Aug.19, 2019

    this guy from Lithuania yeah he always took videos small Clips everywhere he was oh really and sent it to Facebook he has a Facebook account I think he had a documentation from his trips W what’s his name I don’t remember I finished my uh stay here in hav thanks for hosting it was nice to meet you after yes all these days we say we SLA goodbye yeah what’s your next trip going to be Berlin Berlin which month I think January January okay so you have some time to I first planned December but December is a month where all the things concentrate and Christmas very much stress yes and buying yeah presents and so on after the holidays you’ll go so no December that’s good hey so how do you like living in Heavies it’s nice weather mhm Easy Living not expensive yeah lot of green yeah all around and in winter time and Autumn I like to go to the Spas okay there are a lot of spas around here e going and it’s healthy it’s healthy it’s and it’s nice yeah and you can find organic make food here too yes that’s good all I need and I have the garden from my land lady so most days it’s nice here ni yes like this one yeah today’s a good example good morning Hungary I’m here in cast today I’m biking through this little park and everyone’s going to this place called to it means Lake bath it’s a really nice area for the summer especially and going to continue my ride around the lake baton takes a while to get around this going to be my third day got some nice Flags here for the national day tomorrow is going to be the Independence Day of Hungary August 20th so August 20th is an important day so to go to this Lake you just pay about 3,000 for so about $10 to $15 and you can go there for 3 or 4 hours it’s a really famous area it’s a thermal baths cuz this area is actually volcanic area there’s hot water which is 75° C about maybe 10 m underneath the ground and then at the surface is about 35° Centigrade 35 is about 90° it’s not so bad so I’m just going through this park this is the exit everyone loves this area it’s a famous area and people say the water is really healthy they they come here just for the spa so this is also the entrance over here I saw this area yesterday people love swimming here here’s one swimmer they say it’s super healthy to swim in these Waters here’s some other swimmers next time I come here I’ll probably visit this Spa apparently the water is really warm you can come here in the winter summer anytime it’s always warm here’s the bike path to go to k this is the path to get to K really good bike paths around here it’s welld developed many bicycles use it I’ve seen hundreds probably over a thousand bicycles since I started this journey it’s very safe too especially these types of roads and it’s very naturistic so you can enjoy it as you’re bike along and fresh air and everything now I’m passing through K the main street here for pedestrians and bicycles it’s really nice it’s in the morning so everyone’s waking up and getting ready for the day and today is Monday it’s a holiday this the Cent area got a lot of cafes here and churches people cleaning up it’s a good place to visit in the summertime especially at the end of summer like right now at the middle of June August we got a ice cream shop here next we got the area for the church here’s the main square with the big church in the background so if you want to come here it’s uh easy to come here it’s on the western side of baton lake so it’s a nice Town tourist town and it’s super clean here lots of flowers and they keep it well maintained for the tourists they got solar powered lights for evening and nighttime walking and biking too this is a really nice park in V VAR Vash head it’s difficult to say this is the park here they got everything nice and new there’s nice flowers grass the sidewalk is brand new so it’s pretty nice all right [Music] these are the accommodations you can get at this apartment this is is the door stop mhm wow here we have the balcony it’s nice view from here you can see like batone and the distance the other bedroom the living room the bookshelf the kitchen area and that’s it this is the other balcony with the flowers and here we have the apartment this place has grapes in front in the front yard both red and green grapes this is the apartment where they stayed at last night they parked their bicycles outside there’s a swing side in the back along with some apple trees in the back so plenty of fruit trees around here here we have a peir tree so we’re about to leave now we’re all packing up starting our next trip day three so day three over here we’re going to hopefully make it to tan which is that little peninsula where we can take that fairy this guy decided to get his little uh gyrocopter wherever he’s at I can’t even see him oh there he is he’s enjoying his gyrocopter so what do you do here in Hungary so are you a a bicycle mechanic no not really I’m I’m a bike mechanic but I can do bicycles as well oh you do motorcycles that’s your special I used to I used to what about car mechanic that I can do as well so you’re a handyman uh yeah I I come handy sometimes so you lived in the US before yeah about many years ago in the ’90s yeah 90s exactly oh that’s good so and your name my name is Steve nice to meet you so much so what’s yours I’m Jason Jason so how long have you lived here inash for several years oh yeah you like it here uh in the summer yeah okay but in the winter it’s bad you know nothing to do yeah so boring yeah cold and boring you should take vacations then yeah that’s that is my plan for this year okay good where will you go to some Island where it’s nice and warm good plan all right nice to meet you yeah nice to meet you too a good take care Jason take care this is a nice area so this is actually considered the West part of Lake baton they say it’s h really nice on this side more so than the east side because this area has Vineyards in some districts and also it’s a little more hilly so I’m curious to find out what we discover on this side it’s on the Northwestern side of the lake it’s probably more popular too I got about 50 to 60 km left to go and then I’ll reach my destination here’s a nice Lake Area Park with a lot of tourists enjoying the last two weeks of Summer it’s very popular here at this restaurant they got limo heck Longo buffet and pizza and fish and SCH with Fish And