so is that a fair I see assessment I think there are these two characteristics in all the people everywhere but um I think I mean people from Europe they have a economically uh you know a little bit better situation sometimes a lot of them so they’re not so much driven on money or like people can just go cycling the world without thinking about the consequences in their future otherwise I think many people in India if you uh think about cycling the world and if you don’t really secure your finances uh you might land on the street so a lot of people are have this more uh you know money focused mindset here I agree on that but there are different kinds of people everywhere in the world you’ve also spent a lot of time in India I did I mean uh I’ve been here for probably one and a half years by now I was mainly living at ISA Yoga Center near kator so my main time in India that I spent was in the asham so that was like a you know a very grounding experience itself traveling in India have not done so much only South India mainly now this is the first time I’m in North India and first time in Maharashtra can you speak Dil uh not a word no only uh sap I know that means food I think okay uh the reason I wanted to have this conversation with you was because of this journey that you’re doing from Germany to India you’re cycling from Germany to India okay I don’t even know where to begin this uh Germany I mean I want to ask you the why is related to it but I’m sure you’ve seen a lot of stuff that one doesn’t normally come across yeah sure uh do you want to begin with the why why are you doing this and how long does it take to cycle from Germany to India yeah so I mean I’ve always been a very passionate cyclist uh like when I was when I was in university back then uh my University like 4 40 kilometers from my place in my hometown so I always used to cycle there and back every day I would cycle like 80 kilometers not every day but sometimes I would do that 80 kilometers yeah yeah like there and back so but I’ve also done some smaller trips around Europe uh as soon as I had my bicycle I was going to Norway Sweden Denmark Germany not on this scale but like one or two mom’s just like camping cycling somewhere as in you’ve cycled from Germany to the Scandinavian countries yeah yeah I I went there by BS and then I cycled back once yeah so I’ve done smaller tours like that uh but nothing on this gape and size you know but I always dreamed of traveling the world especially in a bicycle because I’ve always been a passionate cyclist and um I studied soil science in University I studied geography actually but then later on I specialized into soil science so um yeah when sguru started this safe soil movement which I’m supporting during the cycling ride I was extremely happy because suddenly he and the ISA Foundation gave me a platform on which I could share about soil because I always knew soil Extinction is the problem but I never really had any means to talk about it or I never had like a organization behind me you know which takes that up so uh yeah when that happened I was in the asham at that time then I decided okay now is the time to do it I went back to Germany and then you’re doing it to raise awareness about soil Extinction that’s the thing yeah yeah so support to Safe soil movement uh in short can you explain what the problem with soil is right now and why the average everyday person should even be concerned so see a safe so movement is uh a global Movement driv by volunteers it was launched by sguru but um we’re essentially trying to raise awareness all around the globe uh for all the people across every nation uh about the soil Extinction problem we’re talking about soil extinction because United Nations scientists are now saying that 52% of the soil on the planet is already degraded and just 25 years from now will be 90% the soil which is gone on the planet so that has so many implications for all the ecological problems that we have you know uh water scarcity food security livelihoods of farmers and uh you know even climate change so many things are connected to the soil issue recently only people were only talking about climate change and these kind of things nobody was really talking about soil we now shifted that focus and um so that’s what I’m trying to do I’m cycling to universities and schools and I’m talking to them about the soil Extinction issue so if no one does anything about the soil Extinction issue what kind of world will we live in in 20 years time we must really understand that soil is a finite resource and every year we’re losing 12 million Acres of soil that’s the size of Greece of size gree believe me it’s a big country so they are now saying that in just 25 years from now on we might produce 40 40% less food on the planet it’s like the beginning of interstellar yeah pretty much that movie is uh when I saw that movie I was like that’s pretty on point man it’s also you know Interstellar has this huge issue on loss of biodiversity that’s basically what they’re talking about scientists are saying that right now we’re losing 27,000 species every year going extinct and these are mainly all these microbes which live in the soil the bacteria fungi all these soil microbes are going extinct because they’re losing their habitat they’re losing their organic content and if these species all die out uh it’ll be even harder to restore the soil back to the original health because we need these species to you know work for the soil health so effectively if no one does anything about it then in 25 years time there’s going to be a shortage of food in the world it’s a downward spiral it’s not just about the food it’s also about water scarcity depleted soils cannot hold any water and uh makes the you know land more prone for droughts floodings as well know Indian Rivers are right now uh decreasing on 8% per year 8% per year Indian Rivers are decreasing it’s a huge amount I mean you know just another 20 25 years there there won’t be any rivers left if if this doesn’t stop I’ve cycled all these this is a problem in all these countries where I cycled I’ve seen this like when I was in Pakistan the indos river how it has decreased if you just look it up in Google Maps actually you can very easily see it which other countries have you been in I traveled through Iran mainly two months and turkey all these are very dry countries you know if there’s no organic content in the soil that’s what I’m talking about water will very easily just go away so yeah um let’s talk about the experiences and then come back to the soil as well sure sure I want to begin in Germany where does it actually begin in Germany like you start from from livig yeah my hometown is actually yina which like close to yina I’m from a small village in Germany you wouldn’t know it um yeah yeah so I started in my hometown I started cycling with uh two three friends of mine they came along with me for the first couple of days and then after that I was on my own and then pretty soon I left Germany because anyway I live in East Germany and then I was in czechia already Czech Republic I cycled through all these Eastern European countries is it dangerous no Europe is not dangerous so