The ride – although ended up being VERY very short:

    Thank you also to Garmin – one of my sponsors – for helping me out with the InReach mini2.
    I’ve had this for about a year now and such a great device!

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    good morning such a good sleep in here last night it was best sleep it so s for like 10 hours um but I always sleep with this hat I mean I’m going to show you some of the things I always bring to to do bite back in but this hat it’s cuz I just do this and it’s like sleep mask um so yeah going to get up soon I’ll show you the little view out my I’m 10 so we’re going to get up soon make some breakfast and then I go I’m riding love love sleeping in a tent right let’s get up Juliet’s been in and I’m like you know what I’m going to go in this is a look I’ve got my cycling shoes on a towel [Music] it was so cold but almost like cold where it takes your breath and you’re like I can’t even breathe but it’s was a nice little start to the day sleeping outside and then getting in the water is like oh I don’t know what it it’s just so so so so good I it’s just like a natural thing to do this is this is right we’re going to pack up we’re going to head on and get to the ferry but I want you to see this cuz this is a stuff you don’t always get to see like just the the explosion of just stuff that you need to bring on a bik packing trip and so to make it a little bit easier if you are wanting to go on a bik packing trip me and Julia are going to pick off three favorite things to bring that we have to bring on every single bik packing trip are you ready to you want me to on you want to wait put the sunglasses on yeah put the sunglasses on you don’t look like a toad I do you don’t look like a bloody toad right no you don’t right not all the horrible mess mine is say they just carage everywhere my three picks would be I mask which I’m leaving in the tent so when I put it up tonight it’s in there yeah hip flask which so disappointing me I forgot but I’m going to buy one on is ISA however you pronounce it what was my third oh yeah definitely food but more food than you think you’re going to need I’ve learned this cuz whenever I go backpacking with my friend Laura she always brings extra food for me cuz they never bring enough so now I’ve learned my lesson actually this which one’s yours this is this is one of mine this is therest new X light right so my three first one is the camping mat like that I used to have it was a really thin lightweight tiny little thing but it was just terrible I did it cuz it was lightweight and I was like no no no no you need to get this one neare xer and my thing was the other one was so cold and I didn’t realize that the mat is probably the most important thing to keep you warm because the better sleep that you get the more you enjoy the next day’s ride so the second one is also to do with sleep and that is this hat and earplugs So this hat I bought it was from Tesco mid it was a mid bite packing trip cuz I’d left my hat at home and then it got really cold I was like I’ll just buy this one but why this is so good you just do that and you’ve got eye mask and hat in one it’s a Garmin in reach mini and it is basically a two-way messaging device it is so good and I take this on all my bike packing trips or trips where I’m going to be away where I’m potentially going to be out of signal I’ve got a little bit of 3G not really much signal it’s in and out obviously we’re in Scotland on different Islands so you can send messages to your family friends at home to let them know the safe which is amazing you don’t need signal it runs on its iridium connected so it’s basically the satellite so if this thing can see the sky it is going to be able to send a message you don’t need 3G you don’t need data you know that’s like a massive massive thing so they know they know that you’re safe and you can get messages obviously two way they can send them back and you can also create presets messages if that makes sense so you don’t have to like actually type on this you can just like preset them and you can just say like I’m having having a great time or I’m at my location like I’m at my stop which is really really good you can also link that to your um garment Edge to be able to do it from your bike and actually the main thing that this I personally use this for is that the SOS button that SOS means wherever you are in the world at any time if you press and hold that I think it’s like a 15sec countdown it will then contact your local emergency service it goes to like a garment I can’t remember what it’s called it’s like a garment Center then that contacts the local emergency services where you are and it has your location and for doing things that are remote that you’re on your bike there’s potential for you know something something bad to happen is amazing so basically how it works is you buy the actual unit and you buy a subscription for it so small and the battery on this last weeks actually weeks I’ve turned it off to save the battery but turn it on in fact I’ll send fill a message let them know where we are what we’re up to I thought of a different thing to add to my list of Essentials actually tap because look being um puncture of hair patches on it has not really worked yeah I’ll leave a link to the inre that is the inre Mini 2 10 out of 10 piece of equipment it’s just so so good to have on these trips you know that lady last night who gave us the cans of coke we thought we’d drink them Juliet hasn’t drank neither neither of us have drank them and there was some like naked guys there you think you think they want the coke try it were they still naked they so we’ve got about 15K actually it’s probably less now getting the ferry over to it’s not actually the mainland is it and then we’re hopping to is look at the view gorgeous right I’ve had a couple of little issues I really want to pump my tires up my before we set off I couldn’t get him very high and then the other issue Juliet has uh fill the SD card always it’s the pro I brought one with me and so we’ been like this morning just trying to find stopping at house like has anyone got a track pump has anyone got a spare SD card good is this a little stand or track pump oh another fairy I just love me a fairy hello Juliet’s not on the ferry they’ve gone I’m on it um what what you I don’t know when the next one is what Juliet is Mr Ferry she thought it was at 150 not 115 so I don’t know I got on in I thought she would already be on but she was not on the fair hi see you later and that is the beauty of these kind of trips doesn’t matter we’re not in a race we don’t need to be anywhere we don’t to do anything we’re just here to ride bikes have fun just enjoy the the fairies the Sea and the countryside we had a we had a bit of a faf to be honest my tires were so flat and I was thinking this is feels really hard like why is it so slow and I I didn’t account for the extra weight and so my tires were a bit low and then I think when I stopped and found actually found a pump at that place they were 20 psi and I’m like oh this is why this is why I thought I was just tired um so yeah I pump them up as I was pumping them up um one of the plugs that I’ve put in just like just spewing all this air out and I was like oh my gosh then I had one other plug put that other plug in still didn’t fix it so I was like oh my God I need another one Juliet came she had a plug put another plug in it it’s okay now so well fingers crossed it’s okay uh and then I’d pumped my rear tire up too much and it’s kind of rubbing on my frame so I was like having to put that down I was just like this is just becoming it’s just a lot of f but you know what doesn’t matter we’re on a ferry we’re in Scotland the weather is nice and it’s just like comedy of errors and then the road we off the fairy well I say we I’m off the ferry Juliet’s got to wait for the next one so I’m going to go have a little ride apparently I’ve just met a guy on the ferry he said there’s a really pretty beach with a little shop H decisions do I go direct to the next fre Port so we don’t miss that or do I go there I think I’m going to go just right over there gently we don’t want something else to go wrong he say there a 10minute b ride I can’t not if he said there’s a really nice Beach I think oh my God you got me I hate tubus oh for I don’t even know what to do hope it filled that is my last plug I’ve used three plugs on that one now and I’m like I can’t do anymore look at the state of that can’t risk it I just want to get over I just want to get the very what is going on do you know when you just like this I’m like oh where’s my road bike just give me my road bike and a tube cuz I love tubless when it works when shus does not work it is a pain in the backside I’m going thank you no more CH isues look how pretty this is tires seems okay thankfully this is just going from bad to worst I got it I sorted the front one out used my last plug in it my big mountain bik plug it’s fine get here get my ticket obviously still waiting for Juliet to get here I can hear air coming out I was like no where’s that coming from it’s the bloody back one and I’ve not got any plugs left and the only thing I can think to do I’ve got glue and patches and I’ve just bloody glued a patch on it I mean I don’t even know what that’s going to do to be fair these tires are pretty old and worn and I should have had more plugs but I was like oh it’s fine getting this one together are you priority so this was meant to be going to Port as but it’s going to Port Ellen which is actually better for us it’s near where we wanted to go and camp tonight it’s actually a good thing but it’s 2 and 1 half hours this is a very long fairy so going to sit out enjoy the sunshine get some tea I really hope we have beans on [Music] toast this is a very cute little place I do think that everywhere looks so much nicer in the sunshine and it feels so much no any we’re going to go ahead uh we’re going to go and find Co-op get us some resupply cuz I literally got nothing left hello I’m have my tent there and that is going to be my view in the morning and tonight oh this is so good so nice right this not the best spot you ever seen my bike on my junk my tent I’m cooking my tea look at this beauty in here oh I’m going to be so snug in there tonight that is my view from my tent the best view this is the best Camp spot ever ever ever I can’t wait just to S have a cup of tea in the morning just just get cozy also the fairies are so cheap how much was that Ferry like s quid 7even quid for a two and oh God that zoomed in sorry um it was £7 for like 2 and 2 hour 20 fairy so this is cheap cheap cheap cheap and our accommodation is free for the night wanted to do a really nice like good night from this beautiful place but the are out so we’re just both setting our tents like get them out keep them out hopefully all the Mechanicals issues out the way and we just going to have two more days of just like the best part she just riding enjoying and no stress right so it’s not even that long after I last finished but um so I’m just chatting to Juliet and Hur with keeping out the way the Moz is and hear this like fabric tear and then look over and Julia is somehow like she’s RI she’s ripped all in the tent and the lever handlebars is poking through the T sec I’m I’m risking the mozzies for this h on do you know what’s the best thing about this Katie been a bloody rain tomorrow as well isn’t it night