SCH I have no idea oh they got interesting stuff here this place even has a water park which is functional and working well that looks fun and volleyball that’s popular around here oops I guess he needs some Tire pumped into his air or some air pumped into his tire I got 51 kilm left to [Music] [Applause] T alongside the road I found the plum tree it’s the small small yellow type of [Music] Plum here we have a watermelon stand 47 km left to go over here we have Africa museum which is a zoo I [Applause] guess here’s that little airport that they were talking about I saw signs for it they got this little airplane which is just a experimental aircraft with uh maybe two seats and the grass Runway is behind it it looks like Delta got into camping there’s a place called Delta camping [Applause] traffic traffic I guess that’s how it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] goes up here at the top of this hill we got a 755 year old castle it’s uh very old famous to visit here on the Northwestern side of baton we’re making good progress here nice path and good weather W so we found the vineyard but it’s no good the grapes are too sour that guy took off with all those school kids here we are in uh B region and can you introduce yourself I’m Julia from Russia from St Petersburg okay and how long have you been in Hungary uh in September will be two years have you learned any Hungarian yet five words and two expressions so far because it’s very difficult but you know English well English yes I have to know English how far do you think we’ll get today to uh I think uh 50 km we have to go okay so it’ll take all day uh yeah hopefully not later than seven yes because we are going with different speed yeah so at least the weather’s good yeah exactly great it’s very hot hot for riding but we’re going to swim yeah one at one spot so what do you think about this Vineyard grapes uh grapes are not possible to eat maybe one more month or maybe especially only for the wine but yeah maybe we don’t know yet yeah all right well that’s good it’s really small grapes this is how small they are these grapes are so small we’re not sure what the taste is supposed to be but it’s a [Applause] Vineyard here we have a taco truck it’s uh popularized in America and they decided to make one in Hungary [Music] now these two mountains are volcanoes dormant all right what are you doing e me okay is that like a nest they’re trying to get something from the top okay Pro wow a man no wow it’s difficult there’s me oh okay this Garden is selling their grapes here along with peaches now we’re passing through Wine Country lots of Vineyards here here’s a nice Vineyard this area is in the hilly district and it’s good place to grow grapes you can find grapes everywhere here along with different what a nice vineard yeah here’s a Vineyard really famous yeah have you been to this area before no not even by car no no wow it’s really good to cycle around here yeah is it famous this region yes okay Wineries and wine products here’s the nice part you can Coast down this hill we’re going to eat at this restaurant now we hiked up this Mountain Hill to find it it’s uh especially known for its grapes this whole Lounge has a grape vine on the top the name of this place is Sulu hedge beastro do not eat the grapes because plant protection products treated with how’s the grapes what color did you get and blue I was last year I grapes nothing Baden so you survived last year surv now H so the lady said that it’s not possible to eat it danger Dangerous yes but Anton risks it how what is this in English you know this uh permit like pesticides I don’t will Adam try the grapes no anym we’ll ask him when he comes no I don’t want to try you don’t want to try they will be angry okay better be safe and this is this isct so if somebody want first from the we’ll do this and after after this one I’m just I can go rent one of these [Music] too oh that’s pretty nice and big all right here we are hi hi can you introduce yourself I’m Anon gol I’m from Russia from St Petersburg and now I enjoy this country in Hungary for quite some time you oh no no please no not you after oh okay hello my name is Julia I’m from St Pittsburg Russia and now I’m joing the trick around Balaton this is super okay excellent hello I am Christa and uh I’m from uh it is near to okay great and Adam will come back later and you hello I’m Livia I’m from Hungary and I like the Baton originally I don’t live far from Baton so I come of there okay great and you what was the question Sor oh you’re introduced your name and where you what city you’re from I’m Adam Pak and I’m from uh Budapest and how do you like the tour very much it’s really good he likes to change tires you know yes we are we are professional at least repair anything almost but now you have the tire fixed right let’s say this place looks interesting so we’re going to take a look I can see the lake right here so uh we take this girl to the ferry which girl uh the one who was slow oh she’s taking the fer from here yeah she’s separating now going home so yes dear guest the Bon Shipping Company informs you at 1 hour long pleasure boat trip today at 400 p.m. starting from Port bachan tickets are available at the ticket office of the Port everyone is welcome this is one of the mountains that looks like a volcano well this is a lot of steam we got so much steam here so this is how you cool off huh yeah this is the perfect moment nice restaurant thank you okay [Music] yeah it’s a nice place we recommend this restaurant when you want to cool [Music] [Applause] off that’s not it that should take us to the FY ah but why you going this way then uh because they don’t want to climb the hill because it’s it’s quite hilly think a different way it’s it’s a bit nicer but this is where we split I go to Baton fed and then they continue to the ferry all right bye-bye bye [Music] we arrive now to Baton INF fored which is very popular area on Lake baton so many people are here especially this week and during the summertime all these shops are here and right now they have the wine festival also [Music]

    1 Comment

    1. I have seen Lake Balaton from the plane window. Wanted to visit during my visit to Hungary in 1992 but couldn’t. Good to see this beauty in your video.
      Thank you.

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