at what point does the trip become a a little dangerous uh it actually became dangerous when I was in uh entering the Mediterranean area like Croatia Montenegro Albania and not because of any people or animals around it was simply because there was a heat wave going on when I was cycling that was in uh June July that kind of time and it was uh continuously every day 45 46 degrees you you cannot cycle like that in in 45 46 degrees it’s so there were some days I just get so sunburned and uh yeah you really got to manage your water supply so sometimes I I don’t know I put like 10 liters of water on the bike bicycle being really heavy you know what’s the charm of going around on a cycle that you get to absorb the environment yeah that’s what I keep telling people like if you’re on a bicycle you just have that perfect speed of traveling where you like as opposed to a car or a motorcycle like where you’re just sitting in a vehicle and you’re just rushing through all these countries you’re on the same level with the people like you’re having all these Street interactions all the time you know people can just very easily stop you and give you some food or talk to you so you’re on the you’re on the same mode of transport of as the local people are that makes it a very fun experience how often does that happen where people just stop you and give all the time in every country and Europe it didn’t happen so much but as soon as I became an exotic Foreigner you know and uh it happened started to happen in Turkey already and then in Iran daily that happened at least five times in a day people like stopped me on the road they drove their cars next to me and pushed me to the side of the road and I was standing there okay what do you want and then they just gave me a bottle of water or some whatever snacks they had or something like that canafe give you some Iranian cheesecake in Iran it was usually pom grenade actually oh like fruit yeah that you know the pom grenade you know that is like if I hear the word Iran I think I forever associated with pom grenade that was the first thing which comes to my mind I ate so much pom grenade in Iran you have no idea because you’re cycling through all these countries gradually uh I think it’s very cool how you notice the slight changes in the way the people look yeah and the vegetation and the vegetation Flora the FAA everything the food even the way people dress yeah everything is happening so slowly see that’s what I mean that’s what I love about cycling it’s it’s the traveling experience so when you’re going from Europe till India you’re noticing these small changes until all the culture like kind of become one effectively yeah maybe what I’ll ask you is what’s the commonality in human beings in all these countries yeah that was actually thing that surprised me most uh this uh hospitality and and uh no matter where you go like no matter what country like you go to Armenia or aaban Iran or Israel India or Pakistan it really doesn’t matter people are so nice and welcoming everywhere whenever day even in Germany which has the you know repetition of being one of the coldest countries but even there if people see you being a traveler and a bicycle on the road they will just be so open to host you and share their culture it’s really you know people have this mindset sometimes that if you go to Pakistan people are in a certain way but they’re really not if you go there you will just be surprised and how many varieties of people are there anyway and how how hospitable and friendly they’ll be it’s it’s amazing what was the most dangerous situation in this whole trip uh there are one or two or three sit ation that I remember very well um so one of the first was being in um at that time I was in Bosnia Bosnia heroina that’s a small country in Eastern Europe um at that time it was it was like close to 47 degrees and there was fact nothing around me I was just in the middle of nowhere and um I actually wanted to meet up with a friend later that day but I was camping in an area where I had no reception so I was just camping there and I was complet completely by myself and there was nothing around like not even a car like nothing I was completely in the mountains like nowhere and um in the evening I was just preparing my meal I was cooking some pasta and while I was cooking I was pouring the water inside that and then I was like cooking that the water was starting to boil and I wanted to drink something and I noticed oh that was my last water that I just poured into that pasta and uh when I was just looking on the Google Maps I saw okay the next civilization is like 60 kilometers away there’s no way to get any water see and you know you’ve heard about that that maybe uh if you don’t drink any water for you can survive for like one or two days but if you’re really in in 45 degrees and there’s no shade around you these one or two days will reduce to just a couple of hours can you die in a couple of hours I mean I think I would have died if I wouldn’t have any water at that time like if you especially if you cycle you know you’re being physically active and the Sun is just pouring down on you ah man it’s dangerous like you you might not die but you might fall very weak or unconscious or something like that and then if you’re nowhere like and nobody finds you then it’s it’s a dangerous situation it was a really dangerous situation so the next morning I got up at 4:30 I packed all my stuff and I I was just cycling and uh yeah in in the afternoon I reached some place and I found some water there just some tap water and I was just drinking it like a cow like it’s just SC two liters of water immediately how does it feel when you drink water after that kind of thirst it feels good you you get to know the T taste that water has you get to know the taste of the water which is what it’s life water tastes like life yeah see that’s why I’m talking about soil if there’s no soil there will be no water there’ll be no life um what else happened what’s the other dangerous situation uh it was mainly about water shortages that that’s been a constant problem along the cycling Tri especially in countries like Iran when you’re just cycling through the desert uh uh once it happened to me that I got spitten by a scorpion that was in beluchistan just before I entered the border to Pakistan and again my phone was dead at that moment and I just didn’t know what to do like I was just sitting down for my morning meditation and then I noticed like a huge pain in my leg as in you didn’t realize when the Scorpion I sat down on it and then I lifted up my leg and then I thought it was a tiny scorpion it was like a big ant almost and uh yeah I just didn’t know what to do because I read stories about scorpion in my country there are no scorpion so I’m totally not familiar with that my first impulse was to get out my phone and Google what to do but my phone was dead do you get internet that no I didn’t have any network my phone was out of battery in that moment so what what did you so I didn’t know what to do so I did not do my morning meditation and I just kept cycling and I was like okay am I going to die or not like I really didn’t know for two