What to do on my day off? I know, lets see how the Creo gets on in a head to head with England’s steepest street – Vale Street in Bristol.


    yo YouTube what up easy roers out again first time this year shorts are on it’s Friday today got a day off work I’m my way for the weekend with my good lady so no cycling the weekend so I thought i’ grab a quick spin today Rusty’s at my house just finishing a few jobs on the bathroom so he wen’t very happy me going out on the bike and he’s working but unlucky ker it’s out of cookie crumbles not sure where I’m going to go today not too far just R Bristol somewhere Rusty reckons I should go out to the airport so we’ll have a look yeah check in in a minute on the special OST to day here we come up to the staple Hill Tunnel on the B2B it’s always bloody freezing in [Music] there col of pigeons few Road closers in Bristol today so ended up in barill hav been here for dony years I haven’t got a clue where I’m going now I think this is a bit of Forgotten Bristol down here look like there’s a bike path bloody Scooby-Do there the rest of dog own dog and cats own Animal Clinic so this is Veil Street in Bristol which is the seist hill in Bristol hell look at that the bed so I’m going to go down there have go again enough hit more the right gear slipping and falling over all let’s do it now this still steep enough there it is on the right by that green house I’ll get up run up Jesus Christ look at it let’s go out a saddle I went too bad it’s proper sleep don’t know if that came out on my video or not how steep that was but you can see that van part that is well [Music] sketchy don’t that shows the angle [Music] [Music] not sure if you can make it out but it’s proper [Music] steep there plenty H there this is tosser down in Bristol Hills everywhere got through some brake paths in this place for your car tight in on the raiv quite [Music] High here we are Sunny prizzle just took a picture from me Instagram backing singers the worles I am a cider drinker beautiful day so the specializ is coming up to th miles so going into specialized shop on uh next week for a service with Jack at AI shout out to Jack Rusty’s in there tomorrow taking his uh cre2 for its initial tighten up uh sort of quick look service you get 6 weeks or so after you get it whatever the time frame is apart from that loose cassette that we sorted out I haven’t had any issues with this uh Creo to be fair nice having a bit of sunshine on the legs and they need it look like two bloody milk bottles tiniest bit of uh chill in the air but when you get in the sun you can feel it on your skins that is beautiful that’s right just turned off the main road have climb now up towards prist airport this looks lovely doesn’t it cutting a lot of trees down on the side of the [Music] road exposing the cliff there don’t knowwhere this climbs a mile and a half by a look at it on the [Music] W mainly green cut the yellows and the red it’s not too bad roads terrible here hotles especially on the inside of these [Music] bends got some more shags to do new subes dig B I think not about like that welcome Blues time sing in the Blues and spot mtbr Ming biker appreciate the support hope you’re enjoying the channel shout out to you guys welcome to the family let a batch of stickers come in everybody anybody that wants one is going to stick it up in a cool place and send us a post let me know I’ll get out to you easy Riders sticker it’s going up this hill up this back Lane comes out with the bottom of the runway at brist airport see if there’s anything going taking off or whatever here we [Music] are B with the runway so yeah having a little break here at the airport before I start heading back once again thanks to all the subscribers if you like these videos please like And subscribe uh I think there’s only about 30% 25% of people that watch our videos actually subscribe um so yeah go on give us a bit of support we’re very happy for 350 subscribers plus obviously we’re looking to get to that uh get to that 500 that’ll be more soon hey [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] zoom [Music] zoom go the [Music] [Music] game on the plane coming into the land oh he looks a bit wonky probably can’t pick that up on the GoPro ran [Applause] a sleazy jet taking off and the royan air coming down a taxiing down the [Applause] apron cool just got a wave I think there was an Easy Rider sub on there doesn’t matter how old you are it’s always good to go to the airport and see the planes land in like a big kid to the 838 I don’t like doing well busy Jesus woo justy probably won’t be able to Fig it up but just R this B there’s a cracker view across Bristol bit Misty today but two reservoirs a bar tanks and in the distance oh the dust is back and the cars overtake you and they go into the central B flicking up all the dust and gravel look at it cheers that M thanks 36.8 M hour smashing up the 848 s in the middle of that R by over there let’s go oh nice mate y something through uh bristle this red brake building in front of you is camera balloons where they make all the hair hot air balloons massive sewing machine in [Music] there sure who he is you [Music] [Music] [Music] got do a time lapse now from the start of the B2B in Bristol to home [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] n [Music] here we are back at HQ all done and dusted Wicked ride on me day off just under I think it was 39 miles um beautiful day cracking day yeah uh into Bristol down the famous Veil street so we’ll see what that looks like on the GoPro how it looks steep then buzzed on over to Bristol airport and back yeah nice good little ride if you enjoyed it give it a thumbs up uh I think Rusty’s going to post a video tomorrow of his bike service or in the next few days as I said I’m away for the weekend so I sh be out and about but if you’re out on the bikes don’t forget stay safe and remember ebike Ms are better than no Ms catch up with you soon cheers


    1. Oooooh, I love the smell of the Jet A1 aircraft fuel! It's always nice to stop by the airport and watch the planes for a bit. You had a lovely day for a pedal 👌

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