1. My God, what's wrong with you guys over there on the island? I I I….. Is it that hard to let someone in front of or into a gap? Do you all have to go to a birth?

    2. 00:40 that's an indictment on driver training AFAIC. Most young people get their license having done the bare minimum which includes no experience of how cars behave in different road conditions. I know I nearly came undone the first time I found myself in a squall after I got my license almost 20 years ago

    3. Typical 300 series cruiser owner with the caravan that thinks everyone should stop and let them cross because he drives a pooza

    4. 8.23 "I'm merging" The dotted line actually means YOU have to give way to old mate with the trailer. If he was courteous, he may have let you in, but legally, he doesn't have to.

    5. At 21:00, there was four 'things' on the left side of the 'roo bar (as viewed from inside the vehicle) I've seen them before on Aussie 4×4's, but what the chuff are they? 😲

      Rocket launchers? Or for fishing rods? For getting in touch with the Mother Ship? 😲

      I haz no idea! 😲

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