hours I didn’t know am I going to die or not because you don’t know of animous it is I didn’t know yeah but how does it feel when a scorpion bites you it was like uh like almost like a wasp sting you know when a wasp stings you yeah like it was just a very big pain that I had but what like it burns uh it burns yeah it just feels like a big burn on your legs this this particular scorpion it was uh it was basically like wasping as I said and then like it was hurting for even the next day it was still I still saw the the bite mark there but yeah I was I was just horrified for one or two hours nothing happened in the end but if you really don’t know if you’re gonna die or not now because I had that thing in my mind I don’t know how venomous it is so but then I put up my solar charger on the back and with that I got my battery charged up again and I was Googling and it said okay most of the Scorpions beluch are not dangerous I was like okay Rel what is Crossing Borders like especially when you go into Iran Pakistan India uh for me it’s been very easy I didn’t need any Visa until Iran that was the first country I needed Visa for but even that I was just applying for it online those are all EV Visas so I just fill out the online Forum then half an hour later I have to visa and my mail and then I just go there they just stamp it on my passport but you cycle across the border yeah I do cycle across the I skipped the whole line of cars waiting there and truck drivers I’ll be the very first one in the Border usually have you been troubled anyone uh no the the border crossing from Iran to Pakistan was a little chaos actually I mean mainly in my mind it was super chaotic because I was very hungry at that time because when I was in like the last days of Iran I was actually out of money I didn’t have any money because um in Iran credit cards are sanctioned so I could not use my credit card that I used to use in every country so I could only use cash and that cash was running out I mean I had some euros that I could have exchanged but I only had like a 100 euro bill so I didn’t want to exchange it for just one day in Iran so I was like okay let me just live on whatever I have and anyway people were gifting me all the time but in the last two days in run that didn’t work and I was just super super hungry and I went to the border and people told me there’s a Super Rocket there but it was not and um yeah and then I was just arriving with this visa on arrival thing it was not a real Visa they had to issue that for me so I was waiting there and all kinds of people were surrounding me looking at the bike wanting to talk to me and I was just fed up with the entire situation I didn’t want to talk to anyone I just wanted to eat something you know what do we usually ask you always the same questions like even though I have this uh from Germany to India sign on the back of my bicycle uh they always ask me they they read that and then they’re like where are you from where are you going I don’t know why do you have to do a lot of research on non- dangerous cycling routes um I’m assuming there are some places that are crime infested or that you know have terrorists or something yeah well not really like that but when I was in Pakistan um it is see Pakistan is basically it’s illegal to cycle there is a foreigner on your own you always have to have a police escort with you and you just can’t go anywhere you want if I wanted to go into all these katcha roads you know along these rural areas Villages they would not let me cycle there and um especially when I cross the border from Iran um into Pakistan uh they said you cannot cycle here at all you’ll basically be a slow moving Target that’s what they told me for who or any kinds of uh I don’t know it’s very close to the water to Afghanistan I mean right now the war is over but they still have this thing that you are not allowed to cycle there because there are all kinds of people living there who will just you know they have this kidnapping thing going on and this so they kidnapped that’s what they say I think the last tourist kidnapping that happened in Pakistan was 2018 because now you can only cycle with police escort that’s a fixed thing they will not let anybody cycle there so since then it has reduced drastically did you feel Ed with the police escort at first I thought okay that’s pretty cool I have my own bodyguards with me all the time but then I just thought it’s so annoying but he was also cycling with you no they they were in a car behind me or in a motorbike either way you have to pay any money for this just the government provides they provide it for free but still all the bike Pickers are getting so annoyed by this did you have conversations with them if they speak English yeah but usually they don’t okay what is the Interiors of Pakistan like the interior of Pak it’s like India it’s just like India it’s a Muslim version of India basically I mean it really is like that um Pakistan the country itself is super beautiful and the the the the people there they are so kind-hearted and so hospitable and those have they were amongst the friendliest and most Hospital people that I ever met on the entire trip and it was at that time I realized that um they have this thing going on in Pakistan that they have this belief it’s it really is like a firm belief that if a guest comes to their house it’s like it is it is a present from God and they will treat you like God himself and they will give you everything you need and there’s a saying in India that goes ATI deaa which means the same thing like my guest is my God right I think it’s a subcontinental thing taking away nothing that you said about Pakistan but it is a subcontinental thing to be a good host but I’m curious about Pakistan also because no one that I know has been to Pakistan no one r has been to Pakistan because uh I believe you end up getting certain Visa issues as an Indian if might be there visit Pakistan you’re not uh able to go to America easily that’s what I’ve been told I don’t know how true that is right but I’m very curious about the Interiors of Pakistan what is specifically beautiful see one thing that surprised me about Pakistan was actually how big the Hindu Community is there really they have so many temples and so many so many people that invited me they had their own Puja rooms and their little and whatever Hindu gods they had there in the rural areas yeah this surprised me so much cuz I had no idea about this for me it was like a proper Muslim country there’s so many and they all want to go to India actually whenever I went to any Hindu Community they were always like oh you’re going to India that’s my dream country I want to come along with you stuff like that and they’re not able to leave they’re not they were basically stuck there yeah I don’t know I mean I think ever since the partic how do you say partition they have their family have been has been there and they can’t really leave I don’t know either they have no income or they have no passport or they they’re pakistanis they can’t just go to India easily right they can’t even get a tourist visa that easily so for them it’s yeah Pakistan at some places it’s like India but 