    1. For this trip you need to do a things I forgot to pack video. 😉 Being out in nature looks beautiful & peaceful (the birds singing to wake you up seems unreal). I envy you two.

    2. My first home was Islay, right at Laphroaig, love it. As for the cycle, shame with the removal of the Campbeltown ferry this year, you didn't get the chance to cycle up the Mull to Kennacraig. Love our ferries….. just truly awesome.

    3. An interesting dynamic – when Katie is happy we are so happy. And a bonus – Katie and Juliet in one video. I'll be watching Juliet's video version of the two dynamos.

    4. I only use tubes, but here's the tip if the tubeless hole is too big to seal up.
      Carry some of those tubeless car tyre plug strips that you push in with that big car tyre tool. But don't buy or use that tool. Just buy the plugs, from an aftermarket auto shop.

      They only cost pennies, & work a treat. Also carry a small section of blade from one of those disposable box cutters that you break off the blunt tip in order to renew the cutting point. Use it to slit lengthwise & also cut to double length plus, the plug strip meant for insertion according to the size of the hole. Its sticky, so do the cutting with the plastic on, & carry the bit of blade in a small fold of stiff cardboard.

      To push the plug into the hole, double it over insert a tiny small flat bladed screw driver blunted for the purpose, the sewing machine variety is good, insert it into the plug fold, pinch the two sides to the screwdriver shank with thumb & forefinger, then push in. Easy. Your sized accordingly plug should be slightly larger than the hole, but no need to be too pedantic, & what is left outside of the tyre should be at least 1/4 of an inch, either cut off the excess, or let it wear off.

      To be perfectly frank, I'd ditch the liquid sealant altogether & just use this method of repair on tubeless…….Aust.

    5. Kookaburra STILL laughin, despite "life" doing it's utmost to dish out the "Pop ! Hissss 🙂
      Awesome Positivity from you Katie & Missy.
      That Garmin mini certainly handy to have.
      Could've been worse !
      When you went for that early morning dip Katie, off to the left ( 1.03 ) Bull shark splashing about ! 🦈
      Stay amazing ❤
      🚴‍♀️ ⛴

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