5200 years back explain this more uh like the way the streets are looking like the way people are living I’ve been hosted by so many people who live this very simple life like they don’t even have a bank account they are just living in the fields being supported by their parents just grow whatever food they can get and just live like that and um another aspect about Pakistan that very much I don’t know it was not very easy for me to see was the the women situation there you know especially when you’re in a rural Village uh you will never see any wom you fact only seeing 50% of the population in there whenever you are invited by someone women they will immediately cover up and hide somewhere and then they’ll only bring tea to their husband and then you know they will provide it but you never even get to see the women and uh also whenever I talk to all these policemen who are cycling with me I’m like they like they’re asking me are you married and then I’m like no I’m not married are you married they’re like yeah I have one wife there and one wife in another place you know that was a very strange concept for me just having like multiple Vibes at once and sometimes I just I don’t know I feel like I don’t want to be a woman in Pakistan at the bigger cities it’s fine but at the rural places sometimes it was I don’t know it’s it’s a different culture for sure but I’m not not so sure if all the women there are so happy let’s talk about Iran because right now Iran has very intense branding on a world stage and I think as we speak uh it’s the beginning of Feb and there’s a conflict going on between Pakistan and Iran right now uh and generally Iran and USA have always been a loggerhead so The Branding we get of Iran in traditional media is very negative but I’m sure there’s two sides to the story so what’s Iran like when you actually travel through it see my experience of Iran whenever I meet people there they were always uh making negative remarks on their government they were always like man this dictatorship and they all dislike their government and there were a lot of uh demonstrations a lot of protests happening there recently and the government is very good at uh keeping these things controlled and not letting it uh you know being published in the media do you actually sense some sort of rebellion happening soon I mean it’s a very peaceful country people there are very they’re very nice smoking their opum you know yeah yeah happened all the time whenever I got invited to a family they all took out their shisha or bong I don’t know how you call it was it hashish or opum no it’s opium yeah they they smoke a lot of opium there yeah they do have you ever experi was mainly in Pakistan really even at the border at uh when I was standing at the Pakistan border with all these security around me there was another bike Packer coming there and he saidy do you want to smoke something with me it’s fine even even he got it from the police even the police was rolling so there’s a hashish culture there is a hashish culture in Pakistan yeah I heard it from many people they like they just cross the border and the policeman ask do you have any drugs with you like no no no no no okay then we give you I heard stories like that then we give you some Dr damn you got offered it a lot a lot yeah and not So Much by police but uh but by locals yeah yeah there’s it’s just this thing when you sit down they will offer you tea and some sweets and then they will roll something is that a cigarette it’s not a cigarette bro it’s nicer than a cigarette as I say I had too much of that stuff when I was young so these days I always rejected it h tell me more about Iran bro I still want to know more Iran was really nice uh for me that was one of the most interesting places I visited actually in terms of the just cycling through the desert that was such an experience for me I’ve never been to any Desert country like that before and just you know if you just cycle 10 days through the desert with nothing around you that was an experience man why because like I don’t know like everything is just happening in your mind you’re just you’re in the middle of nowhere and all that you see is just rocks and some cars and some flies and that’s it there is some Purity about the desert if there is just nobody around they’re no humans you don’t have any interaction you don’t really see a human face for a couple of days where did you enter Iran from which country what what from Armenia actually Armenia Armenia yeah and before Armenia is turkey Georgia Georgia turkey Georgia Armenia Iran yeah you want to talk about Georgia and Armenia I’m assuming they’re kind of similar as countries yeah I’ve been I’ve actually been at a student Exchange in Armenia when I was 16 years old so I had a bunch of friends in the capital city which is Yan and uh so for me when I was there a lot of childhood memories came up and it was Armenia was actually my favorite country on the trip why uh because of this because of these childhood memories that came up and I visited a lot of old friends that I had there you know when you’re a child like everything was so exciting and so nice and then you come back there as an adult and um yeah you go through all of this again and then all the good food and um Armenia had such a pure nature as well the mountains pristine Rivers I could just you know put my bottle on the river and just collect the water from there and drink it because the population is small small population and um yeah this they have this these Mountain Springs everywhere you know it’s beautiful it’s gorgeous country Wild Horses just roaming around everywhere Wild Horses yeah man do you cycle near them yeah are they dangerous no they chill very chill like the cows in India just a little more little more active it’s uh see if you just see a VI creature like that and you cycle next to it and you look at it and it’s just you know cycling in its own way you have this you have some connection with that and I I talk to a lot of animals when I’m when I’m on my own I do that and even to the cows in India sometimes I just talk to them dude you’re one of the most like well-traveled people have met technically on this show I want to talk to you about Germany in general like the average German person if he finds out he or she finds out your story what would they think is this a normal thing in Germany where you guys are adventurous uh I met so many German Travelers on the road especially cyclists I think these days it’s becoming more of a normal thing yeah because there’s so many stories already of people who have done all kinds of nonsense like that like traveling the world on a bicycle and uh I think also for us it’s a very normal thing that once you finish high school you go to some foreign country like Australia or New Zealand spend a year there and then you start your University even I have done that when I was 19 I just bought myself a one way took it to Australia and I just I traveled for three years after that one year in Australia half year in New Zealand three years in Southeast Asia and then came back to Germany studied for a little bit and then went to India but there’s so many people like that if you go to if you go to New Zealand Auckland or Melbourne Sydney all these uh places in down under they’re full of German kids who just finished their high school and then they’re going there and traveling what was that like traveling through Australia and New Zealand I was so young at that age and uh for me it’s been a huge relief of being out of school and of especially out of being out of my drug addicted circle of friends at that time what drugs were they doing uh heroin math you had friends who were doing heroin and meth many yeah what happened to them in life later uh many turned out to be quite fine uh like I had a girlfriend back then when I was like 16 17 18 and she was not really doing good she was very badly addicted to Aran and meth and uh so because of her and other reasons I was like okay this circle of friends is not conducive to me let me go to Australia which is the furthest away place I could get at that time and then when I came back three years later I actually visited her and she went through rehab and all these detx detox programs she was fine but I know many people who are not doing fine still like what happens in life no they just uh keep doing drugs and uh they become fat or they become just very unhealthy and uh they just live like junkies on the streets man I mean in Germany there is a social system which backs them up which you know I mean in India I think if you are landed on heroin you’ll just end up in the streets and you might die tomorrow in Germany you can you have a wide array of programs that are supported given by the government to support you uh so some made use of that and some made not so you don’t have to answer this if you don’t want to have you done anything crazy like when you were much younger man I have did so much crazy stuff I mean I’m asking you this from a perspective of perspective and curiosity and General Life Experiences because you talking about something you’ve done or something you experienced in the past is not going to encourage people no definitely I mean we we put that out for sure that’s not what we’re trying to do here I’m just trying to understand the why behind it I’m also trying to understand the what of the experience like what happens okay so if you talk about German culture in general you know German has this huge beer drinking culture and um along with that if you’re if you’re being initiated into drinking at an age of 14 which is like most people get initiated into drinking at that age by your parents or by your school classmates H you get get in contact with uh very hard drugs at an early age because alcohol is a very hard drug I mean it’s the only drug which I know where if you drink it and take it and the next day you’ll be like oh I don’t even remember what happened yesterday do you know any other drug like that just completely lose your memory it’s crazy actually if you think about it it’s the only legal and socially accepted drug right no one knows why it’s socially accepted but it just is it’s a culture it’s a cultural thing in Germany right all over the world yeah so people are doing that you know the legal drinking age in Germany is 16 so when I was 16 I just put my one or two EUR which is like 100 rupees on the table and I get like two bottles of beer and one bottle of wine done you can get smashed and that’s what we did back then in school at like 11th or 12th grade we would like every 30 minutes break from school we would just go into the park and just get smashed and then go back into class go back into class A very normal thing though does the teacher know you’re drunk they know but they’re okay with it there’s nothing much they can do see especially my school was um it was very normal for all kinds of people to stand outside of the bus stop and they’re all smoking weed and all these things the teachers knew about it but they’re okay as long as we just smoke weed because there was also a lot of harder stuff going on there in the Parks like MAF Harin all these things were very very common see when I was 16 I had more problems to get tobacco then get weed or meth or all these things really because these things are not legal right so anybody can just you know in the black market they’re just available they’ll sell them to everybody if it would have been legalized then you know there would have been some control over it and you can only give it to people like 18 years or older that’s a nice European perspective I don’t think that I’m not sure if it works like that in India but yeah okay we can leave that out again I don’t want to encourage anybody to uh see but I remember this very clearly when I was I think 19 years old I actually made a list of all these drugs that I took in my life and it was more than 25 really so I kind I tried all kinds of stuff that was available to you you’ve tried myth uh once yeah what had happened just being very awake not sleeping for yeah like like uh 20 cups of coffee at a time you can call it like that yeah do you regret it no I mean see my girlfriend back then she was basically addicted to meth yeah you can call it like that so I tried it once just to just just see what she’s up to all the time you smoke it right H you you can smoke it you can snore it you can even like push it in your veins I know a lot of people who push it which one did you do a friends of mine no no when you took it what did you do I just snorted so what do you feel like when you snot it like do you immediately get the high uh yeah yeah pretty much and it it’s just lasting for like I wasn’t really ecstatic or anything I didn’t know I only done math once so I can’t really talk much about it but uh for me is just like being very awake for one or two nights so what is the charm of it like why do people choose to do it I think because it can very easily integrate into everyday life you can go to school with it you can do everything with it and you’ll be so much more effective when you’re high on math right but then after a certain time it’ll just wear you out and it’ll completely destroy you your teeth start falling out yeah did you see that with your friends uh some of them yeah like their faces change and these pickles and pimples really yeah their skin becomes a it goes into very bad shape and things like that are happening they also age faster I think yeah they do yeah see for me this whole thing was like this all happened when I was in school and when I was 18 19 I had so many friends who were addicted to these kind of substances so I thought okay I need to leave this behind me because if I don’t go if I don’t leave this kind of place where I’m from I will also fall into that trap so that’s when I I traveled to Australia and New Zealand at that time I was I mean I was 19 I was still a kid and for me that was like yeah party I’m free from parents free from everything I can just go so at that time also I took so many drugs MDMA I don’t know mushrooms and whatever I could get in my hands I was just taking it and I was always on you know traveling on the beaches with some girls having a cocktail in my hand always like living that kind of life but even like I I was doing this kind of life so I one one and a half years and then I was traveling in Indonesia and uh I remember this very well this was also a time when I got I had some stomach infection when I was in Asia for the first time of my life and then my health really started to decline and I I noticed okay I have to you know get rid of all these drugs that I’m taking but then I went back to Germany to get some treatment for these stomach parasites that I had and U I was still hanging out with my friends at that time and so I was just visiting them I was getting out of the bus and they were just put a pill in my mouth and like okay let’s go buy so I had no choice about it you know that’s the kind of friends I had back then and this was MD yeah mdy MDMA which is a party drug yeah which you use to like I mean you see a lot of MDMA honestly in Mumbai as well yeah uh and I think people usually take it before concerts because yeah that’s what I did back then yeah festivals what happens when you take it for me it was always like a had this huge upsurge of laugh within me I was just falling in love with everybody I was just going around festivals hugging everybody kissing everybody man I love you so much because you actually feel it because of the rise of oxytocin yeah this whole serotonine levels in your brain they will just start decreasing like so much they say that uh if you have like a proper MDMA trip the the the level of serotonine in your brain will go up like two 3,000 times of the normal concentration it’s so sick what’s going on in the brain but then the next day you’ll be just completely depleted of all these luck hormones so and that that’s it and then the next day you’ll just feel miserable you get a downo yeah that’s why I sto taking it what does the downo feel like it just feels like you don’t have any happiness within you anymore like you’re just I don’t know man you’re just nothing is fun you just want the next pill to have fun again let’s switch up the conversation entirely you’ve done the sadguru inner engineering program did you feel feel a rush from something in the program which was similar to like a drug Rush absolutely and that was the thing that so intrigued me about this yoga because I mean up to that point I was actively smoking weed with all my friends even after the program still I continued but it largely receded but let me come to that later the first time when I’m when I’m I mean I didn’t physically meet s Guru but he was like I was there sitting in in engineering program I was listening to his talks and then in the end I was initiated to this Kaa yoga to this very powerful practice during the initiation I had this intense upsurge of energy Within Myself and my whole experience of Life shifted because suddenly I knew I have a technology Within Myself to create all of these things that I was getting from drugs right now within me just just by meditation which was something I was I never even thought about that and that is something that so amazed me that before that I always had to go on outside Adventures I had to travel here and there and take all these drugs or girls parties I had to do so many things to become happy but suddenly I just had a technology to become happy within myself there was such a turning point in my life um because now I could just sit here and experience this whole life throbbing Within Myself just by doing this 20-minute meditation and so from that moment onward slowly my life got so formed and I know I can show you thousands of people who have come out of drugs just like that just with this 20-minute meditation that s Guru is offering in the inner engineering program what what do you see in those 20 minutes don’t think of it like I’m having any Optics or hallucinations or any stuff like that it’s not going to happen I don’t know maybe for somebody it’s going to happen different people have different kinds of experiences after that I was walking around in the hall some people cried their hearts out some people were laughing absolutely ecstatic some people just sat there for me it was just like I was just inhaling life and exhaling it and this that’s the closest thing that I can in terms of words that I can use to describe it let’s see um I keep saying that I mean you I’m sure you you have experienced your fair share of spirituality and you always already had some spiritual people here on this podcast you’ve talking to sguru so not everything can really be put into words and uh mind is not really the best tool to describe what’s going on there I see I say if you really want to experience what chamba mamuta is what is being offered in the inner engineering program you just go there and do it I can’t really explain to you what it is but if you if you look at what’s being offered there and how it transformed to people it’s it’s phenomenal actually how did you first hear about it as a German living in Southeast Asia yeah no that was um I was just listening to uh one podcast like this of s Guru he was talking to some Quantum physicist scientists and he was they were talking about the creation of the universe and and you know all this amazing physics that I have no idea about and it just amazed me because sguru was talking so clearly without having any educational background any University background so I was just amazed by this like how how does he know all these things so that in the end the scientist was only asking questions to SED Guru and sguru answering these things it was just like okay so there’s this Mystic this spiritual Indian Yogi sitting here and but he’s speaking so logically and it just made sense to me before that I never had anything to do like as I already said right like just partying traveling I never had anything to do with yoga spirituality I didn’t know a thing about it but it just amazed me how clearly he was talking it made sense to me and um I think that was at a time where I was genuinely interested in understanding things about the universe and about myself because that was also a time I I got into touch with an intellectual context in University and I was getting out of all this drug lifestyle and um yeah I just wanted to know more things how did the drug lifestyle phase change you when you put yourself through that many substances something has to change in the head see worst experience not in terms of health but just this um how you feel within yourself uh like man I hope my parents are not watching this podcast but uh see I I respect you talking about this and I think it’s going to help people I’m asking you all the questions from that perspective as well see on on the last day of school like it’s uh I’m not sure how it’s in India but in Germany it was always like a very big celebration like you you have your last school day and everybody’s partying and so that day I was on I think six or seven different substances at once so like there some very strong Ops and some very strong uppers and downers and everything mixed everything combined and then um we went out we went drinking somewhere playing some drinking games and I just completely I I just completely can’t remember anything that happened the next that that night the next morning I woke up in an entirely different city and I had no idea how I even got there damn and um that that thing was just that I got up in the morning and immediately I checked my pocket and I saw okay do I have more of this stuff and I did not have and in that moment I felt so miserable because I did not have but I felt even more miserable because I knew that if I would have had more of this powder the first thing would have been to snort it before I do anything else before I even get up out of bed or anything so then I noticed man like what am I doing like why am I so dependent on this like when I was a kid I was just happy climbing trees no doing nothing we were just happy now I depending on all these things so that just this um I just this feeling of you know being so dependent on something that itself was a very bad experience for me in terms of health I was was always fine and yeah you took care of yourself even then healthwise I’m not even like the I mean I’ve tried all of these things but for me it was always more like experience hunting it was up until that point that I just told you I never felt like I’m really addicted to anything and even after the experience I I already I tried to stop all these things I just smoked some weed and stuff like that but all these harder drugs I stopped him completely so I’m not like a I was never like a complete junkie or anything I was never really like in that kind of mode but I know many people who are uh but I for me it was always more like I just wanted to experience I want to go experience hunting that’s what these drugs meant to me that’s why I was also always more inclined towards these psychedelic drugs like magic mushrooms LSD I think these um psychedelic substances they’ve also started a huge uh spiritual quest in my life I mean even though sguru is always saying that um these things are not really needed to get anywhere spiritually I think that uh at least 25% of the people who are living there in the asham or people who got initiated on a spiritual path they would not be there without having that experience of losing yourself into psychedelic substances before because they can open a certain door for you but then if you get hooked on it and if you think that is the thing it’ll not get you anywhere because it’s like like these kind of drugs are like you look through a window and you see okay there is something more to life you know how some songs and some music is healing towards your heart like mantras for example if you really listen to them they’re healing but they’ll only heal you as deep as you open yourself up to them it’s the same with nature but the thing is in the modern day most of our minds are not capable of opening up to Nature completely always thinking of something else if you truly enter a meditative state with nature a lot can happen I think these substances allow you to focus single-handedly upon nature in many ways M fair to say agreed and you come out a different person after that yeah agreed is anything you want to talk about in terms of experiences have you gone for a shamanic ceremony no never uh see when I was uh young and in this drug lifestyle it was more like um experience hunting um I kind of ticked up like ticked off all of these drugs one by one okay like this drug is giving me this this drug is giving me that and this and this and that and then after that I was I was kind of done with it and um I could have gone for some shamanic things like that later but at at that time I was already at a part of my life where I thought it’s not needed anymore um I already had this yoga going on within me so I I don’t right now I completely lost this uh in um even smoking weed or anything like that because I’ve had certain experiences especially in the more advanced meditation programs that SRU is offering like the Bava spand and the shuna program I’ve had spiritual experiences there which compare to smoking weed or taking mushrooms it’s like these things are like kindergarten actually actually um even said Guru keeps saying as a promotion for his Bas spandana that uh you might have you know experienced LSD or DMT or magic mushrooms you might have done all these things but never in your life you could have imagined that something like this can actually happen within a human being and that’s that held very true for me when I went for the Baba Spano program my experience of life in that Isa yoga program it was just completely out of the world so ever since then I’m not really interested in all these things anymore did you experience DMT back in the day H that is one thing that I never took no okay simply because it wasn’t available to me I would have done it back in the days if I could have but LSD yeah yeah yeah what do you remember what your LSD trip uh I had many trips something shifts in you uh just the way I opened up like completely lost myself it’s like the first time somebody asked me okay how was the trip like after the first time I took it I told him for me it was like I was on a boat on the ocean and then the boat was gone and then the ocean was gone and then myself was just gone and I experienced this profound sense of selflessness just merging with existence see that’s what yoga is essentially trying to do with you yoga means Union right so actually if you are a yogi I would say you’re on a constant LSD trip yeah that’s true it begins by you feeling calm but that’s only like level one there’s probably a 100 Levels up above that It Ends by feeling merged at least for me it’s uh yeah that that was basically my experience of the Bas SP program feeling merged with everything around me with the people around me just looking at the moon I became the moon looking at a flower I became the flower this all sounds idiotic when I talk about it but so for somebody who doesn’t like for my Germans friends are seeing this they will have no idea about all this spirituality nonsense yeah that’s what I say like mind cannot really you’ll just make a fool of of yourself if you’re trying to explain these things logically but these things can very much be experienced I think in 2024 there are listeners for these conversations people want to hear these things not just with I mean we covered the whole drug side of it just as an experiential conversation but the actual core of what we’re trying to say is Yoga yeah it’s about yoga yeah um I got to ask you about your friends back in Europe generally speaking or I’d probably reframe that as just European people the West generally MH and their spiritual incline what’s happening there because what we’re told here is that a lot of the West is waking up to Eastern spiritual thought yeah sure uh I want to talk about people our age especially we’re almost the same age so is it just with people are age or are there a lot of older people also waking up to it because so one of the reasons I’m asking you this question the first place is cuz the narrative we get here is that people are becoming unreligious in Europe people’s interest in religion is they already are it’s already unreligious see I grew up without even having a concept of God in my family um in my hometown there are probably three or four people even going to church and there are like 80 plus kind of people um I think that is especially the case in East Germany because we’ve been a communist country the last 50 years uh but even like I don’t know Germany and all over Europe they’re losing their church members so quickly so in most of the places like especially mind circle of friends there’s not a single person who’s religious bro but don’t you think that religion acts as the anchor to kind of stabilize your life and your mind in so many ways because that’s the reason a lot of young people in India are waking up to religion because it’s like an anchor in life but I mean if you disagree with me I’m okay with it I just want to know the talk see I think when we talk about religion I mean I would say relig for me it basically means it’s a fixed set of belief systems like you believe there is Jesus or you believe there is I don’t know Krishna or a Flying Spaghetti Monster whatever you believe it doesn’t not need to have anything to do with your experience you just believe something so that’s why I never got the taste of it it always felt unlogical to me and to all my friends around me so that’s why I never saw anybody my S reference was going for it like I suddenly have a Indian Guru you know I become spiritual now I’m sitting before that I used to smoke weed with them now I’m sitting there doing my meditation and they’ll just laugh at me but I’m fine because I know it works within myself so I don’t care what people are saying about me I just know it works so I think that’s what people need to experience if it will work for them it will make logical sense for them and then they will have an experience out of that that’s when they will go for it if you just make them believe something uh I think in this generation they’re too logical especially Europeans and and Germans they’re too intellect ual and you you can’t just sell them anything so that’s why this whole Christianity is on such a decline in in especially in my where I’m from in Germany um but people are not that anchored as you say they people will always look for something higher in their life that’s how human beings are made do you see a rise of mental health issues back in the west because I would attribute that to a lack of spiritual thought amongst a lot of other things oh definitely definely there’s a lack of spirituality there there’s a lack of spirituality and basically there’s a lack of proper understanding of ones s because all we get pushed through in the school system is just intellectual work we learn how to do maths how to you know we learn all these outside technology things but we don’t learn a thing about ourselves and I see that this is something that you have very much in place in in India I mean everybody here knows at least a little bit of yoga No a little bit of meditation somehow the culture is like that you somehow you grow up with that in Germany it’s just nothing like that maybe they’ll teach you a little bit of Jesus or even that didn’t reach me at all so they will naturally if they want to explore the first thing that they have available is drugs so they’re all going for that and uh it’s the drug usage happens because they’re actually looking for answers they’re looking for experiences they’re looking for answers but they they will not find them in whatever religion they have if they even have a religion many have not and they will not find them in the drugs also and then they are just grinded by this whole you know work system and especially these Western countries everything is so punctual everything is so structured and you have to be on time which is it can be good in a certain way the service the customer service customer care all these things that this the you know support and service and and public security and health Services these are all very very good everything is so well organized in the west but people are immensely suffering that because they are being pushed through the system without knowing how to handle themselves if you upscale your activity without upscaling your own capability and your own inner experience then you’ll just suffer and that’s what’s hugely happening in the west right Mr sski this was a great episode well thank you I wish you all the brother uh I think you did a lot by just speaking this openly lots of people who gained a lot from your honest conversation a lot of people come here and don’t open up the way you did but it was done with good intention man so a lot of respect and love for you thanks for the I just hope it’ll have some impact and some people will check out safe yeah check out a little bit you handed this to me which is for the safe soil movement something we all need to know more about it’s great work that the foundation and sguru are doing and I’m just really happy I met you bro very interesting guy thank you thank you thank thank you for sharing your story thank my pleasure my pleasure that was the episode for today honestly I’m always looking for foreign Nationals to speak to on TRS because you always get fresher newer perspectives when you speak to someone from a different country I genuinely enjoy these Explorer based conversations because I feel like even to become an Explorer your life pre- exploration has to be very very interesting and tough in some ways that’s why you’re chasing exploration in the first place I enjoy the heck out of this episode I’d love to know what you guys thought tell me in the comment section I hope this episode has reached people outside of India and outside of Indian culture as well it was a pleasure meeting Constantine B and I hope to speak to him again very very soon on TRS [Music] a [Music]


    1. Hey thank for having me man. 🙂
      I'm a huge fan of India and glad to discover more about Hinduism, spirituality and the people on your podcasts here.
      Keep up the good work. ❤️

    2. Thanks ranveer for bringing isha yoga foreign guy who also done drugs and can show indian youth whatever they r being introduced in parties these days end game.of.that is or should be yoga. And it's core indian offering to the world from their own country. Free n greater high one can get. That way they would also respect their own country and its legacy. When foreigners tell story Indians listen more ( these so called modern Indians like to be told by outsiders what their culture is n its value)

    3. What a fun breeze of fresh air this was. Really enjoyed this conversation after so many intense, but important ones.

      Keep up the good work my G

    4. He was talking about probably most important topic of soil and all the questions are around drugs and other topics .. that tells about our priorities I guess .

    5. 40:48 Inner engineering program offered online in 7 steps which includes the initiation in powerful Shambhavi Mahamudra Kriya….a beautiful and life changing process it was for me.

    6. Being religious is not same as being spiritual. most religious people in india are not spiritual thay have a. transactional relationship with god or they just use it govern their ethics.

    7. Next Call Passenger Paramvir Please who all want him on the podcast please like. Bhai banda bohot sahi hai I would recommend you guys go watch his videos really good. Also Yatri Doctor after that.🩵😃

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